

发布时间:2024-07-03 18:54:37




Dear Sir/Madam:

Now and then corporations send out feelers for just the right type of creative person. This person must fit very specific criteria. Usually, after all is said and done, the corporation wants a business person who can manage, create and communicate. A seasoned professional who"s been around for a while.

If you"ve been looking for this rare combination of business savvy and design expertise, my background might interest you:

Ten years of working experience. Solid background in the management of creative up-and-comers.

Know new technologies that show instant profit, such as CAD/CAM.

This is but a brief summary of my abilities. And there is much, much more to share.I feel I have strong marketable skills in which you would be interested. Please contact me if you would like to hear and see more.

1. If you would like to know more about my ability, I can be available for an interview at any time convenient to you.


2. If you desire an interview, I shall be most happy to call in person, on any day and at any time you may appoint.


3. Should you entertain my application favorably, I would spare to trouble acquit myself to your satisfaction.


4. If you feel that I am suited for the job that you have in mind,

please inform me of the time convenient for an interview. I hope to hear from you in the near future.


5. You will find enclosed a testimonial from the President of the

University who has kindly offered to provide you with any further details you may require.


6. I hope that you will give me an interview at some time convenient to you.


7. If there is further information that you wish in the meantime,

please let me know. I can always be reached at the address given at the beginning of this letter.


8. I shall be able to call for an interview at your convenience and shall be able to supply any necessary or examples of my previous work.


9. I am happy to refer you upon your request people who can tell you of my work and my character.


10. I believe they may be found satisfactory. Concerning my





12. I would be very happy to work under your supervision if it is

possible. Thank you very much for your kind attention. Please send me an answer at your earliest convenience.


13. I believe that I cI am looking for a job. I graduate from Shanghai Commercial College and my major is business management.an fulfill the requirements in your company. I hope you will be able to place me somewhere.


14. Before my present employment, I worked for the Department Store as a salesclerk in the electrical section.


15. I would like to make a change now because I feel that I can go no further in my present job, I feel that my training should enable me to

advance into a better and more responsible position, and it appears that

this will not be forthcoming at my present position.


16. I am permitted to refer to Mr. Smith, Managing editor of the magazine.


17. I wish to assure you that, if successful, I would endeavor to give you every satisfaction.


18. Thank you in advance for your consideration and courtesy.


19. My duties included compiling reports for the chief engineer on production in the various departments.


20. I am enclosing a brief resume as you requested. Please let me know if you want an interview.


21. I am enclosing a personal data sheet which I think will adequately

show you my qualifications.


22. I would be pleased if you would grant me an interview at you convenience.


23. Trusting you will give my application kind consideration and hoping to hear favorably from you at your convenience.


24. Thank you in advance for your concern and attention. Please let me hear from you as soon as possible.


25. I hope to have the pleasure of your granting me an interview. 恳请惠予面谈为盼。

26. I believe that you will consider this application favorably and I wish to assure you that I should make every effort to be worthy of the confidence you may place in me.


一、标题 标题是自荐信的标志和称谓,要求醒目、简洁、庄雅。要用较大字体在用纸上方标注自荐信三个字,显得大方、美观。

二、称呼 这是对主送单位或收件人的呼语。如用人单位明确,可直接写上单位名称,前?尊敬的加以修饰,后以领导职务或统称领导落笔,如单位不明确,则用统称尊敬的贵单位(公司或学校)领导领起,最好不要直接冠以最高领导职务,这样容易引起第一读者的反感,反而难达目的.。

三、正文 正文是自荐信的核心,开语应表示向对方的问候致意。主体部分一般包括简介、自荐目的、条件展示、愿望决心和结语五项内容。注意的几点为:









Dear Sir,

Four years as a senior clerk in sales department of the New World Products Company have, I believe, given me the experience to qualify for the job you advertised in JobsPower.com.

Since 1981 I have been responsible for all office details in the administration of sales, including writing much of the correspondence. In the course of my work, I have become familiar with the various sales territories, and have also in my spare time experience of handing business problems other than my proper sphere.

The years before I was employed at the New World, I was a secretary for Long Brother, an accounting firm. There I become familiar with accounting terms and procedures.

I was graduated at Wah Yan College, in June 1974. I am twenty-five years of age and single.

I am leaving my present position because I can use my capabilities more fully in a position with wider scope. My present employer knows of my ambition and is helping me to find a new place.

May I see you at your office to tell you more about myself and show you just how well I can do the work you require.

Yours faithfully

Dear Mr. White:

I wish to apply for the position of Co-op Civil Engineering Student as advertised in the Faculty of Engineering at the University of Manitoba in December 20xx. I am aware that your company ranks among the largest and oldest construction companies in North America and Kiewit projects are very diverse and exciting. I am very interested in this opportunity as I hope to pursue a career in the construction industry.

I am presently eolled in third year Civil Engineering and my course work has included Structural Analysis and Design and Transportation Engineering. I am currently on the Dean’s Honor List and have been awarded the Association of Professional Engineer of Manitoba Scholarship for the past two years. In addition, I have worked one summer as an Engineering Aid for Manitoba Highways and Transportation and another summer as an Instrument Person for Brown & Company Land Surveyors. In these jobs, I had the opportunity to supervise construction crews ads assist with job costing and scheduling. Other skills I would bring to this position are my strong work e

thics, adaptability to new situations and strong leadership abilities. I am confident these skills combined with my university courses and my summer experiences give me the ideal background required for this Co-op position.

I am looking forward to the opportunity to further discuss this position with you and how I can make a contribution to Peter Kiewit Sons Co. I can be reached at (204) 287-1313 or by e-mail….

Thank you for your time and consideration.



Dear Sir, I have learned from China Daily that your company is looking for a secretary who is fluent in English I would like to apply for the post. My name is Fu Tao and Im 25, Ive been working as an English guide since I graduated from the English Department of Zhejiang University four years ago. I am hard working and I have learned to operate computer and I can type both in English and Chinese. I seek a position more challenging and with more opportunities than my current one. I think I am fit for the post. Should you entertain my application favorably, I would spare no efforts to acquit myself to your satisfaction. Yours truly, Wu Tao


本人正在寻求一份工作,但不是任何公司的任何工作,而只能是贵公司的一个职位。 贵公司不仅仅是商业机构,而是当 地的一个知名组织。贵公司的公正和诚实无论在雇员

心中还是 在顾客心中都享有崇高美誉。在大学主修国际贸易的四年中,我一直有一个秘密的心愿, 渴盼能到贵公司工作。今年


资历 却使我冒昧提出申请。 如能为贵公司效力,本人将不胜荣幸。 阁下耐心读完这篇申请,本人至为感激,并请尽速惠函示知。 xx启dear sir,

your organization is more than just a business house. it is an institution in

the minds of the local public. it has a reputation for fair play and honesty with

both employees and customers alike.i would be very happy to work under your supervision if it is possible. thank you very much for your kind attention. please send me an answer at your

earliest convenience.

respectfully yours,letter 5

1. I would appreciate the privilege of an interview. I may be reached at the address given above, or by telephone at ********.

2. I would be glad to have a personal interview, and can provide references if needed.

3. Thank you for your consideration.

4. I welcome the opportunity to meet with you to further discuss my qualifications and your needs. Thank you for your time and consideration.

5. I have enclosed a resume as well as a brief sample of my writing for your review. I look forward to meeting with you to discuss further how I could contribute to your organization.

6. Thank you for your attention to this matter. I look forward to speaking with you.

7. The enclosed resume describes my qualifications for the position advertised. I would welcome the opportunity to personally discuss my qualifications with you at your convenience.

8. I would welcome the opportunity for a personal interview with you at your convenience.

9. I feel confident that given the opportunity, I can make an immediate contribution to Any Corporation. I would appreciate the opportunity to meet with you to discuss your requirements. I will call your office on Friday, to schedule an appointment. Thank you for your consideration.

10. I look forward to speaking with you.

Dear sir or madam,

your recruiting advertisement for overseas trainee onis of great interests to me. with a sound educational background – two master degrees awarded by university of wollongong australia and one bachelor degree awarded by nanchang institute of aeronautical technology, china - and a keen desire to be a part of a professional firm, i am submitting my resume and wish to apply for the position referred above.

in addition to my academic excellence, my various aptitudes displayed in extra curriculum activities combined with fluent english ability as well as proficient it skills prepare me a qualified candidate. i hold the belief that i will make positive contribution to your company.

thank you for your time and consideration and i am looking forward to becoming an integral member of your motivated team and would appreciate your evaluation by granting me an interview.

with enthusiastically personal regards.

sincerely yours,

li fang

Dear leaders:


200X I will be in June graduated from Central South University, the Science for Materials Physics (Metal Physics), has been through the National College English 6.

Have not been allowed to find the right I have a passion to join the company, until you see Hydro Aluminum (Suzhou) Co., Ltd. recruitment information, even though the deadline has passed to recruit, but I have to join your company in a cavity enthusiasm, it still sent a letter to take the liberty to disturb.

Recommended adding the following brief Hydro Aluminum (Suzhou) Co., Ltd. The reasons for this:

1. Your company is a Fortune Global 500 companies Hydro Industrial Park in Suzhou, a wholly owned subsidiary, in the development and growth, and also need to join the outstanding graduates. I study at the university of life to cultivate its own analysis of problem-solving skills, hands-on labs in practice have a strong sense of their own sense of innovation, proactive and progressive attitude. In the junior class during the term of office members and advocacy organizations, members of the Organization on the theme of mission activities by the school corporation on outstanding design, the production house of the class website class website was the second prize competition, exercise their own organizational capacity.

2. I School of Materials Science and Engineering Research Institute is the main non-ferrous metals such as copper and aluminum, and I learned professional courses from the micro-structure of copper and aluminum to the melting casting aluminum extrusion processing industry covers the entire production process. Third year after the end of next semester to the Southwest Aluminum (Group) Co., Ltd. production internships, more deep understanding of the relevant knowledge.

3. Your company is a wholly foreign-owned, need to have good command of English listening, speaking, reading and writing ability of staff at the university and I have never stopped during the learning of English (the first two years of basic English, and later on a three semester Professional English), 46 are first passed to XX is now 4 years 84.5 hours in June the results register for the University of spoken English test. In addition, through the study section of the more deep the basis of their English (in English this year, graduate entrance examination score of 72 points).

4. They have a good level of computer software applications, but also day-to-day use of computer hardware maintenance. Semester sophomore with the scholarship to purchase a computer and self-image processing, multimedia editing, web site production software, MS OFFICE, AUTO CAD software is able to with ease. I believe that your company can provide me with a use of their skills and demonstrate self-recognition of the opportunities of others, and I can after a short adjustment period, will contribute to the company.

Thank you for taking the time in his busy schedule to read and, if the opportunity to interview with you I would be very grateful.

Wang had the opportunity to join your company!



Dear Editors:We would like to submit the enclosed manuscript entitled “Paper Title”, whichwe wish to be considered for publication in “Journal Name”. No conflict ofinterest exits in the submission of this manuscript, and manuscript is approvedby all authors for publication. I would like to declare on behalf of myco-authors that the work described was original research that has not beenpublished previously, and not under consideration for publication elsewhere, inwhole or in part. All the authors listed have approved the manuscript that isenclosed.In this work, we evaluated …… (简要介绍一下论文的创新性). I hope this paper issuitable for “Journal Name”.The following is a list of possible reviewers for your consideration:1) Name A E-mail: ××××@××××2) Name B E-mail: ××××@××××We deeply appreciate your consideration of our manuscript, and we look forwardto receiving comments from the reviewers. If you have any queries, please don’thesitate to contact me at the address below.Thank you and best regards.Yours sincerely,××××××Corresponding author: Name: ×××E-mail: ××××@××××参考:查尔斯沃思论文润色小贴士

Cover letter中文叫做投稿信,是在投稿的时候写给编辑的信,作用跟古时候拜访人家用的拜帖有点相似。如果把期刊编辑形容成住在高墙大院里的名门望族,那投稿人就是希望给伯乐相中的无名小辈,这么说来拜帖一定要精致醒目有特色。不过如果作者已经是业内大牛了,估计投稿信是可以随意一些的。

虽说文章能不能发表靠的还是科研价值本身,但是投稿信也是很重 要的。在现在发表的文章越来越多,权威期刊不缺稿源的情况下,责任编辑做的是择优录用,先淘汰掉一部分感觉上价值不大的稿件。如果投稿信没有含什么有用的信息,文章一眼看上去又没有太多吸引力,一些责任编辑就会很快做出拒稿决定。当然用的是非常委婉的说法,拒稿信用的也是统一模板。比如:


虽然投稿信也用两句话说明了一下文章结果的价值,但是在这种责任编辑只是大同行的情况下, 如果这两句话不能打动他,那么他就不一定能够认同文章的价值,就会直接作出拒稿的决定。




有些人建议在投稿信中把推荐的审稿人也加上。这个视情况而定,如果期刊投稿的时候本身就要求填写几个推荐的审稿人,那么就不用占用投稿信的空间了。但是如果投稿系统没有这一项的话,那在投稿信加上会更好一些。提供的信息可以是审稿人的头衔、姓名、地址和电子邮件。记得多次确认一下,电子邮件是人家有效的而且是常用的。最後,若还是不放心, 可以请专业的论文润色公司如英论阁 提供协助
































5、还应留意某些可能的错误,包括无关资料(比如引用某些您先前进行的与现在文稿不相关的研究)、干扰性细节(比如列出样本大小和 p 值)及信息重复等。














《××××》杂志总编室:我叫×××,男.现年22岁,是××大学中文系四年级学生。再过两个月,我就要走出校门,踏上社会就业之路了,内心既兴奋又有点焦虑。我一直是贵刊的忠实 读者,曾在贵刊发表过几篇短文。贵刊是我的良师益友,让我度过了许多美好时光,并从中获得了丰富的知识营养和深刻的人生启迪。你们自由开放的办刊方针和严 谨求实的工作作风给我留下了极深的印象。我心里常想,如能毕业后与你们共事,溶入你们这个充满活力的集体中,那该是多么荣幸!我认为采编工作是一个高尚的职业,对此我有浓厚的兴趣.也有为之付出一生心血的心理准备。我是我系内部文艺刊物《×××》的主编,同时,也是我校校报的通 讯员。通过这几年的初步实践.我对采编工作有了一定的感性认识。我在其他刊物上也公开发表过一些短文,




您好! 首先感谢您能抽出宝贵的时间来关注我的求职信。为一位满腔热情的大学生开启一扇希望之门。

我是浙江万里学院新闻专业xx届的应届毕业生。宝剑锋从磨砺出,梅花香自苦寒来。从一进大学,我就努力地锻炼自己各方面的能力,培养自己成为一个德才兼备的、全面发展的、适应社会需求的高素质人才。 在政治思想上,我积极通过报纸、杂志、书籍积极学习政治理论。遵纪守法,不断学习马列主义,从而提高自己的道德与思想方面的修养。理论上的成熟是政治上成熟的基础、政治上的清醒来源于理论上的坚定。我已获得了团员入党的推优资格,也已参加了业余党校的培训,并已合格。这都更加坚定了我的政治方向,继续努力向党组织靠拢。 在学习上,我孜孜不倦,在xx年和xx年都获得了校级的两次奖学金。平时也热衷于“泡”图书馆,除了阅读自已专业相关的书籍外,也不断全面地阅读各个领域的书籍。因为我坚信未来21世纪的人才应该是个全面发展的复合型人才。学科之间的不断渗入与融合更加强了对这一方面的要求。此外,在学习中我也很注重培养自已的自学能力,注重形成自己正确且又独特的世界观、人生观与价值观,坚定自己的信念 ,不断学习与拓展。在专业上,我积累了深厚的专业知识,具有扎实的专业基础,能熟练掌握报纸排版编辑、Premiere视频编辑,对新闻摄影的理论与实务也有自己的了解与研究。此外,对于dreamw网页设计与photosho图片处理也有一定的编辑能力。在工作上,我积极利用寒暑假不断提高自己。在当地的广播电视台实习,使自己的实际动手与参与能力有了一定的提高,也从而培养自己的工作责任感与事业心,懂得团体合作与个人分工两者的重要性。四年的大学生活,使自己的知识水平、思想境界、工作能力等方面都迈上了一个新的台阶。过去并不代表未来,勤奋才是真实的内涵。对于实际工作我相信,我能够很快适应工作环境,熟悉业务,并且不断学习,不断完善自己,尽心全力做好工作。



xxx xxxx年x月x日






















姓 名:郭 国 籍:中国

目前住地:河北民 族:汉族

户 籍 地:河北身 材:175 cm kg

婚姻状况:未婚年 龄:25




工作年限:1职 称:无职称




公司名称:XXX杂志社 起止年月:20xx-11 ~ 20xx-01








熟练掌握 大洋、Adobe Premiere pro 非线性编辑软件。

熟练操作 松下AJ—D915广播级摄像机。



















杂志记者个人简历范文 杂志记者个人简历范文姓 名:郭 国 籍:中国目前住地:河北民 族:汉族户 籍 地:河北身 材:175 cm kg 婚姻状况:未婚年 龄:25求职意向及工作经历


应聘职位:记者、编辑、行政/后勤工作年限:1职 称:无职称求职类型:全职可到职日期:随时 月薪要求:面议希望工作地区:河北 工作经历

公司名称:xxx杂志社 起止年月:20xx-11 ~ 20xx-01 担任职务:记者


毕业院校:中南民族大学工商学院 最高学历:本科毕业日期:20xx-09-01所学专业:新闻学


熟练word、excel、ppt操作。熟练掌握 大洋、adobe premiere pro 非线性编辑软件。 熟练操作 松下aj—d915广播级摄像机。 英语四级。这份关于“杂志记者个人简历范文”的内容就是这样子,希望对您写工作简历有所帮助!








可以重新查看投稿是否成功。投稿流程一般如下:杂志官网首页,打开submit paper,以通讯作者的身份register一个账号,然后以author login身份登录,按照提示依次完成:Select Article Type、Enter Title、Add/Edit/Remove Authors、Submit Abstract、Enter Keywords、Select Classifications、Enter Comments、Request Editor、Attach Files,最后下载pdf,确保无误后,方可到投稿主页approve submission或直接submit。提示:大多数期刊要求以word投稿,但也有要求用pdf格式的,务必细看稿约。文献格式是否按拟投杂志标准要求核准?因为有的投稿系统是可以直接检查的。很多系统要求作者勾选同意如伦理道德的声明文件。提交后可能会有一个小栏目提示对提交图片的质量做初步审查(不合格的最好重新作图再上传)。绝大多数投稿完成后需要最终确认(approve submission),所生成的pdf全文是否满意、合格,也是作者投稿完成前最后一次检查的机会。有的新手可能忽略这点,提交后就以为自己投稿成功,殊不知并未投稿成功。.Manuscript received by Editorial Office文章送达,证明投稿成功

写好Cover letter需要做到如下几步:


COVER LETTER最忌讳散乱,因此在动笔前,写下最主要的几点,用逻辑化的顺序连接起来。一般的格式是:为什么选择这份工作,这家企业,为什么你是合适人选,然后就是怎么联系。这三样东西必不可少。


COVER LETTER不宜太长,既然它是简历的一部分,那么就应该概括的介绍,而不是事无巨细。另外考虑HR每天大量的收到简历,也不宜增加HR工作,否则易产生厌烦感。


招聘人员在看简历和COVER LETTER的时候,会试法感受你是只是要份工作,还是真正理解这家公司的目标和状况。他们希望招的是既有能力又忠诚的人。一份显示出仔细研究过公司网站,有关信息,能够把自己的特殊技能和公司业务联系起来的简历会与众不同。


简历比较公式化,COVER LETTER就是许多招聘人员用来衡量应聘者个性的窗口。你可以让自己的用语个性化一些,但是注意不要太随便,或者过于亲昵,既有特色又不失专业面貌为佳。


很多公司,尤其是那些招聘频繁的公司,COVER LETTER不一定会保存。有些应聘者把重要的联络信息都放在COVER LETTER里面,而简历则没有这些关键信息。等到简历被传到有关人士手中,可能已经没有了第一页的简历,那么别人也就无法联络到你了。

关于Cover letter的注意事项:

1、Cover letter 应当包含三个方面的内容:

Who are you and where are you?

Where did you hear about me?

What can you do for me? What can you provide relevant to the job?


Dear Mr. / Ms. [Recruiter’s Name]

My name is [Your Name] and I am currently [a Year in School and Major / Business School Student at [School Name]] / [Working at Company Name in Division Name].

I was recently introduced to your firm via [Friend / Contact at Firm / Presentation] and was impressed with what I learned of [Your Culture / Working Environment / Bank-Specific Info.].

I am interested in pursuing an [Investment Banking Analyst / Associate] position at your firm, and have enclosed my resume and background information below.

I have previously [Completed Internships In… / Worked Full-Time In…]. Through this experience [Working on Transactions / Leading Teams and Managing Projects / Performing Quantitative Analysis].

I have gained [Go Into Anything Relevant to Banking, Such As Analytical / Leadership / Teamwork / Finance / Accounting] skills and honed my [Any Other Relevant Skills]. I also had the opportunity to work on [High-Impact Project], which [Describe Results].

Given my background in [Summarize Internships / Work Experience] and my [Summarize Skills] skills, I am a particularly good fit for the [Position Name] position at your firm.

I am impressed by your track record of [Transactions / Clients] at [Firm Name] and the significant responsibilities given to [Position Name], and I look forward to joining and contributing to your firm.

A copy of my resume is enclosed for your reference. I would welcome an opportunity to discuss my qualifications with you and learn more about [Firm Name] at your earliest convenience. I can be reached at [Phone Number] or via email at [Email Address].

Thank you very much for your time and consideration.


[Your Name]
















参考资料来源:百度百科-cover letter

一封Cover letter写作要点需要下述内容:论文题目、研究发现概要、投稿动机、原创与作者同意书、推荐审稿人、与期刊编辑有过的互动等。

Cover letter 是写给杂志编辑的投稿信,一封成功的Cover letter,能够快速吸引期刊审稿人的注意力,让他们在第一时间轻松地理解研究意图和结果,从而有更大机会让其愿意深入阅读研究成果,同时也会显著提高论文被接收的几率。


Dear Dr. White,


We wish to submit our article “Impact of season on disease Z” to be considered for publication in the Journal of Chronic Disease Treatment as a Short Communication.


In our previous research (Black et al., J Sci Res 2014;21:1-10) we found that treatment X was more effective than treatment Y in reducing chronic disease Z. However, we noticed that the improvement for both treatments was much greater (>10%) in winter than in the summer months. In order to explore this unexpected finding, we carried out further research, presented in this paper.


We found that ambient temperature had no effect on reduction of disease Z with either treatment. However, detailed analysis of patient behavior revealed that patients were more likely to be absent from home in the summer months, and so more likely to miss their medication time.


After implementing a dosing strategy to minimize this effect, no significant difference between summer and winter could be detected with either treatment.


We think this article will be of interest to your readers as it demonstrates increased treatment effectiveness without increasing overall dose. It also reveals some interesting aspects of patient behavior, an area of study which has received increasing attention in the field of chronic disease treatment over the past decade.


We suggest the following reviewers for this article:

Andrew Adams ()

Billy Bloggs ()

Caroline Carter ()


I am authorized on behalf of all the authors of this article to confirm that no author has any conflict of interest to disclose, all authors have approved the version submitted for publication, the work in this article is original and has not been published previously,and the article is not under consideration by any other journal.


We thank you for your kind consideration of our article. Please do not hesitate to contact me directly if any further information is required. I look forward to hearing from you.















cover letter的写作技巧:

1、主编的姓名一定要拼写正确:首先,必须保证正确的称呼。如果能找到期刊主编的姓名,在coverletter的开头就称呼主编的姓,而不是全名。例如,可以称呼她为”Dear Dr. White” 而不是“Dear Dr. Jane White”。如果不确定主编的姓名,就可以直接称呼为“Dear Editor”或“Dear Editor-in-Chief”。


3、期刊名称: 必须保证把期刊名称拼写正确。如果文章之前被拒稿过,现在重新投稿,一定要记住把投稿信里面的期刊名称改掉。

4、文章类型: 标明文章类型(研究性文章, 综述还是短篇通讯等),并且确认和投稿系统里保持一致。




cover letter即投稿信 投稿信,是个人或集体(写作集体)向报刊、电台或电视台投送稿件时写的专用书信。它一般随稿件同时寄发。投稿信,主要是介绍作者自己和稿件的有关情况,给对方考虑是否采用稿件时作参考。   写给编辑看的信。对于IF高的,编辑是牛人的杂志特别重要!要重视!   不同刊物要求不太一样,一是根据拟投刊物要求自己写,另一个就是通过网络可找到大量的cover letter样文,再改写。   cover letter 就是给主编或者编辑写一个简单介绍你的论文的内容,重点突出你的创新性,使主编或者编辑认为你的论文可以分给给审稿人审阅。







大学三年,我既注重基础知识的学习,又注重个人能力的培养。在学校严格的教益和个人的努力下,我具备了扎实的专业基础知识,全面系统地完成了包括财务会计、预算会计、成本会计、管理会计、会计资讯系统在内的一系列会计专业课程的学习;具备一定的英语听、说、读、写、译能力;熟悉计算机的基本操作和常用软体的操作;了解对外工作的基本礼仪。同时,利用课余时间广泛阅读各类书籍,开拓视野,增长见识,充实自己,培养自己多方面的技能,让自己可以紧跟时代的步伐。此外,还多次利用寒暑假等时间走出校门体验社会,从事了几份性质不同的 *** 工作,让自己近距离接触社会,感受生活,学习与人沟通相处之道,为能在真正走出社会后尽快适应社会新环境做好准备。在校期间,担任过系组织部长,班团支书等职务,繁忙的工作让我学会如何为他人更好地服务,让我懂得如何高效优质地完成工作,让我得到宝贵的组织管理策划经验,让自己的口才与胆识得到良好的锻炼,还在系举办的辩论赛中获得冠军。





















您好!首先,真诚地感谢您从百忙之中抽出时间来看我的 自荐材料。

我 毕业于XX大学XX系,XX大学是我国XXXX人才的重点培养基地,具有悠久的历史和优良的传统,并且素以治学严谨、育人有方而著称;XXXX大学XXXX系则是全国XXXX学科基地之一。在这样的学习环境下,无论是在知识能力,还是在个人素质修养方面,我都受益非浅。

四年来,在师友的严格教益及个人的努力下,我具备了扎实的专业基础知识,系统地掌握了XXXX、XXXX等有关理论;熟悉涉外工作常用礼仪;具备较好的 英语 听、说、读、写、译等能力;能熟练操作计算机办公软体。同时,我利用课余时间广泛地涉猎了大量书籍,不但充实了自己,也培养了自己多方面的技能。更重要的是,严谨的学风和端正的学习态度塑造了我朴实、稳重、创新的性格特点。

此外,我还积极地参加各种社会活动,抓住每一个机会,锻炼自己。大学四年,我深深地感受到,与优秀学生共事,使我在竞争中获益;向实际困难挑战,让我在挫折中成长。祖辈们教我勤奋、尽责、善良、正直;中国人民大学培养了我实事求是、开拓进取的作风。 我热爱贵单位所从事的事业,殷切地期望能够在您的领导下,为这一光荣的事业添砖加瓦;并且在实践中不断学习、进步。

收笔之际,郑重地提一个小小的要求: 无论您是否选择我,尊敬的领导,希望您能够接受我诚恳的谢意!




cover letter:求职信

写好Cover letter需要做到如下几步:


COVER LETTER最忌讳散乱,因此在动笔前,写下最主要的几点,用逻辑化的顺序连接起来。一般的格式是:为什么选择这份工作,这家企业,为什么你是合适人选,然后就是怎么联系。这三样东西必不可少。


COVER LETTER不宜太长,既然它是简历的一部分,那么就应该概括的介绍,而不是事无巨细。另外考虑HR每天大量的收到简历,也不宜增加HR工作,否则易产生厌烦感。


招聘人员在看简历和COVER LETTER的时候,会试法感受你是只是要份工作,还是真正理解这家公司的目标和状况。他们希望招的是既有能力又忠诚的人。一份显示出仔细研究过公司网站,有关信息,能够把自己的特殊技能和公司业务联系起来的简历会与众不同。


简历比较公式化,COVER LETTER就是许多招聘人员用来衡量应聘者个性的窗口。你可以让自己的用语个性化一些,但是注意不要太随便,或者过于亲昵,既有特色又不失专业面貌为佳。


很多公司,尤其是那些招聘频繁的公司,COVER LETTER不一定会保存。有些应聘者把重要的联络信息都放在COVER LETTER里面,而简历则没有这些关键信息。等到简历被传到有关人士手中,可能已经没有了第一页的简历,那么别人也就无法联络到你了。

关于Cover letter的注意事项:

1、Cover letter 应当包含三个方面的内容:

Who are you and where are you?

Where did you hear about me?

What can you do for me? What can you provide relevant to the job?


Dear Mr. / Ms. [Recruiter’s Name]

My name is [Your Name] and I am currently [a Year in School and Major / Business School Student at [School Name]] / [Working at Company Name in Division Name].

I was recently introduced to your firm via [Friend / Contact at Firm / Presentation] and was impressed with what I learned of [Your Culture / Working Environment / Bank-Specific Info.].

I am interested in pursuing an [Investment Banking Analyst / Associate] position at your firm, and have enclosed my resume and background information below.

I have previously [Completed Internships In… / Worked Full-Time In…]. Through this experience [Working on Transactions / Leading Teams and Managing Projects / Performing Quantitative Analysis].

I have gained [Go Into Anything Relevant to Banking, Such As Analytical / Leadership / Teamwork / Finance / Accounting] skills and honed my [Any Other Relevant Skills]. I also had the opportunity to work on [High-Impact Project], which [Describe Results].

Given my background in [Summarize Internships / Work Experience] and my [Summarize Skills] skills, I am a particularly good fit for the [Position Name] position at your firm.

I am impressed by your track record of [Transactions / Clients] at [Firm Name] and the significant responsibilities given to [Position Name], and I look forward to joining and contributing to your firm.

A copy of my resume is enclosed for your reference. I would welcome an opportunity to discuss my qualifications with you and learn more about [Firm Name] at your earliest convenience. I can be reached at [Phone Number] or via email at [Email Address].

Thank you very much for your time and consideration.


[Your Name]
















参考资料来源:百度百科-cover letter




dear sir or madam,

i am writing to you to inquire if there would be any position available for me to work as a _______________________. please allow me to give my brief reference. i am a _____________________. i believe i could do satisfactory work for ____ because ____________. i was awarded ________. i also won the title of ________. i have taken such courses as ____________. in addition, i have been working as ____________. i am looking forward to your kind and early reply. if you need any further information, please let me know. many thanks! yours sincerely, xxxxxxx (enclosed is my resume, and my references are available upon request. i would like to meet you at your earliest convenience and discuss the possibility of working with your company. or, if you are too busy these days, you can contact me at xxxxx for further information.

thank you for your favorable consideration!
















Dear Sir/Madam:

Thank you for your busy schedule to read my job letter, give a chance to a graduate student in the second, I express my deep gratitude!

First of all, please allow me to introduce myself, my name is XX is South China Science Industry and Trade University 20xx session of foreign trade English major graduates, learned the expensive unit Xiancai, my screen name of be caused by, sincere desire to join in, contribute to your company tomorrow, more willing to sacrifice their own labor and wisdom.

Bingzhe thirst for knowledge, dedication to learning English, during the period of school, I earnestly study and professional knowledge, and passed the College English test (CET), but also by the national non computer professional computer test level 2. In the class of the organization committee, organized a class outing, class fun games and other activities, of course, these are small things, but this opportunity to cultivate my good organizational skills and coordination ability.

In extracurricular I actively participate in school activities, has represented professional I get first prize in the contest of knowledge, at the same time I also participate in social practice, during the period of school had done tutor to one job, once in the cafe served as the position of steward, for Noah electronic dictionary for market research, through the social practice I learned a lot of class did not go to school the knowledge, have the certain understanding and the understanding to the society. XX summer to Shenzhen students to work, the operation of foreign trade and the operation of a personal experience, I think this is the most valuable experience.

I usually have a wide range of hobbies, like music, sports, will play the guitar, in school, also on behalf of my professional to participate in the football game. At the same time, the military and political attention, often buy on the military and political aspects of newspapers and magazines read, the world's consumer electronics products also have a certain concern. With the passion of youth and desire for knowledge, I am about to go through the four years of the journey of knowledge, a wonderful university life, cultivate my scientific and rigorous way of thinking. It has created a positive and optimistic attitude towards life and a new sense of innovation.

Inside and outside the classroom social practice, a solid foundation of knowledge and open vision, so I understand the society; in the continuous learning and work to develop a rigorous, pragmatic work style and the unity cooperation, excellent quality, so I believe they are completely in the post sovereignty, dedication, and more business! Music eye and began a journey. Wind Supergrass, Luyao horse. Ancient houses, this is at bole. May I borrow your job to prove that you are using the "use".

In the end, I wish you a thriving business day by day, I am enclosing my resume, detailed list of my basic information, social practice, skills and qualifications. Thanks to review, be grateful!




直入主题,解释你为什么写这封求职信并说清楚你感兴趣的职位头衔。还可以顺便提一下你是在哪儿获悉这份工作的,这些求职信的礼节是应该做的,让对方对你的信息有一个整体了解:"I am writing to express my interest in the Sales Manager position advertised on your Web site. I have enclosed a copy of my resume for your review."


求职信的关键目的在于向你的雇主证明你是最佳人选,因此确定该职位的技能要求是重要的第一步。然后,罗列出experiences make me an ideal candidate for this position." 你以前与之相关的工作经历,并最后以类似这样的话总结:"I am confident that these combined




永远记得你的任务是-推销自己!尽可能描绘你对胜任这份工作的信心与能力:"I strongly believe I possess the right combination of skills and experience you are looking for"

说了这么多,最关键的一点就是要put yourself in the employer's shoes -- 假设你自己就是老板,从这个角度出发来进行最后的梳理与校对工作。你可以借助微软的语法检查工具先从头至尾检查一遍拼写和语法错误,英文求职信写法不妨试下。有可能的话,请你的知心好友帮你一起找找碴,总是有百益而无一害的。

Dear Mr。 Courtsworth:

I am seeking a CEO position in the chemical industry。 My professional career exhibits a record of strong achievement and significant contributions。 I am a top performing chemical industry executive with an extensive sales, manufacturing, research and operations background。

Throughout my career I recruited selected and developed very talented managers。 I utilized persistence, technical expertise and interpersonal skills to establish and build long-term relationships with diverse customers。 I analyzed, evaluated and led entry into new market niches enabling the company to generate significant profits, and am recognized as a creative manager with strong strategic planning, communications, listening, and operational skills。 The following highlight some of my key accomplishments:

Analyzed markets, determined special market niches, shifted product line and aggressively led entry into new markets resulting in sales growth of 300% and a sizeable profit improvement 。

Exercised operational PL responsibility for a $30 million corporation manufacturing industrial specialty O。E。M。 paints and coatings。

Landed major industrial accounts by building solid relationships through persistent and creative presentations, development of superior products, and quality service。

If my qualifications are of interest, Mr Courtsworth, I would be delighted to meet with you to further explore opportunities with your fine company。 I hope that we will have the opportunity to meet shortly, and I look forward to hearing from you。


Randolph B。 Mannington














Beloved leaders:


First of all, I sincerely appreciate your taking the time in his busy schedule to read my letter of the ordinary job-seekers. I aim to apply for the the financial auditor on your company. my introduction is following.

I am a student from the department of thermal engineering in Tsinghua university and I double majored in economics. our school always pay a lot attention to our ability training so that I think I can manage something easily. as a result of the baptism of four years, I think that I have a solid theoretical foundation for knowledge and professional skills. “think big and try bravely” is the motto I believed for all these student’s age. To be higher is my aim because that the sense of responsibility always forces me to act better when I get a job.

While studying at the school, in addition to my master the theoretical knowledge of the profession, but also of other elective courses, take full advantage of after-school time and school library resources, extensive knowledge of drawing a large number of extra-curricular. In my continued efforts, the top academic performance, has won various honors in rating schools, the state scholarship. At the same time to participate in the school orchestra, playing musical instruments to learn, appreciate the art of washing people, enrich my college life.

I just want to set foot on as a community college graduates, to work or lack of life experience may make you hesitate to employ me, but if you can give me a chance to do it. I will try my best to behave better. I have been convinced that the "where there is a will,there is a way" I hope you can give me a chance, your recognition will be the glory of my life!

Again, thank you for reading my cover letter, no matter the outcome, please accept my heartfelt good wishes! I wish you successful work!



Zhang xiaoming

Department of thermal engineering

Tsinghua university

BEijing of China 100084

Dear sir/madame,

Your advertisement for a network maintenance engineer in the april 10student daily interested me because the position that you de- scribed sounds exactly like the kind of job i am seeking.

According to the advertisement,your position requires a good university degree,bachelor or above in computer science or equivalent field and proficient in windows nt 4.0and linux system.i feel that i am competent to meet the requirements.i will be graduating from xx university this year with a msc.my studies have included courses in computer control and management and i designed a control simulation system developed with microsoft visual and sql server.

During my education,i have grasped the principles of my major subject area and gained practical skills.not only have i passed cet - 6,but more importantly i can communicate fluently in english.my ability to write and speak english is a good standard.

I would welcome an opportunity to attend you for an interview.

Enclosed is my resume and if there is any additional information you require,please contact me.

Sincerely yours,


随着科技的进步和社会的发展,求职信的写作也被越来越多的人重视和关注。你了解杂志社英语求职信该怎么写吗?下面我为大家带来一些杂志社英语求职信,希望对你有所帮助! 篇一 The head of the respect: hello! I am a fresh graduate of female college students, I would like to apply for your organization and deemed to be able to do the job, here, the first thing I want to thank you for reading my resume and cover letter, and it will be like for me to introduce myself a precious opportunity. Below, right as my personal introduction: I grew up in the city, be familiar with the city humanities environment and the industrial and mercial civilization, but play errors in the college entrance examination, I failed to rank among the schools, therefore I pay for four years of hard study and actively participate in practice, hope to be able to make up for the youth regret for the first time. Small city in the northeast of the Chinese department of the university, I am a student of excellent, won a scholarship and to participate in the school student work five times in a row of good performance to prove it. But I am more eager and proud, is I participated in the actual work, work units and the general audience to me. As of April 20xx, I go to work a total of time has been more than 13 months, mainly in northern economic weekly news planning society and an interview with reporters. Northern economic weekly is a magazine features of newspaper, suitable for depth reports, I work in a newspaper is responsible for social news and economic news project decisions from the topic selection, planning, contact and to interview people from all walks of life, in the end, the lead author of the manuscript is done their own independent, involving material including finance, education, consumer rights and interests, etc. I selected I work independently to plete six printing run, including three full-page special reports and news, hoping to please critici *** during the interview. In short, in the process of 13 months of work, I am diligent positive input, seize every opportunity to exercise myself, so far, my understanding of the print media and network media, for economic and social issues contact selection plan, interview and munication, and document writing, etc., all have a qualified workers cognition level and operation ability. Leibniz said, it is great, because it has a future. For entry, I was eager to get your unit recognition and support, I have the chance to work as one of the participants and the expensive unit to strive for progress, tomorrow and I also think I have a qualified workers' knowledge structure and ability quality, certainly won't disappoint you and you give me the precious chance. Enclosed personal resume, to express our heartfelt thanks to you again, eager to get your further inquiry, and wish you the very best of luck in your career. advance salute Applicant: XXX 篇二 Respect of enterprise leadership: How do you do! Thank you for taking your time read my letter of application. It is reported that you are looking for a lawyer assistant, specially take the liberty of writing introduce ourselves. I am a ing in June 20xx graduate of university undergraduate course graduate, major is law. At present I professional courses has been basically pleted, has obtained the country pursues a scholarship, professional first-class scholarship twice, sit on behalf of the university of western hunan in the sixth public debate and was named "outstanding debator" once, was named law school professional debate "best debator" a. I already through the national college English six level of test, made putonghua level 2 A certificate, the provincial puter level certificate, to obtain the national judicial examination A card September 20xx. During the period of school, I worked as a sit university legal aid center vice President, sit university students news agencys vice President and vice minister of law school, and other job, serious and responsible work and is evaluated many times "outstanding worker". Practice experience developed my strong team cooperation ability and adaptability. I always think learning no end, all these experiences and honor also is not an end, but a new starting point. How have you are looking for a lawyer assistant, which for me is a very good opportunity and challenge. I am willing to accept your the selection. If I am lucky enough to be employed, believe that with my professional ability and passion, will to strive to your contributions. Finally, thank you in spite of being very busy toglance finish see this letter. Such as have fix a date interview, please advise the time, the place, I signed the on time. We look forward to your reply! I sincerely wish your have development progresses day by day! 篇三 Dear Sir/Madam: Are you searching for a telemunications manager with expertise in project management and team leadership? I specialize in creating and implementing high-performance strategies that directly impact growth and profitability of large telemunications panies. In addition to my knowledge of business processes, I also offer proficiency in tele software development and cutting-edge technologies. I am relocating to Shenzhen and would be interested in opportunities with your firm. Currently, I serve as manager for BIT pany's Information Industry Division. Briefly, some of my acplishments include: Developed a tool to track and forecast price,quantity,and revenue, which enables client to monitor business performance Implemented a customized end-to-end testing process and SQL database My business acumen, technical expertise, and leadership capabilities have contributed to a number of successful projects. The enclosed resume outlines my credentials and acplishments in greater detail. I would wele an opportunity to meet with you for a personal interview. Sincerely, xxx


cover letter即投稿信 投稿信,是个人或集体(写作集体)向报刊、电台或电视台投送稿件时写的专用书信。它一般随稿件同时寄发。投稿信,主要是介绍作者自己和稿件的有关情况,给对方考虑是否采用稿件时作参考。   写给编辑看的信。对于IF高的,编辑是牛人的杂志特别重要!要重视!   不同刊物要求不太一样,一是根据拟投刊物要求自己写,另一个就是通过网络可找到大量的cover letter样文,再改写。   cover letter 就是给主编或者编辑写一个简单介绍你的论文的内容,重点突出你的创新性,使主编或者编辑认为你的论文可以分给给审稿人审阅。

论文投稿时一般要求附带一篇“Cover Letter”,好的“Cover Letter”不仅可以使文章锦上添花,更有可能直接决定论文是否被录用。本人切身体会,以已发表论文为例,现将其写法经验归纳如下:Dear Editor,We would like to submit the enclosed manuscript entitled "论文题目", which we wish to be considered for publication in 期刊名.The work described has not been submitted elsewhere for publication, in whole or in part, and all the authors listed have approved the manuscript that is enclosed.We believe that two aspects of this manuscript will make it interesting to general readers of yourjournal. First, 论文亮点1.Second, 论文亮点2.Thank you very much for your time and consideration.Sincerely yours,作者名注意点:论文亮点一定要简洁明了,一定要有创新,突出你的文章与其它已发表论文的区别。这是 Cover Letter 的主要内容。

1、 什么是cover letter?指的是投稿信2、cover letter的内容主要包括那些?应该简述所投稿件的核心内容、主要发现和意义,拟投期刊,对稿件处理有无特殊要求等(如“not to review” list)。另外,请附上主要作者的中文姓名、通讯地址、电话、传真和e-mail地址。此外有的杂志要求推荐几位审稿人及其联系方式。以及谁已经阅读过该文(当然是牛人)。我投的那个杂志是要求说明你论文研究的意义,以及与这个杂志的相关性,另外还有的可能要写明你没有一搞多投等。此外临床实验要求写明符合伦理学要求。3、 如何写cover letter?各个杂志的具体要求是不一样的,在杂志的guide for authors一般会有要求。如果没有具体的要求,大家可按照通用要求处理。4、常用模板:(1)Cover letterDear Mr. **1. The work described has not been submitted elsewhere for publication, in whole or in part, and all the authors listed have approved the manuscript that is enclosed.2. I have read and have abided by the statement of ethical standards for manuscripts submitted to Neuroscience.kind regards.Your sincerely,通讯作者(2)Dear Dr. 主编name:We submit our manuscript entitled " 文章title" to 杂志名for publication.接着简单介绍你文章的主要创新点和意义,不易过多,但要突出新意和关键点。All authors have seen the manuscript and approved to submit to your journal.Thank you very much for your attention and consideration.Sincerely yours,通讯作者(3)Dear Dr. 主编name:We submit our manuscript entitled " 文章title" to 杂志名for publication.接着简单介绍你文章的主要创新点和意义,不易过多,但要突出新意和关键点。All authors have seen the manuscript and approved to submit to your journal.Thank you very much for your attention and consideration.Sincerely yours,通讯作者(4)Dr. ***Editor-in-Chief, ***(add address) January 22, 2003Dear Dr. **,Enclosed herewith please find 3 copies of a MS by: ‘***. *** and ***’ entitled: “**********”, which we would like to submit for publication in the ‘******'.Looking forward to your decision,With kind personal regards,Sincerely yours,*****Professor of ***(5)Dear Prof. Gil:This is a manuscript by**and **entitled “.......”. It is submitted to be considered for publication as a “...” in your journal. This paper is new. Neither the entire paper nor any part of its content has been published or has been accepted elsewhere. It is not being submitted to any other journal.We believe the paper may be of particular interest to the readers of your journal as it ........Correspondence should be addressed to **at the following address, phone and fax number, and email address:...Thanks very much for your attention to our paper.Sincerely yours,**5、 例文:下面例文都来自丁香园战友,在此一并感谢。(一)Date: Sep 15, 2003Dear Editors:On behalf of my co-authors, I am submitting the enclosed material “ TITLE ” for possible publication in JOURNAL.We certify that we have participated sufficiently in the work to take public responsibility for the appropriateness of the experimental design and method, and the collection, analysis, and interpretation of the data.We have reviewed the final version of the manuscript and approve it for publication. To the best of our knowledge and belief, this manuscript has not been published in whole or in part nor is it being considered for publication elsewhere.Best Regards.Yours Sincerely,NAME,ADRESS,EMAIL,FAX(二)Dear Dr Regino Perez-Polo:Enclosed are a manuscript by su jian, yang kun, chen zhihua.Su jian titled“Hypothermia after Acute Ischemic Stroke”.It is submitted to be considered for publication as a“review" in your journal.This paper is~"Neither the entire paper nor any part of its content has been published or has been accepted elsewhere .It is not being submitted to any other journal.We believe the paper may be of particular interest to the readers of your journal.Correspondence and phone calls about the paper should be directed to Su jian at the following address,phone and fax number,and e-mail address:Su jianInstitute:,Adress:Tel:Fax:E-mail:Thanks very much for your attention to our paper.Sincerely yours,Su jian(三)Dear Editor,We would like to submit the enclosed manuscript entitled "GDNF Acutely Modulates Neuronal Excitability and A-type Potassium Channels in Midbrain Dopaminergic Neurons", which we wish to be considered for publication in Nature Neuroscience.GDNF has long been thought to be a potent neurotrophic factor for the survival of midbrain dopaminergic neurons, which are degenerated in Parkinson’s disease. In this paper, we report an unexpected, acute effect of GDNF on A-type potassium channels, leading to a potentiation of neuronal excitability, in the dopaminergic neurons in culture as well as in adult brain slices. Further, we show that GDNF regulates the K+ channels through a mechanism that involves activation of MAP kinase. Thus, this study has revealed, for the first time, an acute modulation of ion channels by GDNF. Our findings challenge the classic view of GDNF as a long-term survival factor for midbrain dopaminergic neurons, and suggest that the normal function of GDNF is to regulate neuronal excitability, and consequently dopamine release. These results may also have implications in the treatment of Parkinson’s disease.Due to a direct competition and conflict of interest, we request that Drs. XXX of Harvard Univ., and YY of Yale Univ. not be considered as reviewers. With thanks for your consideration, I amSincerely yours,(四)Dear **.We would like to submit the enclosed manuscript entitled " *** ", which we wish to be considered for publication in **journal.We believe that two aspects of this manuscript will make it interesting to general readers of **journal. First, ***. Second, ***. Further, ***.Thank you very much your considering our manuscript for potential publication. I'm looking forward to hearing from you soon.Best wishes.(五)To: SOLA Chief EditorDivision of Geoenvironmental SciencesUniversity of TsukubaTsukuba 305-8572, JAPANE-Mail: Sirs,I am sending herewith a copy of the manuscript, which I would like to submit to SOLA, the Electronic Journal of the Meteorological Society of Japan.The paper is entitled:Energy Spectrum Proportional to the Squared Phase Speed ofRossby Modes in the General Circulation of the Atmosphereby H. L. Tanaka, Yasushi Watarai, and Takahiro Kanda.Copy of the Abstract:In this study, energy spectrum of the large-scale atmospheric motions is examined in the framework of the 3D normal mode decomposition. The horizontal scale of disturbance is measured by the phase speed of a Rossby mode c. According to the analysis result for the barotropic component of the atmosphere, we obtain a characteristic energy spectrum with distinct slopes for the turbulence and wave regimes separated by the spherical Rhines speed. In order to explain the observational finding that the energy spectrum is proportional to c^2, we put forward a hypothesis based on the criterion of Rossby wave breaking such that the local meridional gradient of potential vorticity becomes negative, dq/dy < 0, somewhere in the domain. With a constant m describing a total mass of the atmosphere for unit area, we have shown that the barotropic energy spectrum of the general circulation E can be represented as E=mc^2.Corresponding Author:Dr. Hiroshi L. TanakaDivision of Geoenvironmental SciencesUniversity of TsukubaTsukuba 305-8572, JAPANTel: +81-29-853-4502Fax: +81-29-853-6879E-Mail: hereby certify that this paper consists of original, unpublished work which is not under consideration for publication elsewhere.Desired Editors in Charge:Kimoto, Masahide University of TokyoMak, Mankin University of IllinoisFive Potential Reviewers:Name-1, e-mail address-1Name-2, e-mail address-2Name-3, e-mail address-3Name-4, e-mail address-4Name-5, e-mail address-5The original manuscript and figures will be transferred, following the instruction by the Editorial Committee when the paper is accepted. I hope your favorable consideration for publication to SOLA.Sincerely,Hiroshi L. TanakaAttachment: PDF file of the manuscript.

cover letter:求职信
