

发布时间:2024-09-05 12:27:19



写作材料作文不妨从以下方面入手:第一步,读懂材料,抓住主旨。首先要注意材料的特点:单则材料要从整体上把握其主旨;多则材料应弄清它们的异同,从而把握中心;比喻性材料要理解其比喻意义;含哲理性寓言材料,要把握其寓意。所谓抓住主旨(即材料的意想倾向和感情倾向),其方法是:一要抓住材料中关键句子或暗示性语言;二要注意对比材料划分层次,归纳层意,综合分析材料的基本观点;三要用正确的观点和对正反材料作出正确的判断。例如:阅读下面的材料,根据要求写一篇不少于800字的文章。乌龟和兔子赛跑,因为兔子骄傲,乌龟出人意料地赢得了比赛。蝴蝶知道此事后,也想和乌龟比赛。乌龟考虑了一下,便接受了蝴蝶的挑战,但他提了一个要求:“我只会爬行,你还会飞。我们就比60米吧,20米钻圈,20米河流和20米花丛。”蝴蝶同意了。比赛开始,蝴蝶早就钻过了圈,飞过了河,可当来到花丛时,她看到了那漂亮的花朵,嗅到了花蜜的香甜,还见到了美丽的同伴。看看此时乌龟连圈都没钻过,蝴蝶放心了,她在花丛里玩得越来越开心,竟然忘记了比赛的事情。万万没有想到,乌龟已经钻过了圈,穿过了花丛,悄悄地到达了终点。对某些人来说,钻圈、过河流很难,可对某些人来说,花丛才是最难逾越的。要求选准角度,明确立意,自选文体,自拟标题;不要脱离材料内容及含义的范围作文,不要套作,不得抄袭这则寓言故事的内涵是十分丰富的。要准确把握材料的含义,可以从以下几个方面来思考:1.为什么乌龟能够赢得比赛。2.蝴蝶为什么如此流连花丛。3.联系现实人生,钻圈、过河指什么?花丛又是什么?4.蝴蝶为什么能够迅速钻过圈、飞过河,却过不了花丛?指导:据此可以立意:我们的人生应该有个大目标、大方向。乌龟之所以能够赢得比赛,就是应为他能时刻牢记自己的大目标。而蝴蝶之所以半途而废,则是因为没有能够摆脱一些东西的诱惑,由此迷失了方向。写作时,可以从整体上思索,可以从细微处发掘。值得思考的有很多。一定要写出个人的认识。第二步,看清材料作文要求,抓住原材料的主旨提炼出一个正确的主题(即观点),确立中心(即立论)。主旨单一的材料据材料立意即可,例如我们在考试中遇到的第二个作文(立意时应从“团结”入手)。蕴涵丰富的材料,可从多角度立意,即发散思维多向立意(例如第一个作文可以分别从“分享”“奉献”的角度入手)。一般说来,一则材料至少可从肯定与否定两个角度审视:“一事多人”的材料,有几个“人”往往就有几个审视角度;“一事多因”的材料,有几个“因”往往就有几个审视角度。一个事件,针对其背景、写作目的的不同,就产生了几个不同的审视角度。在这一环节,可考虑从以下三个方向发散:①横向发散:即由材料的基本主题展开引申类比联想,由此及彼,比较求同,看哪些事物或现象是有类似或相关的属性,或者这个道理可以推及到哪些事物或现象上。②纵向发散:即研读材料所表现的社会现象或事实,并由表及里,追根溯源,寻求事物发展变化的因果关系,把握其所反映的普遍而深刻的道理。③逆向发散:即由正而反,从事物的相反方向思考,多问几个如果不这样将会如何。有了以上角度开掘出来的主题后就要选最佳的角度和立意来写。第三步,有的同学将这次考试中的作文写成了议论文(我们讽刺这类文章为“四不像”文章),不过想写成议论文也未尝不可,我们上期的课本就选了很多议论文,不过你要掌握一些方法------运用材料合理入文,引议联结构思谋篇(根据曹组长讲话整理)。①“引”,分析材料,提出观点或中心论点。②“议”,承上启下,展开议论(先写一个过渡段或过渡句,再写本论)。一般来说,应先正面论述中心论点,揭示正面道理,然后举正面事例论证“为什么是这样,有何好处”之后,最好再能从反面事例加以论证“为什么不可以这样”,举反面事例论证。③“联”,联系实际,深化中心(主要是社会或个人的实际,从生活中选取典型材料进一步论证中心论点)。④“结”,总结照应,解决问题(可以照应材料或开头,起点题作用或总结、升华、发号召等)。这个公式可用,但千万不要搞成新八股文。材料作文是根据既定材料,对材料进行分析、提炼,从而得出一定的看法和观点的一种作文形式。它既有命题作文的限制性,又有自拟题目作文的自由性;既能考查学生按要求作文的能力,又给学生提供了充分显示写作能力的广阔空间。由于材料作文所具有的灵活性、丰富性、与时俱进性,这类作文命题形式备受命题作文老师的青睐。综观近年全国各地中考作文题都少不了材料作文。我们考试中遇到的第一篇作文就是河南省2009年中考作文二选一的第2篇材料作文所提供的材料的来源和形式是多种多样的,或是寓言故事、历史事实,或是诗歌、漫画、名人名言,或是最近发生的事件、报刊上刊登的新闻等等。这些材料有时是单一材料,有时则是一组材料。材料作文包含的内容很广泛,根据题目的要求,可以写成记叙、说明、议论等各种文体来写作,甚至,有的要求写一篇文章的读后感,有的要求根据材料自选角度写议论文,有的要求根据图画、画表写一段说明文字,还有的要求以提供的材料为开头续写,或根据材料扩写、缩写。 三、写好材料作文立意也是一个关键,作文审题立意要准。由于材料本身是松散的、不紧凑的,它的意思是由阅读者本人领会的,所以造成理解上的多样性。这种多样性,只要符合材料的题旨、命题者的意图,是允许存在的。但问题在于许多考生不能准确把握材料所传达的信息。要想准确把握题旨必须对材料加以提炼整合,即把材料中那些共通的精华的东西提炼出来,而不能随心所欲地判定或凭主观意念硬贴上去。一般性材料的题旨和意图是比较容易分辨的,而寓意性材料的题旨和意图却不那么容易分辨,因为它们的题旨和意图足隐含的、不外露的,只有更深一层地理解分析它的意义,才能正确地把握题旨和意图。好多同学将此次考试作文拟题为《分享》《团结就是力量》题目过大、过于平淡,让我阅卷时找不到你文章的中心,找不到出彩的地方,如何避免这种情况呢?认真阅读材料,吃透材料是写好材料作文关键的一步。如果没有准确把握材料的主旨,就会写出偏题、跑题的作文。把握文章的主旨有以下几种方法。1、注意材料的标题。有的文章标题就是文章的主题。 2、注意材料的开头和结尾。有的文章在开头或结尾就点出了文章的中心,尤其是文章的结尾。 3、注意材料里面抒情、议论性的句子,出题者往往在文章里借助抒情、议论性的句子点出文章的中心。。4、注意材料后面的要求或提示语。例如:一篇材料作文在原文后面,它提出了这样的要求,“读了材料我们很受启发,请就其中的一个方面(如成功与失败、诱惑、机遇------)自拟题目,自选文体,写一篇文章,不少于600字。”熟读材料后再看提示,不难发现,材料中的三层含义“成功与失败”“诱惑”“机遇”是写作的三个范围,可据其中的一个方面立意写作文。同时要把握材料作文的审题思路。审题是决定作文考试成败的关键。由于中考作文应试时间少,审题不可能花费太多的时间,因此,对文字表述较为复杂的材料必须集中思想,尽快地把握审入?选择什么立意?重点采用什么表现方法?如何体现文章构思?等等,之所以这样,是因为作文的材料往往可以从不同的角度来落笔,确定不同的立意,选定不同的写作方法,寻求不同的构思。其次还要注意文题的其他要求。作文题中常有一句“除诗歌之外,文体不限”的提示,对此理解必须注意两点:一,所谓“不限”,一般是指构思时对文体的选择余地较大,但一旦选定某种文体进入具体写作过程时,则应遵循某种文体的基本格局,不能写成议论文不像议论文,记叙文不像记叙文的“四不像”的文章。最后,要认真阅读,把握材料作文的主旨。有些同学考试中作文的分很高,有些得分却很低,为什么得分低呢?看看我下面的讲解你就知道了:四、材料作文的写作“四忌”。1、忌抛开材料,“另起炉灶”。材料作文和话题作文尽管都有材料,但二者对材料的处理有所不同。话题作文强调的是相关,材料可用可不用;材料作文所提供的材料是写作的依据,包孕着文章的主旨,材料在文中必须出现。不少考生写惯了话题作文,导致忽视了材料作文中的材料,以致于“另起炉灶”。例如有些同学就拟题为《叛逆也需要轨道》简直让人不知所云,怎么会的高分呢?2、忌不按指令写作。材料作文的试题,一般包括两上部分,一部分是材料,另一部分是写作要求。写作要求或以提示语出现,或另列出“要求”、“注意”。审题时,不仅要吃透材料,还必须看清写作的具体要求,按照试题的指令写作。切忌不看要求,或未看清要求,即下笔千言,却离题万里。 3、忌观点提炼不准确。材料作文的文章主旨是从材料中得来的,考生如果在阅读材料时提炼的观点背离了材料的内涵,那么将直接导致该篇作文的失败,即是“皮之不存毛将焉附?”。 4、忌漠视材料中的关键句。作为材料作文,每篇材料都有关键句,只不过有的不明显而已。关键句在文段中所起的作用或画龙点睛或提纲挈领,一些考生过分的强调整篇材料主旨而忽视了关键句,导致写出的文章很难出彩。第一,要明确材料作文和话题作文的区别。材料作文和话题作文的区别在于话题作文只提供一个话题,材料只引出话题,与写作无关。而材料作文则提供一定的材料。如一首诗、一则寓言、一个或几个典故、一个故事、几则名言警句、一幅或几幅画,是对现实生活中某种现象的介绍、社会某种看法的概述、一个特定情境的设计等等,要求基于所供的材料,根据题目要求和规定思路导向进行写作。最后我想说的是,我们有些同学在考试时为了抢时间,未及对材料细思慎辨,就匆匆落笔;甚至曲解了所提供的材料,其结果自然是“欲速则不达”,这就难免留下遗憾了。考试中有些同学考试中作文的分很低,甚至想找我理论。我觉得你大可不必烦恼,看看我在此次考试中发现的一些问题你就会明白为什么你的得分较低了:一、写作文的过程中有些同学未经深思出现了跑题偏题现象。“文章成败由立意”,跑题偏题是考场作文最要命的“硬伤”。审题经常出现的毛病有两种,一种是完全抛开题目(话题、材料)、另起炉灶而造成跑题,另一种是为了标新立异、另辟蹊径而造成偏题。审题要把握“三义”。一是要看懂字面义:准确地理解题目(话题、材料)的字面义(尤其是关键词语)是领悟题旨的第一步;材料作文和话题作文,题目的文字一般比较多,这就更需要仔细阅读,正确理解,全面把握。二是要吃透引申义:引申义是蕴涵在题目里面的,需要考生具有一定的认识水平和分析能力才能感知;题目的引申义,还包括它的比喻义和象征义。三是要领会提示义:有些题目附有提示语,提示语是命题人对考生的一种暗示,是为考生审题立意、打开思路铺设的台阶;提示语不论长短,考生都要高度重视,仔细阅读,认真揣摩,积极地从中获得写作的启示。审清题意之后,考生还要学会在行文中不断地扣题和点题,做到“一步三回头”、“回眸一笑百媚生”。二、个别同学文体不分材料作文一般要求“三自”——角度自选、文体自选和题目自拟。文体的开放性给考生创设了扬长避短的条件,同学们可充分发挥自己的优势。但是不少学生误以为“淡化文体”就是不要文体,致使所写的文章不伦不类:写议论文,不像议论文,不知道提出问题、分析问题、解决问题;写记叙文,人、地、事、时、物交代不明不白;写散文,线索不明晰,形散神也散。掐头去尾就没东西了,这样非驴非马的“四不像”作文只能在三类卷以下。同时不要贸然去写诗歌。建议考生根据自己的喜好,扬我所长。三、立题平淡标题是文章的眼睛。好的标题常常能起到先声夺人、在考试中,作文没有标题原则上要扣一定的分数。而事实上没有标题的作文不是一篇完整的文章,它会影响主题的表达,阅卷老师会认为你缺少了最基本的东西,在心理上会产生一种距离,也就在不知不觉中加大了扣分,考生可能会因此失去更多的分数。建议你平常养成先写标题后写正文的习惯,而且标题要写在正中间位置,同时写完文章后要仔细看一遍,这也是避免出现这类“硬伤”的有效方法。四、有些学生的作文,开头排比很长很长,结尾同样很长很长,甚至还有后记。这种“硬伤”表现在背离了“凤头豹尾”的基本要求,开篇缓慢,久久不能点出主旨;结尾拖沓冗长,无病呻吟。无论是开头还是结尾,都应该简洁,一般说来,每部分不得超过文章总字数的十分之一,才能充分保障“猪肚”的丰富性。建议文章开头开门见山,不蔓不枝,用刘勰的话说是“首唱荣华”,借用俗语就是“一句请出佛祖来”。结尾,或画龙点睛,收束全文;或照应开头,结构严谨;或引用诗文,点染升华;或抒情写意,余味无穷;或设问反问,启人心智。五、引用的实例或诗句不准确在阅卷时有些学生张冠李戴、贻笑大方。建议:一是加强平时的积累,尽可能避免犯常识性错误;二是尽可能避免如“我在电视上看到过这么一个故事或是曾经听过这样的一个故事或是那是小学三年级的事了……”等大篇幅的引用;三是如果对引用的诗文词句记不清,考生可以转述,即使出错,也一定会得到阅卷老师的谅解。六、有些同学言辞偏激胡乱批评青春期的你们容易意气用事,思想偏激,说“过头话”,语气武断。在考试写作文的时候,建议你以平和、辩证的心态来写,这样写出来的东西就会显得大气,给人波澜不惊的感觉,老师看了也会觉得舒服,千万要避免剑走偏锋,观点偏激。那样会让你的作文显得幼稚可笑。七、卷面脏乱卷面是你给阅卷老师的“见面礼”。有些学生由于平时养成了马虎潦草的坏习惯,作文卷面总是勾画涂改得脏兮兮的,不堪入目:有的字迹潦草,难以辨认;有的胡涂乱抹,面目全非。从阅卷的实际情况来看,书写规范、端正、美观,卷面整洁的作文,一开始就会赢得阅卷老师的青睐,阅卷老师对一些非原则性的问题也不会计较。反之,尽管文章观点鲜明,情节生动,语言流畅,文笔优美,但让人看着费劲,最终所扣的分数绝不止规定的书写分。另外,作文时不要用多色笔,字体不宜过大或过小,标点符号要占格。八、不该字数超常所谓字数超常,就是说字数过少或过多。有的学生写作时一发而不可收,洋洋洒洒上千言,方格内盛不下,边幅上都写满了,给人一种臃肿庞杂的感觉。解决这个问题的办法就是:充分利用好试卷所给的空间即可,写得不可过多或过少。九、有些学生认为只要写字了老师就会给分,以至于剩下很少的时间去仓促成文语文考试,有的时候考生因为精神紧张,往往忽视了对时间的合理安排,致使占“半壁江山”的作文未能写完,成为“残篇”。建议你平时作文按时完成,模拟考场考作文严格控制在40分钟之内完成,

边思考边写遇到不懂 的地方就去问老师

一、论文的组成 论文一般由题名、作者、摘要、关键词、正文、参考文献和附录等部分组成,其中部分组成(例如附录)可有可无。论文各组成的排序为:题名、作者、摘要、关键词、英文题名、英文摘要、英文关键词、正文、参考文献和附录。 (一)题名 1.题名规范 题名应简明、具体、确切,能概括论文的特定内容,有助于选定关键词,符合编制题录、索引和检索的有关原则。 题名应该避免使用公式和不常见的缩略词、首字母缩写字、字符、代号等。必要时,可使用本行业通用缩写词。 题名一般不宜超过20字。若题名语意未尽,可以用副题名补充说明论文中的特定内容;有时,论文是分阶段的研究成果,也可分别用不同副题名区别其特定内容。外文题名一般不宜超过10个实词。 2.命题方式 3.撰写英文题名的注意事项 ①英文题名以短语为主要形式,尤以名词短语最常见,即题名基本上由一个或几个名词加上其前置和(或)后置定语构成;短语型题名要确定好中心词,再进行前后修饰。各个词的顺序很重要,词序不当,会导致表达不准。 ②一般不要用陈述句,因为题名主要起标示作用,而陈述句容易使题名具有判断式的语义,且不够精炼和醒目。少数情况(评述性、综述性和驳斥性)下可以用疑问句做题名,因为疑问句有探讨性语气,易引起读者兴趣。 ③同一篇论文的英文题名与中文题名内容上应一致,但不等于说词语要一一对应。在许多情况下,个别非实质性的词可以省略或变动。 ④国外科技期刊一般对题名字数有所限制,有的规定题名不超过2行,每行不超过42个印刷符号和空格;有的要求题名不超过14个词。这些规定可供我们参考。 ⑤在论文的英文题名中。凡可用可不用的冠词均不用。 (二)作者 1.作者署名的规范 作者署名置于题名下方,团体作者的执笔人,也可标注于篇首页地脚位置。有时,作者姓名亦可标注于正文末尾。 作者应标明其工作单位全称、所在省、城市名及邮政编码,加圆括号置于作者署名下方。多位作者的名字排列上是以对论文的贡献大小来排列。署名之间用逗号隔开;不同工作单位的作者,应在姓名右上角加注不同的阿拉伯数字序号,并在其工作单位名称之前加注与作者姓名序号相同的数字;各工作单位之间连排时以分号隔开。 示例:王军1,张红2,刘力1 (1.××师范大学物理系,北京 100875;2.××教育学院物理系,北京 100011) 2.翻译作者及其单位名称的注意事项 ①翻译单位名称不要采取缩写,要由小到大写全,并附地址和邮政编码,确保联系方便。 ②翻译单位名称要采用该单位统一的译法。 ③作者姓名按汉语拼音拼写,采用姓前名后,中间为空格,姓氏的全部字母均大字,复姓连写;名字的首字母大字,双名中间加连字符,姓氏与名均不缩写。 例如: LI Hua(李华),ZHANG Xi-he(张锡和),ZHUGE Ying(诸葛颖) (三)摘要 随着计算机技术和因特网的迅猛发展,网上查询、检索和下载专业数据已成为当前科技信息情报检索的重要手段,对于网上各类全文数据库或文摘数据库,论文摘要的索引是读者检索文献的重要工具,为科技情报文献检索数据库的建设和维护提供方便。论文发表后,文摘杂志或各种数据库对摘要可以不作修改或稍作修改而直接利用,让读者尽快了解论文的主要内容,以补充题名的不足,从而避免他人编写摘要可能产生的误解、欠缺甚至错误。所以论文摘要的质量高低,直接影响着论文的被检索率和被引频次。 1.摘要的规范 摘要是对论文的内容不加注释和评论的简短陈述,要求扼要地说明研究工作的目的、研究方法和最终结论等,重点是结论,是一篇具有独立性和完整性的短文,可以引用、推广。 论文一般应有摘要,置于题名和作者之后、正文前。摘要一般在论文完稿后再撰写。 为了便于交流,还应有英文摘要。中文编排在前,英文在后。中文摘要的前面以“摘要:”或“[摘要]”作为标识;英文摘要的前面以“Abstract:”作为标识。英文摘要的内容一般应与中文摘要相对应。 期刊上发表的论文,它的中文摘要一般不宜超过300字(外文摘要相应地不宜超过250个实词)。 有时,根据特别需要,摘要的长度视正文长度、主题范围、重要性等而定,一般限制其字数不超过论文字数的5%。 2.撰写摘要注意事项 ①不得简单重复题名中已有的信息,忌讳把引言中出现的内容写入摘要,不要照搬论文正文中的小标题(目录)或论文结论部分的文字,也不要诠释论文内容。 ②尽量采用文字叙述,不要将文中的数据罗列在摘要中;文字要简洁,应排除本学科领域已成为常识的内容,应删除无意义的或不必要的字眼;内容不宜展开论证说明,不要列举例证,不介绍研究过程; ③摘要的内容必须完整,不能把论文中所阐述的主要内容(或观点)遗漏,应写成一篇可以独立使用的短文。 ④摘要一般不分段,切忌以条列式书写法。陈述要客观,对研究过程、方法和成果等不宜作主观评价,也不宜与别人的研究作对比说明。 3.撰写英文摘要注意事项 以上中文摘要编写的注意事项都适用于英文摘要,但英语有其自己的表达方式、语言习惯,在撰写英文摘要时应特别注意。 ①英文摘要的时态常用一般现在时或一般过去时。其中一般现在时用于说明研究目的、叙述研究内容、描述结果、得出结论、提出建议或讨论等;一般过去时用于叙述过去某一时刻(时段)的发现、某一研究过程(实验、观察、调查、医疗等过程)。用一般过去时描述的发生或现象,往往是尚不能确认为自然规律、永恒真理的,所描述的研究过程也明显带有过去时间的痕迹。英文摘要偶尔也采用完成时,其中,现在完成时把过去发生的或者过去已经完成的事情与现在联系起来,而过去完成时可以用来表示过去某一时间以前已经完成的事情,或在一个过去事情完成之前就已经完成的另一过去行为。英文摘要基本不用进行时态和其他复合时态。 ②英文摘要采用何种语态,既要考虑摘要的特点,又要满足表达的需要。一篇摘要很短,尽量不要随便混合使用语态,更不要在一个句子的混合使用语态。 ③现在主张摘要中尽量采用主动语态的越来越多,因为它有助于文字清晰、简洁以及表达有力。但是,为强调动作承受者,或者仅仅说明事实经过,至于那件事是谁做的,无须一一证明,均可采用被动语态;有些情况下被动者无关紧要,也必须用强调的事物作主语。 ④原来摘要的首句多用第三人称开头,现在倾向于采用更简洁的被动语态或原形动词开头。行文时最好不用第一人称,以方便文摘刊物的编辑刊用。 (四)关键词 1.关键词规范 关键词是反映论文主题概念的词或词组,通常以与正文不同的字体字号编排在摘要下方。一般每篇可选3~8个,多个关键词之间用分号分隔,按词条的外延(概念范围)层次从大到小排列。 关键词一般是名词性的词或词组,个别情况下也有动词性的词或词组。 应标注与中文关键词对应的英文关键词。编排上中文在前,外文在后。中文关键词前以“关键词:”或“〔关键词〕”作为标识;英文关键词前以“Key words:”作为标识。 关键词应尽量从国家标准《汉语主题词表》中选用;未被词表收录的新学科、新技术中的重要术语和地区、人物、文献等名称,也可作为关键词标注。关键词应采用能覆盖论文主要内容的通用技术词条。 2.选择关键词的方法 关键词的一般选择方法是:由作者在完成论文写作后,从其题名、层次标题和正文(出现频率较高且比较关键的词)中选出来。 (六)正文 1.正文规范 为了做到层次分明、脉络清晰,常常将正文部分分成几个大的段落。这些段落即所谓逻辑段,一个逻辑段可包含几个小逻辑段,一个小逻辑段可包含一个或几个自然段,使正文形成若干层次。每一逻辑段可冠以适当标题。标题末一般不用标点符号(问号、叹号、省略号除外)。自然段的呈现方式最好使用规范段的呈现方式。 所谓规范段是指集中一个完整意思的单义段。一个观点写成一段,全段文字围绕这个小论点服务。在写作中,常常只用一句话把这个段旨概括出来。这样既能使作者写作时不至于不着边际,节外生枝,又能使读者一目了然。概括段旨的这句话,可放在段首,也可放在段尾揭示。 论文的层次不宜过多,一般不超过五级。 一般说来,论文的层次可按顺序 “一、(顿号)”、“(一)”、“1.(实心下圆点)”、“(1)”形式的标题序号。论文的层次序号不宜与注释号相同。 (八)参考文献 1.参考文献的规范及其作用 为了反映文章的科学依据、作者尊重他人研究成果的严肃态度以及向读者提供有关信息的出处,正文之后一般应列出参考文献表。列出的限于那些作者亲自阅读过的、最主要的,且发表在正式出版物上的文献。论文中引用的文献应以近期发表的与撰写论文直接有关的学术期刊类文献为主。 引文应以原始文献和第一手资料为原则。所有引用别人的观点或文字,无论曾否发表,无论是纸质或电子版,都必须注明出处或加以注释。凡转引文献资料,应如实说明。对已有学术成果的介绍、评论、引用和注释,应力求客观、公允、准确。伪注、伪造、篡改文献和数据等,均属学术不端行为。 学术论文或研究报告必须特别重视参考文献的处理,它代表著作者治学时所持的一种严谨、负责任的态度,也展现出作者的学术素养、学术品味及学术风格;参考文献的处理还有利于读者做进一步的追踪与查证。 当作者参考的一种方法在许多文献中都出现过时,应选择最有权威的那一篇作为所要列举的参考文献,如此才能体现论文的价值。 论文中引用文献原文应加引号;若引用原意,文前用冒号或逗号,不用引号。对于较完整的长段引文应独立成段,即在冒号后另起一段,书写时整体缩进两格(首行相对正文缩进四格),采用楷体小五号字书写,引文头尾处不必再加引号。


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初中英语作文范文(通用17篇)      在平平淡淡的日常中,大家都不可避免地会接触到作文吧,作文是通过文字来表达一个主题意义的记叙方法。那么一般作文是怎么写的呢?下面是小编为大家收集的初中英语作文范文,希望能够帮助到大家。 初中英语作文 篇1      Chinese New Year is coming and my family is very It s because ChineseNew Year is very special and We must prepare many special things toget ready for this will make a big New Year Second, we will make Good- Third, we will set off New Year meal is delicious and wethink that eating some will bring us good A long time ago, Chinese peoplebelieved red color could bring our good luck And we set off firecrackerscould frighten ghosts New Year is very popular between Because we can have along happy 初中英语作文 篇2      one day my classmates and i went to the park to do some volunteer labor,which was to weed the we were doing that, a lot of turists passed by us, looking at And even some of them came up to ask what we did that for and howmuch we were paid for Some of us students were shy to answer in my opinion, we should aswer those questions so proudly that wedid this for nothing but just for the beauty of our park, our city, our country,and even our our country everyone is trying to do something to help the developmentof city and whole social we have done is just a little and how I feel happy that we can dosomething helpful to the 初中英语作文 篇3      English is important and useful to How can we learn it well? Here aremy we should often listen to the tapes, English songs and English movies is also helpful to Second, we should speak Englishin class as much as Don’t be afraid of making The more youspeak, the fewer mistakes you’ll Wed better join the English club andpractice with Third, we can read more English newspapers and ’s good for At last, we should recite some good passages and a word, as long as we do more listening, speaking, reading and writing,we will learn English 初中英语作文 篇4      The environmental pollution is worse and worse Many trees are cutdown, and water and air are As a student I try to have a low-carbonlife to save energy and reduce I often walk to It can reduce air Secondly, Ialways turn off the lights and fans when leaving the Thirdly, Ialways make full use of paper and other school things and never waste wish more students to join me and make the earth more and 初中英语作文 篇5      Health is very important for So people want to have a fact everyone can have a healthy Such as: I usually eat fruitvegetables eggs and I hardly eat I think we could eat meat andice-cream Water and milk are good for your It’s important toplay basketball run and have enough We couldn’t spend a long time forwatching TV and playing It’s bad for our should keep happy confident helpful and I don’t think nervousand angry are good for our 初中英语作文 篇6      On New Year's Eve,our class had a The atmosphere was It was out of the ordinary from the very The boy student from one bedroom gave an unusual We saw a boy named Li Xinmin turn off all the lights in a sudden Then with three resounding crow of a cock echoing in the hall,the hall was again brightly lit in a representative of the bedroom Zhu Guozhang asked us to guess a line of a poem related to the above He added that Li Xinmin alone was born in the year of the dog and the other three were all born in the year of the They left us all in And it was our monitor who was quickwitted。 He shouted our“The day breaks as the cock crows three times at ” The hall After that,they had another This time Li Xinmin was placed in the middle of the While he was standing there,the other three stood around him,each bowing down to him at an angle of 120 It was an This time I got it right:“The dog stands out among a group of ” 初中英语作文 篇7      Love is the most beautiful language in the We can wipe our tears away when we It can bring happiness to us when we feel It can even give us confidence when we have I often listen to some pop songs, and most of them are about The singers sing these songs I think that’s very They express their feelings It shows that they happiness of loving and being loved is very Let’s try to love each other so that the world will be full of 初中英语作文 篇8      星期天我不用去上学。前天我完成了作业,于是我决定帮妈妈做家务。我起床后洗了几件衣服,然后我拿着篮子去购物。我在市场上买了一些肉、鸡蛋和蔬菜。回来后,我开始为全家人做饭。晚上,我坐在桌旁开始在笔记本上记下我一天所干的`事。      It was Sunday and I didn t have to go to I finished my homework the day So I decided to help mother do I washed some clothes after I got Then I went shopping with a I bought some meat, eggs and some vegetables in the After I came back, I started to cook dinner for the whole In the evening, I sat at the table and began to write down on my notebook what I had done during the 初中英语作文 篇9      天已黄昏,太阳就要落山了。天空正在慢慢变暗,正在下山的太阳给大地洒下一片金色的余辉。不仅是天空和水面,就连我自己也变成金黄色的了。有几只白色的小鸟自由自在地飞翔在水面上,柳枝儿随着微风翩翩起舞。很快,太阳就隐藏在厚厚的云层里了。可我依然看得清日落后的迷人景象,它将永远留在我的脑海里。我爱日落。      Dusk is It s time for the Look, the sky is getting dim The setting sun is covering the earth with golden Not only the sky and water surface but also I myseff am turning into golden Several white birds are flying freely above the Willows are dancing in the breeze Soon, the sun has buried itself in the thick But I still can see the beautiful scene in the It will be always in my I love 初中英语作文 篇10      It is known to all that Newton got the great inspiration from the fallingapple as he was walking pass a This apple changed and promoted the Many people play the joke that if the apple hits on their heads,maybe they can be the next apple is just the stimulation tohelp Newton to figure out his If it hits on other people's heads, itis just the ordinary incident and nothing The meaning of life is tokeep Everyone can make a difference if they keep thinking, andinspiration will come sooner or At that time, the success will be 初中英语作文 篇11      As we all know, water is very important to all living things on E People can’t live without But many countries in the world are short of So, it’s necessary for us to save remember not to waste or pollute water, because water is valuable, like liquid We shouldn’t leave the tap on while we wash our hands or brush our Second, we should learn to reuse For example, we can use the water to clean the floor or wash the toilet after we wash fruit and Third, we’d better take a shower instead of a A last, it’s also helpful to tell people around us to save water everyone can do all of We are sure to save a lot of 初中英语作文 篇12      My favorite novel is War and Peace by Leo T It is much more interesting than other stories because the story tells about some important things and people’s life situation in the 19ht century in R So, we should refuse war because war is very we ought to try our best to protect peace in the At last, we should value our lives because everyone has only once 初中英语作文 篇13      My best Her voice, gestures, like flipping the stain, lingering inmy is plain, is always dressed in a white Her name ismeaningful because she likes to eat "is green didn't eat, eat is red, spit itout is black, " As a result, her name is studies very An enviable, many people because the wrestled Read English in a cram school teacher roll call to let She picked upthe English book from the table, straightened up, use the read out loud gracefully, articulate, read smoothly, their E Chancy not only a goodknowledge of English, mathematics or envy letting a The test, I got astep careless, at sixes and And she is easily captured the Classis to encourage me, help me solve problems you do not Gradually, weboth became best Play together, study together, talk Thesunset is always our shadows 初中英语作文 篇14      Last Sunday, Zhou Hua went to the At the gate of the cinema, he saw a girl So, he went up and asked what was wrong with The girl said she couldn ’t find her After that, Zhou Hua took her to the nearest police they entered, the girl saw her mother speaking to a How excited the girl was! At last her mother and the policeman thanked Zhou Hua very Although Zhou Hua was late for the movie, he felt very 初中英语作文 篇15      Basketball is my favorate Different people love differentsports,and in the GAME, the ethletic according to his or her talent take part inthe different But , for me i love basketball so much!


在过去的20多年里体裁分析一直吸引着语言学家的注意力,他们通过体裁分析研究了多种不同种类的话语。本文通过研究中国人和英语本族语人所写的英语硕士论文结论部分的体裁结构,志在从中发现它们的不同,从而提出一个模式来帮助中国研究者提高研究论文的写作能力。本研究是以Bunton 1998和2005的研究为参考的。为了进行研究,先建立了两个语料库,一个是中国研究生写的40篇英语硕士论文,另外一个是以美国和加拿大的研究生写的40篇英语论文。研究发现大多数的结论都包含介绍性的重述、研究空白的确定、实践应用蕴含及研究建议、未来研究的建议和结论重述。除了两篇英语本族语人所写的英语硕士论文外,所剩下的所有论文结论都把介绍性的重述看做是一个必须的语步;研究空白的确定是一个主要的语步,它占据着结论部分的大半篇幅,出现在了所有以论文为取向的80篇论文里,因此中英作者都一致认为这个语步是必须的而不是可选择的。研究还发现在这些研究对象中有两种建议,一种是对未来研究的建议,另一种是对现实应用的建议。中英作者尤其是英语作者把对未来研究的建议看做独特的语步。Academic discourse has generated enormous interest among linguists working in different areas and using different methodologies since the 1980s and different kinds of discourses have been studied in the scop of genre This thesis aims to empirically investigate, with reference to Bunton (1998, 2005), the structure of Conclusions of MA thesis for possible generic differences between the concluding sections of research theses composed by MA candidates in Chinese universities and their counterparts 因FJsagDEHJyAWA


小学生英语词汇教学调查报告 一调查的提出 英语词汇是语言的建筑材料,与语音、语法、句型、课文相结合;另一方面在听、说、读、写之中体现。要记的词汇很多。《九年义务教育小学英语教学大纲》中明确规定:六年制的学习中必须掌握近1000个单词和相关固定搭配,在口、笔头练习中能够运用。很多学生认为,节节新课有生词,每节课都要记好几个单词或用语,当天记住了,可是过了几天又忘了,而且有些单词或用语很难记,甚至有些单词的构成、读音等看起来十分相似,很容易混淆,确实不容易记,对小学生来说要记住确实有一定的困难。其中显而易见的困难包括: 课时少,重复练习机会少,其他课业重,要掌握的词汇中有许多为较难掌握的常用词。在学生中进行的一次问卷调查中,有64%的学生认为从英语课文中学到的词很有限(黄小萍,2000)。相当数量的学生感到自己掌握的词汇量小,读一篇文章耗时长,读起来难以产生兴趣,因而阅读量就小;阅读量小,学到的词汇就少;学到的少,读起来就慢。许多学生就处在这样的负循环之中。 二调查过程 (一)调查内容 英语词汇自主学习的实质性提高:五年级词汇中的重点词为目标词,这些词课文未曾涉及到,为较难掌握的生词。将课文中出现了的单词在词汇表上一一标出,从而凸现课文中未出现过的单词。选择这些词既可以实验词汇学习方法又可以帮助学生掌握这些较难掌握的词汇。 英语词汇自主学习的能力提高:能根据教师的引导,运用教师提供的方法,自我创设情景进行词汇的自主学习。 检测教师进行研究的方法的可操作性与实效性:认为有两种措施是可行的:一是给学生挑出重点词并设定明确的记忆目标;二是提供短而有趣且配上图画的短文和短信息。据此,设计了两种词汇学习方法:一是 短句法;二是短文加图画法。 (二)调查对象 全体五年级学生(五年一班为A 组,五年二班为B 组) (三)调查标准 本次调查的因素为英语词汇测试成绩。实验组(A班)使用的词汇学习方法为短文加图画方法,具体的做法是从《21世纪报》等英文报上剪取含有目标词的带图画的小段文章,拼组成页,在目标词下划线,复印发给A班学生去记每份材料中所含的15个目标词 。对照组(B班)使用的词汇学习方法为短句法,其做法是将A班所用材料中的目标词列出,每一词给一个含有该词的句子发给B班去记忆。每次发材料时在两班对目标词作相同的少量讲解。受试在学习阶段结束时的成绩为因变量。 (四)调查方法 本次调查的主要运用问卷法、提问法和谈话法。 问卷法:针对学生对词汇的学习掌握进行测试和衡量,得出较为准确地调查结果。 提问法:通过与学生的实时交流,掌握调查过程中学生对所给学习方法的积极认同和掌握程度。 谈话法:调查学生是否需要此类学习方法及学习之后对自主学习能力的提高是否有帮助。 具体调查步骤: A.调查理论依据 Craik和Lockhart(1972)提出了“加工水平说”(levels of processing),认为感知事物包括在各个层次上对刺激的分析。初始阶段为诸如线条、角度、亮度、声调以及响度等物体的 、感官的特征;后面的阶段涉及到将输入的信息与脑中储存的抽象概念相配,即进行模式的识别和意义的判断。当一个词被识别时,会引发学习者过去对该词的体验、形象和联想。这 一理论又称“深度加工说”(depth of processing)。此处“深度”指更大程度的语义分析 ,亦称深编码法(elaboration coding)。这种深编码法会产生更持久、更强的记忆痕。 ? Craik和Tulving(1975)的研究显示,记忆得以加强与包含目标词的上下文构成一个结合体的程度相关,并指出与被解码的上下文结合有助于词的记忆,因为一个被解码的语言单之所以 构成一体根据的是记忆者以往的经历。这种构成一体的过去的学习记录,在回忆时便能作为提示重建最初的解码。根据这一理论,为学生提供含有目标词的上下文并配上图画可使学生 有 机会进行初始编码和深编码,从而更有效地记忆这些目标词。 B.调查具体实施: 在A班使用方法一,B班使用方法二。每周第一次上课A、B两班各发一组材料;第 二次上课便测试上次发的材料中的目标词,在下课之前分发第二组材料;总共发了6组材料 ,并进行了6次小测试,然后进行总测试。 调查过程中每发一次材料后进行一次小测试,小测的题目可从15个目标词中

第一篇Hi,I’m I'm 13 years old and I study in xxx Middle S My school is Every morning I get up at seven and have And then I go to school at half past Lessons begin at eight o’ We have four lessons in the morning and Chinese is my favourite We usually have 10 minute's break between two lessons and at about 12 o'clock we finish our morning I have lunch at school at twelve I like school lunch and I always have rice with meat and After lunch I often talk with my friends or play basketball with In the afternoon lessons start at half past one and finish at four o’ I play games after school with my friends and then go home at half past In the evening I do my homework and then watch TV At ten o’clock I go to It’s really a busy day but I like 第二篇 As we can see, the world population is growing rapidly day by So enough fresh water is needed to feed such a big What's more, with the development of industry, factories and vehicles produce poisonous gases or wastes, which consequently results in the pollution of Though fresh, a good amount of it can no longer be Only quite limited fresh water resource is available to human So it's high time for us human beings to take quick action to protect water Stop pollution and save water, otherwise, we cannot survive on the With fresh water, the world will be prosperous第三篇 保护水资源: As we can see, the world population is growing rapidly day by So enough fresh water is needed to feed such a big What's more, with the development of industry, factories and vehicles produce poisonous gases or wastes, which consequently results in the pollution of Though fresh, a good amount of it can no longer be Only quite limited fresh water resource is available to human So it's high time for us human beings to take quick action to protect water Stop pollution and save water, otherwise, we cannot survive on the With fresh water, the world will be 翻译如下:正如大家看到世界人口增长迅速日。 给这类大的人口需要有足够的淡水。 怎么还有与工业事务局研究工厂和车辆产生有毒气体或,因此导致污染的水的废物。 虽然新鲜的可以不再使用好的量。 只有很有限的新鲜水资源可供人类。 因此,它是我们人类采取快速行动,保护水资源的时候了。 停止污染和保存水,否则,我们不能生存在地球上。 新鲜的水世界将会繁荣。改革开放:It has been thirty years since China started reform and began a policy of opening up China to the outside This has resulted in great changes taking place in various With the nine-year compulsory education(九年制义务教育) program,all children have the chance to be In the past 30 years,China has made great progress in science and In 2003,China launched its first manned spaceship and fulfilled its first space walk in As economy is developing fast,people's living conditions have greatly In addition,there have also been great changes in The 29th Olympics were successfully hosted in Beijing and Chinese athletes won the most gold I'm really proud of the great achievements in the past 30 It is the leadership of the Communist Party and the great efforts of us Chinese people that made all these Nowadays,people are working hard towards a more advanced and harmonious I'm sure China will have a brighter future and Chinese people will live a happier 第四篇保护水资源: As we can see, the world population is growing rapidly day by So enough fresh water is needed to feed such a big What's more, with the development of industry, factories and vehicles produce poisonous gases or wastes, which consequently results in the pollution of Though fresh, a good amount of it can no longer be Only quite limited fresh water resource is available to human So it's high time for us human beings to take quick action to protect water Stop pollution and save water, otherwise, we cannot survive on the With fresh water, the world will be 翻译如下:正如大家看到世界人口增长迅速日。 给这类大的人口需要有足够的淡水。 怎么还有与工业事务局研究工厂和车辆产生有毒气体或,因此导致污染的水的废物。 虽然新鲜的可以不再使用好的量。 只有很有限的新鲜水资源可供人类。 因此,它是我们人类采取快速行动,保护水资源的时候了。 停止污染和保存水,否则,我们不能生存在地球上。 新鲜的水世界将会繁荣。改革开放:It has been thirty years since China started reform and began a policy of opening up China to the outside This has resulted in great changes taking place in various With the nine-year compulsory education(九年制义务教育) program,all children have the chance to be In the past 30 years,China has made great progress in science and In 2003,China launched its first manned spaceship and fulfilled its first space walk in As economy is developing fast,people's living conditions have greatly In addition,there have also been great changes in The 29th Olympics were successfully hosted in Beijing and Chinese athletes won the most gold I'm really proud of the great achievements in the past 30 It is the leadership of the Communist Party and the great efforts of us Chinese people that made all these Nowadays,people are working hard towards a more advanced and harmonious I'm sure China will have a brighter future and Chinese people will live a happier 翻译如下:这是三十年以来中国开始改革与开始的外部 This 中国开放政策,导致在各个领域发生的巨大变化。 于九年强制 education(九年制义务教育) 程序所有孩子都有机会被 In 在 30 年中国已取得很大进展科技 In 2003、 中国推出其第一次的载人的飞船和完成首次空间行走在 As 经济发展迅速、 人民生活条件大大改善。 此外,也有很大的变化在 The 29 奥运成功承载在北京和中国运动员赢得最大的金牌。 我的确感到自豪的丰功伟绩在过去的 30 It 是共产党的领导和我们中国人作出所有这些 Nowadays,people 正在努力向更先进,和谐 I 确信中国将会有一个光明的前景和中国人民将过幸福生活的努力。电脑利弊:The main disadvantages are: some of the young people are too obsessed with the network control poor, it will trap into the Relevant data show that young people indulge in network performance is more than 89 percent Online games will have a strong young vanity has led to some young people have an unhealthy psychological, severely hampered the normal development of young There are fighting games so that some young people think that real life can be like a virtual network of the world as ruled by the law of the jungle to the world today, leading toward the path of Play the role of those villains, so that boys like girls change, but it's like boys The trap of the second network, some people because of social discontent, the network's own desire to radiation, leading to others on the network by fraud, deceived many examples, list goes Many benefits, save time and effort before the provincial lesson entirely on hand-written, time-consuming and laborious, much more will have to Preparation of a computer is now "semi-automatic", and the school to teach all the prior knowledge input into the computer, after layout, modify, save, and finally print it out; the same can also copy the Computer is time-saving, labor-saving good helper, it gives me more time to study materials, the design of better teaching 第五篇I like badminton and basketball,basketball is my favourite sport,I like basketball I always wear a T-shirt,shorts and runners to play I can throw the basketball in the net, I think it is easy, but someone think it is hard, I can catch the basketball, On Sundays,I am a bbasketball I like to watch basketball game on TV, Yao Ming is my favourite basketball player, I want to be a real basketball player 第六篇Hello everyone !DO you like sports? Let me tell you whate my favorite sport Well I like tennis Becase of playing tennis makes me be healthy and You can run on the playgrond and enjoy it every So I really like playing tennis very mnch! 第七篇a meaningfull activity Last month I went to the hometown with my family,We decided to swim in the river where my father often swim when he was But when we got there,there was only a dirty river,so we thought we got to a wrong But there was a old man,he said:"Here is a place where you want to go"He look so sad when he said Then he said:"Two years ago,here was really a beutifu place,but one day,many visitors come here and threw rubbish The river be dirty and dirty,and it look like this now"When I heard this,I think we should protect our It was really a meaningful activity第八篇Our school has now started an activity called “Build Civilized Classes and a Harmonious C” The topic is “ Get Rid of Bad Habits and Greet Civilization” Bad habits do Some students throw rubbish everywhere or spit in Some wear long Others are even addicted to smoking and We require that the students break away from these bad We urge the students to wear their school uniform and be polite to During the activity, we’ll hold a picture show, a competition of classroom and dormitory decorations and so We all hope that we’ll build each class into a civilized one and our campus into a harmonious 第九篇My Birthday PartyIt’s J Today I am16 years I am going to have a party at home and I am waiting for all my friends to They are going to bring?lots of beautiful presents with My parents are preparing a lot of nice things to eat and At the party we are going to play games, sing songs, dance and listen to I think we will have a good

论文格式  题目  作者  【摘要】: 用简短的语言(小于等于300字)来总结论文的主要内容,包括研究结论。  【前言】: 就是阐述一下研究背景,研究现状,你要研究的问题(最好是以案例的形式将问题呈现出来,以及你的研究的意义。  【研究经过】:  一、 详述研究的方向和想要达到的目的。  二、 活动安排(包括每一阶段时间安排以及每一阶段的研究方法(包括每一种研究方法想要达到的研究目的)。  三、 人员分工  四、 获取资料的方式  【研究内容】:  一、 【收集案例】:如果研究对象不属于同一类的话,就要用图表的形式将研究对象比例情况展示出来  二、 【案例分析】:案例分析问题存在的原因(尤其是研究现状的背景下,问题依然存在的具体原因、深层次原因)  三、 【问卷调查】如果有问卷调查的在此可加入调查的问题以及调查结果。  四、 【研究结果】总结研究的结果,可以用图表形式  【结论】:  根据研究的结果提出自己的观点,看法,结论。  参考文献:  注明资料的出处  1 网络资料,注明:文章名,作者,网站名称  2 书籍资料:注明: 书名,作者,出版社,出版日期,页数。  3 报刊资料,注明,文章名,作者,报刊名字,期

在过去的20多年里体裁分析一直吸引着语言学家的注意力,他们通过体裁分析研究了多种不同种类的话语。本文通过研究中国人和英语本族语人所写的英语硕士论文结论部分的体裁结构,志在从中发现它们的不同,从而提出一个模式来帮助中国研究者提高研究论文的写作能力。本研究是以Bunton 1998和2005的研究为参考的。为了进行研究,先建立了两个语料库,一个是中国研究生写的40篇英语硕士论文,另外一个是以美国和加拿大的研究生写的40篇英语论文。研究发现大多数的结论都包含介绍性的重述、研究空白的确定、实践应用蕴含及研究建议、未来研究的建议和结论重述。除了两篇英语本族语人所写的英语硕士论文外,所剩下的所有论文结论都把介绍性的重述看做是一个必须的语步;研究空白的确定是一个主要的语步,它占据着结论部分的大半篇幅,出现在了所有以论文为取向的80篇论文里,因此中英作者都一致认为这个语步是必须的而不是可选择的。研究还发现在这些研究对象中有两种建议,一种是对未来研究的建议,另一种是对现实应用的建议。中英作者尤其是英语作者把对未来研究的建议看做独特的语步。Academic discourse has generated enormous interest among linguists working in different areas and using different methodologies since the 1980s and different kinds of discourses have been studied in the scop of genre This thesis aims to empirically investigate, with reference to Bunton (1998, 2005), the structure of Conclusions of MA thesis for possible generic differences between the concluding sections of research theses composed by MA candidates in Chinese universities and their counterparts 因FJsagDEHJyAWA



The United States introduced In North America, southern United States, are Atlantic, the West Pacific Ocean, north to Canada, south through Mexico and the Gulf of M From east to west throughout the territory can be divided into five geographical regions: the coastal plain in southeastern: Mexico and the Atlantic coastal plain Plain two This zone elevation of 200 meters below, the majority formed by the alluvial rivers, especially the Mississippi River delta, is the world's largest delta, soil and oil, fertile Estuary near some Located in the geographical area of the Florida Peninsula is the largest peninsula in the Appalachian Mountains west side of the Atlantic coastal plain, basic parallel with the coast, more than 2,300 km long, the general 1000-1500 meters altitude, mountains formed by several The Plain was inverted triangle, a long North American and Canadian borders, the Southern Atlantic coastal plains along the Rio Grande R Western mountains from the west is composed of two mountains, east of Rocky Mountains, the western Nevada mountains and karst mountain Old fold after exercise Whitney Nevada mountain peak elevation of 4,418 meters, the highest point for the continental United States, the karst mountain ash Rainier Hill elevation 4,392 meters, after Whitney Western mountain plateau by the Colorado Plateau, Wyoming plateau, Colombia and the Grand Canyon of the plateau, the western United States for the most complex geological structure Grand Canyon in northwestern Arizona, a series of convoluted twists and turns, complicated and deep valley gorge formed momentum majestic, steep rock wall, the world's rare natural Many American rivers and lakes, River complex, in general, can be divided into three main river systems: Where in Rocky Mount and into the Atlantic east of the river are called Atlantic River, a major Mississippi River, Connecticut River and He was M The length of the Mississippi River 6,020 kilometers, ranking third in the Where the rivers into the Pacific said Pacific R Major Colorado River, Columbia River, the Yukon R In the North-eastern Great L Including Lake Superior, Lake Michigan, Lake Huron, Lake Erie and Lake Ontario, a total area of 245,000 square kilometers, the world's largest freshwater waters, known as the "North American Mediterranean," said one Lake Michigan is the United States, the other four lakes were for the United States and C Lake Superior, the world's largest fresh water lake, the lake area in the world, second only to being the second in the world and the Caspian S The United States is the most temperate climate and subtropical climate, only the southern peninsula of Florida is Alaska in the north between 60 to 70 degrees, is the cold Arctic climate zone; Hawaii in the south of the Tropic of Cancer, is a tropical climate But because the United States, the sprawling complex terrain, climate around the larger Generally can be divided into five climatic zones: Northeast coastal temperate climate Labrador in the region due to the cold weather and the Northern cold, cold winter, the average temperature for January 6 ℃, mild wet summer, the average temperature in July is 16 ℃ The annual average rainfall of 1,000 mm Southeast subtropical climate Because of the Gulf Stream, warm and humid climate, the average temperature in January is 96 ° C, an average July temperature of 24 to 27 ° C with an average annual rainfall of 1,500 Central Plains continental climate The region was of continental climate, the cold winter, the average temperature in January is about -14 ° C, hot summer, the average temperature in July was 27 to 32 ℃ The annual average rainfall of 1,000 mm to 1, Western Plateau dry climate Inland climate in the region, greater temperature plateau last year, the Colorado Plateau, the temperature as high as 25 ℃ The average rainfall of 500 mm in the following, desert plateau less than 250 mm of The oceanic climate in the Pacific R Winter in the region, abundant The average temperature in January in 4 ° C above the average temperature in July 20 to 22 ℃ The annual average rainfall of 1,500 mm America's agricultural, mineral and forest resources in the world occupy the pivotal The United States location, weather conditions and terrain are unique US agricultural land (cropland and pasture), about 430 million hectares of agricultural land all of the Earth about 10% Abundant rainfall, fertile soil of the world's total grain output of 1 / 5, the main agricultural and livestock such as wheat, corn, soybean, cotton, meat production tops in the The United States rich mineral resources, iron ore, coal, natural gas, lead, zinc, silver, uranium, molybdenum, zirconium, tops in the world in terms of output, but strategic resources such as titanium, manganese, tin, cobalt, chromium, nickel, mainly rely on The total coal reserves of 5996 trillion tons, the total oil reserves of over 240 million tons, and natural gas reserves of 6034 trillion cubic The United States has 8 billion hectares of forest, of the nation's total land area of about 5%, with the main species of American Song, Pinus ponderosa, White Pine and Oak

In recent years, there are more and more Confucius Institutes being built all around the world, which shows that our Chinese culture become much more popular than As one of the four ancient civilizations, China has long history and creates many splendid The ancient culture once had great influence on the world, such as Japan, South Korea and other Asian and European From the respect of school, Confucianism, Mohism, Taoism, and Legalism are the main schools created in ancient China, and they also have great influence on the Modern China and the world, especially the C They deeply root in traditional Chinese culture and people’s daily Specially, kung fu, traditional Chinese painting, poem, opera, cooking, clothing, architecture and many other kinds of cultural forms make up the splendid Chinese The kinds listed above are the typical ones which connect to each other at the same For example, painting, clothing and architecture has many things in And each kind of cultural form contains numerous In short, Chinese culture are the accumulation of Chinese history, which makes Chinese culture colorful and If one wants to know or study Chinese culture deeply, he or she must spend much time in it, otherwise he or she can only get the tip of an

In the 21~(st) century, globalization takes great influences not only on the field of economy, but also on that of culture, it means the constant dominance of western One of the aspects is that traditional culture is being treated The treasures from our ancestors are fading out How to maintain it is really an urgent Cultural contact and conflict are very common and unavoidable in the development of The key factor is that how we should face and deal with Another concern for many countries was the dispersal of Indigenous cultural property around the There was concern that objects had been removed from their native territories, often with the consent of Indigenous Pacific Peoples, at times in the past where Indigenous peoples had no control over the collection, trade and importation of such Repatriation of cultural objects is becoming increasingly important for Pacific countries as they now establish their own museums and cultural centres for the recording, display and promotion of their However, there is still much repatriation work to be The Cook Islands delegation reported that there are more traditional cultural objects from the Cook Islands held in overseas museums than in the Cook Islands The Cook Islands National Museum is attempting to repatriate objects from museums abroad, but unfortunately, there are very few legal avenues available for the return of such cultural In most cases, repatriation of cultural objects is dependent on the goodwill of the relevant international museums。


例文一Dear TimI am very glad to receive your Now let me tell you something about how to learn Chinese Learning Chinese just like learning any other foreign language, is hard Learning Chines takes time so you should spend as much time as you Use Chinese whenever you This is very The more you use Chinese, the better you will learn So why not take every oppotunity to practise using Chinese for And you'd better listen to the tape and repeat after it, watch Chinese films and TV programmes, read Chinese stories and newspapers and so "No pains, no gains" If we work hard, I am sure we will learn Chinese That's I am looking forward to hearing from YoursJack例文二Learning Chinese just like learning other language, is hard work so if the foreigners wants to learn Chinese well they'd better spend lots of time on it every day and take every opportunity to practice using C If they take Chinese course, they should listen to the teacher and take notes carefully in class,review what is learned regularly, prepare each lesson carefully before class, do our homework carefully, copy good sentences and reciting What's more,If they can, they'd better listen to Chinese programs and read Chinese magazines and I am sure if they study hard and have good ways of learning Chinese, they will learn it very 例文三my mother language is Cand my major in Cso i share some of methods of how to learn his article is for the person who has learn Chinese for short time or some foreigners who is poor in Ci point out three key method :interest,input,first,interest is the best if you want to be good at Chinese,you must bring up your interest of learning Cinterest can help you fight against whit find something you like to for you like to watch TVso you can watch some Chinese TV with your mother language if you like to chatting ,you can using Chinese to chatting with Chinese throughth internet,or by other you must insist on input,no so you must learn some chinese character or phrase every after studying,it is better to use the character you have learn to write some chinese article ,or chatting wiht so you can not forget the character or do not stop learn for long,and learn continue to learn if so,it almost impossible for you to be good at  Cbut i advise you that not to learn too more by one time of learning Cif so ,you may be feel and then stop to learn Cdo not afraid to make do not afraid make do not be too care with if you are too care with the grammar ,it will be too do practice everytime ervrywhere you want to practise ber that if you want to be good at chinese ,you must do more he at a chinese as we he best way to learn chinese is to creat a chinese because it has more pritise chance,less dull,and you can remember what you study for long times,may be all your so many foreigners come to china for but if you can not come to china ,you can use the internet ,or some other i hope that you can use the methods to learn so you can make greate progress by using less hank you for you

