

发布时间:2024-09-06 00:39:50


科学小论文范文(一):月食是一种特殊的天文现象  月食是一种特殊的天文现象,当月球运行至地球的阴影部分时,在月球和地球之间的地区会因为太阳光被地球所遮闭,就看到月球缺了一块。也就是说,此时的太阳、地球、月球恰好或几乎在同一条直线地球在太阳与月球之间,因此从太阳照射到月球的光线,会被地球所掩盖。以地球而言,当月食发生的时候,太阳和月球的方向会相差180度。古代月食记录有时可用来推定历史事件的年代。中国古代迷信的说法又叫做天狗吃月亮。月食可分为月偏食、月全食及半影月食三种。当月球整个都进入本影时,就会发生月全食;但如果只是一部分进入本影时,则只会发生月偏食。月全食和月偏食都是本影月食。  在月全食时,月球并不是完全看不见的,这是由於太阳光在透过地球的稀薄大气层时受到折射进入本影,投射到月面上,令到月面呈红铜色。视乎月球经过本影的路径及当时地球的大气状况,光度在不一样的月全食会有所不一样。  有时月球并不会进入本影而只进入半影,这就称为半影月食。在半影月食发生期间,月亮将略为转暗,但它的边缘并不会被地球的影子所阻挡。但是看月全食务必在晚上看,而且观看月食的机率比日食的机率少的多。  关于月食,还有一个故事:16世纪初,哥伦布航海到了南美洲的牙买加,与当地的土着人发生了冲突。哥伦布和他的水手被困在一个墙角,断粮断水,状况十分危急。懂点天文知识的哥伦布明白这天晚上要发生月全食,就向土着rnd喊,再不拿食物来,就不给你们月光!到了晚上,哥伦布的话应验了,果然没有了月光。土着人见状诚惶诚恐,赶快和哥伦布化干戈为玉帛。  科技小论文范文(二):科技改变生活  科技改变生活,时代在渐渐发生变化,科学在不断进步。科技的发展,给我们的生活带来了许多便利,我们的生活与科技息息相关。  在以前,农民伯伯每到春天,就要辛辛苦苦的进行插种,播种等的工作,夏天又要杀虫,秋天又要忙着收获,跟着种其他农作物。他们要一年四季,这样每一天重复着同样的顺序,天天佝偻着背下地干活,经常弄得自我筋疲力尽。可有时候天气会喜怒无常,下几场大雨或连续几天的干旱,再加上某些地方环境的污染严重,害虫随处可见,这些足以让农作物无法生长,农民辛苦的劳动得来的却是落得一场空。  此刻,随着科技的发展,带来了一种新的培育方式太空育种。它是搭载科学实验的一种,是将农作物种子搭载于回到式地面卫星,借助太空超真空微重力及宇宙射线等地面不可模拟的环境变化,使种子发生变异,经过地面多代选育获得稳定的遗传性状,从而培育出新的农业品种来。  自1987年以来,我国科学工作者利用回到式地面卫星,先后进行了多种植物的空间搭载实验,培育出了一系列高产、优质、多抗的水稻、小麦、番茄、青椒、芝麻等作物的新品种。太空育种已得到必须程度的应用,从太空的带来的果实,它的重量和外形都发生了变化,比在陆地上培育的果实要大得多,好吃得多。  科学之门已经打开,科技带给我们的便利随处可见,以后科技的发展,还需要我们来探索,来创造。让我们插上科学的翅膀,在科学世界里自由地遨游,发现并探索我们生活中的科学,为未来的科技贡献我们的一份力量。(以上两篇600字的科技小论文范文均来源于学术堂)



2019年元旦一大早,中央电视台高级记者熊欢就扛着全息摄像机兴冲冲地来到北京中关村中国科学院地球考古生物研究所。他要全方位现场来采访一个跨世纪的伟大奇观——现代人与远古知智人跨时代握手。我作为中科院院士,主持了这项科研课题。 三个月前,中国科学考古队在喜玛拉雅山一个人迹罕至的大峡谷底,意外发现了一局尸体,这具尸体约5米,相貌与现代人类相似,更有许多明显不同之处。例如,他的四肢类似海洋鲸类的鳍,像童话中的“人鱼”。他的服饰没有缝纫的痕迹,如同我国古代传说的“天衣”;制作材料即非兽皮,亦非棉麻,而是近似橡胶和化纤的混纺品。在这套衣服上还绘有一张奇异的图,经过光谱和γ射线探测,这具尸体距今40亿年。我的天!那时地球诞生还不到10亿年呢。难道他是外星人?中科院的刘雅智院士提出:“地球是太阳系中唯一一个具有生命的星球,具大量天文数据资料表明:迄今为止,在银河系还没有发现其它有生命的星球。如果这个人来自河外星系,他乘光子火箭也要跑好几亿年。这个可能极小。可以肯定,这个人是个地球人!”我大吃一惊,人类演变史不到300万年,而这个地球人都有40亿岁了。难道地球上不止一次诞生过生命? 中国航天局宇航员王进托刘雅智教授给我们送来了大量天文资料。我和刘院士认真分析研究了这些资料后,我们向中科院提出了一个更为大胆的假说:大约20到45亿年前,地球上曾数次诞生过生命,但都因为小行星的猛烈碰撞而被灭绝。经考证:直径800公里以上的小行星。至少有两次以上与形成10亿年左右的初期相撞;刚诞生的生命之源便消失了,而再次诞生生命至少又需几亿年。我们推测,40亿年前地球上诞生过比现代人类更为进步和发达的“超远古地球智人”,中科院非常赞赏我们提出的这个假说。 一个多月前,我们考察队再次来到喜玛拉雅山脉。刘雅智教授,王进宇航员,熊欢记者作为特邀考察队员随同我们前往。刚翻过希夏邦玛山口,刘院士佩戴的“百灵-21”型伽马探测机就“嘀嘀”叫起来,反应灵敏的熊记者立刻欢叫起来,“这里有大铀矿!”在伽马指数最强的方位王进用激光炮向地球深处打了一个直径两米,深10公里的钻井。乘上携带式微型直升机到井底。我们意外地发现了一个古老的核反应堆在经过仪器测试。该矿成矿年代大约是40亿年前。这个核反应堆在成矿不久之后开始运转,运转时间长达150万年。我们往横纵不同方位打了5公里的隧道,结果在一个岩层中挖出了数以百计的合金球也有40亿年的历史,啊,超远古地球智人士确实存在的。 回到科学院,刘院士主张克隆“智人”,我认为不妥。我们所需“智人”不但要形似,而且要神似。那具尸体就保存在-177℃的密封仓里。我们精心创造了远古智人生态环境,决心使他复活!2019年元月1日10点整,我轻轻按下升温电钮,到了35℃时,生命起搏器开始工作,心电图光屏由一个光点逐渐变成了一条稳定曲线,地球智人终于睁开了眼睛……现代人与超远古智人握手的实况通过卫星传播全世界! 至于那张奇迹的图,那是远古星际图,其中的奥秘之说是够现代人用6400万年!

踏着科技的步伐,带着欢快的脚步,迈进我们的校园。今天的校园好热闹,科技展板、“鸡蛋保护器”、纸飞机等等精彩活动谱写了一届诗一般美妙的“科技节”! 在天桥上,许许多多的同学手捧着五彩缤纷的东西,准备往下扔。你也许会奇怪,他们在干啥?不用说,当然是在准备“鸡蛋保护器”这比赛了呗!我们班的几位选手上场了!只见戴恺铖笑嘻嘻的,完全没有紧张感。而銮娴,一脸的紧张,生怕自己的鸡蛋会碎了。靖靖么,脸上面无表情,似乎在思考着什么。“预备——”裁判叫到。三位同学连忙做好准备。“嘟——”哨子吹响了。三位同学撒手便仍。几秒后,三个鸡蛋保护器着地了。助手们便抱着三个鸡蛋保护器来到检查官面前。检察官拿起戴恺铖的保护器,三下五除二便拆掉了“外装”,结果一看——唉,鸡蛋液流出来了。戴恺铖——失败!接着便是拆靖靖的保护器了。打开了一层,接着拆,结果拆了四五层,依然没见到鸡蛋。这下可把我们给逗笑了。我问靖靖:“拜托,我说你都不累吗?”靖靖腼腆的笑了笑。终于看到鸡蛋了,原以为是百分百的成功,可出乎意料的是,鸡蛋碎了!包了那么多层,怎么还是碎了啊?!最后该拆銮娴的了。我们对銮娴报以百分百的成功希望,可是,还是失败了。我疑惑不解:“在前几天实验的时候,不还是好好的吗?怎么现在就……”我便去问銮娴。銮娴说:“一定是装进去的鸡蛋本身就是碎的!”这——真倒霉!我们把最后的希望寄托给温曼和高翔。几分钟过后,到了检查的时候。怀着紧张的心情,看着检察官打开保护器——啊!鸡蛋好好的!再看林高翔的——碎了!我们班4碎1好,温曼,你太了不起了! 除了“鸡蛋保护器”,科学知识竞赛、纸飞机、科技展板也十分精彩!尤其是那科学知识竞赛,我们班夺得了第一的桂冠! 这“科技节”给我们带来久违的一笑!“科技节”——让我神采飞扬!


神舟一号 神舟一号飞船是中华人民共和国载人航天计划中发射的第一艘无人实验飞船,飞船于1999年11月20日凌晨6点在酒泉航天发射场发射升空,承担发射任务的是在长征-2F捆绑式火箭的基上改进研制的长征2号F载人航天火箭。在发射点火十分钟后,船箭分离,并准确进入预定轨道。 神舟二号 北京时间1月16日19时22分,我国第一艘无人飞船“神舟二号”在内蒙古中部地区成功着陆。至此,飞船按预定计划,在太空飞行了7天。围绕着飞船的测控和回收,我国航天测控人员决战太空,展开了紧张的工作。 “神舟二号”飞船1月10日1时零分发射升空后,所进入的是距地球表面高度近地点为200公里、远地点为340公里的椭圆轨道。 神舟三号 2002年3月25号晚上10时15分,我国研制的“神舟”三号飞船在酒泉卫星发射中心发射升空并成功进入预定轨道。 这次发射成功标志着我国载人航天工程取得了新的重要进展,为不久的将来把中国的航天员送上太空打下了坚实的基础。 这次发射的“神舟”三号是一艘正样无人飞船,飞船技术状态与载人状态完全一致。这次发射试验,运载火箭、飞船和测控发射系统进一步完善,提高了载人航天的安全性和可靠性。 神舟四号 神舟四号飞船总长约4米,最大直径8米,总质量7794公斤。在推进舱和轨道舱的II、IV象限各安装一个太阳电池翼,推进舱的两个太阳电池翼总面积48平方米,展开后的翼展宽度约17米。轨道舱的两个太阳电池翼总面积24平方米,展开后的翼展宽度约4米。神舟四号飞船配置有13个分系统及供配电与电缆网。结构与机构分系统保证飞船的构型,并为航天员提供生活的结构空间。 神舟五号 1999年11月20日~21日,中国载人航天工程第一艘“神舟”无人试验飞船飞行试验获得了圆满成功。2001年初至2002年底又相继研制并发射成功了神舟1~4无人试验飞船,获得了宝贵的试验数据,为实施载人航天打下了坚实的基础。神舟-5飞船是在无人飞船基础上研制的我国第1艘载人飞船,乘有1名航天员,在轨运行1天。整个飞行期间为航天员提供必要的生活和工作条件,同时将航天员的生理数据、电视图像发送地面,并确保航天员安全返回。 神舟六号 神舟六号载人飞船是中国神舟飞船系列之一。“神舟六号”与“神舟五号”在外形上没有差别,仍为推进舱、返回舱、轨道舱的三舱结构,重量基本保持在8吨左右,用长征二号F型运载火箭进行发射。它是中国第二艘搭载太空人的飞船,也是中国第一艘执行“多人多天”任务的载人飞船。 神舟七号 全国政协委员、载人航天火箭系统顾问组组长、“神舟”五号火箭总指挥黄春平表示,“神舟”七号发射时间将推迟半年左右,原定2007年的发射计划将拖后到2008年。与“神舟五号”、“神舟六号”不同,“神舟”七号火箭在研制上的关键点是宇航服和气门闸。因为“神舟”七号将实现太空行走,航天员能否从舱内气压骤然适应真空环境,气门闸和宇航服扮演了重要角色。虽然“天宫一号”在太空中孤独地等待新“主人”的到来,但它却早早就为“主人”们准备好了一切家当。航天员太空训练的器材、各类服装鞋袜、睡袋、诊疗箱以及大量航天医学实验设备等都已布置妥当,内部环境也很舒适。此次航天员的太空停留时间比以往要长,他们要在“天宫一号”生活13天,以往在“神舟”飞船里最多是生活5天。而“天宫一号”的生命保障系统和环境控制系统能提供60天的生活工作环境,也就是说一个人可以生活60天,3个人可以生活20天。与以往不同的是,“神舟九号”任务中,航天员在太空的生活节奏比较接近地球。以前飞行天数短,任务安排得相对紧密,航天员的作息节奏和地面上不一样。但随着飞行时间延长,航天员的太空生活节奏会越来越趋向于地面。否则航天员生活节奏、工作节律被打乱,会感觉到不舒服,地面的支持团队也不能长期维持这种节奏。在10天左右的组合体生活期间,航天员工作、生活和地面基本同步,吃饭也是早中晚一日三餐,8点钟之前吃饭、打扫卫生,然后天地通话、医学检查,把一天的工作计划和地面协调好之后就开始干活。航天员按北京时间休息,晚上要锻炼身体,睡前把完成的计划和感受传回地面。为保证睡眠,有专门的设计确保航天员抗“昼夜交替”干扰,可以把窗帘拉上,睡觉灯光也是可调的。“天宫一号”的有效活动空间是15立方米,包括两个睡眠区,一个仪表显示区,一个空间科学实验区,一个在轨锻炼区。为了保证航天员有充足的睡眠和旺盛的精力,睡眠区设计了两个“房间”,以保证航天员在太空里也能睡上单间。三名航天员在太空的时候,不能一起睡觉,总要留下一个人值班,因此两个“单间”足够保证同时有两个人休息。他们还有3个睡袋,每人都有自己的“被子”。此外,“天宫一号”里还有一个专门的“密室”,在这个密室里航天员和家人说悄悄话,旁人无法“偷听”。不过,航天员的餐厅并不是在“天宫一号”里,而是在“神舟九号”的轨道舱内。“神舟九号”在天上停留的时间较长,所以航天食品更加丰富。在“神舟七号”时,航天员已经可以吃到醋、辣椒之类的调味品了,而“神舟九号”“厨房”里可储藏至少80种食品,航天员每天能吃到不同种类的饭菜。在“神舟九号”飞船里,还有一位神秘“乘客”,那就是海尔集团研发的航天冰箱,它不是用来存储食物的,而是要完成保存医学试剂的使命,为飞船返回后航天医学研究提供重要的样本支持。

在我国革命、建设和改革的壮丽进程中,我们党和人民创造了伟大的井冈山精神、长征精神、延安精神、“两弹一星”精神、九八抗洪精神、抗击非典精神等。今天,载人航天精神又为我们伟大的民族精神增添了一笔新的宝贵财富。这笔精神财富荣耀神州,弥足珍贵,是激励中国人民奋发进取的强大精神力量。 载人航天精神的思想内涵 伟大的事业孕育伟大的精神。新一代航天人在攀登科技高峰的伟大征程中,以特有的崇高境界、顽强意志和杰出智慧,铸就了载人航天精神。 不辞辛劳、艰苦创业———特别能吃苦的精神中国航天事业是在极其艰苦和困难的条件下起步的。茫茫戈壁、浩瀚海洋,洒下几代航天工作者辛勤的汗水,留下几代航天工作者奋斗的足迹。广大航天工作者为了早日实现飞天梦想,栉风沐雨,不辞辛劳,克服了无数困难,付出了巨大牺牲,以昂扬奋发的精神状态,创造了中华民族科技进步的奇迹。 一往无前、勇攀高峰———特别能战斗的精神载人航天是当今世界高新科技最具挑战性的领域之一,广大航天人不畏艰险,顽强拼搏,不因遇到挫折而气馁,不因取得成功而懈怠,表现了坚韧不拔的革命意志和义无反顾的战斗精神。科研人员一次次向艰难险阻发起进攻,航天员一次次向生理和心理极限发起冲击,表现了钢铁般的意志和坚韧不拔的毅力。 自主创新、求真务实———特别能攻关的精神中国载人航天事业的进展,靠的正是自主创新的勇气、智慧和精神。我国载人航天工程在一代又一代航天人艰苦创业、奋力攻关的基础上,始终坚持高起点发展,瞄准当今航天科技发展前沿,进行大量卓有成效的自主创新,突破和掌握了一批核心技术,取得了一次又一次重大进展。中国的载人航天走的是一条与世界上任何航天大国都不同的、具有中国特色的道路———投入少、效益高的道路。速度与效益,需要极高标准的工作质量。“零缺陷,零故障,零疑点”、“严上加严、细上加细、慎之又慎、精益求精”、“一丝不苟、分秒不差”……这些看似极端的口号,从一个侧面反映了中国航天人严谨求实的作风。 团结协作、无私奉献———特别能奉献的精神中国载人航天事业的突破,靠的是社会主义大协作,靠的是发挥社会主义制度集中力量办大事的政治优势。作为一项规模宏大、高度集成的系统工程,载人航天工程包括了飞船、火箭、测控通信等七大系统,涉及力学、地球科学、空间科学、自动控制、微电子等众多领域。投入研制、试验和协调配合的单位多达3000多个。在党的集中统一领导下,万众一心的凝聚力又一次空前迸发。无论科研人员还是保障人员,无论火箭、飞船的研制者,还是发射场、着陆场的建设者,情系载人航天事业的千军万马用齿轮咬合般的协作精神,汇聚成了助推神舟飞天的强大力量。 载人航天精神的时代价值 时代需要榜样,时代呼唤英雄。先进人物用自己的行动,引领时代的方向,他们的精神影响着一代又一代后来人,他们的事迹是一个时代为祖国乃至全人类留下的宝贵精神财富,他们展现出的精神是一个时代的最强音。 大力弘扬特别能吃苦的精神 大力弘扬载人航天精神,就是要像他们那样,为了祖国和人民的事业,以苦为荣,以苦为乐,埋头苦干,艰苦创业。 今天,在市场大潮的冲击下,有些人迷失了方向,在他们眼中,人生的目标就是金钱。而航天员们的成功,则从正面向社会昭示:人生价值的实现,靠的是坚定正确的人生方向和艰苦奋斗的作风意志,离开正确的事业发展方向,单纯以金钱作为追求的目标,只会走入歧途。建设中国特色社会主义,需要艰苦奋斗,反腐倡廉,保持旺盛的革命精神,需要大力弘扬特别能吃苦的载人航天精神。 大力弘扬特别能战斗的精神 大力弘扬载人航天精神,就是要像他们那样,面对困难和挑战,不畏艰险,知难而进,一往无前,敢于胜利。 建设中国特色社会主义是一项开创性的事业,当前的社会主义改革进入了一个攻坚阶段,我们将面临着许多的困难和挑战,此时更应该大力弘扬特别能战斗的载人航天精神,以与时俱进的精神不懈登攀。 大力弘扬特别能攻关的精神 大力弘扬载人航天精神,就是要像他们那样,在攀登科学高峰的征途上,刻苦钻研,严细慎实,不懈探索,勇于创新。 对于即将执行第十一个五年规划的中国来说,发展科技教育和壮大人才队伍,是提升国家竞争力的决定性因素。实施载人航天工程,不仅创造了举世瞩目的伟大成就,而且为我们更好地实施科教兴国战略和人才强国战略、加快推进经济社会发展积累了重要经验,提供了十分重要的启示。 建设中国特色社会主义,必须坚持以科技进步和创新为先导,努力实现技术发展的跨越;必须坚持自主创新的方针,牢牢掌握尖端技术发展的主动权。 大力弘扬特别能奉献的精神 大力弘扬载人航天精神,就是要像他们那样,为了一个共同目标,淡泊名利,甘于奉献,团结一心,共创伟业。 团结就是力量,协作凝聚希望。综合国力的竞争,不仅是经济实力、科学技术和军事水平的竞争,更是民族精神力量的竞争。我们应当把一切可以团结的力量都团结起来,和衷共济,风雨同舟,充分发挥自己的主观性、能动性和创造性,共同面对中国特色社会主义建设中的各种挑战和困难。勇于奉献、不怕牺牲是中华民族的光荣传统,同样也是建设全面小康社会不可缺少的精神保证。 伟大的实践催生伟大的精神,伟大的精神推动伟大的事业。一代代航天人艰苦奋进的动人业绩和英雄精神,正成为我们民族一笔极为宝贵的精神财富,这是实施载人航天工程给我们民族带来的最大收获。


“科技让生活更美好”这句话值得我们深思,下方谈谈我对这句话的理解:科技是第一生产力,科技是一种标志,它带领人类从近代迈向现代。它也是一种手段,我们用它去创造更为美好灿烂的未来。科技在促进经济社会进步的同时,也改变了我们的生活。它和我们的生活息息相关,密切相连。不断发展与创新的科技,不仅仅提升了我们的生活品质,还使我们的生活更为舒适、便利、愉悦。科技让生活更美好。 科技给我们带来了许许多多的好处,以前,从江西到北京骑马需要几个月,此刻,有了火车、飞机,只要一天甚至几个小时就能到达,这就是科技的魅力;古代,炎热的夏天人民只能用扇子扇风,而此刻,有电风扇、空调,生活上升不止一年两个档次。这样的例子数不胜数。 科技让生活更美好,在二十一世纪科技飞速发展的这天,我们坐在家里,用手轻轻点一下鼠标,就能将自我的生活所需搬回家,想买什么就买什么,既快捷又方便还低碳。科技源于生活,生活离不开科技。科技让我们在寒冷的冬天有轻薄柔软的保暖衣倍感温暖;在炎热的夏天,有空调为我们奉献徐徐清凉。当太阳能,电梯给我们的生活带来便捷之时,我们的生活在科技的带领下,越过越舒坦。 随着科学技术的发展,人民的生活水平越来越高,人们的物质生活丰富了,文化水平提高了,眼睛宽阔了,脸上的笑容更多了,大家的钱包更鼓了,这些都是大家有目共睹的事实,这足以证明科学技术让生活更美好。



自己去检索就是啦 多得是

A Flow Shop with Compatibility Constraints in a Steelmaking Plant* Abstract We present a scheduling methodology for applications where the generation of schedules is constrained by antagonistic and vague Besides temporal and capacity constraints, compatibility constraints between consecutive jobs are We model the vague constraints and uncertain data by fuzzy set The importance of single jobs and the difficulty to schedule them is defined on the different constraints and is used to control the generation of A preliminary schedule is generated by considering the important jobs and those that are difficult to schedule Easy or not so important jobs are scheduled Finally, the achieved schedule is “repaired” until a schedule is found that achieves a given level of Since the goodness of solutions is rated by fuzzy sets, robust schedules achieve better evaluations than weak However, if no robust solution is found constraints will be This methodology is appropriate for applications in process engineering where uncertain knowledge is We explain the methodology with a case study from a steelmaking plant for high-grade steel 补充: Bidding for the Olympic Games, in a way, an image-creating The first and foremost thing is to let people fall in love with the city at first sight, attracting them by its unipue What image does Beijing intend to create for itself once it has the opportunity to host the 2008 Olympics? It is known to all that the Beijing Municipal Government has already set the theme for the future games: New Beijing, Great O For me, the 2008 Olympics will be a great green Olympics illuminated with two more special colors, yellow and First, yellow is a meaningful The Yellow River is China's Mother River and the descendants of the Yellow E This color has a special origin and great significance for the Chinese Beijing is the capital of New China and previously the capital for nine dynasties in Chinese So, yellow will naturally add splendor to the 2008 G Secondly, the 2008 Olympics will be a red Red is another traditionally cherished color for the whole We adore On big occasions, we like to decorate our homes in It is the color of double happiness, representing joyous moments, auspiciousness, enthusiasm and Red is one of the most suitable colors to describe the future of Beijing Beijing , together with the whole country, is becoming more and more prosperous in the process of Should the 2008 Olympics be held in Beijing, the whole city will be a sea of red : the red torch,red flags, red flowers, and the radiant faces of millions of joyful Above all, the 2008 Olympics will be a green O Adding a green ingredient is essential in creating an appealing image, as we can't deny the fact that Beijing, at the moment, is not as green a city as what we like it to Striving for an environmentally appealing city has become a central task for all the citizens of B Big efforts have been made in pollution control, replanting and beautification of the According to a project entitled" The Green Olympic Action Plan", between 1998 and 2007, Beijing, we have invested 100 billion RMB in preserving and protecting the Some 5 million trees and over 1 million acres of grass will be planted along the Fourth Ring R By then, the city's green area will make up 40% of its The city will also dredge its reservoirs used as a water supply to Beijing residents, controlling industrial pollution and moving out the 200 factories presently located within the city Certainly, all of this is no easy But I am sure that all of us have confidence that we will realize these green For now we have the full support and participation of the environmentally conscious Each citizen is showing great concern for every one of the steps the city government As the saying goes, United, we stand, and a green Beijing will be When our aspiration becomes a reality, it will be a unique O" New Beijing, Great Olympics"; will be weaved of these three superb colors: yellow, red and 追问: 用中文写清楚 这篇英文文章研究的是什么问题?这个问题是怎么研究的?发现了什么?这些发现意 味着什么? 谢谢 回答: 第一篇与电有关求采纳

企业的信息化有三个层面的内容,第一个层面是数据的信息化,第二个层面是流程的信息化,第三个层面是决策的信息化。据不完全统计,我国企业中实现上网的只占所有企业的20-30%,全部实现CAD、OA、MIS系统的企业不足10%,作为企业电子商务最核心的ERP系统,目前已实现的企业仅占9%。我国加入WTO,如何提高企业信息化水平,提高国际竞争力,成为各方关注的焦点。科技部徐冠华部长在全国科技工作会议上提出,“十五”期间科技部将拿出8亿元资金组织实施制造业信息化工程,并在去年对宝钢、一汽等19项大企业信息化项目安排国债贴息支持的基础上,继续把企业信息化建设作为国债贴息重点支持的专项,力争用5年时间在国家重点企业中基本实现信息化。长期以来,政府十分重视企业管理信息化工作,将此作为“以信息化带动工业化”战略中的重大举措,大力推动企业,尤其是国有大中企业,积极采用企业资源计划(ERP)、供应链管理(SCM)和客户关系管理(CRM)等先进信息化管理系统。为指导该项工作的健康发展,2001年我们在江苏省计划发展委员会的支持和参与下,对省内100多家大中型企业管理信息化的应用现状和今后打算进行了问卷调查,并对重点企业进行了深入地实地考察。现将存在的主要问题和建议的措施和途径作简要介绍。一、当前企业管理信息化存在的主要问题1.相当数量企业对实施先进信息化管理系统的重要性认识不足,实施此类系统的主动性不强,系统实施仍然处于自发状态,存在一定盲目性。2.企业改制和现代企业制度建设进程比较缓慢,企业的落后管理模式与信息化管理系统的先进管理理念相冲突,观念更新、企业业务流程重组和组织重组的任务非常繁重。3.企业信息化管理系统的软件市场较为混乱,市场制度建设滞后;软件价格高,对环境要求高,超出相当数量企业的经济承受能力和管理基础环境;软件商的服务与企业的要求有较大差距,在实施过程中,企业需要依赖于软件商提供更全面和完善的服务,但大多数软件商提供的服务仍然停留在“以我为主”的理念,缺乏实施信息化管理系统的专业咨询机构。这样,在系统实施过程中企业缺少可依赖和可靠的指导者、权益维护者和风险分担者,不利于系统的推广应用。此外,还缺乏软件开发人才和应用人才。调查中,有60%的企业认为缺乏相关技术人才和人才流失是制约系统应用的关键因素;软件开发人才的缺乏,同样制约了管理系统软件的“本土化”进程。5.政府对信息化管理系统应用的引导和支持不够系统、不够有力。存在多头管理的情况,计委、经贸委、科技管理部门等都分别有自己的鼓励和扶持政策,相互协调不够。二、推进企业管理信息化的措施和途径针对上述情况,为实现企业管理信息化的战略目标,应进一步明确推动先进信息化管理系统应用的最终目标是提高企业的竞争力,而政府的推动应侧重于营造有利于系统应用的行业和社会环境,这是设计政策措施的总体思路。政府推动企业管理信息化的措施和途径有以下三个方面:1.通过有效的政府行为,进行直接倡导和推动——政府举措(1)进一步明确推动企业管理信息化的战略意义,将推动系统应用纳入发展规划,并切实加以落实。(2)政府适当投入,建立并逐步完善支持系统应用的宣传、交流、研究的信息沟通系统。(3)努力培养积聚软件开发的相关人才。教育部最近在全国批准一批高校成立软件学院,就是这方面的重大举措。(4)积极鼓励、推动软件开发商、用户与学术界的联合或合作,研究和开发适合我国国情和具有竞争力的先进的管理系统软件产品。(5)建立并逐步完善支持先进管理系统应用的培训系统。为此,可以采用选拔、委托,授权中介机构或直接组织等形式,利用社会资源,并需要精心规划和设计。(6)建设系统应用的示范工程。注意对示范工程的跟踪评价并引入滚动机制,确保示范工程的示范性。(7)要有直接的政策激励(直接政策激励通常包括政府补贴、政府采购、税收优惠和贷款安排等)。这类激励政策可能在短期内产生较明显的效果,但亦可能产生负面效应,因此只能将其作为推动系统应用的辅助手段。此外,要采取措施确保有限资源的合理使用。2.通过行政影响软件供应商行为——供应商行为(1)建立和维护开放高效的行业环境,限制地方保护等形式的不公平竞争,在开业、融资,人才供给、信息获得、研究咨询等各个环节,通过社会、市场系统的不断完善,营造良好的投资环境。(2)研究和建立行业和行业行为规范。成立由政府部门、专家、软件商和用户代表组成的行业指导委员会,为规范行业行为、促进行业健康发展提供制度和组织保证。(3)加大扶持力度,鼓励有自主知识产权、“本土化”软件的开发。这类软件一经市场检验、受用户欢迎,政府可以考虑以信息提示、企业和品牌宣传、产品推荐、后续研发支持等形式予以扶持。(4)积极推进管理软件领域的国际合作。鼓励软件企业通过软件成熟度 (CMM)标准的国际认证,为国产软件进入国际市场奠定基础。(5)建立高水平的系统应用的咨询机构。要求专业咨询机构具有较好的跨学科的知识结构,除了能给予企业以正确的系统实施方法的指导外,还能根据不同企业的特点给予系统规划、流程重组、软件选型、风险控制、项目组织实施等全过程的帮助。政府还可以通过行业指导委员会等积极推进面向系统有效应用的咨询服务。3.通过政府影响管理系统用户的行为——用户行为(1)加快企业改制和现代企业制度建设步伐。先进软件系统在企业的有效应用直接要求企业在战略、组织、文化等深层面的变革与之相适应,重要的是要保证事业责任心强、注重学习、勇于和善于领导变革的领导者走上岗位,并使他们具备推动变革必要的权力和影响力。(2)积极推进企业管理现代化和提高管理系统建设水平。政府对企业,特别是国有企业在管理现代化方面的投入应给予充分肯定,除财务指标外,企业管理系统建设方面的进步亦应考虑作为其业绩考核的一个重要方面(3)充分认识和遵循先进信息化管理系统应用的规律。“一把手”要有高度的责任感和使命感,要积极试点推进企业首席信息执行官制度。 Enterprises there are three levels of information-based content, the first level of the data, the second level is the level of information flow, and the third level of decision-making According to incomplete statistics, China's enterprises to realize the Internet is only 20-30% of all enterprises, all of the realization of CAD, OA, MIS system, less than 10% of the enterprises as the core enterprise e-business ERP systems, business has been achieved only 9% China's accession to the WTO, how to improve the level of enterprise information to improve the international competitiveness has become the focus of Ministry of Science and Technology in the National Conference on scientific and technological work, "15" during the Ministry of Science and Technology will come up with 800 million yuan of funds and organize the implementation of manufacturing information engineering, and Baoshan Iron and Steel in the last year, FAW 19 large enterprises, such as information technology projects arrangements to support the bonds based on the discount to continue to the construction of enterprise information as the focus of treasury bonds to support the special discount, and strive to 5 years at the national key enterprises of the basic A long time, the Government attaches great importance to the work of business management information, as "using information technology to stimulate industrialization" strategy a major initiative to promote the enterprises, especially state-owned large and medium-sized enterprises, active use of enterprise resource planning (ERP), supply chain management (SCM) and customer relationship management (CRM) and other advanced information management As a guide the healthy development of the work, we are in 2001 in Jiangsu Province plans to develop the Committee's support and participation of the province more than 100 large and medium-sized enterprise management of information technology applications and future intention to conduct a survey of key enterprises conducted a thorough site The main problems and proposed measures and means for a brief First, the current information-based business management major problems Considerable number of enterprises on the implementation of advanced information management system of sufficient understanding of the importance of the initiative to implement such a system is not strong, the system is still in the spontaneous state of implementation, there is a certain Enterprises and the process of building a modern enterprise system is relatively slow, lagging behind the management of enterprise information management model and advanced management system, the concept of conflict, the concept of updated business process reengineering and organizational restructuring of the task is very Enterprise information management systems software market is more chaotic, the market system lag; software prices high, the environmental requirements, in excess of a considerable number of economic enterprises and management of the foundation bearing capacity of the environment; software service providers and enterprises a wide gap between the requirements of , in the implementation process, companies need to rely on software to provide a more comprehensive and improve its services, but the majority of software vendors to provide the services remain in the "we" concept, the lack of implementation of information management system of professional advisory body In this way, the implementation process in the system to rely on enterprises and lack of reliable guidance, and the rights of defenders and risk-sharing, the system is not conducive to the popularization and In addition, the lack of software development and application of human resources Survey, 60% of enterprises believe that the lack of relevant skills and brain drain is a key constraint system factors; the lack of software development talent, the same constraints of the management system software "localization" Government's information management system not enough guidance and support system is not vigorous The existence of multi-management, Planning Commission, Economic and Trade Commission, science and technology, management and so on, respectively, have their own policies to encourage and support each other not enough Second, to promote information-based enterprise management measures and means In response to these circumstances, to achieve the enterprise management of information technology strategic objectives, should be further advanced information management system the ultimate goal is to improve the competitiveness of enterprises and the Government should focus on promoting an environment conducive to the industry system and social environment, which is the design of policies and measures of general Government to promote information-based enterprise management measures and means of the following three aspects: Through effective governmental action, to engage in direct advocacy and promotion - government initiatives (1) further defined the promotion of enterprise management of the strategic significance of information, will promote the system into development planning and effective (2) the appropriate inputs, establish and gradually improve the support system of advocacy, communication, research the information communication (3) software development efforts to foster the accumulation of the relevant Ministry of Education recently approved a number of colleges and universities in the establishment of the National Software Institute is a major initiative in this (4) to actively encourage and promote software developers, users and academia joint or co-operation, research and development for China's national conditions and the competitiveness of advanced management system software (5) establish and gradually improve the system to support the application of advanced management training To this end, the selection can be used to commission, authorized intermediaries or direct form of organization, use of social resources and the need for careful planning and (6) the construction of the demonstration project Attention to the follow-up evaluation of demonstration projects and the introduction of a rolling mechanism to ensure that the model demonstration (7) have a direct policy incentives (direct policy incentives typically include government subsidies, government procurement, tax incentives and loan arrangements, ) This type of incentive policies in the short term may have more pronounced effect, but may also have a negative effect, it can only promote the system as a means of supporting In addition, it is necessary to take measures to ensure the rational use of limited Through administrative acts of the impact of software vendor - supplier behavior (1) the establishment and maintenance of an open and efficient trade environment, restrictions on the form of local protection of unfair competition in business, finance, personnel supply, information access, research all aspects of consultation, through the community, improve the market system, to create a good investment (2) research and the establishment of trade and industry codes of Set up by government departments, experts, software vendors and users of the industry representatives of the Steering Committee, to regulate the industry and promote the healthy development of the industry to provide an institutional and organizational (3) to increase support and encourage their own intellectual property rights, "native" Once this type of software testing market by users, the Government may consider information tips, business and brand awareness, product recommendation, follow-up to support the form of R & D (4) actively promote the management of international cooperation in the field of Software companies to encourage the adoption of software maturity (CMM) standards for international certification for the domestic software to lay the foundation to enter the international (5) the establishment of high-level advisory body Requirements of the professional advisory body to have good inter-disciplinary knowledge structure, in addition to enterprises can be given the correct implementation of the guidance system, but also the characteristics of different enterprises in accordance with systematic planning, process reengineering, software selection, risk control, project and so the whole process of organization and implementation Government through the Steering Committee and other industry-oriented system to actively promote the effective application of the advisory The impact of management systems through the user's behavior - user behavior (1) to accelerate enterprise restructuring and the pace of modern enterprise Advanced software systems in the enterprise demands the effective application of the direct business strategies, organizational, cultural, and other deep-level corresponding changes, it is important to ensure that the cause of a strong sense of responsibility, learning, courage and leadership changes at the leadership path positions, and they have the necessary power to drive change and (2) actively promote the modernization of enterprise management system and improve the level of Government enterprises, especially state-owned enterprises in the management of the modernization of the input should be fully affirmed, with the exception of financial indicators, the enterprise management system should also consider the progress of its performance as an important aspect of (3) fully understand and follow the advanced information management system for the application of the "Top leaders" have a high sense of responsibility and mission, the pilot must actively promote the system of corporate Chief Information O

My Grandmother`s Love Letterby Hart CraneThere are no stars tonightBut those of Yet how much room for memory there isIn the loose girdle of soft 即使没有星星的夜晚却有这些回忆然而在霪雨绵绵的围绕有多少回忆的空间在其中There is even room enoughFor the letters of my mother`s mother,Elizabeth,That have been pressed so longInto a corner of the roof That they are brown and soft,And Liable to melt as 这里还有我祖母,伊莉莎白她的情书所在已经被收藏在屋顶的角落里头角落中的情书泛黄而软烂甚至有可能会如雪融一般Over the greatness of such spaceSteps must be It is all hung by an invisible white It trembles as birch limbs webbing the 在这样神圣的空间中脚步必须是温柔的这里全部都悬挂了看不见的苍苍白发发丝拂掠恰似空气布满著白桦树的枝枒And I ask myself:而我扪心自问:''Are your fingers long enough to playOld keys that are but echoes:Is the silence strong enoughTo carry back the music to its sourceAnd back to you againAs though to her?''你的手指长到足以指挥回响所生的古老音调是否强烈的安静到足够回溯音律的源头又犹如祖母般再一次回到你自己?Yet I would lead my grandmother by the handThrough much of what she would not understand;And so I And the rain continues on the roofWith such a sound of gently pitying 而我的手牵引著我的祖母去穿越那些她不曾明白的种种我深深地踌躇著随著一阵缓缓的同情笑声雨还是不断的落Living in the country and living in the city do have distinct To start with, let’s talk bout living in the The quiet life and gentle pace of living in the country are very Moreover, most people who prefer to live in the country love the clean environment there, which is good to people’s Furthermore, people in the countryside are more friendly, as they are ready to help at any Though there are numerous advantages of living in the country, we can not ignore the merits of living in the The decisive fator that I need to point out first is the super convenient transportation, with which we can visit our friends and go to work What’s more, we have various selection of goods in the shops and huge shopping malls built everywhere in the Meanwhile, we can access to a variety kinds of entertainment, such as exhibitions, films and plays, if we live in the 这篇我敢保证质量…但我不太擅长写记叙文,所以下面的写的可能过于理论了…还有字数可能太多了This summer, I went to the beach with my family for I took a week off from my work and booked a hotel before we My son was very excited because it was the first time that he ever saw the And I and my wife thought this was a good chance to escape from the high speed working life and relax For the whole week, we swam in the sea, basked in the warm sunshine, ate seafood and had We really had a good time and I felt very relax, resulting a better efficiency when I was back to Moreover, this trip enhenced the relationship of my family, because we know each other better through the vocation and we usually don’t have much to Dear boss I have heard that you wanted a clerk,just in time,I want to be a clerk in a book store,here are some reasons of mine First,I like introducing good books to people,because I like talking with secend,I want to let students konw the importance of reading,as you know,most of the students don't like reding,I think t can help Third,I want to make some money by doing this part-time job,and give the money to the poor children,it's also the most important reason why I want to have this So,please give me a chance I'll try my best to do it Yours XX啊!累死我啦!严重要求加分!
