

发布时间:2024-07-07 23:14:28







最佳答案我的老师 在我上完五年级,升入六年级的时候,我们的班主任牛老师被调到初中了。我和同学们都在盼望新老师的到来。 一推门,进来了一位四五十岁的女老师——就是我们的新班主任路老师。路老师长的不算高,国字脸,一头短发。我一开始并不喜欢路老师,但是有两件事改变了我对路老师的看法 一次,我和几个同学没事可干,就跑去了网吧去玩。我一开始没有玩,可是看着看着,我也去交钱,玩了起来。一个小时飞快的过去了,而我们万万没有想到,这件事早已传到了路老师的耳朵里。第二天早上,路老师一进教室,旧问我:“顿宇飞,你昨天去哪里了?”我一听这话,浑身都不自在,心想:去网吧的事被老师知道了?完了,着下我的屁股又保不住了。谁知,当我们坦白后,路老师并没有通知家长,而替我们保守这个秘密。我差一点就哭了,强忍着泪水在眼眶里打转。 还有一次我给路老师背书。我无意间看见了路老师的右手。那只右手已经被白色的粉笔灰腐蚀了,不在像正常人那样红润光华了。在我心里一股敬意油然而生。这是因为什么呢?只有一个答案,那就是您为了我们,为了我们这24朵祖国的花朵所付出的。 路老师,您虽然只教了我们一年,但您对我们付出的,我永远珍藏在心里。路老师,马上我就要毕业了,我祝愿您青春常在,桃李满天



我自己总结的:相同1〉都处于严重的民族危机中2〉都是反抗侵略的正义的战争3〉都有其它国家的支援4〉都取得了胜利5〉都发动了人民6〉都经历了8年时间……不同1〉美国独立战争处在18世纪末,早期资产阶级革命时期抗日战争在20世纪中期,帝国主义时期2〉美国独立战争主要原因是民族资本主义的发展抗日战争主要原因是民族矛盾大于阶级矛盾的结果3〉美国独立战争是反侵略的资产阶级民主革命抗日战争是世界反法西斯战争的一部分4〉美国独立战争中颁布了《独立宣言》中国共产党召开七大5〉美国独立战争的任务是推翻英国殖民统治、建立资产阶级专政、发展资本主义抗日战争的任务是赶走日本法西斯6〉美国独立战争使美国摆脱了英国的殖民统治,走上迅速发展资本主义的道路,同时也对欧美资产阶级革命起促进作用抗日战争是中国一百多年来中国人民反对帝国主义侵略第一次取得完全胜利的民族解放战争,洗雪了近代以来民族的耻辱,成为中华民族由衰败重新振兴的转折点 参考资料:总结的可能不太全,反正就是这个意思

66年前,1945年8月15日,一个令中国人民欢欣鼓舞、倍感自豪的日子:日本无条件投降。  经过中华儿女的英勇斗争,无数人的流血牺牲,我们终于赢得抗日战争的伟大胜利。  这是近代100多年以来,中国人民反抗外敌侵略取得的第一完全胜利,是中华民族从衰败走向振兴的伟大转折。  在这场与日本侵略者展开的拼死搏斗中,中国人民表现出巨大的民族觉醒,战前的民族团结,万众一心,前仆后继,彻底打败了侵略者。  历史充分说明,中国人民之所以创造了弱国战强国的伟大胜利,最根本的原因是中国军民在抗日战争中英勇正义,可歌可泣的战斗事迹,是他们推动了伟大的抗日战争;是他们浴血奋战于抗战的最前线,是他们……没有他们,就没有新中国!  中国军民为抗日战争做出了伟大贡献。  太行山上,八路军副参谋长左权指反法西斯,壮烈牺牲;狼牙山顶,五壮士舍身跳崖;晋察冀边区,雨来智取鬼子……  抗日战争和反法西斯战争时期,那些悲壮义举,铁骨忠魂,历史和人民不会忘记。在我们中华历史上曾蒙受巨大的耻辱,给予人民沉重的灾难,一代又一代的中国人民英勇抗争,不怕牺牲,前赴后继。多少人为了民族的解放、人民的幸福而抛头颅,洒热血!大家抚摸一下胸前的红领巾,抬头望望血红的国旗,那井冈山上染红的杜鹃,长征路上烈火烧红的天空;我们的毛泽东主席、刘少奇同志当年南征北战、重振中华的往事;红军时期宁死不屈的各位烈士,指挥战争不怕牺牲的杨成武,抗日战争时期那些坚信着“头可断,血可流,阵地不能丢”的英雄烈士们……就是他们,用革命先驱用鲜血、用生命给所有的人换来了今天美好的生活!我们应该珍惜这美好的日子,立志勤奋学习,为建设绿色家园做好准备吧!  在抗日战争中,有多少民族英雄壮烈牺牲,虽然他们已经死了,但他们那英勇顽强,不怕牺牲的精神将会成为永久的丰碑,永垂不朽!  通过重温那一段悲壮、激越的民族记忆,使我懂得了今天的幸福生活来之不易。今天的幸福生活,是多少人用鲜血和生命换来的。从此,我要勤奋学习,快乐生活,全面发展,为建设泰安:“蓝天、碧水、青山”绿色家园做好全面准备。


Sino Japanese War (1937-1945) The Second Sino-Japanese War was a major invasion of eastern China by Japan preceding and during World War II It ended with the surrender of Japan in In Chinese, the war is known as the War to Resist the Japanese (抗日战争) OverviewMost historians place the beginning of the second Sino-Japanese War on the Battle of Lugou Bridge (Marco Polo Bridge Incident) on July 7, However, Chinese historians place the starting point at the Mukden Incident of September 18, Following the Mukden Incident, the Japanese Guandong army occupied Manchuria and established the puppet state of Manchukuo (February 1932) Japan pressured China into recognising the independence of M China and Japan did not formally declare war against each other until after the attack on Pearl Harbor on December 7 Following the Battle of Lugou Bridge in 1937, the Japanese occupied Shanghai, Nanjing and Northern Shanxi as part of campaigns involving approximately 200,000 Japanese soldiers, and considerably more Chinese After the fall of Nanjing, it is estimated that as many as 300,000 people died in the Nanjing M The Japanese had neither the intention or the capability of directly administering C Their goal was to set up friendly puppet governments that would be favorable to Japanese However, the brutality of the Japanese made the governments that they did set up very unpopular, and the Japanese refused to negotiate with either Kuomintang or the Communists, which could have brought By 1940, the fighting had reached a While Japan held most of the eastern coastal areas of China, guerrilla fighting continued in the conquered The Nationalist government of Chiang Kai-shek struggled on from a provisional capital at Chongqing City; however, realizing that he also faced a threat from communist forces of Mao Zedong, he mostly tried to preserve the strength of his army and avoid heavy battle with the Japanese in the hopes of defeating the Communists once the Japanese Moreover, Chiang could not risk an all-out campaign given the well-trained, equipped, and organized Chinese armies and opposition against his leadership within and outside the K Most military analysts predicted that the Chinese could not keep up the fighting with most of the war factories located in the prosperous areas under or near Japanese Other global powers were reluctant to provide any support -- unless supporting an ulterior motive -- because in their opinion the Chinese would eventually lose the They expected any support given to China might worsen their own relationship with the Japanese, who taunted the Kuomintang with the prospect of conquest within 3 Germany and the Soviet Union did provide support to the Chinese before the war escalated to the Asian theatre of World War II The Soviet Union was exploiting the Kuomintang government to hinder the Japanese from invading Siberia, thus saving itself from a two-front Furthermore, the Soviets expected any major conflict between the Japanese and the Chinese to hamper any Kuomintang effort to remove the Communist Party of China (CCP) opposition or, in the best case, hoped to install a friendly Communist government surreptitiously after the dwindling of Kuomintang Soviet technicians upgraded and handled some of the Chinese war-supply Military supplies and advisors arrived, and one Russian named Zhukov witnessed the battle of Tai er Because of Chiang Kai-shek's anti-communist policy and hopes of defeating the CCP, Germany provided the largest proportion of Chinese arms German military advisors modernized and trained the Chinese armies; Chinese officers (including Chiang's second son) were educated in and served in the German army before World War II Nevertheless the proposed 30 new divisions equipped with all German arms did not materialize as the Germans sided with the Japanese later in World War II Other prominent powers, including the United States of America, Britain and France, only officially assisted in war supply contracts up to the attack on Pearl Harbor in late 1941, when major influx of trained military personnels and supplies boosted Chinese chance of keeping up the Unofficially, public opinion in the United States was becoming favorable to C At the start of the 1930's, public opinion in the United States had tended to support the J However, reports of Japanese brutality added to Japanese actions such as the attack on the USS Panay swung public opinion sharply against J By the start of 1941, the United States had begun to sponsor the American Volunteer Group otherwise known as the Flying Tigers to boost Chinese air In addition, the United States began an oil and steel embargo which made it impossible for Japan to continue operations in China without another source of oil from Southeast A This set the stage for the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor on 7 December With that attack, both the United States and China officially declared war against J Chiang Kai-shek received some supplies from the United States once the conflict was escalated to the Asian theatre of WWII, and he was appointed Commander-in-chief of the China war zone by the Allies in Notorious poor relations between Colonel Joseph Stilwell and Chiang led to Stilwell's devious criticism and his minimizing of the Chinese contribution in World War II in the American media and to President Franklin R The Allies thus underestimated the Chinese need for supplies and trained Stilwell also incited power struggles within the Kuomintang which eventually contributed to the rise of the CCP Both sides fought to a stalemate after 1941, mainly owing to the dispersion of Japanese forces through vast areas of China - Japan could not concentrate its superior armor and Guerilla activities behind the frontlines also meant constantly deploying stationary Japanese forces in major cities and at road and rail Control over the countryside and villages gradually swung towards the CCP and K The United States saw the Chinese theater as a means to tie up a large number of Japanese troops, as well as being a possible location for American In 1944, as the Japanese position in the Pacific was deteriorating fast, they launched Operation Ichigo to attack the airbases which had begun to This brought the Hubei, Henan, and Guangxi provinces under Japanese Nevertheless their prospect of tranferring their troops to fight the Americans was in vain and they only committed the Guandong Army from Manchuria in their "Sho plan", which later facilitated the Soviet advancement after the war declaration on August 8 As of Summer 1945, all sides expected the war to continue for at least another However it was suddenly ended by the dropping of the atomic bomb on Hiroshima and N Japan capitulated to the allies on August 14, The Japanese troops in China formally surrendered on September 9, 1945 and by the provisions of the Cairo Conference of 1943 the lands of Manchuria, Taiwan and the Pescadores Islands reverted to C However the Ryukyu islands have not regained their Casualties AssessmentThe conflict lasted for 97 months and 3 days (measured from 1937 to 1945) The Kuomintang fought in 22 major engagements, each of which involved at least one hundred thousand troops from both sides, and in just over 40,000 The CCP fought in 111,500 engagements of various The Japanese recorded around 1 million military casualties, wounded and The Chinese suffered much worse, losing approximately 22 million 13 million civilians died in crossfire, and another 4 million as non-military Property loss of the Chinese worthed up to 383,3 million US dollars according to the currency exchange rate in July 1937, roughly 50 times of the GDP of Japan (770 million US dollars)

最佳答案我的老师 在我上完五年级,升入六年级的时候,我们的班主任牛老师被调到初中了。我和同学们都在盼望新老师的到来。 一推门,进来了一位四五十岁的女老师——就是我们的新班主任路老师。路老师长的不算高,国字脸,一头短发。我一开始并不喜欢路老师,但是有两件事改变了我对路老师的看法 一次,我和几个同学没事可干,就跑去了网吧去玩。我一开始没有玩,可是看着看着,我也去交钱,玩了起来。一个小时飞快的过去了,而我们万万没有想到,这件事早已传到了路老师的耳朵里。第二天早上,路老师一进教室,旧问我:“顿宇飞,你昨天去哪里了?”我一听这话,浑身都不自在,心想:去网吧的事被老师知道了?完了,着下我的屁股又保不住了。谁知,当我们坦白后,路老师并没有通知家长,而替我们保守这个秘密。我差一点就哭了,强忍着泪水在眼眶里打转。 还有一次我给路老师背书。我无意间看见了路老师的右手。那只右手已经被白色的粉笔灰腐蚀了,不在像正常人那样红润光华了。在我心里一股敬意油然而生。这是因为什么呢?只有一个答案,那就是您为了我们,为了我们这24朵祖国的花朵所付出的。 路老师,您虽然只教了我们一年,但您对我们付出的,我永远珍藏在心里。路老师,马上我就要毕业了,我祝愿您青春常在,桃李满天



66年前,1945年8月15日,一个令中国人民欢欣鼓舞、倍感自豪的日子:日本无条件投降。  经过中华儿女的英勇斗争,无数人的流血牺牲,我们终于赢得抗日战争的伟大胜利。  这是近代100多年以来,中国人民反抗外敌侵略取得的第一完全胜利,是中华民族从衰败走向振兴的伟大转折。  在这场与日本侵略者展开的拼死搏斗中,中国人民表现出巨大的民族觉醒,战前的民族团结,万众一心,前仆后继,彻底打败了侵略者。  历史充分说明,中国人民之所以创造了弱国战强国的伟大胜利,最根本的原因是中国军民在抗日战争中英勇正义,可歌可泣的战斗事迹,是他们推动了伟大的抗日战争;是他们浴血奋战于抗战的最前线,是他们……没有他们,就没有新中国!  中国军民为抗日战争做出了伟大贡献。  太行山上,八路军副参谋长左权指反法西斯,壮烈牺牲;狼牙山顶,五壮士舍身跳崖;晋察冀边区,雨来智取鬼子……  抗日战争和反法西斯战争时期,那些悲壮义举,铁骨忠魂,历史和人民不会忘记。在我们中华历史上曾蒙受巨大的耻辱,给予人民沉重的灾难,一代又一代的中国人民英勇抗争,不怕牺牲,前赴后继。多少人为了民族的解放、人民的幸福而抛头颅,洒热血!大家抚摸一下胸前的红领巾,抬头望望血红的国旗,那井冈山上染红的杜鹃,长征路上烈火烧红的天空;我们的毛泽东主席、刘少奇同志当年南征北战、重振中华的往事;红军时期宁死不屈的各位烈士,指挥战争不怕牺牲的杨成武,抗日战争时期那些坚信着“头可断,血可流,阵地不能丢”的英雄烈士们……就是他们,用革命先驱用鲜血、用生命给所有的人换来了今天美好的生活!我们应该珍惜这美好的日子,立志勤奋学习,为建设绿色家园做好准备吧!  在抗日战争中,有多少民族英雄壮烈牺牲,虽然他们已经死了,但他们那英勇顽强,不怕牺牲的精神将会成为永久的丰碑,永垂不朽!  通过重温那一段悲壮、激越的民族记忆,使我懂得了今天的幸福生活来之不易。今天的幸福生活,是多少人用鲜血和生命换来的。从此,我要勤奋学习,快乐生活,全面发展,为建设泰安:“蓝天、碧水、青山”绿色家园做好全面准备。

1、论文题目:要求准确、简练、醒目、新颖。2、目录:目录是论文中主要段落的简表。(短篇论文不必列目录)3、提要:是文章主要内容的摘录,要求短、精、完整。字数少可几十字,多不超过三百字为宜。4、关键词或主题词:关键词是从论文的题名、提要和正文中选取出来的,是对表述论文的中心内容有实质意义的词汇。关键词是用作机系统标引论文内容特征的词语,便于信息系统汇集,以供读者检索。每篇论文一般选取3-8个词汇作为关键词,另起一行,排在“提要”的左下方。  主题词是经过规范化的词,在确定主题词时,要对论文进行主题,依照标引和组配规则转换成主题词表中的规范词语。5、论文正文:(1)引言:引言又称前言、序言和导言,用在论文的开头。引言一般要概括地写出作者意图,说明选题的目的和意义, 并指出论文写作的范围。引言要短小精悍、紧扣主题。  〈2)论文正文:正文是论文的主体,正文应包括论点、论据、论证过程和结论。主体部分包括以下内容:提出-论点;分析问题-论据和论证;解决问题-论证与步骤;结论。  论文提纲也可以用最简单的格式和分类,简单明了地说明论文的目的、依据和意义,甚至是两句话。这种提纲往往是用于科学论文,而且在对于各种概念有相互联系而不是孤立的出来讨论的情况下。如果总要分出1、2、点来写的话,往往会变成“八股文”的模式,这样的论文往往是应付式的论文,其真正的科学价值会大打折扣。
