

发布时间:2024-07-03 17:03:38


中国边远地区的遗传与环境Nature and Nurture :是固定词组,表示遗传与环境 PS: 楼上好像都是机器翻译的吧!

1.管理:governance、management、administration 2.鼓励、促使:cheer、encourage、motivate、prompt 3.脆弱:vulnerable、weak、feeble、fragile(脆的,易碎的)、susceptible(易受影响的=subject to) 4.考虑到:given, considering, in view of, with a view to 5.抓住:grasp、capture、seize(区别:size尺寸) 6.主张:claim(区别:acclaim欢呼、称赞)、proclaim、remark、advocate、allegation、comment、review(评论), argue, hold, assume 7.智力:wisdom、intelligence、wit 8.部分:component、portion、element、proportion、percentage, section 9.直觉的,本能的:intuitive, instinctive 10.提升:lift、elevate, promote 11.承认:admit、acknowledge, recognize 12.永恒:eternal、permanent、everlasting 13.谋生:earn one’s living、make one’s living、live off 14.值得尊敬:worthy、respectable(区别:respective分别) 15.遵守:comply with、conform to, observe, abide by 16.探测:detect、investigation, probe, explore 17.获得:gain、acquire、achieve、fetch、obtain 18.高估:overestimate、overrate、overvalue (区别:overlook忽视) 19.培养:nurture(区别:nature自然)、foster、cultivate 20.怀疑:skeptical、suspicious, doubtful 21.奇怪:weird、odd、peculiar、strange, queer 22.模糊:dim、vague、obscure、loom, indistinct, fuzzy 23.收入:salary、pay、wage、income、revenue、gain、earning 24.津贴:subsidy、pension、allowance、grant(拨款) 25.高贵:noble、royal(区别:loyal忠诚), dignity, privilege 26.谦卑:humble, modest 27.告示:announcement、notice、poster、bulletin、report 28.想象: visualize , imagine, suppose, envision, 29.会议:conference、meeting、convention 30.引用:cite、illustrate(举例说明=exemplify)、quote 31.挑出:single out、sort out、pick out 32.限制:limit、restrict、constrict、discipline、confine、hold back、scale back、curb on 33.利用:usable、available、applicable 34.use→ utilize、adopt、take、employ、apply 35.偏见:bias、prejudice、discrimination、inequality 36.组成:consist of、be made from/of、include (exclude)、constitute、 37.发行:issue、release、distribute、launch 38.结束:fulfill、finish、accomplish、carry out、achieve、complete 39.能力:ability、capability、potential, power 40.交易:deal、trade、exchange、transaction 41.以前:previous、former、latter、prior to(priority优先 → primary初级的、重要的 → primitive原始的) 42.加强:promote、facilitate、enhance、strengthen、reinforce, aggravate 43.前景:prospect、future、expectation、outlook 44.保守:conservative(conservation保存)、traditional、custom,激进:radical 45.顾客:customer、client、consumer、guest 46.暂停、延期:suspend、phase back、put off、stop、postpone、delayed 47.信息:information、message、data、figure、statistics 48.公司:enterprise、firm、company、corporation(区别:cooperation合作) 49.故意:deliberately、intentionally、purposely、on/in purpose 50.吸引:appeal (吸引、呼吁、起诉appeal to)、attract、fascinate、tempt(区别:contempt蔑视), absorb 51.有希望的:promising、hopeful、brightening 52.对手:rival、equal、comparative、competitor、opponent、adversary, enemy 53.灭亡:perish、die (out)、extinguish(distinguish区别) 54.消失:disappear、vanish、diminish(减少)、gone 55.方法:ways、means、approach、solution、remedy(补救措施)、measure 56.财产:estate、real estate(房地产)、property、asset 57.放弃:abandon、give up、desert(区别:dessert甜点) 58.悲观:pessimistic,negative, 乐观:optimistic,active, positive 59.地区:regions、scope、range、sphere 60.拒绝:reject、refuse、turn down、decline 61.保留:preserve、reserve, retain, persist 62.公平:fairness、impartial, justice, equality 63.同伴:partner、companion, peer, colleague 64.保护:protect、guard、safeguard、defend(defendant辩护,被告)、shield(区别:yield产出,屈服) 65.生产:yield、manufacturer、generate, produce 早检测论文查重系统我祝大家顺利通过~~~

1."Intelligence activities in which learning is the realization of the structure, rather than intelligence factor is the learning activities to achieve the momentum." Intelligence factors and non-intellectual factors, plus re-learning strategies, the impact of a person learning the three factors. In the current education, whether it is moral education, labor, education, computer education, education or other special talents, should be to nurture and inspire students of non-intellectual factors as the prerequisite, and students should be to develop the non-intellectual factors as one of the aims of education. Of course, we must not only grasp the non-intellectual factors, which ignored intelligence factors, should one hand and intellectual factors, one hand and non-intellectual factors, but also grasp learning methods and learning strategies of education. (Lin Chongde, "English teaching psychology")2.雅克博维茨(Jakobovits) After an investigation found that affect learning English is the main factor: motivation of 33 percent, to 33 per cent, 20 per cent of intelligence, the other 14 per cent, which fully shows that in English learning process, There are individual differences, and these differences are more factors affect the outcome.3.In the 1990s, American psychologists Peter.萨洛韦约翰. Meyer and Daniel. Golden, who made only emotional, emotional quotient (that is, "EQ") concept. In their view, non-intellectual factors are important viability of the individual, is a potential to explore feelings, the ability to use emotional impact on all levels and the key to the future quality of life factors. In one of the success of various elements in the intelligence factor is important, but more important non-intellectual factors, the former accounting for 20 percent, after a 80 per cent.4.In general, non-intellectual factors have both broad and narrow definition of a broad non-intellectual factors, factors other than intelligence refers to all the psychological factors, the narrow sense of intelligence, is motivated, interested, emotional, and character traits have been.5."Motivation and attitude is different from studying the decision with varying degrees of achievement one of the important factors" (Liu Runqing, 1999) Liu Runqing, of the University of English teaching [M], Beijing, Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press, 1999.6.Professor Zhang and editor of the "foreign language pedagogy," a book on the principle of active learning foreign languages, in a bid to maximize the development of non-intellectual factors, easily unpleasant for students to learn English, not of stimulate their motivation to learn, to let the They have tasted the joy of success, to train them to overcome their learning difficulties determination and perseverance.7.The issue of non-intellectual factors, initially by the United States psychologist Alexander in the 20th century to the 1930s made. At that time, the prevalence of intelligence tests in the United States activities. Alexander opposed the Court Pearman intelligence "two factors that" the intelligence and Thurston "multi-factor said." He passed a lot of tests and research, found that in intelligence tests, the entire relationship between the large number of variables that affect the IQ of many factors, a large part was the appropriate people. However, these variables on the edge of the test data play a very important role in cargo. In 1935, Alexander (Alexander, WP), in its psychology thesis "of the intellectual and abstract intelligence", officially the "personality factors," named as "non-intellectual factors." In his inspiration, the famous psychologist Weikesile intelligence tests in 1940 proposed a "general intellectual activity in the non-intellectual factors", and carried out many studies. At present, the psychology profession and the education sector, the importance of non-intellectual factors of more and more people.8.In China, and attaches great importance to the first use of "non-intellectual factors," the study is Professor Guo-Cai Yan, in 1983 he published "should attach importance to the cultivation of non-intellectual factors," the article has aroused the attention of our readers. In recent years, China's psychology of intellectual activity in the sector of non-intellectual factors of a lot of research. Initially, the different views, particularly on non-intelligence factors included a charge of a different view. For example, in 1983 Mr. Zhao Zhongtian that non-intelligence factors that personality factors. Mr. Guo-Cai Yan in 1984 that a broad intelligence is the only non-intellectual factors outside of all psychological factors, the narrow sense of non-intellectual factors is motivated, interested, feelings, will and character. 1988 NG Meng Pang factor is that non-intelligence personality structure, in addition to intellectual factors other than the psychological factors, including interest, needs, motivations, feelings, will, character, temperament, attitudes, ideals, beliefs, values, and so on. And 1990, Mr. Shin Ji-liang non-intellectual factors in the intellectual activity is demonstrated, intelligence activities and decisions of the effectiveness of non-intellectual factors affect each other psychological factors constitute a whole. For this concept, it is now recognized and compared the use of is that he has under two broad and understanding.

1. "Intelligence activities in which learning is the realization of the structure, rather than intelligence factor is the learning activities to achieve the momentum." Intelligence factors and non-intellectual factors, plus re-learning strategies, the impact of a person learning the three factors. In the current education, whether it is moral education, labor, education, computer education, education or other special talents, should be to nurture and inspire students of non-intellectual factors as the prerequisite, and students should be to develop the non-intellectual factors as one of the aims of education. Of course, we must not only grasp the non-intellectual factors, which ignored intelligence factors, should one hand and intellectual factors, one hand and non-intellectual factors, but also grasp learning methods and learning strategies of education. (Lin Chongde, "English teaching psychology") 2.雅克博维茨(Jakobovits) After an investigation found that affect learning English is the main factor: motivation of 33 percent, to 33 per cent, 20 per cent of intelligence, other Accounting for 14 per cent, which fully shows that in the process of learning English, there are individual differences, and these differences are more factors affect the outcome. 3.20 In the 1990s, American psychologists Peter.萨洛韦约翰. Meyer and Daniel. Golden, who made only emotional, emotional quotient (that is, "EQ") concept. In their view, non-intellectual factors are important viability of the individual, is a potential to explore feelings, the ability to use emotional impact on all levels and the key to the future quality of life factors. In one of the success of various elements in the intelligence factor is important, but more important non-intellectual factors, the former accounting for 20 percent, after a 80 per cent. 4. Generally speaking, non-intellectual factors have both broad and narrow definition of a broad non-intellectual factors, factors other than intelligence refers to all the psychological factors, the narrow sense of intelligence, is motivated, interested, emotional, and character traits have been . 5. "Motivation and attitude is different from studying the decision with varying degrees of achievement one of the important factors" (Liu Runqing, 1999) Liu Runqing, of the University of English teaching [M], Beijing, Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press , 1999.6. Professor in the chapter and editor of the "foreign language pedagogy," a book on the principle of active learning foreign languages, in a bid to maximize the development of non-intellectual factors, easily unpleasant for students to learn English, do not inspire their paragraph Motivation to learn, so that they have tasted the joy of success, to train them to overcome their learning difficulties determination and perseverance. 7. The problem of non-intellectual factors, initially by the United States psychologist Alexander in the 20th century to the 1930s made. At that time, the prevalence of intelligence tests in the United States activities. Alexander opposed the Court Pearman intelligence "two factors that" the intelligence and Thurston "multi-factor said." He passed a lot of tests and research, found that in intelligence tests, the entire relationship between the large number of variables that affect the IQ of many factors, a large part was the appropriate people. However, these variables on the edge of the test data play a very important role in cargo. In 1935, Alexander (Alexander, WP), in its psychology thesis "of the intellectual and abstract intelligence", officially the "personality factors," named as "non-intellectual factors." In his inspiration, the famous psychologist Weikesile intelligence tests in 1940 proposed a "general intellectual activity in the non-intellectual factors", and carried out many studies. At present, the psychology profession and the education sector, the importance of non-intellectual factors of more and more people. 8. In China, and attaches great importance to the first use of "non-intellectual factors," the study is Professor Guo-Cai Yan, in 1983 he published "should attach importance to the cultivation of non-intellectual factors," the article has aroused the attention of our readers. In recent years, China's psychology of intellectual activity in the sector of non-intellectual factors of a lot of research. Initially, the different views, particularly on non-intelligence factors included a charge of a different view. For example, in 1983 Mr. Zhao Zhongtian that non-intelligence factors that personality factors. Mr. Guo-Cai Yan in 1984 that a broad intelligence is the only non-intellectual factors outside of all psychological factors, the narrow sense of non-intellectual factors is motivated, interested, feelings, will and character. 1988 NG Meng Pang factor is that non-intelligence personality structure, in addition to intellectual factors other than the psychological factors, including interest, needs, motivations, feelings, will, character, temperament, attitudes, ideals, beliefs, values, and so on. And 1990, Mr. Shin Ji-liang non-intellectual factors in the intellectual activity is demonstrated, intelligence activities and decisions of the effectiveness of non-intellectual factors affect each other psychological factors constitute a whole. For this concept, it is now recognized and compared the use of is that he has under two broad and understanding.







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第二种就是找代理投稿 。这个方法也是现在大多数人用的要给方法,为什么会这样的,我只能说谁用谁知道。这个是最简单最省事儿的。以前我就是找的一个文化公司安排文章,服务没得说,只需要提供文章,剩余的事情全由他们搞定。



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5、 最要是不收定金和知道一个刊物的审稿要求和难度。

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发表论文无非就两种方式:第一种就是自己投稿,买本杂志,根据版权页上的投稿方式去投稿(这种的弊端就是周期太长,对于着急的客户,不适用)当然,跟杂志社关系好能顺利发表的请无视我的话因为直投杂志社容易,能成功发表难,我认识的主编跟我说他们邮箱里的稿件基本上没有低于过1000篇,而且杂志社就那么几个人,根本不可能忙的过来,就算抽时间看下邮件也就是看个题目,题目不新颖没吸引力的直接略过,就算点开文章,也是先大概看下职称、单位、研究方向、摘要、关键词,没什么吸引人眼球的内容也直接pass掉。第二种就是找代理机构发表(这种的需要睁大眼,发表行业鱼龙混杂,必须得保证自己发的杂志是正刊,也不能是增刊)。找代理机构认准以下几点;一、首先选择国家新闻出版广电局能查到的正规杂志二、其次是某宝担保交易,更有保障三、最后录用通知下来后,亲自打版权页或者收录网站(知网、维普、万方、龙源)上查稿电话查稿确认录用后,再付款。第一, 选择杂志,根据自己的要求确定杂志,省级的国家级的价格不一样。然后看杂志的级别,在这里呢就可以一起验证了杂志的真假,新闻出版总署输入杂志名,看是否收录,如果没有的话就要小心了,千万不能发第二,看杂志的见刊时间。自己什么时候用杂志一定要确定,如果是7月要用,那就不要发9月才鞥收到的杂志,一旦发了到了要用的时候没有法子使用。第三,杂志收录的网站。如果您那没有特别的要求,那就知网,维普,万方都可以了,如要求必须知网收录,那就自己上网查一下看看,是否知网及时更新呢第四,看付款的流程,是不是先发表,录用了查稿确定后付费用,如果不能查稿就危险了,不能保证是不是真正发表成功了。




















发表论文,有哪些需要注意的问题,论文发表有2种方式,一种是直接向杂志社投稿,一种是通过论文代理或期刊采编中心投稿。这2种 方式,费用方面基本差不多,都是社里统一定的价格。

期刊采编中心或 论文代理的优点至于大体差不多的文章,都基本可以安排通过审核,而且 审核时间短,一般在2-5个工作日内就安排审核并给予答复了。

主要是采 编中心是采用的集中递稿方式,一般采编中心都有编辑,会事先对论文做 下初步审核,能帮修改完善的文章都会帮助修改完善。

再加上跟社里较熟 ,论文能通过的,社里一般不会为难。 而对于直接投稿杂志社,审核比较慢,通过率低些。很多核心期刊,稿件投递后基本就是石沉大海。







在日常生活中,无论是评职称还是大学生毕业都离不开发表论文.在公开发行的学术期刊上发表论文,成为职称评选硬性条件之一,可以说发表论文,在职称评审中占据非常重要的作用.下面学术堂就来简单的说一下如何凭借个人经验发表论文.发表论文首先需要写一篇好的论文,论文不光主题鲜明,论点创新,还应该结构严谨,层次分明.与此同时,还应该注意论文标准格式、文句通顺,确保论文通过审核.发表论文流程主要包括以下几方面.根据杂志办刊盘方向以及办刊宗旨,确定要发表的刊物.然后投稿到杂志社邮箱,杂志社审稿录用排版印刷,到最后出版发行.如果稿件有问题会出现两种情况出现退稿与返修.返修的稿件要求整理好发回杂志社.觉得注意的是杂志社审稿在一周到一年不等根据杂志社实际情况来定排班时间在一周左右交稿三天左右印刷七到十天左右发行时间为一周左右.在进行发表期刊论文的过程中,要根据自己的实际情况选择合理的时间进行发表.个人如何发表论文.1、发表论文的重要性.不同的人发表论文的作用也不同:(1)评职称(晋升职称):研究生 毕业需要;教师 、医护人员 、科研院所的人员、企业员工 等 晋升高一级的职称时,发表期刊论文是作为一项必须的参考指标.(2)申报基金、课题 :教育、科技、卫生系统 每年申报的国家自然科学基金项目、其它各种基金项目、各种研究课题时,发表论文 是作为 基金或课题 完成的一种研究成果的结论性展示.(3)世界性基础领域的研究,比如在医学、数字、物理、化学、生命科学 等领域开展的基础性研究,公开发表论文 是对最新科技 科学研究成果、研究方法的一种展示和报道.以推动整个社会的科技进步等.(4)提升自身竞争力:本科生和研究生在校期间发表具有一定水准的论文,有助于提升个人学术素养,进入社会,也可能会有更高的起点.2、发布论文的流程.(1)确定自己的研究课题,验证其写作价值,如果具有一定价值,就着手开始筹备论文,第一次发表论文,可以多向前辈请教,多查阅一些资料文献,在前人的基础上寻找突破口,选题立意要新颖实用,不要为了写论文而写论文.(2)论文经过多次修改完善以后,接下来我们就可以准备发表论文,发表论文第一步就是要选择对应的期刊,如果稿件投向不合适的期刊可能会遭遇退稿和不公正评判.如何选择合适的期刊?在知网或其他数据库中检索本篇论文相关领域的期刊,查看期刊级别以及刊物号等,确保其为正规期刊,然后阅读其刊登发表过的论文,看自己的论文是否适合在这些期刊上发表,从中挑出2-3个期刊作为备选,进一步了解这些刊物的审稿周期、投稿费用、投稿要求等,从中选出将要投稿的1个期刊,联系期刊编辑将自己的稿件投递过去,然后等待审稿人员的回复.




最佳回答是不正确的,论文发表的权威网站并不是知网、万方、维普等,这些只是数据库,只是用来收录期刊论文、会议论文、学位 论文的,当然了,知网也有投稿系统,但根据我的工作经历,知网上90%的期刊都不用会知网的投稿系统,因此低端期刊用不了那个 系统,太复杂,高端期刊都自建自己的投稿系统。那么如果说发表论文权威渠道是什么,就是买一本杂志,自己按上面的征稿启示来投稿,如果您找不到,可以问我













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