

发布时间:2024-07-07 04:37:16


语法修改 qq 804989982修改过很多作业论文。 最后一段混乱得很,暂时没动。所有余下部分以后发到邮箱。 Introduction Brilliant paint company is a Singaporean ships paint manufacturer, the rapid growth of which is created by three young people who have received western Tan, the sales manager , has made the highest record of sales overseas, in which most paint pin to Australia and New Z To achieve this goal, Tan first presented seven pieces of information to some potential customers, and at the same time he sent the appointment letter and then call at every Afterwards, Tan selected the best company, negotiated with them, and reached a distribution The whole process took roughly four months , while the amount of the sales volume came out more than According to the successful cases in Australia and New Zealand, the company decided to make an entry to the market in Pacific After an investigation, the company thinks China Taiwan is one of the important target High demand and less market competition are the most important reasons why they made the The company decided to set a point of local distribution in the same way they had done the business in Australia and New Zealand to sell their The company collected much contract information about Taiwan paint importers, agents, representative offices and all the Then they sent the product information and leaflets to them, including agent matters which they agreed to discuss as soon as However , six weeks later, there were no At first, the company thought that was because of the language problems, for Taiwanese maybe could not adapt to English So the company sent a second batch email in C Two months passed again, still, no distributors responded to What was the reason why Taiwan's distributors gave no reply?Cultural communication with different countries in the trade is more obvious, and this case is a In some western countries, the business can take place at a more equal, more casual communication with both But in traditional culture of Confucianism dominated east Asia region,using this way of sale is it won't This will let buyers think is no "face",they want to set up a special relationship may like to talk about business face to face,not through the email since they decided to buy


The structure and working principle of matrix keyboard were,这里用复数were,and加the matrix keyboard

Title: On the junior high school Fun Learning English 改为 Discussion on English class fun teaching in Junior high quirement--he urgent need for English class fun teaching, and the core are--the urgent need and the core for English class fun teaching unication, harmonious --communication and joyable the classroom --enjoyable 在Using--using ,optimization 前加and "A study of English learning" in order to adapt to the new situation and the needs of development for the 21st century to train more useful talents will adapt to the new development in the discipline of English is especially important, but students and very difficult to learn it,so I am from the local the actual situation, problems and improve a few exploratory suggestions to help students learn E 这段改为: In order to adapt to the new situation and the needs to train more useful talents for the 21st century ,"A study of English learning"is especially important in the discipline of EBut it's very difficult for students to master it, so, from the local reality/actual situation and the existing problems, I put forward/come up with a few exploratory suggestions to help students learn English first后面,stimulate前要加一个“5”要改为fifth


英文论文写作中的语法问题Grammatical problems in English Writing

abb、Every noble work is at first

bTrue mastery of any skill takes a ,








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(1)单击【工具】菜单中的【选项】菜单项,在弹出的【选择】对话框中选择【拼写和语法】选项卡。 (2)在【拼写】选项组中选中【键入时检查拼写】复选框,在【语法】选项组中选中【键入时检查语法】。 (3)清除【拼写】选项组中的【隐藏文档中的拼写错误】复选框和【语法】选项组中的【隐藏文档中的语法错误】复选框。 (4)单击【确定】按钮。求采纳


as a spacetraveler, Bliss

