

发布时间:2024-07-03 05:35:58


Association football, more commonly known as football or soccer, is a team sport played between two teams of eleven players, and is widely considered to be the most popular sport in the [1][2][3][4] It is a football variant played on a rectangular grass or artificial turf field, with a goal at each of the short The object of the game is to score by manoeuvring the ball into the opposing In general play, the goalkeepers are the only players allowed to use their hands or arms to propel the ball; the rest of the team usually use their feet to kick the ball into position, occasionally using their torso or head to intercept a ball in The team that scores the most goals by the end of the match If the score is tied at the end of the game, either a draw is declared or the game goes into extra time and/or a penalty shootout, depending on the format of the The modern game was codified in England following the formation of The Football Association, whose 1863 Laws of the Game created the foundations for the way the sport is played Football is governed internationally by the Fédération Internationale de Football Association (International Federation of Association Football), commonly known by the acronym FIFA The most prestigious international football competition is the FIFA World Cup, held every four This event, the most widely viewed in the world, boasts an audience twice that of the Summer Olympic G

Artistic immortal! Two goals from two aliens; one final that will shines in An utterly dominant victory over the British giant Manchester United finally unveiled the ultimate dominator in Euro this season---absolutely brilliant FC BIn my first ever experience watching a European champions league final, I have fortunately witnessed a triumph of artistic Man United has many super stars as Chirstiano Ronaldo, Weane Rooney, Tevez, Rio Ferdinand and Vidic who have reputations all over the They plays absolute collective football with pace and tough defensive What’s more, they have a unique Ronaldo---who often threats the defense and scores unbelievable On the other side, Loniel Messi, Xavi, Iniesta, Eto’o and Henry have been playing the sexiest football across the They show us the essence of this game---attack, attack, and

Dear amy Hi In my city 14 year old young people both like football very ,because they like play They think Football is the most popular ball in the More and more young people like watching

History of Football 足球运动的历史 Football is the universal language of scores of millions of people around the world, including countless children and Young people play in narrow, urban They play in refugee They play in abandoned swimming In car parks, war zones, on street corners--wherever there are young people, it seems there is Children play football at the launch of the FIFA-UNICEF alliance at United Nations Headquarters in New Y But the sport is more than just a It's a positive It's a way to promote a peaceful approach to conflict It's a tool for wooing a young body away from the lures of drugs, unsafe sex, or It's a way to help ensure that young people grow up healthy, fit and full of self- And, what's more, it's a manifestation of the right to play that the Convention on the Rights of the Child includes as one of the fundamental rights of all 这是World Cup History 世界杯历史(也不错的,可以参考:) -02/htm你尝试一下这几个链接吧: ,1283,1,html


Why——you may wonder——should football be the most popular sport in the world? Because it makes so many people crazy--we can see clearly from the enormous number of football fanswho love football and regard it as their Football, referred to nowadays, originated from Britain and Britain now boasts the best football league in the world-- England Premium L As the most influential league in the world, England Premium League attracts a lot of people including I don't want to discuss more about the league since its success is known throughout the What I am willing to mention is that it changes my life and I think the number of the people who have the same thought as me is As a zealous fan of Manchester United, I love Ruud Van Nistelrooy, Ryan Giggs, Cristiano Ronaldo and all other MU Watching their performance on TV is my happiest time at every I can still remember the European Champion Cup Final in 1999, Manchester United vs Bayern M Basler scored a free kick in the first In the second half, Manchester United tried their best to score a goal but in I was nearly in despair when the score was 0 : 1 in the 90th But in the extra time, Teddy Sheringham and Ole Gunnar Solskjaer scored two excellent Manchester United W This match shocked the world and the wonder match will be my sweet memory Football enriches the life of all the fans but some complain that football has become much more commercialized than before and to some extent football is merely a machine to make In my point of view, this argument cannot be It is true that football is not merely a sport nowadays, it is an I believe and I am sure that football in itself is pure;the football pitch is pure; the fans and spectators are All these, no one could The summer transfer market this year is not When Russian Monopoly, chairman of FC Chelsea Roman Abramovic spent more than 100 million pounds to buy world class football players, many people feel sad, saying that football is just a toy of the I don't quite If football continues to bring happiness to the fans, football is still football FIFA Football World Cup is, by no means, a festival for all football players and As a game which can be compared with the Olympic Games, world cup is held once every four What should be mentioned is that Chinese National Football Team played on the stage of world cup for the first time last Though they lost all 3 matches, as a Chinese, I am proud of They really did their I absolutely trust that the future of Chinese football is FIFA links the world by means of football and sometimes football creates goodwill on the During the match, nation,race, religion, etc are no longer When IRAN and USA football team met in World Cup 98, they played a peaceful match and spread the signal of peace to the You may ask I believe that in the 90 minutes, what occupies their minds is not hatred but the game Football also triggers the national In this aspect, Korean people shock During World Cup 2002, the symbol of South Korea is People, old and young, male and female, wearing red, support their national football This picture spreads throughout the world and Iam deeply No one could give football an accurate What is football? A battle or just a game? A moneymaking machine or just a small trick? No one But one thing is true is It is a magic of the

Football is the most popular ball in the More and more people like watching football They can't sleep or eat when their teams are They shout for their I think many Chinese football player have done better match after match since the Professional Football league of China was set But we still have a long way to go to Asia and to the We should learn from foreign Foreign players and coaches must be Dalian Wanda, Shanghai Shenhua and Guangd0ng Apollo are among the 足球是世界上最流行的球类运动。现在越来越多韵人喜欢看足球比赛,当他们的球队参加比赛的时候,他们可以废寝忘食地为他们的队员加油。我认为自从中国足协建立以来,许多中国足球的比赛踢得一场比一场好了。但是我们的足球要冲出亚洲、奔向世界还有很长的路要走。我们应该向国外的球队学习,邀请一些外国的运动员和教练到我们中间来。大连万达、上海申花、广东太阳神都是最出色的球队。

Association football, more commonly known as football or soccer, is a team sport played between two teams of eleven players, and is widely considered to be the most popular sport in the [1][2][3][4] It is a football variant played on a rectangular grass or artificial turf field, with a goal at each of the short The object of the game is to score by manoeuvring the ball into the opposing In general play, the goalkeepers are the only players allowed to use their hands or arms to propel the ball; the rest of the team usually use their feet to kick the ball into position, occasionally using their torso or head to intercept a ball in The team that scores the most goals by the end of the match If the score is tied at the end of the game, either a draw is declared or the game goes into extra time and/or a penalty shootout, depending on the format of the The modern game was codified in England following the formation of The Football Association, whose 1863 Laws of the Game created the foundations for the way the sport is played Football is governed internationally by the Fédération Internationale de Football Association (International Federation of Association Football), commonly known by the acronym FIFA The most prestigious international football competition is the FIFA World Cup, held every four This event, the most widely viewed in the world, boasts an audience twice that of the Summer Olympic G


1.激情,在胸中激荡;热血,在赛场挥洒;旗帜,在四周摇曳;呐喊,在耳畔回旋;足球,在眼前往返;精彩,在脚下生辉。世界足球日,愿你喜欢上足球运动,越踢越快乐,越踢越开怀。 2.竞争和友谊结合,狂野和理性连接,勇敢和技巧融洽,欢笑和泪水相伴,失败和成功比邻,甜蜜和辛酸平分。青春的线条被描绘的淋漓尽致,尽在足球场上展现人性的光辉。世界足球日,祝你的人生像赛场精彩纷呈,憧憬无限。 3.快乐,在脚下滚动;呐喊,在赛场响起;青春,在焕发神采;激情,在火热燃烧;活力,在尽情释放;精彩,在每时每刻;魅力,在时时闪耀;足球,在等你来踢。世界足球日,愿你踢的开怀,开心无限!






今天天气很晴朗,天空蓝得像一块透明的蓝包石,蓝天上飘着几朵白云,凉风习习.红星小学一年一度的秋季足球比赛开始了. 全场顿时沸腾起来了!(“沸腾“一词用的好) 比赛在蓝队和红队之间进行.对员们个个生龙活虎,在球场上你追我赶,比分不分上下.临近比比赛结束的时候,红队的10号队员像猛虎下山一般,抢到了球,,用脚尖用力往前一踢,蓝队的7号队员像一只雄狮发威一般,阻挡着这个猛烈的进功,但红队的10 号队员踢的球很猛烈,冲破了蓝队队员的重重阻力,这个威力无比的球刚要射进球门的那一瞬间,蓝队的1号守门员展开双臂,用力往前一扑,守门员想:我一定要接住这个球.最终没有扑着,球一下子滚进了球门.红队的10号队员特别兴奋,开心地跳了起来. 别的队员们也跳了起来,为自己的队员感到骄傲自豪,最后,裁判员宣布:红队以1-0战胜了蓝队!场下的观众欢呼着!跳跃着!齐声呐喊:红队胜利了!红队胜利了! 这真是一场别开生面的足球比赛啊您好,很高兴为您回答问题~《:足球赛》我的六年级校园生活,玩的时候比以前大为减少,但还是挺多的(以前还更多呢)。这不,体育考试结束了,剩下没有被主课老师占掉的体育课就成了我们学生的天下。在此期间,我班进行了一场足球赛。体育课没上完前,我们还举行了一次足球赛,结果我们队1:3被对方击败。这次,我们决心报仇雪恨。比赛开始。对方的队长——我班“铁杆球迷”王文阳开球。我方积极抢夺,对方也毫不示弱。好!我方队员孙超抢到球,立即传给了我队前锋主朱梦涵。朱梦涵带球在敌阵中左冲右突,晃过了对方许多防守队员。突然,对方沈雨人将球截断,传给了朱泽宇。但朱泽宇把球踢出了场。我方汪逸洲把球扔给了朱梦涵。朱梦涵大脚一开,球滴溜溜直入对方球门。经过好几个回合的战斗,我方4:0领先。我方的巨大优势,可把对方急坏了。于是,他们开始了狂轰滥炸,我方球门前险象环生。对方球员把球踢到了我方禁区。我立即迎上去将球截断。但对方的王文阳、张圣言、陈翀等人一起冲了过来,想要夺球。我看准了他们几个人中间的空隙,使出浑身解数,飞起一脚,球从他们头顶飞了过去,直扑对方球门。对方后卫和门将看到球飞那么远,都傻呆了。他们的队员沈雨人急中生智,一跃而起,用胸膛把球挡了回来。他本人也被球打得摔倒在地。王文阳立刻将他扶了起来。接着,对方的进攻更猛了,连后卫都成为了“自由人”冲上来助阵。球一次次从我方球门上边、旁边飞过。还好,我方有“神圣守门员”之称的田铭慈表现极其神勇,一次次化险为夷。终于,我断了球,一脚踢出,却踢在了对方陈翀的腿上。但队友钱龚将球铲断并迅速传给前锋朱梦涵。朱梦涵乘敌禁区空虚之际,带球单刀直入,与敌守门员产生一对一的好局势。对方守门员一看大事不好,飞身前来扑救。朱梦涵晃了过去,送球入网。我们兴奋得跳起:“好!”在比赛结束前的几分钟,敌方队员王文阳不慎打入乌龙球,球直入他自己队的网窝,6:0我们队胜利了!至今,回想起这场球赛,仍令我队队员兴奋不已。踢球也是一种体育锻炼的方法,它对我们的身体还是有好处的。


今天天气很晴朗,天空蓝得像一块透明的蓝包石,蓝天上飘着几朵白云,凉风习习.红星小学一年一度的秋季足球比赛开始了. 全场顿时沸腾起来了!(“沸腾“一词用的好) 比赛在蓝队和红队之间进行.对员们个个生龙活虎,在球场上你追我赶,比分不分上下.临近比比赛结束的时候,红队的10号队员像猛虎下山一般,抢到了球,,用脚尖用力往前一踢,蓝队的7号队员像一只雄狮发威一般,阻挡着这个猛烈的进功,但红队的10 号队员踢的球很猛烈,冲破了蓝队队员的重重阻力,这个威力无比的球刚要射进球门的那一瞬间,蓝队的1号守门员展开双臂,用力往前一扑,守门员想:我一定要接住这个球.最终没有扑着,球一下子滚进了球门.红队的10号队员特别兴奋,开心地跳了起来. 别的队员们也跳了起来,为自己的队员感到骄傲自豪,最后,裁判员宣布:红队以1-0战胜了蓝队!场下的观众欢呼着!跳跃着!齐声呐喊:红队胜利了!红队胜利了! 这真是一场别开生面的足球比赛啊!


我与足球的故事 说起足球我马上就会想起那黑白相间像打了补丁似的圆溜溜的“胖娃娃”。其实,我与足球还有着许多趣事呢。我们学校在管城回族区所有的小学中是一个名副其实的足球学校。在我刚上小学时,我每天下午放学都能在操场上看到足球队的队员们进行足球训练,那时候我真是羡慕不已。所以在上三年级的时候,我就要求爸爸妈妈给我报了我们学校的足球班。从此,每天下午放学之后,我和小足球队员就会迅速来到操场上一字排开,开始跟着足球教练进行训练。开始教练教我们做带球动作,每当轮到我训练时,我就把小足球看成一个顽皮的孩子,小足球总是不愿意被我控制,死活不肯“跑”进球门,我就一直“训练”它。渐渐地小足球被我“驯服”了,我让他向东它不敢朝西,我让它向南它不敢朝北,日久天长我们成了最要好的朋友。今年我已经升入五年级了,当然除了学习成绩非常优异之外,我的足球技能也在突飞猛进地增长。十月是我们学校一年一度的足球比赛月。这次的足球比赛我们班对阵的是五一班。庆幸的是我们班有三个校级足球队员,而五一班却只有一个校级足球队员,这样我们班首先从战略上就占了优势。我们班的队员在上场前摩拳擦掌,信心十足。我是足球小队长,我告诫我班队员:“骄兵必败,咱可千万不能轻‘敌’啊!”大家把手握在一起大声喊出“不骄不躁,用于取胜”的口号。裁判员的哨声响起,紧张的足球比赛开始了。我以敏捷的动作,熟悉的套路乘对方还没组织好阵容之机朝着对方的球门踢去,球像离了弦的箭直奔过去,此时对方一个队员赶忙去拦截我踢出去的足球,眼看就要被对方截住,在这千钧一发的时刻,我方队员吴晨雅飞奔过去,一个侧转身拦住了对方队员,此时球进了——进了对方的球门。顿时,场外一片沸腾,坐在远处的我班同学欢呼雀跃,嘴里不停的喊:“五二班,胜利!五二班,加油!……首战告捷,我和队员不敢松懈,这次比赛由于两班的队员中非专业足球队员还是占多数,没有经过专业训练,所以两队队员不太分规则地挤在了一起抢球,我班队员蒋媛挟持着球被夹在两队队员中间。”蒋媛,传到这儿,这儿!“我在外围拼命地呼喊着。此时的蒋媛可真机灵,虽然她没经过专业的训练,可她左躲右闪地突围出来,很快便把球传给了我,就在此时,五一班也有一个机警的队员迅速挤了过来准备截走球,但我已牢牢地控制住足球并以迅雷不及掩耳之势向对方球门射去,球又进了——以对方守门员傻傻的呆站姿势结束了本场的比赛,我班以2:0取得了本场的胜利。接着我们两班又进行了两场激烈的比赛,我班以4:1大获全胜,荣获了年级足球比赛的第一名。从此,我们班许多同学喜欢上了足球,我也更加喜爱足球了。

女足世界杯上,中国队遗憾的负于挪威队,没有进入四强我们没有理由去职责女足姑娘们,她们努力了这更不是队伍中某一个人的错,马晓旭赢球的欲望是有目共睹的,我们不能去指责她;王坤出现了漏人失误,她同样也不想,我们不能去指责她我相信,铿锵玫瑰一定会绽放在绿荫之中!  在亚洲杯上,大家都对中国足球失望透了,很多球迷甚至已经放弃了看足球,其实,我们不是球员,我们真的是不会体会到球员的感受的,或许他们已经用尽了他们所有的力量,或许他们正在奋力拼搏,球迷们已经被生气遮住了眼睛,所以没有人去注视场上的一切。同样的比赛,山东球迷最支持的鲁能泰山队也遭遇了失败的洗礼,我们不能说他们已经失去了斗志,不能去用最犀利的话语去刺激他们,不能对他们失去信心。对手也是在进步的,他们不可能永远停留在起点上,只有别人进步,自己也在进步,才能称霸在绿荫场上。球迷们应为自己的球队加油,而不是讽刺他们。鲁能泰山是一支坚韧坚强的队伍,我们相信,他们一定会及时找出错误,改正错误,橘红色的火焰一定会在赛场上燃烧。我们也相信中国足球,他们一定会借鉴其他国家的经验,一定会为球迷奉献精彩的比赛!


