

发布时间:2024-07-18 01:43:34




“好球!加油!”场上的喝彩声连绵不断同学们都包围在周围,人山人海,摩肩接踵到底是什么事这么吸引同学们呢?哦,原来是今天我班要和(2)班进行一场篮球比赛,到底谁会在比赛中脱颖而出呢?比赛开始了,裁判老师“嘟”的一声吹响哨子,裁判老师把球高高抛起,双方争球的队员向上一跃,激烈的篮球争夺赛开始了我们班队员上场是出师不利,根本抢不到球我们大家都为他们捏一把汗在这强手如林的赛场上,队员们并没有丝毫惧怕之感而是不甘示弱,奋力“拼杀”渐渐扭转了局面,大家都进入了状态,发挥出了水平!只见潘吉迅速抢过对方的球,然后旋风般的转身,把球投向篮筐眼看那球轻轻的擦拭了一下篮筐,又掉落在地了“唉……”同学们都为此感到可惜高个子曾超马上大步流星接住了球,拍了几下,冲到篮筐下,跃起—台臀—压腕,刷!好一个“空心球”!下面出场的是杜杰,别看他个子小,这可是他的优势所在他可以自如地在赛场穿梭瞧!他一下就抢过球,正准备投篮却被几个高个子对手挡住了去路,左躲右闪杜杰机智地做了个假动作,使对方扑了个空他双手把球举起,凌空而跃,只见篮球不上不下,不左不右地向篮筐飞去大家都屏住呼吸,睁大眼睛注视着篮球那球就沿着弧线乖乖的“钻”进篮筐“嘿,好球啊!”同学们高兴的合不笼嘴“加油,加油”场上又发出了一片呐喊助威声队员们越打越又劲,最后通过他们努力赢得了比赛整个操场沸腾起来,一片雷鸣般的掌声和喝彩声再次在校园中回荡you are best!


高中的英语教材上有关于大姚的文章呀 可以合理利用一下噻~~

The main content of my speech is a team, this team is well-known US national basketball team is that the people have called the Dream Team, Dream Team first appearance in the 25th Olympic Games, of course, Dream Team with the emergence of thanks to the help of FIBA 1989, FIBA changes to the original entry rules to allow players to participate in the first international basketball Therefore, the United States Basketball immediately from the NBA in the recruitment of a lot of good players, formed a new US national team, such as Jordan, Bird, Johnson, Drexler, Patrick Ewing, Pippen, Malone , Stockton, Robinson, Barkley, and so The group stage, they have defeated Angola Croatia Germany, Brazil and Spain, also in the knockout in Lithuania beat Puerto Rico, they encountered in the finals of C Eight games, the dream of an averaged 3 points per game Kuangzhuan opponents 8 This is the history of the Olympic basketball These games no shock to the basketball fans throughout the But the Dream Team miracle in the 28th by the end of the Athens Olympics, USA Basketball this session because of security problems have a lot of big-name players did not go to, so that the Olympic Games in the United States in the first three teams Jinhuo, however, Beijing Olympic Games, mvp Kobe Bryant, led the gradual maturity of James, Anthony, Paul, the US team once again stand on the highest podium of the Olympic Games, they proved that they are the real king, the Dream Team will wish Will bring us more exciting

yinggaiba:I suggest that you were discussed from three directions, basic basketball (high school), the recreational exercise habits, university basketball, society (including the NBA basketball goal from three aspects, I know of American primary and high school basketball culture (for), it is mainly engaged in the activities of public recreational exercise, it is a project and baseball, football, hockey, etc, it is the main US special one They (four categories of movement) due to cultivate teenagers teamwork spirit and upwards to wait, also can let teenagers to make more friends here, of course, also including theexercise strong body, so many parents, many people engaged in sports is encouraged, The traditional Chinese scholars and the so-called "" there is a big In Chinese, valuing literature while ignoring and in the book the gold room, in the book YanRuYu etc, encouraging adolescents reading this is the first extreme The best example, you can see many American or European basketball game, they are in many ways to "family" stranger, participate in the competition of teenagers learn get along with people, that is, the family of the College basketball or society (including the NBA basketball in the United States, it is a combination of local culture, the special region culture, and the part of the current Chinese territory, but some CBA, Chinese university basketball and American different, Many times, either China or Taiwan university basketball education competent "authority" shall not handle a competition, it is China and Taiwan university basketball) has many places, actually is to match the tenet to match, it is written, "just" impressive-looking, so far, I CaiShuXueJian, so, I really don't see those special cultural The university in Taiwan, a level of basketball game, you can't see many of the so-called "young man," I see hussle playes is 3/5 above oh, Young people like to watch American university basketball, but you need to 2 or 3 university in the game to However, you will find that, in the second tier university in Taiwan, except the win-loss, you may see a culture breath; any It refers to the college basketball (Taiwan) is basically university in the United States, and, what with rooters' home, school, alumni, local special cultural activity, etc, and is completely And if so, China, and I will not!

不是吧 高难度哦 全英文的? 要多少字的?


Xiao Ming and Chen played a basketball game yesterday, I went to watch basketball Xiao Ming cast out, dribbling, Chen also don't fiddle, throwing the ball out, did not result Xiao Ming won the basketball game, danced for joy, Chen was All of us to comfort The basketball game yesterday's exciting! 小明和小陈昨天打了一场篮球比赛,我去观看。小明运球投了出去,真准,进了。小陈也不甘示弱,把球投了出去,结果没有进。小明赢了篮球比赛,高兴得手舞足蹈,小陈却哭了。我们大家都安慰他。昨天的篮球比赛真刺激!

On your own

不是吧 高难度哦 全英文的? 要多少字的?

短篇英语作文:篮球赛 The Basketball Game 「篮球赛」 The game was scheduled to start at start at eight o'clock on Friday Long before that, people began to arrive at the By seven-thirty the seats were almost The school band was there; they wore yellow and black They started to play at about a quarter to Everybody stood up, and the people The game was about to Two teams ran out to the The referee blew his whistle, and the game A basketball game is divided into two halves, and each half is divided into two There is a rest period between the During the first five minutes of the second half, the score was From then on, the game was very First one team made a basket, then the The people cheered, and everybody was wondering which team was going to The ball hit the rim of the basket and seemed to hang there for a moment, and then it fell through the The whistle blew and the game was Home team won, 70 to 今天下午我们学校有一场篮球赛,是5年级3班和6班的比赛,他们是我们学校最好的球队。球赛开始后,两队都打得很积极。只见球迅速地从一个人手中传到另一个人手中。真是一场精彩的比赛。最后,6班赢了,3班衷心地向他们表示祝贺。他们真正体现了“友谊第一,比赛第二”的体育精神。 There was a basketball game in our school this It was between Class 3 and Class 6 of Grade They are the best teams in our When the game started, both of them played I could only see the ball passed quickly from one to It was really a wonderful At last Class 6 won the first prize and Class 3 congratulated them They really embodied the sports spirit of "friendship first, competition second" 回答者: 如意小子 - 千总 四级 2008-11-13 20:50 短篇英语作文:篮球赛 The Basketball Game 「篮球赛」 The game was scheduled to start at start at eight o'clock on Friday Long before that, people began to arrive at the By seven-thirty the seats were almost The school band was there; they wore yellow and black They started to play at about a quarter to Everybody stood up, and the people The game was about to Two teams ran out to the The referee blew his whistle, and the game A basketball game is divided into two halves, and each half is divided into two There is a rest period between the During the first five minutes of the second half, the score was From then on, the game was very First one team made a basket, then the The people cheered, and everybody was wondering which team was going to The ball hit the rim of the basket and seemed to hang there for a moment, and then it fell through the The whistle blew and the game was Home team won, 70 to There was a basketball game in our school this It was between Class 3 and Class 6 of Grade They are the best teams in our When the game started, both of them played I could only see the ball passed quickly from one to It was really a wonderful At last Class 6 won the first prize and Class 3 congratulated them They really embodied the sports spirit of "friendship first, competition second"



一年一度的篮球比赛拉开了帷幕,为了报上一届第一轮被淘汰的一箭之仇,所有队员都鼓足了劲儿,努力训练,就是希望让别的班俯首称臣,完成我们最后一学期的梦想。 在六(6)班与本班啦啦队的欢呼声中双方队员上场了,一眼瞧去,对方球员人高马大,看来嬴球不能靠身体,而是要靠本身的基本功与技术了。 只听“嘟”的一声哨响,球已被扔向空中,早已准备好了的我方队员吴枫纵身一跃,伸出巨掌,奋力一击,球不偏不倚正好落到在刘家辉的手里。他四周巡视了一番,便快速运球,跑过中场线,我的站位方向正好有一个空裆,刘家辉瞅准时机传到我的手中,本人接球,马上启动,到了篮下。对方球员见事不妙,飞快赶来扑防。我的球已出手,可对方球员刹不住车,还是与我撞了个满怀,我爬在地方,目不转盯地盯着球,只见篮球故意想和我作对似的,在篮筐上弹了几下,才慢慢掉了进去。我跃起身来,大声叫着,挥舞着拳头。本班啦啦队也十分兴奋,他们大声为我们加油,挥动着自己做的彩旗。这是,对方发球,但他们没有戒备我班突袭之招,球还没拿稳,就被我一把抓走,传给了刘家辉,刘不管三七二十一,接球就投,球从空中划过一道美丽的弧线,进了!全场又一次沸腾了… … 第二节由女生来打,大家手感很热,连中几元,完成了任务。 第三节,刘家辉有如神助,投一个进一个,使本班扩大了领先优势。 最后一节,为了保存战果,我们采用了拖延战术,但不想防守有误,被对方连进几球,在最后的十几秒里把差距缩小到一球,“老奸巨滑”的刘老师赶紧叫了暂停,换上了个子很高有防守优势的“泰山”——严明明。严明明得球之后,为了不让对方抢到球,他干脆将球抱在怀里,结果,时间太长,又送给6班一个界外球。全场都寂静了下来,等待最后的结果。球传出去了,得到球的对方球员马上投篮,“咚——”,球打在篮板上弹了回去。“嘟——”全场结束的哨声响起。希望能帮到你,望采纳。


一年一度的篮球比赛开始了虽没有高中的激情~没有流畅的进攻~没有漂亮的配合~ 不过还是很有乐趣的~要好好去享受这种乐趣~ 文章开头您得说出来最后结果吧——XX比XXA队获胜!纵观全场:A队[B队]占尽上风或比赛很精彩双方比分胶着上升[分情况了要]我们来看一下技术统计:主要是得分抢断篮板帽 然后讲讲有突出表现的某某人,表现令人失望的某某人。。。云云 然后自己的观点提出来就OVER啦! 噢这样啊,那好我给你抄一份来你当例子侃侃对你有用没有 为了使大一新生摆脱大一生活的枯燥,使同学们更快适应大学生活。我院举行了篮球比赛。 各专业代表队奋力拼搏,比赛精彩激烈同学们不愧为各高校精英,在比赛中当仁不让高潮此起彼伏动人心弦,观看比赛的同学们也在场外和比赛队员一样紧张卖力,加油鼓劲的呐喊一阵高过一阵,使比赛更为精彩。 通过比赛,一,丰富课余生活,同时给予大一新生热衷于篮球的同学一个展示自我的机会,让他们在自己所热爱的空间里自由发挥,在自己的天地中亮翅。二,促进各班的理解,使他们认识激烈竞争的存在,与团结合作的精神,促使他们在以后的学习中团结合作,与“敌”争锋的竞争意思和团结意识。通过比赛,胜者得到荣誉而失败的一方也可以得到教训。突然想起一句话;失败了,爬起来这就是成功!


“好球!加油!”场上的喝彩声连绵不断同学们都包围在周围,人山人海,摩肩接踵到底是什么事这么吸引同学们呢?哦,原来是今天我班要和(2)班进行一场篮球比赛,到底谁会在比赛中脱颖而出呢?比赛开始了,裁判老师“嘟”的一声吹响哨子,裁判老师把球高高抛起,双方争球的队员向上一跃,激烈的篮球争夺赛开始了我们班队员上场是出师不利,根本抢不到球我们大家都为他们捏一把汗在这强手如林的赛场上,队员们并没有丝毫惧怕之感而是不甘示弱,奋力“拼杀”渐渐扭转了局面,大家都进入了状态,发挥出了水平!只见潘吉迅速抢过对方的球,然后旋风般的转身,把球投向篮筐眼看那球轻轻的擦拭了一下篮筐,又掉落在地了“唉……”同学们都为此感到可惜高个子曾超马上大步流星接住了球,拍了几下,冲到篮筐下,跃起—台臀—压腕,刷!好一个“空心球”!下面出场的是杜杰,别看他个子小,这可是他的优势所在他可以自如地在赛场穿梭瞧!他一下就抢过球,正准备投篮却被几个高个子对手挡住了去路,左躲右闪杜杰机智地做了个假动作,使对方扑了个空他双手把球举起,凌空而跃,只见篮球不上不下,不左不右地向篮筐飞去大家都屏住呼吸,睁大眼睛注视着篮球那球就沿着弧线乖乖的“钻”进篮筐“嘿,好球啊!”同学们高兴的合不笼嘴“加油,加油”场上又发出了一片呐喊助威声队员们越打越又劲,最后通过他们努力赢得了比赛整个操场沸腾起来,一片雷鸣般的掌声和喝彩声再次在校园中回荡you are best!

