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Nature 是科学领域内具有重要影响力的期刊之一,以其高水平、严谨的科学论文而著名。发表 Nature 论文的难度较大,以下几点具体阐述:









编译 | 李言

Nature , 17 March 2022, Volume 603 Issue 7901

《自然》 2022年3月17日,第603卷,7901期

化学 Chemistry

High-resolution laser resonances of antiprotonic helium in superfluid 4He


作者:Anna Sótér, Hossein Aghai-Khozani et al.







Here we show that when an exotic helium atom with a constituent antiproton is embedded into superfluid helium, its visible-wavelength spectral line retains a sub-gigahertz linewidth. An abrupt reduction in the linewidth of the antiprotonic laser resonance was observed when the liquid surrounding the atom transitioned into the superfluid phase. This resolved the hyperfine structure arising from the spin–spin interaction between the electron and antiproton with a relative spectral resolution of two parts in 106, even though the antiprotonic helium resided in a dense matrix of normal matter atoms. The electron shell of the antiprotonic atom retains a small radius of approximately 40 picometres during the laser excitation. This implies that other helium atoms containing antinuclei, as well as negatively charged mesons and hyperons that include strange quarks formed in superfluid helium, may be studied by laser spectroscopy with a high spectral resolution, enabling the determination of the particle masses. The sharp spectral lines may enable the detection of cosmic-ray antiprotons or searches for antideuterons that come to rest in liquid helium targets.

Flat-surface-assisted and self-regulated oxidation resistance of Cu(111)


作者:Su Jae Kim, Yong In Kim, Bipin Lamichhane et al.





Oxidation can deteriorate the properties of copper that are critical for its use, particularly in the semiconductor industry and electro-optics applications. Here we report the fabrication of copper thin films that are semi-permanently oxidation resistant because they consist of flat surfaces with only occasional mono-atomic steps. First-principles calculations confirm that mono-atomic step edges are as impervious to oxygen as flat surfaces and that surface adsorption of O atoms is suppressed once an oxygen face-centred cubic (fcc) surface site coverage of 50% has been reached. These combined effects explain the exceptional oxidation resistance of ultraflat Cu surfaces.

物理学 Physics

Unbiasing fermionic quantum Monte Carlo with a quantum computer


作者:William J. Huggins, Bryan A. O’Gorman, Nicholas C. Rubin, David R. Reichman, Ryan Babbush & Joonho Lee








Controlling the fermionic sign problem with constraints ensures the efficiency of QMC at the expense of potentially significant biases owing to the limited flexibility of classical computation. Here we propose an approach that combines constrained QMC with quantum computation to reduce such biases. We implement our scheme experimentally using up to 16 qubits to unbias constrained QMC calculations performed on chemical systems with as many as 120 orbitals. These experiments represent the largest chemistry simulations performed with the help of quantum computers, while achieving accuracy that is competitive with state-of-the-art classical methods without burdensome error mitigation. Compared with the popular variational quantum eigensolver, our hybrid quantum-classical computational model offers an alternative path towards achieving a practical quantum advantage for the electronic structure problem without demanding exceedingly accurate preparation and measurement of the ground-state wavefunction.

HighlWind dispersal of battery-free wireless devices


作者:Vikram Iyer, Hans Gaensbauer, Thomas L. Daniel & Shyamnath Gollakota






为了实现太阳能收集所必需的大面积分散和垂直降落,我们开发了蒲公英启发的薄膜多孔结构,其终端速度为0.87 0.02米/秒,空气动力学稳定性,垂直降落的概率超过95%。户外环境实验的结果表明,这些设备可以在轻柔到正常的微风中移动50-100米。



Plants cover a large fraction of the Earth’s land mass despite most species having limited to no mobility. To transport their propagules, many plants have evolved mechanisms to disperse their seeds using the wind. A dandelion seed, for example, has a bristly filament structure that decreases its terminal velocity and helps orient the seed as it wafts to the ground. Inspired by this, we demonstrate wind dispersal of battery-free wireless sensing devices. Our millimetre-scale devices weigh 30 milligrams and are designed on a flexible substrate using programmable, off-the-shelf parts to enable scalability and flexibility for various sensing and computing applications. The system is powered using lightweight solar cells and an energy harvesting circuit that is robust to low and variable light conditions, and has a backscatter communication link that enables data transmission. To achieve the wide-area dispersal and upright landing that is necessary for solar power harvesting, we developed dandelion-inspired, thin-film porous structures that achieve a terminal velocity of 0.87  0.02 metres per second and aerodynamic stability with a probability of upright landing of over 95%. Our results in outdoor environments demonstrate that these devices can travel 50–100 metres in gentle to moderate breeze. Finally, in natural systems, variance in inpidual seed morphology causes some seeds to fall closer and others to travel farther. We adopt a similar approach and show how we can modulate the porosity and diameter of the structures to achieve dispersal variation across devices.

地球科学 Geoscience

Limited increases in savanna carbon stocks over decades of fire suppression


作者:Yong Zhou, Jenia Singh, John R. Butnor, Corli Coetsee, Peter B. Boucher, Madelon F. Case, Evan G. Hockridge, Andrew B. Davies & A. Carla Staver




我们发现灭火增加整个生态系统碳储存只有35.4 12%(平均值 标准错误),即使树木覆盖增加了78.9 29.3%,相应的总收益为23.0 6.1 Mg C ha 1 平均约为0.35 0.09 Mg C ha 1 year 1 ,低于之前的设想。



Here we provide one of the first direct estimates of whole-ecosystem carbon response to more than 60 years of fire exclusion in a mesic African savanna. We found that fire suppression increased whole-ecosystem carbon storage by only 35.4   12% (mean   standard error), even though tree cover increased by 78.9   29.3%, corresponding to total gains of 23.0   6.1 Mg C ha 1 at an average of about 0.35   0.09 Mg C ha 1  year 1 , more than an order of magnitude lower than previously assumed. Frequently burned savannas had substantial belowground carbon, especially in biomass and deep soils. These belowground reservoirs are not fully considered in afforestation or fire-suppression schemes but may mean that the decadal sequestration potential of savannas is negligible, especially weighed against concomitant losses of biopersity and function.

化学 Chemistry

New land-use-change emissions indicate a declining CO2 airborne fraction


作者:Margreet J. E. van Marle, Dave van Wees, Richard A. Houghton, Robert D. Field, Jan Verbesselt & Guido. R. van der Werf




到目前为止,这些排放被认为是相对稳定的,导致空气中的比例不断增加。然而,我们的结果表明,自1959年以来,大气中CO2含量下降了0.014 0.010 decade 1。这表明,陆地-海洋联合汇的增长速度至少与人为排放的增长速度一样快。


Here we construct a LULCC emissions dataset using visibility data in key deforestation zones. These visibility observations are a proxy for fire emissions, which are — in turn — related to LULCC. Although indirect, this provides a long-term consistent dataset of LULCC emissions, showing that tropical deforestation emissions increased substantially (0.16 Pg C decade 1) since the start of CO2 concentration measurements in 1958. So far, these emissions were thought to be relatively stable, leading to an increasing airborne fraction. Our results, however, indicate that the CO2 airborne fraction has decreased by 0.014   0.010 decade 1 since 1959. This suggests that the combined land–ocean sink has been able to grow at least as fast as anthropogenic emissions.

编译 | 李言

Nature , 8 April 2021, Volume 592 Issue 7853

《自然》 2021年4月8日,第592卷,7853期

天文学 Astronomy

Five carbon- and nitrogen-bearing species in a hot giant planet’s atmosphere


作者:Paolo Giacobbe, Matteo Brogi, Siddharth Gandhi, Patricio E. Cubillos, et al.




氰化氢和这两种分子都在HD 209458b的大气中被发现。HD 209458b是一个被充分研究过的热木星(平衡温度在1500 k左右),曾经检测出氨,但随后被否认。

在此,我们报告HD 209458b的观察结果,显示存在水、一氧化碳、氰化氢、甲烷、氨和乙炔,每个分子5.3到9.9个标准偏差。辐射和化学平衡的大气模型表明,探测到的物质具有富碳化学成分,碳氧比接近或大于1,高于太阳的值(0.55)。

根据现有的关于大气化学与行星形成和迁移情景的模型,这可能表明HD 209458b在远离目前位置的地方形成,随后向内迁移。


Previous observations of hot Jupiters as they transit in front of their host stars have revealed the frequent presence of water vapour and carbon monoxide in their atmospheres; this has been studied in terms of scaled solar composition under the usual assumption of chemical equilibrium. Both molecules as well as hydrogen cyanide were found in the atmosphere of HD 209458b, a well studied hot Jupiter (with equilibrium temperature around 1,500 kelvin), whereas ammonia was tentatively detected there and subsequently refuted. Here we report observations of HD 209458b that indicate the presence of water ( H2 O), carbon monoxide (CO), hydrogen cyanide (HCN), methane (C H4 ), ammonia (N H3 ) and acetylene ( C2H2 ), with statistical significance of 5.3 to 9.9 standard deviations per molecule. Atmospheric models in radiative and chemical equilibrium that account for the detected species indicate a carbon-rich chemistry with a carbon-to-oxygen ratio close to or greater than 1, higher than the solar value (0.55). According to existing models relating the atmospheric chemistry to planet formation and migration scenarios, this would suggest that HD 209458b formed far from its present location and subsequently migrated inwards.

考古学 Archaeology

Innovative Homo sapiens behaviours 105,000 years ago in a wetter Kalahari


作者:Jayne Wilkins, Benjamin J. Schoville, Robyn Pickering, Luke Gliganic, et al.








The archaeological record of Africa provides the earliest evidence for the emergence of the complex symbolic and technological behaviours that characterize Homo sapiens. However, stratified Late Pleistocene sites with good preservation and robust chronologies are rare in the interior of southern Africa, and the coastal hypothesis therefore remains untested. Here we show that early human innovations that are similar to those dated to around 105 thousand years ago (ka) in coastal southern Africa existed at around the same time among humans who lived over 600 km inland. We report evidence for the intentional collection of non-utilitarian objects (calcite crystals) and ostrich eggshell from excavations of a stratified rockshelter deposit in the southern Kalahari Basin, which we date by optically stimulated luminescence to around 105 ka. Uranium–thorium dating of relict tufa deposits indicates sporadic periods of substantial volumes of fresh, flowing water; the oldest of these episodes is dated to between 110 and 100 ka and is coeval with the archaeological deposit. Our results suggest that behavioural innovations among humans in the interior of southern Africa did not lag behind those of populations near the coast, and that these innovations may have developed within a wet savannah environment.

材料科学 Material Science

Entropic evidence for a Pomeranchuk effect in magic-angle graphene


作者:Asaf Rozen, Jeong Min Park, Uri Zondiner, Yuan Cao, Daniel Rodan-Legrain, et al.




使用局部和全局电子熵测量,我们发现,在每摩尔单胞填充近一个电子时,电子熵显著增加到约每单胞1 k B。这个巨大的过量熵被指向其磁源的平面内磁场淬灭。可压缩性随电子密度的变化而急剧下降,伴随着费米能级的重置回到狄拉克点附近,标志着两相之间的清晰边界。




In the 1950s, Pomeranchuk predicted that, counterintuitively, liquid 3He may solidify on heating. This effect arises owing to high excess nuclear spin entropy in the solid phase, where the atoms are spatially localized. Here we find that an analogous effect occurs in magic-angle twisted bilayer graphene. Using both local and global electronic entropy measurements, we show that near a filling of one electron per moiré unit cell, there is a marked increase in the electronic entropy to about 1 k B per unit cell ( k B is the Boltzmann constant). This large excess entropy is quenched by an in-plane magnetic field, pointing to its magnetic origin. A sharp drop in the compressibility as a function of the electron density, associated with a reset of the Fermi level back to the vicinity of the Dirac point, marks a clear boundary between two phases. We map this jump as a function of electron density, temperature and magnetic field. This reveals a phase diagram that is consistent with a Pomeranchuk-like temperature- and field-driven transition from a low-entropy electronic liquid to a high-entropy correlated state with nearly free magnetic moments. The correlated state features an unusual combination of seemingly contradictory properties, some associated with itinerant electrons—such as the absence of a thermodynamic gap, metallicity and a Dirac-like compressibility—and others associated with localized moments, such as a large entropy and its disappearance under a magnetic field.

Isospin Pomeranchuk effect in twisted bilayer graphene


作者:Yu Saito, Fangyuan Yang, Jingyuan Ge, Xiaoxue Liu, Takashi Taniguchi, Kenji Watanabe, et al.




值得注意的是,在超晶格填充因子 1附近,高温时电阻率出现峰值,而在低温极限时则没有出现相应的相。倾斜磁场的磁输运和面内磁矩的热力学测量表明,电阻率峰值与系统发展为有限同位旋极化的有限场磁相变有关。这些数据提示了一种波梅兰丘克型机制。



Here we show that a similar mechanism describes the finite-temperature dynamics of spin and valley isospins in magic-angle twisted bilayer graphene. Notably, a resistivity peak appears at high temperatures near a superlattice filling factor of 1, despite no signs of a commensurate correlated phase appearing in the low-temperature limit. Tilted-field magnetotransport and thermodynamic measurements of the in-plane magnetic moment show that the resistivity peak is connected to a finite-field magnetic phase transition at which the system develops finite isospin polarization. These data are suggestive of a Pomeranchuk-type mechanism, in which the entropy of disordered isospin moments in the ferromagnetic phase stabilizes the phase relative to an isospin-unpolarized Fermi liquid phase at higher temperatures.

Diversity-oriented synthesis of polymer membranes with ion solvation cages


作者:Miranda J. Baran, Mark E. Carrington, Swagat Sahu, Artem Baskin, Junhua Song, et al.







Here we describe a persity-oriented synthetic strategy for microporous polymer membranes to identify candidates featuring FVEs that serve as solvation cages for lithium ions (Li+). This strategy includes persification of bis(catechol) monomers by Mannich reactions to introduce Li+-coordinating functionality within FVEs, topology-enforcing polymerizations for networking FVEs into different pore architectures, and several on-polymer reactions for persifying pore geometries and dielectric properties. The most promising candidate membranes featuring ion solvation cages exhibited both higher ionic conductivity and higher cation transference number than control membranes, in which FVEs were aspecific, indicating that conventional bounds for membrane permeability and selectivity for ion transport can be overcome.

地球科学 Geoscience

A 200-million-year delay in permanent atmospheric oxygenation


作者:Simon W. Poulton, Andrey Bekker, Vivien M. Cumming, Aubrey L. Zerkle, Donald E. Canfield & David T. Johnston



早期大气氧化发生在以多次全球冰期为标志的长期极端气候不稳定时期,氧浓度最初上升到目前大气水平的 10- 5 以上的时间则推定为24.3亿年前。然而,随后大气氧含量的波动一直持续到大约23.2亿年前,这代表了大气中不可逆氧化的估计时间。


因此,在大约2亿年的时间里,氧气水平在目前大气水平的 10- 5 的阈值上下波动。永久的大氧化事件比目前估计的晚了大约1亿年。


Early atmospheric oxygenation occurred over a protracted period of extreme climatic instability marked by multiple global glaciations, with the initial rise of oxygen concentration to above 10- 5 of the present atmospheric level constrained to about 2.43 billion years ago. Subsequent fluctuations in atmospheric oxygen levels have, however, been reported to have occurred until about 2.32 billion years ago, which represents the estimated timing of irreversible oxygenation of the atmosphere. Here we report a high-resolution reconstruction of atmospheric and local oceanic redox conditions across the final two glaciations of the early Palaeoproterozoic era, as documented by marine sediments from the Transvaal Supergroup, South Africa. Using multiple sulfur isotope and iron–sulfur–carbon systematics, we demonstrate continued oscillations in atmospheric oxygen levels after about 2.32 billion years ago that are linked to major perturbations in ocean redox chemistry and climate. Oxygen levels thus fluctuated across the threshold of 10- 5 of the present atmospheric level for about 200 million years, with permanent atmospheric oxygenation finally arriving with the Lomagundi carbon isotope excursion at about 2.22 billion years ago, some 100 million years later than currently estimated.



学校在硅衬底GaN基发光二极管、FKBP12.6介导的心肌细胞肌质网钙释放在正常心脏和心脏疾病中的作用及其机制研究、灵芝质量控制模式及黑灵芝多糖的结构表征与活性功能研究、认知记忆的去甲肾上腺素能调控研究、过敏性疾病尘螨变应原的基础研究及其诊断试剂盒的研制、稻米营养方便食品及其加工副产品深加工关键技术和产业化、益生菌发酵果蔬关键技术及其产业化应用、高速铁路数字化测量系统、南方离子型稀土矿资源高效利用和绿色分离等领域取得一批具有一定原创性、标志性、有特色的科研成果。“十一五”期间,南昌大学科研经费总额达9.076亿元,承担国家和省部级科研项目1419项,专利授权217项,分别比“十五”期间增长343%、217%和578%,呈现快速增长态势。发表SCI收录论文1030篇,EI收录论文706篇,ISTP收录论文443篇,CSSCI收录论文1045篇。科技成果转让带动政府、社会总投资37.2亿元。在组建国家级重点实验室、承担国家级重大课题研究方面取得突破并呈现良好增长势头。 2012年,学校获批国家自然科学基金项目193项(重点项目1项),在全国高校排第59位,获批国家社会科学基金项目30项(重点项目2项),在全国高校排第19位。获专利授权300多项,国际三大检索收录论文964篇。作为主持单位承担863计划2项。学校成立有光伏技术研究院、转化医学研究院、生命科学研究院、空间科学与技术研究院、高等研究院、军工研究院等82个科研单位。2015年,学校获批国家自然科学基金项目199项(位列全国申报单位第30名);国家社会科学基金21项(位列全国高校第36名),其中国家社科基金重大项目1项,国家艺术基金项目(大型舞台剧和作品类)1项。南昌大学国家大学科技园依托南昌大学创办,2001年经省科技厅、省教育厅批准成立。已成为江西省重要的高新技术企业孵化基地、科技成果转化基地、创新创业人才培养基地、产学研结合示范基地和高新技术发展的辐射基地。 学校大力推进学研产用相结合,先后与省内外地方政府、企事业单位和科研院所签订了一大批全面合作协议,涌现出国家大学科技园、晶能光电、中兴软件(南昌)公司、丰城低碳生态科技示范园、宜春锂电及新能源汽车研究院等一批产业基地。 校训:格物致新、厚德泽人 。校徽新徽标主体色为蓝色,蓝色套边类似蓝色青花瓷盘,富有江西特征。圆环中是一棵樟树,茂密的枝干表示南昌大学是一所文理渗透、理工结合的综合性大学,同时也象征昌大蓬勃旺盛的生命力和“百年树人”的教学风范。樟树是江西省的省树。“南昌大学”校名由赵朴初题写。 校徽同斯坦福大学、京都大学校徽相似,皆由树为主体。 校名“南昌大学”校名由已故的原中国佛教协会会长、中国书法家协会会长、全国政协副主席、著名书法家的赵朴初先生题写。 校歌作词:王易改编:周明作曲:遥远赣水之滨西山麓,蓬勃朝气迎晨曦,巍巍昌大宏规启,弦歌既倡薪火继。扬六艺,张四维;励志节,戒荒嬉。重科学,笃日新;图自强,养大气。求知力行期有为,崇德尚能兴华夏。继往开来,开来兮,责在斯! 南昌大学“前湖之风”周末讲坛,是学校为丰富大学校园文化生活,活跃校园文化学术氛围,让广大师生增长知识、开拓视野、提高品位,更好地培育创新拔尖人才而开办的。“前湖之风”周末讲坛作为南昌大学校园文化建设一个重要组成部分,坚持“两为”方向和“双百”方针;秉承“格物致新 厚德泽人”的校训;传承“育人为本、教研并重、兼容并蓄、致善致用”的办学思想;坚持开放性、高雅性、定期性、互动性、群众性的原则。“前湖之风”周末讲坛是南昌大学唯一的定时定点的学术讲堂。讲坛主要面向全校师生,邀请国内外各领域的著名专家、学者和省内外知名人士前来演讲,并致力于建立长期性、定期性、全方位、开放式的演讲人才库。讲坛采取师生互动的形式,以专题讲座为主,对话、讨论、辩论等多种形式为辅,每期进行全程录象和视情况进行现场直播并定期整理,汇编出版《前湖之风》周末讲坛校园文化丛书。



Nature 是科学领域内具有重要影响力的期刊之一,以其高水平、严谨的科学论文而著名。发表 Nature 论文的难度较大,以下几点具体阐述:











