

发布时间:2024-07-08 10:02:10



企业诚信营销初探【摘 要】 本文探讨了企业开展诚信营销的必要性,并从找出我国企业诚信营销方面存在的问题与提出解决问题的方法等方面对诚信营销实施进行了专门研究。【关键词】 诚信;诚信营销;策略 一、我国企业诚信营销发展的必然性1、诚信营销是社会进步的必然要求随着社会的进步,人们的道德水准也不断提高,目前人们普遍认识到,市场营销道德的最根本的准则应是维护和增进全社会和人民的长远利益。而要做到这一点,贯彻诚信营销又是核心环节。为了最大限度满足消费者的需要和社会长远利益的需要,也为了企业自身的生存和发展,企业实施诚信营销是时代进步的必然要求。2、诚信营销是企业实施可持续发展战略的必然约束企业要实现可持续发展,实施诚信营销是其中十分有效的途径。通过实施诚信营销,迫使企业时刻从消费者身心健康出发,尽最大限度重视消费者的健康,同时力求减少和避免环境污染,充分注意自然生态平衡,保护和节约自然资源,维护人类社会的长远利益。由此可见,实施可持续发展战略迫使企业必须实施诚信营销。3、诚信营销是市场竞争规范化的必然结果由于生产力的飞速发展,生产效率的快速提高,市场出现了买方市场,因而市场竞争异常激烈。在这样激烈的竞争中,尤其是我国处于建立社会主义市场经济初期,法制建设还不甚完善的条件下,各个企业为了求生存争发展,在市场上争占一席之地,在营销中纷纷使出浑身解数,甚至采用了如请客、送礼、回扣、贿赂、搭售、窃取商业情报、蓄意贬低竞争对手的广告宣传等不正当竞争手法。4、诚信营销是企业占领市场的有力武器任何一个企业都可能把市场占有率最大化作为自己的营销目标之一。然而,企业如何提高自己的市场占有率呢?不同的企业有不同的招数。在当前市场竞争异常激烈的情况下,消费者有更多的选择余地,随着消费者越来越理性、成熟,加上家庭收入和消费水平的不断提高,优选信誉好、讲诚信的经营者必将成为一种趋势。二、我国企业诚信营销中存在的一些问题及其原因分析1、我国企业诚信营销存在的一些问题(1)企业没有树立符合市场经济要求的诚信观。一部分企业见利忘义,急于致富,不受商业伦理道德的约束,抛弃了诚信经商的传统,不择手段地追求利润,致使商业行为中出现了种种损害消费者利益的欺诈行为。(2)产权不明晰。产权不明晰,企业无需对自己的行为承担责任,其行为必然短期化,自然也就不再重视诚信。(3)信息不对称。在拥有信息方面,消费者是弱势群体,而企业可以利用这方面的优势从事损害消费者利益的活动。(4)政策多变,地方保护主义严重。一些相关政府部门,尤其是一些地方政府出于地方保护的需要,直接以行政手段干预企业的行为,公开袒护本地企业的失信行为,助长了企业失信。(5)法律环境不完善。目前我国法律环境的现状是:对不讲信誉的企业监督和处罚力度小,有法不依,执法不严,客观上纵容了企业的失信行为。2、我国企业诚信营销缺乏的原因分析随着市场经济的发展,诚信问题越来越为人们所重视,且现实的经济生活中有些企业存在着大量的诚信问题。我国企业诚信营销缺乏的原因主要有以下几点:(1)市场经济发展还不成熟:市场经济以物质利益作为人们行为的驱动机制,是趋利经济,容易滋生欺诈经营。利大大干,利小小干,无利不干,是市场经济趋利性的本质表现。因此,市场经济有其积极的一面,也有其消极的一面。(2)道德容易失控:道德是行为规范的总和。企业为社会提供的是产品,产品的品质和数量与人民身心健康休戚相关。为社会提供更多更好的产品,必然要求组织成员树立以人为本的观念,将外在的道德原则内化为自己的道德品质和自我需求。(3)企业对短期利益追求过火:事实证明,巨额广告投入确实能带来“惊天动地”的效果。然而任何成功的品牌都要有较高的知名度和忠诚度来支撑。企业短期的大力宣传只是提升了品牌的知名度,而没有提升品牌的忠诚度,品牌的忠诚度需要历史的沉淀,它是长时间的结晶、长过程的升华。(4)信息不对称造成企业失信:在信息不对称的条件下,单个经营企业坚持诚信可以看作是一种风险。也就是说,在信息不对称的有限博弈中,任何一方都没有诚信的动力。一把就跑是信息不对称有限博弈状态下常见的现象。只有信息通畅、重复博弈才能建立起诚信营销的机制。三、实施诚信营销的策略1、政府应采取的策略诚信营销的环境建设要从道德基础和制度建设保障两个方面着手解决。具体如下:(1)树立企业的诚信意识。诚信可以为企业赢得更多的合作者,创造更多的商机和经济效益。只有以消费者的利益为中心,企业才能诚实守信,不做欺消费者的不乏行为。(2)明晰产权制度。产权制度的基本功能就是提供一个稳定的预期和重复博弈的规则,所以产权制度是建立诚信的基础和保障。(3)建立信用和信息传输系统。要改变目前企业诚信环境差的局面,就要建立通畅的信用和信息传输系统。通过公开诚信信息,使不讲诚信的企业失去市场,最终被淘汰出局。(4)规范政府行为,打击地方保护主义。要使企业对未来形成稳定的预期,就要加快政府职能的转变,实行政企分开,避免政府介入直接交易行为。(5)完善法律法规,加大惩罚力度。当企业不讲诚信损害到消费者权益时,消费者可以用法律讨回权益,让不讲诚信的企业付出代价。2、企业应采取的策略(1)产品诚信。从产品的广义角度看,产品包括有形的实体和无形的服务,产品的质量是企业的生命,因此要求产品的性能、寿命、安全等指数都符合国家技术标准或行业标准。(2)价格诚信。价格是企业赢得市场的有效武器,也是一把双刃剑,运用得好,可以促进企业的发展,运用得不好,使企业迅速陷入困境。在市场竞争激烈的时代,不少企业利用各种虚假的优惠价、折扣价、处理价、甩卖价、出口转内销价欺消费者。(3)分销诚信。企业具备了知名度、美誉度和忠诚度,也就打开了产品的销路,但要实现正常的销售还离不了渠道管理的畅通,因此企业不仅要与消费者搞好关系,还要与分销商建立长期良好的合作关系。产品在流转过程中,生产企业要与流通企业(经销商)建立长期良好的伙伴合作关系,这种关系的建立需要诚信来维持。(4)促销诚信。改革开放以来,随着市场经济的发展,企业的促销—55—企业诚信营销初探经营管理《新西部》期活动十分活跃。但是,一些企业的促销活动也存在一些不规范的行为,主要集中在五个方面:一是不实宣传;二是价格欺诈;三是限制消费者合法权益;四是缺乏安全管理措施;五是违反商业道德,操作有违社会善良风俗的促销活动。3、员工诚信员工诚信是指企业的员工,包括企业的高层,都要按照诚信的要求做事,参与到企业的诚信建设中来。企业领导和全体员工都要不断学习,牢固树立诚信的思想,并把诚信思想化为具体的行为:一是要提供诚信产品和服务,对企业不符合诚信的行为进行坚决的抵制,并积极进行上报,不生产、销售劣质产品,不污染环境,不提供虚假证明等。二是对于本企业的产品、服务等都要亲自购买、亲自使用,特别是企业的管理层,要先将自己塑造成企业的忠诚客户。4、加强营销道德建设,构建营销诚信文化诚实守信是中国传统文化的重要内容之一,要求人们诚善于心,言行一致。孔子曾指出“与朋友交,言则有信”、“信则人任焉”。在当代中国背景下,诚信是一种特别稀缺的资源,能够提升企业的竞争力,树立良好的企业形象,有效地吸引顾客。因此,企业在营销过程中,应该加强职业操守的修炼,忠于职守,诚信待人,诚信服务,建立一种诚信理念,构建企业营销诚信文化。然而诚信文化建设是一个系统工程,不是一朝一夕就能建成的,需要假以时日,长年累月地坚持下去,以人为本,视诚信重于泰山,对人民负责,对国家负责。在营销诚信文化建设中,要特别重视企业一把手的诚信及诚信意识的培养,树立诚信经营的观念。四、结论任何企业不重视诚信营销,就不会有持久的原动力。而一个企业若不造成自己的诚信优势,则不能形成持久的竞争力。在此同时,由于社会的进步,企业生存和发展的要求,以及过剩经济的来临与市场竞争的加剧,加之消费者自我保护意识的加强,企业经营者树立诚信营销理念和制定与其相适应的相关政策,并以此来指导企业的生产经营活动就成为一种必然趋势。【参考文献】[1] 林祖华.市场营销十大新趋势[J].商业时代(理论版),.[2] 陈向军.论企业诚信营销[J].商业时代,.[3] 刘卫东.诚信是企业发展的根基[J].时代汽车,.[4] 郝渊晓.转轨期我国营销环境与企业诚信营销[N].西安邮电学院学报,.[5] 刘金锋.论诚信营销产生的必然性[J].商业时代, 2004. 12. 7-14.[6] 尚爱英.浅谈诚信与企业发展的关系[J].沿海企业与科技,.[7] 刘辉.培植企业诚信文化探索[N].河北经贸大学学报,.

析数据库营销中的市场细分日期:2009-02-23 03:39:55 点击:6 好评:0 摘要:数据库中的知识发现(KDD)越来越多地应用到企业的市场营销设计与支持过程中。文章阐述了数据库营销的特点和作用,通过分析数据库营销中的市场细分与市场营销中...

摘 要: 国际、国内经营环境的变化,技术的加速进步,消费者需求的不断变化,都导致产品范畴的竞争优势难以维持。产品因创新而获得的相对竞争优势在短期内也会让竞争对手模仿甚至超越,无法建立起顾客的长期忠诚。因此,依托品牌核心价值,建立顾客的长期忠诚成为企业的必然战略选择。关键词:品牌战略;顾客忠诚;价值导向;竞争 入世后,国内企业经营环境发生了剧烈变化,竞争的全球化趋势日益明显。而传统的基于低劳动力成本的优势正越来越受到国际竞争对手多元化经营战略的抵消,国际贸易壁垒的降低,技术研发的巨大差距,消费市场的发育程度,有效生产效率的差距亦导致这种优势的失去,而最直接的市场表现形式即是品牌认知的世界性差距。这种对品牌的理解程度上的差距决定了国内企业在品牌操作上难以与国际企业展开有效的竞争。国外企业进入国内市场之前,大多数的国内消费者甚至不知道存在这种品牌,但他们进入本土市场时,却能在最短的时间就与消费者建立强有力的情感纽带,进而巩固市场地位,其有效的武器就是一套成熟的品牌关系营销策略。国内企业的品牌竞争往往建立在广告、资金规模、媒体炒作等低层次的水平上,没有品牌的核心价值或是品牌核心价值模糊,尤其缺乏文化层面的品牌推广策略。社会大众对品牌核心内涵的感知不清晰,无法建立消费者对品牌的持久印象,直接表现为消费者的品牌印象肤浅,广告一旦停下来,销量瞬即下滑,只有品牌的知名度而没有品牌的美誉度、忠诚度。这反映国内企业在品牌建设的过程中存在普遍的价值导向的误区,直接表现为方法论上的错误。 一、当前国内企业创建品牌存在的误区 (一)缺乏品牌价值的核心判断 一般而言,企业经营一定阶段后会上升到品牌竞争的层面。品牌竞争的内涵极为丰富,主要表现为三类形态:产品形态品牌的竞争;产品线类品牌的竞争;公司类品牌的竞争。不管哪种阶段,关键是品牌核心价值的竞争,它是品牌存在的目的与意义,表示企业能向消费者提供的价值,在观念上得到消费者的认同程度,是消费者对品牌的核心需求,也是消费者忠诚于品牌的根本理由。具体而言,品牌的价值趋向表现在以下几个层面: 1.文化精神形态的价值核心 企业存在的主要目的在于为客户创造价值,所以应将客户价值的实现当作永远努力的事业,在这一核心价值的统领下进行产品跨种类乃至跨行业的延伸。企业在为社会创造财富的过程中,不断强化自身的价值。在创造财富与强化自身价值的过程中,品牌的轮廓在消费者的心中会越来越清晰统一,核心价值就成了消费者心中的烙印,品牌的任何印迹的出现都会让消费者联想到品牌的核心价值,或者消费者有这种价值的需求时,也会首先想到该品牌,消费者对品牌便会产生长久的依赖性。实际上此时消费者心中的品牌已经超物质化,异化为精神的一种认同和联想。如迪斯尼乐园品牌的核心价值是“为人们带来快乐(make people happy)”,从开始的卡通画到卡通影片及迪斯尼乐园都没有离开“为人们带来快乐”这一品牌核心,虽然迪斯尼的产品在不断地推陈出新,但迪斯尼经营的不是某类具体的产品,而是“为人们带来快乐”这一品牌的灵魂。这是超脱于物质层面的精神联想,应该指出的是这种升华是以物质产品为基础的,并非形而上的异化。 2.市场识别的核心品牌价值 企业的产品形式可以随着需求的变化而变化,企业的业务可以随着市场变迁而衍变,品牌的包装、颜色可以不断地变化,但变化的只是品牌的表象,总有一层核心的东西在保持不变,这就是品牌的核心价值。在企业业务变化的过程中忌讳的是消费者的品牌判断错觉。消费者通过核心价值对品牌产生理念上的认知,达到品牌深植于消费者心中的目的,而不是由表象的符号来代表一种品牌。 3.企业可持续竞争力保障的品牌核心价值 技术更新的速度日益加快,体现在市场上是产品创新的周期趋短,老化的速度也越来越快,在微观上体现为企业经营环境的恶化。核心竞争力的保持是每一个企业面临的新的挑战,而品牌具有的超乎产品层面的文化持久力即品牌长期的核心价值竞争力为企业竞争力的保持提供了一定保障。品牌核心价值在消费者心中的地位越巩固,这种持续的竞争力也就越明显。“鹤舞白沙,我心飞翔”让湖南白沙集团建立了崭新的企业形象,扩展了产品范围,使得企业天天都有新形象,时时都在进步,通过每天的勤奋努力为消费者创造更多的价值来获得消费者积极的评价,“进步”是企业与消费者进行长期互动的核心力量。 4.维系顾客的核心价值 新经济时代,信息高度对称。产品范畴的独特优势难以维持太久,消费者的需求在不断地变化,具体产品难以获得消费者的忠诚。产品的定位也在为适应消费者的需求经常创新,但产品因创新而获得的相对竞争优势在短期内便会让竞争者所模仿甚至超越。先发优势的创新产品上市后在短期内会赢得消费者对该品牌产品的集中关注,但由于利润的驱动及竞争者在技术上的学习与模仿他们会很快推出功能相似的产品而填平了这种基于定位的差异,甚至有所创新和超越。这样的差异是相对的,也是动态的,无法建立消费者的长期忠诚,在款式与包装上更是如此。因此依托品牌的核心价值能建立消费者的长期忠诚。这种基于品牌核心价值的竞争优势会让品牌在定位稍落后于竞争对手的条件下留住消费者的心,在定位趋同的条件下超越竞争对手,在定位领先于竞争对手的条件建立强势品牌。 (二)产品的市场定位偏离了企业品牌的核心价值 人类工业化的进程导致社会的深度分工,社会产品的极大丰富导致企业明确的市场定位以获取区别于竞争对手的局部优势。准确、鲜明的品牌核心价值固然会赢得消费者的长期忠诚,但品牌价值的实现要靠准确的品牌定位来实现。前者的重点是长期留住大类目标消费群的心,后者是要满足小类目标消费群的短期需要。品牌定位是产品在类型、功能、价格、形象上的一系列组合,针对小类目标消费群的消费心理、个性特征、收入水平等因素而对产品自身进行系统的组合或修正,而不仅指某一方面的定位。 品牌定位的准确与否直接关系到品牌核心价值的顺利实现。 品牌核心价值是根植于消费者心理深层次的需要而提炼出来的,是对消费者精神上或心理上的满足,具有长期性和稳定性,甚至永久不变,而消费者对具体产品的需求是容易变化的,当他们发现自己缺少什么就会想要什么,因此品牌定位也需要根据消费者的需求及时做出反应并进行调整。然而遗憾的是国内不少企业却缺乏持久的市场定位,以为能迅速地跟踪需求变化就能占据竞争制高点,进而导致品牌内涵的频繁变化,违反品牌资产积累的恒定原则,最明显地表现在国内足球俱乐部的名称的频繁变化。品牌定位在进行调整时需要考虑两大约束条件:其一是吻合小类目标消费群的需求;其二是要不断强化品牌的核心价值。得不到消费者肯定的品牌定位必然是失败的,但仅仅考虑消费者的需要而背离品牌核心价值的品牌定位将会导致整个品牌体系的崩溃。 (三)忽视了人格化品牌的沟通力 最持久的关系是基于情感纽带的顾客维系。在品牌核心价值与品牌定位已经确定的条件下,品牌的大类目标消费群与小类目标消费群都已经清晰化和精确化,下一步就是如何让品牌与消费者进行有效的对话,品牌与消费者的沟通类似于人类社会中人与之间的交流,性格鲜明的人往往对性格类似的人有强烈的吸引力,性格类似的人交流起来感到很容易,并经常会有心灵共鸣。基于这一原理,在研究小类目标消费群的性格特征的基础上塑造相应的品牌性格。所谓品牌性格就是将品牌进行人格化,塑造出鲜活的具有人的性格特征的品牌形象。它代表特定的生活方式、价值观念与消费观念,当塑造出来的品牌性格符合目标消费群心理对这个品牌的一些预期、一些感情上的要求,甚至能够符合消费对象本身的个人生活形态的时候,品牌就能够建立起与目标消费群的长期友谊。 品牌性格会对品牌的媒体风格、媒介选择、形象代言人的选择、品牌行为等起到决定性的作用。因而品牌人格化的最常用手段是借助公众人物。另外,品牌性格是针对品牌定位中的小类目标消费群而言的,具有时代性和地域性,因为小类目标消费群的产品需求,生活方式和习惯是随时代的变化而不断变化的,而不同的地域又会具有不同的文化特征和消费习惯。品牌的性格就需要在不同的时期、不同的地域加以变化才能使之与小类目标消费群的性格特征相吻合,从而让品牌更具有亲和力,品牌的核心价值深入消费者的心中。 当品牌性格不能随时代的变化而改进或品牌不能视地域文化的不同而加以调整,导致消费者对品牌的宣传无兴趣或表示反感时,便会构成品牌老化。此时,品牌的核心价值难以深入消费者的心中,品牌传播的效果不佳,推广难度加大。品牌老化有两种表现形式:其一是品牌在传播过程中与时代的脱离,如麦当劳快餐忽略了品牌的时代内涵导致竞争对手肯德基的后来据上。其二是品牌性格与特定市场区域文化的冲突。例如当年的“千村百货”进军北京时忽略了当地市场的具体文化特征而仍然沿袭其粗放型的品牌性格,导致京城消费者的不认同,最终铩羽而归。因为目标消费群只对吻合自身特点的品牌性格感兴趣,而目标消费群在不同的地域不同的时代又会呈现不同的性格特点,品牌性格是基于小类目标消费群而作出的战术性品牌策略。国内企业应加强品牌区域文化嫁接整合的能力,使其表现出强大的适应性。 二、构建基于价值导向的品牌战略体系 以上归纳性的分析了国内企业在创建品牌过程中的一些误区,限于篇幅笔者只能试图给出导向性的建设意见。全球经济一体化的结果导致产业的全球整合,企业的战略定位在一定程度上决定了其品牌战略的实施,而品牌不仅仅是市场识别的标志,更是企业战略实施成果的文化标志。就国内市场而言,消费结构变化与市场供需的逆转同步进行,也客观上要求企业加速构建基于价值导向的品牌战略体系。严格讲,价值导向的品牌战略是在国际品牌成功运作的基础上总结出来的一套竞争与发展理论,要求经营者充分分析品牌核心价值、品牌定位、品牌性格、品牌传播之间内在的关系,为品牌操作中的品牌识别、品牌竞争、品牌延伸等元素提出系统的操作手段。 基于价值导向的品牌战略强调品牌核心价值在品牌规划与管理上的主导地位,企业应在深入分析行业特征、消费者需求、竞争对手、企业内部文化的基础上提炼出品牌的核心价值,进而建立忠诚于品牌核心价值的大类目标消费群。在大类目标消费群确立的基础上,进一步细分消费者对功能上的需求,进行实施品牌定位并划分小类目标消费群,通过分析小类目标消费群的性格特征并最终锁定品牌性格,在品牌性格与核心价值统一作用的基础制定出整合营销传播策略。 参考文献: [1]迈克尔·波特,著.陈小悦,译.竞争战略[M].北京:华夏出版社,1997. [2]弗雷德·R·戴维,著.李克宁,译.战略管理(第六版)[M].北京:经济科学出版社,1998. [3]迈克尔·波特,加里·哈默,等著.徐振东,张志武,译.未来的战略[M].成都:四川人民出版社,2000. [4]菲利普·科特勒,著.洪瑞云,梁绍明,陈振忠,译.市场营销管理(亚洲版)[M].北京:中国人民大学出版社,1997. [5]王方华,吕巍.企业战略管理[M].上海:复旦大学出版社,1997.


服务营销 Service Marketing服务质量管理 service quality management relationship management (CRM) is a multifaceted process, mediated by a set of information technologies, that focuses on creating two-way exchanges with customers so that firms have an intimate knowledge of their needs, wants, and buying patterns. In this way, CRM helps companies understand, as well as anticipate, the needs of current and potential customers.[1] Functions that support this business purpose include sales, marketing, customer service, training, professional development, performance management, human resource development, and compensation. Many CRM initiatives have failed because implementation was limited to software installation without alignment to a customer-centric are many aspects of CRM which were mistakenly thought to be capable of being implemented in isolation from each other. [3]From the outside of the organization, a customer experiences the business as one entity operating over extended periods of time. Thus piecemeal CRM implementation can come across to the customer as unsynchronized where employees and web sites and services are acting independently of one another, yet together represent a common is the philosophy, policy and coordinating strategy connecting different players within an organization so as to coordinate their efforts in creating an overall valuable series of experiences, products and services for the different players within the organization are in identifiable groups:Customer Facing Operations - The people and the technology support of processes that affect a customer's experience at the frontline interface between the customer and the organization. This can include face to face, phone, IM, chat, email, web and combinations of all media. Self-service kiosk and web self-service are doing the job of vocals and they belong here. Internal Collaborative Functional Operations - The people and technology support of processes at the policy and back office which ultimately affect the activities of the Customer Facing Operations concerning the building and maintaining of customer relationships. This can include IT, billing, invoicing, maintenance, planning, marketing, advertising, finance, services planning and manufacturing. External Collaboration functions - The people and technology support of processes supporting an organization and its cultivation of customer relationships that are affected by the organization's own relationship with suppliers/vendors and retail outlets/distributors. Some would also include industry cooperative networks, . lobbying groups, trade associations. This is the external network foundation which supports the internal Operations and Customer facing Operations. Customer Advocates and Experience Designers - Creative designers of customer experience that meet customer relationship goals of delivering value to the customer and profit to the organization (or desired outcomes and achievement of goals for non-profit and government organizations) Performance Managers and Marketing Analysts - Designers of Key Performance Indicators and collectors of metrics and data so as to execute/implement marketing campaigns, call campaigns, Web strategy and keep the customer relationship activities on track. This would be the milestones and data that allow activities to be coordinated, that determine if the CRM strategy is working in delivering ultimate outcomes of CRM activities: market share, numbers and types of customers, revenue, profitability, intellectual property concerning customers preferences. Customer and Employee Surveyors and Analysts - Customer Relationships are both fact driven and impression driven - the quality of an interaction is as important as the information and outcome achieved, in determining whether the relationship is growing or shrinking in value to the participants. [edit] Technology considerationsThe basic building blocks:A database for customer lifecycle (time series) information about each customer and prospect and their interactions with the organization, including order information, support information, requests, complaints, interviews and survey Intelligence - Translating customer needs and profitability projection into game plans for different segments or groups of customers, captured by customer interactions (Human, automated or combinations of both) into software that tracks whether that game plan is followed or not, and whether the desired outcomes are Modeling Customer Relationship Strategy, Goals and outcomes: Numbers and description of whether goals were met and models of customer segments and game plans worked as and Competency Management Systems - Customer Capacity and Competency Development - Training and improving processes and technology that enable the organization to get closer to achieving the desired results. Complex systems require practice in order to achieve desired outcomes, especially when humans and technology are interacting. Iteration is the key to refining, improving and innovating to stay ahead of the competition in Customer Relationship Management. (Successful tools, technology and practices will be copied by the competition as soon as they are proven successful.)The building blocks can be implemented over time separately, but eventually need to be dynamically coordinated. The ongoing alignment of the basic building blocks distinguishes an elegant seamless CRM implementation which successfully builds mutually valuable relationships.[edit] Types/Variations of CRMThere are several different approaches to CRM, and at present there is no one software package that allows all of these approaches to be applied. When companies consider implementing a CRM strategy, they usually talk about either Campaign Management or Sales Force Automation. Although CRM is much more than either of those parts, software packages are usually based around one or the other idea (with SFA being the most popular).Operational CRMOperational CRM provides support to "front office" business processes, including sales, marketing and service. Each interaction with a customer is generally added to a customer's contact history, and staff can retrieve information on customers from the database when of the main benefits of this contact history is that customers can interact with different people or different contact channels in a company over time without having to describe the history of their interaction each , many call centers use some kind of CRM software to support their call center CRM processes customer data for a variety of purposes:Managing Campaigns Enterprise Marketing Automation Sales Force Automation Sales Force Automation (SFA)Sales Force Automation is a type of Operational CRM that is designed to automate sales-force-related activities, such as lead tracking. Software products perform such tasks as:Keeping lists of leads Assigning list segments to salespeople Allowing list contacts to be called or e-mailed Tracking responses Generating reports Analytical CRMAnalytical CRM analyzes customer data for a variety of purposes:Design and execution of targeted marketing campaigns to optimize marketing effectiveness Design and execution of specific customer campaigns, including customer acquisition, cross-selling, up-selling, retention Analysis of customer behavior to aid product and service decision making (. pricing, new product development etc.) Management decisions, . financial forecasting and customer profitability analysis Prediction of the probability of customer defection (churn analysis) Analytical CRM generally makes heavy use of data Intelligence CRMSales Intelligence CRM is very similar to Analytical CRM, but it is intended as a more direct sales tool. Features include the delivery of "alerts" to sales people based on analysis of such factors as:Cross-sell/Up-sell/Switch-sell opportunities. Customer Drift. Sales performance, good and bad. Customer trends Customer margins Campaign ManagementCampaign management software is marketing-oriented CRM software that combines elements of Operational and Analytical CRM and allows campaigns to be run on an existing client base. Campaign Management is used when you need to create personalized offers when it is prohibitively expensive to personally contact each client. Campaign management software functions include:Choosing campaign recipients from the client base according to selected criteria Development of a campaign offer (this is often done "out-of-the-system" and is not automated) Assigning specific campaign offers to selected recipients Automatically sending offers to the selected clients via selected channels (either directly, via channels such as e-mail, or indirectly, by creating lists for use in channels such as direct mail) Gathering, storing, and analyzing campaign results (including tracking responses and analyzing propensities) Collaborative CRMThe function of the Customer Interaction System or Collaborative Customer Relationship Management is to coordinate the multi-channel service and support given to the customer by providing the infrastructure for responsive and effective support to customer issues, questions, complaints, CRM aims to get various departments within a business, such as sales, technical support and marketing, to share the useful information that they collect from interactions with customers. Feedback from a technical support center, for example, could be used to inform marketing staffers about specific services and features requested by customers. Collaborative CRM's ultimate goal is to use information collected from all departments to improve the quality of customer service.[4]Geographic CRMGeographic CRM (GCRM) is a customer relation management information system which collaborates geographic information system and traditional combines data collected from route of movement, types of residence, ambient trading areas and other customer and marketing information which are matched with relevant road conditions, building formations, and a floating population. Such data are conformed with a map and is regionally analyzed with OLAP(On-Line Analytical Processing) for visualization. This enables a company to examine potential customers and manage existing customers in the commercial CRM software packages are available which vary in their approach to CRM. However, as mentioned above, CRM is not just a technology but rather a comprehensive customer-centric approach to an organization's philosophy in dealing with its customers. This includes policies and processes, front-of-house customer service, employee training, marketing, systems and information management. Hence, it is important that any CRM implementation considerations stretch beyond technology, towards the broader organizational objectives of a CRM strategy must consider a company’s specific situation and its customers' needs and expectations. Information gained through CRM initiatives can support the development of marketing strategy by developing the organization's knowledge in areas such as identifying customer segments, improving customer retention, improving product offerings (by better understanding customer needs), and by identifying the organization's most profitable customers.[5]CRM strategies can vary in size, complexity and scope. Some companies consider a CRM strategy to only focus on the management of a team of salespeople. However, other CRM strategies can cover customer interaction across the entire organization. Many commercial CRM software packages that are available provide features that serve sales, marketing, event management, project management and there are numerous reports of "failed" implementations of various types of CRM projects,[6] these are often the result of unrealistic high expectations and exaggerated claims by CRM of these "failures" are also related to data quality and availability. Data cleaning is a major issue. If the company CRM strategy is to track life-cycle revenues, costs, margins and interactions between individual customers, this must be reflected in all business processes. Data must be extracted from multiple sources (., departmental/divisional databases, including sales, manufacturing, supply chain, logistics, finance, service, etc.), requiring an integrated, comprehensive business processing system to be in place with defined structures and data quality. If not, interfaces must be developed and implemented to extract data from different systems. This creates a demand far beyond customer satisfaction to understand the full business-to-business relationship. For this reason, CRM is more than a sales or customer interaction experience from many companies[who?] is that a clear CRM requirement with regard to reports (., input and output requirements) is of vital importance before starting any implementation.[citation needed] With a proper demand specification, a great deal of time and money can be saved based on realistic expectations of systems capability.[citation needed] A well operating CRM system can be an extremely powerful tool for management and customer and data securityOne of the primary functions of CRM software is to collect information about customers. When gathering data as part of a CRM solution, a company must consider customer privacy and data security with respect to legal and cultural environments. Some customers prefer assurance that their data is not shared with third parties without their consent and that it cannot be illicitly accessed by third parties.


Customer relationship management (CRM) is a multifaceted process, mediated by a set of information technologies, that focuses on creating two-way exchanges with customers so that firms have an intimate knowledge of their needs, wants, and buying patterns. In this way, CRM helps companies understand, as well as anticipate, the needs of current and potential customers.[1] Functions that support this business purpose include sales, marketing, customer service, training, professional development, performance management, human resource development, and compensation. Many CRM initiatives have failed because implementation was limited to software installation without alignment to a customer-centric are many aspects of CRM which were mistakenly thought to be capable of being implemented in isolation from each other. [3]From the outside of the organization, a customer experiences the business as one entity operating over extended periods of time. Thus piecemeal CRM implementation can come across to the customer as unsynchronized where employees and web sites and services are acting independently of one another, yet together represent a common is the philosophy, policy and coordinating strategy connecting different players within an organization so as to coordinate their efforts in creating an overall valuable series of experiences, products and services for the different players within the organization are in identifiable groups:Customer Facing Operations - The people and the technology support of processes that affect a customer's experience at the frontline interface between the customer and the organization. This can include face to face, phone, IM, chat, email, web and combinations of all media. Self-service kiosk and web self-service are doing the job of vocals and they belong here. Internal Collaborative Functional Operations - The people and technology support of processes at the policy and back office which ultimately affect the activities of the Customer Facing Operations concerning the building and maintaining of customer relationships. This can include IT, billing, invoicing, maintenance, planning, marketing, advertising, finance, services planning and manufacturing. External Collaboration functions - The people and technology support of processes supporting an organization and its cultivation of customer relationships that are affected by the organization's own relationship with suppliers/vendors and retail outlets/distributors. Some would also include industry cooperative networks, . lobbying groups, trade associations. This is the external network foundation which supports the internal Operations and Customer facing Operations. Customer Advocates and Experience Designers - Creative designers of customer experience that meet customer relationship goals of delivering value to the customer and profit to the organization (or desired outcomes and achievement of goals for non-profit and government organizations) Performance Managers and Marketing Analysts - Designers of Key Performance Indicators and collectors of metrics and data so as to execute/implement marketing campaigns, call campaigns, Web strategy and keep the customer relationship activities on track. This would be the milestones and data that allow activities to be coordinated, that determine if the CRM strategy is working in delivering ultimate outcomes of CRM activities: market share, numbers and types of customers, revenue, profitability, intellectual property concerning customers preferences. Customer and Employee Surveyors and Analysts - Customer Relationships are both fact driven and impression driven - the quality of an interaction is as important as the information and outcome achieved, in determining whether the relationship is growing or shrinking in value to the participants. [edit] Technology considerationsThe basic building blocks:A database for customer lifecycle (time series) information about each customer and prospect and their interactions with the organization, including order information, support information, requests, complaints, interviews and survey Intelligence - Translating customer needs and profitability projection into game plans for different segments or groups of customers, captured by customer interactions (Human, automated or combinations of both) into software that tracks whether that game plan is followed or not, and whether the desired outcomes are Modeling Customer Relationship Strategy, Goals and outcomes: Numbers and description of whether goals were met and models of customer segments and game plans worked as and Competency Management Systems - Customer Capacity and Competency Development - Training and improving processes and technology that enable the organization to get closer to achieving the desired results. Complex systems require practice in order to achieve desired outcomes, especially when humans and technology are interacting. Iteration is the key to refining, improving and innovating to stay ahead of the competition in Customer Relationship Management. (Successful tools, technology and practices will be copied by the competition as soon as they are proven successful.)The building blocks can be implemented over time separately, but eventually need to be dynamically coordinated. The ongoing alignment of the basic building blocks distinguishes an elegant seamless CRM implementation which successfully builds mutually valuable relationships.[edit] Types/Variations of CRMThere are several different approaches to CRM, and at present there is no one software package that allows all of these approaches to be applied. When companies consider implementing a CRM strategy, they usually talk about either Campaign Management or Sales Force Automation. Although CRM is much more than either of those parts, software packages are usually based around one or the other idea (with SFA being the most popular).Operational CRMOperational CRM provides support to "front office" business processes, including sales, marketing and service. Each interaction with a customer is generally added to a customer's contact history, and staff can retrieve information on customers from the database when of the main benefits of this contact history is that customers can interact with different people or different contact channels in a company over time without having to describe the history of their interaction each , many call centers use some kind of CRM software to support their call center CRM processes customer data for a variety of purposes:Managing Campaigns Enterprise Marketing Automation Sales Force Automation Sales Force Automation (SFA)Sales Force Automation is a type of Operational CRM that is designed to automate sales-force-related activities, such as lead tracking. Software products perform such tasks as:Keeping lists of leads Assigning list segments to salespeople Allowing list contacts to be called or e-mailed Tracking responses Generating reports Analytical CRMAnalytical CRM analyzes customer data for a variety of purposes:Design and execution of targeted marketing campaigns to optimize marketing effectiveness Design and execution of specific customer campaigns, including customer acquisition, cross-selling, up-selling, retention Analysis of customer behavior to aid product and service decision making (. pricing, new product development etc.) Management decisions, . financial forecasting and customer profitability analysis Prediction of the probability of customer defection (churn analysis) Analytical CRM generally makes heavy use of data Intelligence CRMSales Intelligence CRM is very similar to Analytical CRM, but it is intended as a more direct sales tool. Features include the delivery of "alerts" to sales people based on analysis of such factors as:Cross-sell/Up-sell/Switch-sell opportunities. Customer Drift. Sales performance, good and bad. Customer trends Customer margins Campaign ManagementCampaign management software is marketing-oriented CRM software that combines elements of Operational and Analytical CRM and allows campaigns to be run on an existing client base. Campaign Management is used when you need to create personalized offers when it is prohibitively expensive to personally contact each client. Campaign management software functions include:Choosing campaign recipients from the client base according to selected criteria Development of a campaign offer (this is often done "out-of-the-system" and is not automated) Assigning specific campaign offers to selected recipients Automatically sending offers to the selected clients via selected channels (either directly, via channels such as e-mail, or indirectly, by creating lists for use in channels such as direct mail) Gathering, storing, and analyzing campaign results (including tracking responses and analyzing propensities) Collaborative CRMThe function of the Customer Interaction System or Collaborative Customer Relationship Management is to coordinate the multi-channel service and support given to the customer by providing the infrastructure for responsive and effective support to customer issues, questions, complaints, CRM aims to get various departments within a business, such as sales, technical support and marketing, to share the useful information that they collect from interactions with customers. Feedback from a technical support center, for example, could be used to inform marketing staffers about specific services and features requested by customers. Collaborative CRM's ultimate goal is to use information collected from all departments to improve the quality of customer service.[4]Geographic CRMGeographic CRM (GCRM) is a customer relation management information system which collaborates geographic information system and traditional combines data collected from route of movement, types of residence, ambient trading areas and other customer and marketing information which are matched with relevant road conditions, building formations, and a floating population. Such data are conformed with a map and is regionally analyzed with OLAP(On-Line Analytical Processing) for visualization. This enables a company to examine potential customers and manage existing customers in the commercial CRM software packages are available which vary in their approach to CRM. However, as mentioned above, CRM is not just a technology but rather a comprehensive customer-centric approach to an organization's philosophy in dealing with its customers. This includes policies and processes, front-of-house customer service, employee training, marketing, systems and information management. Hence, it is important that any CRM implementation considerations stretch beyond technology, towards the broader organizational objectives of a CRM strategy must consider a company’s specific situation and its customers' needs and expectations. Information gained through CRM initiatives can support the development of marketing strategy by developing the organization's knowledge in areas such as identifying customer segments, improving customer retention, improving product offerings (by better understanding customer needs), and by identifying the organization's most profitable customers.[5]CRM strategies can vary in size, complexity and scope. Some companies consider a CRM strategy to only focus on the management of a team of salespeople. However, other CRM strategies can cover customer interaction across the entire organization. Many commercial CRM software packages that are available provide features that serve sales, marketing, event management, project management and there are numerous reports of "failed" implementations of various types of CRM projects,[6] these are often the result of unrealistic high expectations and exaggerated claims by CRM of these "failures" are also related to data quality and availability. Data cleaning is a major issue. If the company CRM strategy is to track life-cycle revenues, costs, margins and interactions between individual customers, this must be reflected in all business processes. Data must be extracted from multiple sources (., departmental/divisional databases, including sales, manufacturing, supply chain, logistics, finance, service, etc.), requiring an integrated, comprehensive business processing system to be in place with defined structures and data quality. If not, interfaces must be developed and implemented to extract data from different systems. This creates a demand far beyond customer satisfaction to understand the full business-to-business relationship. For this reason, CRM is more than a sales or customer interaction experience from many companies[who?] is that a clear CRM requirement with regard to reports (., input and output requirements) is of vital importance before starting any implementation.[citation needed] With a proper demand specification, a great deal of time and money can be saved based on realistic expectations of systems capability.[citation needed] A well operating CRM system can be an extremely powerful tool for management and customer and data securityOne of the primary functions of CRM software is to collect information about customers. When gathering data as part of a CRM solution, a company must consider customer privacy and data security with respect to legal and cultural environments. Some customers prefer assurance that their data is not shared with third parties without their consent and that it cannot be illicitly accessed by third parties.

市场营销毕业论文的写作格式、流程与写作技巧 广义来说,凡属论述科学技术内容的作品,都称作科学著述,如原始论著(论文)、简报、综合报告、进展报告、文献综述、述评、专著、汇编、教科书和科普读物等。但其中只有原始论著及其简报是原始的、主要的、第一性的、涉及到创造发明等知识产权的。其它的当然也很重要,但都是加工的、发展的、为特定应用目的和对象而撰写的。下面仅就论文的撰写谈一些体会。在讨论论文写作时也不准备谈有关稿件撰写的各种规定及细则。主要谈的是论文写作中容易发生的问题和经验,是论文写作道德和书写内容的规范问题。论文写作的要求下面按论文的结构顺序依次叙述。(一)论文——题目科学论文都有题目,不能“无题”。论文题目一般20字左右。题目大小应与内容符合,尽量不设副题,不用第1报、第2报之类。论文题目都用直叙口气,不用惊叹号或问号,也不能将科学论文题目写成广告语或新闻报道用语。(二)论文——署名科学论文应该署真名和真实的工作单位。主要体现责任、成果归属并便于后人追踪研究。严格意义上的论文作者是指对选题、论证、查阅文献、方案设计、建立方法、实验操作、整理资料、归纳总结、撰写成文等全过程负责的人,应该是能解答论文的有关问题者。现在往往把参加工作的人全部列上,那就应该以贡献大小依次排列。论文署名应征得本人同意。学术指导人根据实际情况既可以列为论文作者,也可以一般致谢。行政领导人一般不署名。(三)论文——引言 是论文引人入胜之言,很重要,要写好。一段好的论文引言常能使读者明白你这份工作的发展历程和在这一研究方向中的位置。要写出论文立题依据、基础、背景、研究目的。要复习必要的文献、写明问题的发展。文字要简练。(四)论文——材料和方法 按规定如实写出实验对象、器材、动物和试剂及其规格,写出实验方法、指标、判断标准等,写出实验设计、分组、统计方法等。这些按杂志 对论文投稿规定办即可。(五)论文——实验结果 应高度归纳,精心分析,合乎逻辑地铺述。应该去粗取精,去伪存真,但不能因不符合自己的意图而主观取舍,更不能弄虚作假。只有在技术不熟练或仪器不稳定时期所得的数据、在技术故障或操作错误时所得的数据和不符合实验条件时所得的数据才能废弃不用。而且必须在发现问题当时就在原始记录上注明原因,不能在总结处理时因不合常态而任意剔除。废弃这类数据时应将在同样条件下、同一时期的实验数据一并废弃,不能只废弃不合己意者。实验结果的整理应紧扣主题,删繁就简,有些数据不一定适合于这一篇论文,可留作它用,不要硬行拼凑到一篇论文中。论文行文应尽量采用专业术语。能用表的不要用图,可以不用图表的最好不要用图表,以免多占篇幅,增加排版困难。文、表、图互不重复。实验中的偶然现象和意外变故等特殊情况应作必要的交代,不要随意丢弃。(六)论文——讨论 是论文中比较重要,也是比较难写的一部分。应统观全局,抓住主要的有争议问题,从感性认识提高到理性认识进行论说。要对实验结果作出分析、推理,而不要重复叙述实验结果。应着重对国内外相关文献中的结果与观点作出讨论,表明自己的观点,尤其不应回避相对立的观点。 论文的讨论中可以提出假设,提出本题的发展设想,但分寸应该恰当,不能写成“科幻”或“畅想”。(七)论文——结语或结论 论文的结语应写出明确可靠的结果,写出确凿的结论。论文的文字应简洁,可逐条写出。不要用“小结”之类含糊其辞的词。(八)论文——参考义献 这是论文中很重要、也是存在问题较多的一部分。列出论文参考文献的目的是让读者了解论文研究命题的来龙去脉,便于查找,同时也是尊重前人劳动,对自己的工作有准确的定位。因此这里既有技术问题,也有科学道德问题。一篇论文中几乎自始至终都有需要引用参考文献之处。如论文引言中应引上对本题最重要、最直接有关的文献;在方法中应引上所采用或借鉴的方法;在结果中有时要引上与文献对比的资料;在讨论中更应引上与 论文有关的各种支持的或有矛盾的结果或观点等。一切粗心大意,不查文献;故意不引,自鸣创新;贬低别人,抬高自己;避重就轻,故作姿态的做法都是错误的。而这种现象现在在很多论文中还是时有所见的,这应该看成是利研工作者的大忌。其中,不查文献、漏掉重要文献、故意不引别人文献或有意贬损别人工作等错误是比较明显、容易发现的。有些做法则比较隐蔽,如将该引在引言中的,把它引到讨论中。这就将原本是你论文的基础或先导,放到和你论文平起平坐的位置。又如 科研工作总是逐渐深人发展的,你的工作总是在前人工作基石出上发展起来做成的。正确的写法应是,某年某人对本题做出了什么结果,某年某人在这基础上又做出了什么结果,现在我在他们基础上完成了这一研究。这是实事求是的态度,这样表述丝毫无损于你的贡献。


(英语系毕业论文)国际商务谈判及其谈判风格摘要自从中国加入世界贸易组织后,国际贸易比以往任何时候都变的更加频繁。所以商务谈判技巧将会是对国际贸易很重要的工具。一次成功的交易需要几个谈判过程,第一阶段是谈判者为谈判做准备,执行最初的方法。然后,有纪律有组织的谈判计划对一个团队的成功很重要。最后,必须考虑实际的谈判行为。尤其是在国际商务谈判中,进出口贸易的支付方式和工具很重要。没有钱就无所谓交易,我们追求的是各自的利益。最流行和最安全的支付方式是惯用的不可取消的即期信用证。在国际商务谈判的过程中,我们必须熟悉不同的谈判风格。我们要了解八个主要国家的谈判风格:美国谈判风格,德国谈判风格,法国谈判风格,英国 谈判风格,俄罗斯谈判风格,日本谈判风格,澳大利亚谈判风格,中国谈判风格。来自不同国家的不同的有不同的价值观,习惯和态度。和不同的人用不同的策略对于谈判的成功很有必要。关键词: 国际商务谈判 谈判者 谈判的风格 不同文化 下决定AbstractSince china's entrance into the WTO, international business became more frequent than ever before. Then business negotiation skills will be an important tool for the foreign trade. A successful business needs several negotiation processes; the first one is a period during which the negotiator must prepare for the negotiation, and execute the initial approach, and then the negotiation plan provides discipline and organization that can be critical to a team’s success. At last the actual conduct of the negotiation must be considered. Especially in international business negotiations, methods and tools of payment in exporting and importing are important. No money, no deal. What we pursuit is money. The most popular and a safer method of payment is by a confirmed irrevocable little of credit at sight. There are other ways of the process of the international business negotiation we should be familiar with different negotiating styles. We have eight main countries negotiating styles: American negotiating style, German negotiating styles, French negotiating styles, British negotiating styles, Russian negotiating styles, Japanese negotiating styles, Australian negotiating styles, Chinese negotiating styles. Different people from different countries have different values, habits, and attitude. Using appropriate strategies with different people would be necessary for a successful : international business negotiations; negotiator; negotiating stylesdifferent cultures; make decisions CONTENTSAbstract in Chinese………………………………….….……….....iAbstract in English ………………………………..………………ii1 Introduction to Negotiations…………………………………… Impressive Behavior……………………………………………… Punctually………………………………………………………… Appearance………………………………………………………… Enthusiasm ………………………………………………………… Teamwork………………………………………………………… Respect………………………………………………………………22 Negotiation Process 1…………………………………………… Forming the negotiation Team……………………………………3Negotiation Process 2…………………………………………… Creating the information base…………………………………… Creditability Study………………………………………………42. 4 Feasibility Study…………………………………………………… The Negotiating Brief………………………………………………52. 6 The Negotiating Plan………………………………………………53 Negotiation Process 3…………………………………………… The Opening and Its Review……………………………………… The Follow Up …………………………………………………… Identifying the Bargain…………………………………………… Concluding the Bargain…………………………………………… How to negotiation …………………………………………… Negotiation Tips…………………………………………………… Methods and Tools of Payment in Exporting and Importing…...115 Different Negotiation Styles of Different Cultures………….... Negotiation Style…………………………………… German Negotiating Style………………………………………… French Negotiating Style………………………………………… British Negotiating Style………………………………………… Russian Negotiation Style………………………………………… Japanese Negotiation Style ……………………………………… Australian Negotiating Style……………………………………… Chinese Negotiating Style…………………………………………18(英语系毕业论文)在经济全球化下中西方文化差异与跨文化管理摘 要伴随着世界经济的快速增长,跨国公司的飞速发展, 全球商业活动的猛烈激增,同时伴随着在文化多样化环境下的相关管理问题的出现,跨国公司的人员必须与来自不同文化背景的人打交道,这种文化差异时而会造成误解和冲突,甚至会阻碍进一步的商务合作。本论文目的在于引起人们对商业中跨文化问题重要性的重视。该文的论点是文化差异确实存在于商业与管理领域中,特别是东西方国家的文化差异,并且在商业活动中起到了重要作用。它在很大程度上影响到商业进程和公司的日常管理。通过细心地观察和总结,我们会发现在跨文化管理中起到辨证作用的某些规律性的模式和规则。一方面,文化差异是一种障碍,另一方面,在跨文化环境下,只有很好地掌握文化差异才有可能使其成为商务沟通和管理的桥梁。著名人类学家, 霍夫斯泰德所提出的理论贯穿全文,基于其中几个模型我们分析了上述主题。文化差异表现在很多方面,通过比较的方式,不同国家的文化差异特征显而易见,同时我们还了解到每一种文化差异都有其理论根源。伴随着中国加入 WTO,在这种特殊挑战的巨大压力下,越来越多的商务和管理问题出现了,跨国公司的经理们不得不面临这种特殊的挑战。在最后部分,本文基于中国的传统文化,分析了当今中国企业管理的现状与特征,并提出了建议性的未来发展方式。关键词: 文化差异; 管理; 沟通; 商业环境; 跨国公司ABSTRACTWith the swift growth of world’s economy, the rapid development of the transnational corporation and the increasing business activities in a global scale, together with the related management in a culturally diversified environment, people in transnational corporation have to deal with those from different cultural background, which may cause the misunderstanding, sometimes even conflict or may hinder the further cooperation in the thesis is aiming at drawing people’s attention to the importance of the cross-cultural problems in business. The argument of my paper is that the cultural differences, especially the disparity between the eastern and western countries, really exist and furthermore play an important role in doing business. It will greatly influence the advancement of our business and the daily run of a company. Our careful observation and summarizing being done, we could find some regular pattern and rules which have dialectical functions in cross-cultural management. Cultural difference will not only be, on the one hand, an obstacle, but will serve as a bridge in the business communication and management in cross-cultural environment on the other hand if it would be better theories advanced by a famous anthropologist, Hofstede, are running through my thesis that has closely analyzed the subject based on several aspects. Through comparison, the features of cultural differences are obviously seen. So is the root of the cultural difference in each China’s entry into WTO, increasing problems have to be dealt with in business and management, which are under severe pressure from the special challenges that all the managers in the transnational corporations have to face. Finally, the thesis analyses the condition and character of today’s enterprise management in China on the base of the Chinese traditional culture and suggests some approaches to further Words: Cultural Difference; Management; Communication; Business Environment; Transnational Corporation Contents1 The globalization of business 12 Culture theory and its function in business communication and management The definition and nature of culture Level of culture National culture Business culture Occupational culture and organizational culture 43 The introduction of mainstream culture theories and their application in business dimension Hofstede’s Model of National Culture applied in business area Power distance Uncertainty avoidance Individualism/ Collectivism Masculinity/ Femininity Long-term and short-term orientation Kluckhohm’s Model of value Orientations used in business area Human nature Relationship with nature Time Being/ Doing 104 Cultural Differences and its performance in other countries Cultural Differences and Their Roots From business point of view to see the Cultural differences in Sino-Western countries Doing business in China Doing business in America and France Doing business in Arab countries 155 Cross- culture management and Management in other countries and Management in China China’s background information Managerial behavior in China Implications for managers 19Conclusion 21Bibliography 22(英语系毕业论文)文化差异在中美雇员协作中的问题分析摘 要全球经济一体化背景下,各国企业交流日益紧密,企业在经营管理活动中不可避免地会遇到由文化差异而引起的雇员协作问题,正确处理文化差异带来的文化冲突具有积极的现实意义。因此本文就联想并购IBM的PC与笔记本电脑部门为引,探讨了中西文化的差异性。本文首先简要介绍霍夫斯泰德的价值维度和霍尔的高语境和低语境取向理论;再由联想并购IBM的PC事件,提出中美雇员协作中所遇到的文化冲突方面的问题;然后比较中美文化差异,分析中美雇员协作冲突的原因;最后对不同文化背景下团队成员协作过程中的问题,从掌握文化差异、多文化培训和进行文化整合建立共同价值观三方面给出具体对策及解决途径。本文建议当处理由不同背景文化而引起的协作冲突时,要以尊重不同文化,认识文化差异,以及寻求有效的跨文化培训为基本。关键词:中美文化; 雇员; 协作; 差异; 文化培训 AbstractWith global economic integration, companies from different countries are involved in increasingly close interchange and, unavoidably, run into the problem of culture difference in the corporation of employees and properly handling the culture collide is of positive practical significance. In order to resolve the problems of the cooperation between the Chinese and American Employees, this paper expounds the cultural theories of Hofstede’s value Dimensions and Hall’s High/Low-Context Orientation at firstly. Then it describes Lenovo Acquire IBM’s PC Division as a particular case, and points out the problems between American and Chinese employees when they corporate in the same workplace. Through the analysis of the cause of the differences between Chinese and American cultures, it explores the reasons of the coworker interactions. Based on the concrete analysis of different cultural background, it gives correct guidance to culture conflict, so as to achieve culture harmonization and integration. The result shows that it requires cultivating common corporate values, seeking common ground and reserving differences, expanding communication channels and conducting cross-cultural the end, the author suggests that it is very important for people from different cultures to respect another culture, to realize the cultural difference, and to find effective intercultural training programs for the cross-cultural words:American & Chinese culture; employees; cooperation; differences; intercultural training programsContentsIntroduction…………………………………………………………11. Rationale for the Study……………………………………………11. 1 Hofstede’s value Dimensions……………………………………11. 2 Hall’s High-Context and Low-Context Orientation…………42. Introduction of Lenovo’s Acquisition of IBM’s PC Division…52. 1 Lenovo and IBM………………………………………………52. 1. 1 Lenovo………………………………………………………52. 1. 2 IBM…………………………………………………………62. 1. 3 The new Lenovo——Acquisition of IBM’s PC Division……62. 2 The Problems for Employees in the New Lenovo……………72. 2. 1 Differences in Team-work value………………………………72. 2. 2 The relationship between employer and employees……………82. 2. 3 Differences in verbal style……………………………………83. Reasons for the Problems among Employees…………………93. 1 Chinese Culture and American Culture………………………93. 1. 1 Chinese Culture………………………………………………93. 1. 2 American Culture……………………………………………103. 2 Analysis in Details………………………………………………103. 2. 1 Harmonious Relationship versus Individualism………………113. 2. 2 Power versus Equality………………………………………133. 2. 3 Implicit versus Explicit Communication ……………………134. Solutions for the Problems among Employees ………144. 1 Manage Cultural Differences on Threes Distinct Levels……144. 2 Intercultural Training…………………………………………154. 2. 1 The Emergence of Intercultural Training Programs…………154. 2. 2 Object for Cultural Training…………………………………154. 2. 3 Culture Skills and Training Techniques………………………164. 3 Cultural Integration and value Building……………………174. 3. 1 Cultural Integration…………………………………………174. 3. 2 value Building………………………………………………17Conclusions and Suggestions……………………………………17Bibliography…………………………………………………………19


1.采用SCR后处理技术降低车用柴油机排放 Adopting SCR Post-processing Technique to Lower Discharge of Vehicular Diesel Engine 2.论柴油车的节能与环保优势 On Energy-saving and Environmental Protection of Diesel Vehicles



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企业诚信营销初探【摘 要】 本文探讨了企业开展诚信营销的必要性,并从找出我国企业诚信营销方面存在的问题与提出解决问题的方法等方面对诚信营销实施进行了专门研究。【关键词】 诚信;诚信营销;策略 一、我国企业诚信营销发展的必然性1、诚信营销是社会进步的必然要求随着社会的进步,人们的道德水准也不断提高,目前人们普遍认识到,市场营销道德的最根本的准则应是维护和增进全社会和人民的长远利益。而要做到这一点,贯彻诚信营销又是核心环节。为了最大限度满足消费者的需要和社会长远利益的需要,也为了企业自身的生存和发展,企业实施诚信营销是时代进步的必然要求。2、诚信营销是企业实施可持续发展战略的必然约束企业要实现可持续发展,实施诚信营销是其中十分有效的途径。通过实施诚信营销,迫使企业时刻从消费者身心健康出发,尽最大限度重视消费者的健康,同时力求减少和避免环境污染,充分注意自然生态平衡,保护和节约自然资源,维护人类社会的长远利益。由此可见,实施可持续发展战略迫使企业必须实施诚信营销。3、诚信营销是市场竞争规范化的必然结果由于生产力的飞速发展,生产效率的快速提高,市场出现了买方市场,因而市场竞争异常激烈。在这样激烈的竞争中,尤其是我国处于建立社会主义市场经济初期,法制建设还不甚完善的条件下,各个企业为了求生存争发展,在市场上争占一席之地,在营销中纷纷使出浑身解数,甚至采用了如请客、送礼、回扣、贿赂、搭售、窃取商业情报、蓄意贬低竞争对手的广告宣传等不正当竞争手法。4、诚信营销是企业占领市场的有力武器任何一个企业都可能把市场占有率最大化作为自己的营销目标之一。然而,企业如何提高自己的市场占有率呢?不同的企业有不同的招数。在当前市场竞争异常激烈的情况下,消费者有更多的选择余地,随着消费者越来越理性、成熟,加上家庭收入和消费水平的不断提高,优选信誉好、讲诚信的经营者必将成为一种趋势。二、我国企业诚信营销中存在的一些问题及其原因分析1、我国企业诚信营销存在的一些问题(1)企业没有树立符合市场经济要求的诚信观。一部分企业见利忘义,急于致富,不受商业伦理道德的约束,抛弃了诚信经商的传统,不择手段地追求利润,致使商业行为中出现了种种损害消费者利益的欺诈行为。(2)产权不明晰。产权不明晰,企业无需对自己的行为承担责任,其行为必然短期化,自然也就不再重视诚信。(3)信息不对称。在拥有信息方面,消费者是弱势群体,而企业可以利用这方面的优势从事损害消费者利益的活动。(4)政策多变,地方保护主义严重。一些相关政府部门,尤其是一些地方政府出于地方保护的需要,直接以行政手段干预企业的行为,公开袒护本地企业的失信行为,助长了企业失信。(5)法律环境不完善。目前我国法律环境的现状是:对不讲信誉的企业监督和处罚力度小,有法不依,执法不严,客观上纵容了企业的失信行为。2、我国企业诚信营销缺乏的原因分析随着市场经济的发展,诚信问题越来越为人们所重视,且现实的经济生活中有些企业存在着大量的诚信问题。我国企业诚信营销缺乏的原因主要有以下几点:(1)市场经济发展还不成熟:市场经济以物质利益作为人们行为的驱动机制,是趋利经济,容易滋生欺诈经营。利大大干,利小小干,无利不干,是市场经济趋利性的本质表现。因此,市场经济有其积极的一面,也有其消极的一面。(2)道德容易失控:道德是行为规范的总和。企业为社会提供的是产品,产品的品质和数量与人民身心健康休戚相关。为社会提供更多更好的产品,必然要求组织成员树立以人为本的观念,将外在的道德原则内化为自己的道德品质和自我需求。(3)企业对短期利益追求过火:事实证明,巨额广告投入确实能带来“惊天动地”的效果。然而任何成功的品牌都要有较高的知名度和忠诚度来支撑。企业短期的大力宣传只是提升了品牌的知名度,而没有提升品牌的忠诚度,品牌的忠诚度需要历史的沉淀,它是长时间的结晶、长过程的升华。(4)信息不对称造成企业失信:在信息不对称的条件下,单个经营企业坚持诚信可以看作是一种风险。也就是说,在信息不对称的有限博弈中,任何一方都没有诚信的动力。一把就跑是信息不对称有限博弈状态下常见的现象。只有信息通畅、重复博弈才能建立起诚信营销的机制。三、实施诚信营销的策略1、政府应采取的策略诚信营销的环境建设要从道德基础和制度建设保障两个方面着手解决。具体如下:(1)树立企业的诚信意识。诚信可以为企业赢得更多的合作者,创造更多的商机和经济效益。只有以消费者的利益为中心,企业才能诚实守信,不做欺消费者的不乏行为。(2)明晰产权制度。产权制度的基本功能就是提供一个稳定的预期和重复博弈的规则,所以产权制度是建立诚信的基础和保障。(3)建立信用和信息传输系统。要改变目前企业诚信环境差的局面,就要建立通畅的信用和信息传输系统。通过公开诚信信息,使不讲诚信的企业失去市场,最终被淘汰出局。(4)规范政府行为,打击地方保护主义。要使企业对未来形成稳定的预期,就要加快政府职能的转变,实行政企分开,避免政府介入直接交易行为。(5)完善法律法规,加大惩罚力度。当企业不讲诚信损害到消费者权益时,消费者可以用法律讨回权益,让不讲诚信的企业付出代价。2、企业应采取的策略(1)产品诚信。从产品的广义角度看,产品包括有形的实体和无形的服务,产品的质量是企业的生命,因此要求产品的性能、寿命、安全等指数都符合国家技术标准或行业标准。(2)价格诚信。价格是企业赢得市场的有效武器,也是一把双刃剑,运用得好,可以促进企业的发展,运用得不好,使企业迅速陷入困境。在市场竞争激烈的时代,不少企业利用各种虚假的优惠价、折扣价、处理价、甩卖价、出口转内销价欺消费者。(3)分销诚信。企业具备了知名度、美誉度和忠诚度,也就打开了产品的销路,但要实现正常的销售还离不了渠道管理的畅通,因此企业不仅要与消费者搞好关系,还要与分销商建立长期良好的合作关系。产品在流转过程中,生产企业要与流通企业(经销商)建立长期良好的伙伴合作关系,这种关系的建立需要诚信来维持。(4)促销诚信。改革开放以来,随着市场经济的发展,企业的促销—55—企业诚信营销初探经营管理《新西部》期活动十分活跃。但是,一些企业的促销活动也存在一些不规范的行为,主要集中在五个方面:一是不实宣传;二是价格欺诈;三是限制消费者合法权益;四是缺乏安全管理措施;五是违反商业道德,操作有违社会善良风俗的促销活动。3、员工诚信员工诚信是指企业的员工,包括企业的高层,都要按照诚信的要求做事,参与到企业的诚信建设中来。企业领导和全体员工都要不断学习,牢固树立诚信的思想,并把诚信思想化为具体的行为:一是要提供诚信产品和服务,对企业不符合诚信的行为进行坚决的抵制,并积极进行上报,不生产、销售劣质产品,不污染环境,不提供虚假证明等。二是对于本企业的产品、服务等都要亲自购买、亲自使用,特别是企业的管理层,要先将自己塑造成企业的忠诚客户。4、加强营销道德建设,构建营销诚信文化诚实守信是中国传统文化的重要内容之一,要求人们诚善于心,言行一致。孔子曾指出“与朋友交,言则有信”、“信则人任焉”。在当代中国背景下,诚信是一种特别稀缺的资源,能够提升企业的竞争力,树立良好的企业形象,有效地吸引顾客。因此,企业在营销过程中,应该加强职业操守的修炼,忠于职守,诚信待人,诚信服务,建立一种诚信理念,构建企业营销诚信文化。然而诚信文化建设是一个系统工程,不是一朝一夕就能建成的,需要假以时日,长年累月地坚持下去,以人为本,视诚信重于泰山,对人民负责,对国家负责。在营销诚信文化建设中,要特别重视企业一把手的诚信及诚信意识的培养,树立诚信经营的观念。四、结论任何企业不重视诚信营销,就不会有持久的原动力。而一个企业若不造成自己的诚信优势,则不能形成持久的竞争力。在此同时,由于社会的进步,企业生存和发展的要求,以及过剩经济的来临与市场竞争的加剧,加之消费者自我保护意识的加强,企业经营者树立诚信营销理念和制定与其相适应的相关政策,并以此来指导企业的生产经营活动就成为一种必然趋势。【参考文献】[1] 林祖华.市场营销十大新趋势[J].商业时代(理论版),.[2] 陈向军.论企业诚信营销[J].商业时代,.[3] 刘卫东.诚信是企业发展的根基[J].时代汽车,.[4] 郝渊晓.转轨期我国营销环境与企业诚信营销[N].西安邮电学院学报,.[5] 刘金锋.论诚信营销产生的必然性[J].商业时代, 2004. 12. 7-14.[6] 尚爱英.浅谈诚信与企业发展的关系[J].沿海企业与科技,.[7] 刘辉.培植企业诚信文化探索[N].河北经贸大学学报,.























给几个题目,希望有帮助,参考一下:1、关于人力资本作为企业制度要素的考虑2、人力资源发展:性质、时代的挑战、意3、人本管理:一个需要澄清的理念 4、人力资本与企业商誉的经济实质 5、打造人力资源管理新模式——来自国企6、论企业整体激励框架的构建 7、如何搞好企业非业务人员的考核 8、论企业柔性管理 9、世纪营销大变革 10、营销研究与科学决策 11、网络经济时代的企业营销管理变革 12、你的项目管理有持续改进吗? 13、如何做好项目经理 三维市场营销 14、绿色营销:变革、冲突与战略选择 15、企业如何成功开展E-mail营销 16、决胜终端的销售秘诀 17、知识经济时代的营销策略创新 18、项目管理软件媲美ERP 19、可能成为市场新宠 20、做下属“眼中”的好主管 21、21世纪中小企业营销创新的焦点 22、交叉促销,借力使力 23、快速构筑人力资源竞争力 24、也谈人力资源会计的确认与计量 25、人力资源的管理机制 26、加入WTO后中国人力资源管理与开发对策 27、人力资源管理=企业竞争优势 28、人力资本与企业商誉的经济实质 29、人力资源管理的趋势与创新 30、人力资源管理中的期望协议 31、国有企业“企业家”选拔方式的经济学思考 32、论企业整体激励框架的构建 33、知识经济下人力资源开发与管理的十大趋势 34、个性化人力资源管理措施 35、CRM为企业克隆“业务尖子” 36、如何将传统人事管理转向资源开发型现代化管 37、员工绩效的评价 38、企业管理系统中的隐结构 39、信息经济时代企业知识型员工的管理 40、如何设计人力资源管理体系? 41、中国的人力资本与地区协调发展 42、关注企业竞争另一极:人力资本效能 43、人力资源价值的计量 44、详谈知识管理战略 45、走出传统的人事管理行为 46、雇主名牌:人力资源管理新概念

给你看下下面 的市场营销论文题目参考下:1.对某产品的市场进行预测2.为某企业(产品)设计市场调查表和调查步骤3.某产品的市场调查报告4.某新产品投放市场的营销策略组合研究5.某老产品开发市场的营销策略组合研究6.某产品寿命周期分析及营销策略的选择7.某企业品牌策略研究8.某企业分销渠道策略研究9.某企业促销策略研究10.为某企业设计销售管理体系12.如何合理控制销售费用13.我国连锁企业商品配送问题研究14.大学生消费心理和消费行为的研究15.服务利润链与内部营销研究16.企业产品组合研究17.企业品牌延伸分析18.产品跨区销售研究19企业有效管理中间商研究20.企业多渠道销售模式分析21.折扣定价法的心理作用分析22.企业产品线定价法研究广告的作用及创新研究24.企业“代言人”策略的应用研究25.顾客满意度的影响因素与提升分析

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