

发布时间:2024-07-08 18:38:46


一、朗读首先要正确. “正确”指的是用普通话读,发音清楚响亮,不读错字、不掉字、不添字、不颠倒、不唱读,能读出轻声和儿化韵.朗读正确,是读书最基本的要求,也是比较难达到的要求,稍不注意,就会出错.要读得正确,必须养成认真读书的习惯,读书时要做到“三到”即眼到、口到、心到. 二、在读正确的基础上,要做到朗读得流利. 流利指的是不断读,不读破句,不重复字句.要做到流利地读,就不能够看一个词读一个词,看一句话读一句话.要做到嘴里读这个词的时候,眼睛就看到下面一个词甚至几个词;嘴里读这句话时,眼睛就看到下面一句话. 三、朗读速度要适中. 在朗读过程中还要注意停顿,标点是书面语言组成部分,它表示了句子的 不同语气和不同长短的停顿,所以要能根据文中的标点读出适当的停顿.正确 的读出标点的停顿,可以帮助理解词句的结构、文章的意思及作者的思想感情.除去注意长句中间的停顿外,在读完课题后,也应稍作停顿,再读课文,每个 自然段间也应有停顿. 四、要在理解的基础上读. 理解是朗读的实质,也是朗读的目的,如果朗读的正确、流利、速度也合适、停顿也正确,但读完后不理解内容,等于白读.语文课的朗读是为了读懂课文,朗读一定要边读边想,可以和课文后的思考题结合起来,也可以在读完课文后自己提出有关内容的问题,通过在读解决问题,逐步养成读书动脑的习惯. 五、会适当运用朗读技巧. 对课文的内容有了深入的理解,是朗读好的基础.但是,如果不能把从课文中理解的东西正确的运用语调、速度、重音、停顿等手段表达出来,还是达不到读出思想感情的水平.所以,还要注意在理解的基础上适当运用朗读技巧来表情达意. 1.语调.语调对表达思想感情的作用很大.像“啊”这个字,念的长一点、短一点、高一点、低一点、重一点、轻一点……就可以表达出种种不同的情感:犹豫、坚定、高兴、悲哀、轻松、沉重……每篇课文有个基本语调——基调.如《祖父的园子》的基调是欢快喜悦的,《慈母情深》的基调是深沉、辛酸的,《桥》的基调是激昂的.同一篇课文,不同部分、不同句子的语调也不同. 2.速度.根据课文的内容,决定朗读的速度.一般紧急、热烈、愉快、兴奋的内容要读得稍快一些;庄严、沉痛、平静、悲伤的内容要读得稍慢一些.在一篇课文中,速度也是有变化的. 3.重音.在表达感情上起重要作用的词语要读得重一些.重音一般是把声音加强并配合音节的延长来表现的,有时为了突出某些词语还要一字一顿地读.但在表达幸福、温暖、欣慰、体贴的情怀时,往往要把重音轻读,即读得反而比其他语句轻柔. 4.停顿.这里说的为了表情达意的需要而作的停顿.为了突出某一事物或强调一种特殊意义,可以延长和缩短停顿时间,还可以不按标点停顿.在表达复杂的思想感情时,为了增强感染力也可以变化停顿时间.








重点 难点




教 学 步 骤 及 教 学 内 容 【步骤】





1.概括段意法: (1)找出中心句;




2.归纳文章中心法: 1、看题目;看开头和结尾;






3.划分文章层次法: 1、三段式(起因,经过,结果);






4、揣摩关键词句法: 1、删留比较法:










总结: 适用于各类文体阅读,但又各有差异和侧重,具体文章具体分析。




















按语文新教材的说法,文章的中心思想,指文章集中表达的思想感情。我们在领会课文的中心思想的时候,要做到“二看”: 一看作者的写作目的或写作意图。如《愚公移山》一课,作者的写作目的在于倡导一种勇往直前、坚持不懈的精神。课文的中心思想便可以概括为:干什么事只要向着目标,步步踩实,一个劲儿往前走,就能达到目的。二看人物表现、事件意义、事物特点。也可以去领会文章的中心思想。如《小橘灯》,写小姑娘的懂事、能干、坚强,就是通过她的言行举止来表现的。而本课的中心又是通过小橘灯这特殊事物来深化的。

































































The little boat that sailed through time

I spent the tenth summer of my childhood,the most memorable months of my life,in western Norway at the mountain farm where my mother was born. What remains most vivid in my mind are the times I shared with my Grandfather Jorgen.

As an American,I always thought people simply bought whatever they needed. Whether Grandfather knew this,I don‘t know. But it seems he wanted to teach me something,because one day he said,“Come. I have something for you.”

I followed him into the basement,where he led me to a workbench by a window.“You should have a toy boat .You can sail it at Storvassdal,”he said,referring to a small lake a few miles from the house.

Swell,I thought,looking around for the boat. But there was none.

Grandfather picked up a block of wood,about 18 inches long.“The boat is in there,”he said.“You can bring it out.”Then he handed me a razor-sharp ax.

I wasn‘t sure what to do,so Grandfather showed me how to handle the tool. I started to chop away to shape the bow. Later,after he taught me the proper use of hammer and chisel,I began to hollow out the hull.

“It‘ll be a fine boat,and you’ll be making it all with your won hands,”he said.“No one can give you what you do for yourself.”The words rang in my head as I worked.

Finally I finished the hull and made a mast and sail. The boat wasn‘t much to look at,but I was proud of what I had built. I launched my boat and daydreamed while a slight breeze carried the little craft to an opposite shore. The air was crisp and clean. There was no sound but the occasional warble of a bird.

A crisis developed when we were ready to return to America.“You cannot bring that boat home with you,”my mother said. We already had too much baggage.

With saddened heart,I went to Storvassdal for the last time,found that large boulder,placed my boat in a hollow space under its base,piled stones to hide it and resolved to return one day to recover my treasure.

In the summer of 1964,I went to Norway with my parents and my wife and children. I shall never forget that moment. As I cradled the boat,I felt my grandfather‘s presence. He had died 22 years before,and yet he was there. We three were together again——Grandfather and me and little boat.

My last trip to Storvassdal was in 1991. This time I brought two of my granddaughters from America:Catherine,13,and Claire,12. As we climbed the mountain,I thought of my grandfather and compared his life with that of my granddaughters.

Working tirelessly on that isolated farm,my grandfather taught me that we should accept and be grateful for what we have——whether it be much or little. We must bear the burdens and relish the joys. There is so much we cannot control,but we must try to make things better when we are able. We must depend upon ourselves to make our own way as best we can.

On the day I took them to Storvassdal,I hoped they would somehow understand the importance of the little boat and its simple message of self-reliance.

High in the mountain,I hesitated to speak lest I disturb our tranquility. Then Claire looked up and broke my reverie as she said softly,“Grandpa,someday I‘ll comeback.”She paused.“And I’ll bring my children.”

Arnold Berwick

MOTHER “母亲”的含义

“M”is for the million things she gave me,


“O”means only that she‘s growing old,


“T”is for the tears she shed to save me,


“H”is for her heart of purest gold,


“E”is for her eyes,with the love-light shining,


“R”means right,and right she‘ll always be,


Put them all together,they spell“MOTHER”,


A word that means the world to me.


A mother‘s love is like a circle,it has no beginning and ending. It keeps going around and around ever expanding,touching everyone who comes in touch with it. Engulfing them like the morning’s mist,warming them like the noontime sun,and covering them like a blanket of evening stars. A mother‘s love is like a circle,it has no beginning and ending.


Sportsmens Values

I spent a day of my vacation last summer crawling - sometimes literally on hands and knees up,around and down Ruby Mountain a 2,000-metre plus extinct volcano in the far northwest corner of British Columbia. I spent another day hiking a dozen or more kilometers overland to walk for half an hour on the tip of a tongue of the Llewellyn Glacier,one of the sources of the Yukon River. I drummed and danced to celebrate the summer solstice,and took my turn tending the tiny fire that helped produce a wonderful batch of smoked salmon. I shared aspects of my life and my aesthetic vision with kindred spirits,and I wandered atone and with companions through a varied landscape filled with natural wonders and creative personal‘markings.’

What you may ask,was a 57-year-old,moderately overweight,significantly under fit,burned-out refugee from a life of quiet desperation(inclined to angina pectoris and other gentler reminders of personal mortality)doing in such places?

There are many answers to the question:the simplest may be that I was climbing an inner mountain called Self-awareness and taking inner journeys in search or creative metaphors to build a story or two,a play or an essay around.

My companions were a dozen visual and craft artists of varied disciplines,younger and firmer than I but otherwise engaged in the same quest.

Our guide was Gernot Dick,the eccentric,obsessively focused and passionate founder and developer of a unique enterprise called the Atlin Art Centre,near the village of Atlin,B. C.(Population:300),on the eastern shore of Atlin Lake.

A native of Austria,Gernot is a lifelong mountaineer and wilderness adventurer;a self-taught painter,sculptor,conceptual artist and photographer;and a forceful educator,now in his retirement year as a teacher of design,photography and ceramics at Ontario‘s Sheridan College.

Aside from its impressive alpine setting,the Atlin Centre isn‘t much to look at;a dormitory and workshop/studio buildings,a romantic log cabin,a few of big wall-tents serving as studios and living quarters,all arranged casually around a tiny pond in a tree-lined bowl on a plateau of Monarch Mountain,overlooking Atlin Lake.

But the roughness and simplicity of the place,are deceptive. The program is as rigorous as the facilities are unpretentious,an unusual blend of Gernot‘s skills and experiences mixed with respect for artistic and personal integrity,spiced with intuition and a spirit of discovery,leavened with a touch of adventure and a passion for the direct and open experience of life as the basis of creativity,and discipline as the basis for art.

Gernot offers Atlin participants opportunities to“discover what is possible in art and life.”Presumptuous as that may sound,it worked for me. I may or may not have made personal creative breakthroughs(time and hard work will tell)。but I made it to the top of a physical mountain I never would have dreamed I could climb,and I caught a glimpse of the top of an inner mountain that had become obscured by clouds of habit and distraction. That‘s a good start.

Allan Sheppard



In France, from government officials to writer, professors and ordinary people, almost all have love books and the habit of reading. No wonder a French man said: “if the room no book, just like a person who has no soul.” If we can say so? The French study, not because of the burden and living life pressure by strong interest, but because the traction, feelings and wonderful USES.

If the journey of mind reading as words, so calmly really is the most critical. Whatever you read what, all need to give yourself a few full time, a quiet atmosphere -- writing is individual behavior, reading and why not personal experience? Reading once in the calm state, is coupled to YuanRen WuHui said, “as the ShangYou ancient how”, that is to say, at this moment, the scholar has mentally and the ancients photograph communication, phase communication, thereby edify, purification, raised his mind world.

If the essence of easy reading, however, but not everyone can grasp. Recently, read this story and think two quite will tell. LiuCheng northern-southern dynasties have an academician, he called from QingDengHuangJuan, studious, do not eat, sleep sitting hand book. Can read back the I ching, three years out, but they don't know the truth. On the surface, “read three years view the I ching” quiet, even enough, however, aesthetic experience, not sentimental sympathetic chord, natural, how to touch with easy reading above? With is reading, also pleased to recite dun, literature but calm enough. He can still expertly back out of 120 back in a dream of red mansions MAO dun on novels made great achievements, don't return after its calmly reading, able to put the book knowledge into spiritual nourishment?

Town calm set, the leisurely, afraid of study is the appeal of the reading. Think that year, SiMaWen male rev roll ”will start with a clean, and then through the amanita cotton-padded mattress sitting, others“ night, ”book“ rooting around lonely lamp, some thought ”reading in bed, furnace to smoke, fog, beside the bottles, such ability did edge to“ read flavor. So, I guess, from lu xun histories are morality ”-- the word seam in, see this is written with“ eating people ”two words, saw thousands of years history only two times, namely the people want to be a slave and shall not do the era and temporarily steadily slave era -- this ground-breaking of speech, is YiShi is its eye farce, however, why not general with lu xun's a tea a smoke concomitant, in no hurry deconstruction, flavorful analyzes relevant?

A man is really to do calmly reading, not treat reading as a soul, without giving a duty entrusted to noble DuanQingChun time thoughts and sincere words, that generally is no good. Because I didn't want to calm people, since there are many reasons can be, what world is too noisy ah, lively things too much ah, temptation is too strong, etc.? Also no wonder ancient many readers always put the sit-ins as required by the neo-confucianism, and reassure less-desired thoughts. Zhu xi warned readers said: “when sit-ins self-restraint, was experiencing thinking.” truth scaling Cheng, “each see people sit, and then sigh its good study.” Yes, only break, MingJiangLiSuo stand loneliness, stand lure, can easy reading. In this sense, reading this is unconditional, it depends entirely on self choice. Take the French President francois mitterrand, his politics for decades, no matter how busy governmental affairs in two hours every day, don't read books always night without AnQin. President of a country its busy unguided understandably, its extent even can calmly reading, then we?

Famous writer hanging RuZhiJuan book reading “cooking the books” 2 words banners. She said: “books, light see is no good, see a story that equals huluntianzao, should intensive reading. However, return not enough, then cook '. 'to' how cooking 'transformational, lucid.”

If the good books to friends, so one would not “cooking the books” person, sitting on a group of talented friends with, besides is among the puppet, an irony and a kind of torture and outside, and can what??? A book people said: “everyone is a god, and then have also Olympus.” together Say well swum ha! Desire to make “god”, it might as well from “cooking the books” beginning, might as well learn easy reading!

Perhaps, we end life also can't close to calm state, however, advocating calmly quality process, no doubt has started calmly.



从容读书的真谛若此,然而,却并非人人都能把握。最近,从报上看到这样两则 故事 ,觉得颇能说明问题。南北朝有一名学者叫陆澄,他从小好学,青灯黄卷,行坐眠食,手不离书。可读三年《易经》,背得滚瓜烂熟,却不明白其中的道理。从表面上观之,“读三年《易经》”怕是够从容的了,然而,不求审美体验、感情共鸣,不求甚解,又怎与从容读书沾上边去?同是读书,亦喜背诵,文学巨匠茅盾却从容得可以。他照样能熟练地背出120回的《红楼梦》,茅盾在长篇小说创作上取得巨大成就,不就归源于其从容读书,能够把书本知识转化为精神的养料?







Reading as a means of obtaining knowledge has a number of advantages over many other ways. To begin with, it is the most consistent way of getting knowledge. One can read regularly but few people can travel in the same way. Secondly, reading can ensure a thorough grasp of what you are interested in. This is hardly so when one is listening to the radio or watching TV. Finally, reading is the most flexible of all the ways to obtain knowledge. For example, one can always read for ten minutes before going to bed, but it is not always possible for him to converse with others at such a late hour.

However, there exists one problem about reading. There are all kinds of Books in society. Some are good, while others are bad. 'Good books are beneficial to our .soul while bad ones are harmful to our mind. Therefore, it is of great irnportance for the reader to separate good plants from wild weeds. We should read good books and reject harmful ones.


Every one has his own hobbies. Such as swimming, painting, playing basketball. And my favorite activity is reading.

As we know, the books are the stairs that the human can take to move forward. To read books, I can not only make my freetime be useful but also I can learn a lot of knowledge which I can't learn from the class.

I read many kinds of books. I like the books no matter it is novel, classical, cartoons, computer or sports. In all the books, I like novels best, because the novels are the most similar as our real life. To read novels, I can get a lot of life experience and the realization of complex emotion.

In my mind, reading has already became an important part in my life, it makes me forget the loneliness and brings me the happiness. My story, my life, this is the place where I'm storing me happiness.

每个人都有自己的 爱好 ,诸如 游泳 、绘画、 篮球 。我最喜欢做的事就是读书。





As the song goes “ My future isn't a dream .” I love the song which brings me confidence when singing it every time . I believe that all our dreams can come true if we have courage to pursue them .When I was young my father always asked me what I would be in the future . Sometimes I found it very hard to give a certain reply . “ I want to be a doctor .” “ I want to be a teacher .” and “ I 'd like to be a scientist !” Many of these answers are perhaps very childish and ridiculous . But I never think they are far away .

How time flies! Who is able to give a definition to his future ? I know clearly that those high buildings are based on solid foundation . As a student , I should have a reasonable aim , and study hard . My goal is to enter the best university for further study after middle school . I know it's hard work , and I 'll come across many difficulties and frustrations . But no matter what they are , I'll keep working on it and never give up . My teacher says there 's only one kind of people that are truly successful : those who are brave enough to put up with hardships . Even if I won't achieve the goal , I have no regrets for what I have done , for I have struggled for my life .


I have read some books this term。 The one which impressed me most is 。 I brought this book last term。The book consists of three versions: French, Chinese and English。 I read Chinese version first, which made my second read in English much easier。 I’m not going to talk about the fairy tale’s writing skills, writing style and what philosophy it contains。 Instead, I will pick out several sentences which moved me a lot and then show my feeling。

In part 4, there is “Not everyone has had a friend。” And later, in part 17, there’s “It’s also lonely with people。” The two sentences nearly have the same meaning。 A true friend is of a lifetime。 You may say that: “I have a lot of friends, and we always play together and chat together……” But in fact, friends are not those whom you always stay with。 Friends can be away from your daily life, can be out of connection for a long time, but they understand what you do and what you say all the time。 You never feel embarrassed when you stay with your friends and even say no words。

In part 8, the little prince: “He had taken seriously certain inconsequential remarks and had grown very unhappy。” It’s the same to us。 We are too concerned about what others say to do what we really want to。 Nowadays, we seems to care more about other people than ourselves。 When you have bought a dress you thought was beautiful, someone says that: “ Oh, it is not suitable for you。” Guess what, you will not wear the dress any more even if it is new。

In part 18, the flower had seen a caravan passing: “The wind blows them away。 They have no roots, which hampers them a good deal。” The sentence seems ridiculous, however, makes me think a lot。 For human being, roots mean spirit belief。 There’s someone saying that: “One nation won’t be destroyed as long as it has belief。” Here, I want to mention Jewry。 No matter how much hardship it went through, it never give up its struggling。 I have seen a photo: an old Jewish woman holds a book and reads it seriously even though she is in the ruin after one battle。 I admire this nation, and at the same time, I worry about our nation。 Maybe it has belief which I don’t notice。 It couldn’t be denied that we are being more and more fickle and materialistic。 We are losing our spiritual belief gradually。 Read more and search for one spiritual holy land。

In part 21, the fox tells the little prince : “It’s the time you spent on your rose that makes you rose so important。” I love this sentence most。 I think of people’s dream。 Perhaps in others’ eyes, our dreams are insignificant。 They always discourage us。 But what we should know is that only if you devote to your dream, your dream id unique。 You yourself is the master of your dream。

At last, I want to take the author’s word as the ending: All grown-ups were children first (But few of them remember it)。 If only we all remember it。

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小学 英语 故事 教学让学生在故事中感知英语语言的 文化 特质,激发学生学习语言、运用语言的热情。本文是3分钟英语故事短文,希望对大家有帮助!3分钟英语故事短文:Food Fight Erupted in Prison Inmates released two correctional officers they had held for a week in the tower at the state prison complex. The inmates captured the officers a week ago after the two officers tried toquell a food fight in the main dining room. The food fight erupted when the prisoners discovered that their candy ration had been cut in half. The candy is a popular barteringitem. Inmates trade it for cigarettes, cigars, magazines, stationery, legal dictionaries, and other items. Prison officials said it was necessary to cut back on this luxury item in order to provide basic items, like soap and razors and toilet paper. The prisoners went berserk over the reduction. They threw food, plates, and silverware at the doors, windows, and guards. Then they grabbed two guards and hauled them up to the tower. Once they had the tower door secured, they sent messages to prison officials demanding big bags of candy in exchange for sparing the guards’ lives. The warden complied with their demands. After a week of negotiations, the prisoners approved a deal which restored their candy ration, but in return the administration said they would have to reduce daily soap allotments by 75 percent. 3分钟英语故事短文:Better To Be Unlucky Sam, an unemployed piano tuner, said it was only the second thing he had ever won in his life. The first thing was an Afghan blanket at a church raffle when he was 25 years old. But this was much bigger: it was $120,000! He had won the Big Cube, a state lottery game. To win, acontestant must first guess which number a spinning cube will stop on. The cube has six numbers on it: 1X, 10X, 50X, 100X, 500X, and 1000X. If he is correct, the contestant must then guess which of two selected variables is going to be greater. So, just guessing which number appears on the cube does not guarantee that you will win any money. Sam correctly guessed 1000X, but he still had to choose between two variables. One variable was the number of cars that would run the stop sign at Hill Street and Lake Avenue in six hours. The other variable was the number of times that a teenage boy would change TV channels in a three-hour period. This was a tough decision. Finally, Sam flipped a coin. It came up heads, so Sam picked the teenager. He picked right. The stop sign was run only 76 times, but the teen clicked 120 times. Sixty-year-old Sam jumped for joy, for he had just won 1000 times 120, or $120,000. Sam dreamily left the lottery studio. Talking excitedly on his cell phone while crossing the street, he got hit by a little sports car. Sam is slowly getting better. He was in the hospital for a month. His hospital bill was $110,000. And the insurance company for the little sports car’s owner sued Sam for $9,000 worth of repairs. Also, Sam still has to pay federal taxes on his winnings. Sam doesn’t play the state lottery any more. He says it’s better to be unlucky. 3分钟英语故事短文:Freeway Chase A 24-year-old Los Angeles man was taken to a hospital and then to county jail after leading police on a one-hour freeway chase in a stolen SUV. The chase ended in downtown Los Angeles in front of the Spring Hotel. Most of the chase was uneventful, except for an empty bottle of whiskey that the driver threw at one police vehicle. When the driver got into downtown, things started to happen. He ran over a fire hydrant. The water spewed out of the hydrant, causing a geyser that ruined all the books in several carts that avendor had put outside to attract customers into his bookstore. The driver hurriedly turned west onto Grand Avenue and managed to bang into three parked cars on one side of that street and two cars on the other side. The driver also tried to run over a police officer, who was standingin the crosswalk ordering him to halt. Turning north, the driver caused a bus to slam on its brakes to avoid a collision. The bus was empty, and the bus driver was uninjured. However, two police cars that were pursuing the SUV from different directions were not so lucky. One of them ran into the front of the bus, and the other into the back. Because the drivers had braked early enough, the damage to their cars was minor. Both officers resumed the chase. They only went two blocks north to find that the SUV had come to a full stop because it hadplowed into a newspaper stand. The driver, who was not wearing a seatbelt, was slumpedbehind the steering wheel. The proprietor of the newsstand was yelling at the driver and shaking a magazine at him. The police called for the ambulance. They charged the driver with failure to yield to a police officer and driving under the influence.





这里有 其实就在网上浏览也不错嘛,想了解时事看这个不错,但我想要是学英语,这个就不是个好选择,因为上面有太多专业语术,大学生看了都头疼,学英语嘛,还是21世纪报好!

























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