

发布时间:2024-07-03 09:45:24


以下是我的毕业论文提纲 绝对原创,翻版必究~~论文以“『伊豆の踊子』の美について”为题,全文共分为五大部分:一、引言二、川端康成と『伊豆の踊り子』の简単な绍介 21 川端康成の简単な绍介 22『伊豆の踊り子』の简単な绍介三、日本の伝统的な审美意识を顾みる四、「伊豆の踊子」の美意识について 、物の哀れの美 、自然の美 、女性の美 、幽玄の美五、结论






中日食文化の比较研究-中日料理の作り方に関する分析を通して[日语论文]要旨世界では、中国人がいる所であれ、中国人がいない所であれ、中国饮食文化の影响が见られる。特に中国と一衣帯水の日本では、その影响は少なくない。鉴真は东征した时、中国の饮食文化は日本に伝わった。日本料理を中华料理と比べると、同じ所が少なくないが、相违もたくさんある。本文は中日の饮食観念や中日料理の作り方に対する対比研究を通じて、中日の饮食文化における相违と形成原因を分析して、日本の饮食文化への了解を深めて、日本文化の理解をもっと深めていく。それは中日の文化交流にとって、重要な意义がある。キーワード:中日文化;饮食観念;中日料理;相违;形成原因目次1. はじめに2. 中日の饮食観念の相违3. 中日料理の作り方の相违 食材选択 调理の方法 食器4. 中日の饮食文化における相违の形成原因5.结论 参考文献 谢辞共11页易水寒论文为您您提供参考


































俄国文学论文 范文 一:俄罗斯文学论文——论《大师与玛格丽特》

摘 要:




目 录

一、 布尔加科夫生平简介········································2

二、 《大师与玛格丽特》内容简介································3

三、 《大师与玛格丽特》小说主题································3

四、 《大师与玛格丽特》艺术风格································3

五、 《大师与玛格丽特》人物特点································4

正 文


米哈伊尔·阿法纳西耶维奇·布尔加科夫 (俄语: Михаил Афанасьевич Булгаков; May 151891, 基辅 – March 10, 1940, 莫斯科) 是二十世纪上半叶的一位俄罗斯小说家、剧作家。


1913年,布尔加科夫和Tatiana Lappa结婚。第一次世界大战爆发后,他报名参加了红十字会。1916年,他从基辅大学医疗系 毕业 后,参加了白军。他还曾被短暂征入乌克兰民族军。1919年,他决定弃医从文,成为一个记者。他的兄弟们也都参加了白军,在内战结束后,除了米哈伊尔以外,都流落到巴黎。布尔加科夫从未被允许去西方探望他们。

1921年,布尔加科夫与第一个妻子离婚,与Lyubov' Belozerskaya结婚。在20年代早、中期,他发表了一系列作品,但从1927年开始,他被批评为作品严重反对苏维埃。到1929年,他的任何作品都无法通过审查。 1931年,布尔加科夫与Elena Shilovskaya结婚。Elena即是《大师与玛格丽特》中玛格丽特的原型,本姓Sergeevna,Shilovsky是她前夫的姓。她和前夫离婚后,第二天就和布尔加科夫结婚。在布尔加科夫生命的最后十年里,他继续写作《大师与玛格丽特》和其他戏剧、评论、小说、翻译,但无一得到发表。

布尔加科夫和苏维埃政权之间的关系一直很紧张。1930年,他给斯大林写了封信,请求说:如果苏联不能使用他的讽刺文学才能,请让他移民国外。斯大林本人给他回了电话,拒绝了他。但由于斯大林比较欣赏他的戏剧《图尔宾一家的日子》(根据《白军》改编),便给他在莫斯科一家小剧院找到了工作,后来又调到莫斯科艺术大剧院。然而他在剧院的工作并不成功。他还曾短暂地在Bolshoi歌剧院当词作者,但很快离开了。 1940年,布尔加科夫因家族遗传的肾病而去世。


小说从表面上看就是讲了一个魔王撒旦访问莫斯科的魔幻 故事 :沃兰德(Warland,撒旦的化身)想了解莫斯科的世道人心,就带着几个随从去到那里,用的魔法设置了很多,以检验世道人心的败坏,但几乎所有人都在这场游戏中丑态百出,展现了自己缺陷的人格。主人公大师是一个历史学家,因为幸运地彩票中奖得到一笔巨款,便辞职开始写一本关于圣经中犹太总督彼拉多的小说,无奈小说不为人接受,心情郁闷,住进了精神病院。但很幸运的是,在最困难的时光里,大师遇到了美丽的玛格丽特,她理解他,欣赏他,支持他,与他一起完成心中的愿望。最终在沃兰德的帮助下,他们获得了超越现实的另一种意义上的“永生”(最后都死了)。














在布尔加科夫让魔鬼与现实开了一个玩笑后,大师和玛格丽特的出现共同组成了布尔加科夫所需要的真实。作为主人公,大师只占去了全篇很少的几章篇幅。与大师相反,玛格丽特则统领了整个第2部。余华认为,大师是布尔加科夫在现实中伤痕累累的影子。事实上,在大师身上,布尔加科夫始终有着隐痛。大师传达了布尔加科夫与现实关系的暧昧。大师坚信自己的作品是有价值的,而在其作品被否定后,他一度陷入彷徨。大师始终在现实与内心之间若即若离。而最后,他在魔鬼的帮助下找到了自己所需要的安宁。与大师身上的暧昧不同,在玛格丽特身上,布尔加科夫的写作不再受到任何束缚。强劲的 想象力 冲进每一条缝隙与现实拥抱。现实不再成其为现实,或者说,所有的一切都成为了现实。玛格丽特是真正属于布尔加科夫内心的。当布尔加科夫寻找世界的真实时,她成了布尔加科夫的眼睛。可以说,是玛格丽特为布尔加科夫打开了那扇通向世界的门。



一、作者简介 伟大的俄国作家尼古拉·华西里耶维奇·果戈理,是俄国十九世纪前半页最优秀的讽刺作家、讽刺文学流派的开拓者、批判现实主义文学的奠基人之一。一八零九年出生于乌克兰米尔格拉德县的索罗庆采镇的一个地主家庭里,果戈理一家居住乡间,父亲管理着自己的田庄,平时爱写些文学作品,诸如诗歌与喜剧;母亲信仰宗教,是一个虔诚的宗教徒。果戈理从小就生活在受文学熏陶很强的家庭环境里,同时乌克兰淳朴浓郁的乡村习俗以及古老的 传说 与庄园生活,都对他的文学素养的培养起到了潜移默化的影响。由于父亲早逝,促使他较早的就去外地打工谋生,中学毕业后,果戈理来到彼得堡,曾经在国有财产及公共房产局和封地局先后供职,薪俸微薄,生活拮据。正是在打工的生活中,果戈理亲身体验到了社会下层民众的生活艰辛与困苦,饱尝了人世间的冷暖与心酸,使他看到了社会的本质,官场的腐败与黑暗,以及对广大人民群众处于水深火热生活痛苦的理解。


1831~1832年他的处女作短篇小说集《狄康卡近乡夜话》问世,这部小说集是浪漫主义与现实主义创作相结合的产物,被普希金誉为“极不平凡的现象”,从而奠定了果戈理在文坛的地位。作品笔调幽默、清新,结合了优美的传说、神奇的幻想和现实的 素描 ,描绘了乌克兰大自然的诗情画意,讴歌了普通人民勇敢、善良和热爱自由的性格,同时鞭挞了生活中的丑恶、自私和卑鄙。之后一改在《狄康卡近乡夜话》中对恬静的田园生活的迷醉之情,而将讽刺的笔触转向了揭露社会的丑恶、黑暗和不平,对社会底层的小人物的命运寄予了深切的同情,标志着他的创作走上了一个新阶段。 特别是1837年普希金不幸逝世之后,他将批判现实主义的创作 方法 推向了新的高度,无愧地站在普希金遗留下的位置上,共同成了俄国批判现实主义文学的奠基人。 在写作小说的同时,果戈理也开始了讽刺喜剧的创作。1836年4月,著名喜剧《钦差大臣》在彼得堡亚历山德拉剧院上演,轰动了整个京城。该剧逼真地反映了俄国专制社会的种种弊端和黑暗,从而深刻地揭露了官僚阶级的丑恶和腐朽。


二、作品简介 《死魂灵》这部小说这要描写了主人公乞乞科夫,作为一名六等文官,一名看似君子而实际是的投机取巧爱财之人,他来到省会N市,结交政府里的各种高官权贵地位显赫的官员,来打通与他们的关系。他为了发财致富,想起一套买空卖空、巧取豪夺的发财妙计,他走访了一个又一个地主,经过激烈的讨价还价,在市周围的郊区低价购买地主花名册上的尚未注销的死农奴,并以移民为借口,向国家申请无主荒地,然后再将得到的土地和死农奴名单一同抵押给政府,从中获取巨额财富。当他兴高采烈地办完手续后,他的种种购买农奴的罪恶行径被人发觉,继而开始了他的逃亡生涯,后来又被政府公爵逮捕,重重的罪行袒露无遗,他为了活命,为了自己的那笔巨额财富,苦苦哀求摩拉佐夫,后来在旁人关系的协助下,他得以被释放,重新获得自由。

三、 读后感

我用了大约一星期的时间,断断续续的将这本小说读完,由于平时很少涉猎俄国的文学作品,因为作品里的人物名字很长,不便于记住,加之我不太喜欢俄国小说里的情节与环境,一种阴森的潮湿的令人很反感的氛围。读这部小说,我是抱着试试看的心态,以及一种新的阅读理念去读的。总的来看,小说给我的最大印象就是其中运用了大量描写,并辅之以一定的夸张荒诞成分。通过对人物形象及环境的大致掌握,了解了沙皇俄国社会的千型百态,农奴制将要土崩瓦解的那段历史,新的社会制度将要应运而生的社会转型形态。任何制度都是在不断的变化发展的,都有一个成长发展与成熟衰退的历史过程,我们不能抹杀某一段历史的积极存在性,也不能简单予以肯定弊端,要一分为二的看待事物发展。沙皇的农奴制起初有它存在发展的合理性,随着生产力的发展,它的被取代也将是一种不可挽转的趋势。 在这小说里,作者对沙皇俄国官僚、地主、仆人等的日常生活进行了大量描述,展现了他们贪图权势财富,贪婪愚昧的精神世界,以及资本原始积累者的欺冷酷的丑露行径,透露了农奴制的行将末路,定将要被新的社会制度所取代的信息。该小说在人物塑造和幽默讽刺的运用和抒情的结合方面,有所独树一帜。在塑造人物性格中,作者使用大量描写刻画人物的肖像,以揭露人物的精神世界,从而展现人物的鲜明性格,与此同时,作者还使用夸张的手法,荒诞的写法,来支配小说的情节故事发展,在荒诞离奇的故事中来突露人物性格特征。《死魂灵》是果戈理的一部批判现实主义的文学巨著,在俄罗斯文学的发展史上具有重要的里程碑作用。

俄国文学论文相关 文章 :

1. 文学论文提纲范文

2. 美术类学术论文:俄罗斯美术再认识

3. 语言教育论文:俄语语言教学与文化导入

4. 文学上的唯美主义与功利主义

5. 关于世界近代史的论文

6. 萨特的存在主义及文学观
















































(一)可行性研究 ---------------------------------------------------必须有

(二)需求分析 ---------------------------------------------------必须有










Class XXX Number XXX Name XXX

Abstract: Nida, a famous translator, says, "For truly successful translation, it is much more important to familiarize two cultures than master two languages, because words are assigned meanings in its particular cultures."(Background information) This is to say, translation is closely related with not only languages but also cultures. Studies of the cultural distinction in idiom translation are still relatively weak in the field of translation in China. Exclusive research on the translation of Chinese and English idioms is still incomplete. In the last twenty years, idiom translation has mostly emphasized the level of inter-lingual communication, but cultural differences were rarely involved in it.(Identify problem) This thesis analyses the cultural differences in Chinese and English idioms, then studies English-Chinese\Chinese-English idiom translation methods(Research subject) from the angle of culture(Method) and points out some warnings concerning idiom translation: pay attention to context and choose the right version in line with the style and meaning of the original passage(Results); culture is a whole way of life, when new culture emerges, new idioms also appear, therefore idiom translation should develop with the time.(Conclusion)

Key Words: idioms; culture; translation


摘要: 著名翻译学家奈达指出:“对于真正成功的翻译而言,熟悉两种文化甚至比掌握两种语言更为重要,


关键词: 习语;文化;翻译

1. Introduction

Idioms universally exist in every language. An Idiom is a word or an expression

that cannot be literally translated from the source language into the target language because its idiomatic meaning cannot be understood by literally defining its component parts.(Background) In a broad sense, idioms contain set phrases, proverbs, colloquialisms, slangs, maxims, allusions, etc. (YinLi, 2007:9) In Chinese, they also include enigmatic folk similes. Newmark, a British translation theorist, in his work A Textbook of Translation, said, "I define as culture the way of life and his manifestation that are peculiar to a community that uses a peculiar language as its means of expression. "(Previous research) English Idioms derives from English cultures and daily life. In real context, idioms explain themselves: nine times out of ten they carry their own explanations. If we are unaware of these, we will find ourselves in a state of confusion since we will assign literal meaning to them. The Chinese Idioms, especially the four-character idioms, have their own unique origins which are closely correlative to the Chinese history and cultures. In view of the difficulties in understanding idioms, we should pay due attention and efforts to understand their cultures and customs. This thesis is designed to dig into the cultural differences between Chinese and English and then elaborates on the translation theories applied to idioms. (Subject + Method)

2. A Comparison Between English and Chinese Idioms

The Cultural Differences Between English and Chinese Idioms Geographical Conditions

The formation of culture is closely related with natural geographical conditions. A specific geographical environment produces a specific culture, which also leads to a particular expression.

Great Britain covers islands including the Northern one-sixth of the island of

Ireland between the North Atlantic Ocean and the North Sea, northwest of France. It has a moist climate with much rainfall. Rivers and lakes are numerous. No wonder that fishery is thriving and most important in Britain. Accordingly, idioms concerning fish and navigation constitute a great part in English idioms. (LiYuping, 2008:20)(Theory/Results of previous research)

For example, "like a fish out of water". If you feel like fish out of water, you feel awkward and uncomfortable because you are in an unusual and unfamiliar situation. Fish in the air 缘木求鱼 An odd fish 怪人 Miss the boat 错过机会

Trim the sails to the wind 顺势前进

A small leak will sink a great ship 小洞不补要沉大船 (Examples)

On the other hand, China is located in the Asian Continent and reputed as an agricultural country with a large population of peasants. It is not surprising to find many idioms relevant to farming, such as "骨瘦如柴,对牛弹琴, 众人拾柴火焰高,竹篮打水一场空......". Chinese people also have a mysterious and awe feeling for sea, so they have idioms like "海角天涯,海枯石烂,海阔天空,海底捞针,海市蜃楼......". (Analysis)


The Similarities Between English and Chinese Idioms



3. Methods of Idiom Translation

Translation is far more than a science. It is also a skill, and at the ultimate analysis, fully satisfactory translation is always an art. (Nida, 1982:49) Translation is considered as the cultural bridge and media between two languages. As there are wide differences in vocabulary and syntax between English and Chinese, translation is no easy job. Therefore, in order to keep the flavor of the original as well as cater for both the Chinese and English languages, translation skills should be reasonably employed in the process of translating, such as the following translating methods:

Literal Translation

Free Translation

Translation with Notes

Replacement with Similar Idioms

The Translation of Corresponding Idioms with the Same Meaning

A Combination of Literal and Free Translation

4. Some Warnings Concerning Idiom Translation

5. Conclusion

One of the major characteristics identifying us as human is our ability to use language. Language plays a very important role in people’s daily life; it enables people communicate with each other and understand others' feelings. Language has close relations with culture. It is impossible to separate language from culture. As the essence of language, idioms also have close relations with culture. The contents of them range from society, history, psychology to customs and other various social phenomena. So, in the process of translation, translators should pay more attention to the cultural factors, in doing this, he can dig up the implicit meanings. (Conclusion of research) Only the cultural factors are concerned, translators can have a satisfactory translation. Besides, people should get acquaintances with the cultural background when using idioms to avoid embarrassment in communication. (Suggestions)


[*] 作者. 书名(英语的斜体). (出版地:)出版社,年份:参考内容页码 [*] 作者. 文章名(英语的斜体). 刊物名称. (出版地:)出版社,年份

[1] Li Mei. Mother tongue and translation. Shanhai: Shanhai Foreign Language Education Press,2008

[2] Li Qingming. A Comparison of the Cultures between the Chinese and English Language. Xi'an: Northwest University of technology Press, 2007

[3] Nida Eugene. The theory and Practice of Translation. Leiden: E. J. Brill, 1982

[4] Nida Eugene. Language, Culture, and Translating. Shanhai: Shanhai Foreign Language Education Press, 1993

[5] Susan Bassnett, Andre Lefevere. Translation, History, Culture. Shanghai: Shanhai Foreign Language Education Press, 1987

[6] Luo Shiping. A Research on English Idioms. Shanhai: Shanhai Foreign Language Education Press, 2006

[7] Li Yuping. English Idioms and their Cultural Origin. Tianjin: Nankai University Press, 2008

[8] Yin Li. English-Chinese Idioms and Folk Culture. Beijing: Bejing university Press, 2007

[9] Zhang Yajun. A Kaleidoscope of Chinese Culture. Beijing: Sinolingua, 2008\

[10] 李云(Li Yun).《新编大学翻译教程》. 北京:世界知识出版社, 2007 [11] 马爱英(Ma Aiying).《中英文化翻译》. 北京:科学出版社, 2006



Acknowledgements 4-6

Contents 6-10

List of Figures 10-12

List of Tables 12-20

Abstract 20-22

摘要 23-25

Chapter 1 Introduction 25-32

Purpose of the study and research questions 28-29

Significance of the study 29-30

Organization of the study 30-31

A note on terminology 31-32

Chapter 2 Literature review 32-51

T/TP and coherence in English writing 32-35

Defining coherence 32-33

T/TP as means to realize coherence 33-35

T/TP in EFL/ESL writing 35-42

T/TP and coherence in EFL/ESL writing 35-37

T/TP in EFL/ESL writing as compared to NS writing 37-42

T/TP in English research articles by EFL/ESL scholars 42-44

The factors that influence T/TP in EFL/ESL writing 44-47

Training in T/TP 47-49

Summary 49-51

Chapter 3 Theoretical background 51-70

Systemic Functional Grammar 51-55

Five dimensions of language as a semiotic system 51-53

Three metafunctions of language as a functional system 53-54

Three lines of meaning from metafunctions 54-55

Theme and thematic progression 55-70

Theme 56-62

Thematic progression 62-70

Chapter 4 Research Design 70-88

The participants and the educational context 70-73

Background of the participants and the participating school 70

The allocation of participants to the training 70-71

The sample sizes 71-72

The pilot study 72-73

The interventional procedures 73-74

The questionnaire 74-75

The training 75-80

Considerations behind the training 75-76

The training material 76-79

The role of the researcher as the trainer 79-80

Data analysis 80-86

Analysis of the writing 80-86

Analysis of the questionnaire 86

Ethical considerations 86-88

Informed consent 86-87

Anonymity 87

Harm 87-88

Chapter 5 Results and analysis of pre-training writing 88-115

Comparison of Themes in EEL pre-training writing and CEL pre-writing 88-102

Topical,textual and interpersonal Themes 88-91

Topical Themes:marked and unmarked Themes 91-95

Textual Themes:continuatives,conjunctions and conjunctive adjuncts 95-100

Interpersonal Themes 100-102

Comparison of thematic progression in EEL pre-training writing and CEL pre-writing 102-110

Linear,constant,summative and split progressions 102-107

Back,contextual and new Themes 107-110

Summary 110-115

Chapter 6 Results and analysis of post-training writing 115-137

Comparison of Themes in EEL post-training writing and CEL post-writing 115-129

Topical,textual and interpersonal Themes 115-117

Topical Themes:marked and unmarked Themes 117-121

Textual Themes:continuatives,conjunctions and conjunctive adjuncts 121-126

Interpersonal Themes 126-129

Comparison of thematic progression in EEL post-training writing and CEL post-writing 129-132

Linear,constant,summative and split progressions 129-131

Back,contextual and new Themes 131-132

Summary 132-137

Chapter 7 Results and analysis of pre- and post- training writing 137-155

Comparison of Themes in pre- and post- training writing 137-147

Topical,textual and interpersonal Themes 137-139

Topical Themes:marked and unmarked Themes 139-142

Textual Themes:continuatives,conjunctions and conjunctive adjuncts 142-145

Interpersonal Themes 145-147

Comparison of thematic progression in pre- and post- training writing 147-150

Linear,constant,summative and split progressions 147-149

Back,contextual and new Themes 149-150

Summary 150-155

Chapter 8 Results and analysis of the questionnaire 155-165

Findings from closed questions 155-160

EEL participants' general attitude to training on T/TP 155-157

EEL participants' perception of the usefulness of the training on T/TP 157-158

EEL participants' perception of the learnability of T/TP 158-159

EEL participants' perception of the applicability of T/TP in writing 159-160

Findings from open questions 160-164

The changes that occurred 161-162

The perceived difficulty of applying the theory of T/TP in writing 162-163

The reasons for the perceived difficulty in learning 163

EEL participants' suggestions for future training 163-164

Summary 164-165

Chapter 9 Discussion 165-195

Findings with regard to research questions 165-187

Chinese college students' use of T/TP in pre-training writing 165-172

Chinese college students' use of T/TP in post-training writing 172-181

Effects of the training on T/TP in Chinese college students' English writing 181-187

Positioning the study within the literature 187-190

T/TP in Chinese college students' English writing 187-189

Effects of training on Chinese college students' use of T/TP 189-190

Implications 190-194

Pedagogical implication 190-193

Methodological implication 193-194

Limitations 194-195

Chapter 10 Conclusion 195-200

Summary 195-197

Putting everything together 197-199

Suggestions for future work 199-200

Notes 200-202

References 202-214

Appendix 1: Plan for the interventional procedures 214-215

Appendix 2: The post-training questionnaire 215-217

Appendix 3: Training material 217-229

Appendix 4: Teachers' guide to the training 229-237

Appendix 5: Consent form for EEL group 237-238

Appendix 6: Consent form for CEL group 238-239

Appendix 7: Consent form for NS group 239

中文摘要 3-4


Chapter One Introduction 7-10

Motivation of the present study 7-8

Significance of this study 8

Composition of this thesis 8-10

Chapter Two Literature Review 10-19

Language production 10-14

L1 Production 10-11

L2 Production 11-12

Dimensions of language production 12-14

Theories on oral output 14-15

Skehan’s dual-model system 14

Swain’s Output Hypothesis 14-15

Task Repetition 15-17

Task 15-16

Task repetition 16-17

Relevant studies on effects of task repetition on L2 oral output 17-19


Research justification and questions 19

Hypothesis 19-20

Methods 20-25

Participants 20-21

Material 21

Research design 21-23

Measures 23-25

Chapter Four Results and Discussion 25-41

Results and Analysis 25-34

Quantitative analysis 25-27

Qualitative analysis 27-34

Discussion 34-41

Fluency 34-36

Complexity 36-38

Accuracy 38-39

interlanguage development path of learner L 39-41

Chapter Five Conclusions 41-44

Conclusion and implication 41-43

Limitations and recommendations 43-44

Acknowledgements 44-45

References 45-49

Appendixes 49-54

A. Instructions of the experiment 49-50

B. The same-content task 50-51

C. The different-content task 51-52

D. Sample of oral pre-task 52-53

E. Sample of oral post-task 53-54

F. Sample of writing repetition task 54


Chapter 1 Introduction

Research Background

Significance of the Study

Research Goals and Questions

Data Collection and Methodology

Analysis Procedures

Organization of the Thesis

Chapter 2 Literature Review

Introduction to Appraisal Theory

Studies on Appraisal Theory

Studies on Appraisal Theory Abroad

Studies on Appraisal Theory at Home

Studies on Personal Statements

Introduction to Personal Statement


Chapter 3 Theoretical Framework

An Overview of Attitude System

Affect Resources

Judgment Resources

Social Esteem

Social Sanction

Appreciation Resources

Interactions of Affect, Judgment and Appreciation

Borders of Affect, Judgment and Appreciation


Appendix 1: Papers Published during Graduate Studies

Appendix 2: Some Samples of the Study


















i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. vii. viii. ix. x.

ii. , , , , …

iii. , , , , , / . …









Chapter 1 Literature Review

General Studies of English Irregular Verbs

Studies of the Variations of Irregular Verbs


Chapter 2 Theoretical Framework

Foundational Studies of Variationist Sociolinguistics

Variationist Sociolinguistics: Key Concepts and the Principle of Accountability

Analytical Methods in Variationist Sociolinguistics


Chapter 3 Diachronic Change of PTFs of Irregular Verbs in COHA

Methodology and Data Visualization

Data Analysis

Discussion and Conclusions


Chapter 4 Synchronic Variation of PTFs of Irregular Verbs

Introduction and Data

Principle Components Analysis

Register Variation of PTF of Irregular Verbs in BNCweb

User-related Variation of PTFs of Irregular Verbs in BNCweb

Discussion and Conclusions








Class XXX Number XXX Name XXX

Abstract: Nida, a famous translator, says, "For truly successful translation, it is much more important to familiarize two cultures than master two languages, because words are assigned meanings in its particular cultures."(Background information) This is to say, translation is closely related with not only languages but also cultures. Studies of the cultural distinction in idiom translation are still relatively weak in the field of translation in China. Exclusive research on the translation of Chinese and English idioms is still incomplete. In the last twenty years, idiom translation has mostly emphasized the level of inter-lingual communication, but cultural differences were rarely involved in it.(Identify problem) This thesis analyses the cultural differences in Chinese and English idioms, then studies English-Chinese\Chinese-English idiom translation methods(Research subject) from the angle of culture(Method) and points out some warnings concerning idiom translation: pay attention to context and choose the right version in line with the style and meaning of the original passage(Results); culture is a whole way of life, when new culture emerges, new idioms also appear, therefore idiom translation should develop with the time.(Conclusion)

Key Words: idioms; culture; translation


摘要: 著名翻译学家奈达指出:“对于真正成功的翻译而言,熟悉两种文化甚至比掌握两种语言更为重要,


关键词: 习语;文化;翻译

1. Introduction

Idioms universally exist in every language. An Idiom is a word or an expression

that cannot be literally translated from the source language into the target language because its idiomatic meaning cannot be understood by literally defining its component parts.(Background) In a broad sense, idioms contain set phrases, proverbs, colloquialisms, slangs, maxims, allusions, etc. (YinLi, 2007:9) In Chinese, they also include enigmatic folk similes. Newmark, a British translation theorist, in his work A Textbook of Translation, said, "I define as culture the way of life and his manifestation that are peculiar to a community that uses a peculiar language as its means of expression. "(Previous research) English Idioms derives from English cultures and daily life. In real context, idioms explain themselves: nine times out of ten they carry their own explanations. If we are unaware of these, we will find ourselves in a state of confusion since we will assign literal meaning to them. The Chinese Idioms, especially the four-character idioms, have their own unique origins which are closely correlative to the Chinese history and cultures. In view of the difficulties in understanding idioms, we should pay due attention and efforts to understand their cultures and customs. This thesis is designed to dig into the cultural differences between Chinese and English and then elaborates on the translation theories applied to idioms. (Subject + Method)

2. A Comparison Between English and Chinese Idioms

The Cultural Differences Between English and Chinese Idioms Geographical Conditions

The formation of culture is closely related with natural geographical conditions. A specific geographical environment produces a specific culture, which also leads to a particular expression.

Great Britain covers islands including the Northern one-sixth of the island of

Ireland between the North Atlantic Ocean and the North Sea, northwest of France. It has a moist climate with much rainfall. Rivers and lakes are numerous. No wonder that fishery is thriving and most important in Britain. Accordingly, idioms concerning fish and navigation constitute a great part in English idioms. (LiYuping, 2008:20)(Theory/Results of previous research)

For example, "like a fish out of water". If you feel like fish out of water, you feel awkward and uncomfortable because you are in an unusual and unfamiliar situation. Fish in the air 缘木求鱼 An odd fish 怪人 Miss the boat 错过机会

Trim the sails to the wind 顺势前进

A small leak will sink a great ship 小洞不补要沉大船 (Examples)

On the other hand, China is located in the Asian Continent and reputed as an agricultural country with a large population of peasants. It is not surprising to find many idioms relevant to farming, such as "骨瘦如柴,对牛弹琴, 众人拾柴火焰高,竹篮打水一场空......". Chinese people also have a mysterious and awe feeling for sea, so they have idioms like "海角天涯,海枯石烂,海阔天空,海底捞针,海市蜃楼......". (Analysis)


The Similarities Between English and Chinese Idioms



3. Methods of Idiom Translation

Translation is far more than a science. It is also a skill, and at the ultimate analysis, fully satisfactory translation is always an art. (Nida, 1982:49) Translation is considered as the cultural bridge and media between two languages. As there are wide differences in vocabulary and syntax between English and Chinese, translation is no easy job. Therefore, in order to keep the flavor of the original as well as cater for both the Chinese and English languages, translation skills should be reasonably employed in the process of translating, such as the following translating methods:

Literal Translation

Free Translation

Translation with Notes

Replacement with Similar Idioms

The Translation of Corresponding Idioms with the Same Meaning

A Combination of Literal and Free Translation

4. Some Warnings Concerning Idiom Translation

5. Conclusion

One of the major characteristics identifying us as human is our ability to use language. Language plays a very important role in people’s daily life; it enables people communicate with each other and understand others' feelings. Language has close relations with culture. It is impossible to separate language from culture. As the essence of language, idioms also have close relations with culture. The contents of them range from society, history, psychology to customs and other various social phenomena. So, in the process of translation, translators should pay more attention to the cultural factors, in doing this, he can dig up the implicit meanings. (Conclusion of research) Only the cultural factors are concerned, translators can have a satisfactory translation. Besides, people should get acquaintances with the cultural background when using idioms to avoid embarrassment in communication. (Suggestions)


[*] 作者. 书名(英语的斜体). (出版地:)出版社,年份:参考内容页码 [*] 作者. 文章名(英语的斜体). 刊物名称. (出版地:)出版社,年份

[1] Li Mei. Mother tongue and translation. Shanhai: Shanhai Foreign Language Education Press,2008

[2] Li Qingming. A Comparison of the Cultures between the Chinese and English Language. Xi'an: Northwest University of technology Press, 2007

[3] Nida Eugene. The theory and Practice of Translation. Leiden: E. J. Brill, 1982

[4] Nida Eugene. Language, Culture, and Translating. Shanhai: Shanhai Foreign Language Education Press, 1993

[5] Susan Bassnett, Andre Lefevere. Translation, History, Culture. Shanghai: Shanhai Foreign Language Education Press, 1987

[6] Luo Shiping. A Research on English Idioms. Shanhai: Shanhai Foreign Language Education Press, 2006

[7] Li Yuping. English Idioms and their Cultural Origin. Tianjin: Nankai University Press, 2008

[8] Yin Li. English-Chinese Idioms and Folk Culture. Beijing: Bejing university Press, 2007

[9] Zhang Yajun. A Kaleidoscope of Chinese Culture. Beijing: Sinolingua, 2008\

[10] 李云(Li Yun).《新编大学翻译教程》. 北京:世界知识出版社, 2007 [11] 马爱英(Ma Aiying).《中英文化翻译》. 北京:科学出版社, 2006



Acknowledgements 4-6

Contents 6-10

List of Figures 10-12

List of Tables 12-20

Abstract 20-22

摘要 23-25

Chapter 1 Introduction 25-32

Purpose of the study and research questions 28-29

Significance of the study 29-30

Organization of the study 30-31

A note on terminology 31-32

Chapter 2 Literature review 32-51

T/TP and coherence in English writing 32-35

Defining coherence 32-33

T/TP as means to realize coherence 33-35

T/TP in EFL/ESL writing 35-42

T/TP and coherence in EFL/ESL writing 35-37

T/TP in EFL/ESL writing as compared to NS writing 37-42

T/TP in English research articles by EFL/ESL scholars 42-44

The factors that influence T/TP in EFL/ESL writing 44-47

Training in T/TP 47-49

Summary 49-51

Chapter 3 Theoretical background 51-70

Systemic Functional Grammar 51-55

Five dimensions of language as a semiotic system 51-53

Three metafunctions of language as a functional system 53-54

Three lines of meaning from metafunctions 54-55

Theme and thematic progression 55-70

Theme 56-62

Thematic progression 62-70

Chapter 4 Research Design 70-88

The participants and the educational context 70-73

Background of the participants and the participating school 70

The allocation of participants to the training 70-71

The sample sizes 71-72

The pilot study 72-73

The interventional procedures 73-74

The questionnaire 74-75

The training 75-80

Considerations behind the training 75-76

The training material 76-79

The role of the researcher as the trainer 79-80

Data analysis 80-86

Analysis of the writing 80-86

Analysis of the questionnaire 86

Ethical considerations 86-88

Informed consent 86-87

Anonymity 87

Harm 87-88

Chapter 5 Results and analysis of pre-training writing 88-115

Comparison of Themes in EEL pre-training writing and CEL pre-writing 88-102

Topical,textual and interpersonal Themes 88-91

Topical Themes:marked and unmarked Themes 91-95

Textual Themes:continuatives,conjunctions and conjunctive adjuncts 95-100

Interpersonal Themes 100-102

Comparison of thematic progression in EEL pre-training writing and CEL pre-writing 102-110

Linear,constant,summative and split progressions 102-107

Back,contextual and new Themes 107-110

Summary 110-115

Chapter 6 Results and analysis of post-training writing 115-137

Comparison of Themes in EEL post-training writing and CEL post-writing 115-129

Topical,textual and interpersonal Themes 115-117

Topical Themes:marked and unmarked Themes 117-121

Textual Themes:continuatives,conjunctions and conjunctive adjuncts 121-126

Interpersonal Themes 126-129

Comparison of thematic progression in EEL post-training writing and CEL post-writing 129-132

Linear,constant,summative and split progressions 129-131

Back,contextual and new Themes 131-132

Summary 132-137

Chapter 7 Results and analysis of pre- and post- training writing 137-155

Comparison of Themes in pre- and post- training writing 137-147

Topical,textual and interpersonal Themes 137-139

Topical Themes:marked and unmarked Themes 139-142

Textual Themes:continuatives,conjunctions and conjunctive adjuncts 142-145

Interpersonal Themes 145-147

Comparison of thematic progression in pre- and post- training writing 147-150

Linear,constant,summative and split progressions 147-149

Back,contextual and new Themes 149-150

Summary 150-155

Chapter 8 Results and analysis of the questionnaire 155-165

Findings from closed questions 155-160

EEL participants' general attitude to training on T/TP 155-157

EEL participants' perception of the usefulness of the training on T/TP 157-158

EEL participants' perception of the learnability of T/TP 158-159

EEL participants' perception of the applicability of T/TP in writing 159-160

Findings from open questions 160-164

The changes that occurred 161-162

The perceived difficulty of applying the theory of T/TP in writing 162-163

The reasons for the perceived difficulty in learning 163

EEL participants' suggestions for future training 163-164

Summary 164-165

Chapter 9 Discussion 165-195

Findings with regard to research questions 165-187

Chinese college students' use of T/TP in pre-training writing 165-172

Chinese college students' use of T/TP in post-training writing 172-181

Effects of the training on T/TP in Chinese college students' English writing 181-187

Positioning the study within the literature 187-190

T/TP in Chinese college students' English writing 187-189

Effects of training on Chinese college students' use of T/TP 189-190

Implications 190-194

Pedagogical implication 190-193

Methodological implication 193-194

Limitations 194-195

Chapter 10 Conclusion 195-200

Summary 195-197

Putting everything together 197-199

Suggestions for future work 199-200

Notes 200-202

References 202-214

Appendix 1: Plan for the interventional procedures 214-215

Appendix 2: The post-training questionnaire 215-217

Appendix 3: Training material 217-229

Appendix 4: Teachers' guide to the training 229-237

Appendix 5: Consent form for EEL group 237-238

Appendix 6: Consent form for CEL group 238-239

Appendix 7: Consent form for NS group 239

中文摘要 3-4


Chapter One Introduction 7-10

Motivation of the present study 7-8

Significance of this study 8

Composition of this thesis 8-10

Chapter Two Literature Review 10-19

Language production 10-14

L1 Production 10-11

L2 Production 11-12

Dimensions of language production 12-14

Theories on oral output 14-15

Skehan’s dual-model system 14

Swain’s Output Hypothesis 14-15

Task Repetition 15-17

Task 15-16

Task repetition 16-17

Relevant studies on effects of task repetition on L2 oral output 17-19


Research justification and questions 19

Hypothesis 19-20

Methods 20-25

Participants 20-21

Material 21

Research design 21-23

Measures 23-25

Chapter Four Results and Discussion 25-41

Results and Analysis 25-34

Quantitative analysis 25-27

Qualitative analysis 27-34

Discussion 34-41

Fluency 34-36

Complexity 36-38

Accuracy 38-39

interlanguage development path of learner L 39-41

Chapter Five Conclusions 41-44

Conclusion and implication 41-43

Limitations and recommendations 43-44

Acknowledgements 44-45

References 45-49

Appendixes 49-54

A. Instructions of the experiment 49-50

B. The same-content task 50-51

C. The different-content task 51-52

D. Sample of oral pre-task 52-53

E. Sample of oral post-task 53-54

F. Sample of writing repetition task 54


Chapter 1 Introduction

Research Background

Significance of the Study

Research Goals and Questions

Data Collection and Methodology

Analysis Procedures

Organization of the Thesis

Chapter 2 Literature Review

Introduction to Appraisal Theory

Studies on Appraisal Theory

Studies on Appraisal Theory Abroad

Studies on Appraisal Theory at Home

Studies on Personal Statements

Introduction to Personal Statement


Chapter 3 Theoretical Framework

An Overview of Attitude System

Affect Resources

Judgment Resources

Social Esteem

Social Sanction

Appreciation Resources

Interactions of Affect, Judgment and Appreciation

Borders of Affect, Judgment and Appreciation


Appendix 1: Papers Published during Graduate Studies

Appendix 2: Some Samples of the Study











要 旨

はじめに 1

1温泉の起源と発展 2

温泉の起源 2

温泉の発展 3

2温泉の利点 5

医疗の作用の由来 5

物理的な医疗作用 6

化学的な医疗作用 6

3温泉の影响 8

日本経済への影响 8

日本人の生活への影响 9

日本の伝统文化の伝播への影响 10

おわりに 13

参考文献 14

谢 辞 15



在日本的温泉,直到今天男女混浴依然随处可见,就是一个热气腾腾的温泉池里男男女女聚集一堂,谈天说话可以,叫来清酒香茶品题也可以,不过下水前都要围一 条毛巾遮掩重要部位(当然下水以后就自便,我见到经常有日本女子下水后把毛巾一解,搭在身上的场面,姿态还颇为优雅),这在日本东北部尤其流行,反而是男 女分浴属于舶来品,算是出于对现代文明的.尊重。


其实,这有一点文化的不同在里面,日本的温泉浴和中国一般的洗澡不同,不是在浴池里打肥皂搓澡,而是洗干净以后才下水,目的并不是真的洗澡,而是享受温泉 的好处。温泉池所在处往往在风景绝佳的露天地方,与其说是洗浴,倒不如说是一种社交活动。说到男女大防,日本人虽然深受儒家文化的影响,但这方面却保留着 日本的传统特色,比如,日本的宫廷不用太监,日本的厕所当年也是男女混用 -- 如果今天您到沈阳的辽宁宾馆,依然可以看到男女混用的厕所 -- 那里今天大厅一楼的公用厕所依然是男女混用的,可能全中国只此一号。这就是因为此建筑是日本侵华期间修建的,带有相当鲜明的日本特色。





『 今どきのビジネスマナーについて 』ビジトレ「今どきのビジネスマナー」は、ビジネスパーソンにとって必要不可欠なビジネスマナーや作法を掲载しています。 ビジネスマナーを「知っている」人と「知らない」人では、社内外での行动・态度・言动に大きな差がつき、大事な商谈や接待、社内の人间関系构筑に様々な影响を与えるでしょう。 周囲の人々と円滑な人间関系を筑き、ビジネスパーソンとしての価値を上げるためにも、「今どきのビジネスマナー」をぜひご利用ください。 1.印象を変える「スーツコーディネート」 2.仕事に役立つ「ビジネス文书」 楼主看看行不?
