

发布时间:2024-09-03 23:36:26


The ocean and we are a whole, first of all, the ocean itself has great handling of pollutants, dilution, diffusion, oxidation, reduction and degradation of purification But the capacity is not unlimited, when toxic and harmful substances accepted by the local waters more than its own self-purification ability, it will cause pollution of the In addition the ocean while contains many resources, but the regeneration of marine resources is the need of time, if the development of marine resources we uncontrolled and not pay attention to the protection of these resources, so there is always used in the light of So the protection of the marine is extremely

my name is Fang Haotian, I am a lively boy, I live in China's Shandong Liaocheng,I am seventeen years old this I am in Grade nine Class five, I love my class very much, In the class,I have many friends,We talked and laughed,It make me I have many hobbies,such as runing , drawing,writting,reading and playing f In these, my favorite drawing, because It always make me forget something I like making friends,If you want to make friends with me,please join me!Friends! I look forward to your Happy Year of the Tiger!

Now, he also does not pay attention to protect the The world’s water plays a very important role in all aspects of our lives, providing food, employment and other Over two-thirds of the world’s population lives within 400 km of the sea, and just over half of the world’s population lives in a coastal strip 120 miles As many as half a billion people draw their livelihoods from the sea in one way or another—processors, packers, shippers, ship builders and Ocean ecosystems provide goods and services valued at at least several trillion dollars per year, and millions of people earn their living directly from the Let us up, protect our ocean of survival!

今天我的心情好,随便写了点。约80字,现提供中英文版本。要加分的哦。                    Protect the OceanWe live in the The sea is about 70% of the earth Theocean is the earth's water The ocean provides food and many kinds ofresources for At the same time, people fetch more from the sea, but harmit too much, such as overfishing, throwing garbage in it, polluting We should protect the If people don't stop to damage marine circumstance, then we will be revenged inthe near future, then the human being will face a huge ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------相关中文如下,以便于理解。                    保护海洋在我们生活的地球上,海洋约占了整个地球表面积的70%。海洋是地球水源的仓库。海洋为人们提供了食物和许多种资源。人们在向海洋索取的同时,却太多的伤害了海洋,如像过度捕杀鱼类,向海洋中抛弃垃圾,污染海水。我们应该保护海洋。如果人类不停止对海洋的伤害和破坏,那么我们将受到海洋的报复,人类将面临巨大的灾难。●  希望我的回答能对你有所帮助。小猪我只是抛砖引玉,希望多多指正。


今天我的心情好,随便写了点。约80字,现提供中英文版本。要加分的哦。                    Protect the OceanWe live in the The sea is about 70% of the earth Theocean is the earth's water The ocean provides food and many kinds ofresources for At the same time, people fetch more from the sea, but harmit too much, such as overfishing, throwing garbage in it, polluting We should protect the If people don't stop to damage marine circumstance, then we will be revenged inthe near future, then the human being will face a huge ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------相关中文如下,以便于理解。                    保护海洋在我们生活的地球上,海洋约占了整个地球表面积的70%。海洋是地球水源的仓库。海洋为人们提供了食物和许多种资源。人们在向海洋索取的同时,却太多的伤害了海洋,如像过度捕杀鱼类,向海洋中抛弃垃圾,污染海水。我们应该保护海洋。如果人类不停止对海洋的伤害和破坏,那么我们将受到海洋的报复,人类将面临巨大的灾难。●  希望我的回答能对你有所帮助。小猪我只是抛砖引玉,希望多多指正。

As a result of littering by tourists and the discharge of sewage into the sea by factories along the coast, the seawater has become A lot of litter float on top of the Many rare fish also However, mankind is still catching and killing a lot of I hope that the relevant department will enhance the awareness of people in protecting our oceans and encourage people's cooperation to maintain an ecological 题目我没想好,你先想想

The ocean and we are a whole, first of all, the ocean itself has great handling of pollutants, dilution, diffusion, oxidation, reduction and degradation of purification But the capacity is not unlimited, when toxic and harmful substances accepted by the local waters more than its own self-purification ability, it will cause pollution of the In addition the ocean while contains many resources, but the regeneration of marine resources is the need of time, if the development of marine resources we uncontrolled and not pay attention to the protection of these resources, so there is always used in the light of So the protection of the marine is extremely


my name is Fang Haotian, I am a lively boy, I live in China's Shandong Liaocheng,I am seventeen years old this I am in Grade nine Class five, I love my class very much, In the class,I have many friends,We talked and laughed,It make me I have many hobbies,such as runing , drawing,writting,reading and playing f In these, my favorite drawing, because It always make me forget something I like making friends,If you want to make friends with me,please join me!Friends! I look forward to your Happy Year of the Tiger!

The ocean and we are a whole, first of all, the ocean itself has great handling of pollutants, dilution, diffusion, oxidation, reduction and degradation of purification But the capacity is not unlimited, when toxic and harmful substances accepted by the local waters more than its own self-purification ability, it will cause pollution of the In addition the ocean while contains many resources, but the regeneration of marine resources is the need of time, if the development of marine resources we uncontrolled and not pay attention to the protection of these resources, so there is always used in the light of So the protection of the marine is extremely

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今天我的心情好,随便写了点。约80字,现提供中英文版本。要加分的哦。                    Protect the OceanWe live in the The sea is about 70% of the earth Theocean is the earth's water The ocean provides food and many kinds ofresources for At the same time, people fetch more from the sea, but harmit too much, such as overfishing, throwing garbage in it, polluting We should protect the If people don't stop to damage marine circumstance, then we will be revenged inthe near future, then the human being will face a huge ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------相关中文如下,以便于理解。                    保护海洋在我们生活的地球上,海洋约占了整个地球表面积的70%。海洋是地球水源的仓库。海洋为人们提供了食物和许多种资源。人们在向海洋索取的同时,却太多的伤害了海洋,如像过度捕杀鱼类,向海洋中抛弃垃圾,污染海水。我们应该保护海洋。如果人类不停止对海洋的伤害和破坏,那么我们将受到海洋的报复,人类将面临巨大的灾难。●  希望我的回答能对你有所帮助。小猪我只是抛砖引玉,希望多多指正。


在我们的地球上,有着辽阔的海洋。有人称海洋为“蓝色的聚宝盆”,这是因为海洋里含有盐、鱼、贝等许许多多的东西。  海洋中有丰富的石油、天然气资源,人们在海面上竖起高高的钻井平台,把海底的石油、天然气源源不断地输送到陆地。海洋里有数不清的鱼虾蟹贝,自古以来,在海边和岛屿上生活的人,靠海为生。每到捕捞季节,就是渔民们的收获季节,出海的鱼船总会满载而归。海洋真不愧为“蓝色的聚宝盆”。  可是,人们大量往水中倒垃圾,排废水,使得海洋的危害一天天增加,大海不断被污染,人们不知道这会对海洋有多大害处。鱼,有些翻着白肚皮,其它在海里的动物,也遭到了厄运。  总会有一天,大海整个变成臭气哄天的大垃圾场。而且,里面有好多好多鱼、虾、蟹、贝,散发出腥味,到那个时候,人类才会明白自己已做错了事。  人们还把海洋里所有的资源都运到陆地上去。虽然海里的资源非常多,可是,如果天天都把大海里的资源源源不断地送到陆地,慢慢地,大海一天天变小,有一天,人们又来取了,可是大海早成了一条小河,人们就傻眼了。  大海里有许多生物,它们的种类多达16余万种。它们生活在海水的不同深度,一条“生物链”把它们连在一起;有些鱼虾吃藻类或蜉蝣生物,有些大鱼专门吃小鱼。海洋生物是宝贵的渔业资源,每天都为人类提供着丰富的鱼虾和各种海产品。  人类大量捕杀海洋里的生物,有些吃掉,有些则利用自身条件加工成日常用品。大海里的生物逐渐减少,虽然它们也繁育后代,可是人类把各种废物倒入大海,造成海洋严重污染,这使大海里的生物不便生存,大批死亡,最后会全部死去的!人类只会无休止地破坏海洋,从来不懂得保护海洋,人类就像一群无知的傻瓜!  大海里有些生物被列为国宝,但也免不了有人偷偷捕杀,非法卖掉。终究有一天,大自然会无情地惩治这些无知的人类,那时也许他们也明白不了的。  海底有一些奇特的植物,非常美丽,但有些已面临灭绝了。这是由于人们好奇地摘呀摘,最后,摘没了。子孙万代也看不到了。所以,不要摘海底那些植物,不然,它们的情况将非常危险,当然,偶尔摘点也是可以的。  现在,大海处于危险状态,我希望人类能携起手来共同保护海洋,让海洋重新充满生机!

洋资源开发利用的方法1、耕海牧渔 渤海具有建设世界一流海洋牧场的理想条件。由于有黄河、海河、滦河、等河流的注入,渤海海水中含有较多的有机物质和无机盐,PH值适度。从这个意义上说,渤海属富营养海域。由于水浅,风浪小,各类海洋生物不约而同选中渤海作为自己的“产房”。因此,渤海自古就有“天然渔池”的美称, 海洋生物资源200多种,其中鱼类110多种。 中国的海水养殖技术比较成熟,有些甚至在世界上也占有一席之地。正是由于有成熟的技术作依托,中国水产品产量连续几年居世界首位,对虾的养殖技术、效益指标都居世界前列。对虾年产量过万吨的县都集中在河北省的沿海。2、海滨旅游:我国海岸线曲折绵长,岸外岛屿众多,海岸地貌类型齐全,海岸带南北纵跨三个气候带,自然风光各异,拥有许多旅游价值很高的风景区。我国历史悠久,海洋文化积淀丰厚,海岸带人文景观也非常丰富,概括起来,我国海洋旅游景观大体可分为以下几类



英文行吗:Once man did not have to think about the protection of his There were few people on the earth, and natural resources seemed to be Today things are The world has become too We are using up our natural resources,and polluting our environment with dangerous If we continue to do this, human life on earth will not We realize that if too many fish are taken from the sea, there will soon be none Yet,with modern fishing methods, more and more fish are We know that if too many trees are cut down, forests will Yet, we continue to use powerful machines to cut down more and more We see that if rivers are polluted with waste products, we will Yet, waste products arestill put into We know that if the population continues to rise at the present rate, in a few years, there won’t be enough What can we do to solve these problems? If we eat more vegetables and less meat, there will be more food Land for crops feeds five times more people than land where animals are Our natural resources will last longer if we learn to recycie The world population will not rise so quickly if people use modern methods of birth Finally, if we educate people to think about the problems we shall have a better and cleaner planet in the future 还有一篇Man and His Environment(人和环境)Man and His EnvironmentThroughout history man has changed his physical environment in order to improve his way of With the tools of technologyhehasaltered many physical features of the Hehastransformed woodlands and prairies into farms and made lakes and reserviors out of rivers for irrigation purposes or hydroelectric Man has also modified the face of the earth by draining marshes and cutting through mountains to build roads and However, man's changes to the physical environment have not always had beneficial Today, pollution of the air and water is an increasing danger to the health of the Each day thousands of tons of gases come out of the exhausts of motor Smoke from factories pollutes the air of industrialized areas and the surrounding areas of the The pollution of water is equally The whole ecological balance of the sea is being changed and industrial wastes have already made many rivers Now environmental protection is more pressing than ever As we know, massive destruction of environment has brought about negative effects and even poses a great threat to man's Indifference to these problems will mean committing Therefore, effective measures should be taken and laws passed to conserve Otherwise,man is certain to suffer from the serious consequences caused by this lack of care for his living

洋资源开发利用的方法1、耕海牧渔 渤海具有建设世界一流海洋牧场的理想条件。由于有黄河、海河、滦河、等河流的注入,渤海海水中含有较多的有机物质和无机盐,PH值适度。从这个意义上说,渤海属富营养海域。由于水浅,风浪小,各类海洋生物不约而同选中渤海作为自己的“产房”。因此,渤海自古就有“天然渔池”的美称, 海洋生物资源200多种,其中鱼类110多种。 中国的海水养殖技术比较成熟,有些甚至在世界上也占有一席之地。正是由于有成熟的技术作依托,中国水产品产量连续几年居世界首位,对虾的养殖技术、效益指标都居世界前列。对虾年产量过万吨的县都集中在河北省的沿海。2、海滨旅游:我国海岸线曲折绵长,岸外岛屿众多,海岸地貌类型齐全,海岸带南北纵跨三个气候带,自然风光各异,拥有许多旅游价值很高的风景区。我国历史悠久,海洋文化积淀丰厚,海岸带人文景观也非常丰富,概括起来,我国海洋旅游景观大体可分为以下几类
