

发布时间:2024-07-04 04:17:47



On the commercial banks in the development of retail banking Commercial banks commercial banks in the retail business is an important business areas and a source of income. At present, commercial banks in developed countries, income, retail business occupies a decisive position. China's commercial banks and retail business is still in its infancy, development is lagging behind, there are many problems. China's financial industry in 2006 to completely open up, from foreign banks increasingly competitive, how to speed up the development of commercial banks in the retail business to become China's commercial banks to survive and development. Therefore, the study of commercial banks in the retail business development status and problems to explore the response of retail business development strategy with realistic and far-reaching significance. In this paper, mainly from the development of China's commercial banks in the status quo and development problems, the answer to the development of China's commercial banks retail business major strategic significance, as well as banks in the increasingly fierce competition, China's commercial banks should adopt a series of measures programs,

题目翻译如下Retail development of banking business in terms of the commercial bank。内容翻译如下The commercial bank retail business is commercial bank important business field and the invisible income source. In developed country commercial bank invisible income, the retail business occupies decisive position at present. But, the commercial bank of our country retail business still is in the junior stage , develops relative lagging , there exists a lot of problem. The finance job opens our country in 2006 to the outside world completely , the competition coming from a foreign bank gradually fierce , how to accelerates the important problem developing the commercial bank retail business becoming our country commercial bank existing and developing. Therefore, study commercial bank retail business present situation and have the problem, discuss the have reality and far-reaching countermeasure general plan significance that the retail business develops. Have problem has started off in the main body of a book being developed mainly from our country commercial bank present situation sum , has answered our country commercial bank developing retail business important strategy significance, measure waits for a series of problem as well as every commercial bank competing for middle , our country in gradually fierce bank ought to adopt.文章有些长、、望认真看完、、标准人工翻译、、希望可以帮助你、、

Summary: characteristics of small units forthe modern family, both in terms of price or designing Award-Youth size is no longer just a certain kind of ordinary commercial housing, isa fashion trend, and has huge market potential, developers build modern marketof choice for most items of value on the market. Key words: small sized indoorsspaces; living; space;












大致意思: 自愿(活动)不仅能对他人有利,对自身也有益处。为他人做好事,并这社体自然地提供了成功喜悦与自豪。另外,自愿(活动)给我们机会去锻炼并提高自身社交交技巧。它帮助我们在自己领域上得到更多经验或给我们机会去操练将来在工作中为了生存的必要技能,如团队合作,解决问题能力与交流等等。 不管哪方面是你的强项,你总是应去找自愿者工作的机会,比如去看顾所/看管家庭‘为那些人唱唱歌,或去帮(福利院之类的)修修家具,在或者帮那些读写有困难的孩子们学习,或与孤儿院的孩子们玩玩。 你做的自愿工作越多,你就会更认识自己并自愿工作对你的价值。有需要你去做类似工作的,就去帮忙吧,那样你会发现自愿者工作是一件难以忘怀的人生经历。

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“毕业论文”用英文是dissertation dissertation[ˌdɪsəˈteɪʃn]n. 专题论文,学位论文;学术演讲 毕业论文; 博士论文; 论文; 学位论文 例句: was involved in writing his doctoral dissertation. 他在聚精会神地写他的博士论文.2. I have not yet footnoted my dissertation. 我还没有给我的论文加上脚注.3. I'm working my notes up into a dissertation. 我正在把我的笔记修改成论文.

A Thesis Submitted as a Partial Fulfillment of the Requirement for the Degree of B. A./B. S. in ***这是标准的学士学位毕业论文的说法,.代表文学学士,.代表理学学士,***处填上专业。

IntroductionWith the rapid development of China's economic construction, the so-called vanguard of economic development, road construction is also advancing rapidly. End of 2004, China has built highways mileage million km, of which 34,000 km expressway. At the same time, urbanization is accelerating, according to projections released by the Ministry of Construction, the urbanization level of the country by the end of 2003 to percent from the development to about in 2020, when the scale of Chinese cities will continue to expand the rapid urban population increasing urban sprawl to transportation infrastructure tremendous communications and transportation, major highways, railways, waterways, air and pipeline transportation five ways, they have their respective advantages and complement each other to form the integrated transport system [3-5]. In the national economy to international competition in the market today, the road transport occupies an increasingly important position. It is flexible, convenient and a wide range of services, especially for the short-distance, door to door transport. Therefore, road construction, reconstruction, and the size of the existing road capacity, the level of all of its operating efficiency has an important impact on the national highway construction and management process, how to scientifically determine a reasonable scale of highway construction and construction sequence, how to conduct scientific highway network planning, project feasibility studies, road design and road construction project evaluation, how to develop the road network of the most excellent management, we need to line the roads and road network capacity system as the basis for the the rapid development of society, the social division of labor is getting smaller mass, every city needs with other cities or large-scale satellite with its own personnel and the flow of raw materials and products, it is not just the city roads, city other than the road network capacity and scale of urban development also plays a vital role.



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