

发布时间:2024-07-08 19:18:14



Time magazine was created in 1923 by Briton Hadden and Henry Luce, making it the first weekly news magazine in the United States.[2] The two had previously worked together as chairman and managing editor of the Yale Daily News and considered calling the magazine Facts.[3] Hadden was a rather carefree figure, who liked to tease Luce and saw Time as something important but also fun. That accounts for its tone, which many people still criticize as too light for serious news and more suited to its heavy coverage of celebrities (including politicians), the entertainment industry, and pop culture. It set out to tell the news through people, and for many decades the magazine's cover was of a single person. The first issue of Time was published on March 2, 1923, featuring on its cover Joseph G. Cannon, the retired Speaker of the United States House of Representatives; a facsimile reprint of Issue No. 1, including all of the articles and advertisements contained in the original, was included with copies of the February 28, 1938 issue as a commemoration of the magazine's 15th anniversary.[4] On Hadden's death in 1929, Luce became the dominant man at Time and a major figure in the history of 20th-century media. According to Time Inc.: The Intimate History of a Publishing Enterprise 1972–2004 by Robert Elson, "Roy Edward Larsen […] was to play a role second only to Luce's in the development of Time Inc." In his book, The March of Time, 1935–1951, Raymond Fielding also noted that Larsen was "originally circulation manager and then general manager of Time, later publisher of Life, for many years president of Time, Inc., and in the long history of the corporation the most influential and important figure after Luce."Around the time they were raising US$100,000 from rich Yale alumni like Henry P. Davison, partner of . Morgan & Co., publicity man Martin Egan and . Morgan & Co. banker Dwight Morrow, Henry Luce and Briton Hadden hired Larsen in 1922 – although Larsen was a Harvard graduate and Luce and Hadden were Yale graduates. After Hadden died in 1929, Larsen purchased 550 shares of Time Inc., using money he obtained from selling RKO stock which he had inherited from his father, who was the head of the . Keith theatre chain in New England. However, after Briton Hadden's death, the largest Time Inc. stockholder was Henry Luce, who ruled the media conglomerate in an autocratic fashion, "at his right hand was Larsen," Time Inc.'s second-largest stockholder, according to "Time Inc.: The Intimate History of a Publishing Enterprise 1923–1941". In 1929, Roy Larsen was also named a Time Inc. director and a Time Inc. vice-president. . Morgan retained a certain control through two directorates and a share of stocks, both over Time and Fortune. Other shareholders were Brown Brothers W. A. Harriman & Co., and The New York Trust Company (Standard Oil).By the time of Henry Luce's death in 1967, the Time Inc. stock which Luce owned was worth about US$109 million and yielded him a yearly dividend income of more than US$ million, according to The World of Time Inc: The Intimate History Of A Changing Enterprise 1960–1989 by Curtis Prendergast. The value of the Larsen family's Time Inc. stock was now worth about $80 million during the 1960s and Roy Larsen was both a Time Inc. director and the chairman of its Executive Committee, before serving as Time Inc.'s vice-chairman of the board until the middle of 1979. According to the September 10, 1979 issue of The New York Times, "Mr. Larsen was the only employee in the company's history given an exemption from its policy of mandatory retirement at age 65."After Time magazine began publishing its weekly issues in March 1923, Roy Larsen was able to increase its circulation by utilizing . radio and movie theaters around the world. It often promoted both "Time" magazine and . political and corporate interests. According to The March of Time, as early as 1924, Larsen had brought Time into the infant radio business with the broadcast of a 15-minute sustaining quiz show entitled Pop Question which survived until 1925." Then, according to the same book, "In 1928 […] Larsen undertook the weekly broadcast of a 10-minute programme series of brief news summaries, drawn from current issues of Time magazine […] which was originally broadcast over 33 stations throughout the United States."Larsen next arranged for a 30-minute radio programme, The March of Time, to be broadcast over CBS, beginning on March 6, 1931. Each week, the programme presented a dramatisation of the week's news for its listeners, thus Time magazine itself was brought "to the attention of millions previously unaware of its existence," according to Time Inc.: The Intimate History Of A Publishing Enterprise 1923–1941, leading to an increased circulation of the magazine during the 1930s. Between 1931 and 1937, Larsen's The March of Time radio programme was broadcast over CBS radio and between 1937 and 1945 it was broadcast over NBC radio – except for the 1939 to 1941 period when it was not aired. People Magazine was based on Time's People became part of Time Warner in 1989 when Warner Communications and Time, Inc. merged. Jason McManus succeeded Henry Grunwald in 1988 as Editor-in-Chief and oversaw the transition before Norman Pearlstine succeeded him in 1995.[edit] 2000sSince 2000, the magazine has been part of AOL Time Warner, which subsequently reverted to the name Time Warner in 2007, Time moved from a Monday subscription/newsstand delivery to a schedule where the magazine goes on sale Fridays, and is delivered to subscribers on Saturday. The magazine actually began in 1923 with Friday early 2007, the year's first issue was delayed for approximately a week due to "editorial changes." The changes included the job losses of 49 employees.[5]In 2009, Time announced that they were introducing a personalised print magazine, Mine, mixing content from a range of Time Warner publications based on the reader's preferences. The new magazine met with a poor reception, with criticism that its focus was too broad to be truly personal.[6]

麦格·惠特曼在参加下届加利福尼亚州州长的竞选活动中常常引用一些颇含智慧的警句,如:“不要企图煮沸一片大洋”(在萨克拉门托这个城市里【不要】想完成一大堆事宜),“条条大路通弗州”(【弗洛里达州】 是解决教育体制问题的一个典范),“我对此并不充满太多期待【Kumbaya是一首1930年代流行的黑人灵歌】(她明白作为州长的难处),再就是那句在访谈中尤其令她的批评者抓狂的极其简短的回答“你不得不发现你所能进行的20%的改革将使得你遭受80%的挫败而打道回府。

有几个聪明的咒语,惠特曼圣歌时她为下一步美国加州州长竞选活动: 「 别再煮海洋"(以过于广泛的议程沙加缅度),"条条道路都导致佛罗里达州"(一个如何解决教育系统模型)"我不是 'kumbaya' 对此"(她懂的总督难度) 和最后,这是对她的批评特别是令人发狂的简单化的声音咬"你要查找的改革,将会拿你 80%的方式回家 20%


Time magazine was created in 1923 by Briton Hadden and Henry Luce, making it the first weekly news magazine in the United States.[2] The two had previously worked together as chairman and managing editor of the Yale Daily News and considered calling the magazine Facts.[3] Hadden was a rather carefree figure, who liked to tease Luce and saw Time as something important but also fun. That accounts for its tone, which many people still criticize as too light for serious news and more suited to its heavy coverage of celebrities (including politicians), the entertainment industry, and pop culture. It set out to tell the news through people, and for many decades the magazine's cover was of a single person. The first issue of Time was published on March 2, 1923, featuring on its cover Joseph G. Cannon, the retired Speaker of the United States House of Representatives; a facsimile reprint of Issue No. 1, including all of the articles and advertisements contained in the original, was included with copies of the February 28, 1938 issue as a commemoration of the magazine's 15th anniversary.[4] On Hadden's death in 1929, Luce became the dominant man at Time and a major figure in the history of 20th-century media. According to Time Inc.: The Intimate History of a Publishing Enterprise 1972–2004 by Robert Elson, "Roy Edward Larsen […] was to play a role second only to Luce's in the development of Time Inc." In his book, The March of Time, 1935–1951, Raymond Fielding also noted that Larsen was "originally circulation manager and then general manager of Time, later publisher of Life, for many years president of Time, Inc., and in the long history of the corporation the most influential and important figure after Luce."Around the time they were raising US$100,000 from rich Yale alumni like Henry P. Davison, partner of . Morgan & Co., publicity man Martin Egan and . Morgan & Co. banker Dwight Morrow, Henry Luce and Briton Hadden hired Larsen in 1922 – although Larsen was a Harvard graduate and Luce and Hadden were Yale graduates. After Hadden died in 1929, Larsen purchased 550 shares of Time Inc., using money he obtained from selling RKO stock which he had inherited from his father, who was the head of the . Keith theatre chain in New England. However, after Briton Hadden's death, the largest Time Inc. stockholder was Henry Luce, who ruled the media conglomerate in an autocratic fashion, "at his right hand was Larsen," Time Inc.'s second-largest stockholder, according to "Time Inc.: The Intimate History of a Publishing Enterprise 1923–1941". In 1929, Roy Larsen was also named a Time Inc. director and a Time Inc. vice-president. . Morgan retained a certain control through two directorates and a share of stocks, both over Time and Fortune. Other shareholders were Brown Brothers W. A. Harriman & Co., and The New York Trust Company (Standard Oil).By the time of Henry Luce's death in 1967, the Time Inc. stock which Luce owned was worth about US$109 million and yielded him a yearly dividend income of more than US$ million, according to The World of Time Inc: The Intimate History Of A Changing Enterprise 1960–1989 by Curtis Prendergast. The value of the Larsen family's Time Inc. stock was now worth about $80 million during the 1960s and Roy Larsen was both a Time Inc. director and the chairman of its Executive Committee, before serving as Time Inc.'s vice-chairman of the board until the middle of 1979. According to the September 10, 1979 issue of The New York Times, "Mr. Larsen was the only employee in the company's history given an exemption from its policy of mandatory retirement at age 65."After Time magazine began publishing its weekly issues in March 1923, Roy Larsen was able to increase its circulation by utilizing . radio and movie theaters around the world. It often promoted both "Time" magazine and . political and corporate interests. According to The March of Time, as early as 1924, Larsen had brought Time into the infant radio business with the broadcast of a 15-minute sustaining quiz show entitled Pop Question which survived until 1925." Then, according to the same book, "In 1928 […] Larsen undertook the weekly broadcast of a 10-minute programme series of brief news summaries, drawn from current issues of Time magazine […] which was originally broadcast over 33 stations throughout the United States."Larsen next arranged for a 30-minute radio programme, The March of Time, to be broadcast over CBS, beginning on March 6, 1931. Each week, the programme presented a dramatisation of the week's news for its listeners, thus Time magazine itself was brought "to the attention of millions previously unaware of its existence," according to Time Inc.: The Intimate History Of A Publishing Enterprise 1923–1941, leading to an increased circulation of the magazine during the 1930s. Between 1931 and 1937, Larsen's The March of Time radio programme was broadcast over CBS radio and between 1937 and 1945 it was broadcast over NBC radio – except for the 1939 to 1941 period when it was not aired. People Magazine was based on Time's People became part of Time Warner in 1989 when Warner Communications and Time, Inc. merged. Jason McManus succeeded Henry Grunwald in 1988 as Editor-in-Chief and oversaw the transition before Norman Pearlstine succeeded him in 1995.[edit] 2000sSince 2000, the magazine has been part of AOL Time Warner, which subsequently reverted to the name Time Warner in 2007, Time moved from a Monday subscription/newsstand delivery to a schedule where the magazine goes on sale Fridays, and is delivered to subscribers on Saturday. The magazine actually began in 1923 with Friday early 2007, the year's first issue was delayed for approximately a week due to "editorial changes." The changes included the job losses of 49 employees.[5]In 2009, Time announced that they were introducing a personalised print magazine, Mine, mixing content from a range of Time Warner publications based on the reader's preferences. The new magazine met with a poor reception, with criticism that its focus was too broad to be truly personal.[6]

2019英语专八考试题源出处大搜罗备考英语专八了解各题型解题技巧是一方面,其实了解2019英语专八考试题源出处提前熟悉内容和套路更有利于大家获得高分哦,下面是新东方在线专八频道整理的英语专八考试题源出处。英语专业八级考试(TEM-8)的选材主要来自英美报刊杂志、广播电台或网站。来源情况如下:1 TED演讲2018和2016年专八听力讲座(Mini-lecture)就来自TED演讲。建议大家平时多看多听TED演讲。2018年专八听力讲座来源2016年专四听力讲座来源2 BBC 英国广播电台BBC访谈节目,是专八听力会话(INTERVIEW)的来源之一。2018年专八听力会话来源BBC英国广播电台也是专八阅读理解(READING COMPREHENSION)文章的来源之一。专八阅读理解来源3 The Economist《经济学人》The Economist《经济学人》是专八阅读理解(READING COMPREHENSION)文章的重要来源之一。2018年专八阅读理解来源专八阅读理解来源4 The Guardian《卫报》The Guardian《卫报》是专八阅读理解(READING COMPREHENSION)文章的来源之一。专八阅读理解来源5 The Washington Post《华盛顿邮报》The Washington Post《华盛顿邮报》是专八阅读理解(READING COMPREHENSION)文章的常见来源之一。专八阅读理解来源6 Time《时代周刊》Time《时代周刊》是专八阅读理解(READING COMPREHENSION)文章的常见来源之一。专八阅读理解来源7 英文原版书英文原版书,是专八选材的重要来源之一,节选的内容既可能被用作阅读文章素材,也可能被用作听力讲座素材。例如:2018年的一篇专八阅读理解文章节选自西奥多·德莱塞所写的小说Sister Carrie《嘉莉妹妹》。2016年的一篇专八阅读理解文章节选自弗·司各特·菲茨杰拉德所著的The Great Gatsby《了不起的盖茨比》。2018专八阅读理解来源2017年的一篇专八听力讲座节选自Introducing English Linguistics一书。2015年的一篇专八听力讲座节选自Learn to Listen, Listen to Learn: Academic Listening and Note-taking (Third Edition) 一书。8 其他来源英语专业八级考试的选材还有其他的一些来源,例如:The Daily Mail《每日邮报》Forbes《福布斯》China Daily《中国日报》PR Newswire 美通社Harvard Magazine《哈佛杂志》Media PostPBS 美国公共电视网CNNBritish Councilnpr 美国国家公共电台National Geographic《美国国家地理》wiseGEEK……打算参加2019年英语专业八级(TEM-8)或英语专业四级(TEM-4)考试的考生,建议及早复习备考哦。平时要多看看英美报刊杂志,或是多阅读与专四考试选材同源的备考图书哦。另外,建议学有余力的考生适当地阅读一些英文原版书,接触地道的英语表达,培养英语思维,强化语感。





美国《时代》周刊亚洲版2003年3月1日一期文章:酷杰伦(作者:凯特·德雷克 / Kate Drake) 原文内容提要:他的老师曾经误认为他是哑巴。偶像制作人曾经觉得他太丑了。但是周杰伦却已然成为了亚洲最炙手可热的流行歌星。 没有丝绸锦缎的布景,没有复古超酷的摩托车,没有为他的演唱会而尖叫不已的歌迷,也没有拜倒在他的钢琴前顶礼膜拜的少女--周杰伦的"Alfa Music"音乐工作室位于台北东部的一幢灰色的高层建筑中,在皮质沙发和蓝绿色的墙壁之间,只有窄窄的一小块淡黄色地板。这里完全是周杰伦的世界,在一次又一次的演唱会中间,他可以在这里蜷成一团,躺在地板上,打个盹,或者是反反复复地捉摸着调子和歌词。创作新歌时,他总是先抓住梦中零零散散的曲子,然后把自己从梦中叫醒,用钢琴把曲子复述出来,再结结巴巴地配上歌词,最后再将这些夜里的吟唱整理成单曲或是制作成样带。 在整整两年的时间里,周杰伦都是一位以每首600美元的价钱写歌的签约作曲人,为那些音乐天赋比较差、却更加英俊或是漂亮的歌手创作一首又一首的歌曲,他甚至都很少离开他的这间音乐工作室。写出主旋律,再编好和声,接着在"外买菜单"的后面写下歌词;最后,在工作以及自己音乐才能的尽情倾泻中精疲力尽的他,会一头扎进被子里睡去,又在梦里魔法般地酝酿着下一首歌曲。整天吃蛋糕和炸鸡的周杰伦,此时所梦想的并不是成为一位流行乐歌星,而是一个音乐制作人。 披头士乐队有深洞俱乐部(Cavern Club),猫王有太阳音乐室(Sun Studios),性手枪乐队有100俱乐部(100 Club);而对于周杰伦来说,Alfa Music就是他的音乐基地。在这里,他尝试自己的音乐理念,总结自己的音乐理论,发掘如何使自己的歌充满激情而且令人过耳不忘。渐渐的,他明白了,比起外貌、动作和形象来说,音乐才是最重要的东西。他目睹了太多的偶像歌手你来我往:拿不准调的帅哥、天分不够的女星以及按舞姿而不是声部挑选成员而组成的少男组合等等。他发现,能够令歌手为歌迷牢记、令他自己显得与众不同的,只能是歌曲本身。 而这些想法对于从台湾到香港再到新加坡的整个华语音乐商界来说,显得那么地标新立异。在玩世不恭、变幻无常的华语流行音乐界里,24岁的非偶像歌手周杰伦的存在,本身就是一个奇迹。大多数的偶像男歌星几乎都出身于音乐世家,从小到大都出手阔绰,最终的形象总是柔弱英俊、女里女气的。他们都会得到一首量身定做的好歌,再经过程式化的商业包装,如果幸运的话,他们还能得到电影导演或是广告制作人的青睐,走上演艺道路。 那么,这位貌不惊人的小伙子--并不整齐的牙齿、鹰钩鼻子、尖下巴颏--是怎样取代那些谢什么、刘什么、张什么的,成为亚洲最炙手可热的流行歌星的呢?一切都源于那间简简单单的音乐工作室,那段艰苦岁月的磨练,那些歌曲,以及那个"音乐最重要"的革命性观念。"即使是我身边的那些女歌迷们,也不会说我帅,"周杰伦解释说,"她们只是告诉我,喜欢我的音乐。是我的音乐吸引了她们。" 自2000年11月他的首张专辑"周杰伦同名专辑"问世之后,周杰伦的音乐便开始支配着或是改变着整个亚洲流行音乐界的发展方向。他的首张专辑里的10首歌曲,有的激情澎湃,有的充满思想,有的是感性之至的情歌,平缓和谐、娓娓道来的曲风令克雷格·大卫 (Craig David)都不禁为之动容。尽管他的歌全部都是国语歌词,但是无论是在他的老家台湾,还在在内地、香港、马来西亚以及新加坡,他的专辑都轻而易举地获得了两白金或是三白金的成绩。 在最近的"MTV亚洲音乐盛典"中,他被评选为了"台湾最受欢迎男歌手"。香港媒体把他称作是"小天王",尽管周杰伦本人并不喜欢这样的头衔。他最近还曾经在拉斯维加斯的米高梅秀场(MGM Grand Garden Arena)演出,有超过一万名的观众慕名而来。数家大公司给他送来了赞助合同,这其中包括百事(中国)公司以及香港的电讯盈科(PCCW)公司,松下公司也已经请他出任自己一款新型手机的代言人。 还是一个男孩时,周杰伦被认为是有一些迟钝,或者说是,"愚蠢"。他的高中英语老师苏埃伦说他的学习能力很差:"周杰伦很少有面部表情,我还曾经以为他是个哑巴呢。"这个孩子不对数学感兴趣,也不对物理、化学感兴趣,更加不愿为英语作业烦恼。但是他的母亲发现这个安静、害羞的男孩似乎总是会随着自己播放的西方流行音乐而摇摇摆摆。 "在没学会走路时,他便对音乐非常敏感。"周妈妈回忆说。于是,周妈妈在杰伦四岁时便把他送进了钢琴学校。他真的可以弹。他像着了魔似的练习,像同龄孩子喜欢冰激凌那样地喜欢键盘。在他十几岁时,他的创造才华已经超过了他的年龄。"一次,他用钢琴来演奏一首非常庄严肃穆的歌曲,"周杰伦高中的钢琴教师陈查理说,"但是却把它变成了一段有趣、调皮的曲子。" 在钢琴室之外,周杰伦与常人无异,喜欢看功夫电影,喜欢玩电子游戏。当其他的孩子为了升学考试而刻苦读书时,周杰伦却经常翘课,把更多的时间用在了自己的"音乐象牙塔"上。似乎,他将一事无成。音乐吗?如果你出身于台湾的中产阶层家庭的话,数学、自然科学、工程学以及电脑编程才是你的生存之道。音乐呢?那只是名门之后的阔少爷们的事情,而与林口长大的孩子毫无关系,换句话说,与周杰伦毫无关系。随后,他名落孙山,而且就快要被抛进残酷的现实世界里。他或许会成为一个天然气工人,或者是,幸运的话,在你的面前推销电子琴。 但是,音乐始终是影响周杰伦一生的东西。音乐拯救了他。音乐使他升华。音乐是他的救世主,他的幸运星。音乐是他唯一所拥有的东西。甚至在周杰伦自己还在迷茫的时候,音乐已经在为他安排人生,周杰伦还不知道自己的和声天赋究竟有多大的价值。 偶然的机会中,他陪一个低年级的女孩参加台湾的"超级新人王"节目,结果受到了Alfa音乐室的主人、台湾制作人吴宗宪的注意。吴宗宪在回忆起第一次见到周杰伦时的情景时,说道:"我的第一印象是他太害羞了,太安静了。我甚至以为他有些迟钝。"周杰伦的音乐打动了吴宗宪,但是吴宗宪当时所想的,不过是把他当作了一个词曲作家而已。"我并不认为周杰伦能够成为一名演艺人员,"吴宗宪承认说,"因为他不是很英俊。" 随后,又一位知名音乐制作人发现了周杰伦的音乐才华,在听过周杰伦的歌声后,决定为他制作一张专辑。至此,在一夜之间,周杰伦从一个默默无闻的小音乐人变成了一位歌星;那么突然,那么快,以至于周杰伦自己都有点受宠若惊。 在谈到音乐时,周杰伦说,自己的音乐就像是魔法,它应该是多样化的,应该是短促、多变而又发散的。"这是我的魔法。"他又说了一遍,认真而诚恳地看着你,仿佛他很需要你去理解这一切。"我的人生哲学是,无论做什么事,你都不能一直追随别人。走自己的路,知道吗?"他说。 似乎周杰伦并不是将R&B音乐引进台湾的第一批音乐人,陶喆和王力宏在他之前便已经有所尝试,但是直至周杰伦出道后,R&B歌手才开始真正地占据台湾的音乐界。"毫无疑问,周杰伦正在引导着音乐的发展方向,"香港音乐评论家方赖齐(音)说。他在音乐写作以及演唱上的成功为他带来了大量的模仿者。 在美国米高梅公司大剧场的演出之后,周杰伦懒洋洋地坐在一家中餐馆里。他还是戴着他那件汗渍渍的棒球帽,穿着磨破了的牛仔衫。看起来,他好像略有所思,似乎他也被自己已经取得的巨大成功而吃惊不已。实际上,还有很多领域需要这个演艺界的亚历山大去征服,包括:电视,电影,走向全球,进军美国等等。但是周杰伦似乎对英语学习不以为然,也不感兴趣于找他拍电影的导演;最终,他已经习惯了名气给他带来的一切。他已经开始融入了自己的角色,他的人生哲学已经指引他走了这么远,他早已学会了相信自己。 这位24岁的巨星还要学会做很多事情,各种商业化的力量还要牵着他去拍这样的广告、那样的杂志封面等等。R&B还是说唱?耐克还是阿迪达斯?他摇了摇头,他想做的第一件事便是回到自己在台北的音乐室,躺在沙发上,打个小盹,在梦中吟唱出更多的魔幻音乐。 中国网2003年3月17日

~他的老师曾经误认为他是哑巴。偶像制作人曾经觉得他太丑了。但是周杰伦却已然成为了亚洲最炙手可热的流行歌星。 没有丝绸锦缎的布景,没有复古超酷的摩托车,没有为他的演唱会而尖叫不已的歌迷,也没有拜倒在他的钢琴前顶礼膜拜的少女--周杰伦的"Alfa Music"音乐工作室位于台北东部的一幢灰色的高层建筑中,在皮质沙发和蓝绿色的墙壁之间,只有窄窄的一小块淡黄色地板。这里完全是周杰伦的世界,在一次又一次的演唱会中间,他可以在这里蜷成一团,躺在地板上,打个盹,或者是反反复复地捉摸着调子和歌词。创作新歌时,他总是先抓住梦中零零散散的曲子,然后把自己从梦中叫醒,用钢琴把曲子复述出来,再结结巴巴地配上歌词,最后再将这些夜里的吟唱整理成单曲或是制作成样带。 在整整两年的时间里,周杰伦都是一位以每首600美元的价钱写歌的签约作曲人,为那些音乐天赋比较差、却更加英俊或是漂亮的歌手创作一首又一首的歌曲,他甚至都很少离开他的这间音乐工作室。写出主旋律,再编好和声,接着在"外买菜单"的后面写下歌词;最后,在工作以及自己音乐才能的尽情倾泻中精疲力尽的他,会一头扎进被子里睡去,又在梦里魔法般地酝酿着下一首歌曲。整天吃蛋糕和炸鸡的周杰伦,此时所梦想的并不是成为一位流行乐歌星,而是一个音乐制作人。 披头士乐队有深洞俱乐部(Cavern Club),猫王有太阳音乐室(Sun Studios),性手枪乐队有100俱乐部(100 Club);而对于周杰伦来说,Alfa Music就是他的音乐基地。在这里,他尝试自己的音乐理念,总结自己的音乐理论,发掘如何使自己的歌充满激情而且令人过耳不忘。渐渐的,他明白了,比起外貌、动作和形象来说,音乐才是最重要的东西。他目睹了太多的偶像歌手你来我往:拿不准调的帅哥、天分不够的女星以及按舞姿而不是声部挑选成员而组成的少男组合等等。他发现,能够令歌手为歌迷牢记、令他自己显得与众不同的,只能是歌曲本身。 而这些想法对于从台湾到香港再到新加坡的整个华语音乐商界来说,显得那么地标新立异。在玩世不恭、变幻无常的华语流行音乐界里,24岁的非偶像歌手周杰伦的存在,本身就是一个奇迹。大多数的偶像男歌星几乎都出身于音乐世家,从小到大都出手阔绰,最终的形象总是柔弱英俊、女里女气的。他们都会得到一首量身定做的好歌,再经过程式化的商业包装,如果幸运的话,他们还能得到电影导演或是广告制作人的青睐,走上演艺道路。 那么,这位貌不惊人的小伙子--并不整齐的牙齿、鹰钩鼻子、尖下巴颏--是怎样取代那些谢什么、刘什么、张什么的,成为亚洲最炙手可热的流行歌星的呢?一切都源于那间简简单单的音乐工作室,那段艰苦岁月的磨练,那些歌曲,以及那个"音乐最重要"的革命性观念。"即使是我身边的那些女歌迷们,也不会说我帅,"周杰伦解释说,"她们只是告诉我,喜欢我的音乐。是我的音乐吸引了她们。" 自2000年11月他的首张专辑"周杰伦同名专辑"问世之后,周杰伦的音乐便开始支配着或是改变着整个亚洲流行音乐界的发展方向。他的首张专辑里的10首歌曲,有的激情澎湃,有的充满思想,有的是感性之至的情歌,平缓和谐、娓娓道来的曲风令克雷格·大卫 (Craig David)都不禁为之动容。尽管他的歌全部都是国语歌词,但是无论是在他的老家台湾,还在在内地、香港、马来西亚以及新加坡,他的专辑都轻而易举地获得了两白金或是三白金的成绩。 在最近的"MTV亚洲音乐盛典"中,他被评选为了"台湾最受欢迎男歌手"。香港媒体把他称作是"小天王",尽管周杰伦本人并不喜欢这样的头衔。他最近还曾经在拉斯维加斯的米高梅秀场(MGM Grand Garden Arena)演出,有超过一万名的观众慕名而来。数家大公司给他送来了赞助合同,这其中包括百事(中国)公司以及香港的电讯盈科(PCCW)公司,松下公司也已经请他出任自己一款新型手机的代言人。 还是一个男孩时,周杰伦被认为是有一些迟钝,或者说是,"愚蠢"。他的高中英语老师苏埃伦说他的学习能力很差:"周杰伦很少有面部表情,我还曾经以为他是个哑巴呢。"这个孩子不对数学感兴趣,也不对物理、化学感兴趣,更加不愿为英语作业烦恼。但是他的母亲发现这个安静、害羞的男孩似乎总是会随着自己播放的西方流行音乐而摇摇摆摆。 "在没学会走路时,他便对音乐非常敏感。"周妈妈回忆说。于是,周妈妈在杰伦四岁时便把他送进了钢琴学校。他真的可以弹。他像着了魔似的练习,像同龄孩子喜欢冰激凌那样地喜欢键盘。在他十几岁时,他的创造才华已经超过了他的年龄。"一次,他用钢琴来演奏一首非常庄严肃穆的歌曲,"周杰伦高中的钢琴教师陈查理说,"但是却把它变成了一段有趣、调皮的曲子。" 在钢琴室之外,周杰伦与常人无异,喜欢看功夫电影,喜欢玩电子游戏。当其他的孩子为了升学考试而刻苦读书时,周杰伦却经常翘课,把更多的时间用在了自己的"音乐象牙塔"上。似乎,他将一事无成。音乐吗?如果你出身于台湾的中产阶层家庭的话,数学、自然科学、工程学以及电脑编程才是你的生存之道。音乐呢?那只是名门之后的阔少爷们的事情,而与林口长大的孩子毫无关系,换句话说,与周杰伦毫无关系。随后,他名落孙山,而且就快要被抛进残酷的现实世界里。他或许会成为一个天然气工人,或者是,幸运的话,在你的面前推销电子琴。 但是,音乐始终是影响周杰伦一生的东西。音乐拯救了他。音乐使他升华。音乐是他的救世主,他的幸运星。音乐是他唯一所拥有的东西。甚至在周杰伦自己还在迷茫的时候,音乐已经在为他安排人生,周杰伦还不知道自己的和声天赋究竟有多大的价值。 偶然的机会中,他陪一个低年级的女孩参加台湾的"超级新人王"节目,结果受到了Alfa音乐室的主人、台湾制作人吴宗宪的注意。吴宗宪在回忆起第一次见到周杰伦时的情景时,说道:"我的第一印象是他太害羞了,太安静了。我甚至以为他有些迟钝。"周杰伦的音乐打动了吴宗宪,但是吴宗宪当时所想的,不过是把他当作了一个词曲作家而已。"我并不认为周杰伦能够成为一名演艺人员,"吴宗宪承认说,"因为他不是很英俊。" 随后,又一位知名音乐制作人发现了周杰伦的音乐才华,在听过周杰伦的歌声后,决定为他制作一张专辑。至此,在一夜之间,周杰伦从一个默默无闻的小音乐人变成了一位歌星;那么突然,那么快,以至于周杰伦自己都有点受宠若惊。 在谈到音乐时,周杰伦说,自己的音乐就像是魔法,它应该是多样化的,应该是短促、多变而又发散的。"这是我的魔法。"他又说了一遍,认真而诚恳地看着你,仿佛他很需要你去理解这一切。"我的人生哲学是,无论做什么事,你都不能一直追随别人。走自己的路,知道吗?"他说。 似乎周杰伦并不是将R&B音乐引进台湾的第一批音乐人,陶喆和王力宏在他之前便已经有所尝试,但是直至周杰伦出道后,R&B歌手才开始真正地占据台湾的音乐界。"毫无疑问,周杰伦正在引导着音乐的发展方向,"香港音乐评论家方赖齐(音)说。他在音乐写作以及演唱上的成功为他带来了大量的模仿者。 在美国米高梅公司大剧场的演出之后,周杰伦懒洋洋地坐在一家中餐馆里。他还是戴着他那件汗渍渍的棒球帽,穿着磨破了的牛仔衫。看起来,他好像略有所思,似乎他也被自己已经取得的巨大成功而吃惊不已。实际上,还有很多领域需要这个演艺界的亚历山大去征服,包括:电视,电影,走向全球,进军美国等等。但是周杰伦似乎对英语学习不以为然,也不感兴趣于找他拍电影的导演;最终,他已经习惯了名气给他带来的一切。他已经开始融入了自己的角色,他的人生哲学已经指引他走了这么远,他早已学会了相信自己。 这位24岁的巨星还要学会做很多事情,各种商业化的力量还要牵着他去拍这样的广告、那样的杂志封面等等。R&B还是说唱?耐克还是阿迪达斯?他摇了摇头,他想做的第一件事便是回到自己在台北的音乐室,躺在沙发上,打个小盹,在梦中吟唱出更多的魔幻音乐。 呵呵!就是这样了

Time magazine was created in 1923 by Briton Hadden and Henry Luce, making it the first weekly news magazine in the United States.[2] The two had previously worked together as chairman and managing editor of the Yale Daily News and considered calling the magazine Facts.[3] Hadden was a rather carefree figure, who liked to tease Luce and saw Time as something important but also fun. That accounts for its tone, which many people still criticize as too light for serious news and more suited to its heavy coverage of celebrities (including politicians), the entertainment industry, and pop culture. It set out to tell the news through people, and for many decades the magazine's cover was of a single person. The first issue of Time was published on March 2, 1923, featuring on its cover Joseph G. Cannon, the retired Speaker of the United States House of Representatives; a facsimile reprint of Issue No. 1, including all of the articles and advertisements contained in the original, was included with copies of the February 28, 1938 issue as a commemoration of the magazine's 15th anniversary.[4] On Hadden's death in 1929, Luce became the dominant man at Time and a major figure in the history of 20th-century media. According to Time Inc.: The Intimate History of a Publishing Enterprise 1972–2004 by Robert Elson, "Roy Edward Larsen […] was to play a role second only to Luce's in the development of Time Inc." In his book, The March of Time, 1935–1951, Raymond Fielding also noted that Larsen was "originally circulation manager and then general manager of Time, later publisher of Life, for many years president of Time, Inc., and in the long history of the corporation the most influential and important figure after Luce."Around the time they were raising US$100,000 from rich Yale alumni like Henry P. Davison, partner of . Morgan & Co., publicity man Martin Egan and . Morgan & Co. banker Dwight Morrow, Henry Luce and Briton Hadden hired Larsen in 1922 – although Larsen was a Harvard graduate and Luce and Hadden were Yale graduates. After Hadden died in 1929, Larsen purchased 550 shares of Time Inc., using money he obtained from selling RKO stock which he had inherited from his father, who was the head of the . Keith theatre chain in New England. However, after Briton Hadden's death, the largest Time Inc. stockholder was Henry Luce, who ruled the media conglomerate in an autocratic fashion, "at his right hand was Larsen," Time Inc.'s second-largest stockholder, according to "Time Inc.: The Intimate History of a Publishing Enterprise 1923–1941". In 1929, Roy Larsen was also named a Time Inc. director and a Time Inc. vice-president. . Morgan retained a certain control through two directorates and a share of stocks, both over Time and Fortune. Other shareholders were Brown Brothers W. A. Harriman & Co., and The New York Trust Company (Standard Oil).By the time of Henry Luce's death in 1967, the Time Inc. stock which Luce owned was worth about US$109 million and yielded him a yearly dividend income of more than US$ million, according to The World of Time Inc: The Intimate History Of A Changing Enterprise 1960–1989 by Curtis Prendergast. The value of the Larsen family's Time Inc. stock was now worth about $80 million during the 1960s and Roy Larsen was both a Time Inc. director and the chairman of its Executive Committee, before serving as Time Inc.'s vice-chairman of the board until the middle of 1979. According to the September 10, 1979 issue of The New York Times, "Mr. Larsen was the only employee in the company's history given an exemption from its policy of mandatory retirement at age 65."After Time magazine began publishing its weekly issues in March 1923, Roy Larsen was able to increase its circulation by utilizing . radio and movie theaters around the world. It often promoted both "Time" magazine and . political and corporate interests. According to The March of Time, as early as 1924, Larsen had brought Time into the infant radio business with the broadcast of a 15-minute sustaining quiz show entitled Pop Question which survived until 1925." Then, according to the same book, "In 1928 […] Larsen undertook the weekly broadcast of a 10-minute programme series of brief news summaries, drawn from current issues of Time magazine […] which was originally broadcast over 33 stations throughout the United States."Larsen next arranged for a 30-minute radio programme, The March of Time, to be broadcast over CBS, beginning on March 6, 1931. Each week, the programme presented a dramatisation of the week's news for its listeners, thus Time magazine itself was brought "to the attention of millions previously unaware of its existence," according to Time Inc.: The Intimate History Of A Publishing Enterprise 1923–1941, leading to an increased circulation of the magazine during the 1930s. Between 1931 and 1937, Larsen's The March of Time radio programme was broadcast over CBS radio and between 1937 and 1945 it was broadcast over NBC radio – except for the 1939 to 1941 period when it was not aired. People Magazine was based on Time's People became part of Time Warner in 1989 when Warner Communications and Time, Inc. merged. Jason McManus succeeded Henry Grunwald in 1988 as Editor-in-Chief and oversaw the transition before Norman Pearlstine succeeded him in 1995.[edit] 2000sSince 2000, the magazine has been part of AOL Time Warner, which subsequently reverted to the name Time Warner in 2007, Time moved from a Monday subscription/newsstand delivery to a schedule where the magazine goes on sale Fridays, and is delivered to subscribers on Saturday. The magazine actually began in 1923 with Friday early 2007, the year's first issue was delayed for approximately a week due to "editorial changes." The changes included the job losses of 49 employees.[5]In 2009, Time announced that they were introducing a personalised print magazine, Mine, mixing content from a range of Time Warner publications based on the reader's preferences. The new magazine met with a poor reception, with criticism that its focus was too broad to be truly personal.[6]



商业时代杂志的投稿须知文章要求审稿时间及流程介绍 《商业时代》[2]杂志其前身是《商业经济研究》创于1982年(旬刊)。杂志由原国家商业部创办,当时以研究流通理论而独树一帜,被权威学术类机构认定为“全国社科类核心期刊”、“全国贸易经济类核心期刊”。由于政府机构改革,主管单位先后曾经变更为国家内贸部、国家内贸局,现由中国商业联合会主管,中国商业经济学会主办。是全国中文核心期刊,综合经济期刊。为适应期刊市场化发展形势,2000年本刊实行全面改版,并更名为《商业时代》。改版后以“传播现代营销方式,关注新锐商业理念,洞悉潜在无限商机”为宗旨,新闻性与理论性并重,专业性与社会性结合,被全国新华书店评为“新华畅销经济类重点期刊” 每个期刊杂志都有自己的性质,和方向来制定相对的文章要求。对于没有任何投稿经验得人我提出以下最基本的几点写作技巧和投稿注意事项,希望对您的投稿有所帮助。 第二点,通过参考这些已刊登的文章来仔细斟酌你的文章是否附和此报刊的要求,看别人的文章,多构思自己的文章,通过对比找差距。从而更改完善这是炼内功的,投稿的成功率又多加一分。 第三点,看你通过邮局还是通过电子信箱寄出,要注意通讯地址,不过现在基本上都是网上投稿,特别要注意不要投错,现在满网络都是投稿代理,不小心投到代理的邮箱这种状况真的很常见。你要确定自己投的一定是杂志社的征稿邮箱,不要辛辛苦苦一番岔子出在这儿,更有甚者,投稿完也不确认,好心的代理会给你回个电话说明,或者邮件回复说明他们不是杂志社。就真的有作者就跟那傻等十天半个月也收不到回复还不知道怎么回事儿。 第四点,和编辑建立友好关系,了望他的用稿习惯和范围等,这可以通过电子邮件或多留心他主管的栏目来了解。 第五点,如果一处不中,三个月后(有时可提前点)再投,有的是小刊物不中,反而级别高的就录用了。这当然是认为各人、各个杂志的不同。 此外,可以读些投入稿指南之类的书,但我认为,主要还是我上面所说的几条。 投稿须知1、稿件所述内容最好能有新意;主题明确,语言流畅,层次清楚,叙述准确。 3、投稿时请提供作者姓名、年龄、性别、工作单位、职称或职务、通讯地址、邮政编码、联系电话、E-mail信箱等。 4、请勿一稿多投。来稿不退,请自留备份。 具体的那些投稿注意事项,投稿经验,杂志社版面费、审稿时间及流程等等问题,若有需要可以咨询我们,希望能帮助你们。 下面附上我们的联系方式和服务内容介绍。祝大家投稿顺利! 专业代发人民日报理论版,人民日报理论版、经济日报理论版、管理世界(短论)人大复印资料、新华文摘,中国行政管理,国外EI、SCI等高端学术刊物,如果时间紧迫想迅速完成投稿,我们不失为安全、快捷、优质、高效的投稿捷径。我们最大的服务特点是,签订协议,发表出来付款,文章未发表之前不收取任何费用。让您无后顾之忧。发报纸类的文章均可加急安排,正常一到两个可以发表,期刊杂志周期在半年左右。 1、速度更快2、通过率更高3、安全稳妥4、选择余地更大,有数百家期刊 更多刊物请来电来信详询 北京天弘益华国际文化咨询有限公司 负责人:徐韬



1、来稿要求论点鲜明、论据充分、文字精炼、数据可靠,篇幅在2500~6000 字为宜。





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时代周刊英文是Time magazine。



泰晤士报《Thames》时代周刊《Time》泰晤士河River Thames

TIMES: 泰晤士报(日报) 发行英国, 名字源自于流过伦敦的Times River.网址是: 时代周刊(月刊) 发自美国, 是份杂志.
