

发布时间:2024-07-20 12:27:05


In recent years, with the "people-oriented" design concept of the proposed residential comfort people have become increasingly demanding, building energy consumption also will 据统计,目前我国建筑能耗约占国民经济总能耗的25%左右,且呈上升趋势。 According to statistics, China's national economy, building energy consumption accounts for about 25% of the total energy consumption, and on the 另一方面,随着建筑能耗的增加和大量空调设备的安装,“城市热岛效应”日益严重,使环境日益恶化。 On the other hand, with the increase in building energy consumption and large air-conditioning installation, "urban heat island effect" is worsening, deteriorating the 我国建筑节能的重点应为:建筑本体的节能、采暖系统节能、提高照明和其他电器的效率、大型公共建筑节能。 China's building energy efficiency should focus on are: ontology building energy-saving, energy-saving heating system, improve the efficiency of lighting and other electrical appliances, large public building energy 随着科学技术的日新月异,能源短缺已不容忽视,节约能源已受到世界性的普遍关注,在我国亦不例外。 With the ever-changing science and technology, energy shortage has not be ignored, a worldwide energy conservation has been widespread concern in China is no 目前,全世界有近30%的能源消耗在建筑物上,长此以往,将严重影响世界经济的可持续发展。 At present, nearly 30% of the world's energy consumption in buildings, the long run, it will seriously affect the world economy and sustainable 因此,能源问题将成为本世纪的热门话题。 Therefore, the energy issue will become a hot topic in this 本文着重讲的是现有建筑节能存在的问题、解决方法与未来的发展方向。 This article focuses on talking about the existing building energy problems, solutions and future direction of

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到google, 键入关键词(当然是英文的了)。好多好多好多。。。。。。


In recent years, with the "people-oriented" design concept of the proposed residential comfort people have become increasingly demanding, building energy consumption also will 据统计,目前我国建筑能耗约占国民经济总能耗的25%左右,且呈上升趋势。 According to statistics, China's national economy, building energy consumption accounts for about 25% of the total energy consumption, and on the 另一方面,随着建筑能耗的增加和大量空调设备的安装,“城市热岛效应”日益严重,使环境日益恶化。 On the other hand, with the increase in building energy consumption and large air-conditioning installation, "urban heat island effect" is worsening, deteriorating the 我国建筑节能的重点应为:建筑本体的节能、采暖系统节能、提高照明和其他电器的效率、大型公共建筑节能。 China's building energy efficiency should focus on are: ontology building energy-saving, energy-saving heating system, improve the efficiency of lighting and other electrical appliances, large public building energy 随着科学技术的日新月异,能源短缺已不容忽视,节约能源已受到世界性的普遍关注,在我国亦不例外。 With the ever-changing science and technology, energy shortage has not be ignored, a worldwide energy conservation has been widespread concern in China is no 目前,全世界有近30%的能源消耗在建筑物上,长此以往,将严重影响世界经济的可持续发展。 At present, nearly 30% of the world's energy consumption in buildings, the long run, it will seriously affect the world economy and sustainable 因此,能源问题将成为本世纪的热门话题。 Therefore, the energy issue will become a hot topic in this 本文着重讲的是现有建筑节能存在的问题、解决方法与未来的发展方向。 This article focuses on talking about the existing building energy problems, solutions and future direction of

New building standards adopted to save energy --------------------------------------------------------------------------------Source: C 2005-03-11 11:26:44China's new Design Standards for Energy-efficient Public Construction (DSEEPC) will take effect on a limited basis in the first half of this Large cities like Beijing, Shanghai, Shenzhen and Chengdu have been selected to implement the standards on a trial Energy optimization is emphasized in every aspect of the new standards, including design, materials, heating and air conditioning and Land and water utilization, as well as environmental protection, are also "The most economical way to save energy is by developing energy-efficient structures," said Zhao Jian, director of the Planning Department of the Tianjin Construction Administration C Floor space has been increasing on an average of 2 billion square meters per year, with more than 80 percent of the new buildings energy The trend pours salt on the wounds of the 95 percent of the existing 40 billion square meters of energy-inefficient For example, more than 70 percent of the residential and commercial buildings in China are made of solid clay bricks, despite their notoriously poor insulation Energy consumption in these structures runs two to three times that of most of their counterparts in developed "Inefficient heaters and air conditioners are also large energy consumers, accounting for 55 percent of the energy used in all structures in China," said general engineer Lang Siwei of the Chinese Academy of Building R "More electricity is used in residential and commercial buildings than by industry in some " China issued the Design Standards for Energy-efficient Civil Construction in 1995, requiring that all new buildings cut energy costs by up to 50 percent starting July 1, However, by the end of 2000, a mere 5 percent of all new construction had met the Half of those buildings were in B Vice Minister of Construction Qiu Baoxing announced at a press conference last week that more than one-third of new buildings will be required to meet the standards and cut energy consumption by up to 50 percent by By 2020, all the new buildings will be expected to reduce energy use by 65 The ministry will intensify supervision over the construction process, including permits, design, inspections, approval and "Energy efficiency only raises the cost of construction 5 to 7 percent," said Q "That can be made up within 5 to 8 " To speed advances in this regard, the country is boosting cooperation with foreign companies to promote the development of "green" building For example, on Wednesday the Ministry of Construction signed an agreement with American Standard, a leading US maker of kitchen and bath fixtures and air conditioning American Standard is helping China to launch an award for the best green buildings in the country, Qiu said at the signing The government is also considering offering tax incentives to developers who use energy-efficient Meanwhile, Qiu said, China is considering canceling welfare heating For decades, urban residents employed by the state lived in apartments belonging to their work units, which paid heating fees during the The system encourages waste: if a room is hot, most users open a window rather than turn off the heating, because they don't feel the pinch in their "People will try to save energy if they must pay themselves for what they use," noted Liu Min, a senior researcher with Gansu Academy of Social Sciences in northwest C By 2020, energy consumption is forecast to triple to 1 billion tons of coal -- China's primary fuel -- if conservation is not promoted and At that level, China will be the biggest contributor to carbon dioxide emissions in the 中文的话到网上去翻译一下就可以了

summary(摘要) pivotal word 或key word(关键词y ecomomy( 节能) afforestation(绿化) roof, housetop,rooftop, rooftree(屋顶)谢谢你的提问!!

abstractkeyword(s)energy preservationafforestingroof是在做城市规划或者环保方面的论文吧?


摘要 abstract关键词 key words节能 energy saving绿化 ?屋顶 roof top

New building standards adopted to save energy --------------------------------------------------------------------------------Source: C 2005-03-11 11:26:44China's new Design Standards for Energy-efficient Public Construction (DSEEPC) will take effect on a limited basis in the first half of this Large cities like Beijing, Shanghai, Shenzhen and Chengdu have been selected to implement the standards on a trial Energy optimization is emphasized in every aspect of the new standards, including design, materials, heating and air conditioning and Land and water utilization, as well as environmental protection, are also "The most economical way to save energy is by developing energy-efficient structures," said Zhao Jian, director of the Planning Department of the Tianjin Construction Administration C Floor space has been increasing on an average of 2 billion square meters per year, with more than 80 percent of the new buildings energy The trend pours salt on the wounds of the 95 percent of the existing 40 billion square meters of energy-inefficient For example, more than 70 percent of the residential and commercial buildings in China are made of solid clay bricks, despite their notoriously poor insulation Energy consumption in these structures runs two to three times that of most of their counterparts in developed "Inefficient heaters and air conditioners are also large energy consumers, accounting for 55 percent of the energy used in all structures in China," said general engineer Lang Siwei of the Chinese Academy of Building R "More electricity is used in residential and commercial buildings than by industry in some " China issued the Design Standards for Energy-efficient Civil Construction in 1995, requiring that all new buildings cut energy costs by up to 50 percent starting July 1, However, by the end of 2000, a mere 5 percent of all new construction had met the Half of those buildings were in B Vice Minister of Construction Qiu Baoxing announced at a press conference last week that more than one-third of new buildings will be required to meet the standards and cut energy consumption by up to 50 percent by By 2020, all the new buildings will be expected to reduce energy use by 65 The ministry will intensify supervision over the construction process, including permits, design, inspections, approval and "Energy efficiency only raises the cost of construction 5 to 7 percent," said Q "That can be made up within 5 to 8 " To speed advances in this regard, the country is boosting cooperation with foreign companies to promote the development of "green" building For example, on Wednesday the Ministry of Construction signed an agreement with American Standard, a leading US maker of kitchen and bath fixtures and air conditioning American Standard is helping China to launch an award for the best green buildings in the country, Qiu said at the signing The government is also considering offering tax incentives to developers who use energy-efficient Meanwhile, Qiu said, China is considering canceling welfare heating For decades, urban residents employed by the state lived in apartments belonging to their work units, which paid heating fees during the The system encourages waste: if a room is hot, most users open a window rather than turn off the heating, because they don't feel the pinch in their "People will try to save energy if they must pay themselves for what they use," noted Liu Min, a senior researcher with Gansu Academy of Social Sciences in northwest C By 2020, energy consumption is forecast to triple to 1 billion tons of coal -- China's primary fuel -- if conservation is not promoted and At that level, China will be the biggest contributor to carbon dioxide emissions in the 中文的话到网上去翻译一下就可以了

key energy verdurization / rooftop

摘要abstract关键词 key word(s)节能 energy saving 或者energy conservation绿化greening或者planting 环境绿化就是environmental greening 屋顶 roofpivotal word 有关键词这个用法吗?疑惑


Yin Tong Technology Company L Our policy and vision on environment Brief introduction to the Product Combination among indoors or outdoors wall, our product and external paints, wallpapers or Breakdown on YT insulation Six excellent Product Regions suitable for the use of our Complete sale Practical Our policy is to let our products keep our buildings, houses, rooms warm in winter and cool in Our vision is to apply our policy to lessen global energy consumption from electricity for heaters and air conditioners; and to lower global warming to benefit the world and our next Yin Tong Technology Co Limited (e-mail address: and e letter box: ) manages and operates in accordance with the standard of our national strict company management of professional technology and ISO We have obtained a lot of National Commendations and provincial Certificates including Commendation on National technology results extremely worthy of recommendation to use, National self-developed excellent insulation material, The Company situates at a location convenient for transportation and It has been established since Its factory occupies 38600 sq meters, with some 3000 employees, equipped with modern production It is It produces and sells environmentally friendly wall insulation material suitable for all kinds of weather conditions and climate, warm, hot, cold or Our products are called Types YT-A, TY-B and YT-C series to be able to keep warm in winter and cool in Different types fit different regions with different 1 Functional referenceLegend on combination among wall, the product and paints or tilesFigure 1 Figure 2 Our products are made mainly of light, heat-resistant and inorganic Product appearance Package modeBreakdown on "YT" insulation products Table A Item Description Unit Type TY-A TY-B TY-C 1 Thermal conductivity coefficient W/(MK) 036-060 054-073 060-080 2 Thermal storage coefficient W/(MK) 35 65 66 3 Strength of adhesion Mpa ≥1 ≥1 ≥1 4 Regions suitable for the use N/A Cold Hot in summer,cold in winter Hot in summer,warm in winter Table B Item Description Unit Nationalstandard Our standard Test result Remark1 Density w/ water Kg/m3 - 680 611 Pass2 Density w/o water Kg/m3 - 560 453 Pass3 Thermal storage coefficient W/(MK) - 35 65Pass4 Strength of anti pressure kpa ≥200 ≥300 355 Pass5 Strength of adhesion kpa ≥100 ≥150 629 Pass6 Thermal conductivity coefficient W/(MK) ≤06 ≤059 054 Pass7 Rate of linear contraction % ≤3 ≤3 1 Pass8 Softness coefficient - ≥5 ≥5 55 Pass9 Classification of fire resistance - General fire resistance Non- flammability High nonflammabiltiy Pass10 Scopes of resistance to change of weather a) 80 times recycles of heating up to high temperature and b) 25 times recycles of heating up and cool No separation between wall and the products, no bubbles, no peel-off, no in-between hollow, no cracks, anti crash up to 10J and strength of adhesion up to 61Mpa Pass4 The company’s contribution to energy saving in building is by means of our advanced technology with safety and being environmental Our company is responsible for research, production and sale of the We use international and our own technology for the adhesion and compatibility of our product with wall, tiles and We produce the series by own Such technology results in our products’ keeping warm, excellent heat insulation, fire resistance, vibration resistance, light weight, sound proof, crack resistance, peeling-off resistance and no separation between wall and the The mixture of all these features can reduce 50% to 65 % of energy consumption of indoors heaters or air conditioners (For calculation of real energy reduction figures, please ask our company), satisfying or even exceeding our national In comparison with outdoors temperature, our products are, in winter, capable of raising room temperature by 6 - 10 degree C In summer, it can lower room temperature by 6 – 8 degree C Additionally, lower prices as well as easy and simple operation flow related to own products is also our superiority in the Due to the above-stated advantage, our products are always receiving true and high 4 Why are our products better than others?1 Better heat resistanceIt is because our products are of high density, strong strength but small figure of heat transmission With these features, our products have surely better effect of keeping warm in winter and cool in summer as well as saving energy and 2 Safety, fire prevention and resistance to change of weather and climateOur products are classified as Grade A fire-resistant material, excellently able to withstand heat attack at more than 1000 degree C Floor, ceiling and walls of corridors glued thickly with our products can stop fire from rooms to some extent for a period of long The coefficient of our products’ cubical expansion is nearly the same as that of wall materials, for example: Therefore, the products on wall form flexibility, non-cracks because of weather change, strong adhesiveness, no in-between hollow, firm bonding, the enduring of continuous clash, no separation between wall and our products and countering peeling-3 Comfortable living environment We produces with the raw materials without poison, odor and non-harmful to Our products, the insulation coating on wall, roof, room screen, have an ability to breathe through numerous pores on the coating, making persons in room healthy and feeling comfortable and 4 Simple handling and easy gluingOur products can be used to directly coat on walls, after our products are mixed with nothing other than fresh The coating needs to be flattened and smoothen only It does not require further to be watered on the Our products are naturally white, which facilitates decoration with paints, tiles or even wallpapers (if indoors)5 Excellent quality and lower pricesOur target is to make our products achieve the integration concept on building design and building technology by means of reducing giant construction cost under construction, maintenance cost and building energy consumption at the rear of building Our goodwill is to apply our company ‘s advanced equipment, technology and complicated production flow to generate the products which our end users handle easily, quickly and Besides, our product series is much cheaper by 10% to 20% than other similar products in the market while our products’ quality is much better than them, which is proved by many construction reports and famous structural 5 Norm of product functionsAll the function of our products is set in accordance with our own strict stipulation Q/YTQ 004- It satisfies or even exceeds our national requirements of construction insulation mud, GB/T 20473-2006 and GB50411-6 Suitable geographical regionsWe understand that the fitness is the The different types of our product suit different regions with walls of different bricks and different weather as well as Our products can be laid on old and new roofs, walls, brick, sandy bricks, in warm, hot, cold and coldest 7 Complete sale 1 Before saleWe provide to potential customers the detailed information on our products, business formalities and technology on how to deal with the We may guide potential customers to watch our products already pasted on existing buildings 2 Support service According to individual customers’ request, we provide solutions to their design and technology As for operation, our company is absolutely willing to train and even appoint our technicians to instruct end users, unskilled workers to apply the Further to logistics, we can convey customer-ordered products from our factory to customers’ site under customer’s 3 After-sale serviceWe will regularly visit customer’s sites under operation and at the completion of construction, and listen to their By the consolidation of the information above, we shall improve our products and service continuously, if

到google, 键入关键词(当然是英文的了)。好多好多好多。。。。。。

In recent years, with the "people-oriented" design concept of the proposed residential comfort people have become increasingly demanding, building energy consumption also will 据统计,目前我国建筑能耗约占国民经济总能耗的25%左右,且呈上升趋势。 According to statistics, China's national economy, building energy consumption accounts for about 25% of the total energy consumption, and on the 另一方面,随着建筑能耗的增加和大量空调设备的安装,“城市热岛效应”日益严重,使环境日益恶化。 On the other hand, with the increase in building energy consumption and large air-conditioning installation, "urban heat island effect" is worsening, deteriorating the 我国建筑节能的重点应为:建筑本体的节能、采暖系统节能、提高照明和其他电器的效率、大型公共建筑节能。 China's building energy efficiency should focus on are: ontology building energy-saving, energy-saving heating system, improve the efficiency of lighting and other electrical appliances, large public building energy 随着科学技术的日新月异,能源短缺已不容忽视,节约能源已受到世界性的普遍关注,在我国亦不例外。 With the ever-changing science and technology, energy shortage has not be ignored, a worldwide energy conservation has been widespread concern in China is no 目前,全世界有近30%的能源消耗在建筑物上,长此以往,将严重影响世界经济的可持续发展。 At present, nearly 30% of the world's energy consumption in buildings, the long run, it will seriously affect the world economy and sustainable 因此,能源问题将成为本世纪的热门话题。 Therefore, the energy issue will become a hot topic in this 本文着重讲的是现有建筑节能存在的问题、解决方法与未来的发展方向。 This article focuses on talking about the existing building energy problems, solutions and future direction of

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根据学术堂的了解,建筑工程技术毕业论文由题目、作者单位、姓名、内容提要、正文、参考文献等五个部分组成:  1、论文题目  题目即建筑论文的题名,它是建筑论文的窗口,也称建筑论文的眼睛题目是建筑论文内容的高度概括,建筑论文通过题目传神韵、显精神、见水平拟定 建筑论文题目的具体要求是:  (1)以最恰当、最简明的词语反映建筑论文中最重要的特定内容使读者看到了建筑论文题目,就立即知道 建筑论文的特定内容是什么  (2)力求简括、高度浓缩建筑论文题目一般不超过20个字,若较长,可加副标题  2、论文作者  作者单位、姓名写在论文题目下方,最好在单位后面写上邮政编码  3、内容提要  内容提要是论文内容的高度概括但绝大多数报刊不作要求  4、论文正文  正文由引论、本论、结论三部分组成  (1)引论就是建筑论文的开头话,或叫起始段引论的内容是交代背景、提出论点或论题开头话不太好写,俗话说"万事开头难",写建筑论文亦如此引论要写得简洁明了、独具风格、引人入胜,是需要下一番功夫的引论不宜过长,通常不超过两百字  (2)本论是论文的主干部分写好这部分的关键在于论证,即以理论论据或事实论据论证引论中所提出的论点  (3)结论部分必须概括论点,突出主旨,或者提出研究的价值与意义文字不宜过长,要特别精炼,要画龙点睛,而不可画蛇添足  参考文献  如果论文中引用了他人的重要论点或有关资料,就要在最后的参考文献中注明被引用的书刊名称、期号、题名及作者姓名这有三个作用:其一,说明有可靠的依据,增强自己所写建筑论文的说服力;其二,尊重他人的劳动成果;第三,避免有剽窃之嫌

前瞻产业研究院发布的《2013-2017年中国智能建筑行业市场前景与投资战略规划分析报告》数据显示,2006-2009年,中国居住建筑智能化市场规模不断扩大,年均增长率为97%;2009年,中国居住建筑智能化市场规模为20亿元,同比增长36%。2010-2011年,我国居住建筑智能化市场规模分别是18亿元和170亿元。  2、居住建筑智能化市场前景预测  国家对智能小区的建设十分重视,建设部先后于1999年4月和12月分别两次下发《全国住宅小区智能化技术示范工程工作大纲》和《全国住宅小区智能化系统示范工程建设要点与技术导则》,对智能小区建设进行规范指导。

New building standards adopted to save energy --------------------------------------------------------------------------------Source: C 2005-03-11 11:26:44China's new Design Standards for Energy-efficient Public Construction (DSEEPC) will take effect on a limited basis in the first half of this Large cities like Beijing, Shanghai, Shenzhen and Chengdu have been selected to implement the standards on a trial Energy optimization is emphasized in every aspect of the new standards, including design, materials, heating and air conditioning and Land and water utilization, as well as environmental protection, are also "The most economical way to save energy is by developing energy-efficient structures," said Zhao Jian, director of the Planning Department of the Tianjin Construction Administration C Floor space has been increasing on an average of 2 billion square meters per year, with more than 80 percent of the new buildings energy The trend pours salt on the wounds of the 95 percent of the existing 40 billion square meters of energy-inefficient For example, more than 70 percent of the residential and commercial buildings in China are made of solid clay bricks, despite their notoriously poor insulation Energy consumption in these structures runs two to three times that of most of their counterparts in developed "Inefficient heaters and air conditioners are also large energy consumers, accounting for 55 percent of the energy used in all structures in China," said general engineer Lang Siwei of the Chinese Academy of Building R "More electricity is used in residential and commercial buildings than by industry in some " China issued the Design Standards for Energy-efficient Civil Construction in 1995, requiring that all new buildings cut energy costs by up to 50 percent starting July 1, However, by the end of 2000, a mere 5 percent of all new construction had met the Half of those buildings were in B Vice Minister of Construction Qiu Baoxing announced at a press conference last week that more than one-third of new buildings will be required to meet the standards and cut energy consumption by up to 50 percent by By 2020, all the new buildings will be expected to reduce energy use by 65 The ministry will intensify supervision over the construction process, including permits, design, inspections, approval and "Energy efficiency only raises the cost of construction 5 to 7 percent," said Q "That can be made up within 5 to 8 " To speed advances in this regard, the country is boosting cooperation with foreign companies to promote the development of "green" building For example, on Wednesday the Ministry of Construction signed an agreement with American Standard, a leading US maker of kitchen and bath fixtures and air conditioning American Standard is helping China to launch an award for the best green buildings in the country, Qiu said at the signing The government is also considering offering tax incentives to developers who use energy-efficient Meanwhile, Qiu said, China is considering canceling welfare heating For decades, urban residents employed by the state lived in apartments belonging to their work units, which paid heating fees during the The system encourages waste: if a room is hot, most users open a window rather than turn off the heating, because they don't feel the pinch in their "People will try to save energy if they must pay themselves for what they use," noted Liu Min, a senior researcher with Gansu Academy of Social Sciences in northwest C By 2020, energy consumption is forecast to triple to 1 billion tons of coal -- China's primary fuel -- if conservation is not promoted and At that level, China will be the biggest contributor to carbon dioxide emissions in the 中文的话到网上去翻译一下就可以了

