

发布时间:2024-07-02 23:02:52





































5、还应留意某些可能的错误,包括无关资料(比如引用某些您先前进行的与现在文稿不相关的研究)、干扰性细节(比如列出样本大小和 p 值)及信息重复等。



Cover Letter, 即投稿信,是论文投递时与论文一起发送给编辑的信件,其目的是让编辑在阅读你的论文之前,简单了解你文章的基本情况。 不知道编辑是谁的情况下直接用 Dear editor; 但是,只要用心一点,去期刊官网查找,一般都能找到的。 在以第一段直接给出文章的标题 如 Letter, communications, article, review还是comments。 这个其实也可以不写,因为在投稿时会选择投稿文章类型。 简要包括研究背景,发现以及可以发表在期刊上的原因等等 一般为通讯作者姓名,所属机构,通讯地址,联系电话,邮箱等 经将这一部分挪到了投稿网站系统上,Cover letter中可以不再列出) 讲了这么多,分享一个实际的案例吧。 Dear Dr. Ciaccio, 杂志主编 On behalf of all coauthors, I am submitting our manuscript entitled “文章标题”for your consideration for publication in Biology and Medicine. 我谨代表所有合著者,提交我们题为“文章标题”的手稿,供您考虑在生物学和医学上发表。 Although there has been a large amount of research focusing on medical image segmentation, few studies have focused specifically on the segmentation of tiny organs. The difficulty of tiny organ segmentation is that the shape varies greatly among individuals and the boundary with surrounding tissues is not clear. In the current study, we proposed a 方法, which successfully solves the above two difficulties. The experimental results show that our proposed 方法 outperforms the state-of-the-art deep learning method in segmenting xxx with respect to accuracy. Another strength of our method is that it requires fewer trainable parameters and imposes a smaller demand on computational resources. The proposed method can potentially assist clinicians in diagnosis and treatment planning by quickly inspecting abnormalities in xxx and further quantitative analysis. 虽然已经有大量的研究集中在医学图像分割上,但是很少有研究专门针对微小器官的分割。微小器官分割的难点在于个体间形状差异较大,与周围组织的边界不清晰。 在本研究中,我们提出了一种新的xxx方法,成功地解决了上述两个难题。实验结果表明,我们提出的xxx优于最先进的深度学习方法。我们方法的另一个优点是,它需要较少的可训练参数,并且对计算资源的需求较小。 该方法通过快速检测xxx形态计量学异常和进一步定量分析,有可能帮助临床医生制定诊断和治疗计划。 We believe that this article is appropriate for publication by the Biology and Medicine, it would be of great interest to a broad range of readers including radiologists, clinical researchers, computer scientists, and other researchers in related fields. Finally, we would like to make the following declarations: All authors of this paper have read and approved the final version submitted and contents of this manuscript have not been copyrighted or published previously and is not under consideration for publication elsewhere. 我们相信这篇文章适合于生物学和医学出版,它将引起包括放射科医生、临床研究人员、计算机科学家和其他相关领域研究人员在内的广大读者的极大兴趣。 最后,我们谨声明:本文的所有作者均已阅读并批准提交的最终版本,本手稿的内容此前未受版权保护或出版,也未考虑在其他地方出版。(这一段可通用) Thank you for your consideration. I am looking forward to your assessment of our manuscript. 谢谢你的考虑。我期待着你对我们的手稿进行评估。 原文截图: Thank you for your email of Jul 19, 2021 (论文返修时间). We appreciate the encouraging and enthusiastic comments and suggestions made by you and reviewers, on the basis of which we have revised and (we think) strengthened our paper. In particular, we have added a detailed description of xxx, restructured the article to make it more logical and easy to understand. Moreover we added a performance comparison with the xxx algorithm, which is considered as the benchmark in the field of biomedical image segmentation. The results show that our proposed method is superior to xxx in the subfield of xxx segmentation, and our proposed model is much easier to train and deploy. Changes are tracked and highlighted in the revised manuscript, and all our responses to reviewers’ comments are detailed in ‘Response to Reviewers’. (通用,说明修改情况) 感谢您2021年7月19日的电子邮件。我们感谢您和审稿人提出的鼓舞人心和热情的评论和建议,在此基础上,我们修改并(我们认为)加强了我们的论文。 特别是,我们添加了xxx的详细描述,对文章进行了重组,使其更具逻辑性,更易于理解。此外,我们还添加了与xxx算法的性能比较,xxx算法被认为是生物医学图像分割领域的基准。 结果表明,该方法在xxx分割领域优于xxx,且该模型易于训练和部署。修改后的手稿中跟踪并强调了变更,我们对评审员意见的所有回复详见“Response to Reviewers”。 We look forward to hearing your decision on our revised manuscript. 我们期待着听到你对我们修改稿的决定。 原文截图: 有没有给到你启发呢? 关于论文写作方面的教程一直在更新。查看之前的教程的方法:


Cover Letter 既投稿信,对于科研论文新手来说,不知该如何下手,而对于论文老司机来说,重视程度普遍比较低。查尔斯沃思 论文润色 在往期的文章中多次介绍过投稿信的重要性(参见《投稿信的重要性》),投稿信可以告诉杂志及其编辑为什么他们应该考虑你的文章。这是特别重要的,因为当初审编辑在筛选你的论文时,就此决定是否在同行评审环节中寻找特定的专家,所以期刊欢迎增加对你研究的简要总结。 不同的期刊对投稿信的要求各不相同,例如有的杂志会要求推荐几位审稿人。一般会在杂志的作者指南(guide for authors)中看到具体的要求。许多作者并没有注意到投稿信的重要性,即便它的重要性已经成为常识问题。有些作者甚至对此有一些误解。 投稿信应包含哪些内容?这一问题在《投稿信的重要性》中已经有给出了详细的说明,在此再次强调一下,除了一些基本信息外,最主要的是把该篇论文的研究重点及学术贡献、创意简洁的强调下。 我们也为大家准备了一个通用模板,供作者参考,该模板来自SPIE: [Your Name] [Your Affiliation] [Your Address] [Date] Dear Dr. [Editor name], I/We wish to submit a new manuscript entitled “[title of article]” for consideration by the [journal name]. I/We confirm that this work is original and has not been published elsewhere nor is it currently under consideration for publication elsewhere. In this paper, I/we report on _______. This is significant because __________.  The paper should be of interest to readers in the areas of __________. [Please explain in your own words the significance and novelty of the work, the problem that is being addressed, and why the manuscript belongs in this journal. Do not simply insert your abstract into your cover letter! Briefly describe the research you are reporting in your paper, why it is important, and why you think the readership of the journal would be interested in it.] Please address all correspondence concerning this manuscript to me at [email address]. Thank you for your consideration of this manuscript. Sincerely, [Yourname]

收件人:编辑邮箱主题:投稿《杂志名》【栏目】《你的文章题目》【笔名】附加:可以添加,用WORD就可以,里面要注明自己的联系方式正文:短篇的话附上全文最后注明你的笔名,联系方式电子邮件投稿要注意以下几点: 一、 电子邮件投稿应该用什么格式? 主题:投稿栏目、文章名、发表笔名。 内容:文章的全部内容。 落款:您的真实联系地址、邮编、姓名、邮箱地址、固定电话、手机、QQ号码(注明QQ名)、其他您觉得有必要留的联系信息。 除了以上内容,一概不欢迎。 二、 为什么不欢迎使用附件? (只发附件不行。如果正文与附件一起发则非常欢迎。) 大家知道,很多病毒是通过邮件附件传送的,就我知道,很多杂志社的电脑上都装了病毒粉碎机这个软件,就是说在处理电子邮件的时候,有附件的系统一律删除。这意味着您辛苦的文字永远不会被编辑看到。 另外,附件来稿格式不同,往往因为软件问题而打不开,或者,打开是乱码。 所以,为了您自身利益,别使用附件投稿。

Cover Letter, 即投稿信,是论文投递时与论文一起发送给编辑的信件,其目的是让编辑在阅读你的论文之前,简单了解你文章的基本情况。 不知道编辑是谁的情况下直接用 Dear editor; 但是,只要用心一点,去期刊官网查找,一般都能找到的。 在以第一段直接给出文章的标题 如 Letter, communications, article, review还是comments。 这个其实也可以不写,因为在投稿时会选择投稿文章类型。 简要包括研究背景,发现以及可以发表在期刊上的原因等等 一般为通讯作者姓名,所属机构,通讯地址,联系电话,邮箱等 经将这一部分挪到了投稿网站系统上,Cover letter中可以不再列出) 讲了这么多,分享一个实际的案例吧。 Dear Dr. Ciaccio, 杂志主编 On behalf of all coauthors, I am submitting our manuscript entitled “文章标题”for your consideration for publication in Biology and Medicine. 我谨代表所有合著者,提交我们题为“文章标题”的手稿,供您考虑在生物学和医学上发表。 Although there has been a large amount of research focusing on medical image segmentation, few studies have focused specifically on the segmentation of tiny organs. The difficulty of tiny organ segmentation is that the shape varies greatly among individuals and the boundary with surrounding tissues is not clear. In the current study, we proposed a 方法, which successfully solves the above two difficulties. The experimental results show that our proposed 方法 outperforms the state-of-the-art deep learning method in segmenting xxx with respect to accuracy. Another strength of our method is that it requires fewer trainable parameters and imposes a smaller demand on computational resources. The proposed method can potentially assist clinicians in diagnosis and treatment planning by quickly inspecting abnormalities in xxx and further quantitative analysis. 虽然已经有大量的研究集中在医学图像分割上,但是很少有研究专门针对微小器官的分割。微小器官分割的难点在于个体间形状差异较大,与周围组织的边界不清晰。 在本研究中,我们提出了一种新的xxx方法,成功地解决了上述两个难题。实验结果表明,我们提出的xxx优于最先进的深度学习方法。我们方法的另一个优点是,它需要较少的可训练参数,并且对计算资源的需求较小。 该方法通过快速检测xxx形态计量学异常和进一步定量分析,有可能帮助临床医生制定诊断和治疗计划。 We believe that this article is appropriate for publication by the Biology and Medicine, it would be of great interest to a broad range of readers including radiologists, clinical researchers, computer scientists, and other researchers in related fields. Finally, we would like to make the following declarations: All authors of this paper have read and approved the final version submitted and contents of this manuscript have not been copyrighted or published previously and is not under consideration for publication elsewhere. 我们相信这篇文章适合于生物学和医学出版,它将引起包括放射科医生、临床研究人员、计算机科学家和其他相关领域研究人员在内的广大读者的极大兴趣。 最后,我们谨声明:本文的所有作者均已阅读并批准提交的最终版本,本手稿的内容此前未受版权保护或出版,也未考虑在其他地方出版。(这一段可通用) Thank you for your consideration. I am looking forward to your assessment of our manuscript. 谢谢你的考虑。我期待着你对我们的手稿进行评估。 原文截图: Thank you for your email of Jul 19, 2021 (论文返修时间). We appreciate the encouraging and enthusiastic comments and suggestions made by you and reviewers, on the basis of which we have revised and (we think) strengthened our paper. In particular, we have added a detailed description of xxx, restructured the article to make it more logical and easy to understand. Moreover we added a performance comparison with the xxx algorithm, which is considered as the benchmark in the field of biomedical image segmentation. The results show that our proposed method is superior to xxx in the subfield of xxx segmentation, and our proposed model is much easier to train and deploy. Changes are tracked and highlighted in the revised manuscript, and all our responses to reviewers’ comments are detailed in ‘Response to Reviewers’. (通用,说明修改情况) 感谢您2021年7月19日的电子邮件。我们感谢您和审稿人提出的鼓舞人心和热情的评论和建议,在此基础上,我们修改并(我们认为)加强了我们的论文。 特别是,我们添加了xxx的详细描述,对文章进行了重组,使其更具逻辑性,更易于理解。此外,我们还添加了与xxx算法的性能比较,xxx算法被认为是生物医学图像分割领域的基准。 结果表明,该方法在xxx分割领域优于xxx,且该模型易于训练和部署。修改后的手稿中跟踪并强调了变更,我们对评审员意见的所有回复详见“Response to Reviewers”。 We look forward to hearing your decision on our revised manuscript. 我们期待着听到你对我们修改稿的决定。 原文截图: 有没有给到你启发呢? 关于论文写作方面的教程一直在更新。查看之前的教程的方法:


你好老师。发表在知网的文章能撤稿吗? 这个要跟该期刊的编辑部联系,让他们给中国知网出撤稿函。不过放心撤稿是没有费用的,关于再次投稿发表,国内普遍用的还是知网期刊,不知去哪检测,可以看看早检测。

比较“通用”的原因:提交的稿件还不完善,有一些错误,需要补充试验等,所以需要撤回。Dear Editor,We submitted a manuscript to the journal XXX two months ago. The submission ID is are sorry to tell you that we have to withdraw this manuscript. The current result about the part of XXXX (具体的实验内容)needes to be validated by more experiments and data. To make sure this manuscript is reliable and repeatable, we need to carefully revise it.或者:We are sorry to tell you that we want to withdraw this manuscript. To make our study more comprehensive and informative, we want to do more experiments / data collection / data analysis / for your time!I really appreciated your help!Best regardsDr. XXXDear Editor,I submitted a manuscript (submission ID XXX) to the journal Euphytica a few days ago. Although it was rejected, the Submission Editorial Advisor Ken Cheng suggested four other journals to submit. We really appreciated his recommendations. After further careful revisions, we decided to submit the manuscript to Genetica, one of ken's my assistant accidentally submitted the revised manuscript to Euphytica again and the submission ID is XXX. So, we have to withdraw this manuscript from Euphytica. Sorry for this inconvenience!Thanks for your time! I really appreciated your help!Best regardsDr. XXX写在最后:一般来说,我们上边的撤稿邮件都是编辑在找到审稿人之前,比如我们刚提交不久就发现有些问题,所以赶紧撤稿;或者是提交都两个来月了,稿件还是迟迟没有进入到审稿程序,我们等不及了,所以赶紧撤稿。最好不要在稿件被审稿期间撤稿,毕竟都已经等到这一步了!比较“通用”的原因:提交的稿件还不完善,有一些错误,需要补充试验等,所以需要撤回。Dear Editor,We submitted a manuscript to the journal XXX two months ago. The submission ID is are sorry to tell you that we have to withdraw this manuscript. The current result about the part of XXXX (具体的实验内容)needes to be validated by more experiments and data. To make sure this manuscript is reliable and repeatable, we need to carefully revise it.或者:We are sorry to tell you that we want to withdraw this manuscript. To make our study more comprehensive and informative, we want to do more experiments / data collection / data analysis / for your time!I really appreciated your help!Best regardsDr. XXXDear Editor,I submitted a manuscript (submission ID XXX) to the journal Euphytica a few days ago. Although it was rejected, the Submission Editorial Advisor Ken Cheng suggested four other journals to submit. We really appreciated his recommendations. After further careful revisions, we decided to submit the manuscript to Genetica, one of ken's my assistant accidentally submitted the revised manuscript to Euphytica again and the submission ID is XXX. So, we have to withdraw this manuscript from Euphytica. Sorry for this inconvenience!Thanks for your time! I really appreciated your help!Best regardsDr. XXX写在最后:一般来说,我们上边的撤稿邮件都是编辑在找到审稿人之前,比如我们刚提交不久就发现有些问题,所以赶紧撤稿;或者是提交都两个来月了,稿件还是迟迟没有进入到审稿程序,我们等不及了,所以赶紧撤稿。最好不要在稿件被审稿期间撤稿,毕竟都已经等到这一步了!














































问题一:英文论文投稿信怎么写 Dear Editors: We would like to submit the enclosed manuscript entitled “Paper Title”, whichwe wish to be considered for publication in “Journal Name”. No conflict ofinterest exits in the submission of this manuscript, and manuscript is approvedby all authors for publication. I would like to declare on behalf of myco-authors that the work described was original research that has not beenpublished previously, and not under consideration for publication elsewhere, inwhole or in part. All the authors listed have approved the manuscript that isenclosed. In this work, we evaluated …… (简要介绍一下论文的创新性). I hope this paper issuitable for “Journal Name”. The following is a list of possible reviewers for your consideration: 1) Name A E-mail: ××××@×××× 2) Name B E-mail: ××××@×××× We deeply appreciate your consideration of our manuscript, and we look forwardto receiving ments from the reviewers. If you have any queries, please don’thesitate to contact me at the address below. Thank you and best regards. Yours sincerely, ×××××× Corresponding author: Name: ××× E-mail: ××××@×××× 参考:查尔斯沃思论文润色小贴士 问题二:英文论文发表情况的英文信怎么写 给主编的信的一般模式: Dear Editor: Here within enclosed is our paper for consideration to be published on (Journal name). The further information about the paper is in the following: The Title: XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX The Authors: XXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXX and XXXXXXXXXX The authors claim that none of the material in the paper has been published or is under consideration for publication elsewhere. I am the corresponding author and my address and other information is as follows: Address: Department of XXXXXXXXX, University of Science and Technology, Hefei, Anhui, 230026, E-mail: Tel: 86-551-36XXXXX Fax: 86-551-36XXXXX Thank you very much for consideration! Sincerely Yours, Dr. XXXXXXXXXX......>> 问题三:怎样写英文投稿信 研究发现概要:用3到4句话叙述研究最重要的发现,避免使用技术或专业术语。这部分的主要目标是在既有的文献背景下构建研究发现,可以通过以下问题来找出自己的研究优势:这个研究对现有的知识带来什么价值?这个研究的发现对领域目前的重要文献是反驳还是恭维?研究的创新点是什么?对未来有什么贡献和影响? 投稿动机:向期刊编辑说明为何这个研究适合发表在该期刊上,何处与期刊目标相符?期刊读者为何会感兴趣? 道德核准:如果研究涉及道德相关项目,是否已经取得单位核准;若是临床实验,是否取得患者知情同意?另外,有些期刊会要求作者提供实验注册号。 原创与作者同意书:在投稿信的最后,必须声明论文没有在其他期刊等待发表,所有作者皆阅读过全文并同意投稿期刊。 除了以上必要信息,有写期刊会要求其他信息,帮助期刊编辑审核,作者要注意期刊的相关规定。 推荐审稿人:大部分的期刊都会鼓励作者推荐审稿人,甚至是不希望由谁来担任审稿人,这个动作有助于编辑加速审稿流程。作者应谨慎推荐审稿人,审稿人与作者不该有任何利益冲突,能够公正评审论文,提供有价值的评论。有利益冲突的人员,便可列进不属意的审稿人名单中。当然,最后决定邀请谁来审稿的权力在编辑手上,不一定会完全接受作者的建议。 与期刊编辑有过的互动:如果作者在投稿前与期刊编辑有过互动,可能是社交网路或是会议,如果编辑曾经表示过对你的研究感兴趣,记得在投稿信中提及。 相似工作:如果作者觉得自己的研究非常创新,而且可能有其他研究人员进行同样研究,准备将类似的研究结果投稿到其他期刊,你可以请求编辑加快审稿速度。但是提出这种要求要非常小心,因为编辑处理你的稿件的态度会变得非常谨慎。 问题四:怎样写英文投稿信 但使龙城飞将在,不教胡马渡阴山. 问题五:英文投稿 template怎么写 template 英[?temple?t] 美[?t?mpl?t] n. 模板; 样板; 型板; [例句]Trace around your template and transfer the design onto a sheet of card. 沿着你的样板边画一圈,把图案描在一张硬纸板上。 [其他] 复数:templates 问题六:如何写英文邮件询问投稿系统问题 见字如晤。 距离上一次与你联系已是X月/X日,不知近来安否?贵社对我稿件的接纳,我至今感念不已。如果能告知稿件状态,亦将感激涕零。期待你的回复。顺祝 问题七:英文投稿这个地方怎么填写? t most people would be chastened by the ce 问题八:英文投稿中一个书籍文献格式怎么写? hich is tacitly agreed to by the others, th



You letter came to me this morning.

I have received your letter of July the 20th.

I’m writing to you about the lecture to be given next Monday.

I’m writing to ask if you can come next week.

How time flies! It’s three months since I saw you last.

Thank you for your letter.

In reply to your letter about (the exhibition this year)…;

Let me tell you that…


Please remember me to your whole family.

Give my best regards (wishes) to your mother.

Best wishes.

With love.

Wish you a pleasant journey.

Wish you success. Wish you the best of health. (luck)

Looking forward to your next visit to China.

Looking forward to the pleasure of meeting you.

Expecting to hear from you as soon as possible.

1. 相反,有一些人赞成……,他们相信……,而且,他们认为……。

On the contrary,there are some people in favor of the same time,they say____.

2. 但是,我认为这不是解决……的好方法,比如……。最糟糕的是……。

But I don"t think it is a very good way to solve example, of all,___.

3. ……对我们国家的发展和建设是必不可少的,(也是)非常重要的。首先,……。而且……,最重要的是……

______is necessary and important to our country"s development and construction. First,"s more, important of all,______.

4. 有几个可供我们采纳的方法。首先,我们可以……。

There are several measures for us to adopt. First, we can______

5. 面临……,我们应该采取一系列行之有效的方法来……。一方面……,另一方面,

Confronted with______,we should take a series of effective measures to______. For one thing,______For another,______

1、I was glad to hear you good news.很高兴听到您的消息。

2、Forgive me for not writing sooner.原谅我没有很快回信。

3、It was very kind of you to reply so quickly.你能很快回信太好了。

4、I am sorry to hear that you have not been well.听说您身体不好我很难过。





Dear ______,

①You have asked me for my advice with regard to ______ , and I will try to make some conductive suggestions


②In my humble opinion, you would be wise to take the following actions: ______(建议的内容).

③I hope you will find these proposals useful, and I would be ready to discuss this matter with you to further


Yours sincerely,

Li Ming


Dear ______ ,

①There will be a ______(内容)at/in ______(地点)on ______(时间). ②We would be honored to have you there

with us.

③The occasion will start at ______(具体时间). ④This will be followed by a ______(进一步的安排). ⑤At around

______(时间), ______(另一个安排).

⑥I really hope you can make it. ⑦RSVP before ______(通知你的最后期限).

Yours sincerely,

Li Ming


Dear ______ ,

①I am writing to formally request to ______(请求的内容).

2016/8/17 高考英语书信作文万能模板

②The reason for ______is that ______(给出原因). ③I ______ , so I ______(给出细节).

④I would also like to request ______(提出进一步的要求). ⑤I am sorry for any inconvenience I have caused.

⑥Thank you for your attention to these requests. ⑦If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact me at

______(电话号码). ⑧I look forward to a favorable reply.

Yours sincerely,

Li Ming


Dear ______ ,

①I have learned with delight that you ______(祝贺事由). ②I would like to extend to you my utmost

congratulations on ______. ③You must be ______. ④And I feel very happy for you.

⑤ ______(所取得的成绩)is quite exciting news! ⑥I know this is surely owing to ______(被祝贺人过去的努力).⑦It

is a reward you richly deserve for your ______(被祝贺人的优点).

⑧Kindly let me know when you ______(咨询对方何时有空).⑨I hope ______(表达自己的愿望). ⑩My best wishes

for your further success.

Yours sincerely,

Li Ming


Dear ______ ,

①I am ______(自我介绍). ②I am writing to see if it is possible for you to provide me with information regarding


③First of all, what are ______(第一个问题)? ④Secondly, when will ______(第二个问题)? ⑤Thirdly, is ______(第三个问题)?

⑥I would also like to inquire ______(将最重要的问题单独成段). ⑦Could you be so kind as to send me some

relevant booklets on the above-mentioned aspects?

⑧Thank you for you kindness, and your prompt attention to this letter will be highly appreciated.

Yours sincerely,

Li Ming


Dear ______ ,

①It affords me much pleasure to recommend ______(要推荐的人)to you.②During his/her graduate years

he/she was my ______ . ③As his/her ______ I found him/her ______(介绍与此人的'关系).

④His/Her performance in the school years was outstanding. ⑤First, he/she had been and showed great talents in

______ . ⑥In addition, he/she has a very pleasant personality. ⑦He has developed a strong sense of ______, and

working with him is always. ⑧I can state that he/she has all the qualities of being ______.(介绍此人的能力)

⑨Therefore, I here recommend him/her to you with all my heart. ⑩Should you favor him/her with a position in

your company/Should you accept him/her in your university?I am sure that his/her future conduct/academic

work will prove worthy of your confidence. I look forward to hearing from you at the earliest possible moment.

Yours sincerely,

Li Ming


Dear ______,

①I am ______(自我介绍). ②I feel bad to trouble you but I am afraid that I have to make a complaint about.

③The reason for my dissatisfaction is ______(总体介绍). ④In the first place, ______(抱怨的第一个方面). ⑤In

addition, ______(抱怨的第二个方面). ⑥Under these circumstances, I find it ______(感觉)to______(抱怨的方面给你带来的后果).

⑦I appreciate it very much if you could ______(提出建议和请求), preferably ______(进一步的要求), and I would

like to have this matter settled by ______(设定解决事情最后期限). ⑧Thank you for your consideration and I will

be looking forward to your reply.


Dear ______,

①I am truly sorry that ______(道歉的原因).

②The reason is that ______(介绍原因). ③Once again, I am sorry for any inconvenience caused. ④Hope you can

accept my appologies and understand my situation.

Yours sincerely,

Li Ming


Dear ______ ,

①I am writing to extend my sincere gratitude for ______(感谢的原因). ②If it had not been for your assistance in

______(对方给予的具体帮助), I fear that I would have been ______(没有对方帮助时的后果).

③Every one agrees that it was you who ______(给出细节).

④Again, I would like to express my warm thanks to you! Please accept my gratitude.

Yours sincerely,

Li Ming


How nice to hear from you again.


Let me tell you something about the activity.


I’m glad to have received your letter of Apr. 9th.[/color]


I’m pleased to hear that you’re coming to China for a visit.


I’m writing to thank you for your help during my stay in America.


2016/8/17 高考英语书信作文万能模板


With best wishes.


I’m looking forward to hearing from you.


I’d appreciate it if you could reply earlier.


I sincerely hope this letter can draw your attention to the matter and I hope the problem mentioned above can

solved as soon as possible。

