

发布时间:2024-07-06 23:57:02



考虑到上述,我们提出了两个有效的技术设计的一维和二维变量过滤器,这是基于分解的考虑一维和二维变量规模规格[ 3 , 4 ] 。该技术是非常有效的计算,因为他们只需要设计了一套一维不断逼近几个过滤器和一维多项式。特别是,技术总是能够保证稳定的过滤器所产生的变数。然而,在二维情况下,变量滤波器设计的这种技术的限制只有quadrantally对称程度的特点。这就是说,假设这是给定的二维变量级规格,在那里,是normaliz教育署的频率,是一个真正的价值载体,其内容是光谱参数。技术[ 4 ]只能近似给定的二维变量规模规范的情况。= ( 1 )绕过这一困难,本文提出了一种新方法设计的二维变量数字滤波器任意规模的特点。换句话说,该技术可以近似二维变量级规格,即使≠ ( 2 )这项技术是基于分解给出二维变量级的规格,这是不同于中提出[ 4 ] ,而且只需要正常的二维恒定滤波器的设计和一维多项式近似。由于二维不断筛选,比较容易设计运用现有的设计技术和一维多项式可以很容易地逼近求解线性方程组同时,该技术大大简化了原有的二维变量滤波器设计问题。特别是,应该强调的是,这种技术可以保证的稳定造成二维变量过滤器,只要二维恒定的过滤器的目的是稳定的。一个例子说明的效力提出的方法。2 。配方设计问题在本节中,我们制定的问题,设计二维变量数字滤波器任意规模的答复的基础上新提议外产品扩大给予二维变量规模规格。下面,我们先定义一个外部产品扩展,然后与它与二维变量滤波器设计问题。假设这是给定的二维变量级规格,在那里,是正常频率分给我哦谢谢了

服用以上考虑,我们提出了两种有效的设计技术和二维变过滤器,一维是基于分解的一维和二维变级给予标准[3]。这个技巧是非常高计算效率,因为它们只需要设计一套一维恒定过滤器和逼近的几个一维多项式。在特定的技术保证了稳定的可变滤光片。然而,在二维的案件,由这样设计变量的过滤技术囿于只有quadrantally对称的大小等特点。那就是说,假定是二维的可变大小规格,并归一化的频率,是一个真正的价值是谱参数向量的元素。这项技术[4]只能大致给定的二维变级的规格。 =(1), 为了解决这个困难的问题,提出了一种新的方法来设计二维变数字滤波器的任意大小等特点。换句话说,该技术能近似二维可变大小规格虽然 ≠(2), 这项技术是基于分解给出的二维变级,这是不同规格的特点,提出了在[4],它只需要正常的二维恒滤波器的设计和一维多项式逼近。从二维恒过滤器是比较容易的设计采用现有的设计技术和一维多项式逼近可以轻易解决同步的线性方程组,技术大大简化了原来的二维变滤波器的设计问题。在特殊情况下,应该强调,该技术能保证稳定的二维变过滤器只要二维恒滤波器的设计是稳定的。最后给出了数值算例说明了该方法的有效性。2。设计问题 在本节中,我们制定的设计问题,给出了二维变数字滤波器的任意大小的基础上提出了反应产物的扩展了外部变量大小规格之。下面,我们首先定义一个外部的产品扩展,然后将它与二维变滤波器的设计问题。 假定是二维的可变大小规格,并归一化的频率,



二:使行文变得“地道” 第二步是用地道的中文表达原文的含义。

这对中文功底是一个十足的考验。这里的“地道”指的是,译文不会让人感觉到有英语原文的痕迹,就好像它原来就是一篇中文作品一样。 很多时候,对原文的理解没有问题,但是要将这粗糙、原始、零碎的理解升华为通顺、精致、具整体性的另一种语言,并用符合该语言习惯用法的表达转述出来,往往就不是那么容易了。尤其当原文是以精确简约著称的英语,而目标语言是惯于华美繁复的汉语时,我们往往就得花费更多的工夫去打磨译文,才能弥合两种语言之间的沟壑。


英译汉时,有时候某个词或者某个短语在字典上找不到合适的意思时,应根据上下文活用词义。如果死扣语法生译硬译,必然使译文晦涩难以达意。这事应该在弄通原文准确的含义之后,灵活处理。如:stationary waves are distinct from the progressive where in the waves move across the body of the water——as if we had dropped a pebble in the dish of water.朱波与前进波不同,在后一种情况下,水波向四周传去——就像我们曾向盘中投下一块卵石时的情景一样。这事一个比较长的英语句子。译文做到长句短译。


当叙述的食物是按时间或逻辑顺序排列,与汉语表达方式基本一致时,翻译时常采用顺译法。例如:Moving around the uncleus are extremely tiny particls,called electrons,which revolve around the nucleus in much the same way as the nine plantes do around the sun.围绕这原子核运动的是一些极其微小的粒子,称为电子,这些电子围绕着原子核旋转,正像九大行星围绕着太阳旋转一样。


当英语长句的顺序与汉语表达方式不一致时,翻译时常常使用转换,颠倒,改变部分或者完全改变词序的逆译法。例如:It may be ecnomically sound,in the long run,to subsidize their initial production,even at prices above the projected marked for natural hydrocarbon fluids,in order to accelerat the deducation of dependence on oil imports.从长远的观点来看,资助开发气体等燃料,既使价格高于自然碳氢化合液的市场价格,但为了加快减少对进口石油的依赖,这在经济上可能还是合算的。




例如: It should be reflected in the early design phase giving an opportunity to predict new possibilities.

译为:它应体现为在初期设计阶段有预测新的可能性的机会。 就避免了出现类似“它应被反映在”这种在汉语中别扭的说法。



例如,The end-gas knock is determined mainly by the temperature of unburned mixture



在句型“It is(has been) + past participle + that…”中的被动语态,汉语译 文中的主动语态动词前增译“人们”、“有人”、“大家”等主语;或不增译这些主语,译作汉语主动语态。

例如:It is known that liquids can turn into gases under certain conditions.













When you receive a letter from a stranger, may be surprised, but in fact you have already walked into my life,my old friend. In December 10, 2004, a permanent hard to forget theday, "35 seconds 13 points" -- a NBA history can never duplicate legend, engraved with your name. On the otherside of the world, a small town, running a boy is dusty loess ground. The 2007 - 08 season, you lead the Rockets to a 22game winning streak record, every victory you inspire our basketball enthusiasm, daily to watch the game, playing basketball has become my school more than all. Every afternoon after school, I and the love of basketball friendstogether, act recklessly and care for nobody to cry,flapping, argue. The Rockets win, all day long I have fun;the Rockets lost, my days. The Rockets have governed my mood. In 2013, you chose to announce his retirement, althoughsome will inevitably feel lost, but I still love you. NBA star has been updated, I always take them with you:James too was just fierce, Kobe overbearing...... I know,not because of how bad they have, but because you are in my heart the same first.

You might be astonished to receive a letter from a stranger; but the fact is, you had already entered into my life long ago and had become an old pal of 10th 2004 was an unforgettable day; 13 points in 35 seconds, a legend engraved with your name which would never be duplicated in the history of NBA; while at the other end of the world, a boy was running on a dusty court in a small county the 2007-08 season, you led the Rockets to score a brilliant record of 22-game winning streak; your every win aroused our passions for basketball. I spent all my time playing basketball and watching basketball games other than attending school. Everyday after school, I would join and play with all my basketball-loving little pals, shouting, flapping and arguing outrageously. Whenever the Rockets won, I felt cheerful the whole day; but when the Rockets lost, I would be downhearted for a few days. My mood was dictated by Rockets’ opted to retire in 2013; inevitably, I felt a sense of loss, but still my warm wishes would always be with stars had long been replaced by new ones, I always compared them with you: James is too strong, Kobe is too aggressive………….I realize, not that they are so bad, but rather, you are the unchangeable in my heart.

日食开始。我们在8:15分都来到了宽阔的广场。8:20分左右,我用焊片看太阳,可以看到太阳已经缺了一小块了。光线很亮,不能用眼睛直视,感觉太阳热量没有开始那么高了。 8:55分,太阳已经缺了一半多了,成一个笑脸状,像一个悬挂在天上的月亮,周围的光线越发暗了下来,站在太阳下没有一点热的感觉。这在平日,9:00多钟伏天的太阳还是比较晒人的。 9:10分左右,太阳只剩下一点弯弯的弧线,直视太阳还有些刺眼,不过用焊片看得很清晰。我用数码相机拍摄周围的环境,居然有一条彩虹哦!光线变得更暗了,像早上太阳还没有升起的样子。 激动人心的时刻到来了。9:17分,天空突然变暗了,几十秒的功夫,天就全黑了,太阳被月亮完全遮住了,用肉眼可以直接看太阳。太阳只剩下一丝圆形的光环,像晚上一样,在太阳不远处有一颗很亮的星星。路灯照在马路上很亮,来往的车辆只能靠大灯行驶了。 这样持续了5至6分钟,在9:22分时,太阳露出来一丝很强的光,像珍珠一样,天也逐渐亮了起来。十几秒后,太阳露出一丝弧形,这时再也不能用肉眼观看了,天空大亮,光线也一点一点的变亮了。 9:40分,太阳已经露出了四分之一,用焊片看太阳像一轮倒悬的月牙,站在太阳下觉得凉凉的,没有往日的炎热。这样持续了大约1个多小时,才慢慢成变圆形,恢复了太阳本身的圆形。

The distinction between valuation and measurement. And the advantages and disadvantages of using Fair Value Accounting. Rescher describes valuation as ‘acomparative assessment or measurement of something with respect to its embodiment of a certain value.’ Accounting valuation is aprocess by which the value of a company is measured in terms of their assets and liabilities for financial reporting purpose. Valuation can be achieved through several methods, with the ultimate goal to present the most precise picture of the company’s financial performance. Banks and lenders assessing the viability of a business and loanwill provided based on how they are performing in the market. This process must include the most recent assessment possible of the company because its value may change significantly in just a short period. Campbell defined measurement as ‘the assignment of numerals to represent properties of material systems other than numbers, in virtue of the laws governing these properties.’ In accounting, measurement is the computation of economic or financial activitiesin terms of money or other measurable elements like hours to produce a product. Accounting measurement is used to compare and evaluate accounting data. Furthermore,measurement in accounting falls into the category of derived measurement forboth capital and profit, and accountants have to measure the value of opening capital, the income received, capital usage and changes in the fair value ofnet assets. The advantages offair value are: Accurate ValuationFair value accounting can provide more information on asset and liability valuation, it is a market-based presents the result to all market participants instead of only the reporting company. When there is a increasing on assets or liabilities, company will mark up the value of relevant assets or liabilities to current market price to reflect how much the company will receive if the assets being sold or how much it will pay for the liabilities. Comparewith book value, fair value measurement allow the financial records to reflectthe economic reality of the business, because book values tend to underestimate the value of assets. Fair and True IncomeBy using fair value accounting, company will be restricted to manipulate their reported net income. This is because gain or loss form price changes forassets or liabilities under fair value measurement are reported in time when they occurred, and the increasing on assets value or decrease on liabilities will add to net income, conversely i twill reduce company’s net income. Hence, management will not able to purposely arrange some assets sales to make the net income look of Fair Value: Misleading InformationFair vale does not require a transaction to occur to recognize thechange in value it can recognize profits and losses earlier than historical cost approach. Changes in value are recorded at each balance sheet date,however market changes every second, it affect company valuation of assets andliabilities. When market stabilize, value changes may reverse to their previous level, fair value measurement may overstating values and profits when marketrising and overstating the declines in value when the market goes down, this means that fair value may provided misleading information. SubjectivityFair value may subjectively determined when the assets are not active inthe market, if the similar items are not found in the market then the fairvalue are not reliable and can be subjective and there is a risk that management of the company may manipulate the value of assets.自己的作业 望采纳。


1、作文: Modern technology makes life more convenient;tools are the milestores of the technology as well as human beings progress. Men used to cut trees with hand now,by using electronic saw they can cut down a tree in only a few example is more vivid:You have something urgent which has to be informed to your friend whose house is two hours ride probably want to make a phone no telephone is installed in your friends could you do?Nowadays,with modern technology advanting,using internet is popular with years ago,people had to get what they wanted through looking into a lot of information;at last people could become tired and spent too much you use Internet,all becomes a piece of by clucking,you will gain what you expect. We all hope that modern technology will reach a higher level,because modern technology makes life more convenient indeed. 2、翻译: 现代科技使生活更加便捷;工具是科技进步和人类进步的里程碑。人类过去用手锯锯树,但是现在,用电锯可在几分钟内锯倒一棵树。另外一个例子更加生动形象:如果你有急事通知你的朋友,而他家距你家有2小时的路程,你可能想打个电话。但是你的朋友家又没安电话,你该怎么办?如今,随着现代科技的进步,使用网络已很流行。若干年前,人们不得不查找大量资料来搜集需要的信息,最后人累得疲惫不堪,还浪费了大量时间。现在,如果使用网络科技,一切就都是小菜一碟了。只要轻敲键盘,就会有求必应。 我们都期待着现代科技能达到一个更高的水平,因为现代科技确实使生活变得更便捷。

In the future ,there will be computers in each will help us know more about the world ,We will be able to talk won`t go to school and study at home on computers .Scientists will make lots of can help us do some homework .For example,cooking , I think there will be more cars and we should grow more trees and find other useful solutions to protect our aword ,the life in the world will be wonderful.翻译:在未来,我们会在每个家庭电脑.他们将帮助我们更多的了解这个世界,我们将能够在线交谈.孩子们将`不去上学,在家里的电脑上学习.科学家们将大量的机器人.它们可以帮助我们做一些功课.例如,烹饪,时我想,就会有更多的车和污染.所以我们应该种更多的树来保护我们的环境,找到其他有用的解决方案.总之,在世界上的生活会很精彩.

Not long ago, many people believed that babies only wanted food and to be kept warm and dry. Some people thought babies were not able to learn things until they were five or six months old.不久之前,许多人认为婴儿的基本需求是食物和保持温暖干燥.人们以为婴儿只有到了五六个月大的时候才会开始学东西.Yet doctors in the United States say babies begin learning on their first day of life. The Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development is a federal government agency. Its goal is to identify which experiences can influence healthy development in human beings.然而,美国的医生声称婴儿在他们出生的头几天便开始学习.肯尼迪施莱佛国立儿童健康和人类发展机构是联邦政府代理机构,他的目标是鉴别那些能影响人类健康发展的经验.Research scientists at the institute note that babies are strongly influenced by their environment. They say a baby will smile if her mother does something the baby likes. A baby learns to get the best care possible by smiling to please her mother or other caregiver. This is how babies learn to connect and communicate with other human beings该机构的调查科学家们注意到婴儿很大程度上受环境的影响,如果婴儿的母亲做了什么他们喜欢的事情,这个婴儿就会笑.婴儿学着通过微笑来愉悦母亲或者监护人来达到得到最好的照料的目的.这就是婴儿如何学习与他人联系交流的方式.


这个出租车司机拥有的所有的东西就剩一封信了。All后面是一个省略了引导词that的定语从句修饰不定代词all,因为先行词all在从句中作动词had后的宾语,所以引导词可以省略。完整的句子应该是“All that the cabbie had was a letter.其中从句是that the cabbie had,主句是All was a letter.其实在这样的句子中,all that也可以变为What.即”What the cabbie had was a letter."这时候what the cabbie had 就是一个主语从句了。记住all that可以变成what这个知识点,考从句时经常考到的

he learned how to speak English in 6 you say, I will stick to my will set out as soon as the rain 's been writting letters since 4 o'clock in the 's planning to go to Guilin in Summer will not know the value of health until they lose 't believe him, no matter what he cannot stay here. he must leave right away.

明天的寓言 从前在美国中心有一个小镇,那里的万物看上去都与其四周的环境融洽相处。 小镇的四周是像棋盘交错的兴旺的农庄,还有一块块的田地和一座座遍布山坡的果园。春天来了,白色的鲜花云彩般地漂浮在绿色的田野上; 秋天到了,橡树、枫树和桦树色彩斑斓,在一片松树林间火焰般地燃烧与跳跃。 小山上狐狸吠叫,田野间小鹿静静地跃过,所有的一切都在秋天清晨的薄雾中半隐半现。 在路的两旁,一年中许多时候,月桂树、荚莲、桤木、蕨类植物和各样的野花都能让过往的行人赏心悦目。 即使是冬天,路边的景色依旧是美不胜收,那里无数的小鸟来觅取浆果莓和露在雪地上的枯枝上的种子。 事实上,这乡村正是由于鸟类的数量和种类之繁多而出名的。在候鸟群潮涌而来的春秋季节,人们从大老远的地方慕名前来欣赏。 还有的人来这里的小溪垂钓。清冽的溪水从山中流出,溪水中有许多鳟鱼藏身的背阴的水潭。 所以,从许多年前开始,第一批居住者就在这里盖房挖井,搭起了自己的谷仓。后来,一种奇怪的摧毁力悄然袭击了这个地区,所有的一切都开始变了。 某种邪恶的符咒笼罩了这个社区:神秘的疾病攻击了鸡群,牛、羊也纷纷病死, 到处都有一层死亡的阴影。 农夫们谈论着家中的许多疾病; 镇上的医生也越来越因病人中出现的新的病症而感到迷惑。 在成人和孩子中发生了好几起突发的不明其由的死亡,那些孩子在玩耍中突然病倒,几小时后就死去了。这里是一派奇怪的寂静。 就说鸟儿们吧---它们都去哪儿了? 许多人说起鸟儿的时候都充满了迷惑与不安。 他们后院的饲养站已经没有鸟儿光顾了。 随处能见到的几只鸟都奄奄一息。他们猛烈地颤抖,却飞不起来。 这是一个无声的春天。 曾经是震动着画眉鸟、猫鸟、鸽子、樫鸟、欧鹪和许多鸟儿的黎明合唱声的清晨如今却寂然无声。田野间、树林中和沼泽地里也是一片寂静。在农庄,母鸡下蛋却孵不出小鸡。 农夫们抱怨无法养猪,因为刚生下的猪崽太小了,小猪也只能活几天的功夫。 苹果树开花了,可是没有蜜蜂在花丛中嗡嗡地采蜜,没有蜜蜂的授粉,也就没有任何果子。曾经是如此迷人的路旁如今却铺着黑黑的枯干的草木,仿佛是被一场大火烧过一般。 那里也是一片寂静,因为所有的生物都遗弃了它。 即使是溪流中也没有了生命。 因为所有的鱼都已经死了,垂钓者也就不再来了。 在屋檐下的天沟里,屋顶的木瓦之间仍旧可见几片白色的粒状的粉末。几个星期之前,它像白雪一样洒在了屋顶上、草地上、田野里和溪流里。在这个遭受袭击的地球上,没有巫术,也没有敌人的行动抑制了新生命的复苏;这一切都是人自身造成的。 自20世纪40年代中期起,人们制造了500多种基本的化学药品来杀死在现代语言中被称作"害虫"的昆虫、杂草、啮齿动物和其他的生物体,以几千种的品牌名称来出售它们。 这些液体喷剂、粉末和雾状喷剂现在几乎普遍使用于农庄、花园、森林和家庭。非选择性的化学药品能杀死每只昆虫(不管是"好"的还是"坏"的),能使鸟儿不再歌唱,溪流中的鱼儿不再跳跃,能在树叶上覆盖一层致命的薄膜,并能存留在土地中。而造成这一切的预定的目标可能仅仅是一些杂草和昆虫。 难道真的有人认为,我们在地球的表面撒下如此多的毒药,同时还能使它继续成为一个任何生命都能存活的地方吗? 这个小镇事实上并不存在,但是在美国或地球的别的地方我们能轻易地找到一千个与它对应的地方。 我知道没有一个社区经历了我所描述的所有不幸, 但是其中的每一个灾难都已经在某个地方发生了,许多社区已经遭受了相当多的灾难。 一个冷酷的幽灵几乎是在不经意间已悄悄向我们走来了,而这个想像的悲剧也许很容易就成为一个我们都应该知道的严酷的事实。





In last summer vacation ,I went to Beijing with my family. First ,we went to the Great Wall,where we met a lot of foreigners and we also took a lot of photos. They all like our culture and beautiful senery. went to the summer palace ,where the previous emporers spent summer in the old , we went to the Forbidden City .Finally ,we went to Wangfujing Street where we tasted much delicious food. In a word, we had a great time during the vacation and we leanred a lot from this tour.去年的暑假我和家人去了北京,首先我们去了长城在那我们见到了许多外国人并在那拍了很多照。这些外国人很喜欢我们的文化和美景,接下来我们又去了颐和园那是旧时帝王们避暑的地方。接着我们去了故宫,最后我们去了王府井,在那我们尝了很多美味的小吃。总之,这次旅游我们玩得很高兴。并从中学到了很多。


I went to three cities to play during last summer holidays. They are Beijing, Dalian and HuHehot.

I went to Beijing more than eight times. Beijing is the capital of China. It’s a big city. I am very familiar with Beijing. It takes an hour and forty minutes from Nantong to Beijing by plane. There are many tall buildings in Beijing. It’s a modern city. My family visited the Great Wall, the Summer Palace, the Palace Museum, the Beihai Park, the Space Museum, etc. I went to the countryside of Beijing to go boating and fishing. It was very interesting. I went shopping in WangFuJing. I bought lots of souvenirs and other things. I like eating Beijing snacks. They are delicious. Don’t mithe Beijing Duck. It is really nice.

Dalian is a beautiful city. Dalian is close to Beijing. I spent 5o minutes on the plane. Dalian is near the sea. I smelled the salty taste in the air. The roads are clean. There are lots of trees and flowers near the roads. There are many esplanades and Japanese buildings. There are some fountains in one of the esplanades. Some people flew kites and walked on the esplanades. We went to see the beach and the sea. The sea is blue. There were many swimmers in the sea. I lay on the beach to see the is a very nice place to live.

Huhehot is in Inner Mongol. There are lots of large grasslands. The grasslands are endless. The sky is bright blue. There were a lot of horses and sheep. They were running or eating grass. I rode a horse on the graland. I picked some colourful flowers. We drank the tea with milk. There is a small desert, it was very hot when I walked on it. The sand could sing.

These trips helped me open my eyes. I enjoyed my day.






