

发布时间:2024-07-06 18:15:15


Campus on-line learning system designThe design of campus on-line learning system

Reflections on the art of oil painting Abstract: creative art is a complex mental activities and production activities, is a realistic painter living in the minds of the product of The Sound of Music Arts beauty is a high degree of unity, it is all art must be consciously setting Every artist should be showing his work in the United States he was a unique experience and Ugly reality of the United States and the reality are a source of artistic Content is often seen as something only to the performance art form of its own real, and are usually things that only the form, it constitutes the real content of a work of Art techniques by means of image and convey the feelings of thinking of the author, as well as the carrier of the aesthetic Keywords: artistic creation, artistic beauty, the reality the United States, ugly reality, contents

Abstract:The advertisement design has already become an indispensable component in the current commercial city, with the development of market economy, the advertisement design embodies the economic level of the society and cultural level more and So, it is necessary for us to define more deeply he creates intention and direction, thus let us understand the actual intension of the advertisement design, enable advertising intention and society's organic combining together, achieve the goal that we created and propagated, and can analyze the space of the intention, this will facilitate developing advertising Keyword:Understand, analyze, explore, appraise, intention


这里学术堂整理了二十个关于环境艺术设计的论文题目,希望对你有所帮助:  1、城市地下通道环境艺术设计  2、珠江三角洲村镇住区环境艺术设计研究  3、地域文化特色的地铁车站空间艺术设计研究  4、中国传统建筑中的吉祥文化及其在现代环境艺术设计中的应用研究  5、软装饰材料在室内环境艺术设计中的应用研究  6、在民间艺术中探寻现代环境艺术的传承与再开发  7、古树文化与环境艺术设计  8、环境艺术设计与精神生态  9、《全国中文艺术设计类期刊等级鉴定研究--环境艺术部分》  10、中国传统装饰要素的文化分析及其在现代环境艺术设计中的运用  11、论身临其境的艺术设计--虚拟现实艺术设计研究  12、新"步移景异"观  13、仿生艺术设计及其美学  14、禅风对环境艺术设计的影响  15、论地域特征与环境艺术设计的内在关系  16、环境艺术设计专业人才培养的分析与对策  17、环境艺术设计材料馆学学科建设研究  18、图书馆建筑的环境与艺术设计研究  19、生态城市规划中环境艺术设计的研究  20、环境艺术设计在继续教育中的发展探讨

我一般碰到这个问题~就是找(设计)这本期刊~看下别人的论文选题是怎样的 ~看别人的论题来找自己的思路~

提供一些平面设计的学年论文题目,供参考。1、 解读香港设计师李永铨的海报2、 平面设计中的形态设计3、 版面设计中的“平面空间”4、 产品文化性“主题”与造型依据5、 导向21世纪的设计机构6、 平面设计中的精神与物质7、 突破传统的传统—平面设计中的传统与现代8、 谈平面设计中的创意9、 数字的微笑—数字在平面设计中的运用10、 立足本土,放眼世界11、非纸类材质在书籍装帧中的运用12、“博古”与“薄古”(以古论今)13、包装设计的价值观14、中国广告人为什么对幽默说不15、论“力动”与海报设计16、电脑图标的功能与特色17、浅谈吉祥物的造型设计18、谈广告的图形构成19、交错在传统与时尚间的茶眼饮包装设计20、广告活动应强调互动性(谈“热力奥运”活动与受众之间的互动关系)21、浅谈对以文字为主题的招贴的视觉感受22、浅谈现代插图的“立体化”趋势23、从西式符号到中国图式(寻找中国商标设计的自我理念)24、图画的文字,汉字的图化(浅谈中国文字的视觉运用)25、浅谈沟通在文化性广告中的重要作用26、浅谈当今旅游食品包装的设计理念27、旅游产品包装与区域旅游品牌关系(寻找两者见的最佳契合点及其表现方式)28、浅谈酒包装设计中的情感互动29、从中山陵的广告设计中浅谈设计中的文化性30、从“福田繁雄”的作品中的矛盾空间看创造性思维的发展

选题作为毕业设计的第一步,是毕业设计的战略起点。因此,毕业设计选题的优劣直接决定了毕业设计论文的质量,也是决定学生能否按时完成毕业设计的重要因素。下面,我们为大家总结了电气及其相关专业毕业设计选题的“避免三点不足、遵循四项原则”  ◆避免三点不足:  题目不符合专业培养目标和教学基本要求:目前,本专业的毕业设计个别选题过于保守,需要学生分析的客观资料不多,设计内容过窄,因而对学生综合解决问题的能力训练不足,使写出的毕业论文缺乏学术水准,达不到毕业设计预期的目的和教学要求。  选题过于复杂,缺乏可行性:毕业论文选题过宽、过大、过于复杂。毕业设计时间通常一般为14周左右,太难太大的课题使学生感觉无从下手,不能使学生得到从收集资料、方法研究、算例仿真与编程实现等一系列的全面锻炼,论文做起来就会非常吃力而难以深入,甚至半途而废,达不到预期的效果。  选题陈旧,缺乏时效性:新的科学知识和专业技术不断地渗入电气专业知识培养体系中,少数毕业生设计选题就显得过于陈旧,所研究的内容和方法在实际生产中早已被淘汰,因此缺乏时效性和训练的意义。  毕业设计是大学生毕业前最后的一个环节。因此,毕业设计的内容必须符合本专业的培养目标,尽量涵盖本专业的主干课程,从而有利于学生综合、巩固和吸收四年来所学的知识,达到灵活运用所学知识的目的。  ◆毕业设计选题四项原则  1、在电气工程及其自动化专业毕业设计中,不仅要求学生掌握必要的专业知识,重视培养学生的综合能力、探索能力、钻研能力和自学能力,同时积极鼓励学生熟练使用计算机语言(如C语言、Matlab语言)和行业分析设计软件(如PSASP、PSS/E、PSCAD)完成毕业设计的内容,为学生更快地适应将来的工作岗位打下扎实的基础。近几年的毕业设计题目,例如电力系统电压稳定性评估分析、基于PSASP的含SVC的电力系统潮流计算方法研究、电力系统低频振荡分析及PSS设计、电力变压器分接开关及其故障诊断研究、基于PSCAD的风力发电机建模和仿真等,都体现了这一点。  2、选题的可行性是指在规定的毕业论文期间内,学生通过研究与实验过程,能够实现毕业论文教学环节的培养目标,获得一定的有价值的研究成果。但是由于毕业时间有限,因此应当充分考虑所选课题的典型性、综合性、可行性,工作量和难易度要适中,设计课题不能偏大、偏难或过于复杂。笔者认为,每位毕业设计指导老师应首先对毕业设计所选的课题进行深入的调查分析,形成课题的可行性研究报告,阐述技术路线,制定详细的研究计划,从而充分保证毕业设计的按步骤实施,避免在课题中受阻或不能完成毕业设计的情况发生。  3、经过四年的学习,每位学生掌握知识的程度不尽相同。只有课题类型的多样性才能使指导教师根据不同学生的理论知识和基本技能的掌握情况,有选择性地分配课题,遵循因材施教的原则,这样有利于发挥学生的积极性和创造性,有利于学生的培养训练,保证课题的高质量的完成。本专业对于基础差、能力弱的学生,注重专业基本内容的训练,例如,220kV变电站电气设计、电力系统牛-拉法潮流计算、电力系统不对称故障短路计算、电网三段式电流保护定值整定分析、基于最小二乘的电力系统状态估计等课题,这类课题只要求他们对现有资料中已有的方法进行分析和实施;而对于基础知识掌握牢固的学生,注重培养和提高他们的独立思考能力和创新能力,鼓励他们深入钻研,对这类学生的设计内容可以适当加深,难度适当提高。例如,交直流电力系统潮流计算、计及分布式电源影响的配电网可靠性分析、电力电缆护层电压及抑制技术研究、风发电机组控制系统的分析与仿真、自适应电流保护原理的研究、基于ANFIS的实用电价预测方法等,此类课题均需要在已学的知识基础上进行扩展,并加以实施,从而得出最终结论,达到全面训练的目的。  4、工科专业毕业设计课题的选择,应在考虑满足教学基本要求的同时,也要兼顾社会需求,尽量多做些来源于生产、科研中的实际课题,提倡“真题真做”,尽量避免虚拟课题的研究,例如,供配电系统改造方案研究、电网理论和实时线损综合计算和分析系统的开发、电力系统短期负荷预测系统开发、风力发电并网研究等选题均来源于科研项目。此类课题能充分反映本专业领域的发展水平和前沿动态,体现当前科技发展水平,具有一定的先进性。同时,学生在解决此类课题的过程中,会遇到较为复杂而实际的环境,涉及诸多因素,这样更有利于学生深入生产实际与科研实际,促进理论与实际的紧密结合,提高解决实际问题的能力,从而使所学的专业知识升华,使专业技能延伸。例如,电力系统调度自动化系统的开发,此选题设计过程中要求学生了解电网调度自动化现状及其发展历程,并对其功能、结构、实现方案进行深入的分析。由于此类选题较大、研究的方面较多,因此在保证学生受到全面系统锻炼的前提下,鼓励“一题多届”,注重课题的延续性,在学生毕业设计课题完成后,应对课题研究成果进行及时总结和分析,提出改善建议,为下一届学生继续研究提供保障,从而使该科研设计成果在广度和深度上不断地扩大和延伸。


Campus on-line learning system designThe design of campus on-line learning system

这个看起来没问题,不过需要改一下:A Study Of Profitability and Development Capability in XX(Company),

你写好中文 我来给你翻译比较好 因为英语学得好的人很少懂的的室内设计相关的内容


1、折叠结构在快餐包装设计中应用所思  2、浅析插画艺术在平面设计中的应用  3、文化旅游创意视角下的信阳毛尖包装设计  4、蔚县土特产品包装设计现状及对策探究  5、情感化设计在食品包装中的运用  6、基于淘宝SEO的度尾文旦柚包装设计  7、基于情感化设计的儿童产品包装研究  8、情感视角下插画在包装设计中的应用  9、贺岁生肖纪念瓷包装策略研究  10、网红思维角度下的包装设计营销策略研究  11、中老年降压药品的交互式包装设计  12、中国风视觉语言在国产化妆品包装设计中的运用研究  13、基于Ansys Workbench的电炖锅包装设计与仿真分析  14、塑壳式低压断路器纸质运输包装设计  15、民国时期“三星”牌膏类化妆品包装设计解读  ……  (以上论文题目皆来源于学术堂)

I want to become a People put me design of clothes to wear on the body, the old man wearing my clothes will become young and full of vigor, children wear will be more foil their lively youth They praise my beautiful clothes, this is what made me feel happy I design clothes will become a milepost of fashion design "My future is not a dream"! I will Study hard, even now from my dream is still far away, but I will work hard to achieve my

平面设计专业英语论文There are several phases and processes in the user interface design some of which are more demanded upon than others depending on the (note for the remainder of this section the word system is used to denote any project whether it is a web site, application, or device)Functionality requirements gathering - assembling a list of the functionality required of the system to accomplish the goals of the project and the potential needs of the User analysis - analysis of the potential users of the system either through discussion with people who work with the users and/or the potential users Typical questions involve: What would the user want the system to do? How would the system fit in with the users normal workflow or daily activities? How technically savvy is the user and what similar systems does the user already use? What interface look & feel styles appeal to the user? Information architecture - development of the process and/or information flow of the system ( for phone tree systems, this would be an option tree flowchart and for web sites this would be a site flow that shows the hierarchy of the pages)Prototyping - development of wireframes, either in the form of paper prototypes or simple interactive These prototypes are stripped of all look & feel elements and most content in order to concentrate on the Usability testing - testing of the prototypes on an actual user—often using a technique called talk aloud protocol where you ask the user to talk about their thoughts during the Graphic Interface design - actual look & feel design of the final graphical user interface (GUI) It may be based on the findings developed during the usability testing if usability is unpredictable, or based on communication objectives and styles that would appeal to the


The Hefei Song Xihu flower park plot landscape designs the -- Xihu culture in utilizes specifically the design synopsis: the advocation history, the advocation culture are recently a community landscape design major Along with the economical fast development, in the landscape design's historical cultural fever elevates temperature Therefore, has the Chinese native place characteristic and the cultural inside story community receives the people to anticipate the China historic garden source stemming from our country five millennium histories and the magnificent literary arts, the philosophic thinking and ethics morality, specially the Confucian, the road, Buddha three advocates naturally “the beauty to unite” the view, esthetics establishment in “ideal condition” because in the foundation, and borrows in the literature, the drawing and building various the Xihu is the Chinese botanical garden construction important female parent, it take the harmony solemn beautiful as the chief feature, take the historical humanities as the emotion exchange object, was the collection many kinds of landscape characteristic ancient times city public botanical This case utilizes the modern new design idea and the new material, the respect nature, the respect history, the respect culture, the arrangement, creates the Chinese botanical garden landscape by might and main “the ideal condition”, by this annotation “Xihu culture” characteristic and

Song in Hefei are West Lake Garden Landscape Design District -- West Lake in which the culture of the concrete application of Design: Advocating history, respect for culture is the recent residential area of landscape design a major With the rapid economic development, landscape design of the thermal history and culture has been heating Thus, a local Chinese characteristics and cultural heritage of the residential area is expected to be Chinese Classical Gardens source for China's 5,000 years of history and brilliant literature and art, philosophy and ethical concepts, particularly Confucianism, Taoism, Buddhism three upholds nature of the "Harmony" concept, the aesthetic establishment of the "mood" On the basis of, and due to take in literature, painting and construction all the West Lake Chinese garden construction is an important fundamental, it has a harmonious end Zhuangxiu Li as the main features of the history of humanity for the emotional exchange, is set a variety of landscape features of the ancient city public In this case using modern new design concepts and new materials, respect for nature, respect for history and respect for culture, context, to create竭力China landscape of the "mood" to interpret the "culture of the West Lake" features and Powered by Google


爱莫能助啊 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
