

发布时间:2024-07-04 22:59:54


Electric Automation 电气自动化ELECTRIC AUTOMATION DEVICE AND METHOD FOR ADJUSTING THE FUNCTIONS OF THE ELECTRIC AUTOMATION DEVICE The invention relates to an electric automation device comprising a control unit that is controlled by a computer. In order to create an automation device that can be set to predefined functions in a particularly flexible manner while requiring less testing, a computer hardware component (2) is provided with control software comprising a basic functional area which includes an operating system (3), a device driver (4), and communication modules (5) so as to form a basic automation device (1) while the basic automation device (1) is complemented with any application modules (7a, 7b, 7c, 8, 9) that can be connected to the basic functional area via a software interface (6) in order to obtain the automation device. The invention also relates to a method for producing or adjusting the functions of such an electric automation device. 电气自动化专业介绍一、专业概况 随着高新技术的发展和生产自动化程度的提高,我国国民经济发展,正在和继续需要大批技术应用型实用人才。电气自动化技术是现代制造技术中不可缺少的重要技术门类,也是一个国家科技实力乃至综合竞争力的综合反映,在工业发展中具有前导地位。电气自动化技术,集机、电、计算机、信息处理等多学科于一体,是多学科相互交叉、渗透、结系淖酆涎Э疲�诠�窬�媒ㄉ柚姓加兄匾�牡匚弧R虼耍�梢运档缙�远��际跏嵌ヌ炝⒌氐氖乱担�枪�窬�梅⒄购腿嗣裆�钏�教岣叩奈镏侍跫�� ?br> (一)、培养目标本专业培养德、智、体、美、劳全面发展,具有良好职业道德和综合业务素质,具备较强的创新意识和创业能力,掌握电气自动化技术、计算机控制技术的基础理论,能在生产、建设、管理、服务第一线从事常用电气自动化设备、常用电气设备、供配电系统和装置、计算机控制系统、PLC控制系统的安装、调试、运行和维护的实用型高技能专门人才。 (二)、培养要求及职业能力分析 1、培养要求:本专业主要学习电气自动化的专业技术知识,应具有较强的本专业技术应用能力。 2、职业能力分析 (1)具有良好的身体素质、职业道德和人文素质,较强的语言文字表达能力和一定的社会交往能力及继续学习能力。 (2)具有较强的用英语进行人际和人机交流能力,具有阅读和翻译本专业有关英文资料的能力。 (3)具有较强的在信息化社会中工作、学习、生活所必备的计算机应用能力;熟练使用电子电气CAD软件;掌握一门程序设计语言。 (4)具有分析和测试常见的电工电子线路,能设计一般电工电子应用线路,能熟练使用常规电工电子仪器、仪表,具有熟练的电工基本操作技能。 (5)熟悉常用低压电器的基本原理及使用;能熟练阅读电气控制线路的原理图与接线图;具有对常规电气设备、供配电设备等电气控制系统进行安装、调试、维护能力。 (6)具有正确选用、安装、调试、维护电力电子装置和典型交、直流调速系统的能力。 (7)具有熟练的可编程控制器应用能力。 (8)具有以嵌入式计算机数字控制技术为核心的新技术基本应用能力,对相应控制系统具有调试维护能力。 (9)具有对一般的机械零件图、产品装配图与机械、液压和气压传动系统回路的识读能力,了解常用机械设备的结构特点及工艺过程,了解常见的机械和电气的配合关系。 (10)了解企业管理的基本知识,具有一定的质量意识。 (三)、课程设置 课程设置共分五部分:公共必修课、专业必修课、专业限定选修课、专业选修课及公共选修课。 1、公共必修课包括:思想道德修养、法律基础、邓小平理论、马克思主义哲学、体育、英语、高等数学、计算机操作基础等。 2、专业必修课包括:电工基础、模拟电子技术、数字电子技术、电机及拖动基础、机械制图及公差、机械工程基础、嵌入式计算机原理及应用、C语言程序设计、自动检测与转换技术、现代电力电子技术、可编程序控制器应用、自动控制原理与系统、C语言、工厂电气控制技术、电子电气CAD、变配电技术、变频调速原理与应用、工业控制网络、DSP原理与应用及专业英语等。其中主干课程为:电工基础、模拟电子技术、数字电子技术、电机及拖动基础、嵌入式计算机原理及应用、自动检测与转换技术、现代电力电子技术、可编程序控制器应用、自动控制原理与系统等。 3、专业限选课包括:计算机控制技术、工业自动化仪表、控制电机、智能控制等。 4专业任选课包括:电工电子工艺、多媒体技术、楼宇自动化、计算机系统仿真、计算机维修、程序设计(VB)等。 5、公共选修课包括:包括两个能力模块:经济管理科学类和人文与社会科学类。 (四)、实践教学环节 1、专业主要实践教学包括:电工实验、模拟电子技术实验、数字电子技术实验、电机与电力拖动实验、可编程序控制器应用实验、嵌入式计算机原理实验、现代电力电子技术实验、电工基础课程设计、电子技术课程设计、嵌入式计算机原理课程设计、可编程序控制器应用课程设计、自控系统课程设计、综合系统实训、金工实习、电工电子实习、专业参观、综合生产实习、毕业设计等。 2、非专业实践教学包括:入学教育、军训、暑期社会实践、社团活动、体育活动、文艺活动等。 (五)、职业技能证书 本专业证书包含三个方面: 1、公共必修证书:PET、计算机一级证书。 2、专业必修证书:CAD初级、维修电工中级。 3、任选证书:CET四级证书、计算机三级证书(单片机方向)、CAD中级证书、维修电工高级证书、气液电控制技术。 (六)、本专业师资力量 学院拥有一支学术造诣高、教学经验丰富、实践能力强的师资队伍。电气自动化技术专业现有师资26人,其中副高职称以上有17人,“双师型”教师10人。能够满足公共基础课、专业基础课和专业课的理论及实践教学的需要。 二、职业前景 1、对口行业 电气自动化技术是传统而具有新内涵的专业,本专业培养拥护党的基本路线,德、智、体、美等全面发展,具备从事电气自动化技术所需要的理论知识和职业技术能力,主要在生产、建设、服务和管理等第一线工作的高级技术应用性专门人才。本专业的毕业生可就职于国防、航天、航空、航海、铁道、机械、轻工、化工、电子、电力、电信、钢铁、石油、矿山、煤炭、地质、勘测等广泛的工业、农业、科学研究领域,也可就职于现代物流及现代服务业。 2、就业前景 在上海市经济委员会的《上海制造业战略升级的行动纲要》中指出:加快推动制造业的战略升级是贯彻党的十六大精神,坚定地走新型工业化道路,实现向制造业强国转变的国家战略需要,也是上海建立新型产业体系,提高城市综合竞争力,坚持“四个中心”的客观要求。上海制造业战略升级的重点包括:高新技术产业重点发展电子信息和现代生物与现代医药制造业;交通运输设备制造业重点发展汽车、轨道交通、船舶、民用飞机;装备制造业重点发展大型成套设备、电站设备、新能源和新型环保设备制造业;原材料制造业重点发展石油化工和精细化工、精品钢材制造业;生产性服务业重点发展制造业物流、技术服务等产业;大力发展就业广、清洁型的都市型工业。根据电气自动化的内涵,上述产业无不包含电气自动化技术,同时也对电气自动化技术专业的人才提出了更高的要求。据上海市政府组织的《面向新世纪上海紧缺人才需求趋势与开发研究对策》的报告显示,复合型技术人才是紧缺的专业人才,而电气自动化技术专业是培养复合型技术人才的有效载体。可以预见在未来数年内,电气自动化专业毕业生就业前景良好。




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前言Chapter 1 Fundamentals of Electric CircuitsSection 1 Current and Voltage专业英语概述ExercisesSection 2 Circuit Elements翻译标准ExercisesSection 3 Ohm’S Law翻译过程ExercisesSection 4 Kirchhoffs Laws专业英语的语法特点ExercisesSection 5 Basic Analysis Methods专业英语的词汇特点IExerosesSection 6 Sinusoidal AC Circuit Analysis and ThreePhase circuits专业英语的词汇特点ⅡExercisesChapter 2 ElectronicsSection 1 Introduction专业英语的词汇特点ⅢExercisesSection 2 Boolean Algebra for Digital Systems词义的确定——词义选择ExercisesSection 3 Analog——Digital Conversion词义的确定—词义的引申ExercisesSection 4 Operational Amplifiers长句的翻译ExercisesChapter 3 Power Eleccronic TecllnoIogySection 1 SernJicon,dLuctor Switclaes词类的转换(一)ExercisesSection 2 The DC—DC Converters词类的转换(二)E,xercisesSection 3 DC—AC Converters词类的转换(三)ExercisesChapler 4 Electric MachinerySection 1 Principle Of operaltion Of an InductiVe machine用词的增省(一)ExercisesSection 2 Perf0ITflance aaaracteristics Of Induction Motors用词的增省(二)ExercisesSection 3 SyncIlrollous machines用词的增省(三)ExercisesSection 4 Tfansfoer用词的增省(四)ExercisesChapter 5 ComputerSection 1 Computer Basics用词的增省(五)E,xercisesSection2 Microprocessor alld Memory用词的增省(六)ExercisesSection 3 Input and Output DeVices句型的转换ExercisesSectiOn 4 Sofware Basics被动语态的翻译(一)ExercisesSection 5 Computer。Network Basics被动语态的翻译(二)ExercisesChapter 6 Electric Power SystemsSection 1 Introduction否定句的翻译(一)ExercisesSection 2 Components of Power Systems否定句的翻译(二)ExercisesSection 3 Operation and Control of Power Systems数量词的翻译(一)ExercisesSection 4 Power System Stability数量词的翻译(二)ExercisesChapter 7 Power System ProtectionsSection 1 Introduction简历(Resume)ExercisesSection 2 Faults and Their Damages on Power Systems商务信函ExercisesSection 3 Circuit Breakers产品技术说明书ExercisesSection 4 Distance Protection英语科技论文结构ExercisesSection 5 Lightning Arresters学术论文写作(一)——论文标题ExercisesChapter 8 Electric Power GenerationSection 1 Coal—Fired Power Plants学术论文写作(二)——论文作者姓名、单位与联系地址ExercisesSection 2 Hydropower Plants学术论文写作(三)——摘要ExercisesSection 3 Nuclear Power Plants学术论文写作(四)——关键词和引言ExercisesChapter 9 Automation Control SystemSection 1 Introduction学术论文写作(五)——正文ExercisesSection 2 Determination of the Overall Transfer Function学术论文写作(六)——结论和参考文献ExercisesSection 3 Control—System Characteristics电气工程及其自动化专业英文主要期刊一览表ExercisesSection 4 Frequency ResponseExercises参考文献




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本毕业设计课题是属于教师拟定性课题,主要是研究基于单片机的对步进电机的有效控制。步进电机是一种能将数字输入脉冲转换成旋转或直线增量运动的电磁执行元件,每输入一个脉冲电机转轴步进一个步距角增量。电机总的回转角与输入脉冲数成正比例,相应的转速取决于输入脉冲频率。 步进电机是机电一体化产品中关键部件之一,通常被用作定位控制和定速控制。步进电机惯量低、定位精度高、无累积误差、控制简单等特点。广泛应用于机电一体化产品中,如:数控机床、包装机械、计算机外围设备、复印机、传真机等。 Abstract This article mainly elaborated has been hanging the movement control system merit, introduced was hanging the movement control system function, the principle and the design process. Is hanging the movement control system is one of in control engineering domain important applications, its main target is to is controlled the object the movement condition, including path, speed and position implementation check. The movement control system compares with other control systems, has the system model simply, the check algorithm is unitary, also not complex characteristic and so on non-linearity and coupling situation. Also is precisely because the movement control system can implement to the path, the running rate, the pointing accuracy as well as the repetition precision accuracy control requirement, has the broad application foreground in each category of control engineering, therefore the movement control system has at present become in the check study application domain very much significant the research direction. Through the monolithic integrated circuit to stepping monitor check, implemented the motor-driven to cause the object at on the board which inclined the movement, The control section is the SST89E52 monolithic microcomputer which SST Corporation produces primarily, with when the 1602LCD liquid crystal screen and according to turned has implemented with the user interactive, through the keyboard entry different control command, the liquid-crystal display was allowed to display the setting value and the run the coordinates. The electrical machinery control section used LM324N four to transport puts and is connected the electronic primary device voluntarily to develop the 42BYG205 stepping monitor actuation electric circuit to implement the electrical machinery accuracy control. The algorithm partially for will suit the monolithic integrated circuit system to operate carries on optimizes many times, will reduce the microprocessor the operand. Has completed the object voluntarily the movement and according to the different setup path movement. Key words Magneto; 1602LCD; LM324N; Drive circuit 选择步进电机时,首先要保证步进电机的输出功率大于负载所需的功率。而在选用功率步进电机时,首先要计算机械系统的负载转矩,电机的矩频特性能满足机械负载并有一定的余量保证其运行可靠。在实际工作过程中,各种频率下的负载力矩必须在矩频特性曲线的范围内。一般地说最大静力矩Mjmax大的电机,负载力矩大[1 ]。 选择步进电机时,应使步距角和机械系统匹配,这样可以得到机床所需的脉冲当量。在机械传动过程中为了使得有更小的脉冲当量,一是可以改变丝杆的导程,二是可以通过步进电机的细分驱动来完成。但细分只能改变其分辨率,不改变其精度。精度是由电机的固有特性所决定。 选择功率步进电机时,应当估算机械负载的负载惯量和机床要求的启动频率,使之与步进电机的惯性频率特性相匹配还有一定的余量,使之最高速连续工作频率能满足机床快速移动的需要。 基于单片机的悬挂运动控制系统,具有硬件电路结构简单,精确度高,抗干扰性强等优点。 课题目的 培养综合运用四年大学所学知识去分析问题和解决实际问题的能力。在实践中检验所学知识,从而加强理论与实践的相结合。 体验一个科研项目开发的全过程,学会单片机开发应用方法,锻炼应用能力,动手能力。本课题设计是具有一定难度的基于单片机的应用系统开发项目,培养学生创新精神和创新能力。通过这次毕业论文及设计,检验的综合素质和专业教育的培养效果,并且使学会阅读、利用英文文献资料,阅读并翻译外文资料的能力,学会设计报告和论文。 课题意义 随着社会的发展、科技的进步以及人们生活水平的逐步提高,各种方便于生活的自动控制系统开始进入了人们的生活,以单片机为核心的自动门系统就是其中之一。同时也标志了自动控制领域成为了数字化时代的一员[ 3]。它实用性强,功能齐全,技术先进,使人们相信这是科技进步的成果。它更让人类懂得,数字时代的发展将改变人类的生活,将加快科学技术的发展。 通过对“微机控制自动门系统”的研究和设计,精心撰写了微机控制自动门系统论文。本论文着重阐述了以单片机为主体,LED点阵显示芯片及步进电机为核心的系统。 本设计主要应用SST89E58作为控制核心,LED点阵显示芯片、步进电机、压力传感器、电位器相结合的系统。充分发挥了单片机的性能。其优点硬件电路简单,软件功能完善,控制系统可靠,性价比较高等特点,具有一定的使用和参考价值。 应解决的主要问题 在基于单片机的悬挂运动控制系统中,主要分三个部分设计,一个是输入和键盘显示模块;另一个是步进电机驱动模块;第三个是最小系统和输出模块设计。主要解决的问题是: 1. 单片机最小系统硬件设计; 2. 步进电机驱动模块设计; 3. 输出部分的软硬件设计; 4. 主程序设计; 5. 绘图板的设计。 技术要求 设计一电机控制系统,控制物体在倾斜(仰角≤100度)的板上运动。 在一白色底板上固定两个滑轮,两只电机(固定在板上)通过穿过滑轮的吊绳控制一物体在板上运动,运动范围为80cm×100cm。物体的形状不限,质量大于100克。物体上固定有浅色画笔,以便运动时能在板上画出运动轨迹。板上标有间距为1cm的浅色坐标线(不同于画笔颜色),左下角为直角坐标原点。[看不到}






M——专著 C——论文集 N——报纸文章

J——期刊文章 D——学位论文 R——报告



①作者姓名采用“姓在前名在后”原则,具体格式是: 姓,名字的首字母. 如: Malcolm Richard Cowley 应为:Cowley, .,如果有两位作者,第一位作者方式不变,&之后第二位作者名字的首字母放在前面,姓放在后面,如:Frank Norris 与Irving Gordon应为:Norris, F. & .;

②书名、报刊名使用斜体字,如:Mastering English Literature,English Weekly。




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[2] Almarza, . Student foreign language teacher’s knowledge growth [A]. In and (eds.). Teacher Learning in Language Teaching [C]. New York: Cambridge University Press. 1996. .








【格式】[序号]原著作者. 书名[M].译者,译.出版地:出版社,出版年份:起止页码.




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一、文献类型与文献载体代码根据GB3469-83《文献类型与文献载体代码》规定,以单字母标识: M——专著(含古籍中的史、志论著) C——论文集 N——报纸文章 J——期刊文章 D——学位论文 R——研究报告 S——标准 P——专利 A——专著、论文集中的析出文献 Z——其他未说明的文献类型电子文献类型以双字母作为标识: DB——数据库CP——计算机程序 EB——电子公告非纸张型载体电子文献,在参考文献标识中同时标明其载体类型: DB/OL——联机网上的数据库 DB/MT——磁带数据库 M/CD——光盘图书 CP/DK——磁盘软件 J/OL——网上期刊 EB/OL——网上电子公告二、参考文献书写格式 (参考文献:宋体四号字加黑,顶头)中文≥10篇,英文≥5篇(主要内容用宋体小四号不加黑,中文中标点用全角;英文符号用半角,标注说明如下)(1)杂志:[编号] 姓名1,姓名2,姓名3等.文章名称[J].杂志名称,年,卷(期):页码范围.(2)书籍:[编号] 姓名1,姓名2,姓名3等.书籍名称(第几版).出版地点:出版社,出版年:起止页码(第一版不标注).(3)学位论文:[编号] 姓名.论文名[D].保存地点:保存单位,撰写年,页码范围.(4)会议论文集:[编号]姓名1,姓名2,姓名3等.文章题目名[C].会议名(论文集名),年份,会议地:出版者,页码范围.(5)报纸:[编号]姓名1,姓名2,姓名3等.文章题目名[N].报纸名称,出版年-月-日(版面号).(6)专利:[编号]专利所有者姓名1,姓名2,姓名3等.专利题目名[P].专利国别:专利号,出版日期.(7)电子文献:[编号]姓名1,姓名2,姓名3等.电子文献题名[载体类型].电子文献的出处或可获得地址,发表或更新日期/引用日期. 载体类型: 联机上网数据库(database online) [DB/OL];光盘网数据库(database on CD-ROM) [DB/CD];光盘图书(monograph on CD-ROM) [M/CD]; 磁盘软件(computer program on disk) [CP/DK]; 网上期刊(serial online) [J/OL]; 网上电子公告(electronic bulletin board online) [EB/OL] 参考文献:(宋体四号字加黑) (样例)[1] 惠晓实,王凯航,陆舟,等.一种基于web技术的网络数据库系统设计[J].计算机应用研究,2000,17(1):84~86.[2] 强文久,元章,雯荣.数学分析的基本概念与方法.北京:高等教育出版社,1989:153~167.[3] 詹东风.中国漆树酶分离制备及反映功能研究[D].武汉大学博士学位论文,1998:81~89.[4] Wayne C. The toxins of cyan bacteria[J]. Scientific American, 1994, 270(1): 78~86.[5] Buchberger B, Collins G E, Computer Algebra Symbolic and Algebraic Computation. New York: Springer Versa, 1998: 58~76.

浅论运动控制新技术在机械工业自动化中的应用 摘要:目前,运动控制新技术已经逐渐发展成熟。运动控制新技术在机械工业自动化领域中得到推广和应用,必将促进机械工业自 动化的发展。本文从四个方面探讨了运动控制新技术在机械工业自动化中的应用。 关键词:运动控制新技术机械工业 随着现代科学技术的快速发展,高新 技术不断引导传统产业实施变革。机械工 业作为传统产业之一,在这种潮流的影响 下也在逐渐开展一场大规模的机电一体化 技术革命。随着电子计算机技术、电子电 力技术和传感器技术的发展,各个国家的 机电一体化产品层出不穷。在机电一体化 技术迅速发展的同时,运动控制技术作为 其关键的组成部分,也得到了前所未有的 发展和进步。本文主要介绍全闭环交流伺 服驱动技术、可编程计算机控制器、直线 电机驱动技术和运动控制卡等几项具有代 表性的新技术。 1全闭环交流伺服驱动技术 交流伺服系统在一些定位精度或动态 相应要求比较高的机电一体化产品中的应 用越来越广,其中数字式交流伺服系统更 符合目前数字化控制模式这一潮流,并且 这一系统使用简单,便于调试。数字是交 流伺服系统运用先进的数字信号处理器作 为驱动器的主要组成部分,可以对电机轴 后端的光电编码器进行位置采样,从而在 驱动器和电机之间构成位置和速度的闭环 控制系统,并且充分发挥数字信号处理器 的高速运算能力,进而自动完成整个伺服 系统的增益调节,甚至还可以跟踪负载的 变化,实时调节系统增益。 这种数字式交流伺服系统在一般工作 在半闭环的控制方式中,也就是伺服电机上 的编码器既要作为速度环,同时也要作位置 环。但是这种控制方式存在一个弊端,也就 是不能克服和补偿传动链上的间隙和误差。 为了能够实现更高的控制精度,一般应该在 最终的运动部分安装上高精度的检测元件, 从而实现全闭环控制。相对比较传统的全 闭环控制方法是伺服系统只是接受速度指 令,完成对速度环的控制,而位置环的控制 是由上位控制器来完成的。这样,就增加了 上位控制器的难度,也在一定程度上阻碍了 伺服系统的推广和应用。 目前,国外的数字式伺服系统发展比 较好,出现了能够很好地实现高精度自动 化设备的运行,这就是全闭环数字式伺服 系统。这一系统能够有效克服上述半闭环 控制系统存在的问题,伺服驱动器可以直 接采用装在最后一级机械运动部件上的位 置反馈元件作为位置环,电机上的编码器 只是作为速度环。这样一来,伺服系统就 可以消除机械传统上存在的间隙,也可以 补偿机械传动件的制造误差,从而实现真 正的全闭环位置控制功能,得到较高的定 位精度。 2计算机控制器技术 目前,可编程计算机控制器已经成为 新一代可编程控制器。与传统的可编程控 制器相比,可编程计算机控制器最大的特 点在于它类似于大型计算机得分是多任务 操作系统和多样化的应用软件的设计。传 统的可编程控制器大多采用单任务的时钟 扫面或监控程序来处理程序本身的逻辑运 算指令和外部的I/O通道的状态才与与刷 新。结果是这样的处理方式直接导致了可 编程控制器的控制速度主要有应用程序的 大小来决定,这与I/O通道中高实时性的 控制要求并不相符。但是,可编程计算机 控制器却能完全解决这个问题,主要表现 在可编程计算机控制器采用了分时多任务 机制打造应用程序的运行平台,这样应用 程序的运行周期与程序的大小没有必然的 联系,而是由操作系统的循环周期来决定 时间的长短。因此,可编程计算机控制器 能将应用程序的扫描周期同外部的控制周 期分开来,从而满足了实时控制的要求。 随着电子计算机中央处理器技术的发展, 电子计算机处理数据的能力极大地提高, 这就为可变成计算机控制器提供了相应的 硬件技术支持。 可编程计算机控制器在工业控制中已 经显现出了强大的优势功能,体现了可编 程控制器与工业控制计算机及分布式工业 控制系统技术的相互融合。虽然说这一技 术的发展历程并不长,还仍是一项正被探 索的技术,但是其被越来越多地应用到各 个领域中,显示出了强大的生机与潜力。 3直线电机驱动技术 机床进给伺服系统中应用直线电机技 术,近些年来得到了世界范围内机床行业的 重视,特别是在西欧的发达工业地区,已经 出现了“直线电机热”这一高潮。在机床 的进给系统中,运用直线电机直接驱动比原 旋转电机传动的最大优势是取消了从电机 到工作台之间的机械传动环节,进而将机床 进给传动链的长度缩短为零,因此这种传动 方式有被称为“零传动”。正是因为这种“零 传动”的方式,给机床带来了原旋转电机驱 动方式无法达到的性能和优势。 这些性能和优势主要体现在:快速响 应。由于伺服系统中直接取消了一些响应 时间较长的机械传动建,使得整个闭环控 制系统的反应速度大大提高,变得快速直 接;高精度。直线驱动系统取消了由丝杠 等机械结构所产生的传动间隙和误差,减 少了插补运动时因传动系统之后所可能带 来的跟踪误差,运用直线定位检测反馈控 制,大大提高了机床的定位精度;高传动 刚度。由于直接驱动避免了气动、变速和 换向时因为中间传动环节的弹性变形、摩 擦磨损和反向间隙所造成的运动滞后现 象,提高了传动刚度;行程长度不受限制。 在导轨上通过串联直线电机,可以无限制 地延长其行程长度,具有过去间接驱动系 统所无法比拟的优势;噪音低。由于现代 工业生产所要求的排放的噪音具有一定的 指标,而直接驱动系统由于取消了传动丝 杠等部件的机械摩擦,同时其导轨又可以 采用滚动式或者磁悬浮式,因而大大降低 了运动时所产生的噪音;高效率。无中间 传动环节,消除了机械摩擦时的能量损耗, 大大提高了传动效率。 4运动控制卡 运动控制卡是一种上位控制单元,主 要运用于工业电子计算机和各种运动控制 场合上。之所以运动控制卡能够出现,主 要体现在以下几个方面:首先,为了满足 新型数控系统的标准化、柔性和开放性的 需求。运动控制卡可以自行调节,来达到 上述要求;其次,对运动控制模块硬件平 台的需求。当前,各种工业设备、国防装备 制造与操作、医疗智能设备在进行自动控 制系统研制和改造过程中急需运动控制模 块硬件平台,而运动控制卡则能满足上述 要求;第三,发挥电子计算机功能的需求。 电子计算机在各种工业现场的应用,要求 配备相应的控制卡来提高电子计算机的性 能和功能。 目前,由于运动控制模式在国外自动 化设备的控制系统中相当流行,因而运动 控制卡耶行程了一个独立专门行业,不少 国外的公司专业从事运动控制卡的研发, 在国内,也有同类产品的出现,并已经被成 功地应用到数控打孔机、汽车零部件性能 检验等自动化设备上。 参考文献 [1]江平宇.网络化计算机辅助设计与制造 技术(第1版)[M].北京:机械工业出版 社,2004. [2]王德祥.柔性控制技术在包装机械自动 化中的应用[J].石油化工应用,2007(4). [3]冯衡滨.试论我国机械自动化技术的发 展[J].民营科技,2008(2).


用于分布式在线UPS中的并联逆变器的一种无线控制器A Wireless Controller for Parallel Inverters in Distributed Online UPS SystemsJosep M. Guerrero', Luis Garcia de Vicufia", Jose Matas'*, Jaume Miret", and Miguel Castilla". Departament #Enginyeria de Sistemes, Automatica i Informhtica Industrial. Universitat Polithica de CatalunyaC. Comte d'Urgell, -Barcelona. Spain. Email: .. Departament #Enginyeria Electrbnica. Universitat Polit6cnica de CatalunyaAV. Victor BaLguer s/n. 08800I - Vilanova i la Geltrh. SpainAbsiract - In this paper, a novel controller for parallelconnectedonline-UPS inverters without control wireinterconnections is presented. The wireless control technique isbased on the well-known droop method, which consists inintroducing P-oand Q-V schemes into the inverters, in order toshare properly the power drawn to the loads. The droop methodhas been widely used in applications of load sharing betweendifferent parallel-connected inverters. However, this methodhas several drawbacks that limited its application, such as atrade-off between output-voltage regulation and power sharingaccuracy, slow transient response, and frequency and phasedeviation. This last disadvantage makes impracticable themethod in online-UPS systems, since in this case every modulemust be in phase with the utility ac mains. To overcome theselimitations, we propose a novel control scheme, endowing to theparalleled-UPS system a proper transient response, strictlyfrequency and phase synchronization with the ac mains, andexcellent power sharing. Simulation and experimental resultsare reported confirming the validity of the proposed . INTRODUCTIONThe parallel operation of distributed Uninterruptible PowerSupplies (UPS) is presented as a suitable solution to supplycritical and sensitive loads, when high reliability and poweravailability are required. In the last years, many controlschemes for parallel-connected inverters has been raised,which are derived from parallel-schemes of dc-dc converters[I], such as the master-slave control [2], or the democraticcontrol [3]. In contrast, novel control schemes have beenappeared recently, such as the chain-structure control [4], orthe distributed control [ 5 ] . However, all these schemes needcontrol interconnections between modules and, hence, thereliability of the system is reduced since they can be a sourceof noise and failures. Moreover, these communication wireslimited the physical situation ofthe modules [6].In this sense, several control techniques has been proposedwithout control interconnections, such as the droop this method, the control loop achieves good power sharingmaking tight adjustments over the output voltage frequencyand amplitude of the inverter, with the objective tocompensate the active and reactive power unbalances [7].This concept is derived from the power system theory, inwhich the frequency of a generator drops when the powerdrawn to the utility line increases [8].0-7803-7906-3/03/$ 02003 IEEE. 1637However, this control approach has an inherent trade-offbetween voltage regulation and power sharing. In addition,this method exhibits slow dynamic-response, since it requireslow-pass filters to calculate the average value of the activeand reactive power. Hence, the stability and the dynamics ofthe whole system are hardly influenced by the characteristicsof these filters and by the value of the droop coefficients,which are bounded by the maximum allowed deviations ofthe output voltage amplitude and , when active power increases, the droopcharacteristic causes a frequency deviation from the nominalvalue and, consequently, it results in a variable phasedifference between the mains and the inverter output fact can be a problem when the bypass switch mustconnect the utility line directly to the critical bus in stead ofits phase difference. In [9], two possibilities are presented inorder to achieve phase synchronization for parallel lineinteractiveUPS systems. The first one is to locate a particularmodule near the bypass switch, which must to synchronizethe output voltage to the mains while supporting overloadcondition before switch on. The second possibility is to waitfor the instant when phase matching is produced to connectthe , the mentioned two folds cannot be applied to aparallel online-UPS system, since maximum transfer timeought to be less than a % of line period, and all the modulesmust be always synchronized with the mains when it ispresent. Hence, the modules should be prepared to transferdirectly the energy from the mains to the critical bus in caseof overload or failure [lo].In our previous works [11][12], we proposed differentcontrol schemes to overcome several limitations of theconventional droop method. However, these controllers bythemselves are inappropriate to apply to a parallel online-UPS system. In this paper, a novel wireless control scheme isproposed to parallel different online UPS modules with highperformance and restricted requirements. The controllerprovides: 1) proper transient response; 2) power sharingaccuracy; 3) stable frequency operation; and 4) good phasematching between the output-voltage and the utility , this new approach is especially suitable for paralleled-UPS systems with true redundancy, high reliability andpower availability. Simulation and experimental results arereported, confirming the validity of this control . 1. Equivalenl cimuif ofan invener connecled 10 a bust"Fig. 2. P-odraop . REVlEW OF THE CONVENTIONAL DROOP METHODFig. 1 shows the equivalent circuit of an inverter connectedto a common bus through coupled impedance. When thisimpedance is inductive, the active and reactive powers drawnto the load can be expressed asEVcosQ - V2 Q=where Xis the output reactance of an inverter; Q is the phaseangle between the output voltage of the inverter and thevoltage of the common bus; E and V are the amplitude of theoutput voltage of the inverter and the bus voltage, the above equations it can be derived that the activepower P is predominately dependent on the power angle Q,while the reactive power Q mostly depends on the outputvoltageamplitude. Consequently, most of wireless-control ofparalleled-inverters uses the conventional droop method,which introduces the following droops in the amplitude Eand the frequency U of the inverter output voltageu = w -mP (3)E = E ' - n Q , (4)being W* and E' the output voltage frequency and amplitudeat no load, respectively; m and n are the droop coefficientsfor the frequency and amplitude, , a coupled inductance is needed between theinverter output and the critical bus that fixes the outputimpedance, in order to ensure a proper power flow. However,it is bulky and increase:; the size and the cost of the UPSmodules. In addition, tho output voltage is highly distortedwhen supplying nonlinezr loads since the output impedanceis a pure is well known that if droop coefficients are increased,then good power sharing is achieved at the expense ofdegrading the voltage regulation (see Fig. 2).The inherent trade-off of this scheme restricts thementioned coefficients, which can be a serious limitation interms of transient response, power sharing accuracy, andsystem the other hand, lo carry out the droop functions,expressed by (3) and (4), it is necessary to calculate theaverage value over one line-cycle of the output active andreactive instantaneous power. This can be implemented bymeans of low pass filters with a smaller bandwidth than thatof the closed-loop inverter. Consequently, the powercalculation filters and droop coefficients determine, to a largeextent, the dynamics and the stability of the paralleledinvertersystem [ conclusion, the droop method has several intrinsicproblems to be applied a wireless paralleled-system ofonline UPS, which can he summed-up as follows:Static trade-off between the output-voltage regulation(frequency and amplitude) and the power-sharingaccuracy (active an4d reactive).2) Limited transient response. The system dynamicsdepends on the power-calculation filter characteristics,the droop coefficients, and the output of ac mains synchronization. The frequency andphase deviations, due to the frequency droop, makeimpracticable this method to a parallel-connectedonline UPS system, in which every UPS should becontinuously synchronized to the public ac )3)111. PROPOSED CONTROL FOR PARALLEL ONLINE UPSINVERTERSIn this work, we will try to overcome the above limitationsand to synthesize a novel control strategy withoutcommunication wires that could be appropriate to highperformanceparalleled industrial UPS. The objective is toconnect online UPS inverters in parallel without usingcontrol interconnections. This kind of systems, also namedinverter-preferred, should be continuously synchronized tothe utility line. When an overload or an inverter failureoccurs, a static bypass switch may connect the input line tothe load, bypassing the inve:rter [14][15].Fig. 3 shows the general diagram of a distributed onlineUPS system. This system consists of two buses: the utilitybus, which is connected lo the public ac mains; and thesecure bus, connected to the distributed critical loads. Theinterface between these buses is based on a number of onlineUPS modules connected in parallel, which providescontinuously power to the: loads [16]. The UPS modulesinclude a rectifier, a set of batteries, an inverter, and a staticbypass ac mainsutility busI I Ij distributed loads !Fig. 3. Online distributed UPS /I 4(4Fig. 4. Operation modes of an online UPS.(a) Normal operation. (b) Bypass operation. (c) Mains failureThe main operation modes of a distributed online UPS1) Normal operation: The power flows to the load, fromthe utility through the distributed UPS ) Mains failure: When the public ac mains fails, theUPS inverters supply the power to the loads, from thebatteries, without operation: When an overload situation occurs,the bypass switch must connect the critical busdirectly to the ac mains, in order to guarantee thecontinuous supply of the loads, avoiding the damageof the UPS this reason, the output-voltage waveform should besynchronized to the mains, when this last is are listed below (see Fig. 5):3)Nevertheless, as we state before, the conventional droopmethod can not satisfy the need for synchronization with theutility, due to the frequency variation of the inverters, whichprovokes a phase obtain the required performance, we present a transientP-w droop without frequency-deviation in steady-state,proposed previously by OUT in [ 111w=o -mP (5)where is the active power signal without the dccomponent,which is done by. -I t -1sP= p ,( s + t - ' ) ( s + o , )being zthe time constant of the transient droop transient droop function ensures a stable frequencyregulation under steady-state conditions, and 'at the sametime, achieves active power balance by adjusting thefrequency of the modules during a load transient. Besides, toadjust the phase of the modules we propose an additionalsynchronizing loop, yieldingo=w'-m%k,A$, (7)where A$ is the phase difference between the inverter and themains; and k, is the proportional constant of the frequencyadjust. The steady-state frequency reference w* can beobtained by measuring the utility line second term of the previous equality trends to zero insteady state, leading tow = w' - k4($ -@'), (8)being $and $* the phase angles of the output voltage inverterand the utility mains, into account that w = d $ / d t , we can obtain thenext differential equation, which is stable fork, positived$ *dt dt- + km$ = - + k,$' . (9)Thus, when phase difference increases, frequency willdecrease slightly and, hence, all :he UPS modules will besynchronized with the utility, while sharing the power drawnto the . CONTROLLIEMRP LEMENTATIONFig. 5 depicts the block diagram of the proposedcontroller. The average active power P , without the dccomponent, can be obtained by means of multiplying theoutput voltage by the output current, and filtering the product........................................................................................io",.LSj'nchronirorion loop.......................................................................................Fig. 5. Block diagram of the proposed a band-pass filter. In a similar way, the averagereactive power is obtained, hut in this case the output-voltagemust be delayed 90 degrees, and using a low-pass order to adjust the output voltage frequency, equation(7) is implemented, which corresponds to the frequencymains drooped by two transient-terms: the transient activepower signal term; and the phase difference term, whichis added in order to synchronize the output voltage with theac mains, in a phase-locked loop (PLL) fashion. The outputvoltageamplitude is regulated by using the conventionaldroop method (4).Finally, the physical coupled inductance can be avoided byusing a virtual inductor [17]. This concept consists inemulated an inductance behavior, by drooping the outputvoltage proportionally to the time derivative of the outputcurrent. However, when supplying nonlinear loads, the highordercurrent-harmonics can increase too much the outputvoltageTHD. This can be easily solved by using a high-passfilter instead of a pure-derivative term of the output current,which is useful to share linear and nonlinear loads [I 1][12].Furthermore, the proper design of this output inductance canreduce, to a large extent, the unbalance line-impedanceimpact over the power sharing . SIMULATION AND EXPERIMENTARELS ULTSThe proposed control scheme, (4) and (7), was simulatedwith the parameters listed in Table 1 and the scheme shownin Fig. 6, for a two paralleled inverters system. Thecoefficients m, n, T, and kv were chosen to ensure stability,proper transient response and good phase matching. Fig. 7shows the waveforms of the frequency, circulating currents,phase difference between the modules and the utility line,and the evolution of the active and reactive powers. Note theexcellent synchronization between the modules and theACmiiinr 4 j. ...L...... ..........................B...u...n...... ................................... iFig. 6. Parallel operation oftwa online UPS modules,mains, and, at the same time, the good power sharingobtained. This characteristik let us to apply the controller tothe online UPS paralleled I-kVA UPS modules were built and tested in order toshow the validity of the proposed approach. Each UPSinverter consisted of a single-phase IGBT full-bridge with aswitching frequency of 20 kHz and an LC output filter, withthe following parameters: 1. = 1 mH, C = 20 WF, Vi" = 400V,v, = 220 V, I50 Hz. The controllers of these inverters werebased on three loops: an inner current-loop, an outer PIcontroller that ensures voltage regulation, and the loadsharingcontroller, based on (4) and (7). The last controllerwas implemented by means of a TMS320LF2407A, fixedpoint40 MHz digital sigrial processor (DSP) from TexasInstruments (see Fig. 8), using the parameters listed in TableI. The DSP-controller also includes a PLL block in order tosynchronize the inverter with the common bus. When thisoccurs, the static bypass switch is tumed on, and the droopbasedcontrol is 7 Wa\cfc)rms for , ;mnectcd in parallel. rpchrontred io Ihc ac mdnl.(a) Frequencics ufhoth UPS (b) Clrculattng currcni among modulcs. (CJ Phmc d!Nercn;: betucen ihc UPS a#>dth e ai mum(d) Ikiril uf the phze diNmncc (e) md (0 Activc and rcactlw pouerr "I ooih UPSNote that the iimc-acs arc deliheratcly JiNercni due in thc disiinct timuion*uni) ofthe \ THE PARALLELESDYS Order I IFilter Cut-off Frequency I 0, I 10 I ragsFig. 8 shows the output-current transient response of theUPS inverters. First, the two UPS are operating in parallelwithout load. Notice that a small reactive current is circlingbetween the modules, due to the measurement , a nonlinear load, with a crest factor of 3, is connectedsuddenly. This result shows the good dynamics and loadsharingof the paralleled system when sharing a . 8. Output current for the two paralleled UPS, during the connection of Bcommon nonlinear load with a crest factor of 3. (Axis-x: 20 mddiv. Axis-y:5 Mdiv.).VI. CONCLUSIONSIn this paper, a novel load-sharing controller for parallelconnectedonline UPS systems, was proposed. The controlleris based on the droop method, which avoids the use ofcontrol interconnections. In a sharp contrast with theconventional droop method, the controller presented is ableto keep the output-voltage frequency and phase strictlysynchronized with the utility ac mains, while maintaininggood load sharing for linear and nonlinear loads. This fact letus to extend the droop method to paralleled online the other hand, the proposed controller emulates aspecial kind of impedance, avoiding the use of a physicalcoupled inductance. results reported here show theeffectiveness of the proposed approach.

机器或装置在无人干预的情况下按规定的程序或指令自动进行操作或控制的过程,其目标是“稳,准,快”。自动化技术广泛用于工业、农业、军事、科学研究、交通运输、商业、医疗、服务和家庭等方面。采用自动化技术不仅可以把人从繁重的体力劳动、部分脑力劳动以及恶劣、危险的工作环境中解放出来,而且能扩展人的器官功能,极大地提高劳动生产率,增强人类认识世界和改造世界的能力。因此,自动化是工业、农业、国防和科学技术现代化的重要条件和显著标志。Machine or device in the absence of intervention procedures or instructions required automatic operation or control of the process and its goal is \u0026quot;steady, accurate and fast.\u0026quot; Automation technology is widely used in industry, agriculture, military, scientific research, transportation, business, health, services, and family and so on. The use of automation technology not only to take people from the heavy manual labor, some mental and poor and dangerous working conditions of liberation, but also to expand people\u0026#39;s organ function, significantly raising labor productivity, enhance human understanding of the world and the ability to change the world . Therefore, the automation industry, agriculture, national defense and modernization of science and technology


1) 机械技术 机械技术是机电一体化的基础,机械技术的着眼点在于如何与机电一体化技术相适应,利用其它高、新技术来更新概念,实现结构上、材料上、性能上的变更,满足减小重量、缩小体积、提高精度、提高刚度及改善性能的要求。在机电一体化系统制造过程中,经典的机械理论与工艺应借助于计算机辅助技术,同时采用人工智能与专家系统等,形成新一代的机械制造技术。 (2) 计算机与信息技术 其中信息交换、存取、运算、判断与决策、人工智能技术、专家系统技术、神经网络技术均属于计算机信息处理技术。 (3) 系统技术 系统技术即以整体的概念组织应用各种相关技术,从全局角度和系统目标出发,将总体分解成相互关联的若干功能单元,接口技术是系统技术中一个重要方面,它是实现系统各部分有机连接的保证。 (4) 自动控制技术 其范围很广,在控制理论指导下,进行系统设计,设计后的系统仿真,现场调试,控制技术包括如高精度定位控制、速度控制、自适应控制、自诊断校正、补偿、再现、检索等。 (5) 传感检测技术 传感检测技术是系统的感受器官,是实现自动控制、自动调节的关键环节。其功能越强,系统的自动化程序就越高。现代工程要求传感器能快速、精确地获取信息并能经受严酷环境的考验,它是机电一体化系统达到高水平的保证。 (6) 伺服传动技术 包括电动、气动、液压等各种类型的传动装置,伺服系统是实现电信号到机械动作的转换装置与部件、对系统的动态性能、控制质量和功能有决定性的影响。 机电一体化系统组成 1.机械本体 机械本体包括机架、机械连接、机械传动等,它是机电一体化的基础,起着支撑系统中其他功能单元、传递运动和动力的作用。与纯粹的机械产品相比,机电一体化系统的技术性能得到提高、功能得到增强,这就要求机械本体在机械结构、材料、加工工艺性以及几何尺寸等方面能够与之相适应,具有高效、多功能、可靠和节能、小型、轻量、美观的特点。 2.检测传感部分 检测传感部分包括各种传感器及其信号检测电路,其作用就是检测机电一体化系统工作过程中本身和外界环境有关参量的变化,并将信息传递给电子控制单元,电子控制单元根据检查到的信息向执行器发出相应的控制。 3.电子控制单元 电子控制单元又称ECU(Electrical Control Unit ),是机电一体化系统的核心,负责将来自各传感器的检测信号和外部输入命令进行集中、存储、计算、分析,根据信息处理结果,按照一定的程度和节奏发出相应的指令,控制整个系统有目的地进行。 4.执行器 执行器的作用是根据电子控制单元的指令驱动机械部件的运动。执行器是运动部件,通常采用电力驱动、气压驱动和液压驱动等几种方式。 5.动力源 动力源是机电一体化产品能量供应部分,其作用是按照系统控制要求向机械系统提供能量和动力使系统正常运行。提供能量的方式包括电能、气能和液压能,以电能为主。 机电一体化主要课程 机械方面:机械制图,机械设计,工程材料,工程力学,数控编程技术,autoCAD,Mastercam软件,C# 电工方面:可编程控制器PLC,单片机,自动控制原理,数字电路,电工电子 实习课程:电力拖动,PLC,单片机,钳工,普通车、铣、刨床,数控车、铣,加工中心 本专业的培养目标 本专业培养德、智、体、美全面发展,具有创业、创新精神和良好职业道德的高等专门人才,掌握机械技术和电气技术的基础理论和专业知识;具备相应实践技能以及较强的实际工作能力,熟练进行机电一体化产品和设备的应用、维护、安装、调试、销售及管理的第一线高等技术应用型人才。 本专业职业面向 机电一体化专业是一个宽口径专业,适应范围很广,学生在校期间除学习各种机械、电工电子、计算机技术、控制技术、检测传感等理论知识外,还将参加各种技能培训和国家职业资格证书考试,充分体现重视技能培养的特点。学生毕业后主要面向珠江三角洲各企业、公司,从事加工制造业,家电生产和售后服务,数控加工机床设备使用维护,物业自动化管理系统,机电产品设计、生产、改造、技术支持,以及机电设备的安装、调试、维护、销售、经营管理等等。 1、主要就业岗位:机电一体化设备的安装、调试、维修、销售及管理;普通机床的数控化改装等。 2、次要就业岗位:机电一体化产品的设计、生产、改造、技术服务等。 1) Mechanical Technology Mechanical Technology is the basis of mechatronics, mechanical technology focus is on how to adapt to mechanical and electrical integration technologies, the use of other high and new technology to update the concept, implementation, structure, materials, performance changes, meet the reduced weight, smaller size, higher precision, improved rigidity and improved performance requirements. Mechatronic systems in the manufacturing process, the classical theory and technology should be by means of mechanical computer-aided technology, while use of artificial intelligence and expert systems, the formation of a new generation of mechanical manufacturing technology. (2) Computer and Information Technology Including information exchange, access, operation, judging and decision making, artificial intelligence, expert system, neural networks belong to the computer information processing technologies. (3) System Technology System technology that is the whole concept of application of relevant technology organizations, from a global perspective and the system objective, will generally be broken down into a number of interrelated functional unit, the interface technology is an important aspect of system technology, it is to achieve the organic parts of a system guarantee the connection. (4) Automatic control technology Its scope is broad, under the guidance of the control theory, system design, system simulation after design, site commissioning, control technology, including such high-precision positioning control, speed control, adaptive control, self-diagnostic calibration, compensation, representation and retrieval . (5) sensing technique Sensing technique is a system of receptors is to achieve automatic control, automatic adjustment of the key links. Its function is stronger, the higher the system's automated process. Engineering requirements of modern sensors can quickly and accurately access information and able to withstand the harsh environment of the test, it is the mechanical and electrical integration systems to achieve a high level of assurance. (6) servo drive technology, including electric, pneumatic, hydraulic and other types of transmission, servo system is the conversion of electrical signals into mechanical motion devices and components, the dynamic performance of the system, control the quality and functionality have a decisive impact. Composed of mechatronic systems 1. Mechanical body mechanical body, including racks, mechanical connection, such as mechanical drive, which is the basis of mechanical and electrical integration, play a support system of other functional units, the role of motion and power transmission. Compared with the purely mechanical products, electrical and mechanical integration of the technical performance of the system is improved, functionality is enhanced, which requires mechanical body in the mechanical structure, materials, processing technology and other aspects of geometry can be corresponding with high efficiency, versatile, reliable and energy-saving, small, lightweight and beautiful features. 2. Detection sensor part of the detection sensor part includes a variety of sensors and signal detection circuit, and its role is to detect the process of mechatronic systems work itself and the external environment-related changes in parameters, and information to the electronic control unit, electronic According to the control unit checks the information given to the corresponding control actuators. 3. Electronic control unit Electronic Control Unit, also known as ECU (Electrical Control Unit), is the core of mechatronic systems, responsible for the detection of each sensor from the external input command signal and concentration, memory, calculation, analysis, information processing based on the results of according to a certain extent and pace of issuing the appropriate command, control the entire system destination. 4. The role of actuators actuators are based on order-driven electronic control unit movement of mechanical parts. Actuators are moving parts, usually electric, pneumatic and hydraulic drives and other drives in several ways. 5. Power source power source is the energy supply part of the mechatronic product, its role is in accordance with the requirements of the system control to provide energy to the mechanical system and power to make the system work properly. Way to provide energy, including electricity, gas, energy and hydraulic energy to electrical energy based. Main Courses Mechatronics Mechanical aspects: mechanical drawing, mechanical design, engineering materials, engineering mechanics, numerical control programming, autoCAD, Mastercam software, C # Electrical: the programmable logic controller PLC, MCU, automatic control theory, digital circuits, electrical and electronic Internship Program: electric drive, PLC, MCU, fitter, general turning, milling, planer, NC, milling, processing center The training goal The professional training moral, intellectual, physical, and aesthetic development, entrepreneurial, innovative spirit and good professional ethics of higher expertise, mechanical technology and electrical technology to master the basic theory and professional knowledge; have the appropriate practical skills and a strong practical work capacity, skilled mechanical and electrical integration of the application of products and equipment, maintenance, installation, commissioning, sales and management of the first line of high technology talents. The professional career-oriented Mechatronics is a wide caliber professionals to adapt to a wide range of students in school during the addition to learning a variety of mechanical, electrical and electronic, computer technology, control technology, sensing, detection theory, will also participate in various skills training and National Vocational Qualification Certificate Examination, fully embodies the characteristics of attention to skills development. Primarily for students in the Pearl River Delta after graduating from business, the company engaged in processing and manufacturing, household appliance manufacturing and service, CNC machine tool equipment maintenance, property management systems automation, electrical and mechanical product design, production, transformation, technical support, and mechanical and electrical equipment installation, commissioning, maintenance, sales, management and so on. 1, the main jobs: mechanical and electrical integration, equipment installation, commissioning, maintenance, sales and management; common modification of CNC machine tools and so on. 2, secondary jobs: mechatronics product design, production, transformation and technology services.
