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建议你先找找案例。而且你给你内容也太宽泛了, 西方国家之间的文化也有很大的差异,建议你给出一个特定的国家和地区 再搜索结果。 而且作为毕业论文,引文要20篇以上才够说话。如果你有特定需要,可以留言联系我, 本人在美国读MBA

orientation and innovation in outdoor advertising design(户外广告设计的创新理念) Abstract: With the pace of China's market economy continues to accelerate, there is bound to affect the enterprise's survival and development. In addition to improving its own internal business management system and product quality, and often would resort to outdoor advertising in the mass media for product promotion, corporate image promotion, because advertisers, especially in outdoor advertising design, targeted, targeted, consumers appear places, outdoor advertising is also arise where a corresponding, to enable enterprises to increase even greater benefits. Outdoor advertising design and placement should fully take into account the different geographical groups of aesthetic and consumer preferences, in large and medium cities and rural areas should also be targeted advertising is different, and even between the city and neighboring cities are different, in the Advertising location choice, advertisers and advertising companies should avoid over-concentration of outdoor advertising of lots released, where too much visual interference factors, often can not be accurate and clear transmission of advertising messages, but should choose advertising patchwork of lots, ambient lighting at night to avoid interfering with an accurate flow of advertising content, while the ad is released, Ad-designed social environmental factors can not be ignored in order to target advertising design as a starting point; For example: product concentration in the electronic business point of sale with the food content and form completely different food advertising, in the content, it can be from a cultural Folk connotation dig, while electronic products to reflect the role of technology and knowledge, there must be a certain degree of cultural taste, because the consumer groups in the present is the relative concentration of highly educated groups. Only in-depth investigation and analysis, to understand their aesthetic preferences, targeted to develop accurate and targeted advertising creative and marketing tools, it Be able to achieve the desired results. To Beijing and Guangzhou as an example, Guangzhou, outdoor advertising design like the straight to the point, given away, which is Guangzhou's fast-paced lifestyle and preferences related to outdoor advertising in Beijing is seeking a taste and mood, only the scientific and precise positioning, will receive good results, kind of "a world of paper copy line" strategy will not work. Japan's Toyota Motor in China, a long period of research, playing a "must have car to the Piedmont Road, there are roads there must be Toyota," a very Chinese advertising language, click on China's Ai Chezu impressed. A place where there is consumer groups, outdoor advertising will accordingly appear where it is. In the countryside, our outdoor advertising design for the performance of township consumer groups content, and thus the performance of our content and form of outdoor advertising design and urban differences should be so adapted to local people's aesthetic form of expression, can be a more appropriate and easier to impress people. Conversely, Right one from the content and form of outdoor advertising are better designed to reflect the degree of feedback can be a reflection of a regional consumer base level of the cultural heritage and style. Third, the quality of positioning People's lives can not do without advertising, but advertising will not be able to leave the consumer, China's current need to have entertainment, humor, and viewing of advertising works, so that the audience in a relaxed, pleasant atmosphere, to accept the transmission of messages; Therefore, the understanding of consumer psychology, with high-quality advertising works impress people. Creative design is the positioning of outdoor advertising from the concept expressed by the form of a special theme of the performance of ads, with the design of practical and emotional connotation graphics, outdoor advertising design creativity without trend, without borders. Creative design is constantly on the ideological and cultural innovation, rather than the technical design. Creativity to reflect the human spirit, reflecting cultural. How to do creative, is advertisers and advertising planning, writers, designers are commonly faced challenges. The creative design of outdoor advertising signs must have a clear form of language into the sales of graphic language, and have the aesthetic connotation and denotation. Gestalt psychology, on the form of aesthetic vision, perception analysis, stressed the importance of the form to provide the demands of outdoor advertising targeted content, in content and form, how the performance more effective. Outdoor advertising is characterized by transient visual effects, visual instinctive curiosity of the people, always irritating things interesting, with eye-catching title, simple graphics, bright colors the content of outdoor advertising design, is undoubtedly a good advertising design. The success of outdoor advertising creative design is a bright spot in people's lives inadvertently excavation, sorting, and know how to discover life has a strong emotional factor in the lives of fragments (such as the Spring Festival, Lunar New Year during the release of various type of advertisements), so that outdoor advertising through the graphical allow people to to strengthen communication and understanding that evoke nostalgia. Economic conditions in the Chinese market, which demands a human into a form of advertising design is the inevitable product of the future of advertising content. It reflects the market trends and cultural trends, it is bound to impact consumer psychology and consumer behavior, the more a human and cultural taste of outdoor advertising works, In the future will increasingly have an impact and penetration. Outdoor advertising design elements of human emotion as a starting point, in this very rich material and spiritual conditions, the use of information means of communication, the conditions for an unprecedented expansion, together make the greatest designers of the advertising creative degree of play, with people's traditional cultural understanding and insights on a new life, outdoor advertising is bound to face a new and rich services to the public. Can be said that accurate positioning is half the success of outdoor advertising. Reference to translate and annotate: 1. "Advertisement graphic creativity" zguilma a / Hubei Fine Arts Press in January 2003 2. "Visual thinking" in the United States Rudolph Arne Hui el a / knee Shouyao translation, Guangming Daily Publishing House / 1986 3. "Graphics and significance," Yin Dingbang forward / Hunan Science and Technology Press / November 2001 4. "Graphics Creative" into Zhaohui forward / China Academy of Fine Arts Publishing House / February 2003 5. "Poster Design" Lu Shao-Wen / Zhejiang People's Fine Arts Publishing House / April 1994

英语广告中双关语的运用技巧及翻译摘 要:双关语是英语广告中一种较为常见的修辞手段。双关语的翻译本身就是一个难点,而广告中双关语的翻译则更加复杂。本文从语音双关、语义双关、语法双关和成语、俗语双关等几方面对双关语的运用技巧作了阐述。并在考虑双关语的双重含义及广告语体风格的基础上,从契合译法、分别表义法、套译法、侧重译法和补偿译法等方面对英语广告双关语的翻译作了初步的探讨。 关键词:广告语言;双关语;翻译 Punning and the Translation of Puns in English Advertisements MENG Lin & ZHAN Jing-hui (Foreign Languages Dept., Harbin Institute of Technology, Harbin 150090, China) Abstract: Punning is one of the most common rhetorical devices used in advertisement. This paper is about the techniques of punning and the translation of puns in English advertisements. There are various ways to form puns in advertisements. The translation of puns is difficult because of the double meanings, and the translation of puns in advertisements is even more difficult because one must keep both the double meanings of a pun and the style of the advertisement in mind. Key words: advertising language; pun; translation 1. 双关语在广告中的运用 作为一种修辞手段,双关语在广告中比较常用,它存在于语音、词汇、句法等各个语言层面。在广告中,广告制作者为了增加广告的吸引力,挖空心思地追求新的创意,使得双关语在广告中的运用技巧更加纷繁复杂。巧妙的双关能使语言含蓄、幽默、生动、给人以回味和想象的余地。较为常见的有以下几个方面。 . 谐音双关 “谐音双关是用拼写相似,发音相同或相近的词构成的” 1 。广告制作者非常乐于使用谐音双关,因为此类双关具有风趣、幽默、俏皮、滑稽的语言风格,能增强广告的说服力和感染力,从而给消费者留下深刻的印象。 (1) More sun and air for your son and heir. 2 译文:这里有充足的阳光,清新的空气,一切为了您的子孙后代。 在这则海滨浴场的宣传广告中,制作者巧妙地运用了sun-son, air-heir这两对谐音字,使广告语言不仅和谐悦耳,读来朗朗上口,而且颇风趣、幽默,具有感召力。 (2)Trust us. Over 5000 ears of experience. 3 译文:相信我们吧。历经5000多只耳朵的检验,有着5000多年的经验。 这是一则助听器推销广告。从字面看,它说明了该产品已经接受了众多消费者的考验,但字里行间巧妙地嵌入一对谐音字ears-years,充分暗示了该产品悠久的历史,久经考验的上乘质量。 许多广告都在商品品牌的名称上做文章。品牌名称中的双关语不仅能增加广告的趣味性和幽默感,更重要的是使品牌名称更能吸引人们的注意力,便于记忆,增加宣传攻势力度,以此达到宣传产品的目的。品牌名称中的双关语大多采用谐音的方法。 (3) WEAR-EVER introduces a new concept in glass oven ware: CLEANABILITY. 4 译文:“恒久”玻璃炉具带给你一个全新的概念:洁净。 这里生产商利用其商标WEAR-EVER一词多义的特点,大力推销其产品:一方面WEAR-EVER为其品牌名称,另一方面该词又另有含义:既为wear forever(体现产品结实耐用),又为wherever(说明到处受人欢迎)。该广告从多角度推销其产品,能够激起顾客的购买欲望,具有一定的劝说作用。

摘 要]本文从思维方式、价值观念、审美情趣、传统风俗文化心理及民族禁忌等层面探讨了广告翻译策略。广告翻译质量的关键在于能否使译入语文化背景下的受众产生原文在源语文化背景中的相应效果在于能否准确把握两种文化异同。本文拟从中西思维方式差异、文化背景与价值观念差异、审美情趣差异、从传统风俗文化心理及民族禁忌层面等层面阐述广告翻译策略。[关键词]广告文化心理翻译一、文化与广告语言语言是文化的载体它反映一个民族的特征不仅包含着该民族的历史和文化背景而且蕴藏着该民族对人生的看法及其生活方式和思维方式。广告是一门艺术广告作品要有艺术感染力不仅要吸引观众还要触动其情感使其对企业及商品产生好感进而引导购买行为(胡屹1999)。为达到攻心目的国际广告中语言文字的翻译一定要精心求善求美。广告本身也蕴含着丰富的文化内涵它从一个侧面揭示了一个民族的心理特征、信仰和价值观念。因此译者对广告的理解也不能只限于字面还要了解其引申意义及丰富的文化蕴涵。所以商品的译名应该是好读、好听、好看做到音、形、义的完美统一。在翻译英语广告文字时,无论是英译汉还是汉译英,绝不能满足于字面上的翻译,做“表面文章”。必须要使语言翻译得既准确又地道,尤其是要把原文中的“潜台词”(message)或言外之意传达出来,做到达意、传神和表形,收到意似、神似和形似三统一的效果。二、广告翻译策略分析王佐良先生曾指出“翻译中最大的困难就是两种文化的不同……翻译者必须是一个真正意义上的文化人。”作为跨文化交际的重要组成部分,广告翻译也同样受到文化因素的制约。广告文化具有明显的大众性、商业性、民族性和时代性的特点所以文化传统、信仰、价值观念在很大程度上影响广告活动。本文拟从中西思维方式差异、文化背景与价值观念差异、审美情趣差异、从传统风俗文化心理及民族禁忌层面等层面阐述广告翻译策略。1.从中西思维方式差异层面审视广告翻译策略语言是思维的工具,而文化的构成又离不开思维(心理文化就是思维的直接产物)人的语言表达是受思维方式支配的思维又影响和制约着语言。东、西方文化的思维方式有着很大的差异。东方人主张“天人合一”、“物我交融”追求和谐与对称平衡重综合、重归纳、重暗示。西方人则主张“人天分立”、“物我分明”崇尚个体思维、个性展示重形式论证重分析、细微、曲折挖掘惟恐不尽描写惟恐不周。例如在西方国家里妇女解放是人们关注的一个焦点。在一则题为“Why can't a woman be like a woman”的香水广告中列举了妇女形象、地位变化以及这些变化带来的矛盾和困惑广告最后写道:Cabriole is full of delicuous like the woman who'clever enough to rnjoy being awoman.香水作为一种女性化的商品在这里成为妇女“To befeminist and feminine”的中介。这则广告的创意充分利用了妇女对自身形象的关注细致地分析了妇女解放带给人们的心理困惑强调女性思维博得了广大女性对商品的好感达到了很好的广告效果。译者如果不了解受众的思维方式,广告商所做的广告不仅难以达到促销的目的反而会带来一些意想不到的麻烦。如在英语广告中unique是一个使用频率很高的词汇这在一定程度上反映了西方社会强调个性的思维方式。然而由于中华民族特有的文化心理对于unique的强调难以在汉语广告中达到相应的效果。与之相反在汉语广告中“大宝”牌化妆品的广告语:“儿子一瓶,我一瓶,再给老爸来一瓶,我给老婆买一瓶”迎合了注重家庭亲情的大众心理。可见不同的民族有着不同的思维方式。迎合人们的思维方式以唤起认同感准确生动地传达商品信息刺激广告受众的购买欲对于成功的广告翻译是十分重要的。2.从文化背景与价值观念差异层面审视广告翻译策略美国人类学家爱德华·泰勒在《原始文化》一书中把“文化”作为一个中心概念提出来提出文化是一个复合的整体其中包括知识、信仰、艺术、法律、道德、风俗以及人作为社会成员而获得的任何其他的能力和习惯文化的内容如此丰富,是一个民族经过几千年的沉淀、发展和承袭而形成一定社会和社会群体的共同意识和共同规范。不同的民族文化深受其背景的影响,形成其不同的价值观念。语言反映文化文化的核心是传统的价值观念。广告商正是利用这一点竭力迎合人们的价值观念以谋求最大的商业利益。同样是航空广告由于价值观念不同美国航空公司的广告是“Bigthrillsmall bills”(大刺激小价钱)强调刺激、新奇价格便宜这是美国人所崇尚的价值观。又如在美国的主流文化中追求成功是压倒一切的主旋律而成功与否乃至成功的大小往往是用金钱来衡量的。基于此一家证券公司打出这样的广告标语: Want To Succeed Not Just Survive;2 The Will ToSucceed Is Part Of Americans Spirit最后的点睛之笔为The SuccessYou Want We Help You不难想象这则广告将会给成功欲极强的美国人留下深刻的印象。又如“:Carefour”是外商投资的超市译为“家乐福”取“家家都快乐和幸福”之意。的确它为都市人提供了衣、食、用等方面的商品成了人们喜爱的购物场所。无独有偶“安而乐”卫生巾同样迎合了国人“平安幸福”的人生价值观让女性感到安全、快乐。又如“可口可乐”和百事可乐”译文和中文谐音而且具有美好的含义。如“乐凯”彩色胶卷的商标音译为“Luck”为“幸福”之意“;Stone”寓意是“坚如磐石”作为“四通”电脑的英文商标充分体现了“四通人”甘做中国电脑的铺路石创世界名牌坚韧不拔的精神。类似的译名还有上海补品来福(Life)果奶“乐百士”(Robust)等等。而法国某公司在中国某地区曾推出“鸦片”牌男用香水本想用鸦片的诱惑力使中国的男人使用“鸦片”牌香水像鸦片一样上瘾。但由于该公司不了解中国人对鸦片二字的感觉不是诱人而是痛恨此广告严重挫伤了我国民众的民族自尊心。结果此品牌香水上市后受到消费者的猛烈抨击。鉴于此广告的翻译工作最好由广告受众国的译者去做因为只有受众国的译者才能熟知本国的价值观念才能译出符合本国受众思维方式和文化习惯因而为他们所喜欢的广告语。3.从审美情趣差异层面审视广告翻译策略大众的审美心理与广告的翻译之间存在着非常密切的关系。审美心理是一种综合的文化意识涉及到政治观点、宗教观念、生活方式和风俗习惯等各个方面。中国国民稳固的心里结构以“仁”、“务实”、“忍耐”为基本内容。形成特有的审美取向这里有很大成分是受儒家的“中庸”之道思想方法影响。审美要求“内敛”且有美善统一的自觉要求与西方审美观中的张扬的唯心主义片段性的思维相比更客观一些。西方的审美心理强调主体感情、想象、直觉产生的美、美感受康德美学思想中人的主体能力的影响形成全力张扬的现代主义的审美观这种审美观是非理性的具有意志、直觉、潜意识等方面把握美之本身的唯美化倾向。这种审美心理差异形成了中西广告文化的不同心理。中国人在文化上表现为大一统观念例如重权威、轻事实还有从众心理;有小农意识重实惠轻意念且人格至上。西方人的文化心理结构较为复杂以“人本”、“认知”、“行为”为基本内容。审美情趣是一种综合的文化意识涉及生活方式、风俗习惯等方面。而广告又是面对大众的一种重要的商品宣传手段它要迎合大众的审美心理。广告的翻译没有固定的模式应采用灵活多变的方法最大限度地再现原广告的神韵和风格提倡吸引力、诱惑力和表达方式的大众化同时要尊重普通人的审美情趣。因此广告商要深入了解商品出口国的文化背景了解异域广告受众的审美情趣这一点在出口商品的名称翻译中尤为重要。如我国有种叫“芳芳”的口红国人看到“芳芳”二字心中会产生美好的联想仿佛看到一位美丽善良的少女又好像闻到了她周身袭来的香气。而此商标音译成“Fang Fang”英语国家的消费者听了心中不禁生起一种恐怖之情因为Fang恰好是一个英文单词其义是a snake'spoison tooth(蛇的毒牙)。因此他们联想到的并不是一位涂口红的美丽少女而是毒汁四溅的毒蛇。翻译出现了这一败笔口红的销路便可想而知了。Whisper卫生巾音译为“护舒宝”。Whisper的英文意思是耳语、密谈富含女性用品的形象性和女性味。而翻译为中文时则传达给中国女性消费者的是该产品的功能和优良的品质给人以舒爽、安全、美妙的感觉从而达到了名牌效应。再如宝洁公司的洗发用品Head&Shoulder如果仅根据原文直译为“头和肩”或像我国台湾地区一样翻译为“海伦仙杜丝”消费者会感到茫然不知所云而译为“海飞丝”高雅的词义迎合了广告受众的审美情趣使人联想到怡人的大海以及青春美少女飘逸柔顺的秀发随风飞扬的画面自然会激发消费者强烈的购买欲望。优雅的名称对商品来说是一种“包装”对消费者而言是一种“诱惑”。翻译广告时要符合大众的审美情趣只有当一个译名在人的心目中产生与本国消费者相似的美感时该产品才会被接受。4.从传统风俗文化心理及民族禁忌层面审视广告翻译策略一个国家、民族都有千百年来形成的风俗文化及审美习惯。因此译者应充分考虑到商品所销国家和地区的文化、历史和风俗尽量避免带有文化禁忌色彩的词语和形象这样才不会影响商品的销路。例如:中国有一种电扇商标为“蝙蝠”是因为“蝠”和“福”同音蝙蝠被认为是吉祥的动物。在日本韩国蝙蝠也象征幸福。但是如果翻译为Bat会引起西方人反感。类似的还有Dragon(龙)在我国历史上龙是一个图腾形象而在西方文化中;Dragon却代表罪恶、邪恶。英国人不喜欢Magpie(喜鹊)、大象。伊斯兰教国家对Panda(熊猫)很反感。数字在中西方喜好也有区别。日本不喜欢“4”认为与“死”同音。“7”在欧美国家有积极意义。“13”则象征不幸。出口英国的商标最好不用“666”因为它在圣经里象征魔鬼。还有对花类的青睐禁忌也有区别。如日本人忌讳荷花喜欢樱花意大利人偏爱玫瑰讨厌菊花。翻译时颜色的广告词也不可忽视。如:美国人大都不喜欢紫色;法国人讨厌墨绿色而偏爱蓝色;比利时人最忌蓝色;西方国家以白色象征纯洁把黑色当作死亡。总之各种禁忌无奇不有广告翻译者应大力研究。广告语言承载丰富的文化蕴涵。如MercedesBenz的中译“平治”这两个字马上使人联想到《大学》里所说的“齐家、治国、平天下”。平治汽车是身份的象征车主非富则贵即使不是国家、天下的领导者至少在治、平两方面有些参与。与平治同为名车的BMW译为“宝马”是取B与M的发音。现代的名车就是古代的宝马这两种汽车的翻译就很体现中国的文化内涵迎合了消费者的心理。不熟悉外族文化不了解异域人民的审美心理就会在商标翻译中出现败笔。还有一种出口干电池的商标叫“白象”英译成“WhiteElephant”应该是百分之百的正确。殊不知awhiteelephant这条固定的英文短语意为“沉重的负担”或“无用而累赘的东西”。由于翻译中的这一败笔商品的销路可想而知。为了向译者忠实地转达原文的信息和实现广告语的艺术性有时要做适当的文化转换。如“玉兔”这一商标英译成“MoonRabbit”而不译成“JadeRabbit”。原因是“玉兔”乃是我国神话中陪伴吴刚生活在月宫桂花树下的兔子因此它又成为月的代称。将它译成MoonRabbit体现了我国东方文化的风采使英文不易产生异解不会误以为是玉做成的兔子。三、结束语广告语言本身充满着丰富的想象力和极大的创造性。促销是它惟一的目的而把一国的广告语译成另一国广告语时由于社会文化、语言、民族心理等多方面的原因这种翻译绝非只是一种一一对应的语码转换。要求译者要具备语言、社会文化、民俗、心理学等、经济市场学、广告原理等方面的知识。二、参考文献:三、[1]王秉钦:文化翻译学[M].天津:南开大学出版社1995四、[2][美]萨丕尔:语言论[M].北京:商务印书馆1985五、[3]王佐良:翻译:思考与试笔[M].北京:外语教学与研究出版社1989
























● 品牌广告语:







7、以蚕丝为源 打造改变肌肤命运的美丽奇迹。















丝毕丽寓意面膜产品原料都取自纯天然植物精华,是纯正全植物提取精华液成分蚕食面膜品牌。品牌以植物为源 ,源源不断地向肌肤输送着水分,使肌肤时时处在水的亲润中。丝毕丽代表了品牌对于女性的心灵关怀,期望女性在天然植物的呵护下,每天都拥有一份美好和谐的心境。




















































































1. 国货精华,上海申花! 申花牌化妆品

2. 绿宝、绿宝,植物之宝! 绿宝牌化妆品

3. 岁月留苍老,“黑马“葆青春! 黑马牌化妆品

4. 修护明眸娇颜,重拾流金岁月! 依柔片牌化妆品

5. 依柔、依柔,依然柔柔蜜蜜! 依柔片牌化妆品

6. 依柔、依柔,节日的问候! 依柔片牌化妆品

7. 东方魔水----三露,可使您青春常在,容貌更艳! 三露化妆品

8. 美白,自信新感受! 美白牌化妆品

9. 雅芳------全新的感觉! 雅芳牌化妆品

10. 女性魅力来自丽花丝宝! 丽花丝宝化妆品

11. 让节日温馨的娇客,再显女士美丽的憧憬! 丽花丝宝化妆品

12. 拥有精美化妆,完美体现自我! 阿美牌化妆品

13. 问君哪得貌如许,醉人清风“阿美“牌! 阿美牌化妆品

14. 最明“脂“的选择------“特调脂“! 特调脂化妆品

15. 要想容颜美,还是用芭蕾! 芭蕾牌化妆品

16. 女人总该有一丁点“虚荣心“. 虚荣心牌化妆品

17. 随88所至,展发型风采! 88牌化妆品

18. 新潮、活力、青春! 发佳丽牌化妆品

19. 新潮、浪漫、情真! 发佳丽牌化妆品

20. 青春亮丽,惟有发佳丽! 发佳丽牌化妆品

21. 爱美之心人人皆有之,华美为你增添光彩! 美华牌化妆品

22. 天然精华,如水轻柔! 美华牌化妆品

23. 至美至真,华美精神! 美华牌化妆品

24. 给你欢乐,给你追求! 少女牌化妆品

25. 你希望在五十岁时还年轻吗? 少女牌化妆品

26. 苗条天姿,来自洁士! 洁士牌化妆品

27. 洁士福星到,新春添风采! 洁士牌化妆品

28. 苗条霜,真诚的奉献! 洁士牌化妆品

29. 要苗条,找洁士! 洁士牌化妆品

30. 洁士苗条霜,恢复你健美体形! 洁士牌化妆品

31. 灿烂缤纷的每一天,都需要...... 女宝牌化妆品

32. 特别的美属于特别的您! 女宝牌化妆品

33. 女宝------征服时间,恒葆青春! 女宝牌化妆品

34. 早一天使用,多一天青春! 七宝牌化妆品

35. 白发不用染,七宝还青丝! 七宝牌化妆品

36. 走遍天涯海角,人间处处有大宝! 大宝化妆品

37. 要想皮肤好,早晚用大宝. 大宝化妆品

38. 俏佳人护肤系列,还你娇嫩肤肌. 俏佳人护肤品

39. 虹美化妆品:早一天使用,迟一天衰老. 虹美化妆品

40. 帝花之秀,青春好朋友. 帝花之秀化妆品

41. 夏天的选择! 奥琪化妆品

42. 奥琪晒不黑------青春脸的渴望! 奥琪化妆品

43. 奥琪注没有忘记男士们! 奥琪化妆品

44. 慧眼识霞飞! 霞飞牌化妆品

45. 美和霞飞,别无他求! 霞飞牌化妆品

46. 早一天使用,多一份青春! 霞飞牌化妆品

47. 女性魅力,尽在霞飞! 霞飞牌化妆品

48. 霞飞创造你的自然美! 霞飞牌化妆品

49. 宝贝您的秀发. 宝贝化妆品

50. 美加净燕窝润肤霜,天然滋润充满生机! 美加净牌化妆品

51. 名人“献给天下有情人. 名人润肤霜

52. 十个妈妈八个爱----孩儿面大王! 孩儿面化妆品

53. 常用贵妃液,令您秀发如云! 贵妃液化妆品

54. 劳动护肤哪里有,月中桂系列可满足! 月中桂护肤品

55. 爱人的星期天------心中只有格兰蒙! 格兰蒙化妆品

56. 天花缤纷,光彩永恒! 天花化妆品

57. 至美至真,虹雨精神! 虹雨化妆品

58. 虹雨,把青春的梦想与选择,揉成永恒的美! 虹雨化妆品

59. 令您在任何场合,都特别清丽动人! 虹雨化妆品

60. 丽丽化妆,神采飞扬! 丽丽化妆品

61. 明星风采,纯纯关怀! 纯纯化妆品

62. 可蒙化妆,美的世界! 可蒙化妆品

63. 当您眼角出现皱纹时,申花防皱霜会令您换然一新,重现朝气! 申花牌化妆品

广告 一词,据考证是一外来语。它首先源于拉丁文advertere,其意为注意,诱导,传播。下面是我带来化妆品的英文广告语的内容,欢迎阅读!化妆品的英文广告语 This year 20, next year 18. (White Beauty Beauty Soap) If your hair is not beautiful, we also face no light. (Shampoo) Lido Chemical Company Every bride's secret weapon. Owens Combs Inc So that the hair on the comb less, so that your head hair more. (Ge Lou Buddha brand of water) What do you need before the wedding? (Cremon shampoo) Stay at your fingertips for the longest. (Nail Polish) Lauer Cosmetics Company Who will pay attention to the lifeless lips? (Lipstick) is not Leiden Dayton cosmetics company Smooth and moist skin is always pleasing. Nuat cosmetics company It saved the face of our country. Farf Cosmetics Company 化妆品的英文广告语 So that today's face is soft, the face of tomorrow's collection. Dorothy Grace Cosmetics Company For beauty and youth. Helen Curtis Cosmetics Company "Shaving" can not solve the problem. (Vite brand depilatory creams) Time can only make it more beautiful. (Tang Juan licensing lipstick) Do not need to envy others, "Pompeii" will make you look Cosmetics Company Women always have a little vanity. (Vanity card cosmetics) The focus of every eye. (Angel brand lipstick) A pair of cracked hands most unfavorable in social situations. (Skin cream) Heinz cosmetics company Do you want to be young when you are fifty? (Sun girl brand cosmetics) To stay in the fragrance in, no one does not worry about love. 化妆品的英文广告语 Whitening, self-confidence new experience! White cosmetics Avon brand new feeling! Avon brand cosmetics Feminine charm from Li Hua silk treasure! Li Hua silk treasure cosmetics So that the warmth of the holiday guest, and then the President of the beautiful vision! Li Hua silk cosmetics With exquisite makeup, the perfect embodiment of self! Ami brand cosmetics Asked the king which looks like this, intoxicating breeze "Ami" brand! Ami brand cosmetics The most obvious "fat" choice ------ "special tune fat!" Special tune fat cosmetics To face beauty, or with ballet! Ballet brand cosmetics Women should have a little bit of "vanity." Vanity card cosmetics With 88 to the exhibition style 88 brand cosmetics Trendy, vitality, youth! Hair Licensing brand cosmetics Trendy, romantic, true love! Beauty brand cosmetics Youth beautiful, only made Jiali! Beauty brand cosmetics Beauty of the heart of everyone, the United States and China to add luster to you! US cosmetics brand Natural essence, such as water soft! US-licensing cosmetics To the United States to true, gorgeous spirit! US-licensing cosmetics Give you joy, give you the pursuit! Girl brand cosmetics Do you want to be young at the age of fifty? Girl brand cosmetics Slim Tianzi, from Jie Shi! Jie disabilities brand cosmetics Jie Shi Fuxing to, New Year Tim style! Jie Shi brand cosmetics化妆品的英文广告语相关 文章 : 1. 经典英语广告词欣赏 2. 2015年经典的英语广告词 3. 世界著名品牌英文广告语大全 4. 最著名的英语广告词欣赏 5. 世界经典广告词英文版经典广告词




原文太长,我给你的是节选,你需要全文的话,文后我给你附上网址。 Abstract At present, with the rapid pace of economy’s development, advertising tends to be a main way to, so it is natural that international Ads translation becomes decisive for the products’ successful launching to the world market. Advertisements’ translation is a cross-cultural communication. Cultural differences determine that it would be far from easy for Ad to reach its function for the world market. The cultural connotation reflected in translation must win receptors’ acceptance. Just like the idiom says “when in Rome do as Romans do”. Advertising language should be kept in corresponding with cultural background of the target language, whenever this is done, it becomes possible for advertisements to exert its function to attract the receptors. Combining with translation practices this paper will analyze how the cultural differences influence Ad function in six aspects, including cultural habits, social political constitution, courteous principle, reasoning, aesthetic thought and language structure, Ad translation will not reach its function if such cultural differences are neglected, and how much importance should be attached to the cultural identity, which plays a positive role in Ad translation Key Words: Ad Translation, Cultural Differences,摘要: 广告语言作为一种特殊的实用文体,有其独有的特点,并蕴含一定的文化内涵。广告语言的翻译,是跨文化的交流活动,它不仅仅是将一种语言文字转换成另一种语言文字,而且使读者自然而然地认同广告的深层文化内涵,通过被吸引而产生广告的效应。 广告翻译必须注重目的语的文化背景,高质量的翻译不仅可以准确传达信息,还能引发读者的文化联想和审美想象,产生良好的广告效应,同时也宣传了本民族的文化,起到了对外交流的作用。为能灵活、有效和得体地表达出原语中的文化内涵以及广告信息,这就要求译者必须了解原语言和译语言的文化,确保信息准确传递。 本文结合广告翻译成功和失败的案例,从风俗习惯、社会政治制度、礼貌原则、推理模式、审美思想、语言结构六个方面文化差异对广告翻译的影响,忽视文化的差异,必将一定程度上影响广告信息的传递,产生误解,使广告翻译难以实现信息的等效交流,而进一步探讨应如何注重文化认同,分析其对广告功能、目的产生的影响。 关键词:广告翻译、文化差异Contents Introduction Chapter 1:Introduction of Cultural Differences Chapter 2: Misunderstandings Caused by Cultural Differences Different Cultural Habits Cause Misunderstanding Different Social Political Constitution May Hinder the Convey of Information Different Courteous Principle May Lead to Communication Failure Different Reasoning May Cause Misunderstanding Different Aesthetic Thought Result in Different Appreciation View Different Language Structure May Make Information Depart from the Original Meaning Chapter 3: Role of Cultural Identity Conclusion References Introduction Advertisement should express a certain expectation. It is a special pragmatic type of writing with a unique feature, and it also contains a certain cultural connotation. It should not as easy as a word-to-word exchange, but much of a flexible work. Cultural background of the target language is significant to Ad translation; much impotence should be attached. A good translated version will not only convey the information in accuracy, reaching a good advertising effect, but also stimulate receptor’s cultural and appreciating association, which will be of much help to the cultrural communication, thus it also is a impulse in cultural diffusion. Cultural differences as the main factor give much hindrance to the translation work. Misunderstandings will come about if it is ignored, the advertisement may consequently fail to meet its goal. How the cultural differences influence the advertisement’s function and target and how to make the cultural differences optimized when translating? What kind of role does culture identity play in this course? All these questions are the main discussions in this paper. Chapter 1 Cultural Differences As the product of culture, advertisement can show the close relationship between language and culture. Advertisement is a comprehensive art with commercial identity, which persuades people for a certain publicity goal. On some extent, it is a special pragmatic type of writing with unique feature, which contains a certain cultural connotation; only when put into the same or a similar social culture can its function and efficiency be completely explored. However, Ad translation is an across-cultural communication, which determines that it is not as easy as word-to-word exchange. It must win the receptor’s acceptance on the cultural connotation reflected in the Ads, then receptors are attracted and be willing to follow the Ad’s guide. Thus only by knowing the grammar, lexical and relating capabilities of listening, writing and speaking about the two languages is far from enough to ensure cultural connotation of the source language is properly and effectively expressed. The translator is required to know both cultures of the source language and target language to guarantee the best convey of the original information. For instance, “延年益寿”, “宫廷秘方”, “百年陈酿”,etc. These advertising language always turn up in domestic Ads, which are difficult to be translated, even though translated, target receptors would not understand the original cultural connotation, and a doubt to the quality of the product may arises in their minds. Different culture leads to different cultural identity. Domestic receptors are deeply influenced by the traditional culture. They like following the public, showing great awe to the authoritative people, this psychological phenomenon results in the existence of much advertising language with Chinese specialty, like “……,用了都说好”, “我们都喝……,今天你喝了没有”, “……时尚内衣”, “部优”, “省优”, “中国消费者协会推荐产品”, etc. While in western countries, people pursue independence. Everyone tends to be independent. Everyone is unique (why should I do the same as others? They always think in this way). So Advertisements there never advocate people to follow the public, rather to arise admiration to the so-called authoritative people. What reflects in the advertisement are “individuality”, “independence” and “privacy”. Different cultures determine that the product’s promotion will turn out failure if the Ad succeed inland is translated literally. Severe research must be done on the cultural differences, or a bad impression of irresponsible or muddling through might arise, a certain doubt about the quality might strike the consumer. Ad’s natural duty will end up with a failure. Thus, when conducting international propagation it is very important to study the differences between Chinese culture and western culture, and make sure not too much exaggeration is contained in the Ad. Cultural differences make their existence in many aspects, political, language, religion, custom, habits, etc. They have much importance to Ad translation. Once they were neglected, misunderstandings must turns up. Chapter 2 Misunderstandings Caused by Cultural Differences Advertising language is a special art form, which has profound cultural background and can be influenced by the tendency of the day. Ad translation is a motion of cultural communication. To avoid misunderstanding, comprehensibility of different cultural background should be strengthened in the translation. When translating, not only the exact meaning of the advertisement should be clear, but also the extended meaning namely the cultural connotation involved should be agreed on. Due to the differences in language, culture, politic, and custom, different understanding and cognition will form; the translation must go in line with the target cultural habits by which the communication shall reach an ideal effect. Mr. Wang zuoliang have said, “what translators deal with are some particular words, but what they face are two completely different cultures.” Another famous translation theorist Eugene A. Nida (1993) said, “Translating means communicating, what important is the extent to which receptors correctly understand and appreciate the translated text.” Different Cultural Habits Cause Misunderstanding Cultural differences and conflicts make their existence wherever and whenever, they influence people’s perspectives and their ways of generalization. Although people of different cultural backgrounds may have different tastes, their psychological inclination has much in common, that is to say, all human should pursue elegance and luck, but avoiding cynic and ominous, thereby translator should respect the cultural customs and be cautious in choosing words to avoid misunderstanding. For example, a pen product of Shanghai named “白翎”, the trade mark is translated as white feather. Unfortunately there is a saying in English, to show the white feather, which means escaping from the forefront. White feather is the symbol of cowardness in English. As a result, this pen got a bad selling in western countries. Another example, “金鸡鞋油,颜色有黑、棕、白、红、黄、蓝等.” It is translated into Golden Cock shoe-polish comes in black, brown, white, red, yellow and blue. In China, Golden has a meaning of valuable and of high quality, as well as “Cock” always leads to a positive association, then the translation of “金鸡” naturally comes to Golden Cock, which seriously mislead receptor’s association, because in English cock is a usual indication of male genital. Some words containing good cultural connotation in Chinese would mean the opposite in western world. Take Fang Fang a lip-stick as an example , “芳芳” in Chinese is a very nice word , usually it is used to describe beautiful things with flowerlike smell. It might make people imagine a pretty girl with fragrant smell. There is no doubt it is an excellent originality for Chinese consumers, but in English Fang Fang may arise a horror feeling because fang in English means poison fang that causing danger. Another instance Bees scented soap is literal translated from “蜜蜂”, Bee in China history is a very lovely insect as a symbol of diligence, its cultural association should be a flowerlike smell that appealing to bees, certainly this soap may attract a large number of Chinese consumers. On the contrary, westerners would not follow suit, the association of bee gives them an uncomfortable feeling caused by the thinking of fuzz on bee’s body. Different Social and Political Constitution May Hinder the Convey of Information Due to the differences on social politics, words reflecting social specialties may hinder people know little about the reality from understanding. For instance, “某公司自1981年成立以来,在改革开放,加快企业转换机制方针指引下,以强烈的竞争意识,勇于开拓,积极进取,出口额逐年上升与世界80多个国家和地区的120多家厂商建立了良好的业务关系。” “ABC Corporation has built up excellent business relations with more than 120 companies and manufacturers in over 80 countries and regions since it was founded in 1981. We make progress actively with a strong sense of competition. Our exports have been increasing year after year.” Compare the two versions, “在改革开放,加快企业转换机制方针指引下”was neglected, since it will be difficult for foreigners to know about Chinese enterprise’s historical and moral background of management mechanisms shifting, it is not necessary to add some information that should not be helpful to foreigners understanding. In some circumstances, the information about political or that cause difficulty to understanding can be omitted, this omission is reasonable and it makes no influence for the company promotion. Another example, a pencil sharpener with “大鹏” as its trade mark, and it is translated as “ROC hardeners”. Hardener is the biggest bird in Han’s national myth, having a positive meaning of ambitious and prosperous. While in westerners’ minds, “ROC” stands for “Republic of China”, certainly this will lead to a misunderstanding and unnecessary association, consequently this trademark will be neither helpful to create good impression of the products nor to defend national dignity. Different Courteous Principle May Lead to Communication Failure Courtesy is the common conducting norm followed by people when they get to communicate. A mild tone is publicly welcome. Improper wording or harsh tone might result in failure for communication. Here is an example, in china, public good Ads always get “禁止……”, public take this natural, no one think it is amiss, but as you weigh about its commanding tone, a slight domineering must be felt. “禁止” in English should be “Do not”, which is not mild but a word of harsh, . “Do not pick the flower!” “Do not make noise!”……, since such a stiff tone will unavoidably raise a sense of distance, it won’t help to create a happy and sweet public atmosphere, foreign friends might feel uncomfortable; they think their personalities are not fully respected. Changing into a much milder tone the translation should be “keep away from the flower!” “Take care of the flower, please!” which will certainly inspire people love flowers and take care of flowers. 怎样?满足你的要求吗?

一般导师都是建议写可引用资料文献很多的那种大众化题目,你开始提的那个范围实在太大了,都没法找切入点这是我同学当时写的题目,给你参考一下,一个写的是中国古典名著的翻译,当然这也是一个很“大”的题目,但她是拿《红楼梦》的翻译作为切入点展开论题的,具体好像是分析翻译的几个理论在这部名著翻译是如何应用的,进而把这部名著所表现的古代封建家族的图景诠释性的展示给国外读者,她写的论文论题就直接把“红楼梦”用上去了另一个写的是在礼仪方面“婉转语”的应用,打个比方说就是一个人死了不说die说pass away,但她也是把这个范围缩小到商务礼仪这个方面,好些多了总的来说,就是把范围一缩小再缩小就可以定论文题目了,我当时写的是英美文学,同样是这个道理,我开始是分析狄更斯的小说中的不同阶级,导师说还是不够具体,后来我就直接分析狄更斯的一部小说,要论证的论题是从分析小说的不同阶级特点入手,得出的结论是当时作者所处的时代背景对他的影响,当然你开始想不出这么详细的可以求助你的导师,她说的有道理,剑走偏锋不一定能得高分,反而给你找合适的资料带来困难像我那位分析红楼梦的同学,把红楼梦的英文名输入学校的文献数据库,结果搜出来的文献有N多篇,她看到快吐血了,不过这是好事,能用的文献越多越好写


写International Communication吧,比较好写。

原文太长,我给你的是节选,你需要全文的话,文后我给你附上网址。 Abstract At present, with the rapid pace of economy’s development, advertising tends to be a main way to, so it is natural that international Ads translation becomes decisive for the products’ successful launching to the world market. Advertisements’ translation is a cross-cultural communication. Cultural differences determine that it would be far from easy for Ad to reach its function for the world market. The cultural connotation reflected in translation must win receptors’ acceptance. Just like the idiom says “when in Rome do as Romans do”. Advertising language should be kept in corresponding with cultural background of the target language, whenever this is done, it becomes possible for advertisements to exert its function to attract the receptors. Combining with translation practices this paper will analyze how the cultural differences influence Ad function in six aspects, including cultural habits, social political constitution, courteous principle, reasoning, aesthetic thought and language structure, Ad translation will not reach its function if such cultural differences are neglected, and how much importance should be attached to the cultural identity, which plays a positive role in Ad translation Key Words: Ad Translation, Cultural Differences,摘要: 广告语言作为一种特殊的实用文体,有其独有的特点,并蕴含一定的文化内涵。广告语言的翻译,是跨文化的交流活动,它不仅仅是将一种语言文字转换成另一种语言文字,而且使读者自然而然地认同广告的深层文化内涵,通过被吸引而产生广告的效应。 广告翻译必须注重目的语的文化背景,高质量的翻译不仅可以准确传达信息,还能引发读者的文化联想和审美想象,产生良好的广告效应,同时也宣传了本民族的文化,起到了对外交流的作用。为能灵活、有效和得体地表达出原语中的文化内涵以及广告信息,这就要求译者必须了解原语言和译语言的文化,确保信息准确传递。 本文结合广告翻译成功和失败的案例,从风俗习惯、社会政治制度、礼貌原则、推理模式、审美思想、语言结构六个方面文化差异对广告翻译的影响,忽视文化的差异,必将一定程度上影响广告信息的传递,产生误解,使广告翻译难以实现信息的等效交流,而进一步探讨应如何注重文化认同,分析其对广告功能、目的产生的影响。 关键词:广告翻译、文化差异Contents Introduction Chapter 1:Introduction of Cultural Differences Chapter 2: Misunderstandings Caused by Cultural Differences Different Cultural Habits Cause Misunderstanding Different Social Political Constitution May Hinder the Convey of Information Different Courteous Principle May Lead to Communication Failure Different Reasoning May Cause Misunderstanding Different Aesthetic Thought Result in Different Appreciation View Different Language Structure May Make Information Depart from the Original Meaning Chapter 3: Role of Cultural Identity Conclusion References Introduction Advertisement should express a certain expectation. It is a special pragmatic type of writing with a unique feature, and it also contains a certain cultural connotation. It should not as easy as a word-to-word exchange, but much of a flexible work. Cultural background of the target language is significant to Ad translation; much impotence should be attached. A good translated version will not only convey the information in accuracy, reaching a good advertising effect, but also stimulate receptor’s cultural and appreciating association, which will be of much help to the cultrural communication, thus it also is a impulse in cultural diffusion. Cultural differences as the main factor give much hindrance to the translation work. Misunderstandings will come about if it is ignored, the advertisement may consequently fail to meet its goal. How the cultural differences influence the advertisement’s function and target and how to make the cultural differences optimized when translating? What kind of role does culture identity play in this course? All these questions are the main discussions in this paper. Chapter 1 Cultural Differences As the product of culture, advertisement can show the close relationship between language and culture. Advertisement is a comprehensive art with commercial identity, which persuades people for a certain publicity goal. On some extent, it is a special pragmatic type of writing with unique feature, which contains a certain cultural connotation; only when put into the same or a similar social culture can its function and efficiency be completely explored. However, Ad translation is an across-cultural communication, which determines that it is not as easy as word-to-word exchange. It must win the receptor’s acceptance on the cultural connotation reflected in the Ads, then receptors are attracted and be willing to follow the Ad’s guide. Thus only by knowing the grammar, lexical and relating capabilities of listening, writing and speaking about the two languages is far from enough to ensure cultural connotation of the source language is properly and effectively expressed. The translator is required to know both cultures of the source language and target language to guarantee the best convey of the original information. For instance, “延年益寿”, “宫廷秘方”, “百年陈酿”,etc. These advertising language always turn up in domestic Ads, which are difficult to be translated, even though translated, target receptors would not understand the original cultural connotation, and a doubt to the quality of the product may arises in their minds. Different culture leads to different cultural identity. Domestic receptors are deeply influenced by the traditional culture. They like following the public, showing great awe to the authoritative people, this psychological phenomenon results in the existence of much advertising language with Chinese specialty, like “……,用了都说好”, “我们都喝……,今天你喝了没有”, “……时尚内衣”, “部优”, “省优”, “中国消费者协会推荐产品”, etc. While in western countries, people pursue independence. Everyone tends to be independent. Everyone is unique (why should I do the same as others? They always think in this way). So Advertisements there never advocate people to follow the public, rather to arise admiration to the so-called authoritative people. What reflects in the advertisement are “individuality”, “independence” and “privacy”. Different cultures determine that the product’s promotion will turn out failure if the Ad succeed inland is translated literally. Severe research must be done on the cultural differences, or a bad impression of irresponsible or muddling through might arise, a certain doubt about the quality might strike the consumer. Ad’s natural duty will end up with a failure. Thus, when conducting international propagation it is very important to study the differences between Chinese culture and western culture, and make sure not too much exaggeration is contained in the Ad. Cultural differences make their existence in many aspects, political, language, religion, custom, habits, etc. They have much importance to Ad translation. Once they were neglected, misunderstandings must turns up. Chapter 2 Misunderstandings Caused by Cultural Differences Advertising language is a special art form, which has profound cultural background and can be influenced by the tendency of the day. Ad translation is a motion of cultural communication. To avoid misunderstanding, comprehensibility of different cultural background should be strengthened in the translation. When translating, not only the exact meaning of the advertisement should be clear, but also the extended meaning namely the cultural connotation involved should be agreed on. Due to the differences in language, culture, politic, and custom, different understanding and cognition will form; the translation must go in line with the target cultural habits by which the communication shall reach an ideal effect. Mr. Wang zuoliang have said, “what translators deal with are some particular words, but what they face are two completely different cultures.” Another famous translation theorist Eugene A. Nida (1993) said, “Translating means communicating, what important is the extent to which receptors correctly understand and appreciate the translated text.” Different Cultural Habits Cause Misunderstanding Cultural differences and conflicts make their existence wherever and whenever, they influence people’s perspectives and their ways of generalization. Although people of different cultural backgrounds may have different tastes, their psychological inclination has much in common, that is to say, all human should pursue elegance and luck, but avoiding cynic and ominous, thereby translator should respect the cultural customs and be cautious in choosing words to avoid misunderstanding. For example, a pen product of Shanghai named “白翎”, the trade mark is translated as white feather. Unfortunately there is a saying in English, to show the white feather, which means escaping from the forefront. White feather is the symbol of cowardness in English. As a result, this pen got a bad selling in western countries. Another example, “金鸡鞋油,颜色有黑、棕、白、红、黄、蓝等.” It is translated into Golden Cock shoe-polish comes in black, brown, white, red, yellow and blue. In China, Golden has a meaning of valuable and of high quality, as well as “Cock” always leads to a positive association, then the translation of “金鸡” naturally comes to Golden Cock, which seriously mislead receptor’s association, because in English cock is a usual indication of male genital. Some words containing good cultural connotation in Chinese would mean the opposite in western world. Take Fang Fang a lip-stick as an example , “芳芳” in Chinese is a very nice word , usually it is used to describe beautiful things with flowerlike smell. It might make people imagine a pretty girl with fragrant smell. There is no doubt it is an excellent originality for Chinese consumers, but in English Fang Fang may arise a horror feeling because fang in English means poison fang that causing danger. Another instance Bees scented soap is literal translated from “蜜蜂”, Bee in China history is a very lovely insect as a symbol of diligence, its cultural association should be a flowerlike smell that appealing to bees, certainly this soap may attract a large number of Chinese consumers. On the contrary, westerners would not follow suit, the association of bee gives them an uncomfortable feeling caused by the thinking of fuzz on bee’s body. Different Social and Political Constitution May Hinder the Convey of Information Due to the differences on social politics, words reflecting social specialties may hinder people know little about the reality from understanding. For instance, “某公司自1981年成立以来,在改革开放,加快企业转换机制方针指引下,以强烈的竞争意识,勇于开拓,积极进取,出口额逐年上升与世界80多个国家和地区的120多家厂商建立了良好的业务关系。” “ABC Corporation has built up excellent business relations with more than 120 companies and manufacturers in over 80 countries and regions since it was founded in 1981. We make progress actively with a strong sense of competition. Our exports have been increasing year after year.” Compare the two versions, “在改革开放,加快企业转换机制方针指引下”was neglected, since it will be difficult for foreigners to know about Chinese enterprise’s historical and moral background of management mechanisms shifting, it is not necessary to add some information that should not be helpful to foreigners understanding. In some circumstances, the information about political or that cause difficulty to understanding can be omitted, this omission is reasonable and it makes no influence for the company promotion. Another example, a pencil sharpener with “大鹏” as its trade mark, and it is translated as “ROC hardeners”. Hardener is the biggest bird in Han’s national myth, having a positive meaning of ambitious and prosperous. While in westerners’ minds, “ROC” stands for “Republic of China”, certainly this will lead to a misunderstanding and unnecessary association, consequently this trademark will be neither helpful to create good impression of the products nor to defend national dignity. Different Courteous Principle May Lead to Communication Failure Courtesy is the common conducting norm followed by people when they get to communicate. A mild tone is publicly welcome. Improper wording or harsh tone might result in failure for communication. Here is an example, in china, public good Ads always get “禁止……”, public take this natural, no one think it is amiss, but as you weigh about its commanding tone, a slight domineering must be felt. “禁止” in English should be “Do not”, which is not mild but a word of harsh, . “Do not pick the flower!” “Do not make noise!”……, since such a stiff tone will unavoidably raise a sense of distance, it won’t help to create a happy and sweet public atmosphere, foreign friends might feel uncomfortable; they think their personalities are not fully respected. Changing into a much milder tone the translation should be “keep away from the flower!” “Take care of the flower, please!” which will certainly inspire people love flowers and take care of flowers. 怎样?满足你的要求吗?

一、标题 标题是文章的眉目。各类文章的标题,样式繁多,但无论是何种形式,总要以全部或不同的侧面体现作者的写作意图、文章的主旨。毕业论文的标题一般分为总标题、副标题、分标题几种。 (一)总标题 总标题是文章总体内容的体现。常见的写法有: ①揭示课题的实质。这种形式的标题,高度概括全文内容,往往就是文章的中心论点。它具有高度的明确性,便于读者把握全文内容的核心。诸如此类的标题很多,也很普遍。如《关于经济体制的模式问题》、《经济中心论》、《县级行政机构改革之我见》等。 ②提问式。这类标题用设问句的方式,隐去要回答的内容,实际上作者的观点是十分明确的,只不过语意婉转,需要读者加以思考罢了。这种形式的标题因其观点含蓄,容易激起读者的注意。如《家庭联产承包制就是单干吗?》、《商品经济等同于资本主义经济吗?》等。 ②交代内容范围。这种形式的标题,从其本身的角度看,看不出作者所指的观点,只是对文章内容的范围做出限定。拟定这种标题,一方面是文章的主要论点难以用一句简短的话加以归纳;另一方面,交代文章内容的范围,可引起同仁读者的注意,以求引起共鸣。这种形式的标题也较普遍。如《试论我国农村的双层经营体制》、《正确处理中央和地方、条条与块块的关系》、《战后西方贸易自由化剖析》等。 ④用判断句式。这种形式的标题给予全文内容的限定,可伸可缩,具有很大的灵活性。文章研究对象是具体的,面较小,但引申的思想又须有很强的概括性,面较宽。这种从小处着眼,大处着手的标题,有利于科学思维和科学研究的拓展。如《从乡镇企业的兴起看中国农村的希望之光》、《科技进步与农业经济》、《从“劳动创造了美”看美的本质》等。 ⑤用形象化的语句。如《激励人心的管理体制》、《科技史上的曙光》、《普照之光的理论》等。 标题的样式还有多种,作者可以在实践中大胆创新。 (二)副标题和分标题 为了点明论文的研究对象、研究内容、研究目的,对总标题加以补充、解说,有的论文还可以加副标题。特别是一些商榷性的论文,一般都有一个副标题,如在总标题下方,添上“与××商榷”之类的副标题。 另外,为了强调论文所研究的某个侧重面,也可以加副标题。如《如何看待现阶段劳动报酬的差别——也谈按劳分配中的资产阶级权利》、《开发蛋白质资源,提高蛋白质利用效率——探讨解决吃饭问题的一种发展战略》等。 设置分标题的主要目的是为了清晰地显示文章的层次。有的用文字,一般都把本层次的中心内容昭然其上;也有的用数码,仅标明“一、二、三”等的顺序,起承上启下的作用。需要注意的是:无论采用哪种形式,都要紧扣所属层次的内容,以及上文与下文的联系紧密性。 对于标题的要求,概括起来有三点:一要明确。要能够揭示论题范围或论点,使人看了标题便知晓文章的大体轮廓、所论述的主要内容以及作者的写作意图,而不能似是而非,藏头露尾,与读者捉迷藏。二要简炼。.论文的标题不宜过长,过长了容易使人产生烦琐和累赘的感觉,得不到鲜明的印象,从而影响对文章的总体评价。标题也不能过于抽象、空洞,标题中不能采用非常用的或生造的词汇,以免使读者一见标题就如堕烟海,百思不得其解,待看完全文后才知标题的哗众取宠之意。三要新颖。标题和文章的内容、形式一样,应有自己的独特之处。做到既不标新立异,又不落案臼,使之引人入胜,赏心悦目,从而激起读者的阅读兴趣。 二、目录 一般说来,篇幅较长的毕业论文,都没有分标题。设置分标题的论文,因其内容的层次较多,整个理论体系较庞大、复杂,故通常设目录。 设置目录的目的主要是: 1.使读者能够在阅读该论文之前对全文的内容、结构有一个大致的了解,以便读者决定是读还是不读,是精读还是略读等。 2.为读者选读论文中的某个分论点时提供方便。长篇论文,除中心论点外,还有许多分论点。当读者需要进一步了解某个分论点时,就可以依靠目录而节省时间。 目录一般放置在论文正文的前面,因而是论文的导读图。要使目录真正起到导读图的作用,必须注意: 1.准确。目录必须与全文的纲目相一致。也就是说,本文的标题、分标题与目录存在着一一对应的关系。 2.清楚无误。目录应逐一标注该行目录在正文中的页码。标注页码必须清楚无误。 3.完整。目录既然是论文的导读图,因而必然要求具有完整性。也就是要求文章的各项内容,都应在目录中反映出来,不得遗漏。 目录有两种基本类型: 1.用文字表示的目录。 2.用数码表示的目录。这种目录较少见。但长篇大论,便于读者阅读,也有采用这种方式的。 三、内容提要 内容提要是全文内容的缩影。在这里,作者以极经济的笔墨,勾画出全文的整体面目;提出主要论点、揭示论文的研究成果、简要叙述全文的框架结构。 内容提要是正文的附属部分,一般放置在论文的篇首。 写作内容提要的目的在于: 1.为了使指导老师在未审阅论文全文时,先对文章的主要内容有个大体上的了解,知道研究所取得的主要成果,研究的主要逻辑顺序。 2.为了使其他读者通过阅读内容提要,就能大略了解作者所研究的问题,如果产生共鸣,则再进一步阅读全文。在这里,内容提要成了把论文推荐给众多读者的“广告”。 因此,内容提要应把论文的主要观点提示出来,便于读者一看就能了解论文内容的要点。论文提要要求写得简明而又全面,不要罗哩罗嗦抓不住要点或者只是干巴巴的几条筋,缺乏说明观点的材料。 内容提要可分为报道性提要和指示性提要。 报道性提要,主要介绍研究的主要方法与成果以及成果分析等,对文章内容的提示较全面。 指示性提要,只简要地叙述研究的成果(数据、看法、意见、结论等),对研究手段、方法、过程等均不涉及。毕业论文一般使用指示性提要。举例如下: ●市场经济条件下的政府,固然应服从上级规划部署的全局,但主要的着眼点应放在对下负责,对本地的经济发展,对本地的人民生活水平提高负责,这才是发展全局经济的前提,从而也自然在根本上符合对上负责。 ●变部门“齐抓共管”企业为共同服务于企业,应成为部门工作的主要重点。(摘自《政府在市场经济中 如何定位》一文的内容提要) 内容提要的写作要求可以概括为“全、精、简、实、活”。具体说来: 1.内容提要要求具有完整性。即不能把论文中所阐述的主要内容(或观点)遗漏。提要应写成一篇完整的短文,可以独立使用。 2.重点要突出。内容提要须突出论文的研究成果(或中心论点)和结论性意义的内容,其他各项可写得简明扼要。 3.文字要简炼。内容提要的写作必须字斟句酌,用精练、概括的语言表述,每项内容不宜展开论证说明。 4.陈述要客观。内容提要一般只写课题研究的客观情况,对工作过程、工作方法以及研究成果等,不宜作主观评价,也不宜与别人的研究作对比说明。一项研究成果的价值,自有公论,大可不必自我宣扬。因而,实事求是也是写作内容提要的基本原则。 5.语言要生动。提要既要写得简明扼要,又要生动活泼,引人入胜,在词语润色、表达方法和章法结构上要尽可能体现文彩,以求唤起读者阅读正文的欲望。 四、正文 正文包括绪论、本论、结论三部分。这是毕业论文最重要的组成部分,其它章节有专门详细论述,这里不再重复。 五、参考文献 参考文献又叫参考书目,它是指作者在撰写毕业论文过程中所查阅参考过的著作和报刊杂志,它应列在毕业论文的末尾。列出参考文献有三个好处:一是当作者本人发现引文有差错时,便于查找校正。二是可以使毕业论文答辩委员会的教师了解学生阅读资料的广度,作为审查毕业论文的一种参考依据。三是便于研究同类问题的读者查阅相关的观点和材料。 当然,论文所列的参考文献必须是主要的,与本论文密切相关的,对自己写成毕业论文起过重要参考作用的专著、论文及其它资料。不要轻重不分,开列过多。 列出的参考文献一般要写清书名或篇名、作者、出版者和出版年份。 参考资料:

1, the wording of try to be brief Advertisement required in a limited space and time exert maximum effectiveness, concise ads make clear, did not forget to read not only cause the reader's attention and interest in subject contrast and focus. Therefore, the number of monosyllabic words or letters less frequently used. Such as: Buy one, eat more. This car sales ads, buy and get are two simple monosyllabic verb, straightforward manner to advertisers and consumers manifested bilateral activities. Reflects not only the sincerity of the advertisers, but also so that consumers have easy, efficient, cost-effective sense of trade relations in order to add credibility. The only car in its class. (1993 VILLAGER car ads). Buy one pair. Get one free. (Advertisement glasses). More than two terms used in ads are not more than six letters in length, and its meaning is the ordinary people can understand English ads reflect the characteristics of easy to understand. 2, just use popular colloquial and informal vocabulary Lot of ads used in popular spoken language and informal vocabulary, so that ads appear very friendly, and attract their attention, their desire to buy produce. In addition, popular colloquial, informal language to facilitate understanding and memory. Such as: Yes! The Philippines, now! Travel Agency this is the wording of ads is extremely simple, highly verbal, very rich first infectious YES to stimulate consumer recognition of the psychological, but also strongly called on consumers to use NOW that action.


(1) More sun and air for your son and heir. 译文:这里有充足的阳光,清新的空气,一切为了您的子孙后代。(2) Trust us. Over 5000 ears of experience. 译文:相信我们吧。历经5000多只耳朵的检验,有着5000多年的经验。许多广告都在商品品牌的名称上做文章。品牌名称中的双关语不仅能增加广告的趣味性和幽默感,更重要的是使品牌名称更能吸引人们的注意力,便于记忆,增加宣传攻势力度,以此达到宣传产品的目的。品牌名称中的双关语大多采用谐音的方法。(3) WEAR-EVER introduces a new concept in glass oven ware: CLEANABILITY. 译文:“恒久”玻璃炉具带给你一个全新的概念:洁净。该广告从多角度推销其产品,能够激起顾客的购买欲望,具有一定的劝说作用。 语义双关-这种双关在广告中运用得也非常广泛,它与谐音双关有异曲同工之妙。

2、语义双关语义双关是利用某个词语的多义性在特定环境下形成的双关,在字面上只有一个词语,而实际上同时关顾着两种不同的意义,言在此而意在彼,从而造成一种含蓄,深沉委婉,耐人寻味的意境,增强了语言的表达效果。[3](66)这种双关与谐音双关有异曲同工之妙,在广告中也得到广泛运用。(4) Fresh up with 7-up.译文:君饮七喜,提神醒脑。这是美国七喜汽水的广告。“7”在西方国家是个吉祥的数字,赌博时掷色子的“7”者为赢,Up指“come up with”(突然想到)也有“活泼向上,使人清醒”的意思,同时7-up又是饮料的商标,整个广告读起来铿锵有力,富有节奏性,且具感召力让人一目了然。因此,代表积极向上的7-up的饮料在西方市场极为畅销。(5) You need the strongest line of defense against gum diseases.译文:用最坚固的牙线,筑起牙龈疾病最坚固的防线。这是美国强生公司的牙线广告。众所周知,使用牙线是为了保持口腔清洁,从而起到预防蛀牙的危险,广告正是从这一点出发,广告语中使用的“line”一语双关,既指“清洁牙齿的牙线”,又指“预防牙病的防线”,这使消费者一目了然。而且广告具有鼓动性,广告用语极尽夸张,即使用本产品就可“筑起牙龈疾病最坚固的防线”从而达到广告宣传的目的。(6) Different countries. Different languages. Different customs. One level of comfort worldwide.译文:不同的国家。不同的语言。不同的风俗习惯(海关)。舒适一流,畅游世界。这是一则航空广告。“customs”既有风俗习惯之意,又有海关的意思。在此广告中,航空公司打出了无论来自哪个国家,说什么语言,有什么样的风俗习惯都会让你感受到专业贴心的服务。But 2, the semanteme equivoque righteousness word or phrase with double meaning is tomake use of the word or phrase with double meaning that some's terms polysemy forms underspecially appointed environment, before character only have a terms on the surface, the pass istaking care of the significance different two kinds in fact at the same time, word here butintention is in that , bring about thereby one kind has been implicit , tactful , affording food tothought deep artistic conception, has strengthened language's to express effect. [3] (66) thiswords or phrases with double meaning and harmonic tone words or phrases with double meaning haveachieving the same goal with different means that is wonderful , also find broad application inadvertisement. (4) Fresh up with 7-up. Translation: You drink Seven-Up , refresh self being awakebrain. This is USA Seven-Up soft drink advertisement. "7" is a lucky figure to the west country ,"7" person who throws dice when gambling is to win , Up points to "the come up with " (think ofsuddenly) can't have "lively make progress, make sober " meaning of person, 7-up is the drink brandat the same time , entire advertisement reads be sonorous and forceful , rich rhythm , utensilappeal lets person be clear at a glance and. 7-up's drink making progress therefore , on behalf ofactively sells well extremely in west marketplace. (5) You need the strongest line of defenseagainst gum diseases. Translation: With the firmest dental floss,build the firmest gum disease lineof defense. This is USA Johnson & Johnson dental floss advertisement. It is known to all thatusing a dental floss is clean for keeping an oral cavity, get up thereby to in advancetooth-decay-preventing danger, advertisement exactly is to set off from this one point , the "line"that advertisement uses in language means more than the word tells, now that pointing to "dentalfloss of clean tooth", point to "the line of defense , preventing a tooth from falling ill" thismakes a consumer be clear at a glance. And advertisement has instigate , the advertisement termuses up hyperbole extremely, be that "the firmest line of defense achieves advertisement propagatespurpose thereby use this product to may build the gum disease" right away. (6) Differentcountries. Different languages. Different customs. One level of comfort worldwide. Translation:Different country. Different language. Different customs and habits (customhouse). Comfort isfirst-rate , has a good swim in the world. This is one items of aviation advertisement. Now that"customs" having intention of customs and habits, meaning having customhouse. Middle , airways haveshown here advertisement disregarding which country , what to say language to coming from , whatto customs and habits city having let you experience intimate service of special field.
