

发布时间:2024-07-19 06:39:13




基于数据仿真技术实现航海仪器设备的综合应用研究,这是我的课题题目。题目是关键啊,要是弄不好,后期很难的,我就是,数据根本没法弄。后来还是学长给的莫文网,专业的就是靠谱,很快就帮我弄完了  参考下思路吧;通过局域网编程技术将数据发送至相应的计算机终端,通过串口传给相关的航海导航设备。使其设备能正常的显示相应的符合航海实训要求的数据,有效解决现在航海导航设备不能正常在教学中有效使用的问题。在研究过程中,将要解决通过NMEA0183的数据格式进行分析,数据库管理系统模型和局域网数据传输模型的建立等一系列关键问题。

航海技术专业的毕业论文 去 591论文网上,很多现成的案例。自己摘抄拼一篇。要是怕被测出来就让那里高手替你原创。得花票票的。



航海技术专业的毕业论文 去 591论文网上,很多现成的案例。自己摘抄拼一篇。要是怕被测出来就让那里高手替你原创。得花票票的。



航海过失免责存废论 提要: 本文首先回顾了航海过失免责的历史由来与兴衰经过,特别是《海牙规则》、《维斯比规则》和《汉堡规则》对航海过失是否免责的不同规定,再现了航海过失免责制的历史变迁轨迹。其次运用法学基础理论及法经济学原理,对航海过失免责制对国际航运业的促进作用及不利影响进行了深入的分析和评价,得出了该制度对国际航运业发展有功有过、功大于过的结论。最后根据我国加入WTO后水运业的发展态势,论证了我国内河及沿海货物运输实行航海过失免责的必然性和合理性,即:加入WTO后我国水运服务市场将进一步开放,现行的水运法律双轨制可能成为阻碍国内水运企业竞争的法律镣铐;当公平与效率之间有难以调和的冲突时,相当一段时期内法律制度的设计应更关怀效率与效益;航海过失免责是国际海运的通例,我国应改水运法律双轨制为水运法律一元制,即修改《海商法》第二条第二款的规定,内河和沿海货物运输实行航海过失免责制。文章还认为,航海过失免责制度的废改,应在航运生产力极大提高之后才予考虑。 关键词:航海过失 免责 公平 效率 全文约7600字。 航海过失免责是指因船长、船员、引航员和承运人的其他雇佣人员在驾驶和管理船舶中的疏忽、过失或未履行运输合同而造成的货损,承运人免于承担赔偿责任。我国《海商法》第51条第(一)项明确了承运人的航海过失免责权,而《合同法》第311条则不允许承运人因航海过失而免责。航海过失免责是这样一种制度:承运人及货物保险人极力推崇它,托运人及收货人竭力反对它;《海商法》彰扬它,《合同法》废弃它。那么,如何正确对待航海过失免责,就是《合同法》生效后海事审判所必须直面的一个问题,而我国业已加入WTO的现实使这一问题显得更为紧迫。本文通过对航海过失免责制度的历史回顾,论述其功过得失,并对其存废取舍作一学术的思考。 _htm

基于数据仿真技术实现航海仪器设备的综合应用研究,这是我的课题题目。题目是关键啊,要是弄不好,后期很难的,我就是,数据根本没法弄。后来还是学长给的莫文网,专业的就是靠谱,很快就帮我弄完了  参考下思路吧;通过局域网编程技术将数据发送至相应的计算机终端,通过串口传给相关的航海导航设备。使其设备能正常的显示相应的符合航海实训要求的数据,有效解决现在航海导航设备不能正常在教学中有效使用的问题。在研究过程中,将要解决通过NMEA0183的数据格式进行分析,数据库管理系统模型和局域网数据传输模型的建立等一系列关键问题。

航海技术专业的毕业论文 去 591论文网上,很多现成的案例。自己摘抄拼一篇。要是怕被测出来就让那里高手替你原创。得花票票的。


Shanghai is one of the largest cities in China and it is also the business and financial center of our The Huangpu River flows through the There are many new constructions and buildings in the Pudong district including the famous Oriental Jewel T There are many great shops and stores along the Nanjing Road, the main commecial road in the Millions of tourists and business people come to the city every day and enjoy Shanghai's food, scenery, and

Shanghai is an international city ,which has attracted so many foreigners from all over the There are many beautiful places such as the oriental pearl TV tower, Huangpu River and so Of these places of interest, the oriental pearl TV tower is so attractive that none has left Shanghai without visiting it It is so tall that all the visitors have to go upstairs by The view from the top of the tower is very grand especially at night Besides this ,enjoying the beautiful view on a ship by the Huangpu River is very exciting The beautiful lights from the tall buildings along the river make the river a so beautiful During the river tour we can also see the outer part of the oriental pearl TV Also there is much delicous food, such as Nanxiang small steamed bun ,pan-fried steamed bun and so Thedelicious food make many visitors mouth water All in all ,Shanghai is a place worth visiting many

Shanghai is a beautiful 上海是个漂亮的城市There are many tall buildings in Shanghai and the air in Shanghai is fresh and there are many green trees and flowers, birds are singing 上海有很多高楼大厦,鸟语花香 Shanghai is a big international city, many people come from different places and countries are doing business here, 上海是国际化城市很多来自世界各地的人都来上海做生意Shanghai people are very nice and 上海人很友好

The recent exposure of some rude behaviors and misconducts of some Shanghai citizens gave rise to people’s concern over the issue on how to better the image of Shanghai, a world-renowned As far as I am concerned, Shanghai citizens should have the qualities of observing the rules in public, tolerance and understanding to live up to a modern Shanghai To start with, observing the rules in pubic is the best embodiment of civilization in any Shanghai municipal government urges its citizens to keep to Seven Don’ These measures, if taken effectively, can not only contribute to our better environment but also bring improvement to Further more, being tolerant is called for to be educated While waiting for the bus or in the cinema and etc, people are frequently bothered by either long queues or If one is tolerant enough, hecan contain himself, thus reducing chaos to the Last but not least, trying tounderstand people around you is the pre-condition of a loving and caring Be empathetic while others are in trouble, by offering a helping Keeping the above three points in mind will surely help make Shanghai a better place to


金融危机与航海教育”笔谈 中文摘要】 受到全球金融危机的影响,国际贸易减少,航运业也面临前所未有的寒冬,进而对船员的需求也相应放缓。加之近年来由于国际船员市场的火爆,大量资金注入船员培训市场,新成立了很多船员培训学校,原来的各大航海类院校也扩大招生规模,船员培养量大幅增加。在航运不景气的情况下,船东对船舶安全将会更加重视,对高素质的船员需求将更迫切,高素质的船员需求将依然紧张,而综合素质不高的船员将被淘汰。航海教育如何应对不断扩散的金融危机,是亟待深入探讨的课题。为此本刊特约航海教育界资深专家,以笔谈的形式就此问题发表真知灼见。【中文关键词】 金融危机; 航海教育; 船员; 航运市场

