

发布时间:2024-07-04 05:25:27










梅森 梅森曾于1644年断言:“267-1是个素数。”当时,人们对其断言深信不疑,连德国大数学家莱布尼兹和哥德巴赫都认为它是对的。也许这是因为梅森的名气太大了,因此没有人敢对其断言表示怀疑。1930年,在美国数学协会的年会上,数学家科尔作了一次精彩的演讲,他提交的论文题目是“关于大数的因子分解”。在“演讲”过程中,他始终一言不发,只默默地在黑板上进行计算。他先算出267-1的结果,再算出193707721×761838257287的结果,两个结果完全一样。科尔第一个否定了“267-1是个素数”这一自梅森断言以来一直被人们相信的结论,其“演讲”赢得了全场听众起立热烈鼓掌和齐声喝彩。这个“一言不发的演讲”成了科学史上的佳话。会后,人们问科尔:“你花费多少时间来研究这个问题?”他静静地说:“三年的全部星期天。”后来,这一传奇的“演讲”使他当选为美国数学协会的会长。他去世后,该协会专门设立了“科尔奖”,用于奖励作出杰出贡献的数学家。

















华罗庚简历 华罗庚是中国科学院主席团委员和数理科学部委员,中国科学技术协会副主席和中国民主同盟的卓越领导人,中国人民政治协商会议全国委员会副主席。更重要的是,他是中国乃至世界现代史上杰出的数学家。他是中国解析数论、典型群、矩阵几何学、自守函数论与多复变函数论等很多方面研究的创始人与开拓者。他关于完整三角和的研究成果被国际数学界称为“华氏定理”。华罗庚一生留下了二百多篇学术论文和专著。由于他在科学研究史上的卓越成就,先后被选为美国科学院外籍院士,第三世界科学院院士,法国南锡大学、美国伊利诺大学、香港中文大学博士,联邦德国巴伐利亚科学院院士,他的名字已栽入国际著名科学家的史册。华罗庚一生在数学上取得非凡的成绩,而他的一生并非一帆风顺,正是在坎坷中,他勤奋苦学,立志成才,为祖国及世界的数学研究做出无法估量的贡献。 童年 1910年11月12日,华罗庚出生在江苏省金坛县一位商人家中。父亲华瑞栋早年参加过辛亥革命,经过商,后来破落了。回家乡开了一爿小杂货铺,靠惨淡的小本经营养活一个妻子和女儿。华罗庚出生时,父亲已经四十岁。中年得子,夫妻俩把儿子看成掌上明珠,为了给儿子祝福,一生下来就用两个箩筐扣住了他。华罗庚因此得名。然而他幼年时,却不是父母所指望的那样,肯于乖乖地呆在箩筐里,他非常顽皮、爱动,是一个肯动脑子的孩子. 少年 华罗庚小学是在金坛仁劬小学度过的。因成绩不好,他没有拿到毕业证书,只拿到一张修业证书[注1]。而后,他进入了刚刚创办的金坛县立初级中学[注2]。华罗庚的才能这时就已初露锋芒。他的启蒙老师李月波是位很好得数学教师,是他引导和培养了华罗庚对数学的兴趣,为初中三年的学习打下了良好基础。在华罗庚初三那一年,又有一位老师王维克注意到他是一个肯思考且有新意的学生,更注意培养他。1925年初中毕业后,由于家境窘迫,供不起华罗庚到省城去念高中,他进入了上海中华职业学校念书,以为将来能谋求个会计之类的职业,但一年后还是由于交不起学费而辍学。 青年 1927年华罗庚回到了家乡,帮助父亲在小杂货铺里干活、记帐,同时努力钻研数学。那时,华罗庚站在柜台前,顾客来了就帮助父亲作生意,打算盘,记帐,顾客一走就又埋头看书演算起数学题来。有时入了迷,竟忘了接待顾客,甚至把算题的结果当作顾客应付的货款,使顾客吓一跳。因为经常发生类似莫名其妙的事情,时间久了,街坊邻居都传为笑谈,大家给他起个绰号,叫“罗呆子”。每逢遇到怠慢顾客的事情发生,他的父亲又气又急,说他念“天书”念呆了,要强行把书烧掉。争执发生时,他总是死死地抱着书不放。后来,回忆起这段生活,他辛酸地说:“那正是我应当受教育的年月,但一个‘穷’字剥夺了我的梦想:在西北风口上,擦着清水鼻涕,一双草鞋一支烟,一卷灯草一根针地为了活命而挣扎,”[注3]顽强自学到十八岁,华罗庚和一位同年龄的姑娘吴筱元结了婚。这一年的秋天,金坛瘟疫蔓延,华罗庚染上了可怕的寒症。在母亲和妻子的精心照料下,总算活过来了,却留下了终生的残疾--左腿关节变形,瘸了。病愈后,他外出谋生一瘸一拐地出现在家乡街头时,人们见了怜悯地说:“年纪轻轻就变成了这样,以后的日子怎么过啊!”听了这些议论,他心里很难受,经过认真思索,决定把一生献给数学。他想:“我别无他择。干别的工作要到处跑,或者要设备条件。我选中教学,是因为它只需要一支笔、一张纸-道具简单”。仅一本代数,一本几何和一本五十页的微积分。但是,有志者事竟成,华罗庚终于在十九岁那年写出了著名的“苏家驹之代数的五次方程不能成立的理由”。当时清华北京大学数学系主任熊庆来[注4]看后对这篇文章很重视,他惊问周围的人说:“这个华罗庚是谁?”。一位名叫唐培经的教员在清华工作,此人是华罗庚的同乡,向熊庆来谈了华罗庚的身世。一九三七年秋季的一天,熊庆来派人拿着招牌到北京火车站把华罗庚街道清华大学,把他安排在图书馆里担任助理员。这时华罗庚只有二十一岁。 来到清华工作,是华罗庚的一生中一个重要转折,它的数学生涯也真正从这儿开始。进了清华大学,他一面工作,一面学习、旁听。最先感兴趣的是研究数论,在这方面他一直得到熊庆来的鼓励。熊庆来在芝加哥大学的博士论文就是在莱奥那德·狄克逊指导下工作的关于堆垒素数论中的华林问题。我国数学家早在一三零零年就对数学家做出过有价值的贡献,其中包括:二项式系数的巴士卡三角形,逼近多项式根的方法,解四次方程的联立方程组的技巧,关于同余式组的解的“中国余数定理”。但是,到了明朝就停滞不前。本世纪开始,我国数学家开始吸收西方数学的精华,并继承古代数学家的传统,开始发表论文。本世纪二十年代末期论文逐渐增多,首先是在数论和“难”分析的领域里。华罗庚在清华大学的四年中,在数论方面发表了十几篇论文,自修了英、法、的文。二十五岁时已成为蜚声国际的青年学者。一天,清华的教授们聚到一起讨论能不能破格把没有大学毕业文凭的华罗庚提升为助教。会上,有的赞成,有的反对。最后,理学院院长叶企荪作了总结,他说:“清华出了个华罗庚,是好事。我们不要被资格所限制!”就这样,华罗庚迅速由助教员提升为助教、教授。以后又被中华文化教育基金会聘为研究员。一九三六年夏天由该会资助到英国剑桥大学留学。 在英国,华罗庚参加了一个有名的数论学家的小组。这个小组包括英国数学家哈罗尔德·达凡波特、哈代、李特伍德,德国数学家埃斯特曼和汉斯·海尔勃洛嗯。华罗庚在剑桥大学的工作大部分是研究堆垒素数论。堆类素数论涉及到把整数分解成某些别的整数的和。华林问题是这个学科中最透彻的研究过的一个问题,其中特殊的数是K次幂。问题是这样的:对于给定的K,要求最小的整数S,称为G(K),方程是:n=x1+x2+……+xs对每个正态数n都是可解的。1909年,在华林之后一百年,希尔伯特证明了:对每一个k,这样的最小值g(k)当然是存在的。但是它的证明与其说是构造性的,毋宁说是归纳性的,所以就不必给出g(k)明确的上界。自希尔伯特之后许多著名的数学家都致力于计算g(k)的工作。例如已经知道g(2)=4,就是说每一个整数能够表示为四个整数的平方和或者九个整整数的立方和,并且这四、九的个数不能太小。对于所有的k,要找出g(k)的明确表达的试图尚未成功。尽管相信,对于所有的正整数k,除掉有限的几个外,有g(k)=ak+A-a,此处A是不超过(3/2k)的最大整数。因为相对小的整数有时可以由特殊的表示,它包含在某些更广泛的基本结果中。g(k)定义为方程(1)对于全体充分大的n,可解的最小整数s。在计算或估计g(k)方面已经作了许多努力,知道g(2)=4,4<=g(3)<=g(4)=16,达凡波特在1942年证明了:g(5)<=25,g(6)<=36,但对于k>=s,没有找出g(k)明确的值。歌德巴赫问题就是和华林问题密切联系的一个著名难题。其中k=1,s=2或3,x要求是素数。歌德巴赫问题可表达为:“规定任意偶数h,能否找到素数x1和x2,使n=x1+x2”,对于s=3,则为“给定任意技术n,能否找到素数x1、x2、x3,是n=x1+x2+x3?”华罗庚在华林问题和歌德巴赫问题上的研究结果将他欧洲同事的工作包罗殆尽。在二十年代,哈代和李特伍德公布了一系列的论文,他们用新的解析方法解决华林问题,并指出g(k)=O(n+1),对于方程(1)要求x1>=O;……x3>=O的整数解的个数(rs(n)),他们也得到一个渐近的公式。他们将rk,s(n)表示为k,s和n的函数。为n→无穷时,加上一项(n-1+s/k),但是他们的结果仅仅是对s大的知识有效的。华罗庚在华林问题最好的成果,按照海尔勃洛恩德看法是证明了哈代--利特伍德公式对于所有s>=2+1成立。这就是华氏定理。华罗庚的这一成果,至今仍是逻辑地引导到估计g(k)一把有力的钥匙。达凡波特这样写道:华罗庚关于三角积分(2)的“最有效”的界,是他能够导出G(5)和G(6)的严格不等式。在达凡波特之前,对前一种情况的最强估计G(5),<28是属于华罗庚1939年的成果。在剑桥大学的两年中,华罗庚就“华林问题”、“他利问题”,“奇数的歌德巴赫问题”写了十八篇论文,先后发表在英、苏、印度、法、德等国的杂志上。其中包括“论高斯的完整三角和估计问题”这篇有名的论文。按其成就,已经越过了每一条院士的要求,但在剑桥他从未正式申请过学位。 1937年夏天,日本开始全面进犯中国,清华大学与北京大学迁到昆明,改名为西南联合大学。华罗庚由英国回国,这期间他除担任西南联合大学的数学教授外,还兼任中央研究院数学研究员、资源委员会专门委员,1946年到苏联访问讲学时路径印度、伊朗等地。华罗庚是个爱国者,回忆昆明的生活,他曾愤然写过这样的诗句:“寄旅昆明日,金瓯半缺时,狐虎满街走,鹰鹯扑地费。“在昆明郊区的一个小村庄里,这位国内外富有盛名的大学教授一家七口住在两间小厢楼里,吃饭、睡觉、读书、做研究工作都在这间小房子里,晚上用个破香烟罐子放上油盏,采些破棉花做灯芯,放上些菜油,用豆粒大小的灯火照明,楼下就是牲口棚,牛马在支撑小楼的柱子上擦痒时,擦得小楼摇摇欲坠。不时传来马的啼鸣、牛的哼气声和猪的尖叫。华罗庚白天拖着病腿外出上课,用微薄的薪水养活全家,晚上埋头研究。先后写了二十多篇论文,1941年完成了他第一部著作《堆垒素数论》的手稿,他在这本书中讨论了华林问题,哥德巴赫问题和一些相关联的问题,统一并改进了他以前论文里的结果。他把这本手稿交给了原中央科学院数学研究所,但是当时没有出版。1945年下半年,他应苏联科学院的邀请,到苏联旅行。早在三十年代,华罗庚就与苏联数学家维诺格拉陀夫开始通行,他们关于三角和方法的发展显著的改变了解析数论整个学科。为了褒奖华罗庚的贡献,苏联杂志《报告》从1937到1941年每年都刊登华罗庚的一篇论文。1946年四月苏联科学院出版了它的《堆垒素数论》。其中有些结果,现在还被认为是经典的。1946年秋天,华罗庚应美国普林斯顿大学魏尔教授邀请访问美国。行前,上海《东方日报》记者赵浩生访问了他。他在一篇访问记中转述了华罗庚的话说:“在昆明为了躲警报,家住在乡下,每次跑进城里上课,整天愁这一家人的生活。如果不是不得已,决不愿意出国。如果有那么一天,我们的梦想实现了,中国正开始和平建设,我想科学决不事太次要的问题,我们决不能等待真正需要科学的时候,才开始研究科学。”华罗庚就是怀着这样的心情,从黄浦江畔乘坐“美国将军号”前往美国的。同行的有吴大猷、曾昭伦、李政道、朱光亚、唐敖庆等。[注1] 华罗庚:《聪明在于学习,天才在于积累》,《中国青年》,7,1956[注2] 知识分子韩大受于1922年创办[注3] 1963年10月5日人民日报[注4] 熊庆来(1893-1969),云南弥勒人。早年曾先后赴美国芝加哥大学留学,获博士学位。1914年在法国留学时获科学博士学位。1926年从法国护国,任中国科学院数学研究所研究员,从事整函数和亚纯函数研究多年。解放前,先后在昆明东南大学、北京清华大学、昆明云南大学创办了数学系。







保罗·埃尔德什(Erdős Pál,在英语中作Paul Erdős,1913年3月26日—1996年9月20日),匈牙利籍犹太人,数学家。发表论文高达1500多篇(包括和人合写的),为现时发表论文数最多的数学家(第二位为欧拉);曾和511人合写论文。埃尔德什热爱自由,十分讨厌权威,尤其是法西斯。他四处游历,探访当地的数学家,与他们一起工作,合写论文。他很重视数学家的培训,遇到有天份的孩子,会鼓励他们继续研究。埃尔德什经常沉思数学问题,视数学为生命,在母亲死后,他开始经常服食精神药物。他经常长时间工作,老年仍每日工作19小时,酷爱饮咖啡,曾说“数学家是将咖啡转换成定理的机器”。因为埃尔德什和别人合写的论文实在太多了,所以有人定义了埃尔德什数,简称埃数。埃尔德什的埃尔德什数为0,与他直接合作写论文的人的埃数为1,与埃数为1的人合写论文的人埃数为2,依此类推。埃尔德什十分独持。除了衣食住行这些生活基本要知的事之外,他对很多问题也毫不关心,年青时甚至被人误以为是同性恋者,但其实他无论对异性或是同性都没有兴趣。事实上,他是一个博学的人,对历史了如指掌,但长大后只专注数学,任何其他事情也不管。埃尔德什说话有自己的一套“密语”,用各种有趣的名词来代替神、美国、孩子和婚姻等,如上帝被叫SF(Supreme Fascist,最大的法西斯的简称),小孩子被叫作epsilon(希腊语字母ε,数学中用于表示小量),美国被叫作山姆(Sam),苏联被叫作乔(Joe)。 他3岁时已能算出3位数乘法,4岁时独自发现了负数,大学一年级时给出了贝特兰猜想的一个初等证明,21岁时已获博士学位。埃尔德什终身未娶,没有固定职业,把一生献给了数学。他发表了1475篇高水平的学术论文(包括与他人合写的),被称为20世纪的欧拉,先后获得过柯尔奖和沃尔夫奖。

欧拉 【来源:中国数学会网站】 欧拉,L.(Euler,Leonhard)1707年4月15日生于瑞士巴塞尔;1783年9月18日卒于俄国圣彼得堡.数学、力学、天文学、物理学. 欧拉的祖先原来居住在瑞士东北部博登湖(康斯坦斯湖)畔的小城——林道.16世纪末,他的曾祖父汉斯·乔治·欧拉(HansGeorg Euler)带领全家顺莱茵河而下,迁居巴塞尔.这个家族几代人多为手艺劳动者.欧拉的父亲保罗·欧拉(Paul Euler)则毕业于巴塞尔大学神学系,是基督教新教的牧师.1706年,保罗与另一位牧师的女儿玛格丽特·勃鲁克(Margarete Brucker)结婚.翌年春,欧拉降生.1708年,保罗举家迁居巴塞尔附近的村庄——里亨(Riehen).欧拉就在这田园静谧的乡村度过他的童年. 欧拉的父亲很喜爱数学.还在大学读书时,他就常去听雅格布·伯努利(Jakob Bernouli)的数学讲座.他亲自对欧拉进行包括数学在内的启蒙教育,并盼望儿子成为教门的后起之秀.贤惠的母亲为了使欧拉及时受到良好的学校教育,把他送到巴塞尔外祖母家生活了几年,入那里的一所文科中学念书.可是,这所学校不教数学.勤勉好学的欧拉独自随业余数学家J.伯克哈特(Bu-rckhart)学习.欧拉聪敏早慧,酷爱数学.他曾下苦功研读C.鲁道夫(Rudolf)的《代数学》(Algebra,1553)达数年之久.1720年秋,年仅13岁的欧拉进了巴塞尔大学文科.当时,约翰·伯努利(Johann Bernoulli)任该校数学教授.他每天讲授基础数学课程,同时还给那些有兴趣的少数高材生开设更高深的数学、物理学讲座.欧拉是约翰·伯努利的最忠实的听众.他勤奋地学习所有的科目,但仍不满足.欧拉后来在自传中写道:“……不久,我找到了一个把自己介绍给著名的约翰·伯努利教授的机会.……他确实忙极了,因此断然拒绝给我个别授课.但是,他给了我许多更加宝贵的忠告,使我开始独立地学习更困难的数学著作,尽我所能努力地去研究它们.如果我遇到什么障碍或困难,他允许我每星期六下午自由地去找他,他总是和蔼地为我解答一切疑难……无疑,这是在数学学科上获得成功的最好的方法.”约翰的两个儿子尼吉拉·伯努利第二(Nikolaus Bernoulli II)、丹尼尔·伯努利(Daniel Bernoulli),也成了欧拉的挚友.1722年夏,欧拉在巴塞尔大学获学士学位.翌年,他又获哲学硕士学位.但授予这一学位是在1724年6月8日的会议上正式通告的.此前,他为了满足父亲的愿望,于1723年秋又入神学系.他在神学、希腊语、希伯莱语方面的学习并不成功.他仍把大部分时间花在数学上.尽管欧拉后来彻底放弃了当牧师的念头,但他却终生虔诚地信奉基督教.欧拉18岁开始其数学研究生涯.1726年,他在《博学者》(Acta eruditorum)上发表了关于在有阻尼的介质中的等时曲线结构问题的文章.翌年,他研究弹道问题和船桅的最佳布置问题.后者是这年巴黎科学院的有奖征文课题.欧拉的论文虽未获得奖金,却得到了荣誉提名.此后,从1738年至1772年,欧拉共获得巴黎科学院12次奖金.在瑞士,当时青年数学家的工作条件非常艰难,而俄国新组建的圣彼得堡科学院正在网罗人才.1725年秋,尼古拉第二和丹尼尔应聘前往俄国,并向当局力荐欧拉.翌年秋,欧拉在巴塞尔收到圣彼得堡科学院的聘书,请他去那里任生理学院士助理.然而,故土难离.欧拉开始用数学和力学方法研究生理学,同时仍期望在巴塞尔大学找到职位.恰好,这时该校有一位物理学教授病故,出现空席.欧拉向学校教授评议会递交了“论声音的物理学原理”(Dissertatio physica de sono,1727)的论文,争取教授资格.在激烈的竞争中,未满20岁的欧拉落选了.1727年4月5日欧拉告别故乡,5月24日抵达圣彼得堡.从那时起,欧拉的一生和他的科学工作都紧密地同圣彼得堡科学院和俄国联系在一起.他再也没有回过瑞士.但是,出于对祖国的深厚感情,欧拉始终保留了他的瑞士国籍.欧拉到达圣彼得堡后,立即开始研究工作.不久,他获得了在真正擅长的领域从事研究工作的机会.1727年,他被任命为科学院数学部助理院士.他撰写的关于圣彼得堡科学院学术会议情况的调查报告,也开始在《圣彼得堡科学院汇刊(1727)》(Comme-ntarii Academiae scientiarum imperialis Petropolitanae)第二卷(St.Petersburg,1729)上发表.尽管那些年俄国政局动荡,圣彼得堡科学院还处在艰难岁月之中,但周围的学术气氛对发展欧拉的才华特别有利.那里聚集着一群杰出的科学家,如数学家C.哥德巴赫(Goldbach)、丹尼尔·伯努利,力学家J.赫尔曼(Hermann),三角学家F.梅尔(Maier),天文学家和地理学家J.N.德莱索(Delisle)等.他们同欧拉的个人情谊与共同的科学兴趣,使得彼此在科研工作中配合默契、相得益彰.1731年,欧拉成为物理学教授.1733年,丹尼尔·伯努利返回巴塞尔后,欧拉接替了他的数学教授职务,担负起领导科学院数学部的重任.这对亲密的朋友,以后通信40多年,促进了科学的竞争和发展.是年冬,欧拉和科学院预科学校的美术教师、瑞士画家G.葛塞尔(Gsell)的女儿柯黛林娜·葛塞尔(Katharina Gsell)结婚.翌年,其长子约翰·阿尔勃兰克(Johann Albrecht)降生.1740年,卡尔(Karl)出世.恬静、美满的家庭生活伴随着欧拉科学生涯的第一个黄金时期.还在圣彼得堡科学院建成之初,俄国政府就责成它除了进行纯科学研究之外,还要培养、训练俄国科学家.为此,科学院建立了一所大学和预科学校,大学办了近50年,预科学校一直办到1805年.俄国政府还委托科学院制定俄国的地图,解决各种具体技术问题.欧拉积极参与并领导了科学院的这些工作.从1733年起,他和德莱索成功地进行了地图研究.从30年代中期开始,欧拉以极大的精力研究航海和船舶建造问题.这些问题对于俄国成为海上强国,是具有重大意义的.欧拉是各种技术委员会的成员,又担任科学院考试委员会委员.他既要为科学院的期刊撰稿、审稿,还要为附属大学、预科学校准备讲义、开设讲座,工作十分忙碌.然而,他的主要成就是在数学研究上.在圣彼得堡的头14年间,欧拉以无可匹敌的工作效率在分析学、数论和力学等领域作出许多辉煌的发现.截止1741年,他完成了近90种著作,公开发表了55种,其中包括1936年完成的两卷本《力学或运动科学的分析解说》(Mechanica sive motus scie-ntia analytice exposita).他的研究硕果累累,声望与日俱增,赢得了各国科学家的尊敬.欧拉从前的导师约翰·伯努利早在1728年的信中就称他为“最善于学习和最有天赋的科学家”,1737年又称他是“最驰名和最博学的数学家”.欧拉后来谦逊地说:“……我和所有其他有幸在俄罗斯帝国科学院工作过一段时间的人都不能不承认,我们应把所获得的一切和所掌握的一切归功于我们在那儿拥有的有利条件.”由于过度的劳累,1738年,欧拉在一场疾病之后右眼失明了.但他仍旧坚韧不拔地工作.他热爱科学,热爱生活.他非常喜欢孩子(他一生有过13个孩子,除了5个以外都夭亡了).写论文时往往膝上抱着婴儿,大一点的孩子则绕膝戏耍.他酷爱音乐.在撰写艰深的数学论文时,他的“那种轻松自如是令人难以置信的”.1740年秋冬,俄国政局再度骤变,形势极不安定.欧拉此时与圣彼得堡科学院粗鲁、专横的顾问J.D.舒马赫尔(Schuma-cher)也产生了磨擦.为了使自己的科学事业不受损害,欧拉希望寻求新的出路.恰好这年夏天继承了普鲁士王位的腓特烈(Frederick)大帝决定重振柏林科学院,他热情邀请欧拉去柏林工作.欧拉接受了邀请.1741年6月19日,欧拉启程离开圣彼得堡,7月25日抵达柏林.柏林科学院是在G.W.莱布尼茨(Leibniz)的大力推动下于1700年创立的,后来它衰落了.欧拉在柏林25年.那时,他精力旺盛,不知疲倦地工作.他鼎力襄助院长P.莫佩蒂(Maupe-rtuis),在恢复和发展柏林科学院的工作中发挥了重大作用.在柏林,欧拉任科学院数学部主任.他是科学院的院务委员、图书馆顾问和学术著作出版委员会委员.他还担负了其他许多行政事务,如管理天文台和植物园,提出人事安排,监督财务,以及历书和地图的出版工作.当院长莫佩蒂外出期间,欧拉代理院长.1759年莫佩蒂去世后,虽然没有正式任命欧拉为院长,但他实际上一直领导着科学院的工作.欧拉和莫佩蒂的友谊,使欧拉能对柏林科学院的一切活动,尤其是在选拔院士方面,施加巨大影响.欧拉还担任过普鲁士政府关于安全保险、退休金和抚恤金等问题的顾问,并为腓特烈大帝了解火炮方面的最新成果(1745年),设计改造费诺运河(1749年),曾主管普鲁士皇家别墅水力系统管系和泵系的设计工作.他和德国许多大学的教授保持广泛联系,对大学教科书的编写和数学教学起了促进作用.在此期间,欧拉一直保留着圣彼得堡科学院院士资格,领取年俸.受该院委托,欧拉为其编纂院刊的数学部分,介绍西欧的科学思想,购买书籍和科学仪器,同时推荐研究人员和课题.他在培养俄国的科学人才方面起了重大的作用.他还经常把自己的学术论文寄往圣彼得堡.他的论文约有一半是用拉丁文在圣彼得堡发表的,另一半用法文在柏林出版.另外,他还先后当选为伦敦皇家学会会员(1749年)、巴塞尔物理数学会会员(1753年)及巴黎科学院院士(1755年).柏林时期是欧拉科学研究的鼎盛时期,其研究范围迅速扩大.他与J.K.达朗贝尔(D’Alembert)和丹尼尔·伯努利展开的学术竞争奠定了数学物理的基础;他与A.克莱罗(Clairaut)和达朗贝尔一起推进了月球和行星运动理论的研究.与此同时,欧拉详尽地阐述了刚体运动理论,创立了流体动力学的数学模型,深入地研究了光学和电磁学,以及消色差折射望远镜等许多技术问题.他写了大约380篇(部)论著,出版了其中的275种.内有分析学、力学、天文学、火炮和弹道学、船舶建造和航海等方面的几部巨著,其中1748年出版的两卷集著作《无穷分析引论》(Introdu-ctio in analysin infinitorum)在数学史上占有十分重要的地位.欧拉参加了18世纪40年代关于莱布尼茨和C.沃尔夫(Wolff)的单子论的激烈辩论.欧拉在自然哲学方面接近R.笛卡儿(Descartes)的机械唯物主义,他和莫佩蒂都是单子论的“劲敌”.1751年,S.柯尼格(K nig)以耸入听闻的新论据,发表了几篇批评莫佩蒂的“最小作用原理”的文章.欧拉翌年撰文反驳,并同莫佩蒂用更浅显的语言来解释最小作用原理.除了这些哲学和科学的争论以外,对于数学的发展来说,欧拉参加了另外三场更重要的争论:与达朗贝尔关于负数对数的争论;与达朗贝尔、丹尼尔·伯努利关于求解弦振动方程的争论;与J.多伦(Dollond)关于光学问题的争论.1759年莫佩蒂去世后,欧拉在普鲁士国王的直接监督之下负责柏林科学院的工作.欧拉同腓特烈大帝之间的关系并不融洽.1763年,当获悉腓特烈想把院长的职务授予达朗贝尔后,欧拉开始考虑离开柏林.圣彼得堡科学院立即遵照卡捷琳娜(Catherine)女皇旨意寄给欧拉聘书,诚挚希望他重返圣彼得堡.但是达朗贝尔拒绝长期移居柏林,使腓特烈一度推迟就院长入选作最后的决定.“七年战争”之后,腓特烈粗暴地干涉欧拉对柏林科学院的事务管理.1765年至1766年,在财政问题上,欧拉与腓特烈之间引发了一场严重的冲突.他恳请普鲁士国王同意他离开柏林.1766年7月28日,欧拉重返圣彼得堡,他的三个儿子和两个女儿也回到俄国,伴于身旁.欧拉的家安置在涅瓦河畔离圣彼得堡科学院不远的舒适之处.他的长子阿尔勃兰克这年成为科学院院士、物理学部教授,三年后又被任命为科学院的终身秘书.1766年,欧拉父子还同时当选为科学院执行委员.欧拉的工作是顺心的,然而,厄运也接二连三地向他袭来.回到圣彼得堡不久,一场疾病使欧拉的左眼几乎完全失明.这时,他已经不能再看书了.只能勉强看清大字体的提纲,用粉笔在石板上写很大的字母.1771年,欧拉双目完全失明.这一年,圣彼得堡的一场特大火灾又使欧拉的住所和财产付之一炬,仅抢救出欧拉及其手稿. 1773年 11月,欧拉夫人柯黛琳娜去世.三年后,她同父异母的妹妹莎洛姆·葛塞尔(SalomeGsell)成为欧拉的第二个妻子.欧拉晚年遭受双目失明、火灾和丧偶的沉重打击,他仍不屈不挠地奋斗,丝毫没有减少科学活动.在他的周围,有一群主动的合作者,包括:他的儿子阿尔勃兰克和克利斯朵夫(Christoph); W.L.克拉夫特(Krafft)院士和A.J.莱克塞尔(Lexell)院士;两位年轻的助手N.富斯(Fuss)和M.E.哥洛文(Golovin).欧拉和他们一起讨论著作出版的总计划,有时简要地口述研究成果.他们则使欧拉的设想变得更加明确,有时还为欧拉的论著编纂例证.据富斯自己统计,七年内他为欧拉整理论文250篇,哥洛文整理了70篇.欧拉非常尊重别人的劳动.1772年出版的《月球运动理论和计算方法》(Theoria motuum lunae, nova methodoPertractata)是在阿尔勃兰克、克拉夫特和莱克塞尔的帮助下完成的,欧拉把他们的名字都印在这本书的扉页上. 重返圣彼得堡后,欧拉的著作出版得更多.他的论著几乎有一半是1765年以后出版的.其中,包括他的三卷本《积分学原理》(Institutiones calculi integralis, 1768—1770)和《关于物理学和哲学问题给德韶公主的信》(Lettresà une princesse d’AllemagneSur divers sujets de physique et de philosophie, 1768—1772).前者的最重要部分是在柏林完成的.后者产生于欧拉给普鲁士国王的侄女的授课内容.这本文笔优雅、通俗易懂的科学著作出版后,很快就在欧洲翻译成多种文字,畅销各国,经久不衰.欧拉是历史上著作最多的数学家.欧拉的多产也得益于他一生非凡的记忆力和心算能力.他70岁时还能准确地回忆起他年轻时读的荷马史诗《伊利亚特》(Iliad)每页的头行和末行.他能够背诵出当时数学领域的主要公式和前100个素数的前六次幂.M.孔多塞(Condorcet)讲述过一个例子,足以说明欧拉的心算本领:欧拉的两个学生把一个颇为复杂的收敛级数的17项相加起来,算到第50位数字时因相差一个单位而产生了争执.为了确定谁正确,欧拉对整个计算过程进行心算,最后把错误找出来了.1783年9月18日,欧拉跟往常一样,度过了这一天的前半天.他给孙女辅导了一节数学课,用粉笔在两块黑板上作了有关气球运动的计算,然后同莱克塞尔和富斯讨论两年前F.W.赫歇尔(Herschel)发现的天王星的轨道计算.大约下午5时,欧拉突然脑出血,他只说了一句“我要死了”,就失去知觉.晚上11时,欧拉停上了呼吸.欧拉逝世不久,富斯和孔多塞分别在圣彼得堡科学院和巴黎科学院的追悼会上致悼词.孔多塞在悼词的结尾耐人寻味地说:“欧拉停止了生命,也停止了计算.”欧拉的菩作在他生前已经有多种输入了中国,其中包括著名的、1748年初版本的《无穷分析引论》.这些著作有一部分曾藏于北京北堂图书馆.它们是18世纪40年代由圣彼得堡科学院赠给北京耶稣会或北京南堂耶稣学院的.这也是中俄数学早期交流的一个明证.19世纪70年代,清代数学家华蘅芳和英国人傅兰雅(John Fryer)合译的《代数术》(1873)和《微积溯源》(1874),都介绍了欧拉学说.在此前后,李善兰和伟烈亚力(Alexander Wylie)合译的《代数学》(1859)、赵元益译的《光学》(1876)、黄钟骏的《畴人传四编》(1898)等著作也记载了欧拉学说或欧拉的事迹(详见文献[32]).中国人民是很早就熟悉欧拉的.欧拉不仅属于瑞士,也属于整个文明世界.著名数学史家A.П.尤什凯维奇(Юшкевич)说,人们可以借B.丰唐内尔(Fontenelle)评价莱布尼茨的话来评价欧拉,“他是乐于看 到自己提供的种子在别人的植物园里开花的人.”在欧拉的全部科学贡献中,其数学成就占据最突出的地位.他在力学、天文学、物理学等方面也闪现着耀眼的光芒.(转自《数学家传记大辞典》,张洪光)


中英文对照太难了英文的维基百科Leonhard Euler Leonhard Euler (pronounced Oiler; IPA [ˈɔʏlɐ]) (April 15, 1707 – September 18 [O.S. September 7] 1783) was a pioneering Swiss mathematician and physicist, who spent most of his life in Russia and Germany. He published more papers than any other mathematician in history.[1]Euler made important discoveries in fields as diverse as calculus and topology. He also introduced much of the modern mathematical terminology and notation, particularly for mathematical analysis, such as the notion of a mathematical function.[2] He is also renowned for his work in mechanics, optics, and astronomy.Euler is considered to be the preeminent mathematician of the 18th century and one of the greatest of all time. He is also one of the most prolific; his collected works fill 60–80 quarto volumes.[3] A statement attributed to Pierre-Simon Laplace expresses Euler's influence on mathematics: "Read Euler, read Euler, he is a master for us all".[4]Euler was featured on the sixth series of the Swiss 10-franc banknote[5] and on numerous Swiss, German, and Russian postage stamps. The asteroid 2002 Euler was named in his honor. He is also commemorated by the Lutheran Church on their Calendar of Saints on May 24.Contents [hide]1 Biography 1.1 Childhood 1.2 St. Petersburg 1.3 Berlin 1.4 Eyesight deterioration 1.5 Last stage of life 2 Contributions to mathematics 2.1 Mathematical notation 2.2 Analysis 2.3 Number theory 2.4 Graph theory 2.5 Applied mathematics 2.6 Physics and astronomy 2.7 Logic 3 Philosophy and religious beliefs 4 Selected bibliography 5 See also 6 Notes 7 Further reading 8 External links [edit] Biography[edit] Childhood Swiss 10 Franc banknote honoring Euler, the most successful Swiss mathematician in history.Euler was born in Basel to Paul Euler, a pastor of the Reformed Church, and Marguerite Brucker, a pastor's daughter. He had two younger sisters named Anna Maria and Maria Magdalena. Soon after the birth of Leonhard, the Eulers moved from Basel to the town of Riehen, where Euler spent most of his childhood. Paul Euler was a family friend of the Bernoullis, and Johann Bernoulli, who was then regarded as Europe's foremost mathematician, would eventually be an important influence on the young Leonhard. His early formal education started in Basel, where he was sent to live with his maternal grandmother. At the age of thirteen he matriculated at the University of Basel, and in 1723, received a masters of philosophy degree with a dissertation that compared the philosophies of Descartes and Newton. At this time, he was receiving Saturday afternoon lessons from Johann Bernoulli, who quickly discovered his new pupil's incredible talent for mathematics.[6]Euler was at this point studying theology, Greek, and Hebrew at his father's urging, in order to become a pastor. Johann Bernoulli intervened, and convinced Paul Euler that Leonhard was destined to become a great mathematician. In 1726, Euler completed his Ph.D. dissertation on the propagation of sound with the title De Sono[7] and in 1727, he entered the Paris Academy Prize Problem competition, where the problem that year was to find the best way to place the masts on a ship. He won second place, losing only to Pierre Bouguer—a man now known as "the father of naval architecture". Euler, however, would eventually win the coveted annual prize twelve times in his career.[8][edit] St. PetersburgAround this time Johann Bernoulli's two sons, Daniel and Nicolas, were working at the Imperial Russian Academy of Sciences in St Petersburg. In July 1726, Nicolas died of appendicitis after spending a year in Russia, and when Daniel assumed his brother's position in the mathematics/physics division, he recommended that the post in physiology that he had vacated be filled by his friend Euler. In November 1726 Euler eagerly accepted the offer, but delayed making the trip to St Petersburg. In the interim he unsuccessfully applied for a physics professorship at the University of Basel.[9]1957 stamp of the former Soviet Union commemorating the 250th birthday of Euler. The text says: 250 years from the birth of the great mathematician and academician, Leonhard Euler.Euler arrived in the Russian capital on May 17, 1727. He was promoted from his junior post in the medical department of the academy to a position in the mathematics department. He lodged with Daniel Bernoulli with whom he often worked in close collaboration. Euler mastered Russian and settled into life in St Petersburg. He also took on an additional job as a medic in the Russian Navy.[10]The Academy at St. Petersburg, established by Peter the Great, was intended to improve education in Russia and to close the scientific gap with Western Europe. As a result, it was made especially attractive to foreign scholars like Euler: the academy possessed ample financial resources and a comprehensive library drawn from the private libraries of Peter himself and of the nobility. Very few students were enrolled in the academy so as to lessen the faculty's teaching burden, and the academy emphasized research and offered to its faculty both the time and the freedom to pursue scientific questions.[8]However, the Academy's benefactress, Catherine I, who had attempted to continue the progressive policies of her late husband, died the day of Euler's arrival. The Russian nobility then gained power upon the ascension of the twelve-year-old Peter II. The nobility were suspicious of the academy's foreign scientists, and thus cut funding and caused numerous other difficulties for Euler and his colleagues.Conditions improved slightly upon the death of Peter II, and Euler swiftly rose through the ranks in the academy and was made professor of physics in 1731. Two years later, Daniel Bernoulli, who was fed up with the censorship and hostility he faced at St. Petersburg, left for Basel. Euler succeeded him as the head of the mathematics department.[11]On January 7, 1734, he married Katharina Gsell, daughter of a painter from the Academy Gymnasium. The young couple bought a house by the Neva River, and had thirteen children, of whom only five survived childhood.[12][edit] Berlin Stamp of the former German Democratic Republic honoring Euler on the 200th anniversary of his death. In the middle, it is showing his polyhedral formula.Concerned about continuing turmoil in Russia, Euler debated whether to stay in St. Petersburg or not. Frederick the Great of Prussia offered him a post at the Berlin Academy, which he accepted. He left St. Petersburg on June 19, 1741 and lived twenty-five years in Berlin, where he wrote over 380 articles. In Berlin, he published the two works which he would be most renowned for: the Introductio in analysin infinitorum, a text on functions published in 1748 and the Institutiones calculi differentialis, a work on differential calculus.[13]In addition, Euler was asked to tutor the Princess of Anhalt-Dessau, Frederick's niece. He wrote over 200 letters to her, which were later compiled into a best-selling volume, titled the Letters of Euler on different Subjects in Natural Philosophy Addressed to a German Princess. This work contained Euler's exposition on various subjects pertaining to physics and mathematics, as well as offering valuable insight on Euler's personality and religious beliefs. This book ended up being more widely read than any of his mathematical works, and was published all across Europe and in the United States. The popularity of the Letters testifies to Euler's ability to communicate scientific matters effectively to a lay audience, a rare ability for a dedicated research scientist.[13]Despite Euler's immense contribution to the Academy's prestige, he was eventually forced to leave Berlin. This was caused in part by a personality conflict with Frederick. Frederick came to regard him as unsophisticated especially in comparison to the circle of philosophers the German king brought to the Academy. Voltaire was among those in Frederick's employ, and the Frenchman enjoyed a favored position in the king's social circle. Euler, a simple religious man and a hard worker, was very conventional in his beliefs and tastes. He was in many ways the direct opposite of Voltaire. Euler had very limited training in rhetoric and tended to debate matters that he knew little about, making him a frequent target of Voltaire's wit.[13] Frederick also expressed disappointment with Euler's practical engineering abilities:I wanted to have a water jet in my garden: Euler calculated the force of the wheels necessary to raise the water to a reservoir, from where it should fall back through channels, finally spurting out in Sanssouci. My mill was carried out geometrically and could not raise a mouthful of water closer than fifty paces to the reservoir. Vanity of vanities! Vanity of geometry![14][edit] Eyesight deterioration A 1753 portrait by Emanuel Handmann. This portrayal suggests problems of the right eyelid and that Euler is perhaps suffering from strabismus. The left eye appears healthy, as it was a later cataract that destroyed it.[15]Euler's eyesight worsened throughout his mathematical career. Three years after suffering a near-fatal fever in 1735 he became nearly blind in his right eye, but Euler rather blamed his condition on the painstaking work on cartography he performed for the St. Petersburg Academy. Euler's sight in that eye worsened throughout his stay in Germany, so much so that Frederick referred to him as "Cyclops". Euler later suffered a cataract in his good left eye, rendering him almost totally blind a few weeks after its discovery. Even so, his condition appeared to have little effect on his productivity, as he compensated for it with his mental calculation skills and photographic memory. For example, Euler could repeat the Aeneid of Virgil from beginning to end without hesitation, and for every page in the edition he could indicate which line was the first and which the last.[3][edit] Last stage of life Euler's grave at the Alexander Nevsky Laura.The situation in Russia had improved greatly since the ascension of Catherine the Great, and in 1766 Euler accepted an invitation to return to the St. Petersburg Academy and spent the rest of his life in Russia. His second stay in the country was marred by tragedy. A 1771 fire in St. Petersburg cost him his home and almost his life. In 1773, he lost his wife of 40 years. Euler would remarry three years later.On September 18, 1783, Euler passed away in St. Petersburg after suffering a brain hemorrhage and was buried in the Alexander Nevsky Laura. His eulogy was written for the French Academy by the French mathematician and philosopher Marquis de Condorcet, and an account of his life, with a list of his works, by Nikolaus von Fuss, Euler's son-in-law and the secretary of the Imperial Academy of St. Petersburg. Condorcet commented,"...il cessa de calculer et de vivre," (he ceased to calculate and to live).[16] [edit] Contributions to mathematicsEuler worked in almost all areas of mathematics: geometry, calculus, trigonometry, algebra, and number theory, not to mention continuum physics, lunar theory and other areas of physics. His importance in the history of mathematics cannot be overstated: if printed, his works, many of which are of fundamental interest, would occupy between 60 and 80 quarto volumes[3] and Euler's name is associated with an impressive number of topics. The 20th century Hungarian mathematician Paul Erdős is perhaps the only other mathematician who could be considered to be as prolific.[edit] Mathematical notationEuler introduced and popularized several notational conventions through his numerous and widely circulated textbooks. Most notably, he introduced the concept of a function[2] and was the first to write f(x) to denote the function f applied to the argument x. He also introduced the modern notation for the trigonometric functions, the letter e for the base of the natural logarithm (now also known as Euler's number), the Greek letter ∑ for summations and the letter i to denote the imaginary unit.[17] The use of the Greek letter π to denote the ratio of a circle's circumference to its diameter was also popularized by Euler, although it did not originate with him.[18] Euler also contributed to the development of the the history of complex numbers system (the notation system of defining negative roots with a + bi).[19][edit] AnalysisThe development of calculus was at the forefront of 18th century mathematical research, and the Bernoullis—family friends of Euler—were responsible for much of the early progress in the field. Thanks to their influence, studying calculus naturally became the major focus of Euler's work. While some of Euler's proofs may not have been acceptable under modern standards of rigour,[20] his ideas led to many great advances.He is well known in analysis for his frequent use and development of power series: that is, the expression of functions as sums of infinitely many terms, such asNotably, Euler discovered the power series expansions for e and the inverse tangent function. His daring (and, by modern standards, technically incorrect) use of power series enabled him to solve the famous Basel problem in 1735:[20]A geometric interpretation of Euler's formulaEuler introduced the use of the exponential function and logarithms in analytic proofs. He discovered ways to express various logarithmic functions in terms of power series, and successfully defined logarithms for negative and complex numbers, thus greatly expanding the scope where logarithms could be applied in mathematics.[17] He also defined the exponential function for complex numbers and discovered its relation to the trigonometric functions. For any real number φ, Euler's formula states that the complex exponential function satisfiesA special case of the above formula is known as Euler's identity,called "the most remarkable formula in mathematics" by Richard Feynman, for its single uses of the notions of addition, multiplication, exponentiation, and equality, and the single uses of the important constants 0, 1, e, i, and π.[21]In addition, Euler elaborated the theory of higher transcendental functions by introducing the gamma function and introduced a new method for solving quartic equations. He also found a way to calculate integrals with complex limits, foreshadowing the development of modern complex analysis, and invented the calculus of variations including its most well-known result, the Euler-Lagrange equation.Euler also pioneered the use of analytic methods to solve number theory problems. In doing so, he united two disparate branches of mathematics and introduced a new field of study, analytic number theory. In breaking ground for this new field, Euler created the theory of hypergeometric series, q-series, hyperbolic trigonometric functions and the analytic theory of continued fractions. For example, he proved the infinitude of primes using the divergence of the harmonic series, and used analytic methods to gain some understanding of the way prime numbers are distributed. Euler's work in this area led to the development of the prime number theorem.[22][edit] Number theoryEuler's great interest in number theory can be traced to the influence of his friend in the St. Petersburg Academy, Christian Goldbach. A lot of his early work on number theory was based on the works of Pierre de Fermat. Euler developed some of Fermat's ideas while disproving some of his more outlandish conjectures.One focus of Euler's work was to link the nature of prime distribution with ideas in analysis. He proved that the sum of the reciprocals of the primes diverges. In doing so, he discovered the connection between Riemann zeta function and prime numbers, known as the Euler product formula for the Riemann zeta function.Euler proved Newton's identities, Fermat's little theorem, Fermat's theorem on sums of two squares, and made distinct contributions to Lagrange's four-square theorem. He also invented the totient function φ(n) which assigns to a positive integer n the number of positive integers less than n and coprime to n. Using properties of this function he was able to generalize Fermat's little theorem to what would become known as Euler's theorem. He further contributed significantly to the understanding of perfect numbers, which had fascinated mathematicians since Euclid. Euler made progress toward the prime number theorem and conjectured the law of quadratic reciprocity. The two concepts are regarded as the fundamental theorems of number theory, and his ideas paved the way for Carl Friedrich Gauss.[23][edit] Graph theorySee also: Seven Bridges of Königsberg Map of Königsberg in Euler's time showing the actual layout of the seven bridges, highlighting the river Pregel and the bridges.In 1736, Euler solved a problem known as the Seven Bridges of Königsberg.[24] The city of Königsberg, Prussia (now Kaliningrad, Russia) is set on the Pregel River, and included two large islands which were connected to each other and the mainland by seven bridges. The question is whether it is possible to walk with a route that crosses each bridge exactly once, and return to the starting point. It is not; and therefore not an Eulerian circuit. This solution is considered to be the first theorem of graph theory and planar graph theory.[24] Euler also introduced the notion now known as the Euler characteristic of a space and a formula relating the number of edges, vertices, and faces of a convex polyhedron with this constant. The study and generalization of this formula, specifically by Cauchy[25] and L'Huillier,[26] is at the origin of topology.[edit] Applied mathematicsSome of Euler's greatest successes were in using analytic methods to solve real world problems, describing numerous applications of Bernoulli's numbers, Fourier series, Venn diagrams, Euler numbers, e and π constants, continued fractions and integrals. He integrated Leibniz's differential calculus with Newton's method of fluxions, and developed tools that made it easier to apply calculus to physical problems. He made great strides in improving the numerical approximation of integrals, inventing what are now known as the Euler approximations. The most notable of these approximations are Euler's method and the Euler-Maclaurin formula. He also facilitated the use of differential equations, in particular introducing the Euler-Mascheroni constant:One of Euler's more unusual interests was the application of mathematical ideas in music. In 1739 he wrote the Tentamen novae theoriae musicae, hoping to eventually integrate musical theory as part of mathematics. This part of his work, however, did not receive wide attention and was once described as too mathematical for musicians and too musical for mathematicians.[27][edit] Physics and astronomyEuler helped develop the Euler-Bernoulli beam equation, which became a cornerstone of engineering. Aside from successfully applying his analytic tools to problems in classical mechanics, Euler also applied these techniques to celestial problems. His work in astronomy was recognized by a number of Paris Academy Prizes over the course of his career. His accomplishments include determining with great accuracy the orbits of comets and other celestial bodies, understanding the nature of comets, and calculating the parallax of the sun. His calculations also contributed to the development of accurate longitude tables.[28]In addition, Euler made important contributions in optics. He disagreed with Newton's corpuscular theory of light in the Opticks, which was th

I've published the paper on (论文主题) in the (期刊名称)

推荐用一般过去式(时)I published the paper/article/essay(推荐前2者) entitled(提名为) *** in the journal/periodical(2选1) ***.其中,两部分***都需斜体表示(张伶俐无法显示) 供参

问题一:"论文"用英语怎么说 论文(Paper) 或:dissertation(论文) 或:thesis(论文) 经常说的:)~ English dissertation(英语论文) Graduation thesis(毕业论文) 问题二:在期刊上发表了论文用英语怎么说 在期刊上发表了论文 Published a paper in the Journal ――――――――――――――――― 您好,用心、细心为您答疑解惑; 如果本题还有什么不明白可以追问,如果满意请记得采纳; 如果有其他问题请采纳本题后,请指向我的图像点击向我求助!答题不易,请谅解,谢谢。 ――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――祝您生活愉快! 问题三:我想问一下,毕业论文后面写的已发表论文,状态里面,英文怎么表达?比如Accepted 等等。 10分 submitted: 就是这篇文章已经提交给期刊,但还没有得到任何答复,还完全有被拒收的可能; under review: 就是文章进入评审阶段,一般提交给期刊的文章先要经过期刊助手对文章结构,字数等技术性检查,合格的话才送交主编,由主编邀请评审专家初审。under review 表明主编已经将论文送审了,结果仍未知; major revision: 文章需要大改,一般情况下如果(2-3位中)1位评审专家对文章提出一些尖锐、负面的意见,而另几位的意见比较正面,则主编往往会要求作者进行大改动;至此,文章还是有被接受的可能,但要看改动后的文章是否让评审专家或主编满意; minor revision: 小改动,至此文章被接受的可能已经达90%,只需要对文中小的差错进行修改即可接受; accepted:完全接受,但离出版印刷发行还有段时间; early online (or online ready):已经完全定型的文章还需要排队印刷发行,这个过程有的期刊会很长,1-2年,early online 或 online ready 就是先将文章在网上发布出来,供读者阅读。这时的文章 doi 号码已经有,也可以引用,但还没有正式的卷号,期号及页码; published: 最后印刷出版了 问题四:“发表论文”用英文怎么说 to issue the dissertation 问题五:“有一篇论文正准备发表”用英语怎么说 有一篇论文正准备发表A paper is being prepared for publication 问题六:他因发表了几篇有影响的论文,在学术界颇有名气用英语怎么说 他因发表了几篇有影响的论文,在学术界颇有名气 He published several influential papers, is very famous in academia 问题七:以第一作者发表sci论文用英文怎么说 毕业论文是教学科研过程的一个环节,也是学业成绩考核和评定的一种重要方式。毕业论文的目的在于总结学生在校期间的学习成果,培养学生具有综合地创造性地运用所学的全部专业知识和技能解决较为复杂问题的能力并使他们受到科学研究的基本训练。 标题 标题是文章的眉目。各类文章的标题,样式繁多,但无论是何种形式,总要以全部或不同的侧面体现作者的写作意图、文章的主旨。毕业论文的标题一般分为总标题、副标题、分标题几种。 总标题 总标题是文章总体内容的体现。常见的写法有: ①揭示课题的实质。这种形式的标题,高度概括全文内容,往往就是文章的中心论点。它具有高度的明确性,便于读者把握全文内容的核心。诸如此类的标题很多,也很普遍。如《关于经济体制的模式问题》、《经济中心论》、《县级行政机构改革之我见》等。 ②提问式。这类标题用设问句的方式,隐去要回答的内容,实际上作者的观点是十分明确的,只不过语意婉转,需要读者加以思考罢了。这种形式的标题因其观点含蓄,轻易激起读者的注重。如《家庭联产承包制就是单干吗?》、《商品经济等同于资本主义经济吗?》等。 ③交代内容范围。这种形式的标题,从其本身的角度看,看不出作者所指的观点,只是对文章内容的范围做出限定。拟定这种标题,一方面是文章的主要论点难以用一句简短的话加以归纳;另一方面,交代文章内容的范围,可引起同仁读者的注重,以求引起共鸣。这种形式的标题也较普遍。如《试论我国农村的双层经营体制》、《正确处理中心和地方、条条与块块的关系》、《战后西方贸易自由化剖析》等。 ④用判定句式。这种形式的标题给予全文内容的限定,可伸可缩,具有很大的灵活性。文章研究对象是具体的,面较小,但引申的思想又须有很强的概括性,面较宽。这种从小处着眼,大处着手的标题,有利于科学思维和科学研究的拓展。如《从乡镇企业的兴起看中国农村的希望之光》、《科技进步与农业经济》、《从“劳动创造了美”看美的本质》等。 问题八:文章已经发表用英语怎么说 文章已经发表用英语 The article has been published. 问题九:"论文"用英语怎么说 论文(Paper) 或:dissertation(论文) 或:thesis(论文) 经常说的:)~ English dissertation(英语论文) Graduation thesis(毕业论文) 问题十:在期刊上发表了论文用英语怎么说 在期刊上发表了论文 Published a paper in the Journal ――――――――――――――――― 您好,用心、细心为您答疑解惑; 如果本题还有什么不明白可以追问,如果满意请记得采纳; 如果有其他问题请采纳本题后,请指向我的图像点击向我求助!答题不易,请谅解,谢谢。 ――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――祝您生活愉快!
