

发布时间:2024-07-09 03:22:14


HI,^_^ As time goes by, sports are playing a more and more important role in people’s modern People all over the world take part in different kinds of sports, such as football, basketball, walking, swimming and so They also like to watch sports Besides, sports stars are very popular with people, especially young There are sports matches nearly every day in the world, but the most important and famous are the Olympic Games held every four In the 2008 Olympic Games held in Beijing, athletes like Phelps and Bolt attracted the attention of people all over the As we all know, sports can keep us healthy, so now we students are encouraged to take exercise for an hour every day, and in this way we can learn more

All over the world millions of people take part in different kinds of Sports are perhaps the most popular form of relaxation that almost all can Some people seem to think that sports and games are unimportant things that people do at times when they are not But in fact sports and games can be of great value, especially to people who work with their brains most of the They should not be treated only as Sports and games build our bodies, prevent us from getting too fat, and keep us They also give us valuable practice in helping the eyes, brain and muscles to work In table tennis, the eyes see the ball coming, judge its speed and direction, and pass the information on to the The brain has to decide what to do and sends its orders to the muscles of the arms legs and so on, so that the bah is met and hit back where the player wants it to All this must happen with very great speed, and only those who have had a lot of practice can do this Sports and games are also very useful for character- In their lessons, boys and girls may learn about such virrues as unselfishness courage disciple and love of one's country, but what is learned in books can not have the same deep effect on a child's character as what is learned through Most of students' time is spent in classes, studying So what the students do in their spare time is of great If each of them learns to go all out for his team and not for himself on the sports field, he will later find it natural to work for the good of society, for the good of his

The 2010 Asian Games will be held in Guangzhuo,and a lot of people all over the world will come here for this To prepare for this big event well,we should improve our First, we should pay more attention to our As citizens of Guangzhou, we are likely to meet with many guests from abroad and at home, which means that we are the mirrors of Guangzhou, through which we can make a good impression on Second, we should also improve our communication skills, which include body language as Only by communicating well with us can guests throughout the globe can have a better knowledge of Guangzhou even China, which is of great Let's hold out our hands and show our smiling faces to greet guests all over the earth! Welcome to Guangzhou!下面是关于体育好处的exercise ,which PE bring us ,is important for both the body and the mind ,its benefits are evident in ahost ways :better health ,better looks and so on it is obvious that exercise help you to build a health body ,makes you at your top physical situation ,but exercise is not the only thing PE can give us ,when you have PE class ,you are competeing with others,or working with your mates as a team,you will develop the skills of leadership, cooperation and learn the efficient way to communicate with your partners ,these abilities are definitely important to you life in the future in addition ,Pe can give you a sprite called never give up ,making you a strong PE is not only the education in the field of physics ,instead it can give you comprehensive benefits you do not notice


【Abstract】 With the people's living standards, the development of China's competitive sports, leisure sports increasingly on the China has the basic requirements for developing a number of conditions, but there are many in our country are still important Therefore, this paper, the existing problems in China, the corresponding note, such as stepping up publicity efforts to increase financial input through various channels to raise funds to expand the project space, strengthening the building of the community, such as sports 【Keywords】 leisure sports papers; sports population; attention; Sports Industry1 Introduction Leisure Sports is the basis of mass Related to the development of leisure sports in our country to strengthen the nation's health, health improvement and quality of life improvement, leisure sports of civilization, science, an integral part of a healthy Urbanization, modernization and the nature of the separation, the pressure brought about by fierce competition, substantial material after the cold and unfamiliar people, people of leisure and the pursuit of leisure sports growing strong, all kinds of fitness, and entertainment, novelty, and even risk-taking of the continuing integration of leisure sports people's 1 increase in people's level of consumption, according to statistics, China's urban residents in 1997, the Engel coefficient of consumption has dropped to 6% In accordance with international standards, has been close to a well-off level, the fundamentals for life and enjoyment of the development of consumer- End of the 20th century, Shanghai, Beijing and other large and medium-sized cities in per capita GDP has reached 3000 US dollars, to reach or approach the level of moderately developed China's various types of fitness to participate in regular sports entertainment has reached more than 300 million 1994 to 1998, the city sports a 115 percent growth in National Sports in 1998 the total amount of spending about 140 billion yuan, of which the urban population per capita spending in the sport for more than 1040 2 Leisure Sports group of people living in old age has become an important part of this century, the proportion of China's elderly population will account for the total population of 1 / As a result of physical and psychological reasons, older age groups the material needs of members desire to inadequate performance, and mental and health requirements are becoming increasingly important to become a major Physical exercise can improve the psychological conditions of the elderly to improve life and reduce the social pressure, live 3 The increasing leisure time, sport has led to increasing population 195 years from the beginning of the implementation of a weekend system, so that weekend with the Spring Festival, National Day, "51" and the statutory nature of festivals, so that most people in the holidays year reached about 110 days, which the development of recreational sports provide a good social Sports in China's population was increasing year by year trend, according to statistics, in 1996 China's sports over the age of 16 the total population ratio was 5% If the number of students in school, the armed forces such as population census, as of course, including sports, the sports population will account for 4 percent of the total Survey, the population of China's sports was significantly higher than the average level of developing 2 leisure entertainment and sporting events in the development of gaps 1 pairs of inadequate understanding of leisure sports leisure sports in our country although residents of the preliminary understanding, but not deep enough The implementation of government departments at all levels of competitive sports, "future-oriented development" strategy, than to ignore the development of leisure sports and Described in the mass media entertainment and sports events of the radio, television, newspapers, magazines, book publishing and distribution is also relatively The masses of the mass media in promoting awareness of recreational and sports activities is not And through various channels and the mass media, the expansion of leisure sports propaganda, is to promote sports development in an effective 2 sports a small population, to participate in two groups of heat, cold intermediate sports in South Korea in 1991, the population had reached 46 percent of the total population, Switzerland in 1992 reached 52% At the same time, according to surveys, participation in recreational sports often people focus on the pupils and students and the elderly over the age of 61, the young and middle-aged members of lower 3 The lack of venues and facilities in 1995, according to statistics, as of 1995, there were all kinds of sports venues 616,000, with a total area of 780,000,000 square meters, 65 square meters per Sports venues per capita in developed countries has been more than two square meters area, the United States per capita area of about 14 square meters Moreover, in addition to the absolute amount is lower than other countries, in absolute terms based on China's sports facilities open to the community as a whole accounted for only 1%, and some open only 3%, 6% of sports venues not open to the public, most of the time is This led to shortage of resources even At the same time, a lot of substandard quality Address space, equipment, lighting, ventilation is unlikely a reasonable These are greatly influenced the training of those who should be the desired 4 First of all, service lags behind the number of social sports instructors are seriously At the initial stage of the leisure sports, in the absence of adequate social instructors match, no doubt in even Many participants carried out the blind tendency of sports entertainment, in violation of human anatomy and physiological characteristics, it can not make good, scientific, entertainment exercise reasonable results, but also lead to a variety of recreational training diseases, damage to human health ; followed by the lack of medical supervision Of participants can not carry out regular physical examinations, physical fitness assessment, fitness for groups to participate in recreational exercise data to provide a reasonable basis, which also affected the enthusiasm of 3 Conclusion 1 step up publicity at all levels of government should step up publicity on leisure sports, and the use of television, radio, newspapers, books, blackboards and other media publicity, so that leisure sports into a good public opinion At all levels of government departments, enterprises and institutions should be set up on health activities, to develop realistic training standards, standards of recognition and reward To guide the masses of the whole society to enhance awareness of participation in leisure sports, and actively carry out physical Should be used as a recreational sport to promote sports and cultural 2 to carry out leisure sports, it is necessary to comply with the level of economic development in the region and the actual needs of the people should make full use of existing sports facilities and technical Increased government investment in the multi-channel fund-raising at the same time to increase capital To encourage and promote the economic benefits of good business-to-sport to help the masses, we must also spend money to advocate a national concept of health to encourage the people to carry out the necessary investment in 3 to carry out leisure sports, should be combined with traditional sports tradition in contemporary leisure sports are still a strong vitality and huge market At the same time, many aspects of the project to expand the space of leisure With the development of society, improve people's living standards development projects, such as in recent years, such as self-drive 4 to carry out leisure sports, the need for adequate professional and technical guidance to staff the formation of a strong organizational skills, proficient in sports business, sports guiding force of society in order to effectively organize and guide the masses to carry out scientific fitness Social sports instructor training is an important

Games people play in China In China, different sports attract different Not everyone likes the same sports, and more people would play the sport, including basketball, football, ping-pong, and Basketball, it is more than a sport; it is a part of life in C More and more people enjoy playing the In high school, the kids develop the "moves" But in junior high school, kids often become great basketball players by leaning to shoot with great skill and In some club, athletes have very good technology, but the body of the strength of the lesson they limit the Football has a more contemporary appeal, as a more violent game, it appears closer to real life It involves strategies like war game, and the fans become generals planning the movements of the Football, in china, the sport has just China's football in its infancy, but there are still a lot of people are Ping-pong, as we know, ping-pong is china's national Chinese are good at playing ping-pong which we always get the first This movement, the equipment is simple indoor and outdoor can be carried out, appropriate for different age of people take part in, it is easy to be Badminton is a body gets exercise sports gear It is appropriate for people of all And the china's badminton level in the world's China badminton athletes in the advanced technology of style, the dozen of fast and flexible tactical made many games record of all



【Abstract】 With the people's living standards, the development of China's competitive sports, leisure sports increasingly on the China has the basic requirements for developing a number of conditions, but there are many in our country are still important Therefore, this paper, the existing problems in China, the corresponding note, such as stepping up publicity efforts to increase financial input through various channels to raise funds to expand the project space, strengthening the building of the community, such as sports 【Keywords】 leisure sports papers; sports population; attention; Sports Industry1 Introduction Leisure Sports is the basis of mass Related to the development of leisure sports in our country to strengthen the nation's health, health improvement and quality of life improvement, leisure sports of civilization, science, an integral part of a healthy Urbanization, modernization and the nature of the separation, the pressure brought about by fierce competition, substantial material after the cold and unfamiliar people, people of leisure and the pursuit of leisure sports growing strong, all kinds of fitness, and entertainment, novelty, and even risk-taking of the continuing integration of leisure sports people's 1 increase in people's level of consumption, according to statistics, China's urban residents in 1997, the Engel coefficient of consumption has dropped to 6% In accordance with international standards, has been close to a well-off level, the fundamentals for life and enjoyment of the development of consumer- End of the 20th century, Shanghai, Beijing and other large and medium-sized cities in per capita GDP has reached 3000 US dollars, to reach or approach the level of moderately developed China's various types of fitness to participate in regular sports entertainment has reached more than 300 million 1994 to 1998, the city sports a 115 percent growth in National Sports in 1998 the total amount of spending about 140 billion yuan, of which the urban population per capita spending in the sport for more than 1040 2 Leisure Sports group of people living in old age has become an important part of this century, the proportion of China's elderly population will account for the total population of 1 / As a result of physical and psychological reasons, older age groups the material needs of members desire to inadequate performance, and mental and health requirements are becoming increasingly important to become a major Physical exercise can improve the psychological conditions of the elderly to improve life and reduce the social pressure, live 3 The increasing leisure time, sport has led to increasing population 195 years from the beginning of the implementation of a weekend system, so that weekend with the Spring Festival, National Day, "51" and the statutory nature of festivals, so that most people in the holidays year reached about 110 days, which the development of recreational sports provide a good social Sports in China's population was increasing year by year trend, according to statistics, in 1996 China's sports over the age of 16 the total population ratio was 5% If the number of students in school, the armed forces such as population census, as of course, including sports, the sports population will account for 4 percent of the total Survey, the population of China's sports was significantly higher than the average level of developing 2 leisure entertainment and sporting events in the development of gaps 1 pairs of inadequate understanding of leisure sports leisure sports in our country although residents of the preliminary understanding, but not deep enough The implementation of government departments at all levels of competitive sports, "future-oriented development" strategy, than to ignore the development of leisure sports and Described in the mass media entertainment and sports events of the radio, television, newspapers, magazines, book publishing and distribution is also relatively The masses of the mass media in promoting awareness of recreational and sports activities is not And through various channels and the mass media, the expansion of leisure sports propaganda, is to promote sports development in an effective 2 sports a small population, to participate in two groups of heat, cold intermediate sports in South Korea in 1991, the population had reached 46 percent of the total population, Switzerland in 1992 reached 52% At the same time, according to surveys, participation in recreational sports often people focus on the pupils and students and the elderly over the age of 61, the young and middle-aged members of lower 3 The lack of venues and facilities in 1995, according to statistics, as of 1995, there were all kinds of sports venues 616,000, with a total area of 780,000,000 square meters, 65 square meters per Sports venues per capita in developed countries has been more than two square meters area, the United States per capita area of about 14 square meters Moreover, in addition to the absolute amount is lower than other countries, in absolute terms based on China's sports facilities open to the community as a whole accounted for only 1%, and some open only 3%, 6% of sports venues not open to the public, most of the time is This led to shortage of resources even At the same time, a lot of substandard quality Address space, equipment, lighting, ventilation is unlikely a reasonable These are greatly influenced the training of those who should be the desired 4 First of all, service lags behind the number of social sports instructors are seriously At the initial stage of the leisure sports, in the absence of adequate social instructors match, no doubt in even Many participants carried out the blind tendency of sports entertainment, in violation of human anatomy and physiological characteristics, it can not make good, scientific, entertainment exercise reasonable results, but also lead to a variety of recreational training diseases, damage to human health ; followed by the lack of medical supervision Of participants can not carry out regular physical examinations, physical fitness assessment, fitness for groups to participate in recreational exercise data to provide a reasonable basis, which also affected the enthusiasm of 3 Conclusion 1 step up publicity at all levels of government should step up publicity on leisure sports, and the use of television, radio, newspapers, books, blackboards and other media publicity, so that leisure sports into a good public opinion At all levels of government departments, enterprises and institutions should be set up on health activities, to develop realistic training standards, standards of recognition and reward To guide the masses of the whole society to enhance awareness of participation in leisure sports, and actively carry out physical Should be used as a recreational sport to promote sports and cultural 2 to carry out leisure sports, it is necessary to comply with the level of economic development in the region and the actual needs of the people should make full use of existing sports facilities and technical Increased government investment in the multi-channel fund-raising at the same time to increase capital To encourage and promote the economic benefits of good business-to-sport to help the masses, we must also spend money to advocate a national concept of health to encourage the people to carry out the necessary investment in 3 to carry out leisure sports, should be combined with traditional sports tradition in contemporary leisure sports are still a strong vitality and huge market At the same time, many aspects of the project to expand the space of leisure With the development of society, improve people's living standards development projects, such as in recent years, such as self-drive 4 to carry out leisure sports, the need for adequate professional and technical guidance to staff the formation of a strong organizational skills, proficient in sports business, sports guiding force of society in order to effectively organize and guide the masses to carry out scientific fitness Social sports instructor training is an important

中英对照这个年代写简单点可以不?Leisure sports paper industry in Nanning, leisure sports development of the market status of self-cultivation of self-cultivation sports leisure is mainly refers to people's lives in peacetime holiday or leisure time in recreational sports and consumer behavior of self-cultivation to achieve the total value of As the sports industry in China's national economy accounted for an increasing proportion of people's living standards improved, the increase in leisure time, people of sports and cultural needs of Sportswear, equipment, equipment sales due to the holidays that people have more time for sports and fitness and mobility, causing pairs of sports apparel, equipment, more demand for the same time, many sports store sales in the holiday price cuts introduced , seasonal uniform sales, lottery sales and other According to a survey in October 2008, Nanning Department Store, Parkson, Dream Island, sales were a lot of In the consumer population, the young, to buy sports shoes who are mostly middle-aged to the main fitness People to Nike, Puma, Adidas, kappa and other well-known brands as the preferred brands, including Nike, Adidas best- Shows that people's consumption level has been improving pay more attention to product quality, reputation, brand, while domestic brands and international brands that there is a great 's Sports Competition Exhibition badminton, aerobics, swimming, tennis, table tennis and other sports, has become a weekend or spare time in Nanning citizens regularly participate in As these projects to learn, easy to master, for space, equipment, clothing less demanding, consumer do not have to travel, in line with the needs of the majority of people in the holidays in it on Nanning City, the major colleges and universities in our various sports competitions, , in access to certain economic interests, also meets the masses of the people in the right sport for recreation Sport tourism and leisure self-cultivation Nanning favorable geographical environment and climatic characteristics of a good for sports tourism development provides a unique With the rapid economic, stable and healthy development of people's living standards increasing, the demand for sports tourism is also growing, the National Tourism Administration who will be the theme of 1996, as the "holiday casual Year" in 2001, the theme in turn as the "China Sports Fitness Tour" and launched a series of national and local large-scale sports tourism activities, a total of 60 have launched a large-scale local features 11 sports, fitness, tourism activities categories 80 special sports, fitness, tourism products and routes to a variety of sports tourism project to meet the needs of different types of consumer groups, to a certain extent, reflects the sports tourism in our country already has a certain size of the Sport tourism as a new kind of tourism projects in Nanning City has demonstrated a huge market Many outdoor projects such as rock climbing, hiking and rafting and other projects because the city's less time-consuming too long, are required to wait for There is now more willing to travel to participate in more sports According to a survey Nanning City Sports and Recreation facilities surrounding region has many tourists A-level scenic spots in Nanning involved in sports such as motor boats, water polo, shooting, hot springs and so attracted a large number of tourists from home and However, around the outskirts of the city involved in sport tourism, just both of conventional sports tourism, sports tourism are still far away from the The true sense of the sports tourism should be the distance between those goals were clear, the process difficult, and will physically demanding activities, like mountain climbing, crossing, rafting, adventure, cycling, long-distance Nanning City, the number of people involved in relatively few, mainly the current understanding of people's travel still in the sightseeing, shopping, dining, leisure and other

《人文奥运理念与体育新闻改革》08年写的 要你就拿去用吧 不过现在不应景了当时得了94分 呵呵



Leisure sports paper industry in Nanning, leisure sports development of the market status of self-cultivation of self-cultivation sports leisure is mainly refers to people's lives in peacetime holiday or leisure time in recreational sports and consumer behavior of self-cultivation to achieve the total value of As the sports industry in China's national economy accounted for an increasing proportion of people's living standards improved, the increase in leisure time, people of sports and cultural needs of Sportswear, equipment, equipment sales due to the holidays that people have more time for sports and fitness and mobility, causing pairs of sports apparel, equipment, more demand for the same time, many sports store sales in the holiday price cuts introduced , seasonal uniform sales, lottery sales and other According to a survey in October 2008, Nanning Department Store, Parkson, Dream Island, sales were a lot of In the consumer population, the young, to buy sports shoes who are mostly middle-aged to the main fitness People to Nike, Puma, Adidas, kappa and other well-known brands as the preferred brands, including Nike, Adidas best- Shows that people's consumption level has been improving pay more attention to product quality, reputation, brand, while domestic brands and international brands that there is a great 's Sports Competition Exhibition badminton, aerobics, swimming, tennis, table tennis and other sports, has become a weekend or spare time in Nanning citizens regularly participate in As these projects to learn, easy to master, for space, equipment, clothing less demanding, consumer do not have to travel, in line with the needs of the majority of people in the holidays in it on Nanning City, the major colleges and universities in our various sports competitions, , in access to certain economic interests, also meets the masses of the people in the right sport for recreation Sport tourism and leisure self-cultivation Nanning favorable geographical environment and climatic characteristics of a good for sports tourism development provides a unique With the rapid economic, stable and healthy development of people's living standards increasing, the demand for sports tourism is also growing, the National Tourism Administration who will be the theme of 1996, as the "holiday casual Year" in 2001, the theme in turn as the "China Sports Fitness Tour" and launched a series of national and local large-scale sports tourism activities, a total of 60 have launched a large-scale local features 11 sports, fitness, tourism activities categories 80 special sports, fitness, tourism products and routes to a variety of sports tourism project to meet the needs of different types of consumer groups, to a certain extent, reflects the sports tourism in our country already has a certain size of the Sport tourism as a new kind of tourism projects in Nanning City has demonstrated a huge market Many outdoor projects such as rock climbing, hiking and rafting and other projects because the city's less time-consuming too long, are required to wait for There is now more willing to travel to participate in more sports According to a survey Nanning City Sports and Recreation facilities surrounding region has many tourists A-level scenic spots in Nanning involved in sports such as motor boats, water polo, shooting, hot springs and so attracted a large number of tourists from home and However, around the outskirts of the city involved in sport tourism, just both of conventional sports tourism, sports tourism are still far away from the The true sense of the sports tourism should be the distance between those goals were clear, the process difficult, and will physically demanding activities, like mountain climbing, crossing, rafting, adventure, cycling, long-distance Nanning City, the number of people involved in relatively few, mainly the current understanding of people's travel still in the sightseeing, shopping, dining, leisure and other


1、长春市中学生体育消费动机、水平、结构的调查与分析  2、对我国高校社会体育专业课程设置的优化研究  3、我国体育人文社会学研究生学位论文综览  4、北京体育大学增设体育商学院的可行性研究  5、包头市城市居民体育消费现状调查与研究  6、职业团队体育运动电视转播权集中销售的竞争法分析  7、上海市普通高校大学生体育消费现状与期望的调查研究  8、甘肃省城市居民体育消费现状的调查与研究  9、贵州省体育产业发展对策研究  10、广西高校非体育专业女大学生体育消费现状分析  11、江苏省普通高校大学生体育消费现状及影响因素分析  12、转型期我国竞技体育体制改革成本与效益研究  13、我校社会体育专业改革及其发展对策的调查研究  14、CBA联赛的场馆经营和管理的现状与对策研究  15、对我国体育院系运动训练本科专业课程设置的优化研究  16、体育事业单位全面预算管理问题探究  17、基于J2EE的体育物流企业物资管理系统研究与设计  18、素质拓展培训在人力资源管理中的应用--基于苏区体育精神的视角  19、BT项目的运作管理模式及合同管理研究--以A市体育中心项目为例  20、体育物流企业资产管理系统的设计与研究  (学术堂提供更多论文知识)


College Sports force analysis of students' psychological health

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论文题目Dissertation zum Thema

Analysis of the Impact of College Physical Education on the Mental Health of S准确度>99%;权威度=>99%
