

发布时间:2024-07-03 12:49:39


Thesis For Graduation毕业论文Thesis For Academic Degree学位论文Thesis表示比较严肃的文章,是带有一定目的的,研究性的文章。学位论文,研究报告。

毕业论文thesis[英][ˈθi:sɪs][美][ˈθisɪs]n.论文,毕业论文; 论点,论题; 命题; 复数:theses易混淆单词:THESIS例句:1.He completed his doctorate in 1999 with his thesis on the technical subject of structural design. 1999年,朱竞翔获得博士学位,博士论文写的是结构设计的技术问题。2.It is a beguilingly simple thesis, one particularly attractive to the western business executives who have joinedthe china gold rush. 但这是一个具有欺性的简单论点,对参与中国淘金浪潮的西方企业高管尤其有吸引力。3.We have a grand new thesis of the emerging markets. 我们现在得出了一套全新的新兴市场理论。4.The question now is whether the overstretch thesis was wrong or simply premature. 目前问题是,过度扩张说是错误命题还是只是言之过早。5.The thesis is that women still do so badly at work mainly because we are not ambitious enough. 书的主题是:女性的工作表现仍如此糟糕,主要是因为我们不够有雄心。同义词:dissertation[英][ˌdɪsəˈteɪʃn][美][ˌdɪsərˈteɪʃn]n.专题论文,学位论文; 学术演讲; essay[英][ˈeseɪ][美][ˈɛsˌe, ɛˈse]n.散文; 随笔,杂记文; 尝试,企图; 试验; vt.尝试; 试验; 经常说的:English dissertation(英语论文)Graduation thesis(毕业论文)

毕业论文的英文翻译是thesis,音标是英 [ˈθi:sɪs]   美 [ˈθisɪs]  。


1、There is no empirical evidence to support his thesis.


2、How well does this thesis stand up to close examination?


3、He has finished his thesis.


4、She's finished writing her thesis.


5、Please write an abstract of this article 〔 thesis 〕.


The article has a clear-cut thesis and arguments, but lacks reasoning.




Thesis For Graduation毕业论文Thesis For Academic Degree学位论文Thesis表示比较严肃的文章,是带有一定目的的,研究性的文章。学位论文,研究报告。

A Thesis Submitted as a Partial Fulfillment of the Requirement for the Degree of B. A./B. S. in ***这是标准的学士学位毕业论文的说法,B.A.代表文学学士,B.S.代表理学学士,***处填上专业。

毕业论文thesis[英][ˈθi:sɪs][美][ˈθisɪs]n.论文,毕业论文; 论点,论题; 命题; 复数:theses易混淆单词:THESIS例句:1.He completed his doctorate in 1999 with his thesis on the technical subject of structural design. 1999年,朱竞翔获得博士学位,博士论文写的是结构设计的技术问题。2.It is a beguilingly simple thesis, one particularly attractive to the western business executives who have joinedthe china gold rush. 但这是一个具有欺性的简单论点,对参与中国淘金浪潮的西方企业高管尤其有吸引力。3.We have a grand new thesis of the emerging markets. 我们现在得出了一套全新的新兴市场理论。4.The question now is whether the overstretch thesis was wrong or simply premature. 目前问题是,过度扩张说是错误命题还是只是言之过早。5.The thesis is that women still do so badly at work mainly because we are not ambitious enough. 书的主题是:女性的工作表现仍如此糟糕,主要是因为我们不够有雄心。同义词:dissertation[英][ˌdɪsəˈteɪʃn][美][ˌdɪsərˈteɪʃn]n.专题论文,学位论文; 学术演讲; essay[英][ˈeseɪ][美][ˈɛsˌe, ɛˈse]n.散文; 随笔,杂记文; 尝试,企图; 试验; vt.尝试; 试验; 经常说的:English dissertation(英语论文)Graduation thesis(毕业论文)

diploma work毕业论文His graduation thesis is coming on quite well.他的毕业论文进展良好。It is time to start work on my thesis.差不多该写毕业论文了。He is already start his thesis?他已开始写毕业论文了吗?she worked assiduously on the senior thesis.她认认真真地做她的毕业论文。As a senior, Peter is writing his thesis.作为大学四年级学生,彼得正在写毕业论文。For the remain six credit hour, you can either write a thesis or take two more selected courses.剩余的六个学分,你可以选择写毕业论文或者选修两门课。degree paper学位论文A treatise; an essay.论文;散文dissertation for academic degree;thesis学位论文











再说了,这些投稿步骤,都可以交给专业的论文公司如英论阁www.enago.cn处理。总结来说, 发表英文论文没有想象中的那么难。





Hello, everyone. It is a great honor for me to be here to express my feelings.

My friends, it is time for us to say goodbye. However, I will forget the golden days of junior high school. They are forever locked in my memories! In the past three years, I am grateful that I could study with you.

First of all, I’d like to thank all my teachers. It’s you that let me konw how to be a good person. From you, I know that as a good student, we should not only study hard, but also mean well and help each other. Then, I’d like show my appreciation to all my friends. I am grateful that I could study with you. Being together with you, I can totally be myself. I do not need to hide anything from you. When I am sad, you are always on my side to cheer me up.

We will soon become senior high school students. We must go forward, to a different world, we are no longer the children, who only want to play fun with each other. We grow up from now on! It is a long journey, but let us begin!

first of all, we must cultivate students interest in english study. let students in learning to find joy in joy in the interest of interest, found in the determination of decision and perseverance, namely train drivers + + to + perserve = interest. of course started to learn english, dont be too hard. guiding students from the simple, funny, funny began to enable students to find suitable for their interest in learning. and they decide to "light" surveys. and allow students to go wrong, dont pursue every word is correct. ,

secondly, the students have interest, help them to plan. watch english materials and listen to english radio, looking for learning environment, life is much, learn english and have much broader, take every chance to exposure to english. in class, students try to speak in english, usually between classmates exchange, encourage students to use english, dont be afraid of making mistakes the wrong. to establish weekly learning new words in the target, the vocabulary, records recorded all sorts of new words and phrases. because learning english must have vocabulary as the foundation, will play a protracted war, remembering words to guerrilla warfare. can make them more "to" surveys.

learning english as friends, in different occasions contact might remember, not isolated words and remember its neighbors. it is necessary to guide students to read, this of learning english is very important to have more understanding of western culture and western learning habit, master of language background is also an important way of learning. then two chinese ppc to achieve. we finally achieved the goal ", two surveys to two chinese to spending."

finally, let students enjoy happiness in suffering, more study is interesting, from passive to active, change from me to learn to learn.

As a kid, I spent my summers with my grandparents on their ranch in Texas. I helped fix windmills, vaccinate cattle, and do other chores. We also watched soap operas every afternoon, especially "Days of our Lives." My grandparents belonged to a Caravan Club, a group of Airstream trailer owners who travel together around the U.S. and Canada. And every few summers, we'd join the caravan. We'd hitch up the Airstream trailer to my grandfather's car, and off we'd go, in a line with 300 other Airstream adventurers. I loved and worshipped my grandparents and I really looked forward to these trips. On one particular trip, I was about 10 years old. I was rolling around in the big bench seat in the back of the car. My grandfather was driving. And my grandmother had the passenger seat. She smoked throughout these trips, and I hated the smell.


At that age, I'd take any excuse to make estimates and do minor arithmetic. I'd calculate our gas mileage — figure out useless statistics on things like grocery spending. I'd been hearing an ad campaign about smoking. I can't remember the details, but basically the ad said, every puff of a cigarette takes some number of minutes off of your life: I think it might have been two minutes per puff. At any rate, I decided to do the math for my grandmother. I estimated the number of cigarettes per days, estimated the number of puffs per cigarette and so on. When I was satisfied that I'd come up with a reasonable number, I poked my head into the front of the car, tapped my grandmother on the shoulder, and proudly proclaimed, "At two minutes per puff, you've taken nine years off your life!"


I have a vivid memory of what happened, and it was not what I expected. I expected to be applauded for my cleverness and arithmetic skills. "Jeff, you're so smart. You had to have made some tricky estimates, figure out the number of minutes in a year and do some division." That's not what happened. Instead, my grandmother burst into tears. I sat in the backseat and did not know what to do. While my grandmother sat crying, my grandfather, who had been driving in silence, pulled over onto the shoulder of the highway. He got out of the car and came around and opened my door and waited for me to follow. Was I in trouble? My grandfather was a highly intelligent, quiet man. He had never said a harsh word to me, and maybe this was to be the first time? Or maybe he would ask that I get back in the car and apologize to my grandmother. I had no experience in this realm with my grandparents and no way to gauge what the consequences might be. We stopped beside the trailer. My grandfather looked at me, and after a bit of silence, he gently and calmly said, "Jeff, one day you'll understand that it's harder to be kind than clever."


What I want to talk to you about today is the difference between gifts and choices. Cleverness is a gift, kindness is a choice. Gifts are easy — they're given after all. Choices can be hard. You can seduce yourself with your gifts if you're not careful, and if you do, it'll probably be to the detriment of your choices. This is a group with many gifts. I'm sure one of your gifts is the gift of a smart and capable brain. I'm confident that's the case because admission is competitive and if there weren't some signs that you're clever, the dean of admission wouldn't have let you in.


Your smarts will come in handy because you will travel in a land of marvels. We humans — plodding as we are — will astonish ourselves. We'll invent ways to generate clean energy and a lot of it. Atom by atom, we'll assemble tiny machines that will enter cell walls and make repairs. This month comes the extraordinary but also inevitable news that we've synthesized life. In the coming years, we'll not only synthesize it, but we'll engineer it to specifications. I believe you'll even see us understand the human brain. Jules Verne, Mark Twain, Galileo, Newton — all the curious from the ages would have wanted to be alive most of all right now. As a civilization, we will have so many gifts, just as you as individuals have so many individual gifts as you sit before me. How will you use these gifts? And will you take pride in your gifts or pride in your choices?



Its time to say goodbye. Its time to recall those beautiful days a, suddenly, only to find, really graduated, living in the campus for three years, no longer belongs to our laughter, get along the podium to exhort; no longer cast a glance, the plained numerous unpalatable meals, and no or in our shool playground.

Although e excellent achievments,I truly believe that I our friendship and the beautiful days we have.Maybe 20 years later when we get together again,youll find that we are still a family,a whole group that can never be defeated,and the memories we have will be the most precious treasure we‘ve ever gain.

Thank you for you all.May you guys happy everyday.


































1, the past three years, pared to your mind, a mountain is just one party boundary tablets, a pile of sno and learning, and tomorroposed of cloudy, sunny, round, missing, be practical, let you more fine.


8, it is my pleasure to read four years ents of coagulation, etimes you have fantasies, and sometimes you are silent, meditating in silence, searching in the dream. Small you gro and a hard hand, xueyou, xueyou, no matter where you are, luck and happiness are with you!


Days are consumed by time, and in the vortex of time, there is a memory of those forgotten memories. In preparatory department on the first floor ent in the hand of the book, time seemed to pass a the fingers, it is like a book of intangible, the image of the characterization of our primary school life, until the sixth grade, the literal shu inside seem to be thin, it is very thick thick, but ale, the new beginning, the new beginning is here and the end...









Graduation is a time of moving on, further studies, or out into the society? There are a lot of choices which we are supposed to make and we are emotional at the graduation season. What’s more, we usually have a variety of activities about graduation, such as taking photos, having a class party, leaving words to each other in our memory collections, exchanging gifts between friends to memorize our friendship, giving teacher presents to express our thanks.毕业是向前进的时间,深造或者进入社会?我们可以做很多的选择,而我们也会比较情绪化在这毕业季。而且,对于毕业我们通常会有各种各样的活动,班级聚餐,为每个人祝词,留在大家的记忆深处,在朋友之间互换礼物来铭记大家的友谊,给老师礼物来表达我们的感谢。However, we have mixed emotions about farewell. We want to spend more time having fun and working with each other, but we have to move on. Facing many choices about our future makes us confused; meanwhile the coming farewell makes us sentimental. As long as these feelings come along, we have to deal with it. We should know that after graduation we will learn more and be more experienced. Being apart with our friends and classmates is temporary, next time we meet each other, we will live a better life and share our different colorful experiences with each other.然而,我们在告别时的情感是很复杂的。我们想要花更多的时间和大家玩,工作,但我们必须得继续前进。面对未来的很多选择让我们感到困惑。同时,这即将到来的告别让我们变得多愁善感。只要这些感觉出现,我们必须得面对它。我们应该知道,毕业后我们将学习更多,更有经验。和我们的朋友,同学的分开都是暂时的,下次我们见面,我们会过上更好的生活,分享彼此丰富多彩的经验。Graduation will come sooner or later whether we are ready or not. Let’s make great efforts for our future.毕业迟早都会到来的,不管我们是否准备好了。让我们为了我们的未来而努力。



一般论文被接收,作者看见这样的邮件都会很开心。但是有一种情况,作者可能不开心,那就是文章需要以letter的形式出版。例如收到像这样的邮件:Should you wish to, the Editor in Chief would like you to resubmit your manuscript for publication as a Letter to the Editor,特别是遇上自己特别想投的期刊, 很多人就会犹豫不决,到底是答应还是不答应?需要从以下两个方面入手讨论:缺文章与不缺文章的情况。 No.1  缺文章 如果你是缺文章的情况下,最好就不要答应以letter的形式出版。 因为基本上单位只承认ORIGINAL RESEARCH类文章的,而不能承认letter类文章 , 也就是说letter不能用来毕业、评职称、没有论文奖励,哪怕你的文章分数再高也没有用。 如果你是等着这篇文章来毕业的或者评职称的,要是选择letter那就惨了,不用讲也应该知道是什么后果。所以在缺文章的情况下,宁愿重新选择别的期刊,也不要以letter形式出版。为什么主编要以letter形式出版呢? 主要原因就是版面有限 ,往往这种期刊都是老牌的非OA期刊,具有固定的发文量,不能随意增加。 No.2 不缺文章 如果你文章比较多,例如根本就不缺少文章毕业或者评职称、申请基金的,而自己又特别喜欢这个期刊,这种情况是可以考虑以letter的形式出版。主编对你研究的东西感兴趣,而又让你以letter的形式出版,可以说明这个期刊基本上是专业内的非OA期刊,因为OA期刊基本上从来都不缺版面,发文量可以随意增加。虽然文章是以letter的形式出版,但是说到文章所在的期刊,在同事或者领导面前可能会更有面子。
