

发布时间:2024-07-07 17:14:40


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ah, beautiful for centuries this city has attracted the admiration of the the allure and charm of paris captivate all who visit   啊,美丽的巴黎!几世纪来,这个城市吸引了整个世界的崇拜巴黎的诱惑与魅力吸引了所有到此游玩的人   where can you discover the charm of paris for yourself? is it in the legacy of all the french rulers who worked to beautify their beloved city? is it in the famous castles, palaces, statues and monuments, such as the eiffel tower? can you find it in the world-class museums, such as the louvre? perhaps paris' allure lies in the zest and style of the   你在哪里可以找到巴黎对你自己的吸引力呢?是否是在历任的法国统治者们在美化他所钟爱的城市所留下来的遗产里?还是在那些有名的城堡、皇宫雕像和纪念碑例如艾菲尔铁塔之中?你能否在世界一流的博物馆,倒如卢浮宫中找着呢?或许巴黎的诱惑力在于巴黎人的特殊品味和风格   when you visit paris, you don't have to spend all of your time visiting museums and they are certainly worthy of your time, but ignore them for a first take some time to look around and experience life in you'll find it   当你到巴黎游玩时,别把时间全都花在看博物馆和纪念碑上面它们当然很值得你花时间,但今天先忘掉它们首先来四处看看,并体验一下巴黎的生活你会发现它的迷人之处   take a stroll along the seine browse through the art vendors, colorful peek through delicate iron gates at the well-kept watch closely for the french attention to detail that has made france synonymous with good you will see it in the design of a doorway or arch and in the little fountains and quaint no matter where you look, you will find everyday objects transformed into works by   沿著塞纳河漫步浏览艺术家们丰富色彩的绘画,透过那些精致的铁门,向内偷窥那些精心照看的花园仔细留心法国人对于细节的留心这使得法国成为“好品味”同义字你可以在门廊或拱门以及小喷泉和古怪有趣的走廊的设计上看见不管你往哪里看,你都可以发现日常物品已经变成了艺术品

My hometown is a beautiful place with a population of eight It stands beside the Gulf B Tianjin has many high office and commercial buildings and wide treelined Several excellent worldfamous institutions of higher learning are located here, namely Nankai University and Tianjin U As a most important industrial center for North China, her hundreds of factories and joint ventures with foreign companies manufacture a wide range of topgrade and high-tech products or consumer Many of these products have attained or surpassed world Markets and department stores, big or small, are well-stocked with all kinds of goods, which are high in quality but low in But in the old days,Tianjin used to be a poor and backward city ch ristic of semi-colonialism and semi- The few rich persons lived in luxury houses while the majority of the working people lived in old, shabby huts or buildings on narrow and muddy The working class led a very miserable


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ah, beautiful for centuries this city has attracted the admiration of the the allure and charm of paris captivate all who visit   啊,美丽的巴黎!几世纪来,这个城市吸引了整个世界的崇拜巴黎的诱惑与魅力吸引了所有到此游玩的人   where can you discover the charm of paris for yourself? is it in the legacy of all the french rulers who worked to beautify their beloved city? is it in the famous castles, palaces, statues and monuments, such as the eiffel tower? can you find it in the world-class museums, such as the louvre? perhaps paris' allure lies in the zest and style of the   你在哪里可以找到巴黎对你自己的吸引力呢?是否是在历任的法国统治者们在美化他所钟爱的城市所留下来的遗产里?还是在那些有名的城堡、皇宫雕像和纪念碑例如艾菲尔铁塔之中?你能否在世界一流的博物馆,倒如卢浮宫中找着呢?或许巴黎的诱惑力在于巴黎人的特殊品味和风格   when you visit paris, you don't have to spend all of your time visiting museums and they are certainly worthy of your time, but ignore them for a first take some time to look around and experience life in you'll find it   当你到巴黎游玩时,别把时间全都花在看博物馆和纪念碑上面它们当然很值得你花时间,但今天先忘掉它们首先来四处看看,并体验一下巴黎的生活你会发现它的迷人之处   take a stroll along the seine browse through the art vendors, colorful peek through delicate iron gates at the well-kept watch closely for the french attention to detail that has made france synonymous with good you will see it in the design of a doorway or arch and in the little fountains and quaint no matter where you look, you will find everyday objects transformed into works by   沿著塞纳河漫步浏览艺术家们丰富色彩的绘画,透过那些精致的铁门,向内偷窥那些精心照看的花园仔细留心法国人对于细节的留心这使得法国成为“好品味”同义字你可以在门廊或拱门以及小喷泉和古怪有趣的走廊的设计上看见不管你往哪里看,你都可以发现日常物品已经变成了艺术品

回答 您好,HOW to make city betternowadays more and more pollutions make our city we have only one world so we must protect it better and we must do some following tips;1,when we see some wastepaper or other rubbish we should take them to dustbin at ake the city clean2,we should always clean streets dont throw paper or packs here and we should take an example in public3,when we go shopping we should take shopping bag instead of plastic ,it is good for environmentin a wherever you aring your protecting around you。希望能够帮到您
