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专著M ; 报纸N ;期刊J ;专利文献P;汇编G ;古籍O;技术标准S ;

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自从二十世纪八十年代开始,现代物流率先出现于欧美等工业国家,并以其独特的魅力受到全球工商界企业的青睐,得到了迅猛的发展,被誉为企业发展的“加速器”和二十一世纪的“黄金产业”,成为新兴的经济增长点。现在,在世界各国,越来越多的企业不惜巨资投向现代物流企业,同时现代物流企业也成为了全球金融投资家关注的重点行业之一。现代物流,炙手可热。 在钢铁产品流通领域内,现代物流意味着包括钢材在内的生产资料和生活资料等所有物质资料从供给者到需求者的物理性活动,是为了满足消费者需求而进行的对原材料、中间库存、最终产品及相关信息从起始地到消费地的有效流动及存储的计划、实施与控制的过程。现代物流强调的是这个过程的有效流动与存储,以及信息及管理在物流中的作用。 我国钢铁行业物流现状 我国钢材流通领域的物流产业与欧美等发达国家相比,从总体来说,还是处于比较落后的状态,主要是存在以下五个方面的不足: 物流产业起步较晚 各自为战,尚未建立全国范围内的物流体系 基础配套设施等硬件条件差 经营管理理念和方法不先进 现代物流的认识和理论研究还有待提高 在看到我国钢铁流通领域内物流产业的不足之处的同时,我们也要看到经过各个方面不懈努力取得的进步和成绩。现在,我国钢铁行业及钢材流通领域的现代物流基本上是处于良性循环的蓬勃发展趋势之中。 大型钢铁企业纷纷兴办物流公司,利用自身雄厚的人力、物力资源,打造出享誉我国钢铁流通领域内的物流企业品牌。从1982年开始,鞍钢就设计并实施了众多的大型技改项目的物流解决方案,累计运输和管理进出口物资总值高达300多亿元人民币,积累了丰富的现代物流经验。鞍钢物流业的发展是立足在其自身的四大优势基础之上的:一是在许多港口的费率是同类企业中最低的;二是与许多船舶公司、航空公司已经建立了良好的伙伴关系;三是与海关、商检部门有良好的合作,通关能力十分强;四是具有良好的品牌和信誉,这也是鞍钢发展物流业的最大资本。目前,辽宁省内许多企业已表示出浓厚的与鞍钢物流企业合作的愿望,其中三家企业已通过鞍钢国贸国际货运有限公司做成了生意。 中小型钢铁企业也不甘心失去发展现代物流的有利契机,同时希望通过现代物流的强力推动,缩短与大型钢铁企业间的距离。莱钢根据企业物流的现状,在物流优化和整合上大做文章,以便降低企业物流成本,提高企业的综合竞争能力。为此,莱钢专门成立了“现代物流管理部”,负责莱钢物流的优化与整合工作;聘请物流专家对莱钢的物流进行诊断,制定物流优化整合方案,指导企业进行现代物流管理创新;建立物流优化与整合的数字模型,将各个生产企业的原燃料采购、生产过程的半成品转移及产品销售至用户的全过程进行系统优化,以从更大范围内优化企业生产成本,实现莱钢物流管理的整体创新。 网上招标与采购,是钢铁产品与钢材流通领域内迈向现代物流的实质性一步。“中国钢铁联合采购招标系统”自2001年10月在国内冶金行业正式推出后,发展势头十分强劲。这一系统可以提供全程进行网上发标、加密投标、截标、网上解密开标的招标采购平台,并且采用了用户IC卡系统和先进的复合数字加密技术。如今,通过“中国钢铁联合采购招标系统”已累计实现网上采购额亿元。2002年1月,北京首钢新钢有限责任公司通过“中国钢铁联合采购招标系统”网上发布9大类48个标书,采购品种规格共有200多个,价值达到8258万元,之后举行网上开标,实施采购,参加网上投标的供应商有76家。现在,越来越多的供应商以钢铁企业网上招标采购为契机,积极参加网上供应行列,进入这一网上大市场。 相比国外企业差距明显 在我国,钢铁系统物流产业的发展毕竟还才起步,从整体上看,还不能适应钢铁生产和钢材贸易发展的需要,物流企业在规模、效益、物流技术和管理水平等方面与国外物流企业相比,还存在很大的差距,面临着许多亟待解决的问解,主要表现在以下八个方面: 钢铁行业的物流缺乏整体规划,各环节没有理顺,物流布局不合理,物流成本很高,物流方式单一,物流市场无序竞争,导致物流业整体效益不佳。 专业化程度不高,业态发展不平衡,企业“大而全”、“小而全”的现象较为普遍,专业化程度低,物流运输、仓储的现代水平较低,物流中心和配送中心的建设在规模和发展速度上都还不适应现代物流的要求。 物流系统效率低下,物流成本居高不下,主要表现在运输时间、储存时间、基础设施劳动生产率等三个方面。 物流基础设施不匹配,物流技术装备水平低,物流中心和配送中心的建设规模和发展速度都不适应现代物流的要求。我国的钢铁企业多数都是计划经济下的产物,条块分割、多头管理的传统经营管理模式的影响根深蒂固,导致各种物流基础设施的规划和建设缺乏必要的协调,因而配套性、兼容性差,导致系统功能不强。 物流系统一般技术水平低,装备落后。在仓储设施方面,第三方物流企业拥有的仓库70%是普通平房仓库,现代化立体自动化仓储设施比例较低,具有冷藏、保鲜、气调的仓库更少。在使用的搬运工具中,人工搬运车、手推叉车和普通起重设备占到70%以上,而可视屏叉车等现代化的搬运工具却很少采用。第三方物流企业拥有的运输车辆中,普通车辆占到70%以上,现代化的箱式货柜和集装箱拖头及特种运输车辆却很少。 物流专业人才短缺。物流人才是钢铁系统的物流业发展的关键,也是物流企业成长的保障。而我们钢铁企业或钢材流通领域的物流管理和人才培养,都还相当滞后,没有形成适应我国现状的物流理论和现代物流管理体系,物流人才培育比较困难。 标准化建设滞后。物流是跨地区、跨行业的运作系统,标准化程度的高低不仅关系到各种物流功能、要素之间的有效衔接和协调发展,也在很大程度上影响着物流效率的提高。物流器具标准不配套,托盘标准化没有推行,严重影响了物流的效率。 信息化程度低,现代营销和经营水平不高。目前不少从事钢材贸易的经营企业,大多还处于电话联系、手工操作、人工装卸较低层次的运作阶段。而在现代物流系统中,物流信息并不局限于单个企业的内部,需要在相关企业进行广泛的交换。在相关交易者之间进行网络连接,零售企业向批发企业或厂商发出的订货信息会同时发往物流企业,从而实现即时交货。但现在绝大多数的钢材贸易商是依*纸媒体的信息传递,这显然是无法实现钢材的现代物流。 尽管我国刚刚起步的钢铁流通领域内的物流企业还存在诸多问题,然而其发展的前景十分广阔,有着巨大的发展潜力和成长空间。随着我国经济的持续发展、市场经济的逐渐成熟、全球经济结构调整及产业的不断升级,这都将使我国钢铁行业的物流业的地位和作用发生深刻的变化,物流业必须成为促进我国钢铁工业和钢材贸易蓬勃发展的重要载体。 Since the 20th century, the beginning of the 1980s, modern logistics first appeared in Europe and the United States and other industrial countries, and its unique charm by the global business enterprises favored by the rapid development Hailed as the development of enterprises "accelerator" and the 21st century "gold industry," and become a new point of economic growth. Now, the nations of the world, more and more enterprises at Juzidouxiang modern logistics enterprises Meanwhile modern logistics enterprises have become the global financial investors concerned about one of the key sectors. Modern logistics, hot. In the circulation of steel products, Modern logistics means including steel, means of production and means of subsistence all material information from supplier to the demand - Rational activities, in order to meet consumer demand for the right raw materials, intermediate stock, the final product and related information from the consumer to start to the effective flow and storage of the planning, implementation and control of the process. Modern logistics emphasis of this process is efficient, effective flow and storage, and information management and logistics in the role. China's steel industry logistics situation of China's steel domain to the logistics industry and Europe and the United States and other developed nations, Generally speaking, or at a relatively backward state, is primarily the following five aspects of the inadequate : Logistics Industry late start fighting each other, yet to establish a nationwide system of logistics supporting infrastructure such as hardware poor management philosophy and methods are not advanced modern Logistics understanding and theoretical research remains to be seen in the increase in China's steel circulation within the logistics industry shortcomings in the meantime, We have to see that through all aspects of the unremitting efforts made progress and achievements. Now, China's iron and steel industry and steel circulation of modern logistics is basically a benign cycle in the vigorous development trends. Large iron and steel enterprises have set up logistics companies, using its abundant human and material resources, The building of China's steel circulation reputation in the field of logistics enterprises brand. From the beginning in 1982, when the volume on the design and implementation of a large number of major technology projects logistics solutions, total transport and import and export goods and materials management worth more than 300 billion yuan, has accumulated a wealth of experience of modern logistics. Angang development of the logistics industry is based on its own foundation of the four major advantages : First, in many ports rate is the lowest among similar enterprises; Second, with many shipping companies. Airlines have established a good partnership; Third, customs, commodity inspection departments have good cooperation. clearance capacity is very strong; 4 is a good brand and reputation, it is also Angang development of the logistics industry in the largest capital. Currently, many enterprises in Liaoning province have expressed strong with Angang logistics enterprises desire to cooperate these three enterprises have adopted international cargo Angang ITC Ltd. made a business. Small and medium-sized iron and steel enterprises have not reconciled to losing the development of modern logistics of the favorable opportunity, also hope that through modern logistics of promoting strong, with large steel shorten the distance between enterprises. Laigang logistics enterprises under the current situation, the logistics optimization and integration of a big fuss about the logistics enterprises in order to reduce costs, enhance the comprehensive competitiveness. To this end, Laiwu Steel established the "Modern Logistics Management," responsible for the logistics of Laigang optimization and integration; hire experts on the logistics of the logistics Laigang diagnosis, develop integrated logistics optimization program, direct enterprises in modern logistics management innovation; the establishment of logistics optimization and integration of numerical models, all of the original production enterprises fuel procurement, production process and the transfer of semi-finished products to the customer sales process for system optimization, from the greater scope to optimize production costs and achieve Laigang the overall logistics management innovation. Online bidding and procurement, steel products and steel circulation towards modern logistics substantive step. "China's steel joint procurement tender system" since October 2001 in the domestic metallurgical industry following the formal launch of development momentum is very strong. The system can provide full Internet Hair, encryption tender, the tender closing, the online decryption opening a tender for the procurement platform, and the use of IC card system and advanced composite digital encryption technology. Today, the "Chinese steel joint procurement tender system" has realized a total online purchases 450 million yuan. January 2002. Beijing Shougang Steel new limited liability company through "Chinese steel joint procurement tender system," published online September 48 largest category of bids , procurement specifications varieties were more than 200, the value of million yuan, to be held after the opening of the Internet, implementation of the procurement, participate in the online bidding vendors are 76. Now, an increasing number of suppliers to the steel business online bidding for the opportunity to actively participate in the ranks of online suppliers, Internet access to the big market. Compared with foreign enterprises, an obvious gap in our steel logistics system, after all, the development of the industry will also start from the overall perspective, still unable to meet steel production and steel trade development needs of logistics enterprises in terms of scale, efficiency, logistics technology and management standards with respect to foreign logistics enterprises, there is a wide gap between faced many pressing to resolve the question of solutions, mainly in the following eight areas : the iron and steel industry, logistics lack of overall planning, the segment did not straighten out, the logistics of irrational arrangement, the high cost of logistics, logistics means of a single, disordered competition in the logistics market, logistics industry as a whole led to poor efficiency. The degree of specialization is not high, Business uneven development, enterprises, "large and all-embracing", "dumbbell" of a common phenomenon, and Low degree of specialization, transport and logistics, warehousing modern low level. logistics centers and distribution centers in the construction scale and the pace of development has not yet adapted to the demands of modern logistics. Inefficient logistics system, the high cost of logistics, mainly in the transport, storage time, infrastructure such as labor productivity in three aspects. Logistics infrastructure does not match, the logistics technology and equipment, the low level logistics center and distribution center of the scale and speed of development of modern logistics do not meet the requirements. China's iron and steel enterprises are mostly under the planned economy product fragmentation, overlapping management and the traditional management patterns of deep-rooted, led to various logistics infrastructure planning and construction of a lack of the necessary coordination, thus compatibility and coordination poor, lead to the system function is not strong. Logistics systems generally low level of technology, equipment behind. Storage and warehousing facilities, the third party logistics warehouse owned 70% ordinary cottage warehouse, Stereo modern automated storage facilities a lower proportion is frozen, refrigeration, air conditioning fewer warehouses. In the use of the removal tool, manual handling car, pushing a forklift and the general lifting equipment accounted for more than 70%, and can screen forklift handling and other modern tools has been rarely used. Third-party logistics enterprises owned transport vehicles, ordinary vehicles accounted for more than 70%, modern box-type containers and container tractors and special transport vehicles were few. Shortage of logistics professionals. Steel logistics personnel system is the development of the logistics industry is seen as a key logistics enterprises grow protection. Our steel or steel circulation field of logistics management and personnel training, are also considerable lag, not suitable to the status of China's logistics theory and modern logistics management systems, logistics personnel training more difficult. Standardization lag. Logistics is a trans-regional and cross-sectoral operating system, the level of standardization is not only related to various logistics functions, elements of an effective interface between the development and coordination, has also significantly influenced the logistics efficiency. Logistics support equipment standards, standardization tray is not implemented, a serious impact on the efficiency of logistics. A low degree of information technology, modern marketing and operating level is not high. Many in the steel trade enterprises, are still in the telephone links by hand. Artificial handling low-level operational phase. In modern logistics system, the Logistics Information is not confined to a single enterprise's internal, In related businesses need a wide-ranging exchange. In related transactions between network connectivity, Retail enterprises to manufacturers and wholesale enterprises or orders issued by the information will also be sent to the logistics businesses, thereby achieving prompt delivery. But now, the majority of the steel traders according * permits the transmission of information to the media, it is impossible to achieve the steel of modern logistics. Although China has just started the flow of steel in the field of logistics enterprises still have many problems, However, its development prospects are very broad and has tremendous potential for development and growth space. With China's sustained economic development, the market economy gradually mature, the global economic structural adjustment and the industry has been escalating and This will make China's iron and steel industry, the status of the logistics industry and the role undergoing profound changes, logistics industry must be the promotion of China's iron and steel industry and steel trade to flourish the major carriers. 这些吧~~ 这里能找到~~资源其实也蛮多的,只是楼主 看怎么 “拼凑”咯。 毕业论文 很重要, 网上的“泛滥”了,还是得花真功夫的~~

物流一词源于英文的”logistics”,原意是军事后勤保障,在第二方世界大战以后被广泛地应用于经济领域。美国物流管理协会对物流的定义为”物流是为满足消费者需求而进行的对原材料、中间产品、最终产品及相关信息从起始地到消费地的有效流动与存储的、实施和控制的过程”。物流由四个关键部分组成:实质流动、实质存储、信息流动及管理协调。物流的主要功能是创造时间效用和空间效用,主要方式是通过仓储克服空间距离。第三方物流是在物流渠道中由中间商提供的服务,中间商以合同的形式在一定期限内提供需的全部或部分物流服务。第三方物流公司是一个为外部客户管理、控制和提供物流服务作业的公司。据统计,欧洲目前使用第三方物流服务的比例为76%,美国约为58%,且其需求仍在增长;欧洲24%和美国33%的非第三方物流服务用户正在积极考虑使用第三方物流服务。第三方物流作为一个提高物资流通速度、节省仓储费用和资金在途费用的有效手段,已经越来越引起人们的高度重视。一、使用第三方物流的优越性使用第三方物流产可以给企业带来众多益处,主要表现在:1、集中主业生产企业使用第三方物流可以使企业实现资源的优化配置,将有限的人力、财力集中于核心精力,进行重点研究,发展基本技术,开发新产品参与世界竞争,增强企业的核心竞争力。2、节省费用专业的第三方物流提供者利用规模生产的专业优势和成本优势,通过提供各环节能力的利用率实现费用节省,使企业能从分离费用结构中获益。生产企业随着规模的不断扩大,对营销服务的任何程度的深入参与,都会引起费用的大幅度增长,只有使用专业服务公司提供的公共服务,才能够减少额外损失。根据美国田纳西大学、英国EXEL公司和美国EMST&YOUNG咨询公司共同组织的一项调查显示:很多货主表示,使用第三方物流使他们的物流成本平均下降了%,货物周转期平均从天缩短到天,库存降低了%。3、减少库存第三方物流服务提供者借助精心策划的物流和适时的运送手段,最大限度地减少库存,改善了企业的现金流量,实现成本优势。4、提升企业形象第三方物流服务提供与顾客是一种战略伙伴关系,第三方物流提供者利用完备的设施和训练有素的员工对整个供应链实现完全的控制,减少物流的复杂性,通过自己的网络体系帮助顾客改进服务,不仅树立自己的品牌形象,而且使顾客在竞争中脱颖而出。二、我国企业在使用第三方物流方面存在的问题尽管与第三方物流公司合作有很多优势,但是很多企业并不是将更多的物流业务外包出去,原因归结为:1、抵制变化很多公司不愿意通过物流外包的方式来改变现在的精力模式。尤其是一些国有企业,物流业务外包还将意味着解雇大批员工,这对于国有企业的管理者来说意味着一个非常大的风险。2、缺乏认识企业对于第三方物流公司的认识程度普遍还很低,企业没有认识到供应链管理在企业竞争中的巨大作用。3、害怕失去控制由于供应链的实施在提高公司竞争力方面的重要作用,很多公司宁愿有一个小而全的物流部门,也不情愿将这些功能交给别人,主要原因是担心如果失去内部物流能力,会在客户交往和其他方面过度依赖第三方物流公司。4、物流业务外包本身有其复杂性供应链物流业务通常和公司其他业务,如财务、营销或生产集成在一起,物流业务外包本身就具有复杂性。对一些实际业务,包括运输和仓储的集成可能会带来组织上、行政上和实施上的一系列问题。此外,公司内部信息系统的集成性特点,使得把物流业务交给第三方物流公司来运作变得很困难。5、衡量物流外包的效果受诸多因素的影响准确地衡量物流成本对信息技术和人力资源的影响比较困难。很难确定物流业务外包到底能够给企业带来多少潜在的成本好外。另外,各个公司业务的独特性和公司供应链作业能力,通常被认为是不宜向外部公开的内部信息,很难准确地比较公司间的供应链作业能力。尽管有些生产企业已经意识到利用第三方物流可以给企业带来很多好外,但是在实际应用时往往分成几个步骤,同时选择数个物流服务提供商作为合作伙伴,以避免将业务交由一个物流服务提供商而带来的依赖性。三、我国第三方物流企业在发展中遇到的问题一个成功的物流企业,必须具备较大的运营规模,建立有效地地区覆盖区域,具有强大的指挥和控制中心,具备高水准的综合技术、财务资源和经营策略。我国第三方物流企业在发展中遇到的问题可以归纳如下:1、运营模式问题目前世界大型物流公司大都采取总公司与分公司体制,总部采取集权式物流运作,以业务实行垂直管理。建立现代物流企业必须有一个能力很强、指挥灵活的调控中心对整个物流业务进行控制与协调。真正的现代物流必须是一个指挥中心、一个利润中心,企业的组织、框架、体制等形式都要与一个中心相匹配。我国的物流企业在运营模式上存在问题,国外物流企业的管理模式值得国内物流企业借鉴。2、仓储或运输能力欠缺物流的主要功能是创造时间盗用和空间效用。就目前中国的第三方物流企业而言,有些公司偏重于仓储,运输能力不足;另外一些公司则是运输车辆很多而在全国没有多少仓库,靠租用社会仓库来完成对客户的承诺。3、网络问题我国有几家大的物流企业拥有全车性的仓储网络或货运网络,但是这个网络的覆盖区域并不是十全十美的。客户在选择物流合作伙伴时,很关注网络的覆盖区域及网络网点的密度问题。有关网点的建设问题应引起物流企业的重视。4、信息技术世界大的物流企业都拥有”一流三网”,即订单信息流、全球供应链资源网络、全球用户资源网络和计算机信息网络。凭借先进的计算机管理技术,这些物流客户也是高附加值产品的生产企业,国内物流企业必须在信息系统上增加投入才可以改变自己的市场定位。集中与整合是第三方物流企业的发展趋势。原因是:第一,大的公司有意将供应链的主要环节外包给尽可能少的几家物流公司;第二,建立一个高效的全球第三方物流企业所需资本的投入日益增加;第三,许多第三方物流供应商都通过兼并和联合的方式来扩大其服务能力。Logistics from the English word "logistics", the original intent of the military logistics support, in the second side after World War II has been widely used in the economic field. Logistics Management Association of the United States is defined as the logistics, "Logistics is to meet the needs of consumers of raw materials, intermediate products, final products and related information to the consumer from the beginning to the effective flow and storage, implementation and control of the process of . "Logistics consists of four key components: the real flow, real storage, and management to coordinate the flow of information. The primary function of logistics is to create time and space effectiveness of the effectiveness of the main ways to overcome the space through the storage logistics in the logistics channel services provided by brokers, middlemen in the form of the contract within a certain period of time required to provide logistics services in whole or in part. Is a third-party logistics companies for the external customer management, control and operation of the provision of logistics services to statistics, currently used in Europe the proportion of third-party logistics services for 76 percent, the United States is about 58%, and the demand is still growing; 24 percent in Europe and the United States 33% of non-third-party logistics service users are actively considering the use of third-party logistics services. As a third-party logistics to improve the speed of material flow, warehousing costs and financial savings in the cost effective means of passers-by, has become increasingly attracted great , the advantages of using a third-party logisticsThe use of third-party logistics enterprises can yield many benefits, mainly reflected in:1, focus on core businessManufacturers can use a third-party logistics companies to achieve optimal distribution of resources, limited human and financial resources to concentrate on their core energy, to focus on the development of basic skills, develop new products in the world competition, and enhance the core competitiveness of , cost-savingProfessional use of third-party logistics providers, the professional advantages of mass production and cost advantages, by providing the link capacity utilization to achieve cost savings, so that enterprises can benefit from the separation of the cost structure. Manufacturing enterprises with the expansion of marketing services to participate in any degree of depth, would give rise to a substantial increase in costs, only the use of professional services provided by public services, in order to minimize additional losses. University of Tennessee in accordance with the United States, United Kingdom and the United States EXEL company EMST & YOUNG consulting firm co-organized a survey: a lot of cargo that enable them to use third-party logistics logistics costs declined by an average of percent, the average flow of goods from days to days, stock , reduction of inventoryThird-party logistics service providers with well-planned logistics and timely delivery means, to minimize inventory, improve cash flow of the enterprise to achieve cost , enhance the corporate imageThird-party logistics service providers and customers is a strategic partnership, the use of third-party logistics provider of comprehensive facilities and trained staff on the whole supply chain to achieve complete control, reducing the complexity of logistics, through their own networks to help improve customer service, not only to establish their own brand image, but also customers in the , China's enterprises in the use of third-party logistics problems inWhile third-party logistics company has many advantages, but not many enterprises will be more outsourcing of the logistics business, the reasons boil down to:1, resistance to changeMany companies do not want the way through the logistics outsourcing efforts to change the current mode. In particular, some state-owned enterprises, wereFlow will also mean that the dismissal of outsourcing a large number of employees, which the managers of state-owned enterprises would mean a very great , lack of awarenessFor third-party logistics enterprise's generally low level of awareness, lack of awareness of enterprise supply chain management in the enterprise of the great role in the , fear of losing controlAs a result of the implementation of supply chain companies in enhancing the competitiveness of the important role that many companies would rather have a small but complete logistics department and they do not prefer these functions will be handed over to others, the main reasons it is worried that if they lose the internal logistics capabilities, customers will be exchanges and over-reliance on other third-party logistics , the logistics outsourcing has its own complexitySupply chain logistics business and companies are usually other services, such as finance, marketing or production of integrated logistics outsourcing itself with complexity. On a number of practical business, including the integration of transport and storage may lead to organizational, administrative and implementation problems. In addition, the company's internal information system integration features, making the logistics business to a third party logistics companies have become very difficult to , to measure the effect of logistics outsourcing by many factorsAccurately measure the cost of information technology, logistics and human resources more difficult. It is difficult to determine the logistics outsourcing companies in the end be able to bring the cost of how many potential good things. In addition, all the uniqueness of the company's business and corporate supply chain operational capability, is usually not considered to be internal to the external public information, it is difficult to accurately compare the inter-company supply chain operational some manufacturers have been aware of the use of third-party logistics companies can bring a lot of good things, but in practical applications are often divided into several steps, at the same time choose a number of logistics service providers as partners in order to avoid the business by a logistics service providers brought about by , China's third-party logistics companies in the development of the problems encounteredA successful logistics company, the operator must have a larger scale, the establishment of effective regional coverage area, with a strong command and control center with the high standard of integrated technical, financial resources and business 's third-party logistics companies in the development of the problems encountered can be summarized as follows:1, operating modelAt present, most of the world's largest logistics companies take the head office and branch system, centralized headquarters-style logistics operation to take to the implementation of vertical business management. The establishment of a modern logistics enterprise must have a strong, flexible command and control center to control the entire logistics operations and coordination. Real must be a modern logistics center, a profit center, business organizations, the framework, the institutional form of every match with a center. China's logistics enterprises in the operating mode of the problems of foreign logistics enterprises in the management model should be from the domestic logistics , the lack of storage or transport capacityThe primary function of logistics is to create time and space utility theft. For now China's third-party logistics enterprises, some companies focus on storage, lack of transport capacity; other companies is a lot of transport vehicles and warehouses throughout the country little by renting warehouses to complete the community's commitment to , network problemsThere are a few large companies have the logistics of the entire vehicle cargo storage network or networks, but the network coverage area is not perfect. Customers in the choice of logistics partner, are very concerned about network coverage and network of regional branches of the density problem. The building of the network should be of great importance to logistics , information technologyThe world's largest logistics enterprises have "three-class network", that is, orders for information flow, resources, global supply chain network, the global Resource Network users and computer information network. With the management of advanced computer technology, these customers are also the logistics of the production of high value-added products business, the domestic logistics enterprises must increase investment in information systems can change their market and integration is the third-party logistics trends in the development of enterprises. The reasons are: firstly, the company intends to major aspects of supply chain outsourcing to the lowest possible number of several logistics companies; the second, the establishment of an efficient global third party logistics inputs required for increasing the capital; the third Many third-party logistics providers through mergers and joint approaches to expand its service capabilities.可以给我分了吧? 嘿嘿

is the management of the flow of goods, information and other resources, including energy and people, between the point of origin and the point of consumption in order to meet the requirements of consumers (frequently, and originally, military organizations). Logistics involve the integration of information, transportation, inventory, warehousing, material-handling, and and definitionThe term "logistics" originates from the ancient Greek "λόγος" ("logos"—"ratio, word, calculation, reason, speech, oration").Logistics is considered to have originated in the military's need to supply themselves with arms, ammunition and rations as they moved from their base to a forward position. In ancient Greek, Roman and Byzantine empires, there were military officers with the title ‘Logistikas’ who were responsible for financial and supply distribution Oxford English dictionary defines logistics as: “The branch of military science having to do with procuring, maintaining and transporting material, personnel and facilities.”Another dictionary definition is: "The time related positioning of resources." As such, logistics is commonly seen as a branch of engineering which creates "people systems" rather than "machine systems"....LogisticianLogistician is the profession in the logistics & transport sectors, including sea, air, land and rail modes. Professional qualifications for the logisticians can carry post-nominal letters. Common examples include FCILT/CMILT/MILT (by The Chartered Institute of Logistics & Transport) (CILT), EJLog/ESLog/EMLog (by European Logistics Association) (ELA), PLog (by Canadian Professional Logistics Institute), CML/CPL (by International Society of Logistics) (SOLE), JrLog/Log/SrLog (by China Federation of Logistics & Purchasing) (CFLP), FHKLA/MHKLA (by Hong Kong Logistics Association) (HKLA), PLS/CTL/DLP (by American Society of Transportation & Logistics) (AST&L). However, some universities and academic institutions do help in producing logisticians, by offering academic degree programmes at both undergraduate and postgraduate levels, logisticsIn military logistics, logistics officers manage how and when to move resources to the places they are needed. In military science, maintaining one's supply lines while disrupting those of the enemy is a crucial—some would say the most crucial—element of military strategy, since an armed force without resources and transportation is defeat of the British in the American War of Independence, and the defeat of Erwin Rommel in World War II, have been largely attributed to logistical failure.[citation needed] The historical leaders Hannibal Barca, Alexander the Great and the Duke of Wellington are considered to have been logistical field within logistics is called Medical managementLogistics management is that part of the supply chain which plans, implements and controls the efficient, effective forward and reverse flow and storage of goods, services and related information between the point of origin and the point of consumption in order to meet customers' requirements. A professional working in the field of logistics management is called a Chartered Institute of Logistics & Transport (CILT) was established in the United Kingdom in 1919 and was granted the Royal Charter in 1926. The Chartered Institute is one of professional bodies or institutions for the logistics & transport sectors, that offers such professional qualification or degree in logistics Management SoftwareSoftware is used for logistics automation which helps the supply chain industry in automating the work flow as well as management of the system. There are very few generalized software available in the new market in the said topology. This is because there is no rule to generalize the system as well as work flow even though the practice is more or less the same. Most of the commercial companies do use one or the other custom there are various software that are being used within the departments of logistics. Few department in Logistics are namely, Conventional Department, Container department, Warehouse, Marine Engineering, Heavy haulage, softwares that are used in these departments are,Conventional department : CVT software / CTMS software /Container Trucking: CTMS software /Warehouse : WMS /Business logisticsLogistics as a business concept evolved only in the 1950s. This was mainly due to the increasing complexity of supplying one's business with materials and shipping out products in an increasingly globalized supply chain, calling for experts in the field who are called Supply Chain Logisticians. This can be defined as having the right item in the right quantity at the right time at the right place for the right price and is the science of process and incorporates all industry sectors. The goal of logistics work is to manage the fruition of project life cycles, supply chains and resultant business, logistics may have either internal focus (inbound logistics), or external focus (outbound logistics) covering the flow and storage of materials from point of origin to point of consumption (see supply chain management). The main functions of a qualified logistician include inventory management, purchasing, transportation, warehousing, consultation and the organizing and planning of these activities. Logisticians combine a professional knowledge of each of these functions so that there is a coordination of resources in an organization. There are two fundamentally different forms of logistics. One optimizes a steady flow of material through a network of transport links and storage nodes. The other coordinates a sequence of resources to carry out some logisticsThe term is used for describing logistic processes within an industry. The purpose of production logistics is to ensure that each machine and workstation is being fed with the right product in the right quantity and quality at the right point in issue is not the transportation itself, but to streamline and control the flow through the value adding processes and eliminate non-value adding ones. Production logistics can be applied in existing as well as new plants. Manufacturing in an existing plant is a constantly changing process. Machines are exchanged and new ones added, which gives the opportunity to improve the production logistics system accordingly. Production logistics provides the means to achieve customer response and capital logistics is getting more and more important with the decreasing batch sizes. In many industries (. mobile phone) batch size one is the short term aim. This way even a single customer demand can be fulfilled in an efficient way. Track and tracing, which is an essential part of production logistics - due to product safety and product reliability issues - is also gaining importance especially in the automotive and the medical industry.物流,最早是在二战中,围绕战争物资供应,美国军队建立的「后勤」(Logistics)理论为原型的。当时的「后勤」是指将战时物资生产、采购、运输、配给等活动作为一个整体进行统一布置,以求战略物资补给的费用更低、速度更快、服务更好。后来,将“后勤”体系移植到现代经济生活中,才逐步演变为今天的物流。物流系统也可像互联网般,促进全球化。在贸易上,若要更进一步与世界连系,就得靠良好的物流管理系统。我们手上的商品很多是‘游历’各国后才来到的。原料可能来自马来西亚和泰国,加工可能在新加坡,生产却在中国,最后才入口到美国。产品的「游历」”路线就是由物流师计划、组织、指挥、协调、控制和监督,使各项物流活动实现最佳的协调与配合,以降低物流成本,提高物流效率和经济效益。目标就是要快且低开销。物流是一个控制原材料、制成品、产成品和信息的系统。 物质资料从供给者到需求者的物理运动,是创造时间价值、场所价值和一定的加工价值的活动。 物流是指物质实体从供应者向需求者的物理移动,它由一系列创造时间价值和空间价值的经济活动组成,包括运输、保管、配送、包装、装卸、流通加工及物流信息处理等多项基本活动,是这些活动的统一。 物流师物流师(Logistician)即是负责物流系统管理的专才。物流师就是一个专家,地位与会计师、律师、医生或工程师同等。1919年,英国成立了专业的物流组织,并在7年的时间内 (1926年),就取得英皇的认同,成立了英国皇家特许物流与运输专院 (The Chartered Institute of Logistics & Transport) (CILT)。英国皇家特许物流与运输专院院士 (Chartered Member) 就是一个专业物流师。如今,世界上也有其他专业的物流组织,如欧洲专业物流协会 (European Logistics Association) (ELA),香港物流协会 (Hong Kong Logistics Association) (HKLA),中国物流与采购联合会 (China Federation of Logistics & Purchasing) (CFLP),美国国际专业物流协会 (International Society of Logistics) (SOLE) 及 美国运输与物流协会 (American Society of Transportation & Logistics) (AST&L) 所检定及认可的专业物流师。物流管理物流管理是指在社会再生产过程中,根据物质资料实体流动的规律,应用管理的基本原理和科学方法,对物流活动进行计划、组织、指挥、协调、控制和监督,使各项物流活动实现最佳的协调与配合,以降低物流成本,提高物流效率和经济效益。如今,物流管理的专业知识被运用在贸易上,连系了整个世界。参见第一方物流 第二方物流 第三方物流 第四方物流 第五方物流 供应链 物流管理 后勤学(军事物流学) 物流系统论 现代物流技术 集装单元装卸搬运技术 散料装卸搬运技术 自动仓储系统技术 流通加工技术 物流包装技术 物流信息技术 条码技术 EDI技术 地理信息系统GIS 全球卫星定位系统GPS 智能交通系统ITS 射频识别RFID 可追溯性 (物流) 物流企业

Strategic Inventory in Capacitated Supply Chain Procurement 供应链采购能力限制下的库存策略We study the strategic role of inventory in a sequential two-period procurement setting, where the supplier’s capacity in the first period is limited and the retailer has the option to hold inventory. 我们研究了连续两期的采购环境中库存的策略地位,在该环境中第一期的供应能力是受限的,销售商可以选择持有库存。We compare the equilibrium under a dynamic contract, where the decisions are made at the beginning of each period, and a commitment contract, where the decisions for both periods are made at the beginning of the first period.我们比较了每期开始时决定的动态协议和在第一期开始时决定的每期的委托协议的平衡。We show that there is a critical capacity level below which the outcomes under both types of contracts are identical. 我们证明存在一个临界能力水平,低于该水平这两种协议下的结果将是相同的。When the first period capacity is above the critical level, the retailer holds inventory in equilibrium and the inventory is carried due to purely strategic reasons; as capacity increases, so does the strategic role of inventory.当第一期能力高于临界水平时,销售商持有库存处于平衡状态,库存通过纯粹的策略原因而运作;能力上升时,库存的策略地位也上升。The supplier always prefers lower capacity than the retailer, and the difference between supplier-optimal and supply-chain optimal capacities, and the corresponding profits, can be significant. 供应商通常愿意使自己的供应能力低于销售商,且最佳供应商和最佳供应链能力之间的不同以及相应的收益是很重要的。Finally, we find that the retailer’s flexibility to hold inventory is not always good for the participants or for the channel. 最终,我们发现销售商灵活持有库存总是有益于参与者和渠道的。and the retailer determines the quantity to purchase from the supplier and the retail price to且销售商决定向供应商购买的数量以及销售价格


外文文献翻译格式要求包括文献翻译中摘要和关键词部分采用宋体五号字体,行间距为18磅,段前段后距离为行,对齐方式选择两端对齐;正文内容的二级标题字体采用小三号,黑体,段前和段后距离设置为行,段前空间设置为行。 扩展资料 外文文献翻译格式要求如下:文献翻译中摘要和关键词部分一般采用宋体五号字体,行间距设置为18磅,段前段后距离为行,对齐方式选择两端对齐,每个关键词使用分号或逗号隔开,最后一个关键词不用加标点符号。正文内容一级标题字体一般采用小三号,黑体,用粗体显示,段前段后距离设置为行。正文内容的二级标题字体采用小三号,黑体,段前和段后距离设置为行,段前空间设置为行。第一级标题和第二级标题都采用“左对齐”的'形式。正文内容文字采用宋体,大小为四号,行间距为0行,段前和段后的距离设置为2字符,首行缩进2个字符,文本对齐格式选择“两端对齐”。

2. 翻译格式:(1)外文(附被翻译外文资料原件的复印件);(2)翻译成中文格式:①标题 ②署名 ③翻译正文 ④外文著录正文主体 由于涉及的学科、选题、研究方法、工作进程、结果表达方式等有很大差异,对正文主体很难作统一的规定,但一般包括绪论(前言)、正文和结论三部分。一级标题为三号黑体字,二、三级标题为四号黑体字,内容为小四号宋体,首行缩进二字符。





姓,名字首字母.(年). 书名(斜体). 出版社所在城市:出版社.

Sheril, R. D. (1956). The terrifying future: Contemplating color television. San Diego: Halstead.


姓,名字首字母., & 姓,名字首字母.(年). 书名(斜体). 出版社所在城市:出版社.

Smith, J., & Peter, Q. (1992). Hairball: An intensive peek behind the surface of an enigma. Hamilton, ON: McMaster University Press.


Mcdonalds, A. (1993). Practical methods for the apprehension and sustained containment of supernatural entities. In G. L. Yeager (Ed.), Paranormal and occult studies: Case studies in application (pp. 42–64). London: OtherWorld Books.


Crackton, P. (1987). The Loonie: God's long-awaited gift to colourful pocket change? Canadian Change, 64(7), 34–37.


姓,名字首字母.(年). 题目. 期刊名(斜体). 第几期,页码.

Rottweiler, F. T., & Beauchemin, J. L. (1987). Detroit and Narnia: Two foes on the brink of destruction. Canadian/American Studies Journal, 54, 66–146.


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示例:[5] Baboescu,F. Algorithms for fast packet classification. .


现行编排规范对英文人名如何标注未作明确要求,英文人名的标注较为混乱,有标注全名的,有标注时将名缩写、姓不缩写、保持原来顺序的,还有在姓、名之间加圆点的,后者是我国翻译作品中,中文书写外国人名经常采用的一种方式。其实,标注英文人名是有章可循的,在国外学术着作的参考文献中,关于人名的标注已约定俗成为一种统一的格式,即英文参考文献标注作者姓名时,要求姓在前、名在后,姓与名之间用逗号隔开,姓的词首字母大写,其余字母不大写;名用词首大写字母表示,后加缩写符号圆点,缩写符号不可省略。由于欧美国家人的姓名排列一般是名在前、姓在后,在标注时必须加以调整。如Georg Paghet Thomson,前面两个词是名,最后一个词是姓,应标注为Thomson,G. P为什么要如此标注呢?笔者认为有以下原因。




对于复姓情况,如Jory Albores-Saavedra等,在引用标注时,应将复姓全部写出,即Albores-Saavedra, J对于姓前带有冠词或介词的情况,如带有Mac,Le,Von,Van den等,标注时不能省略,应同姓一起提到前面标注,如Mac Donald,La Fontaina,Von Eschenbach,Van den Bery等。这里有个有趣的现象,对于北欧人常见的姓Van den Bery,如Van的词首字母大写,表示它是姓的一部分,标注时应与姓一起前置;如果作者姓名书写为Graham van den Bery,其中van的词首字母v没有大写,则表示它不是姓的一部分,姓Bery前置时,van den仍留在原来的位置,并且不可缩写或省略,标注为Bery,G. van den.另外,对于“姓名+学位”的情况,标注时一般把“学位”删去,不要将其误认为姓或姓的一部分.







在标注原文献名及作者时,原文献多指论文集或与之类似的著作,英文标注习惯上在编着者名前加词首字母大写的介词In,作者姓名前后次序不作调整,名缩写为词首大写字母,后加缩写符号圆点,姓完整标出,不缩写。作者后加编者一词的缩写形式及缩写符号圆点,词首字母大写,外加圆括号,如标注为In S. Weil(Ed.),如示例[3].然后斜体标注原文献题名,后加注出版年,起至页码的缩写形式pp.和析出文献的起至页码。当原文献有两位或两位以上作者时,作者姓名同上述情况一样,前后次序不作调整,分别标出,编者一词缩写用复数形式Eds.,如In L. Eedering,& P. Leseman(Eds.)。



出版地和出版社(商)是参考文献的重要内容,标示版权信息,不可遗漏或省略。我国一部着作一般由一家出版社负责出版发行,出版地一般也就比较明确为出版社所在的城市。国外情况就比较复杂了,由于市场经济高度成熟,语言通用程度高,着作权被普遍保护等原因,一部着作可能由不止一家出版社(商)合作出版发行,出版地也可能在不同国家的不同城市。当出版地有两处或两处以上、出版社(商)有两个或两个以上时,应当一一标出,中间用斜杠分开。如Amsterdam/Philadephia:Ben-jamins,又如Den Haag:Sdu/DOP出版地一般是出版社(商)所在的城市,标注城市名,不可标注为国家名。































方法一:插入空格法将文章中所有的字间插入空格,然后将空 格 字 间距调到最小。因为学客行论文检测查重的根据是以词为基础的,空格切断了词语,自然略过了查重系统。优点:从查重系统的原理出发,可靠性高。缺点:工作量极大,可以考虑通过宏完成,但宏的编制需要研究。方法二:自己原创法自己动手写论文,在写作时,要么不原文复制粘贴;要么正确的加上引用。优点:基本上绝对不会担心查重不通过,哪怕这个查重系统的阈值调的再低。缺点:如果说优缺点的话,就是写完一篇毕业论文,可能会死掉更多的脑细胞。方法三:google等翻译工具翻译法将别人论文里的文字,用google翻译成英文,再翻译回来,句式和结构就会发生改变,再自行修改下语病后,即可顺利躲过查重。优点:方便快捷,可以一大段一大段的修改。缺点:有时候需要多翻译几遍,必须先由中文翻译成英文,再翻译成阿尔及利亚语,再翻译成中文。方法四:转换图片法将别人论文里的文字,截成图片,放在自己的论文里。因为学客行论文检测系统目前只能查文字,而不能查图片和表格,因此可以躲过查重。优点:比google翻译法更加方便快捷。缺点:用顺手了容易出现整页都是图片的情况,会影响整个论文的字数统计。方法五:插入文档法将某些参考引用来的文字通过word文档的形式插入到论文中。优点:此法比方法四更甚一筹,因为该方法日后还可以在所插入的文档里进行重新编辑,而图片转换法以后就不便于再修改了。缺点:还没发现。方法六:外文文献翻译法查阅研究领域外文文献,特别是高水平期刊的文献,比如Science,Nature,WaterRes等,将其中的理论讲解翻译成中文,放在自己的论文中。优点:1、每个人语言习惯不同,翻译成的汉语必然不同。因此即使是同一段文字,不同人翻译了之后,也 不会出现抄袭的情况。2、外文文献的阅读,可以提升自身英语水平,拓展专业领域视野。缺点:英文不好特别是专业英文不好的同学实施起来比较费劲。方法七:变化措辞法将别人论文里的文字,或按照意思重写,或变换句式结构,更改主被动语态,或更换关键词,或通过增减。当然如果却属于经典名句,还是按照经典的方法加以引用。优点:1、将文字修改之后,按照知网程序和算法,只要不出现连续13个字重复,以及关键词的重复,就不会被标红。2、对论文的每字每句都了如指掌,烂熟于心,答辩时亦会如鱼得水。缺点:逐字逐句的改,费时费力。















我需要一篇外文文献及翻译!关于企业财务风险防范的内容!要求字数达标、有外国作者的名字和出处共两篇 ,希望对楼主有用什么是财务风险 财务风险是企业在财务管理过程中必须面对的一个现实问题,财务风险是客观存在的,企业管理者对财务风险只有采取有效措施来降低风险,而不可能完全消除风险。文章通过对企业财务风险类型分析,从中找出不同财务风险产生的具体原因,并试图探索出解决各类财务风险的有效方法。 当今世界上因财务风险而倒闭破产的公司,甚至是特大公司也不为少见,如2002年世界500强的安然就是一例。因此,忽视财务风险将给我们带来的后果是严重的。 财务风险的定义和基本类型 财务风险是指企业在各项财务活动中由于各种难以预料和无法控制的因素,使企业在一定时期、一定范围内所获取的最终财务成果与预期的经营目标发生偏差,从而形成的使企业蒙受经济损失或更大收益的可能性。企业的财务活动贯穿于生产经营的整个过程中,筹措资金、长短期投资、分配利润等都可能产生风险。 根据风险的来源可以将财务风险划分为: 1.筹资风险 筹资风险指的是由于资金供需市场、宏观经济环境的变化,企业筹集资金给财务成果带来的不确定性。筹资风险主要包括利率风险、再融资风险、财务杠杆效应、汇率风险、购买力风险等。利率风险是指由于金融市场金融资产的波动而导致筹资成本的变动;再融资风险是指由于金融市场上金融工具品种、融资方式的变动,导致企业再次融资产生不确定性,或企业本身筹资结构的不合理导致再融资产生困难;财务杠杆效应是指由于企业使用杠杆融资给利益相关者的利益带来不确定性;汇率风险是指由于汇率变动引起的企业外汇业务成果的不确定性;购买力风险是指由于币值的变动给筹资带来的影响。 2.投资风险 投资风险指企业投入一定资金后,因市场需求变化而影响最终收益与预期收益偏离的风险。企业对外投资主要有直接投资和证券投资两种形式。在我国,根据公司法的规定,股东拥有企业股权的25%以上应该视为直接投资。证券投资主要有股票投资和债券投资两种形式。股票投资是风险共担,利益共享的投资形式;债券投资与被投资企业的财务活动没有直接关系,只是定期收取固定的利息,所面临的是被投资者无力偿还债务的风险。投资风险主要包括利率风险、再投资风险、汇率风险、通货膨胀风险、金融衍生工具风险、道德风险、违约风险等。 3.经营风险 经营风险又称营业风险,是指在企业的生产经营过程中,供、产、销各个环节不确定性因素的影响所导致企业资金运动的迟滞,产生企业价值的变动。经营风险主要包括采购风险、生产风险、存货变现风险、应收账款变现风险等。采购风险是指由于原材料市场供应商的变动而产生的供应不足的可能,以及由于信用条件与付款方式的变动而导致实际付款期限与平均付款期的偏离;生产风险是指由于信息、能源、技术及人员的变动而导致生产工艺流程的变化,以及由于库存不足所导致的停工待料或销售迟滞的可能;存货变现风险是指由于产品市场变动而导致产品销售受阻的可能;应收账款变现风险是指由于赊销业务过多导致应收账款管理成本增大的可能性,以及由于赊销政策的改变导致实际回收期与预期回收的偏离等。 4.存货管理风险 企业保持一定量的存货对于其进行正常生产来说是至关重要的,但如何确定最优库存量是一个比较棘手的问题,存货太多会导致产品积压,占用企业资金,风险较高;存货太少又可能导致原料供应不及时,影响企业的正常生产,严重时可能造成对客户的违约,影响企业的信誉。 5.流动性风险 流动性风险是指企业资产不能正常和确定性地转移现金或企业债务和付现责任不能正常履行的可能性。从这个意义上来说,可以把企业的流动性风险从企业的变现力和偿付能力两方面分析与评价。......希望采纳,谢谢

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2004年7月 学 术 交 流 Jul., 2004总第124期 第7期 Academic Exchange Serial ·企业改革与发展研究·中小企业会计规范化问题探讨牟远健1,丁玲玲2,王 静1(1.黑龙江省畜产公司,黑龙江哈尔滨150001;2.黑龙江省林业科学院,黑龙江哈尔滨150001)[摘 要]中小企业会计核算存在会计核算主体界限不清,企业产权与个人财产界限不清;所有者自身素质及逃避纳税心理,制约会计核算规范化;会计机构设置不符合相关规定;会计核算违规操作等问题,对此,必须采取相关措施,使会计核算规范化。[关键词]中小企业;会计规范化;会计核算[中图分类号]F270 [文献标识码]A [文章编号]1000-8284(2004)07-0049-03中小企业在完善我国市场机制、推动国民经济的发展、增加劳动就业、保持社会稳定等方面发挥着重要的作用。但在发展中也存在着许多问题,特别是会计核算的不规范,是制约中小企业进一步发展的瓶颈。 一、中小企业会计核算存在的问题1.会计核算主体界限不清,企业产权与个人财产界限不清。中小企业的经营权与所有权的分离远不如大企业那么明显,尤其中小企业中的民营企业,投资者就是经营者,企业财产与个人家庭财产经常发生相互占用的情况,给会计核算工作带来困难。2.所有者自身的素质低及逃避纳税的心理,制约着中小企业会计核算的规范化。中小企业在经营过程中,为了自身利益,往往有通过逃避纳税的方式增加财富的想法,经营状况不好时,逃避纳税的愿望就更强烈。当外部监管力度不够时,这种现象会普遍存在。3.会计机构的设置不符合相关规定。很多中小企业,特别是民营企业,为了节约核算成本,不按规定设置会计机构。有的企业即使设置了会计机构,也层次不清、分工不明。4.会计人员的业务素质低下。由于中小企业一般经营品种繁杂、行业各异,经营规模差距较大,所聘用的财务人员素质参差不齐,从而导致了会计核算的不规范。在会计人员任用上,小企业最常见的做法是用自己的亲属当出纳,外聘“高手”作兼职会计,这些人员有在税务部门工作的,有国有企业财务管理人员,有会计师事务所的人员等,一般定期来做账。有些中小企业企业管理者也愿意聘请能力强的会计人员做专职会计,但是由于其发展前景及社会上得到人们认识程度较低,再加上较差的工作保障,使得其对优秀会计人员的吸引力不强。会计从业人员资格认定及规范考核的问题也很多,会[收稿日期]2004-04-18[作者简介]牟远健(1978-),女,黑龙江庆安人,黑龙江省畜产公司会计师,从事会计理论与实践研究;丁玲玲(1973-),女,黑龙江密山人,黑龙江省林业科学院会计师,从事会计理论与实践研究;王静(1972-),女,江苏丰县人,黑龙江省林业科学院会计师,从事会计理论与实践研究。·49·计无证上岗现象严重,会计主管不具备专业技术资格的现象不胜枚举,会计人员的后续教育培养工作几乎没有进行。5.建账不规范或不依法建账,会计核算常有违规操作。中小企业有些根本不设账,以票代账;或者设账,但账目混乱。还有相当一部分中小企业设两套账或多套账,使会计信息严重失真。在会计核算方面,待摊费用、预提费用不按规定摊提,人为操纵利润,采用倒轧账的方式记账等。有些会计人员知识结构老化与专业知识较低,使得许多理论上完善的会计方法与复杂的会计技术无法实施,或在实施时大打折扣。6.内部会计监督职能没有发挥出来。内部会计监督要求会计人员对本企业内部的经济活动进行会计监督,但是中小企业的管理者常干预会计工作,会计人员受制于管理者或受利益驱使,往往按管理者的意图行事,使会计的监督职能几乎无法发挥。7.原始凭证付出成本大,或者难以获得。原始凭证的获取要付出成本,是因为企业在购买商品时要不要发票存在着不同的价格,若要发票,就要加价,价格较高;不要发票价格较低,两者的差价是税款。还有的企业发生费用后无法取得发票,只能用不合法的收据,在上级主管部门摊派的费用中支出。企业只好不做此账,或相互之间调剂票据。8.企业内部控制制度不够健全,也阻碍了中小企业会计规范化的发展。由于部分中小企业现有的人员素质和管理水平较低,无法建立健全诸如内部稽核、定额管理、计量验收、成本核算等制度,阻碍了中小企业会计规范化的进程,造成了企业资产流失、浪费严重、经营管理混乱等。 二、规范中小企业会计核算的建议1.加强相关法律法规的建设和执行,促进中小企业的全面健康发展。要解决中小企业会计规范化问题,靠一两家企业自我完善和会计人员努力是很难实现的。只有促进中小企业的健康发展,解决企业融资困难,实现科学化管理,克服自身的弱点才能从根本上解决会计规范化的问题。解决这一问题的根本办法就是执行好现有的相关法律法规,并根据经济发展的需要,适时制定、修改有关中小企业的法律法规,这样才能既促进中小企业会计规范化建设,加强中小企业的管理,又能为中小企业的全面发展保驾护航。2.建立与我国中小企业相适应的会计制度。在过去很长一段时间里,国家在制定会计规范体系的过程中,很少考虑到中小企业会计需求与大企业和上市公司的差别,随着中小企业在我国经济发展中的作用越来越重要,会计理论界对中小企业会计规范化问题日趋关注。中小企业会计制度的制订应遵循以下原则:(1)适应中小企业的特点。在会计制度设计中要考虑企业经营管理组织体系的设置,并与此保持一致。由于中小型企业业务量较少,会计核算只能采用集中核算方式,即由会计机构统一办理。部分中小企业交易类型有限,经营活动比较简单,一般只需要简单的数据,没有对数据产生深层次分析的需要,因此应允许一些企业不设会计机构。会计人员一般以2~3人为宜,并指派一人担任财务主管,在职责划分上要注意不相容职责的分离,如出纳、总账与稽核,出纳与总账、明细账的分离等。有些企业的会计工作也可由社会中介机构代理。中小企业行业涉及面广,会计科目设置上应考虑通用性,针对采用独资和合伙形式的中小企业所要承担的无限责任,应考虑对会计制度的影响;对于企业财产和个人家庭支出相互占用的情况,应设置往来账户加以核算;适当放宽凭证的认定,以解决中小企业难以获得合法凭据的问题等。总之,中小企业会计准则的制定一定要充分考虑中小企·50·业的特点。(2)重要性原则,要求提供的信息重点突出。与大型企业相比,会计信息需求者在中小企业中发生了变化。首先,税务部门的纳税管理需求成为最主要的外部需求;其次,投资者的决策需求和管理者的管理需求相统一;最后是银行贷款管理需求,但是此需求因银行提供的贷款很少而相对薄弱。会计信息需求上的变化,决定了中小企业的会计应着眼于这些企业税务上的需要和内部信息的需求。(3)成本效益原则。会计信息的提供是有成本的,企业在提供会计信息的过程中应讲求成本效益原则。(4)简便易行。由于中小企业业务量小、会计人员素质参差不齐,会计制度设计时应充分考虑到操作上的简便易行。3.加强外部监管力度。从目前我国中小企业的现状来看,靠企业自身约束来规范会计工作是不现实的,我们应该更多的借助于外部监管,帮助中小企业实现会计规范化。财政部门首先应指导督促中小企业依《会计基础工作规范》的要求建立健全账簿体系,发现不符合《会计基础工作规范》要求的,应及时严肃处理;其次,财政部门还应督促中小企业建立、健全会计内部控制制度和内部核算制度;最后,财政部门还应切实地做好财务人员的后续教育。税务部门也应改进查核方式,改进税务人员对于中小企业的态度,并建立税务代理人制度,以增加税务申报速度,减轻税务人员的工作负担,以便全心进行查核工作。我们相信,只要充分认识到我国中小企业会计规范化进程中存在的问题,并充分考虑到中小企业在经济发展中的重要性,有关方面齐抓共管、共同努力,定能把这项艰巨的工作做得更好。Probing into the Accounting Standardization of Small andMiddle-sized EnterprisesMUYuan-jian1, DING Ling-ling2, WANG Jing1( Products Corporation,HarbinHeilongjiang150001, China; ofForest Sciences, HarbinHeilongjiang150001, China)Abstract:In accounting operation of small and medium-sized enterprises, there are many prob-lems such as less clear partition toward main bodies of bookkeeping operation, blur limits betweenenterprise’s property and personal property, slow process of operation standardization restrained byowner’s quality and his tax-evasion motive, mismatched accounting institutions with relative provi-sions and disobedient operation process against regulations, etc. In view of such problems we mustadopt related measures to make accounting operation words:small and medium-sized enterprise, accounting standardization, accounting operation〔责任编辑:刘 阳〕·51·
