

发布时间:2024-07-09 03:57:51


The sensor technology is the leading-edge/front technology of the modern science and


传感器技术的英文: sensor technologysensor是什么意思: 传感器,灵敏元件He plugged the sensor into a 他把传感器插进电源插座。Secure the micro sensor to the 将微传感器缝到头皮。Smoke sensors warned us of the 烟雾探测器已向我们发出火警警报。photometric sensors are devices that measure energy in the visible spectrum测光传感器是测定可见光谱中能量的仪表。The bimetal element is the simplest and most often encountered 双金属元件是一种最简单和最常见的传感器。technology是什么意思: 技术,科技;技术应用This is the centre of the 这是这项技术的核心。Technology Department is responsible for the overall planning of 技术部负责按体系要求做好技术的总体策划工作。HTTC HyperTransport Technology ConsortiumHyperTransport技术协会 DHT Dolby Headphone Technology杜比耳机技术 technology for producing icecream with soybean用大豆生产冰淇淋技术




这是一篇 PHD的论文,谈论有关 无线传感网络 的,你看下,是否符合你需要,如果类型都不一致,那就没必要翻译了。Mechanisms for energy conservation in wireless sensor networksSupervisor: Maurizio BonuccelliThesis commettee: Paolo Ferraggina, Piero MaestriniExternal referees: Stefano Basagni, Mani SrivastavaNational commettee: Bugliesi, Meo, and Panzieri December 27, 2005 AbstractIn this thesis we address the problem of reducing energy consumption in wireless sensor We propose a suit of techniques andstrategies imported from other research areas that can be applied to design energy-efficient protocols in sensor They includetime series forecasting, quorums systems, and the interaction between sensor properties and protocol We apply these techniques to the time synchronization problem, to efficiently collecting data from a sensor network, and to ensuring stronger data consistency guarantees in mobile We show in [1,2,3,4] that time series forecasting techniques, and in particular autoregressive (AR) models, can be applied to sensor networks to conserve We study a simple type of time series models with a short prediction We have chosen this model because it is capableof predicting data produced by real-world sensors measuring physical phenomena, and it is computationally tractable on modern-generation sensor We apply these models to solve two relevant problems in sensor networks: the problem of efficiently collecting sensor data at the sink, and the time synchronization We propose an energy-efficient framework, called SAF Similarity--based Adaptable query Framework [1,2] ), for approximate querying and detecting outlier values in sensor The idea is to combine local AR models built at each node into a global model stored at the root of the network(the sink) that is used to approximately answer user Our approach uses dramatically fewer transmissions than previous approximate approaches by using AR models and organizing the network into clusters based on data similarity between Our definition of data similarity is based on the coefficients of the local AR models stored at the sink, which reduces energy consumption over techniques that directly compare data values, and allows us to derive an efficient clustering algorithm that is provably optimal in the number of clusters formed by the Our clusters have several interesting features that make them suitable also for mobile networks: first, they can capture similarity between nodes that are not geographically adjacent; second, cluster membership adapts at no additional cost; third, nodes within a cluster are not required to track the membership of other nodes in the Furthermore, SAF provides provably correct error bounds and allows the user to dynamically tune answer quality to answer queries in an energy and resource efficient In addition, we apply the AR models to solve the time synchronization problem from a novel perspective which is complementary to the well-studied clock synchronization problem [3,4] More precisely, we analyze the case in which a sensor node decides to skip one or more clock adjustments to save energy, or it is temporarily isolated, but still requires an accurate estimate of the We propose a provably correct clock method based on AR models, which returns a time estimate within a constant (tunable) error bound and error This method is highly adaptable and allows the sensor to decide how manyclock adjustments it can skip while maintaining the same time accuracy, thus saving In addition, we propose a suit of deterministic methods that reduce the time estimation error by at least a factor More precisely, we propose a provably correct deterministic clock reading method, called the DCR method, which exploits information regarding the sign of the clock deviation, and can be applied to reduce by half the frequency of the periodic clock adjustments, while maintaining the same error bound [3,4] This method is of both practical and theoretical In fact, it leads to a noticeable energy saving, and shows that a stronger but realistic clock model can lead to a refinement of the optimality bound for the maximum deviation of a clock that is periodically In addition, we propose a generalized version of the DCR method that enhances its accuracy depending on the clock stability, and a method that guarantees the monotonicity of the time values We analyze for the first time quorum system techniques in the context of sensor networks: we redesign them and show their benefits in terms of energy consumption [6] Quorum systems have the potential to save energy in sensor networks since they can reduce noticeably the amount of communication, improve the load balance among sensor nodes, and enhance the scalability of the However, previous quorum systems and quorum metrics, proposed for wired networks, are unsuitable for sensor networks since they do not address their properties and These observations have motivated us to redesigning quorum systems and their metrics, taking into account the limitations and characteristics of sensors (, transmission costs, limited energysource, physical radio broadcast), and the network More precisely, we redefine the following quorum metrics: load balance, access cost and quorum capacity, and devise some strategies based on some characteristics of sensor networks that reduce the amount of communication when designing quorum systems for sensor We apply these strategies to design a family of energy-efficient quorum systems with high In particular, we propose a quorum construction that reduces the quorum access cost, and propose an energy-efficient data diffusion protocol built on top of it that reduces the energy consumption by reducing the amount of transmissions and In addition, we analyze quorum systems in case of high node More precisely, we study the difficult problem of guaranteeing the intersection between two quorums in case nodes move continuously along unknown paths [7] We address this problem by defining a novel mobility model that provides a minimum set of constraints sufficient to derive strong data guarantees in highly mobile Also in this case, we show the unsuitability of previous quorum systems, and provide a condition which is necessary to guarantee data availability and atomic consistency under high node We propose a new classof quorum systems, called Mobile Dissemination (MD) quorums, suitable for highly mobile networks, and propose a quorum construction which is optimal with respect to the quorum size (, message transmissions) [7] Then, we apply the MD quorum system to implement a provably correct atomic read/write shared memory for mobile and sparse Bibliography [1] D Tulone, S M PAQ: Time series forecasting for approximate query answeringin sensor In P of the 3rd European Workshop on Wireless Sensor Networks, 21-37, Feb [2] D Tulone, S M An energy-efficient querying framework in sensor networks for detecting node Submitted to [3] D T On the feasibility of global time estimation under isolation conditions in wireless sensor To appear in A[4] D T A resource-efficient time estimation for wireless sensor In P of the 4th Workshop of Principles of Mobile Computing, 52-59, Oct [5] D T How efficiently and accurately can a process get the reference time? I S on Distributed Computing, O Brief announcement, 25-[6] DTulone, E D D Redesigning quorum systems for wireless sensor Submitted to [7] D T Is it possible to ensure strong data guarantees in highly mobile networks? Submitted to



这是一篇 PHD的论文,谈论有关 无线传感网络 的,你看下,是否符合你需要,如果类型都不一致,那就没必要翻译了。Mechanisms for energy conservation in wireless sensor networksSupervisor: Maurizio BonuccelliThesis commettee: Paolo Ferraggina, Piero MaestriniExternal referees: Stefano Basagni, Mani SrivastavaNational commettee: Bugliesi, Meo, and Panzieri December 27, 2005 AbstractIn this thesis we address the problem of reducing energy consumption in wireless sensor We propose a suit of techniques andstrategies imported from other research areas that can be applied to design energy-efficient protocols in sensor They includetime series forecasting, quorums systems, and the interaction between sensor properties and protocol We apply these techniques to the time synchronization problem, to efficiently collecting data from a sensor network, and to ensuring stronger data consistency guarantees in mobile We show in [1,2,3,4] that time series forecasting techniques, and in particular autoregressive (AR) models, can be applied to sensor networks to conserve We study a simple type of time series models with a short prediction We have chosen this model because it is capableof predicting data produced by real-world sensors measuring physical phenomena, and it is computationally tractable on modern-generation sensor We apply these models to solve two relevant problems in sensor networks: the problem of efficiently collecting sensor data at the sink, and the time synchronization We propose an energy-efficient framework, called SAF Similarity--based Adaptable query Framework [1,2] ), for approximate querying and detecting outlier values in sensor The idea is to combine local AR models built at each node into a global model stored at the root of the network(the sink) that is used to approximately answer user Our approach uses dramatically fewer transmissions than previous approximate approaches by using AR models and organizing the network into clusters based on data similarity between Our definition of data similarity is based on the coefficients of the local AR models stored at the sink, which reduces energy consumption over techniques that directly compare data values, and allows us to derive an efficient clustering algorithm that is provably optimal in the number of clusters formed by the Our clusters have several interesting features that make them suitable also for mobile networks: first, they can capture similarity between nodes that are not geographically adjacent; second, cluster membership adapts at no additional cost; third, nodes within a cluster are not required to track the membership of other nodes in the Furthermore, SAF provides provably correct error bounds and allows the user to dynamically tune answer quality to answer queries in an energy and resource efficient In addition, we apply the AR models to solve the time synchronization problem from a novel perspective which is complementary to the well-studied clock synchronization problem [3,4] More precisely, we analyze the case in which a sensor node decides to skip one or more clock adjustments to save energy, or it is temporarily isolated, but still requires an accurate estimate of the We propose a provably correct clock method based on AR models, which returns a time estimate within a constant (tunable) error bound and error This method is highly adaptable and allows the sensor to decide how manyclock adjustments it can skip while maintaining the same time accuracy, thus saving In addition, we propose a suit of deterministic methods that reduce the time estimation error by at least a factor More precisely, we propose a provably correct deterministic clock reading method, called the DCR method, which exploits information regarding the sign of the clock deviation, and can be applied to reduce by half the frequency of the periodic clock adjustments, while maintaining the same error bound [3,4] This method is of both practical and theoretical In fact, it leads to a noticeable energy saving, and shows that a stronger but realistic clock model can lead to a refinement of the optimality bound for the maximum deviation of a clock that is periodically In addition, we propose a generalized version of the DCR method that enhances its accuracy depending on the clock stability, and a method that guarantees the monotonicity of the time values We analyze for the first time quorum system techniques in the context of sensor networks: we redesign them and show their benefits in terms of energy consumption [6] Quorum systems have the potential to save energy in sensor networks since they can reduce noticeably the amount of communication, improve the load balance among sensor nodes, and enhance the scalability of the However, previous quorum systems and quorum metrics, proposed for wired networks, are unsuitable for sensor networks since they do not address their properties and These observations have motivated us to redesigning quorum systems and their metrics, taking into account the limitations and characteristics of sensors (, transmission costs, limited energysource, physical radio broadcast), and the network More precisely, we redefine the following quorum metrics: load balance, access cost and quorum capacity, and devise some strategies based on some characteristics of sensor networks that reduce the amount of communication when designing quorum systems for sensor We apply these strategies to design a family of energy-efficient quorum systems with high In particular, we propose a quorum construction that reduces the quorum access cost, and propose an energy-efficient data diffusion protocol built on top of it that reduces the energy consumption by reducing the amount of transmissions and In addition, we analyze quorum systems in case of high node More precisely, we study the difficult problem of guaranteeing the intersection between two quorums in case nodes move continuously along unknown paths [7] We address this problem by defining a novel mobility model that provides a minimum set of constraints sufficient to derive strong data guarantees in highly mobile Also in this case, we show the unsuitability of previous quorum systems, and provide a condition which is necessary to guarantee data availability and atomic consistency under high node We propose a new classof quorum systems, called Mobile Dissemination (MD) quorums, suitable for highly mobile networks, and propose a quorum construction which is optimal with respect to the quorum size (, message transmissions) [7] Then, we apply the MD quorum system to implement a provably correct atomic read/write shared memory for mobile and sparse Bibliography [1] D Tulone, S M PAQ: Time series forecasting for approximate query answeringin sensor In P of the 3rd European Workshop on Wireless Sensor Networks, 21-37, Feb [2] D Tulone, S M An energy-efficient querying framework in sensor networks for detecting node Submitted to [3] D T On the feasibility of global time estimation under isolation conditions in wireless sensor To appear in A[4] D T A resource-efficient time estimation for wireless sensor In P of the 4th Workshop of Principles of Mobile Computing, 52-59, Oct [5] D T How efficiently and accurately can a process get the reference time? I S on Distributed Computing, O Brief announcement, 25-[6] DTulone, E D D Redesigning quorum systems for wireless sensor Submitted to [7] D T Is it possible to ensure strong data guarantees in highly mobile networks? Submitted to


辛里有个宝儿益久传感器--是中国最专业的传感器在线交易,以及传感器供求信息发布网站。2011-2-27 19:27:25你百度搜下 益久传感器 就可以找到。可以在线发布你的传感器供求信息。希望我的回答能帮你解答关于:“急求有关传感器的外文文献翻译,包括英文全文和中文翻译”的问题。


辛里有个宝儿益久传感器--是中国最专业的传感器在线交易,以及传感器供求信息发布网站。2011-2-27 19:27:25你百度搜下 益久传感器 就可以找到。可以在线发布你的传感器供求信息。希望我的回答能帮你解答关于:“急求有关传感器的外文文献翻译,包括英文全文和中文翻译”的问题。


Ultrasound applications mainly in the following aspects: The ultrasonic Ultrasonic wavelength than generally sound waves to be short, with better directional, through opaque and substance, this one character has been widely used in ultrasonic inspection, thickness, ranging, remote control and ultrasonic imaging Ultrasonic imaging is using ultrasonic appear not transparent objects of internal image The ultrasonic transducer issued from the acoustic lens focused on not transparent samples from sample passes, the ultrasonic carried was as parts of the information (such as acoustic reflection, the ability of absorption and scattering), the sound lens gathering in signal receiver, gains piezoelectric using scanning system, input amplifier can turn opaque sample image display on the The device is called the ultrasound Ultrasonic imaging techniques have already in medical checks and widely used in manufacturing in microelectronics devices to check for large scale integrated circuit in materials science used to display different components in areas of alloy and grain boundary between ShengQuanXi art is using ultrasonic interferometric principle records and recreate opaque objects of the stereo image sound imaging technology, its principle and light wave holography basic same, just record means different ways (see holography) Use the same ultrasonic signal in the incentive two placed respectively, their liquid transducer launch two beams of ultrasonic: a bunch of coherent through by the research objects, the other thing wave after becoming a bunch of reference Content wave and reference waves in liquid form on ShengQuanXi figure, coherent superposition with laser beam irradiation ShengQuanXi diagram, using laser in ShengQuanXi figure reflection on the diffraction effects produced when repetition won things like, usually with cameras and TV make real-time Ultrasound The role of the mechanical, ultrasonic cavitation effect, heating and chemical effect, can undertake ultrasonic welding, drilling, solid crushing, emulsion, degassing, dusting, to scale and cleaning, sterilization pot, promoting chemical reaction and biology etc, in GongKuangYe, agriculture, health care each department to get Basic Ultrasonic role in medium, in a medium after producing acoustic relaxation process, acoustic relaxation process with energy in molecular their electricity degrees, the conveyance process between macro affections and sound absorption (see sound waves) The absorption of the ultrasonic by physical laws can be exploring physical properties and structure, the research of this aspect constitute the acoustic branch molecular Ordinary acoustic wave long-term than solid atoms in the spacing, in these conditions can be as solid But for frequency in 1012 Hector above's ultrasonic, the wavelengths of the atoms can be compared with solid, then it should be to distance the solid as a space periodic lattice Lattice vibration energy is quanta, called phonons (see solid physics) The role of solid, ultrasound, boils down to ultrasound and heat phonon, electrons and photons and various quasi-particle The german-born ultrasound of solid produced, testing and spread rule, and quantum liquid - liquid helium acoustic phenomena in the study of modern acoustic new areas --


Ultrasound applications mainly in the following aspects: The ultrasonic Ultrasonic wavelength than generally sound waves to be short, with better directional, through opaque and substance, this one character has been widely used in ultrasonic inspection, thickness, ranging, remote control and ultrasonic imaging Ultrasonic imaging is using ultrasonic appear not transparent objects of internal image The ultrasonic transducer issued from the acoustic lens focused on not transparent samples from sample passes, the ultrasonic carried was as parts of the information (such as acoustic reflection, the ability of absorption and scattering), the sound lens gathering in signal receiver, gains piezoelectric using scanning system, input amplifier can turn opaque sample image display on the The device is called the ultrasound Ultrasonic imaging techniques have already in medical checks and widely used in manufacturing in microelectronics devices to check for large scale integrated circuit in materials science used to display different components in areas of alloy and grain boundary between ShengQuanXi art is using ultrasonic interferometric principle records and recreate opaque objects of the stereo image sound imaging technology, its principle and light wave holography basic same, just record means different ways (see holography) Use the same ultrasonic signal in the incentive two placed respectively, their liquid transducer launch two beams of ultrasonic: a bunch of coherent through by the research objects, the other thing wave after becoming a bunch of reference Content wave and reference waves in liquid form on ShengQuanXi figure, coherent superposition with laser beam irradiation ShengQuanXi diagram, using laser in ShengQuanXi figure reflection on the diffraction effects produced when repetition won things like, usually with cameras and TV make real-time Ultrasound The role of the mechanical, ultrasonic cavitation effect, heating and chemical effect, can undertake ultrasonic welding, drilling, solid crushing, emulsion, degassing, dusting, to scale and cleaning, sterilization pot, promoting chemical reaction and biology etc, in GongKuangYe, agriculture, health care each department to get Basic Ultrasonic role in medium, in a medium after producing acoustic relaxation process, acoustic relaxation process with energy in molecular their electricity degrees, the conveyance process between macro affections and sound absorption (see sound waves) The absorption of the ultrasonic by physical laws can be exploring physical properties and structure, the research of this aspect constitute the acoustic branch molecular Ordinary acoustic wave long-term than solid atoms in the spacing, in these conditions can be as solid But for frequency in 1012 Hector above's ultrasonic, the wavelengths of the atoms can be compared with solid, then it should be to distance the solid as a space periodic lattice Lattice vibration energy is quanta, called phonons (see solid physics) The role of solid, ultrasound, boils down to ultrasound and heat phonon, electrons and photons and various quasi-particle The german-born ultrasound of solid produced, testing and spread rule, and quantum liquid - liquid helium acoustic phenomena in the study of modern acoustic new areas --


