

发布时间:2024-07-06 21:47:38


There are 64-way analog signals that are respectively connected with the input ports of four highly precise 16-channel analog switches AD7506 whose enabling signal comes from the other decoder 74HC The number of port allotted is 00H-3FH It is provided in the same way as that of the switching signals The highest bit of the signal locked that is valid when low voltage is the decoder’s enabling signal After amplified by highly- precise operational amplifier AD624 and transmitted into voltage of 0-5 V , the analog output signals are selected by the highly precise 8-channel analog switch AD7501, amplified by isolating amplifier AD290, and transmitted into digital signals by analog-to-digital converter ADC0804, then connected to the data bus The digital signals are obtained by Hoyle sensor monitoring the rotating speed of the host engine in the cabin[1] Hoyle sensor has high measuring It can work reliably in seamy conditions of all kinds and send output digitally Hoyle sensor is connected with the host engine coaxially A counter detects signals from Hoyle sensor that vary with the rotating speed of the host engine So the output of the counter stands for the rotating speed of the host engine, once the counting time length is 64路模拟信号是由4个高精度16通道模拟信号转换芯片AD7506独自连接的输入端口构成,这个转换芯片能处理来自另一种解码芯片74HC138的信号。端口编码为00H-3FH。转换信号也以同样的方式编号。若低电压为解码器工作的允许信号,信号的最高位被锁定是必要的。经过高精度放大器AD624的放大并输入0-5V电压,高精度8通道模拟转换器AD7501选择模拟输出信号(或是翻译成对模拟信号进行取样),再经缓冲放大器AD290放大信号,随后经模数转换器ADC0804作用转换为数字信号,最后与数据总线进行连接。这个数字信号传给霍伊尔传感器以监控船舱内主引擎的转速[1]。霍伊尔传感器拥有较高的测量精度。它在各种恶劣的条件下都能可靠的工作,且以数字形式发送输出数据。霍伊尔传感器与主引擎同轴安装。计数器检测来自霍伊尔传感器的信号,这个信号随主引擎转速而变化。因此一旦计数时长给定,计数器的结果即主引擎的转速。

Channel refers to inland, lakes, harbor in such as the ship security navigable waters for the Our country is the world earlier one of the countries using In the 1980s China inland river transportation mileage more than 100,000 KM, with the development of transportation enterprise, water requirements with design navigable channel should ship corresponding depth, width and bending Along with the development of the ship to channel launch of pioneering waterway and improve the governance project such as navigational conditions in full This paper first analyzes the domestic development status of inland water transport is introduced, and the development level of inland water With the developing coastal waterways for major theoretical basis for the change and development of ship were analyzed, focusing on the Yangtze river estuary deep channel management and development to The future development direction of forward some superficial





There are 64-way analog signals that are respectively connected with the input ports of four highly precise 16-channel analog switches AD7506 whose enabling signal comes from the other decoder 74HC The number of port allotted is 00H-3FH It is provided in the same way as that of the switching signals The highest bit of the signal locked that is valid when low voltage is the decoder’s enabling signal After amplified by highly- precise operational amplifier AD624 and transmitted into voltage of 0-5 V , the analog output signals are selected by the highly precise 8-channel analog switch AD7501, amplified by isolating amplifier AD290, and transmitted into digital signals by analog-to-digital converter ADC0804, then connected to the data bus The digital signals are obtained by Hoyle sensor monitoring the rotating speed of the host engine in the cabin[1] Hoyle sensor has high measuring It can work reliably in seamy conditions of all kinds and send output digitally Hoyle sensor is connected with the host engine coaxially A counter detects signals from Hoyle sensor that vary with the rotating speed of the host engine So the output of the counter stands for the rotating speed of the host engine, once the counting time length is 64路模拟信号是由4个高精度16通道模拟信号转换芯片AD7506独自连接的输入端口构成,这个转换芯片能处理来自另一种解码芯片74HC138的信号。端口编码为00H-3FH。转换信号也以同样的方式编号。若低电压为解码器工作的允许信号,信号的最高位被锁定是必要的。经过高精度放大器AD624的放大并输入0-5V电压,高精度8通道模拟转换器AD7501选择模拟输出信号(或是翻译成对模拟信号进行取样),再经缓冲放大器AD290放大信号,随后经模数转换器ADC0804作用转换为数字信号,最后与数据总线进行连接。这个数字信号传给霍伊尔传感器以监控船舱内主引擎的转速[1]。霍伊尔传感器拥有较高的测量精度。它在各种恶劣的条件下都能可靠的工作,且以数字形式发送输出数据。霍伊尔传感器与主引擎同轴安装。计数器检测来自霍伊尔传感器的信号,这个信号随主引擎转速而变化。因此一旦计数时长给定,计数器的结果即主引擎的转速。

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给你个连接,这个是介绍货柜船的页面,里面详细介绍了货柜船的资料,希望能帮到你。另外,这个页面是全英文的。 -transportation/htm

The purpose of this Guideline is to provide guidance for implementation of “Performance Standard for Protective Coatings for dedicated seawater ballast tanks in all types of ships and double-side skin spaces of bulk carriers (hereinafter referred to as “PSPC”)” referred in the amendments to regulations II-1/3-2 and XII/6 of the International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS), 1974, as amended adopted by resolution MSC216 (82)本指南旨在为进行MSC216(82)会议通过的SOLAS第 II-1/3-2和 XII/条修正案中所引入的PSPC所要求的执行提供指导。The terms used in this Guideline have the same meaning as those defined in PSPC本指南中所引用的术语与PSPC中的定义相同。These guidelines are developed based on the current available and approved types of paints and it isrecognised that new types of paint maybe developed in the future for which all these requirements maynot be It is recognised in these guidelines but that any deviation from these requirements willbe specific to the paint being approved and form part of the testing and approved process to confirm theircompliance with the requirements of MSC215(82) as 本指南是基于目前已被认可的涂料系统所提出的,这些要求对于将来开发出的新型涂料系统可能并不适用。任何不是目前已被认可的涂料系统的其它涂料系统,需经检测试验认可,以证明该涂料系统符合MSC215(82)提出的要求。Definitions For the purpose of this Standard, the following definitions apply:下列定义适用于本标准:1 Ballast tanks are those as defined in the guidelines for the selection, application and maintenance of corrosion preventions systems of dedicated seawater ballast tanks (resolution A798(19) and the Guidelines on the enhanced program of inspections during surveys of bulk carriers and oil tankers (A744(18), as amended)压载舱 为A798 (19) 和A744(18) 决议所定义的那些压载舱。2 Dew point is the temperature at which air is saturated with 露点 为空气所含潮气饱和时的温度。3 DFT is dry film DFT 为干膜厚度。4 Dust is loose particle matter present on a surface prepared for painting, arising from blast cleaning or other surface preparation processes, or resulting from the action of the 灰尘为呈现在准备涂漆表面上的松散的颗粒性物质,是由于喷射清理或其他表面处理时产生的,或由于环境作用产生的。5 Edge grinding is the treatment of edge before secondary surface 边缘打磨 系指二次表面处理前对边缘的处理。6 “GOOD” condition is the condition with minor spot rusting as defined in resolution A744(18)“良好”状况 系指A744 (18) 决议定义的有少量点锈的状况。7 Hard coating is a coating that chemically converts during its curing process or a non convertible air drying coating which may be used for maintenance Can be either inorganic or 硬涂层系指在固化过程中发生化学变化的涂层或非化学变化、在空气中干燥的涂层。硬涂层可用于维护目的,类型是无机的或有机的。8 NDFT is the nominal dry film 90/10 practice means that 90% of all thickness measurements shall be greater than or equal to NDFT and none of the remaining 10% measurements shall be below 9 x NDFTNDFT为名义干膜厚度。90/10规则的意义是指:所有测量点中90%的点的测量值应大于或等于NDFT,余下10%的点的测量值均应不小于9×NDFT9 Primer coat is the first coat of the coating system applied in the shipyard after shop primer 底漆 是指在钢材预处理线涂装车间底漆后,在船厂(按建造技术规格书)规定的涂层系统所涂装的第一道涂层。10 Shop-primer is the prefabrication primer coating applied to steel plates, often in automatic plants (and before the first coat of a coating system)车间底漆 是指钢材预处理时涂装在钢板表面的底漆,通常在自动化车间(即:钢材预处理流水线)喷涂,(在规定的涂层系统的第一道涂层之前,即9项所定义的底漆之前)。11 Stripe coating is painting of edges, welds, hard to reach areas, , to ensure good paint adhesion and proper paint thickness in critical 预涂 是指对关键区域,如:边缘、焊缝、不易喷涂区域等位置的预先涂装,以保证这些区域良好的涂层附着力和合适的漆膜厚度。Target useful life is the target value, in years, of the durability for which the coating system is 目标使用寿命 为涂层系统设计寿命的目标值,以年计。Technical Data Sheet is paint manufacturers’ Product Data Sheet which contains detailed technical instruction and information relevant to the coating and its 技术规格书是涂料生产商的产品规格书,包含与涂料及其涂装有关的详细技术性说明和资料。Application (SOLAS vs IACS)The Performance Standard for Protective Coating (PSPC), made mandatory by SOLAS II-1, A-1, R 3-2, was adopted by the IMO Maritime Safety Committee (MSC 82) in Istanbul, 8 December PSPC标准已在2006年12月8日 的MSC82次会议上通过 ,并引入 SOLAS第II-1 章A-1部分第3-2条要求强制执行。For SOLAS the dates of entry into force are:SOLAS强制生效时间:For ships of not less than 500 gross tonnage: 适用于不小于500总吨的船舶:        for which the building contract is placed on or after 1 July 2008, or2008年7月1日或以后签订建造合同的船舶;或        in the absence of a building contract, the keels of which are laid or which are at a similar stage of construction on or after 1 January 2009, or无建造合同,在2009年1月1日或以后铺龙骨或处于类似建造阶段的船舶;或        the delivery of which is on or after 1 July  于2012年7月1日或以后交船的船舶。The coating application (including steel surface preparation etc) shall be in conjunction with:涂装施工(包括钢材表面处理等)应满足如下要求:Coating system approval:


你好,不知是不是你要的类型。 You see, I come from yongji city which is divided by Mangniu R About twenty years ago, there is no bridge on the river, so the best way is to take a ferry boat when getting from one side to another At those days, I am often riding in a However, when the bridge is set over the river, it was quite unusual for me to ride in a boat From J The only time I can ride on the water is when I am in park with my In fact, it is very fun to be on water, tossed back and forth by Especially my daughter is very looking forward to riding in the boat, though she is too young to toss by

There are 64-way analog signals that are respectively connected with the input ports of four highly precise 16-channel analog switches AD7506 whose enabling signal comes from the other decoder 74HC The number of port allotted is 00H-3FH It is provided in the same way as that of the switching signals The highest bit of the signal locked that is valid when low voltage is the decoder’s enabling signal After amplified by highly- precise operational amplifier AD624 and transmitted into voltage of 0-5 V , the analog output signals are selected by the highly precise 8-channel analog switch AD7501, amplified by isolating amplifier AD290, and transmitted into digital signals by analog-to-digital converter ADC0804, then connected to the data bus The digital signals are obtained by Hoyle sensor monitoring the rotating speed of the host engine in the cabin[1] Hoyle sensor has high measuring It can work reliably in seamy conditions of all kinds and send output digitally Hoyle sensor is connected with the host engine coaxially A counter detects signals from Hoyle sensor that vary with the rotating speed of the host engine So the output of the counter stands for the rotating speed of the host engine, once the counting time length is 64路模拟信号是由4个高精度16通道模拟信号转换芯片AD7506独自连接的输入端口构成,这个转换芯片能处理来自另一种解码芯片74HC138的信号。端口编码为00H-3FH。转换信号也以同样的方式编号。若低电压为解码器工作的允许信号,信号的最高位被锁定是必要的。经过高精度放大器AD624的放大并输入0-5V电压,高精度8通道模拟转换器AD7501选择模拟输出信号(或是翻译成对模拟信号进行取样),再经缓冲放大器AD290放大信号,随后经模数转换器ADC0804作用转换为数字信号,最后与数据总线进行连接。这个数字信号传给霍伊尔传感器以监控船舱内主引擎的转速[1]。霍伊尔传感器拥有较高的测量精度。它在各种恶劣的条件下都能可靠的工作,且以数字形式发送输出数据。霍伊尔传感器与主引擎同轴安装。计数器检测来自霍伊尔传感器的信号,这个信号随主引擎转速而变化。因此一旦计数时长给定,计数器的结果即主引擎的转速。

给你个连接,这个是介绍货柜船的页面,里面详细介绍了货柜船的资料,希望能帮到你。另外,这个页面是全英文的。 -transportation/htm


Modern marine vessel is similiar to a mobile floating Electricity is, of course, needed by many of its Therefore, modern ship comes with a standalone system inclusive of generator, its switch control, distribution and electircal appratus --- Marine Electric Power S Marine Electric Power System is composed of four categories, namely, power supply, switch panel, distribution network and power Modern Marine Electric Power System is equivalent to human's cardiovascular systerm hence rational, economical and reliable measures across its design, assembly and test process post great importance for safer and economical


给你个连接,这个是介绍货柜船的页面,里面详细介绍了货柜船的资料,希望能帮到你。另外,这个页面是全英文的。 -transportation/htm
