

发布时间:2024-07-08 23:06:11


物流是循环经济系统中的重要内容,循环经济的发展离不开对物流的管理;而逆向物流是循环经济实现的重要环节,循环经济的循环过程离不开逆向物流。  一、循环经济的内涵  循环经济(circular economy)一词是物质闭环流动性(closing materials cycle)经济的简称,是相对于传统经济而言的。传统经济是“资源→产品→废弃物→污染物”的单向流动的线性开环经济,这种经济发展模式对资源的利用是粗放的和一次性的,资源消耗大,对生态环境污染严重。循环经济是模仿自然生态系统,并按照其物质循环和能量流动规律建构循环式经济系统,从而使经济系统和谐地纳入自然生态系统的物质循环过程,在环境方面表现为低排放,甚至零排放。具体表现为:按照自然生态系统中物质循环共生的原理,通过废弃物交换和再利用将不同企业或产业群联系在一起,形成“资源→产品→再生资源→产品”闭环的循环式经济,使资源在经济循环中合理、高效和持久的利用,使生产和消费过程中投入的自然资源最少,将人类活动对环境的排放或危害降低到最小程度。从根本上解决了经济发展与环境保护的矛盾,实现了经济系统、生态系统和社会系统的和谐循环。  循环经济的核心内容是在3R(减量化或减物质化(reduce)、再利用或反复利用原则(reuse)、资源化或再生利用原则(recycle))原则的指导下的物质循环,它包括三个层面的循环:小循环、中循环、大循环,而实现这三个层面的循环都离不开逆向物流。  二、逆向物流的本质  完整的物流系统应包括正向物流与逆向物流,它们组成一个完整的物流循环系统。通常所说的物流主要指正向物流,正向物流是从供应商到消费者的商品及相关信息的流动,是物流的主要流向;逆向物流是指为了重新获取产品的使用价值或正确处置废弃产品,而对原材料、半成品库存、制成品及相关信息从下游企业或消费者返回到上游生产商或供应商进行计划、管理和控制的过程。  逆向物流的本质在于通过对不合格产品或包装物等废弃物的回收、处理和再生循环等,重新获得其使用价值,使产品、产品运输容器、包装材料以及相关物流信息,从最终客户端开始,沿着供应链从下游向上游反向流动的过程,提高资源的利用率,减少对生态环境的污染和破坏,实现人类与自然的协调、可持续发展。  循环经济下的物质和能量流动方式是闭环形式。在现实生产、生活中,传统的物品仅仅正向的流动方式显然无法达到物质、能量闭环流动要求,这就要求人们积极开展逆向物流。  三、循环经济环境下开展逆向物流管理  树立循环经济发展理念,将逆向物流作为展循环经济的重要组成部分  逆向物流的本质在于对废弃资源进行回收、处置,以重新获取它们的使用价值,减少对生态环境的污染和破坏;而循环经济也是将清洁生产、资源循环利用、生态设计和可持续发展等融为一体来实现减量化、资源化和无害化。从中可以看出逆向物流和循环经济所涉及的领域在很大一部分中是重合的。因此,在循环经济领域中发展逆向物流实际上也是发展循环经济的重要内容。因此,政府在大力发展循环经济时要转变观念,充分认识到逆向物流在循环经济中的作用,将逆向物流的发展纳入到本地区发展循环经济的规划中,同时制订适当的优惠政策,鼓励逆向物流的发展。  积极推进企业逆向物流相关技术创新  一直以来,我国的经济发展模式主要是粗放的和一次性的,忽视资源的循环利用,废弃物的回收、处置和资源化的技术比较落后,逆向物流的成本高,再生资源的利用率低,许多废弃物因技术因素无法回收和处理就直接流入生态和社会系统中,加剧环境的污染。因此,技术因素已成为制约逆向物流发展的瓶颈。  目前,在我国大力倡导自主创新时,应加大逆向物流领域相关技术的研发力度,首先,应鼓励企业改进产品设计,提高产品质量,实现绿色制造,把好逆向物流的入口关;其次,由于产品的回流是不可避免的,政府应鼓励企业为处理回流产品做好预案,在产品的设计之初就应考虑如何使得回流产品后续处理简单易行,便于产品的翻新、再制造和原料的回收利用;再次,应重点组织对延长生产链和相关产业链的连接技术、回收和再利用等技术的研发,提高逆向物流的处理效率,降低逆向物流成本,减少环境的污染。  建立逆向物流信息网,加强信息共享  我国的逆向物流发展时间不长,许多企业不太重视逆向物流的管理,缺少统一、有效的逆向物流网络信息系统,整个社会的逆向物流市场网络没有形成,造成信息不畅,市场调节的盲目性大。企业不能全面、及时了解逆向物流市场信息在发展逆向物流时只能接受市场的自发性调节,逆向物流成本高,从而降低企业从事逆向物流的积极性。

The concept of circular economy in the 1990s in industrialized countries, it is compared with the traditional economy of a kind of economic form, represents a new Its basic meaning is refers to: through the waste materials or waste recycling utilization to economic development, its goal is to make the production and consumption of natural resources in the process of investment to the environment, at least in the least waste discharge to minimize damage or harm the environment, low cost, high efficiency and low emission of economic And with China's rapid economic growth and increasing population, water, land, energy, mineral resources such as insufficient contradiction is becoming more and more serious ecological improvement and environmental protection, the situation is getting Facing this situation, according to the requirement of the scientific development concept, developing circular economy, and establish a conservation-minded society, it is especially important and In recent years, the government of the autonomous region of Inner Mongolia to environmental protection and economic development of the importance of increasing After years of active exploration, circular economy in key industries, key areas have made a lot of progress, in order to further promote the development of circular economy has accumulated valuable In this paper the connotation of circular economy based on the understanding of the Inner Mongolia autonomous region, and through the analysis of the current development of circular economy, and puts forward some of circular economy development in Inner Mongolia countermeasure and the

近年来,能源短缺和环境污染问题成为世界关注的焦点问题,转变传统高能耗、高污染的经济增长方式,大力推进节能减排,发展以低能耗、低排放为标志的低碳经济,实现可持续发展,正在成为世界各国经济发展的共同选择。 作为发展中的大国,中国能源环境方面的问题尤其突出。2007年,觉的十七大报告首次提出了“建设生态文明,基本形成节约能源资源和保护生态环境的产业结构、增长方式、消费模式”的理念,为可持续发展指明了方向,也使人们更加关注低碳经济的崛起。 低碳经济实质是高能源利用效率和清洁能源结构问题,核心是能源技术创新、制度创新和人类生存发展观念的根本性转变。 低碳经济的发展模式,为节能减排、发展循环经济、构建和谐社会提供了操作性诠释,是落实科学发展观、建立节约型社会的综合创新与实践,完全符合十七大报告提出的发展思路,是一场涉及生产方式、生活方式和价值观念的全球性革命。 马学禄指出,应注重资源、能源、环境三要素的边界效应。他说,面对能源和环境的双重威胁,必须深刻反思西方科学理性主义背景下的消费拉动需求、推动经济增长的理论的弊端。寻找出一条更加注重资源、能源、环境边界效应的经济增长方式、探寻新经济理论的时代已经到来。 人的生存过程,就是消费能源,向自然排放危害环境物质的过程。二氧化碳是人类消费能源、资源的必然产物,也是造成温室效应、环境问题的罪魁祸首。随着人口数量的增大和活动能量的急骤膨胀,人类的活动已经危及到自身生存的基础。 有资料显示,作为世界第一大能源消耗国,美国以世界6%的人口消耗了世界30%的能源。而我国的单位GDP能耗是日本的8倍,人口是美国的好几倍,按照这种发展模式,我们缺乏持久的创新能力,环境恶化和能源短缺将是今后50年我国发展过程中最大的瓶颈。实行节能节排,实现低碳发展,构建生态文明社会,已经成为不可逆转的趋势。 由世界银行前首席经济学家尼古拉斯斯特恩牵头的《斯特恩报告》指出,全球以每年GDP1%的投入,可以避免将来每年GDP5%~20%的损失,呼吁全球向低碳经济转型。2007年7月,美国参议院提出了《低碳经济法案》,表明低碳经济的发展道路有望成为美国未来的重要战略选择。德国则希望在2020年,国内的低碳产业要超过其汽车产业。向低碳经济转型已经成为世界经济发展的大趋势。作为一个高能耗国家,我们需要从节能减排、低碳发展的内在规律出发,找到我国巨大社会浪费和环境污染的本源。必须摒弃只关注诸如建筑节能、煤的高效利用等“用”的层面的具体技术问题,而忽视“体”的层面存在的痼疾,比如消费拉动经济增长理论的负面影响,城乡空间布局、国民生活方式等方面存在的巨大浪费等。因此,创新思维、改变观念,坚持体用结合,从全局观、系统论的角度出发,才能正确认识并加快低碳经济发展。 1.倡导形成绿色消费、绿色经营的理念,形成低碳的生活方式。必须转变公众和社会的观念,做任何事都要适度适宜、合理节约。对于个人,要培养节约是美德的观念,彻底改变诸如餐饮浪费等与节能减排背道而驰的陋习;对于企业,则要推行绿色经营的理念,建立清洁生产机制和精益生产方式;国家引导企业将环保成本计入企业生产成本,帮助企业树立企业公民意识,解决节能减排没有效益的错误认识。 2.解决潜藏在空间格局和社会发展格局中的重大浪费问题。有效的节能减排必须以工业相对集中为前提,工业相对集中才能产生专业化分工,提高效率,节省能源;同时催生集群创新,不断产生新技术、新工艺,从而减少物质消耗。 3.培育静脉产业,建立完备的工业化体系。民众对循环经济体系的理解目前还处于表层,基本理解为废渣利用、尾气回收等等。真正的循环经济体系应如同人体系统一样,如果把工业制造系统比作人体的动脉系统,那么,我们使用过的工业制造物的回收再利用则应如人体的静脉系统一样。工业品的回收再利用———“静脉”产业应该是一个巨大的产业。 4.大力发展低碳技术,解决自主创新成果和人才的匮乏问题。低碳技术包括在可再生能源及新能源、煤的清洁高效利用、油气资源和煤层气的勘探开发、二氧化碳捕获与埋存等领域开发的有效控制温室气体排放的新技术。必须强化自主创新能力,鼓励企业开发低碳技术和低碳产品,整合市场现有的低碳技术,加以迅速推广和应用。 低碳经济的加快发展急需大量前沿科技人才与科技成果支撑。以新能源领域人才现状为例,目前,我国风电产业当中受到长期专业技术培训的人不超过50个。在中国《可再生能源法》实施两年后的今天,全国仅有华北电力大学建立了可再生能源学院。另外,传统的创新成果评价认证体系,存在对某些现有科学体系不能解释的成果无法认定的尴尬现实。未来的重大科技成果,很可能来自自学成才的科学工作者,面对现有科学体系不能解释的成果,应当采取“非共识性原则”结合实证的方法加以认定。 5.加快文化创意产业建设。文化创意产业处于技术创新和研发等产业价值链的高端环节,是一种高附加值的产业和低碳消耗的绿色产业。大力发展文化创意服务业,能够为社会创造巨大的财富,同时避免了能源过度消耗和环境污染问题。 6.从雨污分流入手,治理城市污染问题。我国的县级城市基本没有雨污分流的设施,大中城市雨污分流设施虽然投资量很大,实施却不够彻底,造成大量污水处理厂的劳动成果被不能彻底实施的雨污分流措施“一票否决”。 7.从我国能源结构入手,抓住矛盾的主要方面,才能提高节能减排的效率。中国能源消耗形式主要为动力消耗、农村采暖和城市集中供暖消费、电能消费3种,其中大约有68%的能源是由各种能源转化为电能后被消费的。而我国电力系统普遍存在着低效率运行和严重能源浪费问题,尤其是在配电和用电两个环节,节能潜力总计为2亿千瓦,占中国电能的20%。重点推广配电用电领域的重大自主创新项目,可极大提高节能减排效率。 8.低碳经济之路的核心,是建立起我国乃至全球的可再生能源系统,最终实现由“高碳”时代到“低碳”时代的跨越,真正实现人与自然和谐发展。

The concept of circular economy in the late 90's last century in industrialized countries, it is compared with the traditional economy as an economic form, represents a new Its basic meaning of means: through the waste materials or waste recycling utilization used to develop the economy, and its goal is to make the production and consumption of natural resources in the process of investment in the lowest emissions to the environment of the waste the least harmful to the environment or damage the smallest, that is, low input, high efficiency and low emissions With China's rapid economic growth and increasing population, water, land, energy, minerals and other resources will be more striking, ecological construction and environmental protection of the situation is becoming increasingly Faced with this situation, in accordance with the requirements of the scientific development concept, vigorously develop a circular economy, accelerate the establishment of resource-saving society, it becomes particularly important and In recent years, the regional government recognizing that the environmental protection awareness of the importance of economic development in Inner Mongolia, increasing the efforts to environmental After many years of active exploration, our region of circular economy in key industries and key areas has made considerable progress, which did a further promote the development of circular economy of accumulated valuable For this paper, on the basis of a full understanding in the connotation of circular economy,through analysising the cycle of Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region presently,proposing some countermeasures and suggestions about development of circular economy in Inner Mongolia Key words: circular economy; energy-saving emission reduction; sustainable development


The concept of circular economy in the 1990s in industrialized countries, it is compared with the traditional economy of a kind of economic form, represents a new Its basic meaning is refers to: through the waste materials or waste recycling utilization to economic development, its goal is to make the production and consumption of natural resources in the process of investment to the environment, at least in the least waste discharge to minimize damage or harm the environment, low cost, high efficiency and low emission of economic And with China's rapid economic growth and increasing population, water, land, energy, mineral resources such as insufficient contradiction is becoming more and more serious ecological improvement and environmental protection, the situation is getting Facing this situation, according to the requirement of the scientific development concept, developing circular economy, and establish a conservation-minded society, it is especially important and In recent years, the government of the autonomous region of Inner Mongolia to environmental protection and economic development of the importance of increasing After years of active exploration, circular economy in key industries, key areas have made a lot of progress, in order to further promote the development of circular economy has accumulated valuable In this paper the connotation of circular economy based on the understanding of the Inner Mongolia autonomous region, and through the analysis of the current development of circular economy, and puts forward some of circular economy development in Inner Mongolia countermeasure and the Keywords: circular Energy conservation and emission reduction, Sustainable development

这样,怎么样>The concept of circular economy in the late 90's last century in industrialized countries, it is compared with the traditional economy as an economic form, represents a new The basic meaning of means: through the waste or recycling of waste materials used to develop the economy, and its goal is to make the process of production and consumption of natural resources in the lowest emissions to the environment of the waste the least harmful to the environment or damage the smallest, that is, low input, high efficiency and low emissions With China's rapid economic growth and increasing population, water, land, energy, minerals and other resources will be more striking, ecological construction and environmental protection of the situation is becoming increasingly Faced with this situation, in accordance with the requirements of the scientific development concept, vigorously develop a circular economy, accelerate the establishment of resource-saving society, it becomes particularly important and In recent years, the regional government to the environmental protection awareness of the importance of economic development in Inner Mongolia, efforts to increase environmental After many years of active exploration, our region of circular economy in key industries and key areas has made considerable progress, in order to further promote the development of circular economy accumulated valuable For this paper, the connotation of circular economy in the full understanding on the basis of the cycle of Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, the status of economic development analysis, development of circular economy in Inner Mongolia some countermeasures and Key words: circular economy; energy-saving emission reduction; sustainable development

The concept of circular economy in the late 90's last century in industrialized countries, it is compared with the traditional economy as an economic form, represents a new Its basic meaning of means: through the waste materials or waste recycling utilization used to develop the economy, and its goal is to make the production and consumption of natural resources in the process of investment in the lowest emissions to the environment of the waste the least harmful to the environment or damage the smallest, that is, low input, high efficiency and low emissions With China's rapid economic growth and increasing population, water, land, energy, minerals and other resources will be more striking, ecological construction and environmental protection of the situation is becoming increasingly Faced with this situation, in accordance with the requirements of the scientific development concept, vigorously develop a circular economy, accelerate the establishment of resource-saving society, it becomes particularly important and In recent years, the regional government recognizing that the environmental protection awareness of the importance of economic development in Inner Mongolia, increasing the efforts to environmental After many years of active exploration, our region of circular economy in key industries and key areas has made considerable progress, which did a further promote the development of circular economy of accumulated valuable For this paper, on the basis of a full understanding in the connotation of circular economy,through analysising the cycle of Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region presently,proposing some countermeasures and suggestions about development of circular economy in Inner Mongolia Key words: circular economy; energy-saving emission reduction; sustainable development

The concept of circular economy in the 1990s in industrialized countries, it is compared with the traditional economy of a kind of economic form, represents a new Its basic meaning is refers to: through the waste materials or waste recycling utilization to economic development, its goal is to make the production and consumption of natural resources in the process of investment to the environment, at least in the least waste discharge to minimize damage or harm the environment, low cost, high efficiency and low emission of economic And with China's rapid economic growth and increasing population, water, land, energy, mineral resources such as insufficient contradiction is becoming more and more serious ecological improvement and environmental protection, the situation is getting Facing this situation, according to the requirement of the scientific development concept, developing circular economy, and establish a conservation-minded society, it is especially important and In recent years, the government of the autonomous region of Inner Mongolia to environmental protection and economic development of the importance of increasing After years of active exploration, circular economy in key industries, key areas have made a lot of progress, in order to further promote the development of circular economy has accumulated valuable In this paper the connotation of circular economy based on the understanding of the Inner Mongolia autonomous region, and through the analysis of the current development of circular economy, and puts forward some of circular economy development in Inner Mongolia countermeasure and the


The concept of circular economy in the late 90's last century in industrialized countries, it is compared with the traditional economy as an economic form, represents a new Its basic meaning of means: through the waste materials or waste recycling utilization used to develop the economy, and its goal is to make the production and consumption of natural resources in the process of investment in the lowest emissions to the environment of the waste the least harmful to the environment or damage the smallest, that is, low input, high efficiency and low emissions With China's rapid economic growth and increasing population, water, land, energy, minerals and other resources will be more striking, ecological construction and environmental protection of the situation is becoming increasingly Faced with this situation, in accordance with the requirements of the scientific development concept, vigorously develop a circular economy, accelerate the establishment of resource-saving society, it becomes particularly important and In recent years, the regional government recognizing that the environmental protection awareness of the importance of economic development in Inner Mongolia, increasing the efforts to environmental After many years of active exploration, our region of circular economy in key industries and key areas has made considerable progress, which did a further promote the development of circular economy of accumulated valuable For this paper, on the basis of a full understanding in the connotation of circular economy,through analysising the cycle of Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region presently,proposing some countermeasures and suggestions about development of circular economy in Inner Mongolia Key words: circular economy; energy-saving emission reduction; sustainable development

The concept of circular economy in the 1990s in industrialized countries, it is compared with the traditional economy of a kind of economic form, represents a new Its basic meaning is refers to: through the waste materials or waste recycling utilization to economic development, its goal is to make the production and consumption of natural resources in the process of investment to the environment, at least in the least waste discharge to minimize damage or harm the environment, low cost, high efficiency and low emission of economic And with China's rapid economic growth and increasing population, water, land, energy, mineral resources such as insufficient contradiction is becoming more and more serious ecological improvement and environmental protection, the situation is getting Facing this situation, according to the requirement of the scientific development concept, developing circular economy, and establish a conservation-minded society, it is especially important and In recent years, the government of the autonomous region of Inner Mongolia to environmental protection and economic development of the importance of increasing After years of active exploration, circular economy in key industries, key areas have made a lot of progress, in order to further promote the development of circular economy has accumulated valuable In this paper the connotation of circular economy based on the understanding of the Inner Mongolia autonomous region, and through the analysis of the current development of circular economy, and puts forward some of circular economy development in Inner Mongolia countermeasure and the Keywords: circular Energy conservation and emission reduction, Sustainable development

具体摘要写法参考这篇:-shtml ]]]翻译如下Agriculture circular economy is to maximize use of agricultural environmental conditions, as few as possible to get more investment in better products for agricultural development In addition to the agricultural sector has the characteristics of the basic industries, and also offers the protection of the natural, ecological stability and realize harmonious coexistence between people and nature, and other functions, is "multifunctional" In the comprehensive development of recycling economy and building a recycling-oriented society, the agricultural cycle of the economy plays a crucial and basic Agricultural cycle of the economy not only is the world's agricultural development trend and the trend, China's agricultural development strategy is the inevitable To this end, we should vigorously develop the circular economy of In the development of the agricultural cycle in the course of the economy requires not only industry, technology, legal conditions for support, it is also necessary government support for This paper from China's agricultural development cycle of the economy need to start from the economic development of the agricultural cycle to be followed minimization, reuse, recycling, re-thinking the four principles based on the agricultural cycle of the four major economic support system, namely: Agricultural cycle of economic support system of industry, agriculture economic cycle of technical support system, the agricultural cycle of economic policy and legal functions with support system, the agricultural cycle of economic awareness training support system and put forward China's agricultural cycle of the basic idea of economic Keywords recycling economy agricultural cycle of economic support system

Century nineties later stage has appeared on circulation economy concept Yu in industrial country , it has been relative to one kind of economy of tradition economy Er Yan form , has represented a new developing Whose fundamental import is a finger: The circulation regeneration passing waste or goods and materials used and scrap is made use of to come to develop the economy, whose target is to make the natural resources giving birth to a child and throwing into in consumption process the fewest , the waste to discharging in the environment is the fewest , check the environment damage or destroy a minimum, be to realize the economic growth throwing into low , discharging high efficiency and But with the fact that our country economy increases sum population escalation rapidly, inadequate resources contradiction such as water , land , the sources of energy , mineral is more and more outstanding , ecological conservation and the protect the environment circumstances are day by day Face this condition , develop the call for watching , strive to develop circulation economy according to science, be accelerated building economize on resources type society, appear especially important and urgent right In recent years, the autonomous region government cognition arrives at the environmental protection significance to Inner Mongolia economic growth , strengthens comprehensive ecological After trying to explore new ways for many years,my area circulation economy has got great progress in priority estate , the priority field , has been that the economic growth pushing forward circulation further has accumulated valuable The desire is listed in the main body of a book in the basis that sufficiency to circulation economy connotation understands , is suggests that Inner Mongolia develops some countermeasure and suggestion of circulation economy by the analysis to the Nei Monggol Autonomous Region circulation economic growth current Keywords: Circulation economy; Energy conservation subtraction is arranged; Sustainable development


水是人类社会经济发展的基础自然资源,也是人们生存、生活不可替代的生命源泉。但是目前全球一半的河流水量大幅减少或被严重污染,世界上80个国家占全球40%的人口严重缺水。水资源危机已经成为当今世界许多国家社会经济发展的制约因素。建立循环型社会是人类永续生存和可持续发展的必然趋势。循环经济的实质是以“3R”原则作为最重要的行动准则实现资源与能源的可持续利用。而人类对水资源的健康循环利用正是一切资源循环利用之首。创建水资源循环经济,是建立循环型社会所必需的基础。水资源循环经济方式,即按照循环经济的理念,构筑水资源循环圈,实现水资源的减量化、再使用和再循环。通过多渠道增水和综合采用各种节水措施,大幅度降低需水量,逐步形成循环经济与水循环的耦合关系,最终实现需水量的零增长目标。发展水资源循环经济是当今世界经济发展的趋势,水资源循环经济体现了以人为本、全面协调可持续发展观的本质要求,是变粗放型经济增长方式为集约型经济增长方式,走新型化工业发展道路以及全面建设可持续性经济发展社会的重要战略举措。发展水资源循环经济也是今后水资源合理开发利用的指导思路,是水资源可持续发展的根本所在。—359—循环经济理论综述1 循环经济理论的起源及发展循环经济的思想萌芽起源于环境保护兴起的上世纪60年代,1962年美国生态学家卡尔逊发表了《寂静的春天》,指出生物界以及人类所面临的危险。“循环经济”一词,首先由美国经济学家K·波尔丁提出,其“宇宙飞船理论”可以作为循环经济的早期代表,该理论主要指在人、自然资源和科学技术的大系统内,在资源投入、企业生产、产品消费及其废弃的全过程中,把传统的依赖资源消耗的线形增长经济,转变为依靠生态型资源循环来发展的经济[1]。在20世纪70年代,循环经济的思想只是一种理念。到了20世纪80年代,人们开始认识到应采用资源化的方式处理废弃物。20世纪90年代,可持续发展战略已经成为世界发展的潮流,既而产生了以环境保护、清洁生产、绿色消费和废弃物的再生利用等以资源循环利用、避免废物产生为特征的循环经济战略。20世纪90年代之后,发展循环经济和知识经济成为国际社会发展的两大趋势。我国是从20世纪90年代起引入了关于循环经济的思想。2 循环经济的内涵与原则所谓循环经济,即对物质闭环流动型经济的简称,是以物质、能量梯次和闭路循环使用为特征的一种新的生产方式。循环经济以“3R”作为最重要的行动原则(即减量化Reduce、再使用Reuse、再循环Recycle),循环经济的“减量化”原则是指在生产和服务过程中,尽可能地减少资源消耗和废弃物的产生;“再使用”原则是指产品多次使用或修复、翻新或再制造后继续使用,尽可能地延长产品的使用周期,防止产品过早地成为垃圾;“再循环”原则是指废弃物最大限度地转化为资源,变废为宝、化害为利,既可减少自然资源的消耗,又可减少污染物的排放[2]。循环经济以低消耗、低排放、高效率为基本特征,符合可持续发展理念的经济增长模式,实现“资源-产品-废弃物-再生资源”的反馈式循环过程,可以更有效地利用资源和保护环境,以尽可能小的资源消耗和环境成本,尽可能大地获得经济效益和社会效益,从而使经济系统与自然生态系统的物质循环过程相互和谐,促进资源永续利用。循环经济本质是一种可持续发展的生态经济,它要求按照自然生态系统的物质循环和能量流动规律重构经济系统,目的在于使经济系统和谐地纳入自然生态系统的物质循环过程中[3]。循环经济也可称是一种绿色经济,“点绿成金”的经济[4]。它要求把经济活动组成为“资源利用-绿色工业(产品)-资源再生”的闭环式物质流动,所有的物质和能源在经济循环中得到合理地利用。3 循环经济与传统经济的区别传统经济与循环经济的不同之处在于:传统经济是一种由“资源———产品———污染排放”所构成的物质单向流动的经济。而循环经济倡导的是一种建立在资源不断循环利用基础上的经济发展模式;是按照生态规律利用自然资源和环境容量,实现经济活动的生态化转向,是实施可持续战略必然的选择和重要保证。2 中国水资源需要发展循环经济1 水资源概况全国水资源总量约有8×1012m3,但是人均占有水资源量不足2 200 m3,约为世界人均水量的1/4,列世界第121位,北方地区只有990 m3,不到世界人均的1/8。全国有16个省(区、市)人均水资源拥有量低于联合国确定的1 700 m3用水紧张线,其中有10个省(区、市)低于500 m3严重缺水线。全国2/3的大中城市面临缺水,其中1/6严重缺水,并且大部分属于因污染导致的水质型缺水。中国水资源具有以下特点:①水少成灾,降雨时空分布不均,干旱仍然是最严重的自然灾害;②水多为患,洪灾频繁,损失重大,成为威胁经济发展和人民生命财产安全的大患;③水脏、水浑为害,水环境日益恶化,水体、水环境的污染使日益短缺的水资源雪上加霜,而我国每年因水污染造成的经济损失约为全年GNP的5%~3%。建国以来至20世纪90年代,我国用水总量迅速增长,从1949年的约1 000×108m3增长到2004年的5 548×108m3。2004年全国总供水量占当年水资源总量的23%。其中,地表水源供水量占2%,地下水源供水量占5%,其它水源供水量占3%。2004年全国总用水量5 548×108m3,其中生活用水占7%,工业用水占2%,农业用水占6%,生态用水(仅包括人为措施供给的城镇环境用水和部分河湖、湿地补水)占5%[5]。2 发展水资源循环经济的重要性和紧迫性经过25 a的改革开放,我国经济得以快速发展,随着经济快速增长和人口不断增加,生态建设和环境保护的形势日益严峻,水资源不足的矛盾会越来越突出。预计中国2020年的城镇化水平将达到50%左右,今后城市发展和城镇化的加快必然将进一步加剧水危机。预计2050年全国需水量可能达到7 000×108~8 000×108m3,届时我国将接近可利用水资源的极限。我国生态环境总体恶化的趋势尚未得到根本扭转,环境污染日益严重。2004年全国废水排放总量4×108t,其中中工业废水排放量为1×108t,生活污水排放量为3×108t,化学需氧量排放量为1 2×104t[6]。大量未经处理或不达标的废水直接排入江河湖库,严重污染了水体。以水资源紧张,水污染严重,洪涝灾害为特征的水危机,已成为我国可持续发展的重要制约因素。随着我国经济的进一步发展,按照科学发展观的要求,大力发展循环经济,加快建立资源节约型社会,就显得尤为重要和迫切。水作为任何生命形式都必需的基本要素,在21世纪,正成为影响人类社会发展的重大制约因素。水资源是人类社会最重要的基础性资源,通过实施水的健康循环,推动各行业向高效化、绿色化,环境友好化发展,已成为循—360—第12卷第6期2006年6月 水利科技与经济Water Conservancy Science and Technology and Economy Vol·12 No·6Jun·,2006济的重要组成部分。水环境和水危机问题已成为制约我国经济发展的根本性问题,推行水资源循环经济策略应对水环境和水危机问题,将是保证我国水资源长期稳定供给,实现水资源与人口、社会、经济、环境可持续发展的必然选择和有效途径。3 如何发展水资源循环经济发展水资源循环经济,是实现水资源可持续发展的战略手段。针对我国水资源的现状,为了达到水资源开发利用中循环经济的最终目标,必须改进以往的水资源开发利用模式,将循环经济的原理运用到水资源开发利用中来,积极构筑以循环经济为核心理念的水资源开发利用新模式。1 建立节水型社会,提高水的利用效率与效益建设节水型社会是解决我国水资源供需矛盾的有效措施,节水型社会就是人们在生活和生产的全过程中具有节水意识和观念[7],在水资源开发利用的各个环节,贯穿对水资源的节约和保护,逐步杜绝用水的结构型、生产型、消费型浪费,使有限的水资源保障人民饮水安全和生产的供水;发挥更大的社会经济效益,创造更多的物质财富;合理安排生态用水,创造良好的水环境。2 加强水的立法与水资源循环经济管理机制要以立法的形式为发展循环经济铺平道路,用法律的手段为循环经济的发展保驾护航。依法促进废物减量化、资源化、无害化,循环利用化等。根据循环经济的理念健立健全水资源开发利用与水环境保护管理制度,完善国家有关水环境保护和水资源综合利用的相关政策。建立水资源循环经济发展的政府激励机制及水资源循环经济评估体系,有效地评估水资源循环经济的经济和社会效益。3 推行清洁生产,循环利用经过处理的工业废水,加强农业节水 在各行各业促进形成循环型清洁生产;充分发挥城市污水收集管网设施,高效回收处理城市及工业污水,坚持城镇用水与工业用水相结合,实现再生水的循环利用,实现零排放;在城市中大力推广使用”中水”;大力推广家用节水器具的使用;实施农业节水灌溉,大力推广农业节水新措施,有效节约农业用水。4 广开水源及跨流域调水采用雨水储存,劣质水优化利用,海水淡化利用,拦截雨水回补地下水,储备洪水变成生态水等各种方式广开水源;跨流域调水在某种程度上也缓决了我国水资源分布不均的矛盾和水资源短缺的危机,南水北调工程不仅解决了我国北方地区水资源短缺,还成为优化农业资源合理配置的有效途径,也保障了国家粮食安全,维护了社会稳定,成为促进社会经济可持续发展的重大举措。5 充分发挥政府主导作用和服务职能发挥政府在发展循环经济中的作用,积极探索水资源循环经济新模式。政府是产业发展、产业结构整合和循环经济发展的推动者,发展循环经济需要体制、观念和制度的配套创新,政府要优先设计制度框架,明确水环境因素作为社会经济发展和人类生存要素的地位。同时政府要在发展循环经济中,明确各利益实体的权责,要兼顾效率与公平原则。在推进循环经济发展过程中,即要充分发挥政府的服务职能,又要把循环经济发展与政府业绩考核相挂钩,为促进循环经济的发展提供坚强的体制后盾[8]。6 引入先进科学技术确保水资源循环经济发展 水资源领域发展循环经济,关键是要按照“减量化、再使用、再循环”的原则,对水资源实行综合勘查、综合评价、综合开发、综合利用[9],鼓励和支持水资源的高效利用。通过引入先进科学技术实现水资源的循环利用和污水、废水、中水利用,减少水资源的重复浪费,合理调整产业结构,积极发展绿色工业,加强节水技术在生活生产等各方面的应用。3 结 语根据我国水资源日益短缺的现状和未来的开发利用态势,发展循环经济能从根本上缓解我国水资源不断减少和水环境污染等问题,并且有利于我国社会经济的良性发展,有利于我国水资源的可持续性发展,有利于我国水环境的保护。积极推进以循环经济为理念的水资源可持续性发展新模式,是实现水资源循环利用和清洁生产乃至污水、废水低排放甚至零排放以及我国水资源可持续发展的必然趋势。只有水资源得到了有效保护和合理开发利用,我们的生产、生活、经济发展才能相得益彰、更加和谐发展,同时也为人类今后的生存发展提供了坚实基础,故发展水资源循环经济新模式具有深远意义和积极影响。[参考文献][1]陈雄健,向来生我国发展循环经济的战略对策[J]山东科技大学学报,2004,(9):14-[2]李兆前,齐建国循环经济理论与实践综述[J]数量经济技术经济研究,2004,(9):20-[3]诸大建,朱 远生态效率与循环经济[J]复旦学报,2005,(2):60-[4]冯之浚,论循环经济[J]福州大学学报,2005,(2):7-[5]中国水利部2004年中国水资源公报[R]北京:中国水利部,[6]国家环保总局2004年中国环境状况公报[R]北京:国家环保总局,[7]胡鞍钢,王亚华中国如何建设节水型社会[J]水问题论坛,2005,47(2):22-[8]唐谷修,高 峰,等循环经济构筑我国矿业发展新模式[J]中国科技论文,2005,(12):25-[9]胡国强解决我国沿海城市水危机的主要途径[J]水问题论坛,2005,46(1):33-

近年来,能源短缺和环境污染问题成为世界关注的焦点问题,转变传统高能耗、高污染的经济增长方式,大力推进节能减排,发展以低能耗、低排放为标志的低碳经济,实现可持续发展,正在成为世界各国经济发展的共同选择。 作为发展中的大国,中国能源环境方面的问题尤其突出。2007年,觉的十七大报告首次提出了“建设生态文明,基本形成节约能源资源和保护生态环境的产业结构、增长方式、消费模式”的理念,为可持续发展指明了方向,也使人们更加关注低碳经济的崛起。 低碳经济实质是高能源利用效率和清洁能源结构问题,核心是能源技术创新、制度创新和人类生存发展观念的根本性转变。 低碳经济的发展模式,为节能减排、发展循环经济、构建和谐社会提供了操作性诠释,是落实科学发展观、建立节约型社会的综合创新与实践,完全符合十七大报告提出的发展思路,是一场涉及生产方式、生活方式和价值观念的全球性革命。 马学禄指出,应注重资源、能源、环境三要素的边界效应。他说,面对能源和环境的双重威胁,必须深刻反思西方科学理性主义背景下的消费拉动需求、推动经济增长的理论的弊端。寻找出一条更加注重资源、能源、环境边界效应的经济增长方式、探寻新经济理论的时代已经到来。 人的生存过程,就是消费能源,向自然排放危害环境物质的过程。二氧化碳是人类消费能源、资源的必然产物,也是造成温室效应、环境问题的罪魁祸首。随着人口数量的增大和活动能量的急骤膨胀,人类的活动已经危及到自身生存的基础。 有资料显示,作为世界第一大能源消耗国,美国以世界6%的人口消耗了世界30%的能源。而我国的单位GDP能耗是日本的8倍,人口是美国的好几倍,按照这种发展模式,我们缺乏持久的创新能力,环境恶化和能源短缺将是今后50年我国发展过程中最大的瓶颈。实行节能节排,实现低碳发展,构建生态文明社会,已经成为不可逆转的趋势。 由世界银行前首席经济学家尼古拉斯斯特恩牵头的《斯特恩报告》指出,全球以每年GDP1%的投入,可以避免将来每年GDP5%~20%的损失,呼吁全球向低碳经济转型。2007年7月,美国参议院提出了《低碳经济法案》,表明低碳经济的发展道路有望成为美国未来的重要战略选择。德国则希望在2020年,国内的低碳产业要超过其汽车产业。向低碳经济转型已经成为世界经济发展的大趋势。作为一个高能耗国家,我们需要从节能减排、低碳发展的内在规律出发,找到我国巨大社会浪费和环境污染的本源。必须摒弃只关注诸如建筑节能、煤的高效利用等“用”的层面的具体技术问题,而忽视“体”的层面存在的痼疾,比如消费拉动经济增长理论的负面影响,城乡空间布局、国民生活方式等方面存在的巨大浪费等。因此,创新思维、改变观念,坚持体用结合,从全局观、系统论的角度出发,才能正确认识并加快低碳经济发展。 1.倡导形成绿色消费、绿色经营的理念,形成低碳的生活方式。必须转变公众和社会的观念,做任何事都要适度适宜、合理节约。对于个人,要培养节约是美德的观念,彻底改变诸如餐饮浪费等与节能减排背道而驰的陋习;对于企业,则要推行绿色经营的理念,建立清洁生产机制和精益生产方式;国家引导企业将环保成本计入企业生产成本,帮助企业树立企业公民意识,解决节能减排没有效益的错误认识。 2.解决潜藏在空间格局和社会发展格局中的重大浪费问题。有效的节能减排必须以工业相对集中为前提,工业相对集中才能产生专业化分工,提高效率,节省能源;同时催生集群创新,不断产生新技术、新工艺,从而减少物质消耗。 3.培育静脉产业,建立完备的工业化体系。民众对循环经济体系的理解目前还处于表层,基本理解为废渣利用、尾气回收等等。真正的循环经济体系应如同人体系统一样,如果把工业制造系统比作人体的动脉系统,那么,我们使用过的工业制造物的回收再利用则应如人体的静脉系统一样。工业品的回收再利用———“静脉”产业应该是一个巨大的产业。 4.大力发展低碳技术,解决自主创新成果和人才的匮乏问题。低碳技术包括在可再生能源及新能源、煤的清洁高效利用、油气资源和煤层气的勘探开发、二氧化碳捕获与埋存等领域开发的有效控制温室气体排放的新技术。必须强化自主创新能力,鼓励企业开发低碳技术和低碳产品,整合市场现有的低碳技术,加以迅速推广和应用。 低碳经济的加快发展急需大量前沿科技人才与科技成果支撑。以新能源领域人才现状为例,目前,我国风电产业当中受到长期专业技术培训的人不超过50个。在中国《可再生能源法》实施两年后的今天,全国仅有华北电力大学建立了可再生能源学院。另外,传统的创新成果评价认证体系,存在对某些现有科学体系不能解释的成果无法认定的尴尬现实。未来的重大科技成果,很可能来自自学成才的科学工作者,面对现有科学体系不能解释的成果,应当采取“非共识性原则”结合实证的方法加以认定。 5.加快文化创意产业建设。文化创意产业处于技术创新和研发等产业价值链的高端环节,是一种高附加值的产业和低碳消耗的绿色产业。大力发展文化创意服务业,能够为社会创造巨大的财富,同时避免了能源过度消耗和环境污染问题。 6.从雨污分流入手,治理城市污染问题。我国的县级城市基本没有雨污分流的设施,大中城市雨污分流设施虽然投资量很大,实施却不够彻底,造成大量污水处理厂的劳动成果被不能彻底实施的雨污分流措施“一票否决”。 7.从我国能源结构入手,抓住矛盾的主要方面,才能提高节能减排的效率。中国能源消耗形式主要为动力消耗、农村采暖和城市集中供暖消费、电能消费3种,其中大约有68%的能源是由各种能源转化为电能后被消费的。而我国电力系统普遍存在着低效率运行和严重能源浪费问题,尤其是在配电和用电两个环节,节能潜力总计为2亿千瓦,占中国电能的20%。重点推广配电用电领域的重大自主创新项目,可极大提高节能减排效率。 8.低碳经济之路的核心,是建立起我国乃至全球的可再生能源系统,最终实现由“高碳”时代到“低碳”时代的跨越,真正实现人与自然和谐发展。


The concept of circular economy in the 1990s in industrialized countries, it is compared with the traditional economy of a kind of economic form, represents a new Its basic meaning is refers to: through the waste materials or waste recycling utilization to economic development, its goal is to make the production and consumption of natural resources in the process of investment to the environment, at least in the least waste discharge to minimize damage or harm the environment, low cost, high efficiency and low emission of economic And with China's rapid economic growth and increasing population, water, land, energy, mineral resources such as insufficient contradiction is becoming more and more serious ecological improvement and environmental protection, the situation is getting Facing this situation, according to the requirement of the scientific development concept, developing circular economy, and establish a conservation-minded society, it is especially important and In recent years, the government of the autonomous region of Inner Mongolia to environmental protection and economic development of the importance of increasing After years of active exploration, circular economy in key industries, key areas have made a lot of progress, in order to further promote the development of circular economy has accumulated valuable In this paper the connotation of circular economy based on the understanding of the Inner Mongolia autonomous region, and through the analysis of the current development of circular economy, and puts forward some of circular economy development in Inner Mongolia countermeasure and the Keywords: circular Energy conservation and emission reduction, Sustainable development

近年来,能源短缺和环境污染问题成为世界关注的焦点问题,转变传统高能耗、高污染的经济增长方式,大力推进节能减排,发展以低能耗、低排放为标志的低碳经济,实现可持续发展,正在成为世界各国经济发展的共同选择。 作为发展中的大国,中国能源环境方面的问题尤其突出。2007年,觉的十七大报告首次提出了“建设生态文明,基本形成节约能源资源和保护生态环境的产业结构、增长方式、消费模式”的理念,为可持续发展指明了方向,也使人们更加关注低碳经济的崛起。 低碳经济实质是高能源利用效率和清洁能源结构问题,核心是能源技术创新、制度创新和人类生存发展观念的根本性转变。 低碳经济的发展模式,为节能减排、发展循环经济、构建和谐社会提供了操作性诠释,是落实科学发展观、建立节约型社会的综合创新与实践,完全符合十七大报告提出的发展思路,是一场涉及生产方式、生活方式和价值观念的全球性革命。 马学禄指出,应注重资源、能源、环境三要素的边界效应。他说,面对能源和环境的双重威胁,必须深刻反思西方科学理性主义背景下的消费拉动需求、推动经济增长的理论的弊端。寻找出一条更加注重资源、能源、环境边界效应的经济增长方式、探寻新经济理论的时代已经到来。 人的生存过程,就是消费能源,向自然排放危害环境物质的过程。二氧化碳是人类消费能源、资源的必然产物,也是造成温室效应、环境问题的罪魁祸首。随着人口数量的增大和活动能量的急骤膨胀,人类的活动已经危及到自身生存的基础。 有资料显示,作为世界第一大能源消耗国,美国以世界6%的人口消耗了世界30%的能源。而我国的单位GDP能耗是日本的8倍,人口是美国的好几倍,按照这种发展模式,我们缺乏持久的创新能力,环境恶化和能源短缺将是今后50年我国发展过程中最大的瓶颈。实行节能节排,实现低碳发展,构建生态文明社会,已经成为不可逆转的趋势。 由世界银行前首席经济学家尼古拉斯斯特恩牵头的《斯特恩报告》指出,全球以每年GDP1%的投入,可以避免将来每年GDP5%~20%的损失,呼吁全球向低碳经济转型。2007年7月,美国参议院提出了《低碳经济法案》,表明低碳经济的发展道路有望成为美国未来的重要战略选择。德国则希望在2020年,国内的低碳产业要超过其汽车产业。向低碳经济转型已经成为世界经济发展的大趋势。作为一个高能耗国家,我们需要从节能减排、低碳发展的内在规律出发,找到我国巨大社会浪费和环境污染的本源。必须摒弃只关注诸如建筑节能、煤的高效利用等“用”的层面的具体技术问题,而忽视“体”的层面存在的痼疾,比如消费拉动经济增长理论的负面影响,城乡空间布局、国民生活方式等方面存在的巨大浪费等。因此,创新思维、改变观念,坚持体用结合,从全局观、系统论的角度出发,才能正确认识并加快低碳经济发展。 1.倡导形成绿色消费、绿色经营的理念,形成低碳的生活方式。必须转变公众和社会的观念,做任何事都要适度适宜、合理节约。对于个人,要培养节约是美德的观念,彻底改变诸如餐饮浪费等与节能减排背道而驰的陋习;对于企业,则要推行绿色经营的理念,建立清洁生产机制和精益生产方式;国家引导企业将环保成本计入企业生产成本,帮助企业树立企业公民意识,解决节能减排没有效益的错误认识。 2.解决潜藏在空间格局和社会发展格局中的重大浪费问题。有效的节能减排必须以工业相对集中为前提,工业相对集中才能产生专业化分工,提高效率,节省能源;同时催生集群创新,不断产生新技术、新工艺,从而减少物质消耗。 3.培育静脉产业,建立完备的工业化体系。民众对循环经济体系的理解目前还处于表层,基本理解为废渣利用、尾气回收等等。真正的循环经济体系应如同人体系统一样,如果把工业制造系统比作人体的动脉系统,那么,我们使用过的工业制造物的回收再利用则应如人体的静脉系统一样。工业品的回收再利用———“静脉”产业应该是一个巨大的产业。 4.大力发展低碳技术,解决自主创新成果和人才的匮乏问题。低碳技术包括在可再生能源及新能源、煤的清洁高效利用、油气资源和煤层气的勘探开发、二氧化碳捕获与埋存等领域开发的有效控制温室气体排放的新技术。必须强化自主创新能力,鼓励企业开发低碳技术和低碳产品,整合市场现有的低碳技术,加以迅速推广和应用。 低碳经济的加快发展急需大量前沿科技人才与科技成果支撑。以新能源领域人才现状为例,目前,我国风电产业当中受到长期专业技术培训的人不超过50个。在中国《可再生能源法》实施两年后的今天,全国仅有华北电力大学建立了可再生能源学院。另外,传统的创新成果评价认证体系,存在对某些现有科学体系不能解释的成果无法认定的尴尬现实。未来的重大科技成果,很可能来自自学成才的科学工作者,面对现有科学体系不能解释的成果,应当采取“非共识性原则”结合实证的方法加以认定。 5.加快文化创意产业建设。文化创意产业处于技术创新和研发等产业价值链的高端环节,是一种高附加值的产业和低碳消耗的绿色产业。大力发展文化创意服务业,能够为社会创造巨大的财富,同时避免了能源过度消耗和环境污染问题。 6.从雨污分流入手,治理城市污染问题。我国的县级城市基本没有雨污分流的设施,大中城市雨污分流设施虽然投资量很大,实施却不够彻底,造成大量污水处理厂的劳动成果被不能彻底实施的雨污分流措施“一票否决”。 7.从我国能源结构入手,抓住矛盾的主要方面,才能提高节能减排的效率。中国能源消耗形式主要为动力消耗、农村采暖和城市集中供暖消费、电能消费3种,其中大约有68%的能源是由各种能源转化为电能后被消费的。而我国电力系统普遍存在着低效率运行和严重能源浪费问题,尤其是在配电和用电两个环节,节能潜力总计为2亿千瓦,占中国电能的20%。重点推广配电用电领域的重大自主创新项目,可极大提高节能减排效率。 8.低碳经济之路的核心,是建立起我国乃至全球的可再生能源系统,最终实现由“高碳”时代到“低碳”时代的跨越,真正实现人与自然和谐发展。

具体摘要写法参考这篇:-shtml ]]]翻译如下Agriculture circular economy is to maximize use of agricultural environmental conditions, as few as possible to get more investment in better products for agricultural development In addition to the agricultural sector has the characteristics of the basic industries, and also offers the protection of the natural, ecological stability and realize harmonious coexistence between people and nature, and other functions, is "multifunctional" In the comprehensive development of recycling economy and building a recycling-oriented society, the agricultural cycle of the economy plays a crucial and basic Agricultural cycle of the economy not only is the world's agricultural development trend and the trend, China's agricultural development strategy is the inevitable To this end, we should vigorously develop the circular economy of In the development of the agricultural cycle in the course of the economy requires not only industry, technology, legal conditions for support, it is also necessary government support for This paper from China's agricultural development cycle of the economy need to start from the economic development of the agricultural cycle to be followed minimization, reuse, recycling, re-thinking the four principles based on the agricultural cycle of the four major economic support system, namely: Agricultural cycle of economic support system of industry, agriculture economic cycle of technical support system, the agricultural cycle of economic policy and legal functions with support system, the agricultural cycle of economic awareness training support system and put forward China's agricultural cycle of the basic idea of economic Keywords recycling economy agricultural cycle of economic support system

The concept of circular economy in the late 90's last century in industrialized countries, it is compared with the traditional economy as an economic form, represents a new Its basic meaning of means: through the waste materials or waste recycling utilization used to develop the economy, and its goal is to make the production and consumption of natural resources in the process of investment in the lowest emissions to the environment of the waste the least harmful to the environment or damage the smallest, that is, low input, high efficiency and low emissions With China's rapid economic growth and increasing population, water, land, energy, minerals and other resources will be more striking, ecological construction and environmental protection of the situation is becoming increasingly Faced with this situation, in accordance with the requirements of the scientific development concept, vigorously develop a circular economy, accelerate the establishment of resource-saving society, it becomes particularly important and In recent years, the regional government recognizing that the environmental protection awareness of the importance of economic development in Inner Mongolia, increasing the efforts to environmental After many years of active exploration, our region of circular economy in key industries and key areas has made considerable progress, which did a further promote the development of circular economy of accumulated valuable For this paper, on the basis of a full understanding in the connotation of circular economy,through analysising the cycle of Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region presently,proposing some countermeasures and suggestions about development of circular economy in Inner Mongolia Key words: circular economy; energy-saving emission reduction; sustainable development
