

发布时间:2024-07-08 19:09:30


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《有线电视网络企业竞争力评价体系及关键因素研究》【摘要】随着改革开放和市场经济的不断发展,我国的有线电视网络已从最初的起步阶段快速成长到世界上拥有用户数量最多的状态,取得了令世人瞩目的成就。但是和发达国家相比,我国的有线电视网络企业仍存在很多的问题,有着很大的提高空间。如用户户均贡献值不大、市场化程度不高的情况。基于此,我国政府也对相关的产业政策不断地进行着调整和改革,尤其是新近出台的以各省为单位的网络整合并组建国家级有线电视网络运营企业及三网融合的产业政策,它们的制定和执行将对有线电视网络企业在未来的发展带来极大的影响。三网融合指的是电信网络、互联网络和有线电视网络三个网络通过技术改造,均可以向用户提供包括语音、数据、图像等综合多媒体的信息业务,有线电视网络企业与电信企业之间业务相互融合、相互竞争。这种情况下,我国的有线电视网络企业如何提高竞争力以及应对日益加剧的竞争,也就成为了当前十分紧迫的问题。本文在分析我国有线电视网络企业的特点及所处环境的基础上,建立了较符合实际的有线电视网络企业竞争力模型及竞争力评价指标体系,并以山西有线电视网络企业为例进行了实证分析,又从规模经济性、用户满意度及三网融合的产业政策角度对有线电视网络企业如何提高竞争力做了深入分析。 【关键词】有线电视网络企业竞争力;层次分析法;用户满意度;规模经济性;三网融合;演化博弈你看看这篇对你有用不,不会的话可以企鹅的奥。


第一篇Hi,I’m I'm 13 years old and I study in xxx Middle S My school is Every morning I get up at seven and have And then I go to school at half past Lessons begin at eight o’ We have four lessons in the morning and Chinese is my favourite We usually have 10 minute's break between two lessons and at about 12 o'clock we finish our morning I have lunch at school at twelve I like school lunch and I always have rice with meat and After lunch I often talk with my friends or play basketball with In the afternoon lessons start at half past one and finish at four o’ I play games after school with my friends and then go home at half past In the evening I do my homework and then watch TV At ten o’clock I go to It’s really a busy day but I like 第二篇 As we can see, the world population is growing rapidly day by So enough fresh water is needed to feed such a big What's more, with the development of industry, factories and vehicles produce poisonous gases or wastes, which consequently results in the pollution of Though fresh, a good amount of it can no longer be Only quite limited fresh water resource is available to human So it's high time for us human beings to take quick action to protect water Stop pollution and save water, otherwise, we cannot survive on the With fresh water, the world will be prosperous第三篇 保护水资源: As we can see, the world population is growing rapidly day by So enough fresh water is needed to feed such a big What's more, with the development of industry, factories and vehicles produce poisonous gases or wastes, which consequently results in the pollution of Though fresh, a good amount of it can no longer be Only quite limited fresh water resource is available to human So it's high time for us human beings to take quick action to protect water Stop pollution and save water, otherwise, we cannot survive on the With fresh water, the world will be 翻译如下:正如大家看到世界人口增长迅速日。 给这类大的人口需要有足够的淡水。 怎么还有与工业事务局研究工厂和车辆产生有毒气体或,因此导致污染的水的废物。 虽然新鲜的可以不再使用好的量。 只有很有限的新鲜水资源可供人类。 因此,它是我们人类采取快速行动,保护水资源的时候了。 停止污染和保存水,否则,我们不能生存在地球上。 新鲜的水世界将会繁荣。改革开放:It has been thirty years since China started reform and began a policy of opening up China to the outside This has resulted in great changes taking place in various With the nine-year compulsory education(九年制义务教育) program,all children have the chance to be In the past 30 years,China has made great progress in science and In 2003,China launched its first manned spaceship and fulfilled its first space walk in As economy is developing fast,people's living conditions have greatly In addition,there have also been great changes in The 29th Olympics were successfully hosted in Beijing and Chinese athletes won the most gold I'm really proud of the great achievements in the past 30 It is the leadership of the Communist Party and the great efforts of us Chinese people that made all these Nowadays,people are working hard towards a more advanced and harmonious I'm sure China will have a brighter future and Chinese people will live a happier 第四篇保护水资源: As we can see, the world population is growing rapidly day by So enough fresh water is needed to feed such a big What's more, with the development of industry, factories and vehicles produce poisonous gases or wastes, which consequently results in the pollution of Though fresh, a good amount of it can no longer be Only quite limited fresh water resource is available to human So it's high time for us human beings to take quick action to protect water Stop pollution and save water, otherwise, we cannot survive on the With fresh water, the world will be 翻译如下:正如大家看到世界人口增长迅速日。 给这类大的人口需要有足够的淡水。 怎么还有与工业事务局研究工厂和车辆产生有毒气体或,因此导致污染的水的废物。 虽然新鲜的可以不再使用好的量。 只有很有限的新鲜水资源可供人类。 因此,它是我们人类采取快速行动,保护水资源的时候了。 停止污染和保存水,否则,我们不能生存在地球上。 新鲜的水世界将会繁荣。改革开放:It has been thirty years since China started reform and began a policy of opening up China to the outside This has resulted in great changes taking place in various With the nine-year compulsory education(九年制义务教育) program,all children have the chance to be In the past 30 years,China has made great progress in science and In 2003,China launched its first manned spaceship and fulfilled its first space walk in As economy is developing fast,people's living conditions have greatly In addition,there have also been great changes in The 29th Olympics were successfully hosted in Beijing and Chinese athletes won the most gold I'm really proud of the great achievements in the past 30 It is the leadership of the Communist Party and the great efforts of us Chinese people that made all these Nowadays,people are working hard towards a more advanced and harmonious I'm sure China will have a brighter future and Chinese people will live a happier 翻译如下:这是三十年以来中国开始改革与开始的外部 This 中国开放政策,导致在各个领域发生的巨大变化。 于九年强制 education(九年制义务教育) 程序所有孩子都有机会被 In 在 30 年中国已取得很大进展科技 In 2003、 中国推出其第一次的载人的飞船和完成首次空间行走在 As 经济发展迅速、 人民生活条件大大改善。 此外,也有很大的变化在 The 29 奥运成功承载在北京和中国运动员赢得最大的金牌。 我的确感到自豪的丰功伟绩在过去的 30 It 是共产党的领导和我们中国人作出所有这些 Nowadays,people 正在努力向更先进,和谐 I 确信中国将会有一个光明的前景和中国人民将过幸福生活的努力。电脑利弊:The main disadvantages are: some of the young people are too obsessed with the network control poor, it will trap into the Relevant data show that young people indulge in network performance is more than 89 percent Online games will have a strong young vanity has led to some young people have an unhealthy psychological, severely hampered the normal development of young There are fighting games so that some young people think that real life can be like a virtual network of the world as ruled by the law of the jungle to the world today, leading toward the path of Play the role of those villains, so that boys like girls change, but it's like boys The trap of the second network, some people because of social discontent, the network's own desire to radiation, leading to others on the network by fraud, deceived many examples, list goes Many benefits, save time and effort before the provincial lesson entirely on hand-written, time-consuming and laborious, much more will have to Preparation of a computer is now "semi-automatic", and the school to teach all the prior knowledge input into the computer, after layout, modify, save, and finally print it out; the same can also copy the Computer is time-saving, labor-saving good helper, it gives me more time to study materials, the design of better teaching 第五篇I like badminton and basketball,basketball is my favourite sport,I like basketball I always wear a T-shirt,shorts and runners to play I can throw the basketball in the net, I think it is easy, but someone think it is hard, I can catch the basketball, On Sundays,I am a bbasketball I like to watch basketball game on TV, Yao Ming is my favourite basketball player, I want to be a real basketball player 第六篇Hello everyone !DO you like sports? Let me tell you whate my favorite sport Well I like tennis Becase of playing tennis makes me be healthy and You can run on the playgrond and enjoy it every So I really like playing tennis very mnch! 第七篇a meaningfull activity Last month I went to the hometown with my family,We decided to swim in the river where my father often swim when he was But when we got there,there was only a dirty river,so we thought we got to a wrong But there was a old man,he said:"Here is a place where you want to go"He look so sad when he said Then he said:"Two years ago,here was really a beutifu place,but one day,many visitors come here and threw rubbish The river be dirty and dirty,and it look like this now"When I heard this,I think we should protect our It was really a meaningful activity第八篇Our school has now started an activity called “Build Civilized Classes and a Harmonious C” The topic is “ Get Rid of Bad Habits and Greet Civilization” Bad habits do Some students throw rubbish everywhere or spit in Some wear long Others are even addicted to smoking and We require that the students break away from these bad We urge the students to wear their school uniform and be polite to During the activity, we’ll hold a picture show, a competition of classroom and dormitory decorations and so We all hope that we’ll build each class into a civilized one and our campus into a harmonious 第九篇My Birthday PartyIt’s J Today I am16 years I am going to have a party at home and I am waiting for all my friends to They are going to bring?lots of beautiful presents with My parents are preparing a lot of nice things to eat and At the party we are going to play games, sing songs, dance and listen to I think we will have a good


Master antenna television from birth to Cable TV to cable television fiber-optic cable now, and this process is the rapid unexpected However, with the price of fiber is getting higher and higher, a new round of technological innovation has come --- let digital cable communications become a "0" and "1" stage, through these two symbols, one can put combination of different signal sent to every With the computer technology and network technology development, information technology, a revolutionary Make it out of time, space and technology constraints, implementation among multiple objects communicate Computer and network television in the broadcasting system has been widely applied, subtitles machine, animation, non-linear editing, press ads, pre-material, special effects, dubbing until the final broadcast, and both are dependent on computer and network technology, if we can a timely manner to promote the construction of cable networks, making it one whole, not only to improve program quality and reduce the process, saving manpower, reducing And after a mega-cluster implementation will bring more benefits to cable TV to open new world of new business Can be predicted that interactive television, digital television, Internet, cable television will be an important area for future Digital implementation are automation, intelligent networks, basic cable television distribution, cable television network will be the inevitable trend of And finally to the formation of digital cable TV, telephone, computer integrated triple-play services digital Any cable television system can be regarded as a signal source, the preceding paragraph, transmission systems, end-user distribution network of four functional Generally speaking, the different systems on the specific components vary, depending on the size of the system, program the number of cycle of songs, functional application of other



In recent years, television talk shows became the new favorite, a time in all the main stations have launched their own talk shows, talk shows the development, production requirements are also caused extensive discussion of the In this paper, talk show host in the role of the moderator analysis program is the language of style characteristics of a successful talk show host should have the characteristics of the language over issues such as

Master antenna television from birth to Cable TV to cable television fiber-optic cable now, and this process is the rapid unexpected However, with the price of fiber is getting higher and higher, a new round of technological innovation has come --- let digital cable communications become a "0" and "1" stage, through these two symbols, one can put combination of different signal sent to every With the computer technology and network technology development, information technology, a revolutionary Make it out of time, space and technology constraints, implementation among multiple objects communicate Computer and network television in the broadcasting system has been widely applied, subtitles machine, animation, non-linear editing, press ads, pre-material, special effects, dubbing until the final broadcast, and both are dependent on computer and network technology, if we can a timely manner to promote the construction of cable networks, making it one whole, not only to improve program quality and reduce the process, saving manpower, reducing And after a mega-cluster implementation will bring more benefits to cable TV to open new world of new business Can be predicted that interactive television, digital television, Internet, cable television will be an important area for future Digital implementation are automation, intelligent networks, basic cable television distribution, cable television network will be the inevitable trend of And finally to the formation of digital cable TV, telephone, computer integrated triple-play services digital Any cable television system can be regarded as a signal source, the preceding paragraph, transmission systems, end-user distribution network of four functional Generally speaking, the different systems on the specific components vary, depending on the size of the system, program the number of cycle of songs, functional application of other


作为大学生,这个要靠自己独立思考解决。根据一些同学的提问,我归纳了一下。新生入学报到时主要要准备如下东西、要注意如下事项:相关证件。包括:身份证、录取通知书(入学通知书)、户口迁移证、党团组织关系证明(介绍信)、一寸登记照若干张(可以多带几张,以备它用),等等。这些很重要,一定不要忘记。另外,把父母、爷爷奶奶即各个近亲的姓名、出生年月、工作单位、职业和职务搞清楚,填下来,到学校要填各种表格,有的表格需要这些信息。钱和卡。上学要交学费和住宿费(分别为每年4500-500元与1000元左右),合计要6000左右(个别专业可能要高些,如艺术类专业)。因为新生出门较少,没有什么旅途安全经验,建议少带现金(但千把块钱还是要带的,以备一些不时之需)。可以在家中先办一张信用卡或储值卡用于交学杂费等。有的学校会给你寄一张卡,让学生把钱存在其中,你可以用这张卡,也可以不用。如果家庭条件还可以,办一张信用卡,把它关联到父母亲的储值卡(如工资卡),每月刷卡后直接从父母亲的卡中扣款,这样的好处是方便、安全。但如果你不想让父母亲知道你的消费情况,可以自己在老家办一张储值卡(让父母亲往里冲钱),然后办一张信用卡与之关联。也可以到学校再办储值卡与信用卡,但这样你父母亲异地往你的储值卡打钱时要付手续费。一般情况下,各个学校都要配发一些学习和日常生活用品,这些东西不是无偿给你的,都要你花钱购买。学校发的物品质量都很次而且贵,建议学校发的东西如果可以不要就尽量不要,能自己买的就别买学校发的,有些生活必需品则可以在离开家时先配好,免得到学校后由于人生地不熟不好买。衣服被褥。你平常穿的衣服,春夏秋冬各季的,都要带,除非学校距你家乡很近或者父母亲有机会出差来学校给你带东西。内衣和袜子至少要两三套,各季的外衣至少也要两套。如果你现在生活的地方和要去上学的城市的地理气象与生活环境是否相似,那么准备的东西和在老家差不多;如果相差太大,就要带些那个城市需要的衣服(例如,如果你生活在北方,但上学的城市在南方,那么太厚的保暖内衣裤就可以不带了)。被褥也是这样,夏天去学校,可以带一床薄被(如毛巾被),厚被子可以自己带,也可以到学校后再买。席子可以到学校根据床宽购买合适的,床单和枕头(枕套)可以自己带也可以到学校再买。洗漱生活用品。要带牙膏牙刷、毛巾、漱口杯、香皂肥皂、洗发水、梳子、手机(看家庭条件)等,以便在途中和到校后就能使用。男生要带剃须刀、女生要带各种女性用品和洗面奶等。至于洗脸盆、晒衣架、拖鞋、雨伞、水瓶、指甲剪、剪刀、小刀、台灯之类的东西就不一定要带了,有的学校会发,就算不发自己买也不贵(这些生活用品到了学校买也很方便,而且到时候和舍友一起去买还能快速缩短距离)。条件可以时,可以带个照相机,为自己和同学照照相,也是人际交流的一种很好方式。学习用品。可以带几支水笔、本子、字典、词典(英汉汉英词典等,包括功能强大的电子词典)、书包(背包)。如果学校没有不允许,你家庭条件许可的话,可以带笔记本。但最好不要带,尤其是当你迷恋上网或者玩游戏的时候,带笔记本会影响你的学习和生活以及和同学的正常交往。另外,还可以预备一些生活中用到的药或创可贴之类,虽然不一定会用到它们,不过等需要的时候随手可以找到也很方便。旅行箱。如果家庭条件不是特别好得钱花不了,不需要买太贵的,毕业后可以买更好的。箱子可以大一些,能装下自己的衣服及平常不是常用的生活用品和学习用品即可。但不要过分大,免得不好携带,到学校在宿舍也不好放。一般以80公分左右长、50-60公分宽为佳。 如果可以的话,带点家乡的特产,不是一定要去给老师,而是给舍友或班上同学吃,毕竟你有四年的时间和他们在一起,越早熟悉越好。如果坐火车的话,可以凭录取通知书(入学通知书)享受学生票优惠。一点小建议:大学学习勇攀高峰,加入社团量力而行,大学社会实践多多益善,尊敬老师有难必问,同学相处宽容大度,大学恋爱不鼓励也不反对。入学测试和体检。有的大学在新生报到后一段时间内,要组织几门文化课的新生入学测试,对考试成绩和高考成绩有较大出入者要进行重点核查。如果你考试没有作弊,不要有任何担心。考试范围和难度不会超过高考,考得好坏无所谓。体检也很容易过,除非你有不符合入学要求的重大疾病而且在高考体检时又使了花招,一般是不要紧的。只要你高考时正常体检、正常考试,这两项都没有问题,现在可以放心玩!当然还有另一种入学考试,那是为各种分班做做准备的,比如英语成绩好的学生分到英语快班。新生军训。大学新生要进行军训,军训一般只有两个星期。按照《国防教育法》的规定,组织学生进行军训,这是贯彻国防教育法的具体行动,是推进素质教育、为国家和军队培养造就高素质国防后备力量的重大举措。参加军训可以增进同学友情,应该积极参加。如果身体条件不许可,应该尽早跟辅导员或班主任讲清楚,以免发生意外。宿舍是在你去之前就安排好的,这个不用担心。住宿条件有好有坏,不要太拘泥于这个,主要是要和同舍同学友好相处。不要以为住宿条件差就不能适应,人的适应性是非常强的,而且不太好的生活条件对你以后的成长和工作、生活很有好处,不管你的家庭是多么富有!专业不理想,调换专业。一般学校进校一年后都可以调换专业。调换专业有两种情况,一种是因为在原专业很难学下去,学校会帮助你换一个好学一点的专业(但一般不是很好的专业,也不是热门专业);另一种是你想换一个你心仪的其它专业,这种时候一般都要由你要转入的专业所在院系进行资格考试,考试合格才能转入,有的学校还要交一笔费用。


1语音教学,打好基础  语音是英语基础知识之一。要提高英语听力水平,从语音基本知识抓起。突破语音知识关,强化音标学习,打好语音基础,尤其七年级的英语教师要对学生强化语音练习,英语语音知识主要包括:不完全爆破、意群、连读、音的同化与失音、句子重音及语调,掌握辨别单词中的长、短元音、辅音、辅音连缀,辨认句子中的重读、弱读、连读和语调,每天不断的反复,不断的让学生看到,听到各种音标,长此以往,学生会有一种身临其境的感觉,对语音知识不陌生,能正确理解所听单词、词组和句子的意思;另外,词汇量的大小和语法知识不牢固也将会直接影响听力理解效果。  2加强与学生的情感交流,消除听力材料恐惧感  有些听力水平较差的学生对听力缺乏信心,总觉得听力很难,一听就怕,越怕越听不懂,因而出现慌乱现象,尤其在听力材料本身语速快或噪音太多的情况下,更加进入角色,最终导致大脑获得信息的能力降低,甚至听到最后大脑一片空白,有些听力较好的学生,在听简单的内容时掉以轻心,粗枝大叶,而在听较难的内容时又显得异常焦虑不安,影响听力;这些情况,在平时教学中,应该注意与学生加强情感交流,积极他们,帮助他们打破思维定势,排除心理障碍,激发他们的自信心;上课时,以一种很和蔼的姿态出现在他们的面前,眼神、表情、手势等身体语言给他们信息,消除他们的紧张心理;此外,在选择听力材料时,坚持由浅入深、宁易勿难、宁短勿长的原则,让他们更多地体会成功感,从根本上消除它们的恐惧感,摆脱心理障碍,增强自信心。

可以美剧的学科娱乐性 The Big Bang Theory、Fringe、Numb3rs、The Mentalist、Eleventh Hour-我们能从中看到数学,看到自然科学,看到一个完美的结局。 谈到 "电视剧与科学" 这个话题,我们就不能不想到一部古老的电视剧-1964年到1967年由CBS播出的《Gilligan's Island》。这部电视剧讲述2名船员和5名游客所乘坐的游船SS Minnow号在太平洋上失事,所有人逃到一座杳无人烟的荒岛,开始了笑料百出的求生之旅。游客中有一名被人称作 "教授" 的高中理科教师,虽然书呆子气十足,但是却很聪明--他能用竹子和椰子来做任何事情,甚至给已经耗尽的电池充电!然而,他却 "想不起" 要用竹子扎一个竹排,或者使用其他方法来离开这个荒岛。更糟糕的是,他似乎毫不关注身边两位大美女--Ginger和Mary Ann--投来的目光…… 如果说《Gilligan's Island》中的 "教授" 为电视剧中的科学家形象打下了基础,那么今天的Walter Bishop或者Jacob Hood就把这种形象 "发扬广大" 了。来自《危机边缘》的 "疯子" 科学家Walter Bishop虽然在精神病院关了17年,但是 "心灵手巧" 的本事却丝毫没有遗忘--瞧吧,他只需要几条电线、几坨冰块和一个大电池,就能和死人说话……《最后一刻》中英俊潇洒的Jacob Hood也不赖--今天弄个小实验来对付非法克隆,明天弄个小理论来追踪意念控制。有一首歌怎么唱的来着?"小蜜蜂,嗡嗡嗡,不怕雨也不怕风,刻苦耐劳勤做工……" 只可惜Jacob这只 "大蜜峰" 是只 "呆蜜峰",丝毫没有注意到身边那只 "母蜜蜂"(Rachel Young)是如此美貌性感…… FOX另一部罪案剧《识骨寻踪》(Bones)也带有几分 "科学发现" 的味道,只不过男女主人公的身份、性格正好与《最后一刻》颠倒--Temperance Brennan博士宁愿花大把时间去研究一具所有人都毫无头绪的远古尸体,也不愿与总是毛毛糙糙、大大咧咧的FBI特工Booth一起解决更多的 "现代疑案"。虽然所有人都知道这对B-B组合彼此有情,可谁也不愿捅破那层窗户纸。 纵览好莱坞电视的黄金档期--每周六天(除星期六外),每天三个小时--有多少警察、律师和医生的故事在上演?撇开这三个职业,你会发现……咦?其实科学家也不少嘛……单就CBS而言,就有两个可爱的科学怪才在生活中讲述他们的 "大爆炸理论"(The Big Bang Theory);一个 "不务正业" 的数学天才在帮助FBI破案(Numb3rs);还有一个 "春风得意" 的行为心理学专家在冒充 "通灵师"(The Mentalist)。 《Gilligan's Island》播出40年后,人们已经淡忘了 "教授" 用竹子和木板 "装配" 灌溉系统的同时,还能帮助Gilligan从可笑的困境中脱身--理性思考已经成了同类 "娱乐科学剧" 的主流。和 "娱乐科学剧" 一样,面对越来越见多识广的公众,"娱乐医学剧" 也在悄然蜕变,不断拓宽视野。FOX著名的《豪斯医生》(House)就是其中一例--《豪斯医生》也许依然被划归医学剧,但是越来越偏重于精神世界的思考和探索,外科手术、药品、胆量这些传统医学剧中的传统元素,已经被最大程度弱化了。"医学天才" 豪斯更关心如何解决难题,而不是治病救人。"相信我。" 豪斯一集又一集重复着他的科学信条,"你知道会更好。《豪斯医生》和《犯罪现场调查》的大获成功让我们看到,讲科学的电视剧重新开始重视物理线索的调查。所有能告诉你的线索都已经告诉你了,只要你有能力,就能把它们一点一点拼凑起来。科学题材正变成往昔炙手可热的医学题材,物理学跃升为主流娱乐形式。"我的丈夫是加利福尼亚理工学院的物理学者,他总是说,物理学就是新的 '黑人'。" 科普作家Jennifer Ouellette表达了自己的观点。她的言下之意就是说,和几十年前被人鄙视而不肯接受的黑人一样,物理学被今天的人们鄙视而不肯接受。Ouellette曾撰写过《巴菲世界中的物理学》(The Physics of the Buffyverse),一本为电视剧《吸血鬼猎人巴菲》(Buffy the Vampire Slayer)构建科学观的大众读物。Ouellette还担任着 "科学与娱乐交换协调委员会" 主任的职务。该委员会由美国国家科学院出资建立,主要负责帮助好莱坞和科学界相互理解。换句话说,就是在有需要的时候为好莱坞的制片商提供科学顾问,为科学家提供娱乐需求导向信息。
