

发布时间:2024-07-08 01:32:40


本文选取清远市三所高中的高一、高二、高三共315名学生作为被试,运用匹兹堡睡眠质量指数(PSQI)中译本和状态-特质焦虑量表(STAI)调查高中生的睡眠质量与焦虑状况的相关关系。结果发现:This article selects the first year, second year and third year students from three senior high schools in Qing Yuan City, a total of 315 students were chosen for the test, which uses the translated Chinese version of Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index (PSQI), together with State-Trait Anxiety Inventory (STAI), to investigate the correlation between senior high schools' sleep quality and condition of anxiety. The results show that: 1、高中生的焦虑状况不受性别、年级和学校类型的影响,但他们的特质焦虑程度普遍高于状态焦虑程度;The results showed that: 1, high school students from the anxiety of the situation of gender, grade and school type, but their degree of trait anxiety is generally higher than the level of state anxiety; 2、高三学生的焦虑水平最高,其中清城中学学生的焦虑水平为三所中学最高,睡眠质量最低;2, three students in the highest levels of anxiety, of which the city-ching of the anxiety level of secondary school students three secondary schools for the highest, lowest sleep quality;3、的高中生存在睡眠障碍问题,不同性别、年级的高中生的睡眠质量存在显著性差异,高一学生入睡所需要的时间最长,高二学生的睡眠效率最低; 3, of high school students there is the issue of sleep disorders, gender, year of the sleep quality of high school students, there was a significant difference, high-need students to fall asleep by the time the longest High students the lowest sleep efficiency;4、焦虑情绪是睡眠质量的重要影响因素,高中生的焦虑水平越高,睡眠质量越差。 4, anxiety is an important impact on sleep quality factors, the higher the anxiety level of high school students, the poorer sleep quality.














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完全人工翻译 Accompanying with the development of the Internet, there derived a new emerged financial services business of Internet banking which is more simple and speedy than the ordinary banks. In this paper, I will proceed with the present status of China Merchants Bank and have some analysis against the problems correlative with their online bank and give forth some suggestions. this thesis is divided into the following sections: I: A summary on the development history of the Internet bank of China Merchants Bank. II: An analysis for the development status quo of the Internet bank of China Merchants Bank. III: An analysis for some problems of the Internet bank of China Merchants Bank. IV: Some suggestions for the future development of the Internet bank of China Merchants Bank. 简释:第一、第二、第三、第四 按照西方人习惯用罗马数字。 网银用Internet bank当然用online bank或net bank 都无不可。第一个internet banking 是指整个网银行业。

Adopts potato as raw material to produce starch produces a lot of high concentration organic wastewater containing, if straight into water will cause water pollution. In order to achieve the environmental protection goal must be to these wastewater through the corresponding processing thus makes its standards. This topic is A QingShanOu in wuhan DianFenChang design corresponding sewage structures to its emissions standard. According to the feature of the water quality, BOD and COD concentration are high, and regulations the emitting concentration BOD and COD is lower; And the water quality characteristics different from any other, is that the sewage, belong to high concentrations of NaCl high salt water, this must will make some sewage structures of sewage treatment ability to change. Overall, by comparing several factors present this design USES the more often at home and abroad for the treatment of starch wastewater UASB - SBR technology to deal with the waste water. And the main structures, the wastewater treatment plant of wastewater treatment plant of general drawing layout and elevation layout to do a detailed calculation and instructions.







As an important part of Chinese academic journals, sci-tech periodicalshave great significance to the spread of knowledge of science and to thedevelopment of technology. The level of internationalization of a sci-tec journalrepresents its recognition degree in the field of international publishing,besides, it is also a key criteria of the success for launching the journals. Thereare the largest number of sci-tech periodicals launched in Beijing, which leadsto a central role that taken by this area. Therefore, result from the researchwhich focus in Beijing can, to a certain extent, reflect the international level ofChinese sci-tech periodicals.

This paper is divided into six chapters: Chapter one is a brief review of theacademic theories and description about the practice status and the currentsystem of Chinese sci-tech periodicals. Also, it summarizes the stages andcharacteristics of the development of sci-tech periodicals in Beijing. In chaptertwo, it provides the historical foundation, system condition and thedevelopment of digital technology for the following analysis. Chapter three, tofive respectively elaborates the current situation of the development of sci-techperiodicals in Beijing area by 3 aspects: content innovation, business strategyand media. In chapter six, it concluded the problems that China's sci-techperiodicals are facing during the globalization and then provides possiblecountermeasures based on the analysis in previous chapters.

Key Words: Beijing; sci-tech periodicals; internationalization; impact factor


Within the framework of feminism and archetypal criticism, this thesis, by taking ThePassion of New Eve as its discourse, analyzes and discusses Angela Carter's application ofdemythologizing as a feminist strategy. By rewriting and subverting those female archetypes,Carter aims to break the fetters and shackles of patriarchy, exploring the way to women'sliberation as well as the reconciliation between two genders.

Believing that human society has been established on patriarchy, feminists endeavor tochange women's subordinate status and achieve gender equality. Archetypal criticism, as oneof the most influential branches in literary criticism,regards myth as the origin of literature.

Myths,especially the Bible,cover all the forms and motifs known as archetypes in literature.

As a devoted pioneer and advocator of feminism, Carter realizes that those female archetypesare usually stereotyped and dogmatic, which is actually invented by patriarchy for theoppression and exploitation of women.

Based on intensive reading and exhaustive textual analysis, this thesis illustrates Carter'sdemythologizing of three female archetypes in The Passion of New Eve, which are“Temptress,,,”Mother Goddesses“ and ”Eve“ respectively. Firstly, the sufferings that Leilahencounter in the novel reveal that ”Temptresses“ are in fact victims of patriarchy instead oforigins of disloyalty and disasters. While seen by men as objects of their sexual desires, theyalso risk self-objectification, which results in the deprivation of subjectivity as independenthuman beings. Secondly, ”Mother“ in Beulah is just an artificial myth,汪 consolatory toolfabricated by patriarchy, behind the glorification of which are patriarchal values and codes.

Thirdly, the transformative journey Eve experienced from a chauvinist to a real womandemonstrates that femininity, rather than an inherent quality, is the result of social influenceand persistent imitations.

Through the demythologizing of those female archetypes, Carter overthrows thepatriarchal hegemony as well as Utopian matriarchal dreams,offering androgyny as a potentialsolution to the current sexual conflicts. In her opinion, the real reconciliation between twogenders should be based on mutual respect and understanding, which is confirmed by theunion between the new Eve and Tristessa in The Passion of New Eve.

Keywords: female archetype; demythologizing; Angela Carter; The Passion of New Eve


In recent years, with the development of the financial sector, more and morepeople pay attention to the financial information search. However, the traditionalkeyword search method could hardly meet the needs of financial users. Therefore,semantic search products have gained more popularity. However, the semanticparsing process is complex and diverse. During the process of the analysis oflarge-scale real text, the sentence analysis which based on word granularity is verydifficult, but after chunk analysis, the accuracy can be significantly improved andthe complexity can be clearly reduced. At present, the user input method is almostthe Pinyin input method, thus it could probably happen that the input phonetic lettersare correct, while the Chinese character is wrong. In order to achieve the purpose ofimproving the user experience, the Pinyin text proofreading appears.

The content of this paper is a pretreatment subsystem of the finance Q & Asystem, and it contains two functions, Pinyin text proofreading and chunk partition.

Text proofreading is based on Pinyin, in the first place, putting the query sequenceinto phonetic sequence. Then it uses the multiple grammars, three grammars and twogrammars to fill the Chinese characters sequence. And if there is no ambiguity whenfilling, then it uses the text proofreading, otherwise, ignores the text proofreading.

For the chunk partition, this paper uses three different methods: the method ofthe shortest path chunk partition, the method of CRF chunk partition and the methodof neural network chunk partition. The subsystem designed and implemented thethree methods. The shortest path chunk partition is similar to the dictionary wordsegmentation method. CRF chunk partition divided the problem into the annotationproblem, through getting the optimal sequence labels, to reach the purpose of chunkpartition. Chunk neural network chunk partition is based on word segmentation,changing the query sequence into a sequence of nodes. If the sequence of possibilityimproved after adding chunk tag on each node sequence, the tag position is a chunkposition.

In practical test, the shortest path chunk partition based on the dictionary,cannot process the query which is not in the dictionary of chunk. CRF chunkpartition can solve the unknown chunk query, but the mark information is too simplewhen the training corpus increased,and the error percentage of results increasedsignificantly. When using neural networks in chunk partition, the predicted timeincreases significantly, however, the query generalization is a good idea. Throughthe above research, a reasonable way to chunk partition is the CRF method, whichproperly uses the query generalization.

Finally after testing, the pretreatment subsystem has not only met the needs ofthe finance Q & A system, largely improving the financial Q & A system userexperience, but also reduces the analytical complexity, significantly improved thecorrectness and performance.

Keywords: Pretreatment system question analysis, chunk, text proofreading, CRF,neural network

LZ 俺吐血翻译一早上。。。 OutlineHigh school physics is one of basic courses in ordinary high school science learning areas , and it's connected with nine-year compulsory education physics or science courses , which is aimed at improving the students' scientific the background of the new curriculum reform ,the focus of people is promoted from the entrance exam education to quality the trend that to alleviate student schoolwork burden and cultivat students' interest , the way which improves students' knowledge ability by doing promblems is in a sets much harder though will increase student schoolwork burden which is not consistent with the trend, but less、easier cannot be effective to deal with current exam-oriented selection system and the new curriculum reform . Now sets teaching only single stays at the time that the teacher says and the student do , which only pays attention to the number but the quality and effect of problems, so it's caught in a "in order to become a problem and become a problem" single-aim Solving-problem teaching, teachers' focus is on the topic and problem solving skills, often directly told students skills in mathematics, then let students imitate the same type of problem sets, trying to let students remember that type of problem solving skills by for why use such techniques and skills contain physical thought and physical method is ignored the quality education, while summerizing pays attention to process and the cultivation of emotional attitude many quantity, how difficult problem sets can achieve our ideal "proper"?So in the new curriculum reform how to effectively teach is the problem which waited to solve .For its function problem sets have review consolidating, knowledge recombination, improve skills, construct the new knowledge, testing learning effect, the expanded aspect of knowledge, etc function;The main activities have exercise sample explanation, the class exercises and conduct experiments, operation experience four in the process of teaching or learning, problem sets can deepen our understanding of the physics concept and regular understanding, can improve physical knowledge application analysis and problem solving physical topic is students is an important theory with practice of the new curriculum reform and comprehensive examination, driven by high school physics problem sets and science and technology, social development, life practice and chemical combination of biological sciences closer, and adds to the students' thinking ability and innovation new curriculum reform should be made to enhance the students' scientific literacy, pay attention to the teaching method and the shift of learning paper studies the specific contents of the new curriculum reform for: analysis of the background of the types and high school physics exercises relevant teaching methods;Combined with physical discipline characteristic and education related education law, psychology theoretical exploration high school physics exercises effective teaching : middle school physics, problem sets, the new curriculum, teaching ability to solve problems
















有一句话我没翻译,不太知道怎么翻译才好。。。很久没写英文,所以翻译应该不完美,但大概是这样子的。 High School Physics is one of the basic courses taught in ordinary high schools, physics and science courses being compulsory for nine years according to law, so as to improve students' scientific skills. Following the new education reform, people's views have changed, and now people esteem quality education more than exam-based education. Within the current framework of reducing students' workload and nurturing their interest for studies, the teaching method which consists in giving problems to students so as to improve their skills and knowledge faces a dilemma. If problems are numerous and difficult, then it increases students' workload, which is unwanted ; but if problems are reduced and made easier, then the resolution aiming at contending the current exam-based selection system and improving students' skills thanks to education reform may not be efficiently applied. The problems-teaching method used nowadays leads teachers to merely pay attention to the number of exercises given, thus neglecting the quality and efficiency of this exercises, which is why we are now stucked in a logic of “doing exercises just to do exercises”. The main point about the solving-problems-teaching-method is the type of exercises and the skills used to solve the problem. Usually the teacher tells the students how to solve the problem, and then give them a similar problem they will have to solve using the same method, thus helping the students remembering the method. So that they do not even mention why students have to use this way to solve the problem, nor do they mention the physic theory behind, thus neglecting 素质教育注重过程和情感态度价值观的培养。多少数量、多大难度的习题才能够达到我们理想的“恰到好处”?How to teach efficiently with exercises according to the new education reform then becomes the unsolved problem we have to for the functions of exercises, they allow students to review repeatedly, enrich their knowledge, improve their skills, dote them with new knowledge, test their study efficiency, expand their knowledge ; four main methods are used in that purpose, which are explaining and solving a problem example, doing exercises in class, making experiments and learning through practice. Whether it be during the teaching or learning process, problems may help understanding deeply further physics concepts and laws, and improve students' analysing and solving skills. Solving physics problems are a major way for students to apply theory to to the promotion of this education reform, junior high school physics and other subjects such as scientific techniques, social development, practical information, chemistry or biology are treated more closely, and the reform improved the innovation skills and thinking skills of students too. Education reform points out that, in order to improve junior high school scientific teaching quality, change is the key, especially changes concerning pedagogy and learning methods. The present study will proceed as follow : analyzing teaching methods and exercise types used in junior high school following the education reform ; exploring an efficient model of high school physics teaching, by taking into account the characteristics of scientific subjects such as physics, pedagogic and psychological rules or pedagogic : Junior High Physics, exercise teaching method, new curriculum, solving problems skills


[经济管理] 浅谈会计人才评价 [佚名][2007年4月24日][2] 简介:无 内容: 在以人为本、人才兴国的战略指导下,财政部从去年开始直接组织高层次会计人才培训,计划用10年左右的时间,培养和造就一批精通业务、善于管理、熟悉国际惯例、具有国际视野和战略思维的高素质、复合型领军人才,发挥会计人才在强化会计职能、宣传会计政策、组织继续教育、研究实务问题等方面的组织推动和辐射作用。这是促进我国会计队伍整体素质全面、迅速提高的一个重要举措。国家通过组织会计从业资格考试、会计技术职称考试、…… [Economic Management] on the evaluation of accounting personnel [Anonymous] [April 24, 2007] [2] Description: None Content: In people-oriented, human resources strategy of rejuvenating the country, under the guidance of the Ministry of Finance last year directly from high-level accounting personnel training, plans to use about 10 years time, to cultivate and foster a number of good business, good management, familiar with international practice, with an international perspective and strategic thinking of high-quality, complex-type leader personnel, accounting personnel to play in strengthening the accounting functions, accounting policies publicity, organization of continuing education, research and other aspects of the practical problems of organizations to promote the role and radiation. This is to promote the overall quality of China's accounting comprehensive, rapid increase in an important initiative. Through the organization of national accounting qualification examination, the examination of accounting titles, ... ... 12. [Economic Management] On Budget Accounting Problems and Solutions [Anonymous] [April 24, 2007] [7] Description: None Content: To 1 January, 1998 full implementation of "a total budget of the financial accounting system", "administrative accounting system", "accounting standards and institutions" (pilot), "Accounting systems and institutions" as the signs that have been out of our budget accounting under the planned economy model, embarked on the establishment of the need to adapt to a market economy with Chinese characteristics, scientific norms of the road budget for the accounting model. In recent years, with the financial management to accelerate the pace of structural reform, designed in accordance with the theory of public finance budget management model has to start building, budgeting, implementation and other aspects of the management system is undergoing a fundamental change in the budget accounting of customer ... ... 13. [Economic Management] of the bank accounting management [Anonymous] [April 24, 2007] [7] Description: None Content: Bank accounting is the emergence of banks and at the same time the birth. Each bank's business operation, that is, the operation of bank accounting, the accounting process to achieve through accounting. In other words, the bank accounts of the accounting process, that is specific for banking business and the realization of the basic functions of the banking process. Bank accounting is not only an important basis for the work of banks, the banks can be an objective starting to reflect the operations, accounting and supervisory role, and of these three banks accounting functions can also be counterproductive in the operation of banks, which are complementary to each other. Accounting functions of the bank to play properly, it may be to promote the bank's business ... ... 14. [Economic Management] of accession to the WTO to meet in rural areas, economic and accounting challenges [Anonymous] [April 24, 2007] [1] Description: None Content: I. Analysis of the current situation: the 21st century, peace and development remain the two main themes of the world. However, we are faced with the times and changes in the competitive environment. (-) Modern science and technology, the rapid development of knowledge-based economy. The 21st century, state-to-state competition in comprehensive national strength, the key is the competitive scientific and technological strength, the use of high precision, the new science and technology to improve the social productive forces, has been to increase the overall national strength has become an important tool. The overall development of science and technology, integrated and cross-cutting nature, science and technology of an unprecedented rapid spread of knowledge into application and production, will greatly promote the economic and social development. (B) of the whole ... ... 15. [Economic Management], after joining the WTO China's CPA industry supply and demand analysis [Anonymous] [April 24, 2007] [1] Description: None Content: After China's accession to the WTO Institute of Certified Public Accountants industry analysis of supply and demand has joined the World Trade Organization, which China's reform and opening up will enter a new phase. Accession to the WTO on China's accounting market is bound to a certified public accountant and have a profound impact on the industry, this has been done on a number of experts and scholars. This article from the perspective of supply and demand of China's accession to the WTO a certified public accountant, after an analysis of the industry and pointed out that China's CPA industry will face in the WTO situation and problems, and countermeasures to be taken. A needs analysis: a huge market demand and development of space after China's WTO entry, China's CPA industry needs to face the main ... ... 16. [Economic Management] on the application of a number of issues of Management Accounting Thoughts [Anonymous] [April 24, 2007] [1] Description: None Content: Management accounting is to meet the needs of economic management within the organization need to be gradually formed and developed, its main function is to improve operational efficiency and effectiveness of a variety of established system of internal accounting controls, preparation and delivery of internal management needs of the kinds of data, information and so on. Ways and means of its needs depending on the design, depending on its mode of economic organization in nature, size, operation and management mode to another. It is the most important function is the best business decisions for maximum operational efficiency and provide a variety of useful programs and information. At present, the Management Accounting in China in the application of business management are at a critical turning point ... ... 17. [Economic Management] Accounting for the current problems and countermeasures [Anonymous] [April 24, 2007] [0] Description: None Content: The current issue of Accounting and Accounting Measures of the work of my late start, from the 20th century until the late 70s, has experienced trying to stage, stage of development of spontaneous and organized, planned and steady development stage, to current management accounting software-based phase of development. More than 20 years in this course of development, has made great progress, the commercialization of GM of the financial software is widely used. Many of the accounting software development is moving toward specialization, commercialization and socialization of the track. However, due to the financial characteristics of the work itself, as well as the rapid development of networks, the rapid emergence of e-commerce, etc., some ... ... 18. [Economic Management] accounting integrity remodeling [Anonymous] [April 24, 2007] [2] Description: None Content: Securities market in 2001, the Guangxia, MACAT, ST Dawn of listed companies, such as a series of accounting fraud cases came to light, like a nuclear bomb, the explosion of China's accounting profession, and the outbreak of the end of last year the United States the wake of the Enron case, as well as the recent WorldCom, Xerox, the company's accounting fraud case, it led to a serious crisis in international accounting, the past was known as the iron abacus accounting staff, as a rat running across the street. The credibility of accounting has been severely damaged, resulting in Premier Zhu Rongji in Shanghai National Accounting Institute made no inspection of the school motto accounting. Facing a serious crisis of confidence, how to rebuild the credibility of accounting, ... ... 19. [Economic Management] The essence of strategic management accounting research and analysis of the characteristics [Anonymous] [April 24, 2007] [0] Description: None Content: First, the nature of strategic management accounting studies, the nature of Strategic Management Accounting Strategic Management Accounting (Strategic Management Accounting hereinafter SMA) is the development of management accounting, but also of the SMA did not form a unified understanding. Although many people have heard their is a clear lack of understanding. Here the author and from the strategic management of SMA, SMA, and the meaning and the development of SMA with the traditional distinction between the management of three areas of accounting, the nature of the SMA. (A) Strategic Management and the SMA SMA-shaped ... ... 20. [Economic Management] Internet era accounting system of innovation: to define property rights and market-oriented [Anonymous] [April 24, 2007] [10] Description: None Content: 【Abstract】 The development of network technology, making accounting information in order to lower cost is expected to be completed to define property rights, which means private products to sell in the market; to negotiate lower costs, so that the original accounting controls may become loose; information distance real-time transmission costs decline, making the production functions of accounting information may be completed by the market, that is, shareholders can be the production of accounting information entrusted to the enterprise other than the trustee, and so on. Finally, this paper, the direction of future research. 【Key Words】 accounting information network technology to hand over power market transaction costs of technology innovation, as well as existing accounting in many ... ...12. [经济管理] 试论我国预算会计存在的问题与对策 [佚名][2007年4月24日][7] 简介:无 内容: 以1998年1月1日起全面执行《财政总预算会计制度》、《行政单位会计制度》、《事业单位会计准则》(试行)、《事业单位会计制度》为标志,表明我国预算会计已摆脱计划经济体制下的模式,走上了建立适应市场经济需要,具有中国特色、科学规范的预算会计模式的道路。近几年,随着财政管理体制改革的步伐加快,按照公共财政理论设计的预算管理模式已开始建立,预算编制、执行等环节的管理制度正在发生根本性的变化,预算会计的客…… 13. [经济管理] 浅谈银行会计管理 [佚名][2007年4月24日][7] 简介:无 内容: 银行会计是与银行的出现而同时诞生的。银行每一笔经营业务的运作过程,也就是银行会计的运作、核算过程,都要通过会计来实现。也就是说,银行会计的核算过程,就是具体办理银行业务和实现银行基本职能的过程。 银行会计不仅是银行的重要基础工作,可以客观地对银行的经营运作起反映、核算和监督作用,而且银行会计的这三个职能还可以反作用于银行的经营运作,它们是相辅相成的。银行会计的职能发挥得当,就可能会促进银行的经营…… 14. [经济管理] 浅谈加入世贸组织,迎接农村、经济、会计的挑战 [佚名][2007年4月24日][1] 简介:无 内容: 一、当前形势分析: 21世纪,和平与发展仍然是世界的两大主题。但是我们正面临着时代条件和竞争环境的变化。(—)现代科技、知识经济迅速发展。21世纪,国与国之间综合国力的竞争,关键是科技实力的竞争,利用高、精、尖、新的科学技术提高社会生产力,己成为各国提高综合国力的一个重要手段。科学技术发展的整体性、综合性和交叉性,科技知识的空前快速传播、转化应用和生产,将极大地推动经济和社会的发展。(二)全…… 15. [经济管理] 入世后我国注册会计师行业的供求分析 [佚名][2007年4月24日][1] 简介:无 内容: 入世后我国注册会计师行业的供求分析 我国已经加入世界贸易组织,这标志着我国改革开放将进入一个新阶段。入世必将对我国会计市场和注册会计师行业产生深刻影响,对此已有许多专家学者做过论述。本文仅从供给和需求角度,对入世后我国的注册会计师行业进行分析,并指出我国注册会计师行业在入世后将面临的形势和问题,以及应采取的对策。 一、需求分析:巨大的市场需求和发展空间 入世后,我国注册会计师行业面临的需求主…… 16. [经济管理] 关于我国管理会计应用若干问题思考 [佚名][2007年4月24日][1] 简介:无 内容: 管理会计主要是为适应经济组织内部的经营管理需要而逐步形成和发展起来的,它的主要职能是为提高经营效率和效益而建立的各种内部会计控制制度,编制和提供内部管理需要的各种数据、资料等。它的方法和手段视不同的需要而设计,其模式视不同的经济组织性质、规模大小、经营管理方式而异。它是最重要的职能是为最优经营决策和最高经营效率提供各种有用的方案和资料。 目前,管理会计在我国企业管理中的应用正处在一个关键的转折点…… 17. [经济管理] 会计电算化目前的问题及对对策 [佚名][2007年4月24日][0] 简介:无 内容: 会计电算化目前的问题及对对策 我国的会计电算化工作起步较晚,从20世纪70年代末才开始,经历了尝试阶段、自发发展阶段和有组织、有计划地稳步发展阶段,到目前的管理型会计软件发展阶段。在这20多年的发展过程中,已取得了长足的进步,商品化、通用化的财务软件得到了广泛的应用。许多会计软件的开发已经走向专业化、商品化、社会化的轨道。但由于财务工作本身的特点,以及网络的迅速发展、电子商务的迅速兴起等等,一些…… 18. [经济管理] 重塑会计诚信 [佚名][2007年4月24日][2] 简介:无 内容: 在2001年的证券市场上,银广夏、麦科特、ST黎明等一系列上市公司会计造假案件曝光,像一枚枚重磅炸弹,在我国会计界炸开,而在去年年底美国爆发的安然事件,以及近来的世界通信公司、施乐公司的会计造假案,则引发了一场严重的国际性会计危机,昔日被称为铁算盘的会计人员,成为过街老鼠。会计的信誉已受到了严重损害,以致于朱总理在上海国家会计学院视察时提出了不做假账的校训。面临严重的信任危机,如何重塑会计的诚信,…… 19. [经济管理] 战略管理会计的本质研究和特点分析 [佚名][2007年4月24日][0] 简介:无 内容: 一、战略管理会计的本质研究 一、战略管理会计的本质 战略管理会计(Strategic Management Accounting以下简称SMA)是对管理会计的发展,但目前人们对SMA还没有形成统一的认识。许多人虽然对其有所耳闻,却缺乏一个清晰的理解。这里笔者从战略管理与SMA、SMA的发展及含义和SMA与传统管理会计的区别三个方面,阐述SMA的本质。 (一)战略管理与SMA SMA的形…… 20. [经济管理] 网络时代会计的制度创新:产权界定与市场化 [佚名][2007年4月24日][10] 简介:无 内容: 【摘要】网络技术的发展,使得会计信息可望以较低的成本完成产权界定,从而以私人产品的方式在市场上出售;谈判成本的降低,使原本的会计管制可能变得宽松;信息远程实时传送成本的下降,使得会计信息的生产职能可能由市场来完成,即股东可将会计信息的生产委托给企业经营者以外的受托人,等等。最后,本文提出了未来的研究方向。【关键词】会计信息 网络技术 交易成本 交权市场化 技术的不断创新以及现行会计在许……

Under the conditions of market economy, due to competition and the growing risks, accounting the objective economic environment more and more is also high degree of uncertainty, so the accounting information user more attention and uncertainty of information related risks, which reveals the prudence principle in accounting practice application have become inevitable. The principle of caution as accounting should follow the basic principles of correct understanding and application, the principle of prudence is very important. In the new enterprise accounting system and specific accounting standards, prudence principle has been further reflected, but the prudence principle itself exists limitation makes it, how to use a need to discuss the from the basic theory, this paper expounds the prudence principle of the meaning and function, emphasize the prudence principle for owners and managers, the creditors and the importance of accounting personnel, Introduces the principle of caution in our country and the necessity of its application in accounting practice and the basic requirements of the principle of caution, Discussed the principle of caution in plan assets impairment, the recognition and measurement of intangible assets, fixed assets depreciation method choice, revenue recognition and measurement, inventory valuation method, or the confirmation and disclosure of main application and reflect, Research on the prudence principle in asset impairment of confirmation, the recognition and measurement of intangible assets, fixed assets depreciation method choice, revenue recognition and measurement, inventory valuation method choice, or the confirmation and disclosure of the existing questions, And put forward the principle of caution about how to use some Suggestions: to properly handle the principle of caution and other various principles, narrow tax policy and accounting policy, moderate using the principle of caution, strengthen the audit supervision and restriction mechanism, strengthen internal accounting standards, improving the application of the principle of caution, strengthening the financial report maneuverability, and improve enterprise accounting information disclosure of professional judgment the analysis of the principle of caution, fully understand the prudence principle in accounting practice according to the existing problems and puts forward the corresponding countermeasure, make the prudence principle to get more effective accounting, and accounting for enterprises to provide the most authentic, accurate, timely and relevant information. China will further improve accounting system, enterprise against risk increases, the ability to get the whole national economy development and social progress in health.关键词:The principle of cautionAccounting practiceThe secret


with the development of market economy, the development of small and medium-sized CPA firms is already an important part of the sustainable and healthy development of the CPA industry registered. Social demands to the CPA service quality is getting higher and higher, the survival and development of the small and medium-sized accounting firms, has inevitably become a hot topic in the current CPA industry. In this paper, through the analysis of Chinese medium and small accounting firms small scale, quantity, the low quality of service situation, bad environment, internal control is not perfect, risk control, neglect quality control is not in place and so on external practice reveals small accounting firm survival and development process, and discuss the countermeasure of promoting small and medium-sized CPA firm and healthy operation and sustainable development.请采纳,O(∩_∩)O谢谢





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