

发布时间:2024-07-08 02:30:46


Ask questions on how the research contents and Summerize the development of China's animation industry and status of animation educationStudy grade school construction and feasibility of proposed construction and implementation of professional animation Research onanimation teaching Indicate research findings and follow-up Secondary vocational school; computer animation professionals; profession building; training objectives; implementation


Information literacy Knowing how to find data from several sources, select relevant material, analyse and organise it into a form that can be used to make Computers have become the tools people use to access and manage Information technologists are people who analyse and design the What is a computer? Tradition definitions of computers include �6�1 A machine that accepts data and processes it into use �6�1 A computer is a binary, digital, electronic, stored program �6�1 While a computer is commonly a digital machine, analogue machine do An electronic device, operating under the control of instructions stored in its own memory unit, that can accept data (input), process data arithmetically and logically, produce results (output) from the processing and stores results for future Many computers receive and send data (communicate) across networks LAN and W A computer system consists of hardware and What is hardware? Hardware Hardware is physical devices or components that can be physically handled – you can thou Input Devices Input devices convert data that humans collect into coded electrical signals that a computer can The central processing unit The electronic processing takes place in the CPU The CPU consists of �6�1 A control unit that controls all of the computer’s functions and an �6�1 Arithmetic and logical unit (ALU) that performs any calculation Memory Memory holds all programs and What is RAM currently open? Data (notes) Word processor OS Output devices Output devices convert the computer’s electronic signals back into information Secondary storage devices These devices store programs and data The programs and data are not necessarily (or likely to be) in current E DVD CD Communication devices These devices enable a computer to connect to another List the six different type of hardware? Secondary storage(external), input, processor, output , memory, C Name eight pieces of hardware USB, keyboard, monitor, screen, RAM, ROM, VDU, M The system unit and peripheral devices The system unit is the computer Peripheral devices are any devices around the outside, or in other words, plugged into the (back of) the Peripheral devices include the key board, mouse, printer, joy stick and Peripheral devices are any devices around the outside, or in other words, plugged into the (back of) the Peripheral devices include the keyboard, mouse, printer, joy stick and What else does a computer have? Software Software is a computer program ,which is a detailed set of instructions that directs a computer to perform the tasks necessary to process data into These instructions are written in languages that computer can Software includes computer games, a word processing packing, an accounting package, amongst Definition of a computer system �6�1 A computer system is the configuration of hardware and software, functioning together, to process data into useful information, in order to achieve a purpose for a human What is data? �6�1 Data is raw facts, be they numbers, words, images and sounds, that can be input into a Mary a name is a piece of data What is information? �6�1 Information is processed data, that has meaning and is John is a list of names who scored an A grade on an exam John A Chai A Pam A Commodore $23 500 Magna $21 500 Falcon $19 800 The system unit contains the �6�1 Motherboard �6�1 CPU �6�1 Memory �6�1 Other electronics It is where the computer program instructions are executed and the data is manipulatedThe Processor CPU The CPU interprets and carries out basic instructions that operate the computer, the CPU contain the �6�1 Control unit and the �6�1 Arithmetic logic unit Control unit The control unit directs and coordinates the computer’s For every single instruction, the control unit repeats four basic operations, �6�1 Fetching �6�1 Decoding �6�1 Executing �6�1 Storing CPU speed The CPU’s speed may be measured in MIPS The number of millions of instructions per second Arithmetic/logic unit The ALU performs all calculations, which involve �6�1 Arithmetic operations 2+3 �6�1 Comparison operations age>=17 �6�1 Logical operations pass Processing instructions A CPU may begin executing a second machine cycle before completing the first-referred to as Current CPU’s can pipeline up to 4 Storage within the CPU Registers temporarily hold data and The computer’s clock A System clock is necessary to control the timing of all computer Each tick of the clock is referred to as a clock Clock speed is the speed at which a processor executes A hertz is one cycle per second and a megahertz is 1024 by1024 and a gigahertz is 1024 by 1024 Memory Memory is the temporary storage place for data and (program) Memory is measured in �6�1 Kilobytes 1024 bytes 2^10 �6�1 Megabytes 1024* 1024 bytes 2^20 �6�1 Gigabytes 1024*1024*1024 bytes 2^30 Representation of data Digital computers are built from many small electronic Each circuit, at any point of time can be turned OFF or ON Hence these devices are called two state Binary Digit 0and 1 Each off or on digital value is called a bit, short for binary A 1 bit computer would be able to distinguish between two values-characters, symbols or Hardly sufficient for the characters on the keyboard Bits Characters 1 2 2 4 3 8 4 16 5 32 6 64 7 128 8 256

来自百度:DESIGN AND IMPLEMENTATION OF PRODUCTION PLANNING MANAGEMENT SYSTEM OF SURVEYING AND MAPPING PROJECTKEY WORDS: GIS,Design,Analysis,Application,Management,ProductionABSTRACT:With the development of photogrammetry and spatial information sciences, we have found many new methods to solve the technical problem in surveying and mapping But there is a little research on the project Traditional management method is complex and time- Now, we need use new technique to improve the management method for enhancing management Taking “National Western Surveying and Mapping Project on 1:50000 Topological Maps Blank Area” as an example, this paper focus on production planning The project is remarkable, not only the task and extent is tremendous, but also the staff and stuff are The Blank Area has atrocious weather and extreme All of the conditions increase the project management For reasonable planning and logical budget, we designed and realized a production planning management system to give the decision support to the This paper studies the system’s requirement analysis, system structure and function in INTRODUCTIONNowadays, Geographical Information Systems(GIS) are powerful and useful as means of information, visualization and research tools(Quan Bao,2004) Most GIS software is more suited to providing limited types of output than as a tool to support, at anything other than a superficial level, tactical or strategic decision-making To improve the usefulness of GIS as a decision support tool, two needs are First, decision-makers require methods that allow them to easily select alternatives across a number of relevant Second, it is necessary to explicitly recognize that most decision-making processes involve multiple Since problem solving id often characterized by multiple and conflicting objectives, methods that contribute toward more a completely aiding decision system are


Information literacy Knowing how to find data from several sources, select relevant material, analyse and organise it into a form that can be used to make Computers have become the tools people use to access and manage Information technologists are people who analyse and design the What is a computer? Tradition definitions of computers include �6�1 A machine that accepts data and processes it into use �6�1 A computer is a binary, digital, electronic, stored program �6�1 While a computer is commonly a digital machine, analogue machine do An electronic device, operating under the control of instructions stored in its own memory unit, that can accept data (input), process data arithmetically and logically, produce results (output) from the processing and stores results for future Many computers receive and send data (communicate) across networks LAN and W A computer system consists of hardware and What is hardware? Hardware Hardware is physical devices or components that can be physically handled – you can thou Input Devices Input devices convert data that humans collect into coded electrical signals that a computer can The central processing unit The electronic processing takes place in the CPU The CPU consists of �6�1 A control unit that controls all of the computer’s functions and an �6�1 Arithmetic and logical unit (ALU) that performs any calculation Memory Memory holds all programs and What is RAM currently open? Data (notes) Word processor OS Output devices Output devices convert the computer’s electronic signals back into information Secondary storage devices These devices store programs and data The programs and data are not necessarily (or likely to be) in current E DVD CD Communication devices These devices enable a computer to connect to another List the six different type of hardware? Secondary storage(external), input, processor, output , memory, C Name eight pieces of hardware USB, keyboard, monitor, screen, RAM, ROM, VDU, M The system unit and peripheral devices The system unit is the computer Peripheral devices are any devices around the outside, or in other words, plugged into the (back of) the Peripheral devices include the key board, mouse, printer, joy stick and Peripheral devices are any devices around the outside, or in other words, plugged into the (back of) the Peripheral devices include the keyboard, mouse, printer, joy stick and What else does a computer have? Software Software is a computer program ,which is a detailed set of instructions that directs a computer to perform the tasks necessary to process data into These instructions are written in languages that computer can Software includes computer games, a word processing packing, an accounting package, amongst Definition of a computer system �6�1 A computer system is the configuration of hardware and software, functioning together, to process data into useful information, in order to achieve a purpose for a human What is data? �6�1 Data is raw facts, be they numbers, words, images and sounds, that can be input into a Mary a name is a piece of data What is information? �6�1 Information is processed data, that has meaning and is John is a list of names who scored an A grade on an exam John A Chai A Pam A Commodore $23 500 Magna $21 500 Falcon $19 800 The system unit contains the �6�1 Motherboard �6�1 CPU �6�1 Memory �6�1 Other electronics It is where the computer program instructions are executed and the data is manipulatedThe Processor CPU The CPU interprets and carries out basic instructions that operate the computer, the CPU contain the �6�1 Control unit and the �6�1 Arithmetic logic unit Control unit The control unit directs and coordinates the computer’s For every single instruction, the control unit repeats four basic operations, �6�1 Fetching �6�1 Decoding �6�1 Executing �6�1 Storing CPU speed The CPU’s speed may be measured in MIPS The number of millions of instructions per second Arithmetic/logic unit The ALU performs all calculations, which involve �6�1 Arithmetic operations 2+3 �6�1 Comparison operations age>=17 �6�1 Logical operations pass Processing instructions A CPU may begin executing a second machine cycle before completing the first-referred to as Current CPU’s can pipeline up to 4 Storage within the CPU Registers temporarily hold data and The computer’s clock A System clock is necessary to control the timing of all computer Each tick of the clock is referred to as a clock Clock speed is the speed at which a processor executes A hertz is one cycle per second and a megahertz is 1024 by1024 and a gigahertz is 1024 by 1024 Memory Memory is the temporary storage place for data and (program) Memory is measured in �6�1 Kilobytes 1024 bytes 2^10 �6�1 Megabytes 1024* 1024 bytes 2^20 �6�1 Gigabytes 1024*1024*1024 bytes 2^30 Representation of data Digital computers are built from many small electronic Each circuit, at any point of time can be turned OFF or ON Hence these devices are called two state Binary Digit 0and 1 Each off or on digital value is called a bit, short for binary A 1 bit computer would be able to distinguish between two values-characters, symbols or Hardly sufficient for the characters on the keyboard Bits Characters 1 2 2 4 3 8 4 16 5 32 6 64 7 128 8 256

gavin7991 - 举人 四级 说的很详细,但更加简洁明了的说法是:硕士论文用thesis, MA thesis (文学硕士论文),博士论文用dissertation, 学期论文或发表的文章可用paper,essay指篇幅较短小的文章,相当于作文类或散文类


Ask questions on how the research contents and Summerize the development of China's animation industry and status of animation educationStudy grade school construction and feasibility of proposed construction and implementation of professional animation Research onanimation teaching Indicate research findings and follow-up Secondary vocational school; computer animation professionals; profession building; training objectives; implementation


“论文”一词的英文表达很多,通常因场合、用处不同而有不同的表达,下面罗列了几种,请楼主斟酌一下那一种是适合自己。*dissertation(博士学位)论文,(专题)论文,学术演讲:长而正式的论文,尤指大学里由博士学位攻读者所写的论文;学位论*disquisition专题论文;专题演讲,专题讨论:关于一个论题的正式讨论,常为书面形式*thesis命题论文:尤指出于获得学位的研究需要而改进原来观点以作为研究成果的论文*discourse (学术)讨论,研讨用的论文*paper 作业形式的,为达到某一目的或效果(如学位)而写的

Questions of how the research contents and An overview of the development and China's animation industry, animation education, the status Study, grade school construction and feasibility of the significance of professional Proposed construction and implementation of professional animation Research animation teaching Pointed out that the research findings and follow-up Secondary vocational schools; computer animation professionals; professional building; training objectives; the implementation of我翻译的是提出问题,说明研究内容和方法。概述动漫产业的发展和我国动漫教育现状。研究中职学校建设动漫专业的意义和可行性。提出动漫专业建设实施方案。研究动漫专业教学设置。指出了研究结论和后续研究方向。中职学校;计算机动漫专业;专业建设;培养目标;实施

呵呵,供参考吧本文主要阐述了一个基于JAVA的网络教学情况考核评价系统。This text mainly elaborated an investigate the evaluation system according to the JAVA the network teaching 对其的设计以及企业JavaBean分布式技术的实现方法进行了说明。As to it's of the design and the business enterprise JavaBean distribute type carried out a method to carry on elucidation 前四章中文章可行性分析、系统需求分析、总体设计详细的介绍了系统中使用的技术及设计方案,第五章详细的介绍了EJB中实体Beans的具体实现。Ex- four techniques and the design project that Chinese chapter viability assessment,the system need analysis,total design introduced the usage in the system in detail, chapter 5 the concrete realizations that introduced the entity Beans in the EJB in 本文内容对构建网络评分系统有一定借鉴作用,对构架分布式系统也具有一定的参考意义。This text contents draws lessons from a function towards setting up the network grade point system to have certainly, also hasing certain reference meaning to the frame distribute type





计算机专业是一门硬件与软件相结合、面向系统、更偏向应用的宽口径专业,由于现代化社会的不断需要,计算机专业专业是一门很热门的专业,对于临近毕业的计算专业同学来说,论文是他们专业担心的问题,在写作计算毕业论文时,最重要的就是选题,下面我们就给大家讲解一下计算机专业论文题目,供给大家作为一个选题参考。  一、计算机专业论文题目  1、高职院校计算机专业公共课程的模块化教学探究  2、中职计算机专业基础教育专业教学内容改革分析  3、基于计算机专业程序控制的新能源汽车电机驱动系统的开发与应用  4、中职计算机专业基础教育专业教学内容改革分析  5、大数据时代的计算机专业网络安全及有效防范措施  6、计算机专业网络安全中的防火墙技术应用研究  7、计算机专业网络通信安全中数据加密技术的应用  8、行动导向教学法在高职计算机专业网络教学中的应用  9、在慕课时代中高校计算机专业应用基础教学技巧的创新探究  10、新形势下高校公共计算机专业机房管理和维护探析  11、面向新工科的嵌入式计算机专业系统教学体系设计  12、计算机专业应用与创新型人才的培养路径  13、面向师范生的大学计算机专业公共课教学改革研究  14、信息化背景下高校计算机专业教育专业教学改革的方向与实践探究  15、基于体系结构的B777飞机中央维护计算机专业系统研究  16、微电网下多能源协同控制策略的计算机专业实现  17、印染厂生产排程计算机专业辅助管理实践探索  18、关于计算机专业平面设计课程教学改革探究--以广东工商职业学院为例  19、微课应用于高校计算机专业教学中的相关思考  20、互联网+教育专业混合教学模式下高校计算机专业教学的创新与突破研究  21、浅论大数据背景下的计算机专业科学现状及发展趋势




计算机科学的毕设可能是最容易过的了, 因为只要找到一份网站或者管理系统个代码, 顺便写个论文就行, 参考资料极多比如课程管理系统, 学籍管理系统, 如果有要求的话可以拿SSH框架实现一些比较复杂的业务比如电商系统,网上订餐系统, 外卖系统, 这些能用于实际业务的几乎是个人能做的最复杂的业务了, 如果自己喜欢技术的话, 可以尝试做一下可以 look at my name, 可以找到很多项目的源码, 可以自己选一下, 希望能够采纳

计算机(computer / calculation machine)是总称,一般在学术性或正式场合使用。在通常用语中,计算机一般指电子计算机中用的个人电脑。计算机是一种能够按照指令对各种数据和信息进行自动加工和处理的电子设备。它由多个零配件组成,如中央处理器、主板、内存、电源、显卡等。接收、处理和提供数据的一种装置,通常由输入输出设备、存储器、运算和逻辑部件以及控制器组成;有模拟式、数字式及混合式三种类型。

四、政府知识管理系统实例分析 下面以由苏州欧索软件公司开发的“Bluten政府知识管理平台”③为主导,结合北京俊和在线网络科技有限公司的知识管理系统④作实例分析,这两家公司的政府知识管理系统基本上可以代表当前我国政府知识管理系统的现状。 经过归纳可以得到“Bluten政府知识管理平台”主要功能模块及特点是: 第一个主模块是政务中心,这是系统的主导功能,下设五个子功能: 一是公文管理(发文、收文、档案管理),特点是支持语音录入、手写录入,能实现收发公文流程的自由设置和流程监控;二是事务管理(人事办公事务和财务事务),特点是能够规范和固化行政办公流程,实现各项事务的自助处理;三是日程管理(有多种方式,如邮件提醒、短消息提醒、BP机提醒、电话提醒),特点是按日、周、月显示日程,并可对日程进行公布、存储、查询;四是会议管理(会议室管理、会议通知管理),特点是能与日程管理紧密联系,可进行会议提醒,可进行会议纪要管理;五是邮件管理(电子邮件收发、扩展Web访问)。 第二个主模块是资源中心,下设以下五个子功能:新闻发布、公告发布、政策法规办事指南、其他信息(包括各种交通信息及其共享信息)。第三个主模块是管理中心,能实现无线应用、消息提醒、流程自定义、图形化设计工具、多组织结构、流程监控分析、自定义表单、用户管理、图形化的用户权限管理等功能。 “Bluten政府知识管理平台”代表了当前大部分电子政务管理软件的主要功能。但是,应当说它的政府知识获取、传播共享、利用测评功能不够充分,基本上可以说还是一种办公管理,偏重于政务管理,而不是知识管理和公共服务。 相比之下,俊和在线的一站式电子政务应用解决方案除了具备上表所列的欧索软件中的大部分功能以外,还突出了知识管理功能。该方案基于门户系统与内容管理、虚拟网站集群,以及中间件平台等支撑系统的整合而成,包括“一站式”所必须具备的单点登录、统一认证、应用分布、虚拟站点集群、集中管理功能,同时还包括门户服务通常应具备的搜索引擎、消息引擎、个性化展现、知识导航、应用集成等功能。 从该方案的“一站式信息门户”有“消息沟通”模块,包括分类论坛、在线交流、在线聊天、在线调查、信访管理等功能;“一站式协同办公”平台的办公应用层中的特别有一个“办公协作平台”模块,其中有信息发布、数据文档共享、视频会议、论坛服务、远程办公等功能。事务管理模块中还有“辅助决策”功能等,在此都体现了知识管理的特征。 从上文提出的政府知识管理系统的三大功能需求,到俊和在线的知识管理系统这一阶段,政府的知识管理系统已经取得了很大进展:如知识门户开始形成、协同办公成效显著。但这些系统大多还只是停留在知识的简单获取、传播和利用阶段,需要加强的知识管理功能还有很多:隐性知识的获取难度仍然较大,需要引入适当的激励机制激发共享;知识交流的过程基本上还是在对知识的外化,真正内化的很少;对知识培训、推送考虑的也不多;知识贡献较少;也没有良好的知识测评机制。综上所述,当前已有的政府知识管理系统与从理论上设计的理想需求模型还有差距,在实践中,系统设计人员可以参考知识管理的功能需求,从公务员的个人知识管理做起,培养知识分享和交流的组织文化,培育实践社区,确定办公领域中的关键知识,重视信息门户的知识沉淀,并结合实际情况设计出适合政府的知识管理系统,培养政府创新能力。 ①以外促内,内强则外优——政府、公共事业单位知 识管理的导入.http://www.amteam.org/static/54235.hnn1. [访问日期:2007—2—3】 ② 刘武,朱明富.构建知识管理系统的探讨.计算机应用研究.2002(4):35—37. ③ 苏州欧索软件公司.Bluten知识平台解决方案.http://www.oceanso~:.com.cn/document/knowledge.doc. 【访问日期:2006-12-10】 ④北京俊和在线网络科技有限公司.成功方案:一站式电子政务应用解决方案.http://www.wits.com.cn/wits/news/news_show.asp?id=94&kind= 公司动态&trade=政府信息化.【访问日期:2007—3—9】
