

发布时间:2024-07-07 21:37:41



















1、一个美丽和谐的自然环境一定会给我们带来身心愉悦和无限愉悦。松树林中的月光,小溪中的水晶石,让我们感到宁静;沙漠是孤独的,烟雾是直的。长河日元下跌。让我们触摸壮丽。一直徘徊在蝴蝶和舞蹈中,让我们听听噪音。春天的水像天空一样明亮,绘画船听着雨,睡觉。让我们靠近并放松。李唐梨的叶子是红色的,山茶花和小麦花是白色的和多雪的。让我们欣赏海浪。蔚蓝的海空,看着海鸥飞翔;冰冻的雪,听着松树的吼声;飞影草生长,闻着鸟语花香。早上,看着大海生出太阳。在夜晚,星星在广宇, 清数闪烁。在雨天,让雨滴亲吻脸颊。在下雪天,让雪花落在他们的额头上。给蚂蚁喂食美味的食物,倒上鲜花和露珠。问候早晨的太阳,告别月亮,晚安。





6、欧, 亨利和美利坚合众国?难道没有深刻的历史教训吗著名的罗斯福总统特别喜欢梅花鹿。出于总统的这一小小的私人利益,他下令对北, 利亚桑纳州,的一大片茂密森林进行大规模扫荡,杀死了大量的食肉动物,如狮子和狼。4000多只鹿像生物爆炸一样爆炸,以几何级数迅速增加。成千上万长着长长脖子的可爱精灵吃光了树上所有的叶子,就好像他们只是在一瞬间就问完了。著名的森林从地球上消失了。最后,剩下的只有一只病鹿。鲁迅先生说,悲剧是对人们能看到的美好事物的破坏。























































































The Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi has rejected an accusation made by President Trump that Beijing is interfering in November's US congressional elections. Mr. Trump told the UN Security Council that Beijing didn't want his republican party to win because his administration was challenging China on trade.


Speaking afterwards at the press conference, Mr. Trump added that Beijing was wary of his powerful intellect. If you look at Mr. Pillsbury, the leading authority on China, he was on a good show - I won't mention the name of the show - recently.


And he was saying that China has total respect for Donald Trump and for Donald Trump's very very large a brain. He said without Donald Trump, they don't know what to do.

他说中国对特朗普和特朗普大大的脑袋佩服地五体投地。他说,如果没有唐纳德 特朗普(Donald Trump),他们就不知道该怎么办了

President Trump has said that he doesn't have a time frame for North Korea to dispose of its nuclear weapons. He made the comments after his Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said he planned to visit Pyongyang next month.

特朗普总统表示自己对于朝鲜无核化进程没有时间框架。这番话是在国务卿迈克 蓬佩奥(Mike Pompeo)说他计划下个月出访朝鲜后做出的

The International Monetary Fund has agreed to speed up a batch of emergency loans to Argentina and provide a bigger bailout than initially planned. The IMF Managing Director Christine Lagarde said it was the largest ever program of payments put together by the IMF.

国际货币基金组织同意加速一批给阿根廷的紧急贷款,提供比之前计划更大力度的紧急救助。该组织的常务董事克里斯蒂娜 拉加德(Christine Lagarde)表示,这是国际货币基金组织有史以来最大的支出项目








The thing that goes the farthest toward making life worthwhile, that costs the least and does the most, is just a pleasant smile.


The smile that bubbles from the heart that loves its fellow men, will drive away the clouds of gloom and coax the Sun again.


It's full of worth and goodness, too, with manly kindness blent; It's worth a million dollars, and it doesn’t cost a cent.


There is no room for sadness when we see a cheery smile; It always has the same good look; it's never out of style; It nerves us on to try again when failure makes us blue;


The dimples of encouragement are good for me and pays the highest interest — for it is merely lent;


It's worth a million dollars, and it doesn’t cost a cent.


A smile comes very easy — you can wrinkle up with cheer. A hundred times before you can squeeze out a salty tear. It ripples out, moreover, to the heartstrings that will tug, and always leaves an echo that is very like a hug.


So, smile away! Folks understand what by a smile is meant. It’s worth a million dollars, and it doesn’t cost a cent.


让过去过去 让未来来到

Regret can be a terrible addiction. Those who suffer from it so often become bitter and full of self-pity.

后悔是一件很可怕的东西, 它会让人上瘾. 那些经常感到后悔的人会变得更加悲天悯人, 自顾自怜.

It is an emotion that serious entrepreneurs cannot afford: they must keep pressing onwards and should not look back with remorse, dwelling on errors of long ago.

而对于企业家来说, 他们绝对不可以对 “后悔” 这种情绪上瘾. 他们必须时刻坚持前进, 不能总是回望很久以前犯下的错误而懊悔自责.

As Alexander Graham Bell, inventor of the telephone, said: “When one door closes, another opens; but we often look so long and so regretfully upon the closed door that we do not see the one which has opened for us.” Entrepreneurs must learn to manage the conflict between constant experimentation – which means lots of painful mistakes – and a fear of failure, which can lead to paralysis.

正如电话机的发明者亚历山大?格拉汉姆?贝尔所言, “当人生的一扇门关闭了, 总会有另一扇门为你打开; 然而, 我们却经常久久地回顾那扇关闭了的门, 懊悔不已, 却没有看到那扇为我们打开的门.” 企业家必须学会如何平衡各种不断的尝试和害怕失败的心理之间的矛盾. 这些尝试可能意味着许多痛苦的失误, 而害怕失败的心理则可能导致你停滞不前.

Likewise, past glory can be a killer. For example, Greg Dyke, who is a clever fellow, still harks back too much to his resignation as director-general of the BBC. He should move on and stop moaning about the injustice of it all.

同样的, 过去的荣耀也可能是毁灭你的杀手. 比如说, 格里格?戴克, 一个头脑聪明的人, 至今仍然对他当初辞去BBC总裁一职耿耿于怀. 他应该立即停止抱怨所有的不公, 继续前进.

And Tim Waterstone should give up trying to buy back his bookshop chain, which he finally left more than 10 years ago (after selling it once and then getting involved again). He has tried to repurchase it at least five times, if rumour is to be believed. Possibly the root of the problem is that he exaggerates the chain’s importance, once saying: “Waterstone’s does more for the day-to-day cultural life of the nation than perhaps anything or anyone else.”

而蒂姆?沃特斯通, 既然十年前已经决定离开他的连锁书店了, 现在就应该放弃试图回购连锁书店的计划(他曾经将书店出售, 后来又买回来). 如果传言属实的话, 他曾经至少五次试图将它买回来. 问题的根源可能是, 他过于高估书店的价值. 他曾说, “Waterstone’s 在本国日常文化生活层面上所做的贡献是任何东西和任何人都不能比拟的.”

No doubt I suffered from a similar delusion in taking over Borders bookshops. But such thoughts were never true, and are even less so now, in the age of e-books and Amazon. Admittedly, I did try to buy back PizzaExpress once, but that was different – it would have been a sound financial deal.

同样并不稀奇的是, 在接管Borders书店时, 我也有类似的错觉. 然而, 这样的感觉从来都是错误的, 而在当今的电子书和亚马逊普及的时代, 这种感觉就更加错误了. 无可置否, 我也曾经试图回购 PizzaExpress, 然而那时的情况不同, 那次的回购可能是一次明智的金融交易.

And who doesn’t have a tale of the one that got away? I remember David Dein, my predecessor as chairman of the charity Stage One, telling a wonderfully self-deprecating anecdote of his initial activities as a theatrical angel. Mr Dein, who has made a fortune investing in Arsenal football club, backed some early shows from a promising young producer called Cameron Mackintosh, and they unfortunately lost money. Finally, the apprentice impresario approached him about supporting an idea to put some of ’s poems to music, on stage. Not unreasonably, Mr Dein turned it down. It became, of course, Cats, one of the most successful productions of all time, and helped make Mr Mackintosh a very rich man indeed.

然而, 谁不曾中此类的招数呢? 我记得在我之前担任慈善机构Stage One董事长的大卫?德恩曾经自嘲般地讲过他的一件轶事, 这件事与他刚开始担任戏剧赞助人的经历有关. 德恩先生曾经投资阿森纳足球俱乐部并获得可观的利润. 后来他赞助一位颇有潜力的年轻制片人卡梅伦?麦金托什的一些早期剧目, 然而不幸的是, 这是一笔亏本买卖. 最后, 那位学徒式的剧场经理希望德恩可以支持他将T?S?艾略特的部分诗歌改编成音乐剧搬上舞台. 而德恩拒绝了他的请求, 这一切看起来也确实合情合理. 这时你应该猜到, 这后来成为了史上最成功的音乐剧之一, <<猫>>. 它成功地让麦金托什变成一个非常富有的人.

One of my experiences in that vein was Transform, a leading cosmetic surgery company. It was a highly profitable undertaking, serving a booming market, and I believed the acquisition would be a real winner. I spent many weeks negotiating a deal, but then got slightly cold feet at the last minute, and fell out with the vendor over a relatively trivial sum. He immediately turned round and sold it to those astute fellows at Phoenix private equity. Inevitably, they proceeded to make a rapid fortune.

我也有类似的经历, 那是在一家叫Transform的领先美容整形公司里. 这家公司营利情况非常好, 市场需求大, 因此我相信收购这家公司是一个明智的选择. 我花了好多周的时间谈判这笔交易, 但是在最后一刻却有点动摇了, 最后因为一笔非常小的金额上与出售方发生分歧而使交易告吹. 出售方立即把公司转卖给私人股本公司Phoenix的那帮精明的家伙. 结局不用说, 这些人迅速地赚取了可观的利润.

At least my mistake wasn’t as expensive as George Bell’s. He was the former documentary film-maker hired in 1996 to run Excite, the dotcom darling, which achieved a market capitalisation of $35bn at its peak. Three years later, the founders of Google decided that their search business was interfering with their studies and tried to sell it to a number of buyers, including Mr Bell, for just $750,000. He turned it down flat. Excite subsequently went bankrupt, while Google is now worth $170bn.

然而, 至少, 我的失误不及乔治?贝尔的失误付出的代价高. 他曾经是纪录片制片人, 1996年被Excite雇用. 该公司最高实现了350亿美元的市值. 三年后, 谷歌的创使人认为, 他们的搜索业务干扰到了他们的研究, 试图用区区75万美元向众多的买家出售, 包括贝尔. 然而贝尔直接拒绝了. Excite后来破产了, 而谷歌现在的市值高达1700亿美元.

And it would be hard not to feel some sympathy for James Monaghan. In 1960, he teamed up with his brother Tom in the purchase of a single pizza restaurant in Michigan for $500. But later that year, he decided to go travelling, and so sold his 50 per cent share in the business to his brother in exchange for a used Volkswagen Beetle. A few years later, the company changed its name to Domino’s Pizza, and in 1998 was sold for about $1bn.

同样的, 我们也难免会为詹姆斯?莫纳汗感到可惜. 1960年, 他和他的兄弟汤姆合作, 用500美元在密歇根买下了一间比萨餐厅. 后来, 也就在那一年, 他决定去旅行, 于是将自己百分之五十的股份卖给了他的兄弟, 换取一辆二手的大众甲壳虫汽车. 几年以后, 那家比萨餐厅改名为达美乐比萨餐厅. 1998年, 达美乐比萨餐厅以约10亿美元的价格出售.

By all means treasure experience, and learn from your blunders. But don’t wallow in nostalgia, pining for what might have been. Rather, go ahead and seize the day no matter what. I have little time for those who say: I wish I had started my own business. My only response is: so do it now.

前车可鉴, 我们一定要从经验和失误中吸取教训. 但是切不可以过分沉浸在过去的伤怀中而于可能的结果念念不忘. 相反, 你应该勇往直前, 抓住一切可能的机会. 我没有空去理会那些只会说 “我要早点创业就好了”. 如果有人对我说这句话, 我会对他说: 现在就去做吧!

珍惜现在 不再错过


John, a famous musician, took his priceless antique zither and played it in the crowded subway station. The music emanating from the zither was delicately streaming throughout the whole station. However, during the one-hour play, only six or seven people were truly appreciating the charming music. A three-year-old kid was so fascinated by the music that he forgot everything around. John only got 52 . dollar for his work that day.

平日,约翰的演奏会举行时,一张票超过100美元,且一票难求。 后来,不少当时就在地铁站的观众扼腕自己眼拙,错过了一场免费或者廉价的音乐盛宴。

However, in normal days, when John is about to hold a concert, one ticket can be sold at more than 100 dollars and it is extremely hard to buy a ticket even at such a high price. Therefore, later, many passers-by in the station that day felt deeply regretful for not recognizing the famous musician and missing such a valuable but cheap music feast.


I have a very busy friend who had totally changed after knowing that his wife came down with acute illness. He cooked by himself for the family and took a walk with his wife every day. Nonetheless, his wife still did not manage to conquer the illness and passed away after three months. After that, he often sighed miserably that due to his past busy life, he had missed a lot of beautiful time with his wife. But now, it is impossible to make up for it.


A doctor’s son jumped from the 19th floor of a building and left a posthumous letter which expressed his strong desire for staying more with his father, going to see a movie with his father, etc. Not until his son committed suicide had the doctor realized that the most precious thing is not career achievement, but the tight and intact family bonds.


It is no use crying over spilt milk. We have missed a lot of precious things in our life without knowing to cherish them.


Actually, I also missed something precious before. The reason why we would have missed those precious things is less than simple: we had thought that we could still own them tomorrow.


Nevertheless, tomorrow is actually by no means reliable. There was a famous Buddhist monk saying that in many people’s lives, they have only done two things: waiting and regretting. The result is that they were always too late to cherish what they had before they lost it. We would often claim to do something when we grow up, or when we have money or when we become old, etc. However, when we reach the condition we have expected, we could no longer do realize our wish any more, because we have lost it by then.

only 50 for such a tough workat least 2000 words translation with much time and energy spend on surfing the netinterestingwaiting for sb., too, interested your projectjust feel uneasy with your tone

BBC news with David Harper

David Harper为您播报BBC新闻

South Africa has announced a tenfold increase in the number of troops to be deployed in response to widespread violence sparked by the jailing of the former President Jacob Zuma.


Up to 25000 soldiers are to be sent on the streets of KwaZulu-Nataland Gauteng provinces.


The leader of South Africa Zulu said 6 days of looting had brought shame on the entire country.


The authorities in Ethiopia's Amhara


region said they will go on the offensive against forces from neighboring Tigray,


potentially opening up a new phase in8 months of civil war.


Troops have been rallied to counter the Tigrayans who are advancing on Amhara-held territory.


The European Union has announced ambitious plans to cut carbon emissions to net zero by the year 2050.


They include ending the sale of new petrol cars by 2035 and imposing new taxes on shipping and aviation fuel.


People from both sides of the political divide have criticized the British.


government's plans to stop prosecutions of all crimes committed in Northern,Ireland before 1998's peace agreement.


Victim groups said a blanket amnesty covering all soldiers and paramilitary groups is too generous.

The US government has demanded the immediate release of people detained during the protest which swept Cuba on Sunday.


Local activists said at least 65 have been detained in the capital Havana and many others elsewhere.


The World Health Organization has warned of potentially catastrophic.


consequences in the Middle East from a surge of CoVID infections ahead of the Muslim celebration of Eid al Adha next week.

世界卫生组织已经发出了潜在的灾难性警告穆斯林将于下周庆祝古尔邦节(Eid al Adha)。

The rising cases is being driven by the spread of the Delta variant and low vaccination rates.


The US Justice Department has criticized the FBl investigation into sexual abuse allegations against the former doctor of the national gymnastics team, Larry Nassar.

美国司法部批评了联邦调查局对前国家体操队医生拉里·纳萨尔(Larry Nassar)性虐待指控的调查。

Reports say that FBI had failed to respond to the allegations with the seriousness and urgency required. The FBI has acknowledged shortcomings.



Good afternoon,ladies and I would like to begin with a story. There was once a physical therapist who traveled all the way from America to Africa to do a census about mountain gorillas are main attraction to tourists from all over the world;this put them severely under threat of poaching and being put into the went there out of curiosity,but what she saw strengthed her determination to devote her whole life to fighting for those beautiful witnessed a scene, a scene taking us to a place we never imaged we’ve ever been,where in the very depth of the African rainforest, surrounded by trees, flowers and butterflies, the mother gorillas cuddled their , that’s a memotable scene in one of my favorite movies, called Gorillas in the Mist, based on a true story of Mrs. Dian Fossey,who spent most of her lifetime in Rwanda to protect the ecoenvironment there until the very end of her me, the movie not only presents an unforgettable scene but also acts as a timeless reminder that we should not develop the tourist industry at the cost of our , we live in a world of prosperity but still threatened by so many new the one hand, tourism, as one of the most promising industries in the 21st century, provides people with the great opportunity to see everything there is to see and to go any place there is to has become a lifestyle for some people, and has turned wut to be the driving force in GDP has the magic to turn a backward town into a wonderland of on the other hand, many problems can occur-natural scenes aren’t natural to heat lidges is devastating spills from tourist boats are polluting people are forsaking their native music and dress to listen to U2 on Walkman and weat Nike and these appalling facts have brought us to the realization that we can no longer stand by and do nothing, because the very thought of it has been eroding our , the explosive growth of global travel has put tourism again in the spotlight, which os why the United Nations has made 2002 the year of ecotourism,for the first time to bring to the world’s attention the benefits of tourism, but also it’s capacity to destroy our every year, many local ecoenvironmental protection organizations are receiving donations—big notrs,small notes or even coins—from housewives, plumbers, ambulance drivers, salesmen, teachers, children and of them can not afford to send the money but they are the ones who drive the cabs, who nurse in hospitals, who are suffering from ecological danage in their they care,Because they still want their Mother Nature back, Because they know it still belongs to kind of feeling that I have, ladies and gentlemen, is when it feels like it, smells like it, and looks like ot, it’s all coming from a scene to remember, a scene to recall and to other night, as I saw the moon linger over the land and before it was sent into the invisible, ny mind was gilled with found myself humming softly, not to the music, but to something else, someplace else, a place remembered, a place untouched,a field of grass where no one seem to have been except the all those that it’s time for us to do sonething, for our own and our coming again, I habe come to think of Fossey because it’s with her spirit, passion, sourage and strong sense of our ecoenvironment that we are taking our next step into the no matter who we are, what we do and where we go, in our mind, there’s always a scene to remember, a scene worth our effort to protect it and fight for it.

There are many problems of environmental protection in recent years. One of the most serious problems is the serious pollution of air. In my opinion, to protect environment is

分类: 外语/出国 解析: 文摘类的,内容不会太多,办手抄报1,2篇就够了 The Other Great Wall Since the end of imperial rule, Chinese leaders have shared a colossal(巨大的, 庞大的) engineering ambition: to dam the mighty Yangtze River. In May, 87 years after Sun Yat-sen, the Chinese Nationalist leader, first proposed locating a dam downstream of the scenic Three Ges, workers added the last blocks of concrete to raise the Three Ges Dam to its full 610-foot height and girth. The dam demands superlatives(最高的): it is the world’s largest concrete structure and the largest dam in terms of water displacement, flood control and power generation. It is five times as wide as the Hoover Dam, and the reservoir(水库, 蓄水池) it has created stretches for about 400 miles, longer than Lake Superior. When it bees fully functional in 2009, the dam’s 26 turbines(涡轮) should produce billion kilowatt hours of electricity a year, meeting nearly one-tenth of China’s it works as planned, the dam will also contain the summer rains that regularly flood settlements along the lower Yangtze, potentially saving tens of thousands of lives. Yet the costs are also enormous, even beyond the $25 billion price tag. The dam has changed the geographic(地理学的, 地理的) face of China, its reservoir forming a giant man-made lake amid stunning and once splendidly remote cliffs. Scores of cities and towns, some of them with artifacts(史前古器物) that date back 2,000 years, have disappeared. And at least million people have been relocated. Whatever the pros and cons, the dam is fast being a beacon(烟火, 灯塔) for tourists, a Great Wall across the Yangtze. The Chinese expect it to attract more than a million visitors this year. They e to see an engineering marvel, a hulking(笨重的, 粗陋的) edifice(大厦, 大建筑物) that consumes the river and then spits it out in a pressurized spray(加压喷雾) that arcs hundreds of feet into the sky. The “placid(平静的) lake” once promised in a poem by Mao Zedong has indeed replaced the muddy rapids. And the Three Ges, though diminished in stature, have acquired a new kind of tranquillity. How To Improve My English And Pronunciation Quickly And Easily? Point 1 Be clear about why you want to learn English. Do you want it for your job, to help you get a job, to talk to English speakers, to help you study? Point 2 Be clear about how good you want your English to be. How good do you want to be at speaking English, listening, reading, writing? Point 3 Have a clear image of yourself when you have achieved the proficiency that you want. What will you see, what will you hear, how will you feel? Point 4 If possible, enrol on a language course. If you can't, put yourself in situations where you can use English which leads on to ...... Point 5 Look for opportunities to learn and use English. Speak English whenever you can. Listen to the radio and CDs in English, read and write in English. If you look for opportunities, you will find them. Point 6 Write down new words and phrases in a notebook. Keep the notebook with you so you can look at it when you have a spare moment. Point 7 Practise, practise, practise. There's an expression in English. If you don't want to lose it, use it. This is very true when it es to learning foreign languages. Point 8 Find a learning buddy or colleague. Find someone you can learn English with. Speak with each other. Send each other messages in English. Point 9 Learn little and often. Make it a habit to learn English ten minutes each day. This is much better than learning for longer once a week. And the final point At the beginning of a learning period, ask yourself, "What do I want to learn today?" At the end of a period, ask yourself, "What have I learnt today?" There's a story about a teacher who told his students? You know you're making progress in English when you speak in English, think in English, and dream in English. One day a student came into the class very excited and said, "Teacher, Teacher, last night I dreamt in English." The teacher said, "That's wonderful. What did you dream about?" And the student said, "I don't know, it was in English." I don’t know. I don’t think there are easy ways to learn languages – I don’t think people who promise sudden ‘quick fix’ methods are to be believed. We learn slowly, and we learn by working hard. As far as pronunciation is concerned, the most important thing is listening! I think, often we try and pronounce things correctly before we can really hear what the differences are. How do we check out whether we’re doing that? Record ourselves I think we need to record ourselves and we need to record what it is we’re repeating and listening to. So, the most useful thing perhaps is to listen to the radio with a tape recorder, to record a little bit of the radio, and then to say it ourselves, and to pare how we’ve said it, with the way it was said on the radio, in the language we’re learning. It’s a slow process. We need to spend a lot of time rehearsing. I remember when I was learning, for instance, for hours and hours as I was walking or cycling, or whatever – I was trying to produce those sounds, difficult sounds that I was learning. The more we do that, the more we pick up when we hear them. And of course the other thing about pronunciation is, as we improve our pronunciation, that also improves our prehension. As we learn to make these distinction beeen similar sounds, we start hearing them – and that makes understanding easier. Spelling is a problem One of the biggest problems in English is that the spelling gets in the way because there are so many ways of spelling the same sound. Also because letters may be written and not pronounced and because letters may be written and pronounced in a very unexpected way. When we learn to read, that can interfere with our pronunciation, and can cause problems in itself. Is there a difference beeen pronunciation and fluency? They’re quite different. Pronunciation is getting the sounds right, and of course it’s also getting the intonation and the rhythm right – it’s not just individual sounds, it’s pushing them all together. Fluency perhaps overlaps there a little bit. Fluency is saying things easily. Being fluent is more a question of being confident in the vocabulary, and how to put the words together in the grammar – being confident in that - …and just being confident in your ability to express yourself and having a go. It’s those psychological factors much more than whether you can get your tongue around the individual sounds. In fact people whose pronunciation is poor, but who speak fluently and put it together and get it out reasonably quickly, are usually easier to understand than people who’re taking a lot of trouble over their pronunciation and therefore are slowing themselves down, and speaking one word at a time. One piece of advice When you’re speaking, don’t think about the individual sounds and getting those right. Think about groups of words, and think about meaningful groups of words, and getting those out as quickly and as *** oothly as you can.
















有人说, 电池不能乱扔,它是会严重污染环境.魏学明同学却毫不理会,还说:“大家还不是都乱扔嘛,也没有看见多大的危害!”那么, 电池究竟有没有危害呢? 可以肯定地说:“有,绝对有!”如果你还不相信的话,那就让我来告诉你吧!

其实, 废旧电池的危害简直好比一个原子弹,随时都有可能爆炸,只要在爆炸范围之内,就一定会受到它强大的“攻击”,浅则影响身体健康,重则危机到身命,电池的危害作文。有关资料显示,一节一号电池烂在地里,能使1平方米的土地则永久失去了利用价值;一粒纽扣电池则可以使600吨水受到污染,这一个多么令人惊叹的数字啊!这么多水是相当于一个人一生的饮水量,还有,电池里含有汞、铅、镉等多种重金属物,其中的汞一种具有毒性强烈的重金属,对人体中枢神经的破坏力很大等;而铅则能使人铅中毒等;镉会造成骨质疏松等。如果将废旧电池与生活垃圾一起被埋到土里,或随手丢弃,渗出的汞和重金属物就会渗透于土壤、污染地下水,破坏人类的生存环境,威胁到人类的身体健康。




我们应该这样做:把垃圾扔进垃圾桶,及时把垃圾处理掉。 不能乱砍伐大树,要多植树造林。应为大树会给我们生产氧气,使我们的氧气更多,大树还会给我们减弱噪音。灰尘。油烟,1吨粉





篇一:关于环保作文300字 在我们上学的路上,也有许队多同学 乱丢废弃物。比如说:有的同学把小吃袋扔在校门口外,还有的同学把叠好的纸飞机随意乱扔,甚至顺着墙扔进学校。他们的这些行为不但一次又一地影响着学校,还给每天早晨做值日的同学带来了很大麻烦。 在校会上,老师 一次又一次叮嘱、说服,但有些同学并不听劝,而是继续破坏环境 ,缩短地球的寿命。 有一次,学校组织我们2—6年级同学到采俸公园的草坪上捡白色垃圾。在出发之前,我心里想,平常到采风公园玩的时候,觉得那里比较干净。今天 去捡白色垃圾,应该很少,捡起来一定很轻松吧。 但当我走道那里,低头一看的时候,却把我惊呆了。地上有许多垃圾。废纸、烟头、塑料袋等。这些到处都是,一块绿色的草坪,在游人的破坏下成了一片环境污染地,这是多么严重的环境问题。 面对 这块草坪,使我们精神奋发,努力去消除那些垃圾。经过我们100分钟的劳动,草坪终于恢复到了最初的美丽 ,名花齐葩争芳斗艳。 关于环保作文300字 我们人类生活在地球上,地球上有许多东西需要我们保护,但是我们却没有在意。 有些人不珍惜地球赐予我们的一切,例如人们乱砍乱伐,大量使用一次性筷子和乱扔塑料袋,制造白色垃圾等已经给大自然带来了许多环境问题,严重影响了我们的生活。还有大气污染,酸雨和臭氧层等带来的危害都是大自然给人类带来的灾害,人们乱砍乱伐,乱扔塑料袋和使用一次性筷子等,这些就是人们不尊重大自然而造成的,没有自然,便没有人类。这是世界一大朴素的真理,人们只会一味的抢夺自然,征服自然,只会破坏生态系统,咎由自取,使人类濒于困境。切记,保护环境就等于保护我们自己生存的环境。 我们要保护这个脆弱的的地球,不要让茂密的.森林,辽阔的草原和无边无际的海洋成为我们的回忆。 现在起,我们应该保护环境,一起捍卫我们的家园。 篇二:关于环保作文300字 今天,妈妈带我去爬山,还叫我要当个环保小卫士o 一路上,温暖的阳光洒在我身上,感到温暖极了o和煦的春风迎面扑来,夹着淡淡的芬芳o啊!大自然多美啊! 我们很快来到山脚下,!呀原来光秃秃的树枝上已经冒出了尖尖的嫩芽,有的树上已经长满了碧绿的叶子,还有的树上已经长出了花苞o 我沿着弯弯曲曲的小路走到山上,咦,这么美丽的山上怎么有那么多垃圾呢?我似乎听到有的垃圾说:“不要把我扔在这里!”“快把我带走吧o”“我要回我自己的家!”…… 我急忙套起预先准备好的手套,说:“别着急,我把你带回你们自己的家o”我弯下腰,把一样样垃圾捡起来扔到塑料袋里o我边走边捡,边捡边想:这扔垃圾的人真是太不文明了,把这么漂亮的地方弄得这么脏…… 很快,我的垃圾戴就装满了各种各样的垃圾:有牛奶瓶,有食品包装纸,有餐巾纸……我望着这些垃圾,再看看身后干净的小路,高兴地望着妈妈笑了o妈妈摸摸我的头,对我说:“你真是个环保小卫士!” 篇三:关于环保作文300字 你喜欢一个干干净净,人们把垃圾扔到垃圾扔到垃圾箱地面上一点垃圾都没有的世界。还是一个乱七八糟,人们把垃圾随手乱扔的世界?如果让我选择,我一定会选一个干干净净,人们把垃圾扔到垃圾扔到垃圾箱地面上一点垃圾都没有的世界。 前些日子,我坐车去书城的时候看见一个衣着高贵的女人手里拿着几个空汽水瓶,随手一扔,继续昂着头挺着胸走。这个高贵的女人是选择一个乱七八糟,人们把垃圾随手乱扔的世界。跟着一个衣着朴素的小女孩走过去,把几个空瓶扔进垃圾箱里。 外表高贵是没有用的,要的是心灵高贵,小女孩是选择了一个干干净净,人们把垃圾扔到垃圾扔到垃圾箱地面上一点垃圾都没有的世界。 我喜欢干干净净的世界,我希望变成干净的世界。 篇四:关于环保作文300字 环境是目前所有人关注的话题,也是所有人关注的一个热点。好的环境,有利于我们健康成长、心情舒畅,无论学习和生活都特别舒服,所有人都希望生活在一个好的环境下。因此,保护环境,人人有责。 当你路过垃圾桶的时候,你会不会捡起旁边的可乐瓶?当你看见有人在树上乱刻乱画,你会不会上前去阻止?当你在小摊吃小面的时候,你会拿出自己的备用筷子而不用一次性筷子呢? 现在,很多人在森林里砍树,把树木做成筷子、椅子、桌子等等,就会造成水土流失,洪水也会经常冲来,带给我们不幸的危险。我们应该立刻行动,阻止他们。 在超市里,我们会看到很多人还用钱来买口袋,虽然一个口袋只要2角钱,但是保护环境是每一个公民的责任和义务。即使口袋不要钱,我们也应抱有保护环境的心态,用环保口袋。 在上学的路上,我们看见有人在路上乱扔垃圾,乱吐口痰,我们应该教给他方法:吐在纸巾里,然后扔进垃圾桶。我们更不能学人家,一定要把“保护环境”时刻记在心里,并体现在行动中,从我做起,从小事做起。 我相信,通过大家的努力,环境会变得越来越好,地球“妈妈”也会变得更加美丽。 篇五:关于环保作文300字 森林被砍伐, 珍息野生动物 遭到捕杀,工业废水 、废气与有毒物质大量排放、泄漏, 河流、海岸与山川被污染, 酸雨 、沙尘暴、赤潮接踵而来。 当环境危害逼近生活 ,人们才如梦初醒, 意识到面临的生存 危机时, 却不知道早在我们先租的年代里就那么重视保护自己赖以生存的生态环境:公元前 11 世纪, 西周颁布了 《代崇令》, 规定 “毋坏屋,毋填井, 毋伐树木, 毋动六畜。有不如令者, 死无赦。” 两 千 年 前 秦 朝 制 定 的 《田律》 明确规定: 每年从春季二月起, 不准进山砍伐森林; 不准堵塞林间水道; 不准进山采樵; 不准焚烧草木; 不准设置捕鸟 的网罟陷阱; 不准诱捕幼兽、幼鸟…… 曾经在何时,山,连绵不绝,绿树成荫,为大自然 增添了生机。黄山的一片云海,远远望去,有如大海 波涛,汹涌起伏,翻腾着,掩得山峰更显奇特,引得诗人留下了多少流传千古的名词佳句。 曾经在何时,雄伟的大瀑布,奔腾的水花 ,直泻千里,水声似万千野马奔腾咆哮,汹涌澎湃的水,以排山倒海之势冲荡着河床,冲荡着我们每个人 的心。 “五丈以上沿是水,十丈以下全是烟。况复百丈至千丈,烟水云雾难分焉”便是对瀑布的赞美 , 篇六:关于环保作文300字 记得前几天,我又到东湖边去游玩。一到公园大门,一个白色的物体从天而降,掉在我面前,“蹦”的一下炸开了。我向后退了几步,定睛一看,原来是一个白色的塑料垃圾袋,里面接连滚出易拉罐、鸡蛋壳、纸屑……就在这时,一位盲人走了过来,我赶紧跑过去,扶着他绕过了垃圾袋。我心想,如果人人都像这样扔垃圾,那大家不都要摔跤吗? 我要建议大家,从现在开始要行动起来,保护河流,不要把废水排进河里。要把垃圾放到指定的位置。千万不要把茶叶水从楼上往下倒,以免发生悲剧。 我们要从现在做起,从小事做起,保护生态环境,保护空气,让山变得更绿,水变得更清,让祖国变得更加美好! 朋友,当你行走在宽阔的道路上,欣赏着绿树红花,突然闻到污水的臭味时,你不觉得恶心吗?当你走在金色的沙滩上,海风吹拂着你,心情无比舒畅时,突然一个塑料袋飞到你的脸上,你不觉得扫兴吗?当你在学习的时候,听得附近建筑工地的噪声,你不觉得心情烦躁吗?我相信每个人都和我一样会有同样的感受。 一条原本清澈见底。鱼虾成群的河流,如果我们往河里仍垃圾,工厂往里面排放污水,不久就会变成一条肮脏的河流。我们看到的将是:乌黑的河水冒着油腻腻的泡沫,水面上漂浮着叫不出名的脏物,散发着一股股刺鼻的怪味,河里不再有鱼虾,河边的柳树只剩下光秃秃的树干。 人们对地球索取多,保护少。河流在哭泣,森林在呐喊,地球在呼唤。亲爱的朋友们,你们听到了吗?作为地球的居民,我们不仅要为地球抱怨,还要行动起来,用有效的方式治理地球。






这样就可以轻松做到废物利用,空调的温度不易过高,从而减低碳消耗,保护大自然,达到低碳生活的标准、节气,从一点一滴的小事做起低碳生活 我们同住地球村,但都是在为“减碳”做贡献。只要我们去行动,从一点一滴的小事做起,用过的打印纸反面再打印一次或当演草纸…… 你看这些看似不经意的小事:大自然是我们改不了的,但我们能稍稍改改自己的习惯。




我的低碳小窍门是、节碳、节油,低碳生活就是更低能量、更低消耗的生活方式,还原其淳朴的进行人与自然的交流。 低碳生活是一种非常环保,就应该好好保护地球。


随着人口地迅速增长,工农业迅速发展,生态环境的污染也随之而来.工厂排放的污水、废气、产生的固体废物,人们乱砍滥伐,日常生活中环境保护意识淡薄,从而使到环境逐渐恶化,生态资源不能再生,并给人类带来了一系列的灾难. 伴随着人类社会的高度发展,人类已经进入了空前的文明时代.我们应该生活在优美的环境中,但事实上我们感受到的却是窒息的环境.光秃的山坡、发黑的河水、枯萎的草地? 每次都有人不断的抱怨着环境不好资源不够用,可是那些人有是否想过,自己对绿色世界做过多少贡献?关过几次灯?关过几次水?保护环境,应该从我做起.这对我们每个人来说都很重要,而且对我们每个人的幸福也有很大关系.回顾历史,再看现实,人类的每一次发展,每一次进步,每一次都是要求自然的给予.人类的发展进步,最终得益的总是人类,付出的总是自然.所以作为人类的一分子,我们应该多参加环保活动.多植树,多种花,使我们永远拥有蓝天、白云、碧水、绿地的美丽家园,让我们拥有一颗绿色心情. 提到怎样更深一步做好环保先锋,来保护自己的家园,我认为“低碳”生活是最重要的. “低碳”生活就是指生活作息时所耗用的能量要尽力减少,从而减低二氧化碳的排放量.低碳生活,对于我们普通人来说是一种态度,而不是能力,我们应该积极提倡并去实践低碳生活,注意节电、节油、节气,从点滴做起.如果说保护环境、保护动物、节约能源这些环保理念已成行为准则,低碳生活则更是我们急需建立的绿色生活方式. 也因此在我认为,气候变化不只是环保主义者、专家学者关心的问题,而是与我们每个人息息相关.如果你觉得你一个人的力量对于整个地球简直是微乎其微,一个人的力量根本无所谓,那就错了.若仔细想想,一只节能灯、一台太阳能热水器能为节能减排做的贡献的确很小,可13亿人中只要有1/10的人使用,那节约的能源、减少的碳排量都将会是天文数字. 由此可见,低碳生活可以让我们的身体更健康,环境更优美,生活质量真正提高. 为了让我们的生活更美好,人们应该互相提倡、互相督促:共创绿色家园,留下绿色心情,从我做起,保护自然、保护环境、保护生态平衡,让我们的家园更美好、更灿烂。









如果想做到没有雾霾的话,大家首先、最简单的方式,就是“环保”!环保从我做起,但是现实生活中,你们真的做到了环保这些事情吗?我们要预防雾霾,因为雾霾里面含有很多对我们不利的东西,会让我们的身体受不了,所以我们首先要做到“环保”! 还有一种就是过年放鞭炮,这个我不需要多说,因为大家已经开始少买鞭炮少放鞭炮了,这就是大家对雾霾的重视! 所以,我们要对自己保证的诺言做努力!大家要看见有人随地扔垃圾,我们捡起来,不怕别人说,因为这是对自己诺言的一种承诺,2环保这个字大部分公民我想都应该听过,可是有几个市民做到了呢?让我来讲讲吧! 一:我们去玩的时候你会看到那河了有多少我们生活中的垃圾,我们当时一定会想:“这里怎么会这么脏啊!”可是仔细想想我们生活中的河难道不是一样的脏吗? 二:我们的生活的街上你是否有看见一天有干净的大街,如果你一不小心踩到一个口香糖,你一定会这么说:“谁呀!怎么这么缺德啊!”你再仔细想想,难道你没有扔过一垃圾吗?我可以保证没有一个市民是没有乱过垃圾的。为什么我们不能把我们手中的垃圾扔到垃圾桶里呢? 这两项我们生活中都能见到的“景观”,难道我们不能让我们生活中的城市更加美丽吗? 我们支持环保!我们要干净社会!我们要环保!3保护环境保护环境,人人有责!从我做起!地球上的人口越来越多,人类一定要更好地保护环境。








一些房地产开发商在保护区内建起了许多与长城很不协调的建筑物,加速了长城周围自然景观的破坏。近年来,旅游成了人们一大爱好,有的喜欢登山,有的喜欢观景,还有的喜欢了解中国历史古迹,这显然是好事.可是有些人却不珍惜文化遗产,甚至破坏文化古迹;在古迹上乱写乱画,任意踩踏花草,垃圾乱扔等.总之, 这让文物古迹受到很大的损害. 所以我们要加强对长城进行保护!为了让祖国悠久的历史传得更久远,为了让人们提高保护文物的自觉性,我提出以下几点建议:一.在墙壁上悬挂保护文物的字样;二.对随地扔垃圾的人要受到罚款;三.在古迹容易受到破坏的地方修建护栏;四.在人群聚集的地方放置垃圾桶.保护环境,人人有责。








在四野飘香的花丛中,我和蝶儿一起嬉戏、欢笑;在郁郁葱葱的森林里,我与小鸟一起追逐、歌唱;清晨,我迈着轻盈的步履去原野上踏青,雾霭缭绕着、白纱般的柔柔地漂浮在空中。吮吸着花草的芳香, 欣享着阳光的沐浴,我被陶醉在这如痴如醉的梦幻里;夜晚,我坐在稻谷飘香的农家小院里,仰望着璀璨的星空,聆听着蝉鸣嘹响,蛙声如潮,仿佛置身于一个童话般的王国。春天,我坐在牛背上,在一望无际的大草原上,听那牧歌婉转,牧笛悠扬。 夏天,我坐在小船上,任双桨拍打着那碧绿的湖水, 看海鸥轻盈地掠过辽阔的湖面;秋天,我站在树下,凝神瞩望着那金黄的叶子一片片地落下;冬天,我站在窗前,欣赏着如絮的雪花在空中翩翩飞舞。在这如诗如画的仙境里,我的心都醉透了!

曾几何时,人们乱砍乱伐,使大自然的生态平衡遭到了破坏。沙丘吞噬了万顷良田,洪水冲毁了可爱的家园,大自然的报复让人类尴尬哑然。梅水溪曾经说过,没有自然,便没有人 类,这是世界一大朴素的真理。一味地掠夺自然,征服自然,只会破坏生态系统,咎由自取,使人类濒于困境。这句话说得一点也不错,人不给自然留面子,自然当然也不会给人留后路,98洪水、2000年的沙尘暴,其实,这就是大自然向人类发出的警示。










同学们,我们是21世纪的主人,环保意识是现代人的重要标志。我们应当切实地树立起时代责任感。心系全球,着眼身边,立足校园。多弯弯腰捡捡果皮纸屑,首先是不要随地乱扔乱丢;多走几步,不要穿越绿化带,践踏绿地。“勿以善小而不为,勿以恶小而为之”,从我做起,从小做起,从身边做起,从现在做起。保护地球母亲,净化绿色校园。 让我们的校园更加美丽吧!





听,谁在哭泣、听 ,谁在咒息、啊 是她,是那边的憔悴的地球母亲。







世界各地的人们都在为环保作贡献,在我的家乡石嘴山当然也不例外。在石嘴山市城区的东面,有一个美丽湖泊叫做星海湖,那里风景怡人,鸟语花香。而在旁边则耸立着格外奇特,引人注目的山——中华奇石山。那里的石头形状各异,千姿百态,数不胜数。谁可曾想到这里曾经是怎样的一片地方?在几年前,那美丽的湖水竟是令人发呕的“臭水坑”,而那奇石山竟是一座粉煤灰山,象只大黑熊趴在哪里。只要一刮风,那里就变得黑雾蒙蒙、遮天蔽日 。是勤劳勇敢的石嘴山人创造了人间奇迹,将这昔日的“臭水坑”变成了人间仙境,变成了今天这桃红柳绿的景象。山水怡人,湖光山色、霞光异彩……



命如流水,只有在它急流与奔向前去的 时侯,才美丽,才有意义,作文之小学三年级作文:环保作文300字。

()既然生命如流水一 样快,我们为什么不珍惜生命呢? 人有生命,世只界上的万物都有生命, 我们为什么不珍惜那些幼小的生命,不什么总 是伤害它们? 地球像我们的母亲一样,毫不保留地为 人类提供各种赖以生存的资源。而我们人类不 知道珍惜,反而还随意毁坏自然资源,毁坏那 些花草树木。

我们国家现在的资源是逐渐地在 减少。树木现在也是用黄沙代替了,破坏性风 暴增多,生物种类减少,这些都是因为我们人 类造成的。

而那些动物也逐渐减少,我们人类大量 地捕鱼和其它动物,他们这样只是为了自己的 利益,他们这样做的同时,从来都没有想过如 果海里的鱼没有了怎么办? 善待生命,不仅帮助别人,也快乐自已 ,我们要尊重自然,善待自然。







在 英语学习 中,阅读能力是学习者发展 其它 语言能力(听、说、写、译)的基础。下面是我带来的经典英语好 文章 摘抄,欢迎阅读!经典英语好文章摘抄篇一 Change Makes Life Beautiful(生命美于变化) To regard all things and principles of things as inconstant modes or fashions has more and more become the tendency of modern thought. Let us begin with that which is without——our physical life. Fix upon it in one of its more exquisite intervals,the moment,for instance,of delicious recoil from the flood of water in summer heat. What is the whole physical life in that moment but a combination of natural elements to which science gives their names?But these elements,phosphorus and lime and delicate fibers,are present not in the human body alone:we detect them in places most remote from it. Our physical life is a perpetual motion of them——the passage of the blood,the wasting and repairing of the lenses of the eye,the modification of the tissues of the brain under every ray of light and sound-processes which science reduces to simpler and more elementary forces. Like the elements of which we are composed,the action of these forces extends beyond us:it rusts iron and ripens corn. Far out on every side of us those elements are broadcast,driven in many currents;and birth and gesture and death and the springing of violets from the grave are but a few out of ten thousand resultant combinations. That clear,perpetual outline of face and limb is but an image of ours,under which we group them a design in a web,the actual threads of which pass out beyond it. This at least of flame——like our life has,that it is but the concurrence,renewed from moment to moment,of forces parting sooner or later on their ways. 生命美于变化 将所有事物和事物的原则统统归结为经常变化着的形态或风尚,这已日益成为近代思想界的一个趋势。我们可以从我们的生理活动等表面的事情说起。举个例子来说,选定在酷暑中猛然浸入滔滔清流的一刹那和感觉极其愉快的这么一个微妙的时刻。在那一瞬间的所有生理活动,难道不可以说是具有科学名称的各种元素的一种化合作用吗?但是,像磷、石灰、微细的纤维质等这些元素,不仅存在于人体之中,而且在与人体没有丝毫关系的地方也能检查出它们的存在。血液的流通,眼睛中水晶体的消耗和恢复,每一道光波、每一次声浪对于脑组织所引起的变异——都不外是这些元素永久的运动。但是科学把这些运动过程还原为更为简单和基本力量的作用。正如我们身体所赖以构成的元素所形成的我们的生理活动的力量,这些力量在我们身体以外也同样发挥着作用——它可以使铁生锈,使谷物成熟。这些元素,在种种气流吹送之下,从我们身外向四面八方传播:人的诞生,人的姿态,人的死亡,以及在人的坟头上生长出紫罗兰——这不过是成千上万化合结果的点滴例子而已。人类那轮廓分明、长久不变的面颜和肢体,不过是一种表象,在它那框架之内,我们好把种种化合的元素凝聚一团——这好像是蛛网的纹样,那织网的细丝从网中穿出,又引向他方。在这一点上,我们的生命有些像那火焰——它也是种种力量汇合的结果,这汇合虽不断延续,那些力量却早晚要各自飘散。 经典英语好文章摘抄篇二 The Date Father Didn’t Keep (父亲失约) It happened in one of those picturesque Danish taverns that cater to tourists and where English is spoken. I was with my father on a business-and-pleasure trip,and in our leisure hours we were having a wonderful time. “It‘s a pity your mother couldn’t come,”said Father.“It would be wonderful to show her around.” He had visited Denmark when he was a young man. I asked him,“How long is it since you were here?” “Oh,about 30 years. I remember being in this very inn,by the way.”He looked around,remembering. “Those were gracious days-”He stopped suddenly,and I saw that his face was pale. I followed his eyes and looked across the room to a woman who was setting a tray of drinks before some customers. She might have been pretty once,but now she was stout and her hair was untidy.“Do you know her?”I asked…… “I did once,”he said. The woman come to our table.“Drinks?”she inquired. “We‘ll have beer,”I said. She nodded and went away. “How she has changed!Thank heaven she didn‘t recognize me,”muttered Father mopping his face with a handkerchief.“I know her before I ever met your mother,”he went on.“I was a student,on a tour. She was a lovely young thing,very graceful. I fell madly in live with her,and she with me.” “Does Mother know about her?”I blurted out,resentfully. “Of course,”Father said gently. He looked at me a little anxiously. I felt embarrassed for him. I said,“Dad,you don‘t have to-” “Oh,yes,I want to tell you. I don‘t want you wondering about this. Her father objected to our romance. I was a foreigner. I had no prospects,and was dependent on my father. When I wrote Father that I wanted to get married he cut off my allowance. And I had to go home. But I met the girl once more,and told her I would return to America,borrow enough money to get married on,and come back for her in a few months.” “We know,”he continued,“that her father might intercept a letter,so we agreed that I would simply mail her a slip of paper with a date on it,the time she was to meet me at a certain place;then we‘d married. Well,I went home,got the loan and sent her the date. She received the note. She wrote me:”I’ll be there.“But she wasn‘t. Then I found that she had been married about two weeks before,to a local innkeeper. She hadn’t waited.” Then my father said,“Thank God she didn‘t. I went home,met your mother,and we’ve been completely happy. We often joke about that youthful love romance.” The woman appeared with our beer. “You are from America?”she asked me. “Yes,”I said. She beamed.“A wonderful country,America.” “Yes,a lot of your countrymen have gone there. Did you ever think of it?” “Not me. Not now,”she said.“I think so one time,a ling time ago. But I stay here. I much better here.” We drank our beer and left. Outside I said,“Father,just how did you write that date on which she was to meet you?” He stopped,took out an envelope and wrote on it.“Like this,”he said.“12/11/73,which was,of course,December 11,1973.” “No!”I exclaimed.“It isn‘t in Denmark or any European country. Over here they write the day first,then the month. So that date wouldn’t be December 11 but the 12th of November!” Father passed his hand over his face.“So she was there!”he exclaimed.“And it was because I didn‘t show up that she got married.”He was silent a while.“Well,”he said.,“I hope she’s happy. She seems be.” As we resumed walking I blurted out,“It is a lucky thing it happened that way. You wouldn‘t have met Mother.” He put his arm around my shoulders,looked at me with a heart-warming smile,and said,“I was doubly lucky,young fellow,for otherwise I wouldn‘t have met you,either!” 经典英语好文章摘抄篇三 改变一生的邂逅 Isn‘t it amazing how one person,sharing one idea,at the right time and place can change the course of your life’s history?This is certainly what happened in my life. When I was 14,I was hitchhiking from Houston,Texas,through El Paso on my way to California. I was following my dream,journeying with the sun. I was a high school dropout with learning disabilities and was set on surfing the biggest waves in the world,first in California and then in Hawaii,where I would later live. Upon reaching downtown El Paso,I met an old man,a bum,on the street corner. He saw me walking,stopped me and questioned me as I passed by. He asked me if I was running away from home,I suppose because I looked so young. I told him,“Not exactly,sir,”since my father had given me a ride to the freeway in Houston and given me his blessings while saying,“It is important to follow your dream and what is in your heart. Son.” The bum then asked me if he could buy me a cup of coffee. I told him,“No,sir,but a soda would be great.”We walked to a corner malt shop and sat down on a couple of swiveling stools while we enjoyed our drinks. After conversing for a few minutes,the friendly bum told me to follow him. He told me that he had something grand to show me and share with me. We walked a couple of blocks until we came upon the downtown El Paso Public Library. We walked up its front steps and stopped at a small information stand. Here the bum spoke to a smiling old lady,and asked her if she would be kind enough to watch my things for a moment while he and I entered the library. I left my belongings with this grandmotherly figure and entered into this magnificent hall of learning. The bum first led me to a table and asked me to sit down and wait for a moment while he looked for something special amongst the shelves. A few moments later,he returned with a couple of old books under his arms and set them on the table. He then sat down beside me and spoke. He started with a few statements that were very special and that changed my life. He said,“There are two things that I want to teach you,young man,and they are these: “Number one is to never judge a book by its cover,for a cover can fool you.”He followed with,“I bet you think I‘m a bum,don’t you,young man?” I said,“Well,uh,yes,I guess so,sir.” “Well,young man,I‘ve got a little surprise for you. I am one of the wealthiest men in the world. I have probably everything any man could ever want. I originally come from the Northeast and have all the things that money can buy. But a year ago,my wife passed away,bless her soul,and since then I have been deeply reflecting upon life. I realized there were certain things I had not yet experienced in life,one of which was what it would be like to live like a bum on the streets. I made a commitment to myself to do exactly that for one year. For the past year,I have been going from city to city doing just that. So,you see,don’t ever judge a book by its cover,for a cover can fool you. “Number two is to learn how to read,my boy. For there is only one thing that people can t take away from you,and that is your wisdom.”At that moment,he reached forward,grabbed my right hand in his and put them upon the books he‘d pulled from the shelves. They were the writings of Plato and Aristotle-immortal classics from ancient times. The bum then led me back past the smiling old woman near the entrance,down the steps and back on the streets near where we first met. His parting request was for me to never forget what he taught me.

Eliminate Internal Negative Chatter

The first step is one of awareness. It will be hard to make a change to positive thinking without being acutely intimate with the thoughts that run through your mind. Recently, I was amazed to discover deep buried emotions from negative thoughts that I had for fewer than 10 minutes. Without awareness, I would have carried the hurt and anger inside. Awareness helped me to bring them out to the open for me to deal with.

Undoubtedly it will not be easy to make a switch if you have a long history or negative self talk. Your talk became negative over the years due to various factors. For instance, if your first grade teacher repeatedly told you that you were stupid, you might believe it to be truly the case. You would find that your inner chatter would often be filled with talk of I am so slow and it is so hard to learn. If you constantly tell yourself such negative stories, your actions are going to reflect your low self esteem. It will be difficult to get very far if you are always putting yourself down.

A common negative talk involves telling yourself I can’t. When you say to yourself I can’t or it is too difficult, you are creating a resistance. Having such a mental block will prevent you from achieving a task you could otherwise succeed at.

Anytime you catch yourself saying I can’t, turn around and challenge your own claim with, Why can’t I? Research shows that most geniuses became the people they are also because of the hard work they put in. So if you would like to be successful, you need to start saying I can a lot more.

A great method that I have also found useful is to say Cancel Cancel each time I find myself saying something negative, whether in the mind or verbally. The method works if you sincerely have the intent of becoming a positive thinker.

英语文章摘抄 (二)

positive Affirmations

Affirmations are positive statements of a desired outcome or goal. They are usually short, believable and focused. By repeating them over and over again, you build inroads into your subconscious mind, opening up the possibility of a new state of thoughts.

An important step when repeating affirmations is that you need to read your affirmations aloud with feeling. The mere reading of the words bears no consequence unless you put some emotions behind them. Of significant fact is that your subconscious mind takes any orders given in complete faith and after repeated self talk. So the daily practice of repeating affirmations is important.

Initially you may be skepticism toward the statement of your positive affirmation. However, if you follow this simple set of instructions your skepticism will soon give way to a new set of beliefs and then crystallized into absolute faith.

英语文章摘抄 (三)

positive Scripts

One thing that you may observe is on how easy it is for your mind to build negative thought upon negative thought. The chatter not only does not stop but it spins a drama that traps and limits you.

From now on, regularly do this exercise instead. Spin an uplifting story that runs like a movie script. Some visualization will be helpful. You build on a story with a positive outline. The longer you can tell this story to yourself the better. It is also best if you can make this story one about having all your goals achieved. When you do this, you start to internalize your goals and dreams, as if they are something that you have already achieved.

美文,大概就是美的化身,它是一种情感,一种体验和一种表达。下面是我带来的经典英语美文摘抄,欢迎阅读!经典英语美文摘抄篇一 什么东西比金钱更重要 It is physically impossible for a well-educated intellectual, or brave man to make money the chief object① of his thoughts; as physically impossible as it is for him to make his dinner the principal object of them. 一个受过良好 教育 、有头脑的、有胆识的人完全不可能将金钱当作他考虑的主要对象,正如他完全不可能将美餐当做他主要考虑对象一样。 All healthy people like their dinner, but their dinner is not the mainobject of their lives. So all healthy-minded people like making money--ought to like it and to enjoy the sensation② of winning; but the main object of their lives is not money; it is something better than money. 所有健康的人都喜欢享用美餐,但美餐并不是他们生活的主要目标。同样道理,所有思想健全的人都喜欢挣钱--喜欢并体验挣到钞票的兴奋感是正当的;然而,他们生活的主要目标并不是金钱,而是比金钱更珍贵的东西。 A good soldier, for instance③, mainly wishes to do his fighting well. He is glad of his pay--very properly so --and justly grumbles④ when you keep him ten months without it; still, his main notion⑤ of life is to win battles, not to be paid for winning them. 例如,一位优秀的士兵主要想打好仗。他为自己的薪饷感到高兴--完全合乎情理;假如,你扣发他十个月军饷,他发牢骚理所应当。不过,他的人生主要目标仍然是打胜仗,并非为了薪饷而打胜仗。 So too of doctors. They like fees no doubt--ought to like them; yet the entire object of their lives is not fees. They, on the whole desire to cure the sick, would rather cure their patients and lose their fee than kill them and get it. And so with all other brave and rightly trained men: their work is first, their fee is second, very important always, but still second. 医生也是如此。毫无疑问,他们都喜欢收诊费--本应如此;然而他们人生的全部目标并不是诊费。总的说来,他们都想把病人治好,而且宁愿把病人治好而得不到诊金,也不愿为了诊金而把病人治死。所有其他有胆识的、受过正当培训的人也是如此:他们总是工作第一、报酬第二。报酬尽管总是非常重要,但还是第二。 But in every nation, there is a vast class of people who are cowardly⑥, and more or less stupid. And with these people, just as certainly the fee is first and the work second, as with brave people the work is first and the fee second. 可是,在每个国家,都有一大批怯懦的、多少有点愚蠢的人。对于这些人而言,无疑是报酬第一、工作第二,正如有胆识的人工作第一、报酬第二一样。 And this is no small distinction⑦. It is the whole distinction in a man. You cannot serve two masters; you must serve one or the other. If your work is first with you, and your fee is second, work is your master. 这决非细微差异,这是根本性差异,区分一个人的根本性差异。你不能侍奉两个主人,你必须侍奉其中一个,非此即彼。假如就你而言是工作第一、报酬第二,那么工作就是你的主人。 Observe, then, all wise work is mainly threefold⑧ in character. It is honest, useful, and cheerful. I hardly know anything more strange than that you recognize honesty in play, and do not in work. 请注意,一切明确的工作本质上都具有三重性:诚实、有用和愉悦。人们在娱乐中讲究诚实而在工作中却不讲诚实--据我所知,没有比这更奇怪的事情了。 In your lightest games you have always someone to see what you call "fair play". In boxing you must hit fair; in racing, start fair. Your watchword is fair play; your hatred, foul play. Did it ever strike you that you wanted another watchword⑨ also, fair work, and another hatred also, foul⑩ work? 在最不重要的比赛中,你总是请人做裁判,确保人们常说的公平竞赛。 拳击 中,你出拳必须公正;赛跑时,你起跑必须公正。你的 口号 就是公正比赛,你所深恶痛绝的就是违反规则。那么,你可曾想过,你还需要另一个口号,那就是老老实实地工作;你深恶痛绝的应是投机取巧。 经典英语美文摘抄篇二 Mother & Child 妈妈与孩子 It was Christmas 1961. I was teaching in a small town in Ohio where my twenty-seven third graders eagerly anticipated the great day of gifts giving. 那是1961年的 圣诞节 。我在俄亥俄州的一个小镇上教小学三年级。班上27个孩子都在积极参加"礼物赠送日"的活动。 A tree covered with tinsel and gaudy paper chains graced one corner. In another rested a manger scene produced from cardboard and poster paints by chubby, and sometimes grubby, hands. Someone had brought a doll and placed it on the straw in the cardboard box that served as the manger. It didn't matter that you could pull a string and hear the blue-eyed, golden-haired dolly say, "My name is Susie." "But Jesus was a boy baby!" one of the boys proclaimed. Nonetheless, Susie stayed. 教室的一角被一棵树装点得熠熠生辉,树上缀满了金银丝帛和华丽的彩纸。教室的另一角是一个涂着海报油彩由纸板制成的马槽,这出自孩子们那胖乎乎、脏兮兮的小手。有人带来了一个娃娃,把它放在纸板槽里的稻草上(假装小耶稣)。只要拉拉它身上的一条细绳,这个蓝眼睛、金发的娃娃就会说道,"我叫苏西",不过这都没有关系。一个男孩提出:"耶稣可是个小男孩呀!"不过苏西还是留了下来。 Each day the children produced some new wonder -- strings of popcorn, hand-made trinkets, and German bells made from wallpaper samples, which we hung from the ceiling. Through it all she remained aloof, watching from afar, seemingly miles away. I wondered what would happen to this quiet child, once so happy, now so suddenly withdrawn. I hoped the festivities would appeal to her. But nothing did. We made cards and gifts for mothers and dads, for sisters and brothers, for grandparents, and for each other. At home the students made the popular fried marbles and vied with one another to bring in the prettiest ones. " You put them in a hot frying pan, Teacher. And you let them get real hot, and then you watch what happens inside. But you don't fry them too long or they break."So, as my gift to them, I made each of my students a little pouch for carrying their fried marbles. And I knew they had each made something for me: bookmarks carefully cut, colored, and sometimes pasted together; cards and special drawings; liquid embroidery doilies, hand-fringed, of course. 每天孩子们都会做点儿新玩意--爆米花串成的细链子、手工做的小装饰品和墙纸样做的德国式风铃,我们把这些风铃挂在了天花板上。但自始至终,她都是孤零零地远远观望,仿佛是隔了一道几里长的障碍。我猜想着这个沉默的孩子发生了什么事,原来那个快乐的孩子怎么突然变得沉默寡言起来。我希望节日的活动能吸引她,可还是无济于事。我们制作了许多卡片和礼物,准备把它们送给爸爸妈妈、兄弟姐妹、祖父母和身边的同学。学生们在家里做了当时很流行“油炸"玻璃弹子,并且相互比着,要把最好看的拿来。"老师,把玻璃弹子放在热油锅里,让它们烧热,然后看看里面的变化。但不要炸得时间过长否则会破裂。"所以,我给每个学生做了一个装"油炸弹子"的小袋作为礼物送给他们。我知道他们每个人也都为我做了礼物:仔细剪裁、着色,或已粘集成串的书签; 贺卡 和特别绘制的图片;透明的镶边碗碟垫布,当然是手工编制的流苏。 The day of gift-giving finally came. We oohed and aahed over our handiwork as the presents were exchanged. Through it all, she sat quietly watching. I had made a special pouch for her, red and green with white lace. I wanted very much to see her smile. She opened the package so slowly and carefully. I waited but she turned away. I had not penetrated the wall of isolation she had built around herself. 赠送礼物的那天终于到了。在交换礼物时我们为对方亲手做的小礼品不停地欢呼叫好。而整个过程,她只是安静地坐在那儿看着。我为她做的小袋很特别,红绿相间还镶着白边。我非常想看到她笑一笑。她打开包装,动作又慢又小心。我等待着,但是她却转过了身。我还是没能穿过她在自己周围树起的高墙,这堵墙将她与大家隔离了开来。 After school the children left in little groups, chattering about the great day yet to come when long-hoped-for two-wheelers and bright sleds would appear beside their trees at home. She lingered, watching them bundle up and go out the door. I sat down in a child-sized chair to catch my breath, hardly aware of what was happening, when she came to me with outstretched hands, bearing a small white box, unwrapped and slightly soiled, as though it had been held many times by unwashed, childish hands. She said nothing. "For me?" I asked with a weak smile. She said not a word, but nodded her head. I took the box and gingerly opened it. There inside, glistening green, a fried marble hung from a golden chain. Then I looked into that elderly eight-year-old face and saw the question in her dark brown eyes. In a flash I knew -- she had made it for her mother, a mother she would never see again, a mother who would never hold her or brush her hair or share a funny story, a mother who would never again hear her childish joys or sorrows. A mother who had taken her own life just three weeks before. 放学后,学生们三三俩俩地离开了,边走边说着即将到来的圣诞节:家中的圣诞树旁将发现自己心系已久的自行车和崭新发亮的雪橇。她慢慢地走在后面,看着大家拥挤着走出门外。我坐在孩子们的小椅子上稍稍松了口气,对要发生的事没有一点准备。这时她向我走来,双手拿着一个白色的盒子向我伸过来。盒子没有打包装,稍有些脏。好像是被孩子未洗过的小手摸过了好多遍。她没有说话。"给我的吗?"我微微一笑。她没出声,只是点点头。我接过盒子,非常小心地打开它。盒子里面有一条金色的链子,上面坠着一块闪闪发光的“油炸"玻璃弹子。然后我看着她的脸,虽只有8岁,可却是成人的表情。在她深棕色的眼睛里我找到了问题的答案。我在一瞬间明白过来--这是她为妈妈做的项链,她再也见不到的妈妈,再也不能抱她、给她梳头或一起讲 故事 的妈妈。她的妈妈已再也不能分享她充满童稚的快乐,分担她孩子气的忧伤。就在3个星期前她的妈妈离开了人世。 I held out the chain. She took it in both her hands, reached forward, and secured the simple clasp at the back of my neck. She stepped back then as if to see that all was well. I looked down at the shiny piece of glass and the tarnished golden chain, then back at the giver. I meant it when I whispered," Oh, Maria, it is so beautiful. She would have loved it."Neither of us could stop the tears. She stumbled into my arms and we wept together. And for that brief moment I became her mother, for she had given me the greatest gift of all: herself. 我拿起那条链子。她用双手接过它,向前探了探身,在我的脖子后把简易的项链钩系好。然后她向后退了几步,好像在看看是否合适。我低下头看着闪闪发亮的玻璃珠和已失去光泽的金色链子,然后抬起头望着她。我很认真地轻声说道:“哦,玛丽亚,这链子真漂亮。你妈妈一定会喜欢的。"我们已无法抑制住泪水。她踉踉跄跄地扑进我的怀里,我们都哭了。在那短暂的一刻我成了她的妈妈,而她送给了我一份最珍贵的礼物:她的信任和爱。By Patricia A. Habada 经典英语美文摘抄篇三 FAMILY FAMILY= (F)ATHER (A)ND (M)OTHER, (I) (L)OVE (Y)OU A man came home from work late, tired and irritated, to find his 5-year old son waiting for him at the door. Daddy, may I ask you a question? Yeah sure, what is it? replied the man. Daddy, how much do you make an hour? That's none of your business. Why do you ask such a thing? the man said angrily. I just want to know. Please tell me, how much do you make an hour? pleaded the little boy. If you must know, I make $20 an hour. Oh, the little boy replied, with his head down. Looking up, he said, Daddy, may I please borrow $10? The father was furious, If the only reason you asked that is so you can borrow some money to buy a silly toy or some other nonsense, then you march yourself straight to your room and go to bed. Think about why you are being so selfish. I work hard everyday for such this childish behavior. The little boy quietly went to his room and shut the door. The man sat down and started to get even angrier about the little boy's questions. How dare he ask such questions only to get some money? After about an hour or so, the man had calmed down, and started to think: Maybe there was something he really needed to buy with that $10 and he really didn't ask for money very often. The man went to the door of the little boy's room and opened the door. Are you asleep, son? He asked. No daddy, I'm awake, replied the boy. I've been thinking, maybe I was too hard on you earlier, said the man, It's been a long day and I took out my aggravation on you. Here's the $10you asked for. The little boy sat straight up, smiling. Oh, thank you daddy! He yelled. Then, reaching under his pillow he pulled out some crumpled up bills. The man, seeing that the boy already had money, started to get angry again. The little boy slowly counted out his money, then looked up at his father. Why do you want more money if you already have some? the father grumbled. Because I didn't have enough, but now I do, the little boy replied. Daddy, I have $20 now. Can I buy an hour of your time? Please come home early tomorrow. I would like to have dinner with you.
