

发布时间:2024-06-30 20:04:27



问题一:毕业论文外文翻译是什么意思?有什么要求? 外文翻译要求:(1)选定外文文献后先给指导老师看,得到老师的确认通过后方可翻译。(2)选择外文翻译时一定选择外国作者写的文章,可从学校中知网或者外文数据库下载。(3)外文翻译字数要求3000字以上,从外文互章起始处开始翻译,不允许从文章中间部分开始翻译,翻译必须结束于文章的一个大段落。 问题二:请问一下本科毕业论文里面的翻译是什么东东? 你好的! 那篇翻译是国外人写的论文之类的! 你仅仅需要找到一份相关的英文原文进行翻译即可! 找的原文不是类似的! 而是,只要相关就成! ==================论文写作方法=========================== 论文网上没有免费的,与其花人民币,还不如自己写,万一碰到人的,就不上算了。 写作论文的简单方法,首先大概确定自己的选题,然后在网上查找几份类似的文章,通读一遍,对这方面的内容有个大概的了解! 参照论文的格式,列出提纲,补充内容,实在不会,把这几份论文综合一下,从每篇论文上复制一部分,组成一篇新的文章! 然后把按自己的语叮把每一部分换下句式或词,经过换词不换意的办法处理后,网上就查不到了,祝你顺利完成论文! 问题三:毕业论文 译文 是什么意思 一般论文只需把摘要和题目翻译成英文即可,如果说译文的话,或许是要全文翻译的英文场照。你直接问下老师就好了 问题四:论文是什么意思 编辑本段简介 学术论文就是用来进行科学研究和描述科研成果的文章,简称为论文。它既是探讨问题进行科学研究的一种手段,又是描述科研成果进行学术交流的一种工具。它包括学年论文、毕业论文、学位论文、科技论文、成果论文等,总称为学术论文。 编辑本段论文格式 1、论文格式的论文题目:(下附署名)要求准确、简练、醒目、新颖。 2、论文格式的目录 目录是论文中主要段落的简表。(短篇论文不必列目录) 3、论文格式的内容提要: 是文章主要内容的摘录,要求短、精、完整。字数少可几十字,多不超过三百字为宜。 4、论文格式的关键词或主题词 关键词是从论文的题名、提要和正文中选取出来的,是对表述论文的中心内容有实质意义的词汇。关键词是用作计算机系统标引论文内容特征的词语,便于信息系统汇集,以供读者检索。每篇论文一般选取3-8个词汇作为关键词,另起一行,排在“提要”的左下方。 主题词是经过规范化的词,在确定主题词时,要对论文进行主题分析,依照标引和组配规则转换成主题词表中的规范词语。(参见《汉语主题词表》和《世界汉语主题词表》)。 5、论文格式的论文正文: (1)引言:引言又称前言、序言和导言,用在论文的开头。引言一般要概括地写出作者意图,说明选题的目的和意义, 并指出论文写作的范围。引言要短小精悍、紧扣主题。 〈2)论文正文:正文是论文的主体,正文应包括论点、论据、论证过程和结论。主体部分包括以下内容: a.提出问题-论点; b.分析问题-论据和论证; c.解决问题-论证方法与步骤; d.结论。 6、论文格式的参考文献 一篇论文的参考文献是将论文在研究和写作中可参考或引证的主要文献资料,列于论文的末尾。参考文献应另起一页,标注方式按《GB7714-87文后参考文献著录规则》进行。 中文:标题--作者--出版物信息(版地、版者、版期) 英文:作者--标题--出版物信息 所列参考文献的要求是: (1)所列参考文献应是正式出版物,以便读者考证。 (2)所列举的参考文献要标明序号、著作或文章的标题、作者、出版物信息 问题五:毕业论文说有雷同是什么意思 论文雷同是指有些段落和已经发表的重复,就是说你有些段落,是抄的,要改成自己的话,保持学术独创性。 第一步:初稿一般重复率会比较高(除非你是自己一字一句写的大神),可以采用万方、papertest去检测,然后逐句修改。这个系统是逐句检测的,也就是说你抄的任何一句话都会被检测出来。这种检测算法比较严格,从程序的角度分析这种算法比较简单。因而网上卖的都很便宜,我测的是3万字,感觉还是物美价廉的。(注意:1 这个库不包含你上一届研究生师兄的大论文,修改一定注意. 2 个人建议如果学校是用万方检测,就不要去检测维普之类的 先把论文电子版复制一份,保存一份。看检测结果,其中一份复制的备份论文,把检测出重复的部分能删了先删了,把不能删的,15字以内改一改,最好是加减字符,不要改顺序,改顺序没太大用,参考文献删掉一部分,不能删的话,先改下,英文文献可以15个字符换一个词。把修改过的上交,重新过系统检查。保存的原论文稍做改动上交纸质版。那个系统很麻烦的,很多没看过没应用过的文献都能给你加上,可见中国人抄袭的功夫,都是互相抄,但是为了保证论文的完整性和表述的准确性,不要随意改动,上交的纸质版,一定要斟酌,一般检查完就不会再过检测系统了,所以纸质版的不用担心。 第二步:经过修改后,重复率大幅下降了。这时你可以用知网查了,知网查重系统是逐段检测的,比较智能。检测后再做局部修改就基本上大功告成了,我最后在网上用知网查是4%,简单修改后,在学校查是。 注意:记住,最忌讳的是为了查重,把论文语句改得语句不通、毫无逻辑,这样是逃不过老师的,哈哈,大家加油! 关于知网相关抽查规定: 有规定的,可以进行第一次修改,修改之后通过就可以答辩,如果第二次不通过就算结业,在之后4个月内还要交论文或者设计的。这个是在抄袭30%的基础上的。 如果抄袭50%以上的话,直接结业 在之后4个月内还要交论文或者设计的。1.被认定为抄袭的本科毕业设计(论文),包括与他人已有论文、著作重复总字数比例在30%至50%(含50%)之间的,需经本人修改。修改后经过再次检测合格后,方可参加学院答辩。再次检测后仍不合格的,按结业处理。须在3 个月后提交改写完成的毕业设计(论文),检测合格后再参加答辩。2.被认定为抄袭的本科毕业设计(论文),且与他人已有论文、著作重复总字数比例超过50%的,直接按结业处理。须在4 个月后提交改写的毕业设计(论文),检测合格后再参加答辩。 知网系统计算标准详细说明: 1.看了一下这个系统的介绍,有个疑问,这套系统对于文字复制鉴别还是不错的,但对于其他方面的内容呢,比如数据,图表,能检出来吗?检不出来的话不还是没什么用吗? 学术不端的各种行为中,文字复制是最为普遍和严重的,目前本检测系统对文字复制的检测已经达到相当高的水平,对于图表、公式、数据的抄袭和篡改等行为的检测,目前正在研发当中,且取得了比较大的进展,欢迎各位继续关注本检测系统的进展并多提批评性及建设性意见和建议。 2.按照这个系统39%以下的都是显示黄色,那么是否意味着在可容忍的限度内呢?最近看到对上海大学某教师的国家社科基金课题被撤消的消息,原因是其发表的两篇论文有抄袭行为,分别占到25%和30%. 请明示超过多少算是警戒线? 百分比只是描述检测文献中重合文字所占的比例大小程度,并不是指该文献的抄袭严重程度。只能这么说,百分比越大,重合字数越多,存在抄袭的可能性越大。是否属于抄袭及抄袭的严重程度需由专家审查后决定。 3.如何防止学位论文学术不端行为检测......>> 问题六:毕业论文一二三稿指的是什么意思 实在抓不准的话,去找国涛期刊 通过撰写毕业论文,提高写作水平是干部队伍“四化”建设的需要。党中央要求,为了适应现代化建设的需要,领导班子成员应当逐步实现“革命化、年轻化、知识化、专业化”。这个“四化”的要求,也包含了对干部写作能力和写作水平的要求。 提高大学生的写作水平是社会主义物质文明和精神文明建设的需要。 问题七:毕业论文的abstrac是什么意思 abstract 摘要的意思。 论文要有中文摘要,也要有英文摘要(abstract) 问题八:毕业论文是什么意思?英文文献翻译,急需 毕业论文Graduation thesis 问题九:毕业论文中的外文翻译可以在什么网站找到?非常感谢! 学校的数据库,中国知网应该都有,根据专业也可以选择国外比较有名的数据库,推荐几个我用过的吧 ABI,ACM,ASTP,American Chemical Society ,Blackwell Science-Blackwell synergy EBSCO综合类,强烈推荐,Engineering Index 工科是离不开EI的,IEEE 电子类必备,HighWire Press,ISI学术权威 ,National Technical Information Service 个人比较喜欢的,推荐 问题十:毕业论文外文翻译是什么意思?有什么要求? 外文翻译要求:(1)选定外文文献后先给指导老师看,得到老师的确认通过后方可翻译。(2)选择外文翻译时一定选择外国作者写的文章,可从学校中知网或者外文数据库下载。(3)外文翻译字数要求3000字以上,从外文互章起始处开始翻译,不允许从文章中间部分开始翻译,翻译必须结束于文章的一个大段落。

“毕业论文”用英文是dissertation dissertation[ˌdɪsəˈteɪʃn]n. 专题论文,学位论文;学术演讲 毕业论文; 博士论文; 论文; 学位论文 例句: was involved in writing his doctoral dissertation. 他在聚精会神地写他的博士论文.2. I have not yet footnoted my dissertation. 我还没有给我的论文加上脚注.3. I'm working my notes up into a dissertation. 我正在把我的笔记修改成论文.

A Thesis Submitted as a Partial Fulfillment of the Requirement for the Degree of B. A./B. S. in ***这是标准的学士学位毕业论文的说法,.代表文学学士,.代表理学学士,***处填上专业。


Packages Beef curry rice 32 yuan / cases Curry chicken rice 28 yuan / cases As chicken Dagang 28 yuan / cases Drum Law beef meals 28 yuan / cases Whistle-10 yuan / bowls Tomato egg of 10 yuan / bowls Showers of 10 yuan / bowls Soup of 10 yuan / bowls Yangzhou fried rice 16 yuan / send soup Singapore Aug 16 yuan / send soup Milk cows River 16 yuan / send soup Su Chao fine of 12 yuan / send soup Soup dumplings 12 yuan (each 12-16) Spring rolls 10 yuan (8) Fries 10 Chicken spent 12 yuan Drink - Tea Need Tieguanyin 108 yuan / pot Dongding Oolong 108 yuan / pot Biluochun 58 yuan / pot Flee 35 yuan / pot cents afternoon of 35 yuan / pot Mei Ming Ding-Jun 35 yuan / pot Huangshan Maojian 35 yuan / pot Tieguanyin 58 yuan / pot Huangshan Chrysanthemum 30 yuan / pot Li Dayton tea 25 yuan / pot Aging & Poor's ears 48 yuan / pot West Lake Longjing 48 yuan / pot Coffee Cafe mocha 20 yuan / Cup Italian coffee 20 yuan / Cup Carbon coffee burned 25 yuan / Cup Blue Mountain coffee 25 yuan / Cup Kabujinuo coffee 25 yuan / Cup With Iron 20 yuan / Cup Soft drinks Milk 10 yuan / Cup Mineral water (Evian) 15 yuan / Bottle Mineral water (local) 5 yuan / Bottle Clonidine 10 yuan / listen Sprite 10 yuan / listen Alabama 10 yuan / listen Beer Budweiser 15 yuan / Bottle Carlsberg 15 yuan / Bottle Heineken 18 yuan / Bottle Teens 18 yuan / Bottle Qingdao 12 yuan / Bottle Khan Andean 2000 8 yuan / Bottle Khan Andean 9. 8 yuan / Bottle Boston 10 yuan / Bottle Khan Andean dry beer five yuan / Bottle Ice-Carlsberg 18 yuan / Bottle Fruit set Seasonal fruits 28 yuan / cases Fruit cocktail 48 yuan / cases Cigarettes Blue Baisha 15 yuan / box A pen 15 yuan / box Wang Furong 35 yuan / box Soft China 88 yuan / box Hong good cat 35 yuan / box Blue cats good 25 yuan / box Soft blue Furong Wang 88 yuan / box Small food Bayberry 10 yuan / in Pistachios 15 yuan / in Popcorn 15 yuan / in Salt and Pepper peanut 10 yuan / in Linxi melon seeds is 10 yuan / in Precisely 10 - melon seeds / of Natural juice Fresh seasonal fruit juice 10 yuan / Cup Celery juice pressure will be 10 yuan / Cup Milk tomato juice 10 yuan / Cup Thin sugar juice 10 yuan / Cup Integrated juice 15 yuan / Cup Carrot pineapple juice 15 yuan / Cup Wine Class Wall Claret 98 yuan / Bottle Wong Hin Claret 98 yuan / Bottle The Great Wall of the 100-na 168 yuan / Bottle Dynasty Claret 78 yuan / Bottle Other Poker 10 yuan / Deputy Napkin one yuan / packet

Adjustment of the system of national holidays, rural tourism has become a popular tourist choice. In this paper, Jinjiang District, Chengdu, Trinity Township, rural tourism to conduct SWOT analysis, analysis of the development of tourism strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and challenges, and on this basis the recommendations put forward corresponding measures for the area, rural tourism industry planning reference and basis.

这是关于旅游的好处的。。。Many people ponder what they should do for a vacation and I realized a lot of people don’t seem to share my views about traveling. I believe it’s very important to see the world and different cultures. It lets us open our minds to new things and we get to experience life in exiting different ways. Traveling gives us the opportunity to disconnect from our regular life. You get to forget your problems/issues for a few weeks, it can also help you figure things out that you would not have understood without the distance traveling can give you. We all have crazy schedules, work and a family to take care of, going away alone or with some friends can give you distance and perhaps even make you realize how important these people are for you. Like the saying says: we never know what we have until we lose it. Another great benefit is the relaxation you get to do. It’s nice to live life to its fullest and enjoy a stress free time with yourself. Going on vacation lets us recharge our “batteries” by disconnecting us from our regular life. When we come back we feel invigorated and we are happy to be back in our day to day routine. It’s a very good stress remover that has a lot more to give than most people are willing to increases our knowledge and widens our perspective. To view new customs, different ways of living is fantastic for the mind. It gives us a new perspective about life and especially our life, it can help us change some of our habits or even create new ones. When I travel I usually make it a point to try new food, some cultures don’t have fries in their diet and they are all skinny, others use spices to give taste and not oils or fats. Discovering different values and ways to get by in life is really interesting. You also need to visit exotic new places and discover what this wonderful world has to experiences increase our resourcefulness by living situations you would never encounter at home, this is great experience for you when you come back to your routine. I have noticed that people who traveled a lot in life were ready to embrace change and have a natural ability of overcoming problems that others would frown upon. When traveling with friends or family it creates memories for a lifetime. These memories will create a bond that nothing can erase no matter what happens with the friendship/relationship. It can also give a new perspective on the relationship and cement the bond forever. It also gives nice stories to tell people afterwards, you can create photo albums about your trips and when you feel nostalgic you can take an hour of your life and experience the trips again by looking at your pictures. It’s never been this cheap to travel. With soaring oil prices the cheap travel era might be coming to an end. However there are still many budget airlines fighting for your dollar right now. With the internet and all the new technology, you can plan your trip exactly the way you want it. You can choose your budget, the duration of the trip and what you want to do. I suggest to read travel blogs and see what others are experiencing, you can save yourself a few hurdles by reading about their you have some time off I suggest to take that trip and experience what life has to offer. Don’t wait or tell yourself there will be a better time to go. Take the risk, the opportunity and buy your plane ticket right now and leave. When you come back you won’t be sorry that you left, on the contrary you will be thinking of your next trip the second you come back from the airport.



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Health careA new prescription for the poor为贫穷者新开的处方America is developing a two-tier health system, one for those with private insurance, the other for the less well-off美国正在发展一个双重的健康系统,一重是为那些有个人保险的人群,而另一重则是为那些不那么富裕的人群Oct 8th 2011 | NEW YORK | from the print edition“IT’S time for Dancing with the Stars!”, a woman announces enthusiastically. At this New York health centre, wedged between housing projects to the east and Chinatown to the west, “dancing with the stars” means dancing with a physical therapist. An old man stands up with a nurse and begins a determined samba.“是时候和明星一起跳舞了!”一位女士满怀热情地宣告。在这个坐落于房屋工程的西面,唐人街东面的纽约健康中心,“和明星起舞”的意思是和一位物理治疗师跳舞。一位老者和一个护士站起来,开始跳事先确定好的桑巴舞。Comprehensive Care Management (CCM), which runs this centre, tries to keep old people active. To do so, explains Joseph Healy, the chief operating officer, is in the company’s best interest. The government pays CCM a capped rate for the care of its members. If someone gets sick, his health costs rise and the company’s margin shrinks. Mr Healy argues that the system is the best way to provide good care at a low cost. Increasingly others seem to agree.经营这个中心的综合护理管理部门(CCM)努力保持老人们的活力。约瑟夫-海莉,首席运营官解释说,这样做符合公司的最佳利益。政府给这个部门一个封顶的津贴来让他们照顾这些人。如果有人生病了,他的健康成本就会上升,公司的利润就会萎缩。海莉先生确定说这个系统能够在一个低成本上提供最佳的护理。其他人也逐渐同意这个观点。Medicaid, America’s health programme for the poor, is in the process of being transformed. Over the next three years, New York will move its entire Medicaid population into “managed care”, paying companies a set rate to tend to the poor, rather than paying a fee for each service. New York is not alone. States from California to Mississippi are expanding managed care. It is the culmination of a steady shift in the way most poor Americans receive their health-care treatment.公共医疗补助,即美国的穷人健康计划,正在被改造的过程中。在接下来的 三年内,纽约将把整个接受穷人健康计划的人群纳入“管理关怀”之中,付给公司们一个事先定好的费用来照顾那些穷人,而不是按照项目来付费。纽约不是唯一这样做的州。加州,密西西比州正在拓展管理关怀计划。这代表一种正在进行中的稳步转变,即大部分贫穷美国人接受健康关怀方式的转变。Medicaid is America’s single biggest health programme. This year roughly one in five Americans will be covered by Medicaid for a month or more. It gobbles more federal and local money than any state programme, other than education. Costs will rise even more when Barack Obama’s health-care reform expands the programme by easing eligibility rules in 2014. Congress’s “supercommittee” is already considering cuts. However, there are more immediate pressures behind the present drive for change.公共医疗补助是美国最大的单一健康计划。今年,五个美国人中的一个就会被纳入该计划一个月或更长时间。除了教育之外,它比其他任何州的财政计划耗去更多联邦和地方的经费。当2014年奥巴马的健康保险改革放宽适用人群而使整个计划更加庞大的时候,成本将会进一步上升。众议院的“超级委员会”已经在考虑削减经费。然而,选择这种变化,将会有更多即刻的压力存在。Enrolment in Medicaid jumped during the downturn, from in December 2007 to in June 2010. Mr Obama’s stimulus bill helped to pay for some of this, but that money has dried up. Faced with gaping deficits, some desperate governors slashed payments to hospitals and doctors, or refused to pay for trips to the dentist or oculist. But much the most important result has been structural: the expansion of managed care.公共医疗补助计划的参与人数在经济滑坡期间从2007年12月的 4270万人跳到了2010年6月的5030万人。奥巴马先生的经济刺激经费能够帮助付掉其中的一部分,但是钱已经被用光。面对资金短缺,一些绝望的州长砍掉了给医院和医生的补助,或是拒绝支付牙医和眼科医生的旅行费用。但是,更多地,最重要的结果是结构上的:管理关怀的拓展。States have dabbled in managed care for decades. The trend accelerated in the 1990s, with the share of Medicaid patients under this form of care reaching 72% by 2009. Now, however, there is a strong push for the remainder. States that did not have managed care, such as Louisiana, are introducing it. Other states are extending it to people previously deemed off limits: California and New York, for example, are moving the elderly and disabled into that system of care. Texas is targeting more than 400,000 Medicaid beneficiaries in the Rio Grande Valley. Local politicians had resisted the move, nervous that care might deteriorate. But the yawning deficit meant that they were overruled.各个州涉足管理关怀已经有几十年的历史了。这个趋势在90年代得到加速发展,在2009年前使用这种护理方式的公共医疗补助病人占到了72%。现在,对于剩下的人,这也是很强的推动力。像路易斯安那州这样没有管理关怀的州正在引进管理关怀。其他州也把这个拓展到原先被认为不适用的人群:举例说像加州和纽约州,正在把老人和残障人士纳入这个系统中,德州的目标是在格兰德河谷超过400000公共医疗补助收益人群。地方政治家反对这个举动,他们担心这个护理系统将会变质。但是巨大的赤字意味着他们的观点注定要被批驳。The result is a country with two distinct tiers of health care. Most Americans with private insurance are still horrified by thoughts of health-management organisations and prefer to pay fees for each medical service. For the poor, managed care is becoming the norm.结果就是一个国家有两套截然不同的健康保险系统。大多数有个人保险的美国人仍旧害怕那些健康管理组织的想法而宁愿为单独的医疗服务付费。对于穷人来说,管理关怀已经成为一种常规。Advocates of managed care have high expectations. First, they hope that it will make costs more predictable. Second, they believe that the change will improve patients’ health. In managed care, a patient has a network of doctors and specialists. If the programme works properly, doctors can monitor all aspects of care, in contrast to the fragmented fee-for-service system. The contracts that states have with firms can set standards for quality. Texas, for instance, will cut 5% from a company’s payment if it does not meet what is required.管理关怀的鼓吹者有着很高的期待。首先,他们希望这能让成本变得可以预测,其次,他们相信,这个改变可以改善病人的健康。在管理关怀中,一个病人有一个由医生和专家组成的网络。如果这个计划运行良好,医生可以监测关怀的各个方面,相对于分离的的按服务付钱的系统来说。州政府和公司的合同可以为质量定下标准。德州,举例说,将会在付款中扣除5%如果公司没有达到要求的标准。The next step is to integrate care for those eligible for both Medicaid and Medicare, the federal programme for the old. These “duals” account for almost 40% of Medicaid’s costs and just 15% of its population. “If managed care can really deliver better care than fee-for-service”, says Diane Rowland, chair of the commission that advises Congress on Medicaid, “this is the population that could prove it.”下一步是整合那些同时符合公共医疗补助和长者医疗补助计划(联邦老人医疗补助)的人群。这些“双符合”人群占据了将近40%的公共医疗补助成本和仅仅15%的人口数量。“如果管理关怀能真正比按项目付费带来更好的服务”,戴安-罗兰德,委员会(指导国会在公共医疗补助政策上进行决策)主任说:“这是一群能证明管理关怀可行的人。”But some, such as Norma Vescovo, are sceptical. As the head of the non-profit Independent Living Centre of Southern California (ILCSC), Ms Vescovo serves Medicaid patients with severe health problems. Over the years she has often sued California on policies that she thinks will hurt her vulnerable clients. On October 3rd her case moved to the Supreme Court.但是一些人,例如像诺玛-凡斯科夫就对此表示怀疑。作为非盈利的南加州独立生活中心主任,凡斯科夫女士服务于那些有严重健康问题的接受公共医疗补助的病人。在这些年间,她经常控告加州政府在一些政策上会伤害她的一些脆弱的客户。在10月3日,她的案子被移到了上诉法院。The outcome of Douglas v Independent Living Centre will have profound implications for the future of Medicaid. Ms Vescovo’s suit concerns cuts to hospitals and doctors. But the case will also guide the course of managed care. If ILCSC and its co-plaintiffs win, private groups will continue to be able to challenge states on policies they think violate federal Medicaid law. Ms Vescovo, who argues that California’s payment cuts would eviscerate her clients’ access to services, worries that under managed care the disabled might not be able to see the specialists they need.道格拉斯 v 独立生活中心的结果将会对公共医疗补助有深远的意义。凡斯科夫女士的诉讼影响到医院和医生的津贴削减。但是这个案子将会引领管理关怀的进程。如果中心和其他原告胜诉,私人团体将会继续在那些他们认为违反联邦法律的政策上挑战州政府。凡斯科夫女士认为说加州的支付削减计划会让她的客户失去得到服务的机会,她还担心,在管理关怀之下,那些残障人士可能不能见到那些他们需要的专家。The question is how to supervise the experiments with managed care that are being carried out in various states. To date, Medicaid beneficiaries have been able to challenge the states in court. However, if the Supreme Court rules against ILCSC, that avenue will be closed. The Centres for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) technically can intervene if states do not provide proper access to care. In reality, CMS has few tools to do so.问题是怎么监管在不同州试运行的管理关怀。到目前为止,公共医疗补助受益者已经能够在法庭中挑战政府。然而,如果上诉法庭结果不利于中心,那么这条路将会被关闭。如果州政府没有提供合适的关怀的话,公共医疗补助和长者医疗关怀中心理论上是能对此进行干涉,但事实上,他们没有太多办法。“I’m a big fan of managed care”, says Sara Rosenbaum, a professor at George Washington University, “but this transformation may happen with almost no federal oversight.” Medicaid beneficiaries are vulnerable, in worse health than Americans as a whole. Companies may struggle to cut costs and provide good care as well. If states do not draft their contracts properly, or fail to be vigilant in monitoring patients’ health, their experiment in managed care could be a disaster. On the other hand, if states are careful they could provide an answer to the question that has vexed America for years: how to provide good, cheap health care.“我是管理关怀的拥护者”,萨拉-罗森博姆,一位乔治华盛顿大学教授说,“但是这种转变可能在没有联邦监管的情况下发生。”公共医疗补助的受益者和你脆弱,健康程度整体上比一般美国人要差。公司可能在削减成本的同时挣扎着同样提供良好的服务。如果州政府们不好好起草他们的合同,或没有警觉地监控病人的健康的话,他们在管理关怀上的实验可能会是一场灾难。另一方面,如果州政府们认真的话,他们能为那个困扰美国人多年的问题提供答案,即怎么提供优质的便宜的健康关怀。

翻译如下:China's sustained economic growth and weak world economic growth and the continuous devaluation of dollar, particularly the . government in the domestic unemployment rate and rising international trade deficit of the circumstances, the United States some people will be unemployed manufacturing workers in the United States and the reasons for the Sino-US trade deficit Summed up as the RMB exchange , the renminbi exchange rate is not the main cause of a Sino-US trade deficit, the EC analysis of Sino-US trade balance statistics difference between the two countries so large there are two main aspects of reasons: (1), the United States statistics will be part of China's re-exports through Hong Kong Double-counting of trade in China's exports to the United States (2), the . trade data collection process has many , Sino-US trade deficit is what causes (1), the . Government's high-tech products export control policy, Sino-US trade imbalance is an important reason. (2), . investment in China's balance of trade of multinational companies is another important reason. China to the United States despite the existence of high trade surplus, but a large part of the trade surplus from the . multinational companies in China, according to Chinese statistics show that: China's import and export amount of 56 percent is from foreign-funded enterprises to achieve, China is . multinational companies to reduce production costs and increase profits one of the main channel.(3), the . trade statistics report and the multinational corporations will not return to the United States of the investment income , Liaokai . foreign trade deficit veil of the United States imports a large number of companies from abroad set up their own production lines, in other words, the . subsidiary of multinational companies import goods from overseas, the reality of the trade are many companies and the companies, not countries with national The document economist Julius once the . balance of trade statistics, if coupled with its overseas subsidiaries in the local double-counting, then in 1986 the . trade balance from a deficit of 144 billion . dollars into 57 billion A surplus of . dollars. According to the . Department of Commerce statistics, in 1995 the . subsidiary of multinational companies in sales over 210 million . dollars, with exports of goods and services the same year 794 billion . dollars, almost 3 trillion . dollars, and foreign exports to the . and foreign companies in the . , A subsidiary of the internal sales total of trillion . dollars, the United States today is not the world's largest trade deficit country, but the world on a few large trade surplus with one of the . exports to foreign multinational companies in the United States and abroad for sale on the market, both in 2002 and amounted to 3 trillion . dollars. Over the same period, imports of . and foreign multinational companies in the . market sales, and for both of trillion . dollars, resulting in the United States on the world's total trade surplus of 600 billion . dollars, and this is when the analysis of the . foreign trade deficit Should comprehensively grasp the essence of the , the . trade deficit, the real reason (1) in the 1970s, the two oil crises led to two world oil prices rose sharply, from Japan and developing countries with strong economic competitiveness and the strength of the dollar exchange rate, these Are making . goods, services trade deficit in 1987 reached a peak of 152 billion . dollars.(2) deterioration of the low . savings rate, the United States must from the international financial market, raising funds for construction, that is, factoring funds to invest heavily in the building. (3) . multinational companies in the United States in the import trade played by the "one of us" role, that is part of the trade deficit is actually "returning goods." China and the United States is a complementary economy, maintain the existing exchange rate system is a win-win situation.




英文美文可以让你感受的英语文学的魅力,短小精悍的英语美文总是受到人们的欢迎。接下来,我跟你分享英语美文小短文附中文,欢迎阅读英语美文摘抄带翻译。 英语美文小短文:朋友就该这么做 Jack tossed the papers on my desk—his eyebrows knit into a straight line as he glared at me. 杰克把文件扔到我桌上,皱着眉头,气愤地瞪着我。 "What’s wrong?" I asked. “怎么了?”我问道。 He jabbed a finger at the proposal. "Next time you want to change anything, ask me first," he said, turning on his heels and leaving me stewing in anger. 他指着计划书狠狠地说道:“下次想作什么改动前,先征求一下我的意见。”然后转身走了,留下我一个人在那里生闷气。 How dare he treat me like that, I thought. I had changed one long sentence, and corrected grammar, something I thought I was paid to do. 他怎么能这样对我!我想,我只是改了一个长句,更正了语法错误,但这都是我的分内之事啊。 It’s not that I hadn’t been warned. Other women who had worked my job before me called Jack names I couldn’t repeat. One coworker took me aside the first day. "He’s personally responsible for two different secretaries leaving the firm," she whispered. 其实也有人提醒过我,上一任在我这个职位上工作的女士就曾大骂过他。我第一天上班时,就有同事把我拉到一旁小声说:“已有两个秘书因为他而辞职了。” As the weeks went by, I grew to despise Jack. His actions made me question much that I believed in, such as turning the other cheek and loving your enemies. Jack quickly slapped a verbal insult on any cheek turned his way. I prayed about the situation, but to be honest, I wanted to put Jack in his place, not love him. 几周后,我逐渐有些鄙视杰克了,而这又有悖于我的信条——别人打你左脸,右脸也转过去让他打;爱自己的敌人。但无论怎么做,总会挨杰克的骂。说真的,我很想灭灭他的嚣张气焰,而不是去爱他。我还为此默默祈祷过。 One day another of his episodes left me in tears. I stormed into his office, prepared to lose my job if needed, but not before I let the man know how I felt. I opened the door and Jack glanced up. “What?” he asked abruptly. 一天,因为一件事,我又被他气哭了。我冲进他的办公室,准备在被炒鱿鱼前让他知道我的感受。我推开门,杰克抬头看了我一眼。“有事吗?”他突然说道。 Suddenly I knew what I had to do. After all, he deserved it. 我猛地意识到该怎么做了。毕竟,他罪有应得。 I sat across from him and said calmly, “Jack, the way you’ve been treating me is wrong. I’ve never had anyone speak to me that way. As a professional, it’s wrong, and I can’t allow it to continue.” 我在他对面坐下:“杰克,你对待我的方式很有问题。还从没有人像你那样对我说话。作为一个职业人士,你这么做很愚蠢,我无法容忍这样的事情再度发生。” Jack snickered nervously and leaned back in his chair. I closed my eyes briefly. God help me, I prayed. 杰克不安地笑了笑,向后靠靠。我闭了一下眼睛,祈祷着,希望上帝能帮帮我。 “I want to make you a promise. I will be a friend,” I said. “I will treat you as you deserve to be treated, with respect and kindness. You deserve that. Everybody does.” I slipped out of the chair and closed the door behind me. “我保证,可以成为你的朋友。你是我的上司,我自然会尊敬你,礼貌待你,这是我应做的。每个人都应得到如此礼遇。”我说着便起身离开,把门关上了。 Jack avoided me the rest of the week. Proposals, specs, and letters appeared on my desk while I was at lunch, and my corrected versions were not seen again. I brought cookies to the office one day and left a batch on his desk. Another day I left a note. “Hope your day is going great,” it read. 那个星期余下的几天,杰克一直躲着我。他总趁我吃午饭时,把计划书、技术说明和信件放在我桌上,并且,我修改过的文件不再被打回来。一天,我买了些饼干去办公室,顺便在杰克桌上留了一包。第二天,我又留了一张字条,在上面写道:“祝你今天一切顺利。” Over the next few weeks, Jack reappeared. He was reserved, but there were no other episodes. Coworkers cornered me in the break room. “Guess you got to Jack,” they said. “You must have told him off good.” 接下来的几个星期,杰克不再躲避我了,但沉默了许多,办公室里再也没发生不愉快的事情。于是,同事们在休息室把我团团围了起来。“听说杰克被你镇住了,”他们说,“你肯定大骂了他一顿。” I shook my head. “Jack and I are becoming friends,” I said in faith. I refused to talk about him. Every time I saw Jack in the hall, I smiled at him. After all, that’s what friends do. 我摇了摇头,一字一顿地说:“我们会成为朋友。”我根本不想提起杰克,每次在大厅看见他时,我总冲他微笑。毕竟,朋友就该这样。 One year after our "talk," I discovered I had breast cancer. I was thirty-two, the mother of three beautiful young children, and scared. The cancer had metastasized to my lymph nodes and the statistics were not great for long-term survival. After my surgery, friends and loved ones visited and tried to find the right words. No one knew what to say, and many said the wrong things. Others wept, and I tried to encourage them. I clung to hope myself. 一年后,我32岁,是三个漂亮孩子的母亲,但我被确诊为乳腺癌,这让我极端恐惧。癌细胞已经扩散到我的淋巴腺。从统计数据来看,我的时间不多了。手术后,我 拜访 了亲朋好友,他们尽量宽慰我,都不知道说些什么好,有些人反而说错了话,另外一些人则为我难过,还得我去安慰他们。我始终没有放弃希望。 One day, Jack stood awkwardly in the doorway of my small, darkened hospital room. I waved him in with a smile. He walked over to my bed and without a word placed a bundle beside me. Inside the package lay several bulbs. 就在我出院的前一天,我看到门外有个人影。是杰克,他尴尬地站在门口。我微笑着招呼他进来,他走到我床边,默默地把一包东西放在我旁边,那里边是几个球茎。 "Tulips," he said. “这是郁金香。”他说。 I grinned, not understanding. 我笑着,不明白他的用意。 He shuffled his feet, then cleared his throat. "If you plant them when you get home, they’ll come up next spring. I just wanted you to know that I think you’ll be there to see them when they come up." 他清了清嗓子,“回家后把它们种下,到明年春天就长出来了。”他挪挪脚,“我希望你知道,你一定看得到它们发芽开花。” Tears clouded my eyes and I reached out my hand. "Thank you," I whispered. 我泪眼朦胧地伸出手。 Jack grasped my hand and gruffly replied, "You’re welcome. You can’t see it now, but next spring you’ll see the colors I picked out for you. I think you’ll like them." He turned and left without another word. “谢谢你。”我低声说。杰克抓住我的手,生硬地答道:“不必客气。到明年长出来后,你就能看到我为你挑的是什么颜色的郁金香了。”之后,他没说一句话便转身离开了。 For ten years, I have watched those red-and-white striped tulips push their way through the soil every spring. 转眼间,十多年过去了,每年春天,我都会看着这些红白相间的郁金香破土而出。事实上,今年九月,医生已宣布我痊愈了。我也看着孩子们高中 毕业 ,进入大学。 In a moment when I prayed for just the right word, a man with very few words said all the right things. 在那绝望的时刻,我祈求他人的安慰,而这个男人寥寥数语,却情真意切,温暖着我脆弱的心。 After all, that’s what friends do. 毕竟,朋友之间就该这么做。 英语美文小短文:不凡的连衣裙 “Do you like my dress?"she asked of a passing stranger."My mommy made it just for me."She said with a tear in her eye. "你喜欢我的连衣裙吗?“她问一位正走过她身边的陌生人。”我妈妈专给我做的。”她说道,眼里冒出了泪珠。 "Well,I think it's very pretty,so tell me little one,why are you crying?" “嗯,我认为你的裙子真漂亮。告诉我,小姑娘,你为什么哭呢?” With a quiver in her voice the little girl answered."After Mommy made me this dress,she had to go away." 小姑娘声音有些颤抖,回答道:“我妈妈给我做完这条裙子后就不得不离开了。” "Well,now,"said the lady,"with a little girl like you waiting for her,I'm sure she'll be right back." “哦,是这样,”陌生的女士说,“有你这样一个小姑娘等着她,我敢肯定她很快就会回来的。” "No Ma'am ,you don't understand,"said the child through her tears,"my daddy said she's up in heaven now with Grandfather." “不,女士,您不明白,”女孩透过泪水说,“我爸说她现在和我爷爷在天堂里。” Finally the woman realized what the child meant,and why she was down she gently cradled the child in her arms and together they cried for the mommy that was gone. 女士终于明白孩子的意思了,也明白她为什么哭泣。她跪下,温柔地把女孩搂在怀里,她们一起为离去的妈妈哭泣。 Then suddenly the little girl did something that the woman thought was a bit stopped crying,stepped back from the woman and began to sang so softly that it was almost a whisper. It was the sweetest sound the woman had ever heard,almost like the song of a very small bird. 忽然小姑娘又做了件让女士感到有点奇怪的事。她停住了哭泣,从女士怀抱中抽出身,向后退了一步,然后开始 唱歌 。她唱得如此轻柔,几乎像章晨低语。这是女士听到过的最甜美的声音,简直就像一只非常小的小鸟在吟唱。 After the child stopped singing she explained to the lady,"My mommy used to sing that song to me before she went away,and she made me promise to sing it whenever I started crying and it would make me stop." 小女孩唱完后解释说:“妈妈离去前经常给我唱这支歌,她让我答应她我一哭就唱这支歌,这样我就不哭了。” "See,"she exclaimed,"it did,and now my eyes are dry!" “您瞧,”她惊叫道,“真管用,现在我的眼睛里没有眼泪了!” As the woman turned to go,the little girl grabbed her sleeve,"Ma'am,can you stay just a minute?I want to show you something." 女士转身要走时,小女孩抓住她的衣袖:“女士,您能再停留一小会儿吗?我想给您看点东西。” "Of course,"she answered,"what do you want me to see?" “当然可以,”她回答,“你想要我看什么呢?” Pointing to a spot on her dress,she said,"Right here is where my mommy kissed my dress,and here,"pointing to another spot,"and here is another kiss, and here,and said that she put all those kisses on my dress so that I would have her kisses for every booboo'that made me cry." 小女孩指着裙子上的一处,说:“就在这里,我妈妈亲了我的裙子,还有这里,”她指着另外一处,“这里有另外一个吻,还有这里,这里。妈妈说她把所有这些吻都留在我的连衣裙上,这样我遇到什么事哭了,就会有她的亲吻。” Then the lady realized that she wasn't just looking at a dress,no,she was looking at a mother…who knew that she was going away and would not be there to kiss away the hurts that she knew her daughter would get. 这时,女士意识到在她眼前的不是一件连衣裙,不是的,她在凝视一位母亲……这位母亲知道她将离去,无法随时守候在女儿身边,吻去她知道女儿必然会遇到的种种伤心事。 So she took all the love she had for her beautiful little girl and put them into this dress,that her child now so proudly wore. 所以她将所有对她美丽女儿的爱倾注在这件连衣裙上。现在,女儿如此骄傲地穿在身上。 She no longer saw a little girl in a simple dress. She saw a child wrapped…in her mother's love. 她看到的不再是身穿一件简单的连衣裙的小女孩。她看到的是一个……被妈妈的爱裹着的孩子。 英语美文摘抄带翻译 1.暗黄的灯光,仅仅也只能照射过彼此。你、我肩上共同担当的责任,犹如一片灰尘遮掩。怕只怕灯丝的突然熄灭在这无尽的黑夜和数不尽的孤单之中。 Dark light, just light each other. The responsibility that you and my shoulders take together, such as one dust covers up. Only afraid the light suddenly put out in theendless dark night and countless loneliness. 2. 我们每个人都像是农夫。洒下良种将有丰收,播下劣种或生满野草便将毁去收成。没有耕耘则会一无所获。我希望未来比过去更加美好,希望未来不会沾染历史的错误与过失。我们都应举目向前,因我们的余生要用未来书写。 We are all in the position of the farmer. If we plant a good seed, we reap a good harvest. If our seed is poor and full of weeds, we reap a useless crop. If we plant nothing at all, we harvest nothing at all. I want the future to be better than the past. I do not want it contaminated by the mistakes and errors with which history is filled. We should all be concerned about the future because that is where we will spend the remainder of our lives. 3. 现在我知道,灵魂倍受煎熬的时刻,也正是生命中最多选择与机会的时刻。任何事情的成败取决于我在寻求帮助时是抬起头还是低下头。无论何时,当我被可怕的失败击倒,在最初的阵痛过去之后,我都要想方设法将苦难变成好事。伟大的机遇就在这一刻闪现——这苦涩的根必将迎来满园芬芳! Now I know that there are no times in life when opportunity, the chance to be and do gathers so richly about my soul when it has to suffer cruel adversity. Then everything depends on whether I raise my head or lower it in seeking help. Whenever I am struck down, in the future, by any terrible defeat, I will inquire of myself, after the first pain has passed, how I can turn that adversity into good. What a great opportunity that moment may present——to take the bitter root I am holding and transform it into fragrant garden of flowers. 4. 如果这是我的末日,那么它就是不朽的纪念日,我把它当成最美好的日子。我要把每分每秒化为甘露,一口一口,细细品尝,满怀感激。我要每一分钟都有价值。我要加倍努力,直到精疲力竭。即使这样,我还要继续努力。今天的每一分钟都胜过昨天的每一小时,最后的也是最好的。假如今天是我生命中的最后一天。如果不是的话,我要跪倒在上苍面前,深深致谢。If it is my last, it will be my greatest moment. This day I will make the best day of my life. This day I will drink every minute to its full. I will savor its taste and give thanks. I will make the every hour count and each minute I will trade only for something of value. I will labor harder than ever before and push my muscles until they cry for relief, and then I will continue. Each minute of today will be more fruitful than hours of yesterday. My last must be my will live this day as if it is my last. And if it is not, I shall fall to my knees and give thanks to god. 5.人生的纷纷扰扰,杂杂乱乱,在一个特定的时间,特定的地点,做脑海中安排了千万遍的事,一次一个步骤,人生难免精致,却也死板,永远没有激情,没有意料之外的惊喜。于是,也只有在心里默默地问:下一班幸福,几点开? Life is full of confusing and disordering particular time, a particular location, do the arranged thing of ten million time in the brain. Step by step , the life is hard to avoid delicacy and stiffness, no enthusiasm forever and no unexpected happening of surprising and pleasing. So, only silently ask myself in mind:next happiness, when will come? 6.一扇通往幸福的门关闭了,另一扇幸福之门打开了,可有多少次啊,我们徘徊在那扇关闭的门前,却忽略了那扇早已为我们开启的新的幸福之门。不要以貌取人,外貌可能会欺你;不要追逐财富,财富会消失的。去寻找那个让你笑口常开的人吧,一个微笑就可以使暗淡的日子豁然开朗。去追寻那个令你心灵愉悦的人吧! When the door of happiness closes, another opens, but often times we look so long at the closed door that we don't see the one which has been opened for us. Don't go for looks, they can deceive. Don't go for wealth, even that fades away. Go for someone who makes you smile because it takes only a smile to make a dark day seem bright. Find the one that makes your heart smiles. 7. 重要的不是你认识多少人,而是在你离开后,别人会认为是个永远的损失。重要的不是你想念谁,而是爱你的人想念你。重要的是别人会记你多长时间,谁记着你,为什么记着你。过一种有意义的生活不是一件偶然的事情。 What will matter is not how many people you knew, but how many will feel a lasting loss when you're gone. What will matter is not your memories, but the memories of those who loved you. What will matter is how long you will be remembered, by whom and for what. Living a life that matters doesn’t happen by accident. 8.珍惜你所拥有的每一个瞬间。昨日已成历史,而明日仍是个谜。今天则是珍贵的礼物,那是它为何被称做“礼物”的原因。 Treasure every moment that you have! Yesterday is history, tomorrow is mystery. Today is a gift. That's why it's called "the present". 猜你喜欢: 1. 优秀英语美文摘抄 2. 关于英语美文摘抄带翻译欣赏 3. 英语美文摘抄带翻译欣赏 4. 短篇英语美文摘抄带翻译 5. 短篇英语美文摘抄带翻译精选 6. 英语短篇美文带翻译精选



Graduation Thesis 或 diploma work



He was awarded his PhD for a thesis on industrial robots.


Please write an abstract of this article 〔 thesis 〕.


Your thesis wouldn't get across if you used too many technical terms in it.


He is writing his doctoral thesis in electrical engineering.

