

发布时间:2024-09-01 23:48:25


摘要 在这个经济迅速增长的时代中,世界各国的商品市场竞争越来越激烈。大家在参与市场竞争时都越来越发现跨文化交际的重要性。商标词的翻译作为其中的一个典型代表,要求其翻译名称传音,传意,更要传神。这就要求我们的译者在翻译的过程中注意文化因素的影响。本文具体就宗教信仰,政治体制,历史文化,风俗差异及民族特点几个方面来讨论商标翻译中的文化因素。希望对商标翻译方面提供一些指导,从而促使中国商品广销海外。 关键词:商标;跨文化交际;文化因素 Contents Introduction 1 Trademark translation and cross-cultural communication 2 1 Trademark’s cultural features 2 2 Cross-cultural communication in trademark translation 2 The impact of cultural diversity in trademark translation 3 1 The impact of religious diversity in trademark translation 4 2 The impact of political system diversity in trademark translation 4 3 The impact of historical diversity in trademark translation 4 4 The impact of the customs diversity in trademark translation 5 5 The impact of the national psychological diversity in trademark translation 6 Suggestions on trademark translation involved in cultural factors 参考资料: %D3%A2%D3%EF&x=22&y=8

又是这种破题目 首先当然是汉英成语的定义definition 其次是各自的特点features 然后就是比较comparison 最后写翻译策略tactics in translation 内容想好了还能写不出摘要


又是这种破题目 首先当然是汉英成语的定义definition 其次是各自的特点features 然后就是比较comparison 最后写翻译策略tactics in translation 内容想好了还能写不出摘要



又是这种破题目 首先当然是汉英成语的定义definition 其次是各自的特点features 然后就是比较comparison 最后写翻译策略tactics in translation 内容想好了还能写不出摘要






关键词:商标;跨文化交际;文化因素 Contents Introduction 1 Trademark translation and cross-cultural communication 2 1 Trademark’s cultural features 2 2 Cross-cultural communication in trademark translation 2 The impact of cultural diversity in trademark translation 3 1 The impact of religious diversity in trademark translation 4 2 The impact of political system diversity in trademark translation 4 3 The impact of historical diversity in trademark translation 4 4 The impact of the customs diversity in trademark translation 5 5 The impact of the national psychological diversity in trademark translation 6 Suggestions on trademark translation involved in cultural factors 参考资料: %D3%A2%D3%EF&x=22&y=8 希望采纳


摘要 在这个经济迅速增长的时代中,世界各国的商品市场竞争越来越激烈。大家在参与市场竞争时都越来越发现跨文化交际的重要性。商标词的翻译作为其中的一个典型代表,要求其翻译名称传音,传意,更要传神。这就要求我们的译者在翻译的过程中注意文化因素的影响。本文具体就宗教信仰,政治体制,历史文化,风俗差异及民族特点几个方面来讨论商标翻译中的文化因素。希望对商标翻译方面提供一些指导,从而促使中国商品广销海外。 关键词:商标;跨文化交际;文化因素 Contents Introduction 1 Trademark translation and cross-cultural communication 2 1 Trademark’s cultural features 2 2 Cross-cultural communication in trademark translation 2 The impact of cultural diversity in trademark translation 3 1 The impact of religious diversity in trademark translation 4 2 The impact of political system diversity in trademark translation 4 3 The impact of historical diversity in trademark translation 4 4 The impact of the customs diversity in trademark translation 5 5 The impact of the national psychological diversity in trademark translation 6 Suggestions on trademark translation involved in cultural factors 参考资料: %D3%A2%D3%EF&x=22&y=8


关键词:商标;跨文化交际;文化因素 Contents Introduction 1 Trademark translation and cross-cultural communication 2 1 Trademark’s cultural features 2 2 Cross-cultural communication in trademark translation 2 The impact of cultural diversity in trademark translation 3 1 The impact of religious diversity in trademark translation 4 2 The impact of political system diversity in trademark translation 4 3 The impact of historical diversity in trademark translation 4 4 The impact of the customs diversity in trademark translation 5 5 The impact of the national psychological diversity in trademark translation 6 Suggestions on trademark translation involved in cultural factors 参考资料: %D3%A2%D3%EF&x=22&y=8 希望采纳

摘要 在这个经济迅速增长的时代中,世界各国的商品市场竞争越来越激烈。大家在参与市场竞争时都越来越发现跨文化交际的重要性。商标词的翻译作为其中的一个典型代表,要求其翻译名称传音,传意,更要传神。这就要求我们的译者在翻译的过程中注意文化因素的影响。本文具体就宗教信仰,政治体制,历史文化,风俗差异及民族特点几个方面来讨论商标翻译中的文化因素。希望对商标翻译方面提供一些指导,从而促使中国商品广销海外。 关键词:商标;跨文化交际;文化因素 Contents Introduction 1 Trademark translation and cross-cultural communication 2 1 Trademark’s cultural features 2 2 Cross-cultural communication in trademark translation 2 The impact of cultural diversity in trademark translation 3 1 The impact of religious diversity in trademark translation 4 2 The impact of political system diversity in trademark translation 4 3 The impact of historical diversity in trademark translation 4 4 The impact of the customs diversity in trademark translation 5 5 The impact of the national psychological diversity in trademark translation 6 Suggestions on trademark translation involved in cultural factors 参考资料: %D3%A2%D3%EF&x=22&y=8
