

发布时间:2024-07-09 03:23:45


Everything has two sides,so the modern technology also has its advantages and First of all,it makes our life more For example ,buses save up us a lot of Besides,it provides us more safe food just like "green food"What's more,it makes us learn much more about our humanbeings and the However,it brings the pollution for us ,It also makes some of us be lazy because life is too Above all,we should make full use of the technology and do our best to help the earth and ps:小生拙作,很久没动笔,看看吧~~

题:As people rely more and more ontechnology to solve problems, the ability of humans to think for themselveswill surely 这是之前练GRE的ISSUE的一篇文章……都记不得是什么时候写的了,也许有直接用别人的段子的地方……仅供参考吧……Will the ability of human to thinkdeteriorate as a result of reliance on modern technology? The author The more we human beings depend on the high technology which provides uswith convenience and efficiency, the more possible we will too lazy to think onour However, he fails to fully evaluate this And for one thing, theability to think and use of technology are not mutually In fact, thedevelopment of technology makes more possibilities and more space for humanmind to think and I concede that sometimes technology doesimpair the ability to, for example, compute, as we have calculators andcomputers to do those tedious jobs for And because of the GPS, we do not need to remember theroads home and do not have to think about which route will be shorter And sometimes, when we have trouble or, the first thing come up with isnot to find the answer by thinking, but to click the keyboard and just At the same time, the development oftechnology also provides us with new problems and challenges never And the most compelling example will be In China, there is an ancient mythcalled Changebenyue, a story in which a women named Change eat a kind ofmedicine and then flied to the For ancient Chinese, it is a dream thatthought to be never As a result, no one ever think about how to makeit come However, with the development of astronomy, scientists areintrigued by the outer space, and by years of research and hard work, human arefinally able to fly to the The success of reaching the outerspace raises more attention from all over the world, even themigration to the Mars seems more In order to fulfill these tasks,scientists are working on a lot of problems such as discovering more efficientfuel, lighter materials, and a way to cut down the cost which will make thespace ship affordable for common And after Henry Ford made cars in arevolutionary way, the production line, tones of cars sold every year in the As cars become ubiquitous, theproblems The shortage of As the price of gasoline rises every year, the need to find alternative energy is Nuclear energy, and solar energy cars are under When it comes to alternative energy,nuclear energy must be one of the most potential nuclear energy is infinite。 Yet, it can sometimes turn to ahorrible In addition, the efficiency whichtechnology provides can give us more time to think and focus on those reallymatters rather than And there are numerous examples to In sum, the ability to think will not bedeteriorated by the technology, rather, the convenience and efficiency whichtechnology provides will lead to more time to think and offer us with newproblems and challenges to work


无规矩不成方圆的本意是指没有圆规也就是画圆的工具和思路就画不出圆来,也就是达不到预期的效果。后来规矩引申为做事情的基本办法,僵化的思想。我认为规矩和创新之间是辩证统一的关系 首先规矩是解决问题的基本思路,要创新必须在规矩的举出上进行创新,也就是说规矩是基础,创新是发展。过去大跃进时期我们搞经济认为人有多大胆地有多大产,写几张大字报就能赶英超美,那么创新以下写一张超越外星人的报纸就能走出地球了,显然是不可能的,搞经济的基本方法就是错的。2、创新是在规矩上的发展。举个社会主义市场经济的例子,要解放思想引进国外的先进技能,消化吸收,成为自己的知识。






20世纪90年代末,全球性的学生创业热潮开始波及中国,成千上万的高校学生投身其中。特别是1999年7月,华中科技大学新闻学院在校学生李玲玲在获得武汉世博公司风险投资10万元后,注册创办了武汉天行健科技有限责任公司,她当时成为全国在校大学生获得风险投资的第一人。一、狂热背后是浮躁大学生创业热的始作俑者是1998年5月清华大学的“创业计划竞赛”,大赛云集了清华大学、北京大学、人民大学“天才们”的114份创业计划。“创业计划竞赛”在当时被誉为“比尔·盖茨的孵化计划”,一时间被各大媒体炒作得沸沸扬扬,同时也激起了无数大学生的创业理想,从而在全国范围内掀起了大学生创业风潮。1999年3月,由团中央主办的全国高校首届创业计划竞赛轰轰烈烈地展开;1999年底,高校云集的上海开展了首届“亿唐杯MBA创业计划大赛”;2000年初,国家教育部宣布大学生、研究生可以休学保留学籍创办高新技术企业,这些都无疑为正在涌动的大学生创业热潮起到了推波助澜的作用。(一)把创业简单化。学生几乎到了人人想创业的程度,当时清华大学的情况是“碰到两个人,其中就会有一个人说想要创业”。学生普遍意识不到创业资金的困难和创业风险的压力,反而对创业的期望值很高,觉得只要开张就会马到成功。(二)追逐互联网泡沫。在大大小小各方举办的创业计划大赛上,参赛的大多是网站创业计划。最为突出的是在上海举行的“张江杯”创业计划大赛中,首期征集的创业计划居然有90%以上是网站创业计划书,原因是学生认为“方便、来钱快”。二、挫折过后显理性以2000年4月美国纳斯达克指数大幅下滑为标志,中国大学生创业也滑入低谷。之后,经过失败、苦闷、放弃、坚持的自我调整,经过大浪淘沙般的洗礼,学生的创业心理渐趋成熟,学生创业也进入到平稳健康的理性时期。(一)创业激情依旧。而这种激情已经不是当初那种缺乏理智的激情,而是经过冷静观察与思考后迸发出来的激情,是成熟型的激情。就在2000年年底举办的第二届“挑战杯”中国大学生创业计划竞赛,就收到全国24个省份132所高校学生提交的作品462件,专家们认为“这充分体现了当代大学生强烈的创新意识和对创业的渴望与信心”。 华东师范大学对上海高校540名本科生进行的调查报告显示,有77.6%的学生表示有创业意向。辽宁省近两年来已涌现出2000多人的高校毕业生自主创业群体。看来大学生的创业激情并没有因为经历严冬而消退。(二)创业理性增强。据智联网针对大学生的调查,65%的人考虑30岁以后创业;21%的人认为大学毕业后至少要工作1至2年再创业;9%的人认为创业风险太大,要慎重;还有4%的人说没想清楚,另有1%的人表示无论如何都不考虑创业。这表明,虽然多数人准备创业,但对创业的时机、风险的认识比较清醒。三、在引导中更加成熟大学生创业心理由浮躁变为理性,是非常可贵的变化,我们必须珍惜和保护。因为对大学生创业不能以一时成败论英雄,而是要用辩证发展的观点来分析和看待,今天的失败可能意味着明天更大的成功。可以说,美国硅谷就是和斯坦福大学、学生创业公司以及美国的风险投资公司一起成长的。没有在车库里的学生创业者,也就没有惠普公司、苹果公司和英特尔公司等今天世界著名的高科技公司,也就没有今天世界第一流的斯坦福大学,更没有今天神话般的硅谷。因此,对大学生创业心理的正确引导,是每个高校应尽的职责。(一)引导学生正确认识创业的含义。首先是要引导学生全面理解创业的深刻含义。要使大学生懂得,创业既不是头脑发热的“下海”,也不是普通的专业性比赛或科研设计,其实质是要求学生能结合专业特长,根据市场前景和社会需求开发出自己的创新成果,并把研究成果转化为产品,创造出可观的经济效益,由知识的拥有者变成为社会创造价值、作出贡献的创业者。创业是一种精神,一种意识,更是一种素质;创业不是个人行为,是合作和表率;创业不是牟取私利,是奉献与无私;创业者是坚定的爱国者,是富有激情的实践者,是艰苦创业的实干家。(二)引导学生具备经受挫折的心理承受能力。大量事实表明,许多学生在创业之初,雄心勃勃,往往在实施过程中,因为遇到这样或那样的挫折、这样或那样的困境,而最终灰心败北。在市场竞争日趋激烈的情况下,大学生创业成功与否,不仅取决于是否有强烈的创业意识、娴熟的专业技能和卓越的管理才华,而且在更大程度上取决于其面对挫折、摆脱困境和超越困难的能力。四、结 语理性的创业心理是大学生创业成功的基础,学校要通过引导,使大学生的创业心理更加成熟。我们有理由相信,不远的将来,在社会创业的舞台上,会真正涌现出一批批的大学生创业英雄,会流传一个个大学生创业的传奇故事。



Nowadays, colleges and universities enroll an increasing number of students year after After four years of study, they have to meet more and more rivals in the labor market, usually many of them going home with no work at all,

Should College Graduates Start Their Own Business?  With the competition in the job market becoming increasingly fierce for college graduates, some ambitious students have tried their hands at launching their own Over the years, there have been many successful cases of student entrepreneurship and such attempts should be encouraged and promoted by both the universities and the society at   College students who start businesses are pioneers, among whom will be born China’s future business Faced with unknown challenges, they are audacious enough to embark on a perilous journey while most of their peers enjoy stable salaries by working as white-collars at high-end office Nevertheless, they are the masters of their own destiny and, exposed to many more uncertainties and setbacks, they develop perseverance, stamina and the indomitable spirit that are indispensible to all the great Even if they fail, they are not down; they keep exploring for new business opportunities and work tirelessly until they As people of vision, of individual initiative, of leadership, and of creativity and innovation, they represent the future and the hope of a   Not all college graduates are suitable for undertaking entrepreneurial To launch a business, one needs to have a sound business idea, a viable business plan, the charisma to create a cohesive team where members make concerted efforts for a common objective, effective managerial skills, and above all, the courage to compete against powerful rivals and ultimately to The essential difference between the students who become civic servants in government organizations or employees at leading domestic or multinational companies and those who create their own businesses is that the former are docile followers whereas the latter are aggressive For this reason, business-launching college graduates are more admirable, and thus they command our deep

Shall We Start Their Own Business?With the competition in the job market becoming increasingly fierce graduates, some ambitious students have tried their hands at launching their own Over the years, there have been many successful cases of student entrepreneurship and such attempts should be encouraged and promoted by both the universities and the society at Students who start businesses are pioneers, among whom will be born China’s future business Faced with unknown challenges, they are audacious enough to embark on a perilous journey while most of their peers enjoy stable salaries by working as white-collars at high-end office Nevertheless, they are the masters of their own destiny and, exposed to many more uncertainties and setbacks, they develop perseverance, stamina and the indomitable spirit that are indispensible to all the great Even if they fail, they are not down; they keep exploring for new business opportunities and work tirelessly until they As people of vision, of individual initiative, of leadership, and of creativity and innovation, they represent the future and the hope of a Not all college graduates are suitable for undertaking entrepreneurial To launch a business, one needs to have a sound business idea, a viable business plan, the charisma to create a cohesive team where members make concerted efforts for a common objective, effective managerial skills, and above all, the courage to compete against powerful rivals and ultimately to The essential difference between the students who become civic servants in government organizations or employees at leading domestic or multinational companies and those who create their own businesses is that the former are docile followers whereas the latter are aggressive For this reason, business-launching college graduates are more admirable, and thus they command our deep 我们该不该自己创业对于学生来说,随着就业市场上的竞争日趋白热化,某些雄心勃勃的学生已开始尝试着去自己创业。在过去几年中,已出现了诸多学生创业的成功案例,因此,此类尝试理应获得学校和整个社会的鼓励与推动。那些自己进行创业的学生可被视为先驱,在他们之中,将会诞生中国未来的商界领袖。尽管面对着许多未知的挑战,他们仍无所畏惧地踏上一条充斥着艰难险阻的征程。与此形成对比的是,他们的大多数同龄人却作为白领,在高端写字楼里上班,拿着稳定的薪水。但是,创业的学生才是其命运真正的主人。由于接触到更多的不确定性与挫折,他们形成了锲而不舍、坚忍不拔、顽强不屈的精神,所有这些品质都是杰出企业家所不可或缺的。即使他们失败,他们不会垮掉,他们会不断探索,寻找新的商机,不知疲倦地努力,直至成功。作为一个具有远见卓识、个人进取性、领导力、创造力和创新精神的群体,他们代表着一个国家的未来与希望。并非所有的大学毕业生都适合去从事创业项目。要想创业,必须要有一个好的商业点子,一个可行的商业规划,非凡的个人魅力以形成一个有凝聚力的团队,使团队成员们步调一致地去奋力实现共同的目标,以及有效的管理才华; 尤其是,需要有敢于与最强劲对手展开竞争、并最终取得胜利的勇气。那些成为政府机构里的公务员的学生,或者那些成为本土大企业或跨国公司的雇员的学生,与那些自己进行创业的学生相比,最本质的差别在于,前者是温顺的追随者,而后者则是奋发进取的探路者。正是基于这一原因,创业的大学毕业生们更令人钦佩,也因而赢得了我们深深的敬意。
