

发布时间:2024-07-08 08:55:30


Are you investing in the right industry?Does the term book-to-bill ratio sound familiar to you? Do you know the demand and supply numbers of private condominiums in Singapore for the next year ? If you do, you must have already performed some sort of industry analysis on the electronics and property industries (or sectors as commonly referred to in stockmarket terms).Most investment processes include some sort of industry analysis. This is important because many studies have shown that over a period of time, some industries have per-formed better than others. For example, between 1987 and 1996, banking stocks in Singapore have generated better returns than other industries such as shiprepair. Industry analyses will uncover these performance differences and help identify both unprofitable and profitable opportunities(situations).It is also important to note that past performance alone will not help predict future performance. The factors or conditions that helped an industry to prosper in the past will change over time. Identifying and studying these factors will provide some clues to the entry and exit points of the investments. Going back to our earlier example, economic growth is an important criterion for banks' earnings. Between 1987 and 1996, Singapore enjoyed an uninterrrupted average GDP growth of . This allowed the banks' earnings to grow at a compound rate of when the broader market generated only growth. With GDP growth decelerating because of the Asian crisis, can we maintain the same sanguine outlook for the banks?Having determined that industry analyses are important for successful investing, the next step is to find out how we can go about doing one. There is no generic framework that is applicable to all industries, but there are commonalities which we can identify. In a free market economy, demand and supply are key determinants of price, and price is always an important contributor to any profit-driven organisation. Hence, a successful indstry ana-lysis will have to identify the underlying fac-tors driving demand and that drive demand vary across industries, and are too numerous to list. However, it is important to note that demand can be categorised as "seasonal", "cyclical" or "secular". As the word suggests, seasonal fac-tors recur year after year. Cyclical factors, on the other hand, followvery closely to the economic cycles of the market. Secular factors are more long term in nature. Seasonality or economic cycles will have minimal impact on secular an airline as an illustration. Most Singaporeans take their vacation in December. That is why airline seats are difficult to secure during that time. This is the seasonal factor because it occurs every year around the same time. Having said that, Singaporeans usually take vacations more frequently when the economy is doing well, and less so during reccessionary times. The rise and fall in demand in accordance to economic activities is the cyclical factor. Finally, the middle class population in Singapore has been rising over the last 20 years. This group is generally more affluent. Part of the lifestyle usually includes taking regular vacations to exotic destinations. Such lifestyle doesn't change annually, nor does it follow the ups and downs of economic growth. The demand for air travel will grow so long as the middle class population continues toincrease. This is an example of secular demand factors into these categories is very useful. As long-term inves-tors, we do not want to be constantly reacting to signs that are short term and volatile in nature such as seasonal, and to a lesser extent, cyclical trends. Buying and selling stocks based on these short-term trends are not only expensive (brokerage cost) but difficult to time as well. Instead, we should focus on long-term trends. They usually have a longer and more permanent impact on share key factor in identifying an attractive industry is pricing power. The ability of an industry to price its product at a profitable level without compromising its business pros-pect is important, and this is affected by many factors. Inelastic demand allows the tobacco producers to maintain good profits despite the rapidly rising tariffs all these years. Barriers to entry is another factor. Mobile-phone charges used to be very expensive because there was only Singapore Telecom providing the ser-vice (monopoly). With increased competition from M1, rates have been declining gradually. All things being equal, the more competitive the industry is, the lower the pricing power, and hence profits. Competition may be good for the consumers, but it seldom benefits the shareholders. Another factor that will impact the com-petitive environment of an industry is the cost structure. In general, indsutries with high fixed costs are more competitive than those that have high variable costs. We often hear about coun-tries being accused of 'dumping steel' onto other countries. Well, this is the case in point. Steel mills are expensive to construct. But once built, the investment costs are 'sunked'. On the other hand, the running cost to produce steel is relatively low. Since there are so many steel mills around the world (almost every country has one for strategic reasons), supply is in abundance. As competition intensifies in the global market, recovering investment cost of the mills becomes a secondary objective for management. What is more important is to keep the production ongoing and sell the steel at a price that can at least cover the variable cost component. These mills will definitely be loss-making, but at least they can continue to operate and not generate serious unemploy-ment for the economy (steel industry is very labour-intensive). Having looked at the fundamental issues, do we always buy into an industry with positive trends developing? The answer is 'no'. Con-fused? Here is why. The key to any successful investments is to stay ahead of what the market is discounting. Suppose we are bullish on the outlook of the residential property sector because owning a home is every Singaporean's dream and the island has limited land supply. But this view is widely observable. Further-more, most of the residential property stocks have already outperformed the market by huge margins. These are signs that the market has probably discounted the positive conclusion of our analysis. As such, the investment upside is probably limited. Conversely, if our conclu-sion unearths new information from the gene-ral market, we may have discovered something interesting here. To confirm that we have a good find, check out the valuation to see if it is attractive. There are many valuation tools, but the commonly used ones are Price/Earnings (PE), Enterprise Value/EBITDA*, Price/Book(P/B), and Dis-counted Cash Flow (DCF). Make a cross-industry comparison as well as historical com-parison. Going back to our property example. If our conclusion is new to the market, the industry is trading at the lower end of its histo-rical PE band, and it is also very attractive on PE terms versus the other industries in Singapore...bingo! In conclusion, I would like to leave you with a brain teaser. Imagine this is 1996 and you are an investor looking at the Dynamic Random Access Memory (DRAM) industry: DRAM is a semiconductor chip used in most electronic products such as personal computers. The business is cyclical in nature because corporate and private consumption of PCs usually rises when the economy is doing well. There are, however, two secular trends that underpin the growth in the industry. First, more and more people are buying PCs for their home and oiffice. Second, the requirement of DRAM per PC is also on the rise as processing power of computer increases exponentially. On the competitive issue, the cost to build a wafer fab is extremely high (about US$1b), and the technology is usually state-of-the-art. Besides capital and technology, there are no other significant barriers to entry. Margin for the industry had been very good because of supply shortage. This probably explained why share prices outperformed the market in 1995. The historical five-year PE band for selected stocks in the industry between 1991 and 1995 was about 10 to 100. The average PE during the period was 30. The industry is currently trading at a PE in the low teens. Would you invest in this industry? (The writer is the Investment Manager of Jardine Fleming Investment Management. This column has the support of the Investment Management Association of Singapore and the Stock Exchange of Singapore.)到这个网站上去看一下,有这篇文章的翻译,此外还有许多商务英语论文

Half-way from rags to richesApr 24th 2008From The Economist print editionVietnam has made a remarkable recovery from war and penury, says Peter Collins (interviewed here). But can it change enough to join the rich world?EyevineCorrection to this articleKNEES and knuckles scraping the ground, the visitors struggle to keep up with the tour guide who is briskly leading the way through the labyrinth of claustrophobic burrows dug into the hard earth. The legendary Cu Chi tunnels, from which the Viet Cong launched waves of surprise attacks on the Americans during the Vietnam war, are now a popular tourist attraction (pictured above). Visitors from all over the world arrive daily at the site near the city that used to be called Saigon, renamed Ho Chi Minh City after the Communists took the south in the wreckage of an abandoned M41 tank another friendly guide demonstrates a dozen types of improvised booby-traps with sharp spikes that were set in and around the tunnels to maim pursuing American soldiers. The Vietnamese not only welcome the tourist dollars Cu Chi brings in, but are also rather proud of it. They feel it demonstrates their ingenuity, adaptability, perseverance and, above all, their determination to resist much stronger foreign invaders, as the country has done many times down the centuries. These days Vietnam also has plenty of other things to be proud of. In the 1980s Ho Chi Minh's successors as party leaders damaged the war-ravaged economy even more by attempting to introduce real communism, collectivising land ownership and repressing private business. This caused the country to slide to the brink of famine. The collapse soon afterwards of its cold-war sponsor, the Soviet Union, added to the country's deep isolation and cut off the flow of roubles that had kept its economy going. Neighbouring countries were inundated with desperate Vietnamese “boat people”. Since then the country has been transformed by almost two decades of rapid but equitable growth, in which Vietnam has flung open its doors to the outside world and liberalised its economy. Over the past decade annual growth has averaged . Young, prosperous and confident Vietnamese throng downtown Ho Chi Minh City's smart Dong Khoi street with its designer shops. The quality of life is high for a country that until recently was so poor, and its larger cities have retained some of their colonial charm, though choking traffic and constant construction work are beginning to take their toll. An agricultural miracle has turned a country of 85m once barely able to feed itself into one of the world's main providers of farm produce. Vietnam has also become a big exporter of clothes, shoes and furniture, soon to be joined by microchips when Intel opens its $1 billion factory outside Ho Chi Minh City. Imports of machinery are soaring. Exports plus imports equal 160% of GDP, making the economy one of the world's most open. All this has kept government revenues buoyant despite cuts in import tariffs. The recent introduction of company taxes is also helping to fill the government's coffers. Spending on public services has surged, yet public debt, at an acceptable 43% of GDP, has remained fairly stable. Having made peace with its former foes, Vietnam hosted Presidents Bush, Putin and Hu at the Asia-Pacific summit in 2006 and joined the World Trade Organisation in 2007. This year it has one of the rotating seats on the UN Security Council. Vietnam's Communists conceded economic defeat 22 years ago, in the depths of a crisis, and brought in market-based reforms called doi moi (renewal), similar to those Deng Xiaoping had introduced in China a few years earlier. As in China, it took time for the effects to show up, but over the past few years economic liberalisation has been fostering rapid, poverty-reducing World Bank's representative in Vietnam, Ajay Chhibber, calls Vietnam a “poster child” of the benefits of market-oriented reforms. Not only does it comply with the catechism of the “Washington Consensus”—free enterprise, free trade, sensible state finances and so on—but it also ticks all the boxes for the Millennium Development Goals, the UN's anti-poverty blueprint. The proportion of households with electricity has doubled since the early 1990s, to 94%. Almost all children now attend primary school and benefit from at least basic no longer really needs the multilateral organisations' aid. Multilateral and bilateral donors together have promised the country $ billion in loans and grants this year, but with so much foreign investment pouring in, Vietnam's currency reserves increased by almost double that figure last year. At least the aid donors have learned from the mid-1990s, when excessive praise discouraged Vietnam from continuing to reform, prompting an exodus of investors. Now the tone in private meetings with officials is much franker, says a diplomat who attends them. Vietnam has become the darling of foreign investors and multinationals. Firms that draw up a “China-plus-one” strategy for new factories in case things go awry in China itself often make Vietnam the plus-one. Wage costs remain well below those in southern China and productivity is growing faster, albeit from a lower base. When the UN Conference on Trade and Development asked multinationals where they planned to invest this year and next, Vietnam, at number six, was the only South-East Asian country in the top ten. The government's programme of selling stakes in publicly owned firms and exposing them to market discipline has recently gathered pace. At the same time the switch from a command economy to free competition has allowed the Vietnamese people's entrepreneurialism to flourish. Almost every household now seems to be running a micro-business on the side, and a slew of ambitious larger firms is coming to the stockmarket. Much of the praise now being showered anew on the country is deserved. The government is well on course for its target of turning Vietnam into a middle-income country by 2010. Its longer-term aim, of becoming a modern industrial nation by 2020, does not seem unrealistic. But from now on the going may get tougher. As Mr Chhibber notes, few countries escape the “middle-income trap” as they become richer. They tend to lose their reformist zeal and see their growth fizzle. A study in 2006 by the Vietnamese Academy of Social Sciences concluded that further reductions in poverty will require higher growth rates than in the past because the remaining poor are well below the poverty line, whereas many of those who recently crossed it did not have far to stench of corruptionThe Communist Party leadership openly admits that the Vietnamese public is fed up with the endemic corruption at all levels of public life, from lowly traffic policemen and clerks to the most senior people in ministries. In 2006, just before the party's five-yearly congress, the transport minister resigned and several officials were arrested over a scandal in which millions of dollars of foreign aid were gambled on the outcome of football matches. The leadership insists it is doing its best to clean up, but a lot remains to be as bad as the corruption is the glacial speed of legislative and bureaucratic processes. Proposed laws have to pass through all sorts of hoops before taking effect, with endless rounds of consultations to build consensus. The dividing line between the Communist Party, the government and the courts is not always clear. The justice system is rudimentary. Lawyers have no formal access to past case files, so they find it hard to use precedent in legal government is part-way through a huge project to slim the bureaucracy and streamline official procedures. It recently cut the number of ministries from 28 to 22. Yet for the moment the bureaucratic logjam is stopping the country building the roads, power stations and other public works it needs to maintain its growth rate. Nguyen Tan Dung, the prime minister, says that if growth is to continue at its current rate, the country's electricity-generating capacity needs to double by 2010. That seems a tall order, to put it mildly. Soaring car-ownership is leaving the country's underdeveloped roads increasingly gridlocked. In an admirably liberal attempt to limit price distortions as oil surged above $100 a barrel, the government slashed fuel subsidies in February. But one effect will be to stoke inflation, already worryingly high at in March. Bank lending surged by 38% last year as firms and individuals borrowed to speculate on shares and government is finding it much harder to manage an economy made up of myriad private companies, banks and investors than to issue instructions to a limited number of state institutions, especially as the public sector is currently suffering a drain of talent to private firms that are able to offer much higher pay. What could go wrongAll this leaves Vietnam's continued economic development exposed to a number of risks: • Rising inflation—which is hurting low earners in particular—and a growing shortage of affordable housing could create a new urban underclass among unskilled workers who have left the land for the cities. Combined with rising resentment at official corruption and the increasing visibility of Vietnam's new rich, this could cause social friction and bring strikes and protests, chipping away at the political stability that has underpinned Vietnam's strong growth and investment.• Trade liberalisation and increased domestic competition will benefit some firms and farmers but hurt others—especially inefficient state enterprises. These could join forces and press the government to halt or even reverse the reforms.• The slumping stockmarket or perhaps a property crash could cause a big firm or bank to fail. Given the country's weak and untested bankruptcy laws and financial regulators, the authorities may find it hard to deal with that kind of calamity.• Natural disasters, from bird flu to floods, could cause chaos.• The economy could come up against the limits of its creaking infrastructure and the shortage of people with higher skills. Jammed roads, power blackouts and the inability to fill managerial and professional jobs could all bring Vietnam's growth rate crashing has set itself such demanding standards that even if some combination of these factors did no more than push annual growth below 5%, it would be seen as a serious setback. The foreign minister, Pham Gia Khiem, notes that Vietnam's current growth of around 8-9% is lower than that in Asia's richest economies at the same stage in their development. Despite the risks ahead, Vietnam has already provided the world with an admirable model for overcoming war, division, penury and isolation and growing strongly but equitably to reach middle-income status. This model could be followed by many impoverished African states or, closer to home, perhaps by North Korea. If it can be combined with gradual political liberalisation, it might even offer something for China to think about.

Brief Discussion of cultural differences in the Western diet food products as geographical features, climate environment, customs and other factors, will appear in the raw materials, flavors, cooking methods, eating habits, the different degrees of difference. It is because of these differences, food products have a strong regional. Cultural differences between Chinese and Western food culture creates differences, but this difference different from the Western way of thinking and philosophy of life. Chinese people pay attention to "Heaven", Westerners focus on "people-oriented." Here we briefly turn from the following three differences between Chinese and Western food culture. First, the concept of comparing two different diets focus on "taste" of the Chinese diet, the West is a rational eating. Regardless of food color, aroma, taste, how to shape and nutrition must be assured that one day pay attention to intake of calories, vitamins, protein and so on. Even the same taste, also must eat - because nutritious. The food concepts to the whole of Western philosophy is compatible. Metaphysics is the main features of Western philosophy. The object of study of Western philosophy for the reason of things, things and objects often metaphysical grounds, consistent with each other metaphysical reason, they form a metaphysical philosophy. This philosophy has brought vitality to Western culture, so that in the natural sciences, psychology and methodology to achieve a rapid development. But in other respects, this philosophy advocates greatly impeded the role, such as food culture. In the banquet, you can pay attention to tableware, attention to materials, pay attention to service, attention to vegetables, raw materials, shape and color with respect; but no matter how high-end luxury, from Los Angeles to New York steak is only one flavor, no arts to speak of. As a dish, chicken is chicken, steak is steak, even with matching, that is conducted in the session, a "French-style rack of lamb" while up mashed potatoes, side lean lamb chops, cooked green beans with the other side, plus a few pieces tomato and serve. The color contrast, but the taste of the variety of materials independent of each other, reconcile, each is different in flavor, simple and clear. Chinese people attach great importance "to eat", and "Food" proverb speaks with the day we see as important eating. As our nation for thousands of years the low level of productivity, people are always hungry, why we have a unique all else to eat the food culture, I think this is probably out of a survival need it. If as a culture to eat first thing, then there will be two phenomena: on the one hand this will eat into full play to the extreme, not only survive, but also use it to maintain health, which is "drug tonic as "the cultural basis; the other hand, eating too much attention, will make people praise of the delicious pursuit. Chinese cooking technique in pursuit of delicious almost perfection, and the Chinese people living overseas have to open a restaurant for the industry in the world we want to settle down into the root! Unfortunately, when we consider the pursuit of delicious as the first request, we have neglected the most basic food of nutritional value, many of our traditional food to go through the long slow fire hot ravioli fried and boiled, so the nutritional content of dishes destruction, many nutrients are lost during processing of the.。Hence the mention of the nutritional problems, in effect, goes to the biggest weakness of Chinese food culture. Folk saying goes: "Food, food to taste first." It is this pursuit of the delicious, down so that we ignore the true meaning of eating. Chinese cuisine in the tasting, they tend to say that this dish "delicious" dishes that "taste bad"; However, to further ask what "delicious," why "delicious," "delicious" Where, I am afraid that is not easy to clear. 。 This shows that Chinese people eating is a kind of hard to explain in words the pursuit of the "mood", that use of commonly called "color, smell, taste, shape, device," to put this "state" specific, probably still difficult to cover all his. The reason why Chinese food has its unique charm, the key lies in its taste. And delicious produce, is to reconcile, to make the food taste, cooked taste after heating, plus ingredients and excipients, flavor and seasoning to reconcile the flavor, mixed with the integration of coordination, so that complement each other, mutual penetration, perfect harmony You have me, I have you. China cuisine stresses the harmony of the United States, is the essence of Chinese culinary art of office. Dishes point the shape and color is something external, while the taste is something inherent, intrinsic rather than deliberate modification of re-appearance, flavor and not too heavy dishes expose dishes the shape and color, this is China and the United States concept of food The most important performance. In China, the diet has suppressed . pursuit of rationality, this concept with the traditional Chinese diet philosophy is consistent. As a representative of the Chinese philosophy Eastern philosophy, its distinguishing feature is the macro, intuitive, vague and elusive. Chinese food production is to reconcile Ding Nai, ultimate goal is to reconcile a kind of good taste. The stress is measured, is the overall co-ordination. It contains a wealth of dialectical thought of Chinese philosophy, all to the good taste of food, as the degree of harmonization, within the ever-changing degree of the decision of the Chinese food on the rich and richly varied, determine the characteristics of China's Cai Cai system and even every cook characteristics. Second, differences between Chinese and Western food object that the dishes are Westerners eat, it eats a large piece of meat, whole chickens and other "hard food." China's cuisine is "taste", so the Chinese cooking at the selected materials also show great randomness: many Westerners as discarded things in China are excellent raw materials, foreign chefs can not handle things, the hands of a chef in China, we can achieve the impossible. Indicates the Chinese food in the materials used for the extensive arbitrary. According to a survey of Western botanists, Chinese food has more than 600 kinds of vegetables, six times more than in the West. In fact, in Chinese cuisine, the vegetarian is a common food, meat dishes only on holidays or the standard of living is high, before entering the normal diet, so ancient it will have "fresh vegetables", which eat vegetables in the diet in the usual dominant. Chinese plant-based dishes, and Buddhist advocacy of thread 10000 wire with 1000 links. They see animals as "lives", while the plant is "no soul", therefore, advocated vegetarianism. Western diet, introducing features of their own country, I felt more than in China with emphasis on the rational nutrition, there are more developed food industries, such as canned food, fast food, etc., although the same taste, but to save time, and good nutrition, it is their country than the Chinese people generally robust body: tall, long legs, broad shoulders, muscular development; the Chinese people will look tall and skinny, short legs, narrow shoulders, weak quality color yellow. According to the Western diet was significant difference in the characteristics of the object, called the plant the Chinese character, Westerners called the animal character. In the diet, the different ways in the Western diet is very different, these differences also have an impact on the national character. In China, a banquet, no matter what purpose, there will be only one form, is everyone sitting round and round, sharing a seat. Use round-table banquet, which created a unity in form, courtesy of Fun atmosphere. Delicious food on the table's center, It is the table of people appreciate the object of taste, but also a table of people exchange feelings vehicle. People to toast each other for food and advised food, in the face of good things, reflects the mutual respect between people, courtesy of the United States and Germany. Although from the health point of view, this diet has obvious shortcomings, but it is consistent with our nation, "happy," the general state of mind, reflecting the classical Chinese philosophy "and" this area thinking of future generations, to facilitate collective emotional communication, and therefore difficult to reform so far. Western-style banquets, the food and wine, although very important, but in fact it is as a foil. Friendship is the core of the banquet, with guests sitting next to the conversation between the purpose of friendship. If the friendship of the banquet and dance analogy, it can be said that Chinese banquet is like a dance, and Western-style banquet is like a dance of men and women. Thus, Chinese style banquet dinner and the purpose of friendship is very obvious, but more Chinese banquet of friendship reflected in the All seats, while the Western-style dinner and more reflected in the friendship between the neighboring guests. 。 And Chinese food more obvious differences in the way of Western popular buffet. This method is: all the food 11 are listed, all what they want, not fixed to the seat to eat, walk free, this way to facilitate communication between individuals, the emotional, if not all of the table also reflects the the Westerners on the personality of the self-respect. 但 However, eat all of, each disturbance, the lack of a number of Chinese people celebrating together, the mood of talking. So, after all, or the difference between emotional and rational. However, this difference seems to change with the development of science and the fuzzy. More and more Chinese people to no longer focus only on food color, aroma, taste, and more emphasis on its health and nutrition of the. Also, because more people are busy working, that Chinese food can not be bothered to do than to a hamburger and convenient. As a difference in the diet also not clear when. 。 But the saying goes, "there are disadvantages also be conducive to the sword", that is, in the scientific era, Chinese and Western restaurants are still there can not be ignored on the shortcomings and disadvantages. So how to avoid and eliminate the shortcomings of both, to improve both diet and how to combine the two, how the Western diet and make greater contributions to human health. We are a group of subjects especially after careful investigation and careful comparison, here a brief talk from the following four differences between Chinese and Western food culture. !






























[N]—— 报纸文章


[D]——学位论文 :不区分硕士还是博士论文


[S]—— 标准



[Z]——对于不属于上述的文献类型,可用字 母"Z"标识,但这种情况非常少见

[DB/OL] ——联机网上数据(database online)

[DB/MT] ——磁带数据库(database on magnetic tape)

[M/CD] ——光盘图书(monograph on CDROM)

[CP/DK] ——磁盘软件(computer program on disk)

[J/OL] ——网上期刊(serial online)

[EB/OL] ——网上电子公告(electronic bulletin board online)





从普通人角度出发,所谓的“现代女性意识”怎么在一个普通女人身上体现 建议与易卜生〈娜拉〉对照研究,最好再参看像西蒙·波娃的〈第二性——女人〉这类研究著作 别把她当英雄,当成个普通女孩,以这种前提看法再细读,必有收获。....女性独立意识——《简爱》1847年夏洛蒂�6�1勃朗特最负盛名的一部作品——简爱出版了,在那个年代,由女性作家创作的以女性作为主角的长篇小说实属难得,更可贵的是作品中体现出的女性独立意识,虽然这种独立意识在强大的社会价值观念的作用下显得有些无助甚至——在极端的情况下——有些病态。 简爱从小就可以称得上是一个桀骜不驯的人物。不论是她小时候寄人篱下时所经受的屈辱,还是女子学校那种冷漠的压抑的环境以及好友亡故所带来的痛楚,都不曾使她放弃心中的信念。她始终认为自己是一个有独立思考能力的人,有选择人生道路的权利和能力。她不愿意做花瓶一般的女人,仅仅将自己的一生供人赏玩。所以当罗切斯特试探简爱的时候,她会几近失态地说出那段具有宣言意味的告白:你以为我贫穷、低贱、难看、矮小就没有灵魂,没有感情吗?我现在同你说话,并不借助习俗、惯例,甚至不借助肉体,而是我的灵魂在同你的灵魂对话,就好像我们都经过坟墓,站在上帝脚下,彼此平等——我们是平等的。 习俗和惯例,往往是社会观念的集中体现。而小说也恰恰安排了一个很符合习俗、惯例的人物——英格兰姆小姐,作为简爱的对照。她们一个富有而美丽,一个贫穷而平凡;一个出身名门,一个孤苦伶仃;一个熟稔于一切上流社会的交际手段,而一个却与这一切格格不入。英格兰姆小姐可以被视为习俗和惯例所称羡的女性的典范。这样的念头甚至连简爱都无法抗拒……。简爱并没有骄傲地指出英格兰姆小姐的贫乏和平庸,在最后选择的关头,她所坚守的仍然是她独立思考的权力,捍卫的仍然是她个人的爱与憎。她选择了逃避、离开,或许是因为这次并不像她以往所经历过的苦难——那样的困境一个人还能够熬过去——但这次,等待是无用的。然而简爱毕竟没有选择去争取。这是否暗示着简爱内心的悲观和绝望?如果的确如此的话,那么就可以看到即使对于充满反抗精神的简爱来说,她也始终摆脱不了习俗、惯例以及它们背后的社会观念。 进而,这种社会观念更体现在书中的另一位男性角色——圣约翰身上。圣约翰笃信宗教,并以献身于上帝为自己终身的使命。他想让简爱也来参加他的终身事业,觉得简爱会理所应当的接受他的观念,即使暂时还有差异,这差异也会很快被统一到自己这边来,圣约翰以为自己的想法和简爱的想法是完全可以等同的。这种对于女性独立意识的粗暴的侵犯实际上反映出圣约翰并没有认识到或者并不承认简爱可以也应该有自己的想法。这恐怕就是当时社会观念对于女性的态度,换句话说,社会观念中的男权意识的体现。 简爱这次坚决地拒绝了,因为这次触到的是她的底线——她已经付出了巨大的代价来捍卫的主体意识。从这个意义上说,简爱可以与《玩偶之家》中的娜拉一起作为女性启蒙时期的典型形象了。 小说最终提供了一个解决个人——社会矛盾的方式,也就是桑菲尔德的大火。这场有着诺亚方舟意味的大火将一切都摧毁重来了。正因为这场大火才使得简爱回到了罗切斯特的身边,也算是找到了终生的幸福。但同样也是因为这场大火使得罗切斯特双目失明。从此罗切斯特必须依靠简爱来做他的眼睛。这或许保证了简爱在今后生活中的地位:罗切斯特再也不可能用一种高高在上的姿态来试探她了。但最终的幸福生活本身就是残缺的,因为它必须建立在一个残缺的基础上。这也意味着女性的独立意识只能建立在一个残缺的男性世界中。而真实的世界,仍然没有改变。 最后要提一句的是《简爱》中阁楼上的疯女人形象。有论者认为这个形象与简爱实则是同一个人的两面。除去其中语不惊人死不休的夸张外,这种说法颇有可取之处。试想如果简爱最终无法承受来自社会的巨大压力,同时又无法放弃自己的独立意识时,发疯就是唯一能够提供平衡的解决之道了。幸好这不是简爱选择的道路。也不是大多数面临同一困境的人所选择的道路,即使他们要为此付出更大的代价。








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3、会议论文集(或汇编): [序号]作者.题名[A].编者.论文集名[C].出版地:出版者,出版年.起止页码.

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论文关键词:田径运动员 身体素质 心理素质 训练

论文摘要: 在田径运动中,运动员的身体素质和心理素质对运动完成的质量和能否取得比赛的好成绩起着决定性的作用,因此,在田径运动训练时,既要加强运动员的身体素质训练,又要加强运动员的心理素质训练。 一、身体素质的训练 1.力量素质训练。力量素质是人体最基本的身体素质,是进行一切体育活动的基础,各种体育活动都是由肌肉收缩和舒张而产生的力量牵拉骨骼进行运动,跑、跳、投等运动均离不开力量素质。力量素质好,必然地对身体控制能力强、关节的稳定性好,在运动过程中疲劳出现得较晚,可以大量减少损伤的发生,因此它在预防运动损伤中起着关键作用。短跑、跳远及跨栏运动中易发生股后肌群拉伤,这主要是由于股后群肌肉力量本身就很弱而在训练中常常又得不到到重视造成的,因此,在平时的训练中,加大股后群肌肉的力量训练,能在很大程度上减少股后群肌肉损伤。 2.平衡能力训练。机体的平衡主要是由前庭分析器来控制,如机体的位移、起伏、旋转、加速及空间位置等。而肢体的平衡则主要由本体感受器来控制,如完成动作过程中肢体的位置的控制;跑步时虽然路不平整,但也不会摔倒,也会扭伤踝关节,这正是由于本体感受器的精确控制。但是在受伤特别是关节或肌健受伤后,由于一些解剖关系发生改变,如组织的撕裂、破坏本体感受器装置及其功能也会被坏,从而失去了对肢体位置的.精确控制,极易造成再次损伤,而这一环节易忽视,,因此,在训练过程中,一定要注重平衡能力的训练,一旦出现损伤,除了进行功能性恢复训练,一定还要进行平衡能力恢复的训练。 3.耐力素质训练。田径运动损伤中慢性损伤和劳损最为多见,尤其是中长距离项目更要注意。有的损伤虽然不至于让运动员停止训练,但正由于大多数运动员都在此种情况下坚持训练,所以在长期训练积累后会出现难以痊愈的慢性损伤和劳损。中长跑时因膝关节长时间反复曲伸, 髂 胫束因此而来回地前后滑动,与股骨外 髁 之间反复磨擦,易导致膝外侧疼痛征候群等,还会引起胫腓骨疲劳性骨膜炎甚至骨折;马拉松运动员常发生膝外侧疼痛综合征,胫前肌 腱 鞘炎及足趾挤压伤。现代研究表明,系统地关节和肌肉力量耐力训练对减少这些损伤非常有效。在耐力训练的结束期还会出现的肌肉酸痛、僵硬现象,这可能是由于疲劳提高了肌肉感受系统(肌梭)兴奋性,从而使被劳损的肌群处于较长时间酸痛或僵硬状态,这种僵硬如不能及时的消除,就可逐渐积累发展成为慢性软组织损伤。因此,在每次耐力训练的结束期应做一些调整活动以放松肌肉,如:提踵、转体走、放松摆臂、踢腿等使心跳、呼吸趋于平静,使血液向全身分散,这对预防慢性运动损伤大有裨益。 4.灵敏和协调性训练。灵敏、协调素质都是较复杂的运动素质,是运动技能和各种素质在运动活动中的综合表现。大脑皮层运动动力定型的完善和神经过程灵活性是完成运动技能,动作协调稳定而且高度自动化,在活动中表现为灵活而省力。在环境条件突然发生变化时,还需要创造出新的动作来适应新的条件。这就要求神经中枢的机能活动性和分析综合能力高度发展,迅速对情况作出判断,当机立断地完成新的动作。在田径运动中,上肢和下肢的不协调、主动肌和被动肌的不协调、呼吸和用力不协调及人体和器械不协调等都是造成肌肉拉伤的重要原因。灵敏和协调性的改善可提高应激和自我保护能力,从而有效地减少运动损伤,例如,在跳远、跳高、撑杆跳等项目落地过程中,虽出现不正常的落地姿势,但如果灵敏协调性较好,可以很快调整过来,以安全的姿势落地。 5.柔韧素质训练。柔韧素质训练是预防田径运动损伤的重要素质。柔韧性包括关节活动的幅度及跨关节的肌肉、韧带、肌 腱 、皮肤的伸展性。关节活动幅度小,肌肉伸展性差是导致运动损伤的一个重要原因。加强柔韧性练习,可以提高关节肌肉的灵活性,提高中枢神经系统调节对抗肌的协调性及紧张和放松的能力,从而减少运动损伤。柔韧素质训练一定要动静结合,如果静力练习时间过长,被拉长的韧带、肌肉恢复时间又不足,不仅不能达到练习的目的,而且还可能引起关节松脱或肌肉松弛,因此,在柔韧练习中必须要辅以摆腿、踢腿等动力性练习。此外,在平时训练中柔韧和力量一定要结合进行,尤其是在力量训练之后更应采用专门的牵拉练习来帮助肌肉疲劳的恢复。 二、心理素质训练? ? 1.自我认识。自我认识是主观自我对客观自我的认识与评价,自我认识是自己对自己身心特征的认识,自我评价是在这个基础上对自己作出的某种判断。正确的自我评价,对个人的心理生活及其行为表现有较大影响。如果个体对自身的估计与社会上其它人对自己客观评价距离过于悬殊,就会使个体与周围人们之间的关系失去平衡,产生矛盾,长期以来,将会形成稳定的心理特征自满或自卑,将不利于个人心理上的健康成长。 2.自我评价。自我评价是自我意识发展的主要成份和主要标志,是在认识自己的行为和活动的基础上产生的,是通过社会比较而实现的。由于我们自我评价能力不高,往往不是过高就是过低,大多属于过高型。因此,要提高我们的自我评价能力,你就应学会与同伴进行比较,通过比较做出评价。你还应学会借助别人的评价来评价自己,学会用一分为二的观点评价自己。? 3.自我体验。自我体验是主体对自身的认识而引发的内心情感体验,是主观的我对客观的我所持有的一种态度,如自信、自卑、自尊、自满、内疚、羞耻等都是自我体验良好的自我体验有助于自我监控的发展。 4.自我监控。自我监控是自己对自身行为与思想言语的控制,具体表现为两个方面:一是发动作用,二是制止作用,也就是支配某一行为,抑制与该行为无关或有碍于该行为进行的行为。进行自我认知、自我体验的训练目的是进行自我监控,调节自己的行为,使行为符合群体规范,符合社会道德要求,通过自我监控调节自己的认识活动,提高学习效率。 参考文献: [1] 朱丽萍,吕金江.重视高校体育课田径教学[J].楚雄师范学 院学报,2006,(3). [2] 李雪峰.素质教育在高校田径教学中的运用[J].运城学院学 报,2007,(2). [3] 范军.高校田径专修学生综合素质培养对策[J].湖北体育科 技, 2009,(5). [4] 路宪法.陕西省普通高校体育教育专业田径教学现状与改 革探究[J].科技信息,2010,(3).
