

发布时间:2024-07-07 09:31:41







本科毕业设计主要参考文献要求10篇以上, 其中外文文献2篇以上(指导教师认定为特殊类型的论文,可以不列外文参考文献)。参考文献必须是公开出版、发表的(含网上下载)着作或期刊(论文),统一放在文后,并按文中出现的先后顺序,用阿拉伯数字进行自然编号,序码加方括号。


专着:[序号] 作者名. 书名[M]. 出版地: 出版单位, 出版年:引文页码。

期刊:[序号] 作者名. 题名[J]. 刊名,年,卷号(期号): 所引用的文献在期刊中的起止页码。

报纸:[序号] 作者名. 题名[N]. 报刊名,年-月-日(版次)。(示例:2009-01-01(1))论 文 集:[序号] 作者名。题名[C]//论文集作(编) 者。论文集名。出版地:出版单位,出版年:所引用的文献在期刊中的起止页码。

电子文献:[序号] 作者名.电子文献名[DB/OL].(发表或更新日期)[引用日期].获取或访问路径(即网址)。

学位论文:[序号] 作者名.题名[D].授予单位所在地:授予单位,授予年。

专利:[序号] 申请者.专利名[P]:专利国别,专利号,公告日期。


参考文献作者三名以内的全部列出,四名以上的列前三名,中文后加“等”,英文后加“et al”.作者姓名不管是外文还是汉语拼音,一律姓在前名在后(如Hardy Thomas.)。外文姓不可缩写,名可缩写;如作者为二人以上,第一位作者的格式为先姓后名,后用逗号,其他作者均按先姓后名,但名后不加标点,最后一名作者名前要加and,最后用句号。











就是毕业论文的参考文献 至少需要10篇 期刊论文!!



第一辑《若我离去,后会无期》第二辑《谁曾和你一起靠近童话》第三辑《当你转身牵我的手》第四辑《你的笑容如繁花》第五辑《仰望幸福的角度》第六辑《你比夏天更遥远》第七辑《路过心上的柔软时光》第八辑《你是我心里的一首歌》第九辑《一个像夏天,一个像秋天》第十辑《成全你我的碧海蓝天》第十一辑《月色荒凉了天明》第十二辑《可是你,早已远去》第十三辑《最爱我的那个天使睡着了》第十四辑《下辈子换我走向你》七日霜飞《抢个山贼做王妃》语笑嫣然《萧瑟流光》《公主的21枚无泪 指环》《红楼别夜》《爱如指间砂》水阡墨《春雨如酒柳如烟》《梅子青时雨 》《乱花飞过秋千去》《星星流浪的城市 》《九国·伽蓝之羽》独木舟《深海里的星星Ⅰ》《深海里的星 星Ⅱ》《你是我的独家记忆》《月亮说它 忘记了》《我亦飘零久》夏七夕《后来我们都哭了》《我和你的笑 忘书》《妖孽只在夜里哭》小狮《锦夜》《锦夜Ⅱ》《积木城池》《 狮·绯闻记》《积木城池Ⅱ》乐小米《凉生,我们可不可以不忧伤1》 《凉生,我们可不可以不忧伤2》《凉生 ,我们可不可以不忧伤3》《梧桐那么伤 》《美人如玉剑如虹》《谁教白马踏梦船 》《天已微凉》《苍耳》晓丹叮咚《穿越时空之绝色神偷Ⅰ》《穿 越时空之绝色神偷Ⅱ》《穿越时空之绝色 神偷Ⅲ》《翩翩不嫁你》星空飘雨《年华何日不离伤》蒹葭苍苍《糖果的子弹》纯白《每个少年都会远去》校长《燕归来熙》《与大神JQ的日子》《 玛丽在隔壁》舒暖朝《安之若素,宁之如春》王晓露《暮光薄凉,夏了夏天》童馨儿《我等你,永远为期》 《如果不 能永远在一起》七色夭夭《琼心醉》破破《盛夏流年朝朝》微酸袅袅《天空不要为我掉眼泪》《是你 路过我的倾城时光》《半夏锦年》《樱花 落海洋》莫争《吾家小眉弯弯画》南绫《老板是妖孽》桃子夏《再见,薄雪草少年》《蔷薇的第 七夜》《初吻的左脸颊》《布拉格红人馆 》桑雪裳《公子,赖上不要逃》枝上梢《童养小男友》合集《花一开就相爱吧》早安夏天《小心他的眼睛》夜礼服蒙面《冤家路宰》花火白色忧伤白色忧伤系列1《亲爱的永远亲爱》白色忧伤系列2 《海是倒过来的天》白色忧伤系列3 《带着眼泪去流浪》白色忧伤系列4 《当赤道留住雪花,你会 珍惜我吗》白色忧伤系列新锐版《岛屿云烟》2005纪念特辑上《当这个世界还小的时 候》花火微凉文学微凉文学系列《小熊座少女》水阡墨著微凉文学系列《蔷薇色尘埃》水阡墨著微凉文学系列《薄荷双生》水阡墨著微凉文学系列《云朵上的歌》张芸欣著微凉文学系列《未见萤火虫》张芸欣著微凉文学系列《天使消失在街角》江筱旭 著微凉文学系列《忧伤漫过星星夜》夏小绿 著花火一爱倾城文学第一季一爱倾城系列01《苍耳》乐小米著一爱倾城系列02《微光迷失的尘夏》赤焰 冷著一爱倾城系列03《如果下辈子我还记得你 》子夜初著一爱倾城系列04《我只是难过不能陪你一 起老》唐扶摇著一爱倾城系列05《全世界为你唱这小情歌 》紫鱼儿著一爱倾城系列06《晨光搁浅》那焉著一爱倾城系列07《如果不能够永远走在一 起》童馨儿著一爱倾城系列08《月时有圆缺》月上无风 著一爱倾城系列09《暮雪上的晨星》清音墨 影著一爱倾城系列10《蔷薇纪年静谧时》连城 雪著第二季一爱倾城系列01《向日葵开过旧夏天》阮 绵绵著一爱倾城系列02《杯具女王》暖宝著一爱倾城系列03《日光沉寂,豆蔻彼年》 艾小图著一爱倾城系列04《荆棘花向晚》薄荷枝著 一一爱倾城系列05《我在千寻之下等你》子 夜初著一爱倾城系列06《花满枝桠》关就著一爱倾城系列07《如果坠落时也有星光》 暖风十里著一爱倾城系列08《良时景归来》吕亦涵著一爱倾城系列09《后来春眠不觉晓》梅吉 著一爱倾城系列10《夏墨》青苏著一爱倾城系列11《如果还能回到从前》寒 雨吹梦著一爱倾城系列12《萤火寂寂流年伤》何处 听雨著一爱倾城注定系列一爱倾城注定系列01《青墨之年,狭路 相逢》宅晓七著一爱倾城注定系列02《候鸟与暖风终年 相遇》吾无敌著一爱倾城注定系列04《用一生换你一次 初相遇》不二家水水著一爱倾城注定系列05《薄荷烟花凉》乐 碗碗著一爱倾城注定系列07《思慕无期》则慕 著一爱倾城注定系列04《好时光都该被宝 贝》萝小萝著全城热恋第一季全城热恋系列01 《大神》容九著全城热恋系列02 《小白驾到,请多关照 》路筝著全城热恋系列03 《桃花天里熊熊过》啦 乱著全城热恋系列04 《贼船,等等我》居筱 亦著全城热恋系列05 《撞南墙,请用力》昕 杨著全城热恋系列06 《用一朵花开的时间》 苏落著全城热恋系列07 《船撞桥头自然沉》落 跑的娘子著全城热恋系列08 《忘兔丝蕊,跑》扁莜 离著全城热恋系列09 《郎骑南瓜来》啦乱著全城热恋系列10 《月光相伴小星球》深 几许著第二季全城热恋系列01《淳香花木缓缓开》戚悦 著全城热恋系列02《扑倒,不要拐弯抹角! 》末尚尚著全城热恋系列03《只取一瓢祸水饮》舒言 著全城热恋系列04《和萌主斗狠的JQ岁月 》红线盗盒著全城热恋系列05《桐花朵朵开》虫小扁著全城热恋系列06《不好意思,劫个色》九 尾著第三季全城热恋系列01《深深不爱你》洛尘蝶野 著全城热恋系列02《当时我就震惊了》五 月微末著全城热恋系列03《必须爱,鉴定完毕》卫 玛著全城热恋系列03《兔子急了,不咬人》小 香颂著全城热恋系列05《一起围观驯夫秀》立誓 成妖著全城热恋系列06《亲,前男友不包邮》青 衫风流著全城热恋系列07《腹黑诱惑不打烊》冷漠 然著第四季全城热恋系列01《关门,放boss》四月 著全城热恋系列02《如果萌,请深萌》爱喝 水著全城热恋系列03《相贱恨晚》灭绝著全城热恋系列08《命饭逃花》孤钵著全城热恋系列09《偶不是纯良美男子》宅 包著全城热恋系列10《Loli反扑计划》拉拉大 人著全城热恋心动全城热恋心动系列01《共君一醉》天如玉 著全城热恋心动系列02《神马都是浮云》梦 魇殿下著全城热恋心动系列04《狐狸出没,请注意 》瑜霜著全城热恋心动系列05《逃花翩翩为璟开》 堂暖米著相贱恨晚相贱恨晚系列01《相“贱”恨晚》灭绝著相贱恨晚系列02《奈何萌徒是大神》囡囝 囚团著相贱恨晚系列03《双“贱”合璧》灭绝 著相贱恨晚系列04《招妖过市》绿里凉桑 著相贱恨晚系列05《花妖新娘》墨青城著相贱恨晚系列06《同学两亿岁》疯丢子 著蓝色伤痕文学蓝色伤痕系列01 《青藤之凉》梅吉著蓝色伤痕系列02 《北极星下落不明》短 发夏天著蓝色伤痕系列03 《默歌尽微凉》陌墨著蓝色伤痕系列04 《听说每一颗星球都会 哭泣》短发夏天著蓝色伤痕系列05 《月光漫过珍珠夏》张 芸欣著蓝色伤痕系列06 《天使吻过这片海》陌 墨著蓝色伤痕系列07 《阿门阿前一棵葡萄树 》紫鱼儿著蓝色伤痕系列07 《如果记忆不说话,流 年也会开出花》张芸欣著蓝色伤痕系列08 《海豚之森夏不眠》沐 小弦著蓝色伤痕系列09 《风筝有风,海豚有海 》辜妤洁著蓝色伤痕系列10 《情若覆流年》慕年著青色记忆文学青色记忆系列01 《蒲公英的半海》梅吉 著青色记忆系列02 《十二盛夏Ⅰ》墨小芭 著青色记忆系列03 《十二盛夏Ⅱ》墨小芭 著少年蓝文学第一季少年蓝系列01《夏有乔木,雅望天堂》 籽月著少年蓝系列02《唱情歌的少年请别忧伤》 居尼尔斯著少年蓝系列03《九月少年蓝》月下箫声 著少年蓝系列04《积木城池》小狮著少年蓝系列05《逆夏》 紫鱼儿著少年蓝系列07《世上独一无二的你》叶微 著少年蓝系列08《谁把风声听成离别歌》络 络著少年蓝系列10《夏有乔木,雅望天堂2》 籽月著第二季少年蓝系列01《南国的雪已流成了泪》春 熙著少年蓝系列02《我有相思不可言》橙子 著少年蓝系列03《衣染天光蓝》任昌珉著少年蓝系列《咖啡少年不加糖》居尼尔 斯著花火陌上花开系列陌上花开系列01《驸马非马》李惟七著陌上花开系列02《闲花弄影》苏非影著陌上花开系列03《鸢鸢相报》赵乾乾著陌上花开系列04《天作之合》赤焰冷著陌上花开系列06《玄月弯弯》杨千紫著陌上花开系列07《君许三生雪》燃水若子 著陌上花开系列09《老爷有喜 凤凰劫》《 老爷有喜凤还朝》《寡人有疾》随宇而 安著陌上花开系列10《步步娇情》轻影著第二季陌上花开系列01《云仙血》池灵筠著陌上花开系列05《相公,请隐身》草很离 谱著陌上花开系列02《废柴也是宝》终朝采蓝 著第三季陌上花开系列06《小生多妖娆》言氏小六 著花火三生三世三生三世系列01《一只小妖出墙来》赤焰 冷著三生三世系列02《三千鸦杀》十四郎著三生三世系列03《天作之合》赤焰冷著三生三世系列04《乱世迷迭兰》橘文冷 著三生三世系列05《芙蓉骨》苏特著三生三世系列06《春日宴》扣子著三生三世系列07《脱骨香》fresh果果 著三生三世系列08《妖路芳菲》暮兰舟著三生三世系列09《千山暮雪梦里红妆》布 温柔著三生三世系列10《为君衔来二月花》月 殇著花火绝色宫廷绝色宫廷系列01《兰陵王妃(上)》杨千 紫著绝色宫廷系列02《兰陵王妃(下)》杨千 紫著绝色宫廷系列03《深宫·美人夜来》语笑 嫣然著绝色宫廷系列04《深宫·花落晚妆》语笑 嫣然著绝色宫廷系列05《素颜繁花梦》晓丹叮咚 著花火暗夜惊心暗夜惊心系列01《黑色记事本·血衣餐厅 》管卉著暗夜惊心系列02《家长会》早安夏天著暗夜惊心系列03《我的高中①——迷失课 室》七根胡著暗夜惊心系列04《我的高中②——魔班生 》七根胡著暗夜惊心系列05《小心它的眼睛》早安夏 天著蔷薇岛屿第一季蔷薇岛屿系列01 《日光微暖爱倾城》清 幽淡雅著蔷薇岛屿系列02 《遇见你,是我一世的 春暖花开》提拉米苏著蔷薇岛屿系列03 《何以烟波照明蓝》任 影著第二季蔷薇岛屿系列01 《金鱼莫与流年错》亚 末著蔷薇岛屿系列02 《未及相顾年华里》清 幽淡雅著蔷薇岛屿系列03 《若到青阳盛开时》风 间花谢著沙漏校园此间沙漏校园系列01《日安,浅岛成人礼 》蓝碎碎著此间沙漏校园系列02《一路到夏天的尾声 》然澈著此间沙漏校园系列03《蒲公英少年带我走 》天琴著此间沙漏校园系列04《我只能陪你到这里 》陆宝著花火情歌荒芜情歌荒芜系列01《如果没有你,情歌也荒 芜》云吉锦绣著情歌荒芜系列02《尘埃万里路,你待我如 花》那时翩然著情歌荒芜系列03《我只是练习和你说再见 》雅畈著情歌荒芜系列04《繁花盛开的森林》苏释 著情歌荒芜系列05《匪君匪恋》花艳无蝶 著花火黯淡星黯淡星系列01《独家星劫》荧之光著黯淡星系列02《爱在尘埃堆积的角落》微 木著黯淡星系列03《爱暮冷夏》韩三三著花火星光纯美星光纯美系列01《把淡蓝色星星说成一颗 糖》四夕若若著星光纯美系列02《来不及流泪的亲吻鱼》星光纯美系列《云朵里的花期》花火恋习册恋习册系列01《记我们单纯的小美好》赵 乾乾著恋习册系列02《原谅这世上没有童话》安 小漠著恋习册系类04 《初夏蔷薇涩》路筝著恋习册系类05《恰樱花少年》漩沐著恋习册系类06《我听过太多未央歌》漩沐 著恋习册07《可以幸福就好了》池小凡著花火为你钟情为你钟情01《蝴蝶注定飞不过沧海》为你钟情《月歌斑驳》山今著为你钟情《经年已别,薄荷未央》虫儿飞 著为你钟情05《我要偷偷靠近你》戚悦 著为你钟情06《等不到天亮等时光》投我木 瓜著花火大明星大明星系列《我曾用爱雕刻时光》大明星系列《爱你是我孤单的心事》大明星系列《可惜不是你,陪我到最后》大明星系列《请你悄悄念一念我的名字》大明星系列《全世界忧蓝成伤》花火踏错时空踏错时空系列01《皇上,臣妾知罪了》踏错时空系列02《蓝缕》郑乔伊著踏错时空系列03《皇夫不在线》阿荧著花火2011幸福满格01《最好的时光》独木舟著02《烟火之吻》语笑嫣然著03《时光恰如年》陈艾瑾著04《南溪淙淙》唐扶摇著花火恋之迷藏01 《季凉川,爱了你这么多年》左瞳著02 《我们说好的》妖十三著03 《写信给林夏》静悠著异国情缘01 《吻不到的恋人》佩灵著




格式范例一:专著、论文集、报告[序号]主要责任者.文献题名[文献类型标识].出版地:出版者,出版年:起止页码(可选).例如:[1]刘国钧,陈绍业.图书目录[M].北京:高等教育出版社,1957:15-18.二:期刊文章[序号]主要责任者.文献题名[J].刊名,年,卷(期):起止页码.例如:[1]何龄修.读南明史[J].中国史研究,1998,(3):167-173.[2]OU J P,SOONG T T,et advance in research on applications of passive energy dissipation systems[J].Earthquack Eng,1997,38(3):358-361.三:论文集中的析出文献[序号]析出文献主要责任者.析出文献题名[A].原文献主要责任者(可选)原文献题名[C].出版地:出版者,出版年:起止页码.例如:[7]钟文发.非线性规划在可燃毒物配置中的应用[A].赵炜.运筹学的理论与应用——中国运筹学会第五届大会论文集[C].西安:西安电子科技大学出版社,1996:468.四:学位论文[序号]主要责任者.文献题名[D].出版地:出版单位,出版年:起止页码(可选).例如:[4]赵天书.诺西肽分阶段补料分批发酵过程优化研究[D].沈阳:东北大学,2013.五:报纸文章[序号]主要责任者.文献题名[N].报纸名,出版日期(版次).例如:[8]谢希德.创造学习的新思路[N].人民日报,1998-12-25(10)六:电子文献[文献类型/载体类型标识]:[J/OL]网上期刊、[EB/OL]网上电子公告、[M/CD]光盘图书、[DB/OL]网上数据库、[DB/MT]磁带数据库[序号]主要责任者.电子文献题名[电子文献及载体类型标识].电子文献的出版或获得地址,发表更新日期/引用日期.例如:[12]王明亮.关于中国学术期刊标准化数据库系统工程的进展[EB/OL].1998-08-16/1998-10-01.[8]万锦.中国大学学报文摘(1983-1993).英文版[DB/CD].北京:中国大百科全书出版社,1996.

就是毕业论文的参考文献 至少需要10篇 期刊论文!!





读后感,是指看了某篇文章或某部作品后,根据自己的感想所写的文章(如果是看了某部影片或戏剧后所写的感想,叫“观后感”,与“读后感”的性质性同) 读后感属于议论文的范畴,但又不同于一般的议论文。 一般议论文,要求观点明确,论据典型,论证严密;而读后感最突出的特点是“读”和“感”的紧密结合。“读”,指读了何人、何文,文中有何事、何观点;“感”,是指读后有何感受。 “读”是“感”的基础,“感”是“读”的升华。就所读作品而言,“读”是“即”—对所读内容和感发点作必要的交代;“感”是“离”—根据感发点进行联想,谈感受。 “感”是“读”互相作用,不可脱节。 “读”和“感”的结合,一般采用两种形式:一是边述读(交代所读内容)边发感;二是先述读后发感。原则上讲,先述读后发感的形式比较好把握,适合初学写读后感的同学选用。 要写好读后感,除掌握以上基本的文体知识外,还必须把握以下几个写作步骤: 一、研读原文。只有研读好原文,才能对原文的内容和主旨有深刻全面的理解和把握,才能从中有所感悟,这是写好读后感的基础。 二、确立感发点。感发点是读后感的中心论点,又是文章的“入手处”。 一篇文,一本书,一部影视片,一出戏剧,内容有简有繁,线索有多有少,人物有主有次,观点有深有浅,写读后感不可能面面俱到。那么,怎样确立感发点呢?方法很简单。我们研读某篇作品后,必然会受到启发,有所感悟,而我们受启发最大、感悟最深的那一点(或几点),就可以确立为“感发点”。例如:写人为主的记叙文,感发点往往是人物最突出的精神、思想、品格等特点或最有价值的言论、行动。写事为主的记叙文,感发点往往是事件中所包含的意义、所反映的某种问题或普遍性的规律。议论文的感发点,一般是所读议论文的中心论点或分论点。其他文体感发点的确立的与此大同小异,不一一赘述。 三、述读与发感。 述读,指对所读文章的出处、篇名、作者、感发点等方面的交代,目的是使读者明白这篇读后感的由来,要发什么感。这些交代是必不可少的,否则,就会让读者不明白你的“感”由何而发。发感,是在述读和感发点的基础上,展开联想与引申,联系实际进行发挥,这是文章的主体部分。 联想与引申的原则是,要围绕感发点,要与原文材料有密切的联系。对联系的内容和实际还要进行必要的分析、议论或抒情,这样“感”才会深刻。这也是展开读后感主体部分最主要的方法。 另外,在论证感发点的过程中,要注意把两种论据紧密结合起来,一是所读原文的材料,二是联想和引申的材料。 四、读后感的结尾。结尾可概括中心,总结全文,或提出问题,发表看法,发人深思。“文无定则”,内容决定形式,采用什么形式结尾,要根据读后感的类型而定。 第五、写读后感常见的毛病。 1、述读原文多,无“感”或“感”少,喧宾夺主。有的同学写读后感,主体部分完全是复述原文的情节,或加进几句不痛不痒的评述。这些都违反读后的最基本要求。 2、评述原文多,无“感”而发,牵强附会。这类文章混淆了读后感与文学评论的界限,把无关紧要的内容勉强地扯在一起。也是有些同学最易犯的一个毛病。 3、空洞抽象,缺乏联想,没有引人入胜的新鲜想法。这类文章的主体部分往往展不开,主要是没有打有思路。 4、蜻蜓点水,面面俱到,没有重点。这类文章主要症结是没有把握原文的精神或主旨,没有确立好感发点的要点。 以上只举了最常见的四种毛病,在写作实际中可能不止这些。 读后感是一种重要的作文形式,只要同学们多读,多想,多练,不断总结写作经验,就一定会把读后感写好的。



Just two for breakfast 两个人的早餐

When my husband and I celebrated our 38th wedding anniversary at our favorite restaurant, Lenny, the piano player, asked, "How did you do it?"

I knew there was no simple answer, but as the weekend approached, I wondered if one reason might be our ritual of breakfast in bed every Saturday and Sunday.

It all started with the breakfast tray my mother gave us as a wedding gift. It had a glass top and slatted wooden side pockets for the morning paper the kind you used to see in the movies. Mother loved her movies, and although she rarely had breakfast in bed, she held high hopes for her daughter. My adoring bridegroom took the message to heart.

Feeling guilty, I suggested we take turns. Despite grumblings -- "hate crumbs in my bed" ---Sunday morning found my spouse eagerly awaiting his tray. Soon these weekend breakfasts became such a part of our lives that I never even thought about them. I only knew we treasured this separate, blissful time read, relax, forget the things we should remember.

Sifting through the years, I recalled how our weekends changed, but that we still preserved the ritual. We started our family (as new parents, we slept after breakfast more than we read), but we always found our way back to where we started, just two for breakfast, one on Saturday and one on Sunday.

When we had more time, my tray became more festive. First it was fruit slices placed in geometric pattern; then came flowers from our garden .This arranger of mine had developed a flair for decorating, using everything from amaryllis to the buds of a maple tree. My husband said my cooking inspired him. Mother would have approved. Perhaps it was the Saturday when the big strawberry wore a daisy hat that I began to think, how can I top this? One dark winter night I woke with a vision of a snowman on a tray. That Sunday I scooped a handful of snow and in no time had my man made. With a flourish I put a miniature pinecone on his head.

As I delivered the tray, complete with a nicely frozen snowman, I waited for a reaction. There was none but as I headed down the stairs I heard a whoop of laughter and then, "You've won! Yes, sir, you've won the prize!"

Put time where love is 舍得为爱付出时间

During my 25 years as a marital therapist, I have seen hundreds of people disappointed over unfulfilling relationships. I have seen passion turn to poison. I have grieved with patients for the love they lost or never found.

"We seemed to love so much, but now it's gone," one woman lamented to me. "Why do I feel so lonely every night even when he is right there beside me? Why can't marriage be more than this?"

It can. I was once invited to the 60th-anniversary celebration of a remarkable couple. I asked the husband, Peter, if he ever felt lonely and wondered where the love between him and Lita had gone. Peter laughed and said, "If you wonder where your love went, you forgot that you are the one who makes it. Love is not out there; it's in here between Lita and me."

I know we can love deeply, tenderly and lastingly. I have seen such love, and I have felt such love myself. Here are the law I have discovered for such lasting and loving relationships---put time where love is.

A fulfilling marriage begins when two people make time together their priority. If we hope to find love, we must first find time for loving.

Unfortunately, current psychology rests on the model of the independent ego. To make a lasting marriage we have to overcome self-centeredness. We must go beyond what psychologist Abraham Maslow called "self-actualization" to "us-actualization". We have to learn to put time where love is.

Many couples have experienced a tragic moment that taught them to value their time together. One husband related how he sat trapped in his car after a crash. His wife was outside, crying and banging on the window. "I thought I was going to die before we had enough time together." He told me. "Right then I promised to make the time to love my wife. Our time is our own now, and those hours are sacred."

I am nature's greatest miracle. 我是自然界最伟大的奇迹

I am nature's greatest miracle.

Although I am of the animal kingdom, animal rewards alone will not satisfy me. Within me burns a flame, which has been passed from generations uncounted and its heat is a constant irritation to my spirit to become better than I am, and I will. I will fan this flame of dissatisfaction and proclaim my uniqueness to the world.

None can duplicate my brush strokes, none can make my chisel marks, none can duplicate my handwriting, none can produce my child, and, in truth, none has the ability to sell exactly as I. Henceforth, I will capitalize on this difference for it is an asset to be promoted to the fullest.

I am nature's greatest miracle.

Vain attempts to imitate others no longer will I make. Instead will I place my uniqueness on display in the market place. I will proclaim it, yea, I will sell it. I will begin now to accent my differences; hide my similarities. So too will I apply this principle to the goods I sell. Salesman and goods, different from all others, and proud of the difference.

I am a unique creature of nature.

I am rare, and there is value in all rarity; therefore, I am valuable. I am the end product of thousands of years of evolution; therefore, I am better equipped in both mind and body than all the emperors and wise men who preceded me.

But my skills, my mind, my heart, and my body will stagnate, rot, and die lest I put them to good use. I have unlimited potential. Only a small portion of my brain do I employ; only a paltry amount of my muscles do I flex. A hundredfold or more can I increase my accomplishments of yesterday and this I will do, beginning today.

Nevermore will I be satisfied with yesterday's accomplishments nor will I indulge, anymore, in self-praise for deeds which in reality are too small to even acknowledge. I can accomplish far more than I have, and I will, for why should the miracle which produced me end with my birth? Why can I not extend that miracle to my deeds of today?

I am nature's greatest miracle.

I am not on this earth by chance. I am here for a purpose and that purpose is to grow into a mountain, not to shrink to a grain of sand. Henceforth will I apply all my efforts to become the highest mountain of all and I will strain my potential until it cries for mercy.

I will increase my knowledge of mankind, myself, and the goods I sell, thus my sales will multiply. I will practice, and improve, and polish the words I utter to sell my goods, for this is the foundation on which I will build my career and never will I forget that many have attained great wealth and success with only one sales talk, delivered with excellence. Also will I seek constantly to improve my manners and graces, for they are the sugar to which all are attracted.

I am nature's greatest miracle.

I will concentrate my energy on the challenge of the moment and my actions will help me forget all else. The problems of my home will be left in my home. I will think naught of my family when I am in the market place for this will cloud my thoughts. So too will the problems of the market place be left in the market place and I will think naught of my profession when I am in my home for this will dampen my love.

There is no room in the market place for my family, nor is there room in my home for the market. Each I will divorce from the other and thus will I remain wedded to both. Separate must they remain or my career will die. This is a paradox of the ages.

I am nature's greatest miracle.

I have been given eyes to see and a mind to think and now I know a great secret of life for I perceive, at last, that all my problems, discouragements, and heartaches are, in truth, great opportunities in disguise. I will no longer be fooled by the garments they wear for mine eyes are open. I will look beyond the cloth and I will not be deceived.

I am nature's greatest miracle.

No beast, no plant, no wind, no rain, no rock, no lake had the same beginning as I, for I was conceived in love and brought forth with a purpose. In the past I have not considered this fact but it will henceforth shape and guide my life.

I am nature's greatest miracle.

And nature knows not defeat. Eventually, she emerges victorious and so will I, and with each victory the next struggle becomes less difficult.

I will win, and I will become a great salesman, for I am unique.

I am nature's greatest miracle.




“We’ve had enough of these boys messing about.” This is what Anna Soubry, UK’s former business minister, said earlier last month, offering her backing of Theresa May in the running to bee the UK’s next prime minister.


Soubry was indicating that it was time for women to step up to “clear up the mess created by the men”.


Women are starting to take power in more and more important positions in recent years.


According to a new list piled by Agence France Presse AFP, the world’s 10 most powerful women who made their way above the “glass ceiling”–the invisible barrier that keeps women from rising beyond a certain level in hierarchy


includes the US’ first female presidential nominee Hillary Clinton, head of the US Federal Reserve Janet Yellen, and Director-General of the World Health Organization, Margaret Chan.


There is something interesting with the AFP list though: A majority of the 10 women are over 60, the rough age when some women bee grandmothers.


In fact, this might be the best proof of how aging–a factor that has always been considered as a disadvantage, especially for women–has begun to turn into an edge, for women.


According to The Atlantic, the reasons behind the phenomenon may include that today’s older women are better educated and experienced than any generations before.


It is also because of society’s changing perceptions about what women can achieve–after being held back in their middle age years raising kids and running domestic lives, older women are now more likely to start again instead of retiring into a peaceful life of cooking and gardening.


Also, according to the UK’s Conservative peer, Baroness Jenkin of Kennington, people are growing to be more trusting toward female leaders pared to their male counterparts, especially during periods of instability.


“They feel that at a time of turmoil, a woman will be more practical and a bit less testosterone in their approach.


More collaborative, more willing to listen to voices around the table, less likely to have an instantly aggressive approach to things,” she told The Guardian.


In fact, this changing atmosphere in gender equality is spreading all over the world and across women of all ages.


In the just-ended Rio Olympics, for example, among the 121 medals under the belt of the US team, 55 were won by men while 61 were captured by women. The rest five were in mixed events.


When US gymnast Simone Biles sealed four golds and a bronze, she said, “I’m not the next Usain Bolt or Michael Phelps. I’m the first Simone Biles.”




Until recently, Apple research and development centres never fell far from the tree. The group still does no significant research and development outside the US. Its head office in Cupertino keeps a strong hold on the core design of its products.


Last week, though, chief executive Tim Cook said Apple planned to open a research centre in China, where its products are made, rather than researched or developed. He has strong mercial reasons to plant more Apple flags.

然而,苹果执行长蒂姆•库克Tim Cook上周表示,苹果计划在中国设立一个研究中心。苹果的产品在中国制造,但却不是在中国研究或者开发出来的。从商业角度而言,库克有充分理由在更多地方插上苹果的旗帜。

Apple sales in China have been dented by local rivals such as Huawei. Mr Cook’s announcement came while he met vice premier Zhang Gaoli — a reminder that R&D centres punch above their weight politically.

苹果在华销售遭到华为Huawei等中国本土竞争对手的蚕食。库克是在和中国副 *** 会面时宣布此事的——这提醒人们,从政治角度而言,研发中心具有超乎其本身的重要性。

Foreign investors do not have to mit much money or employ many scientists to build an R&D hub, but the suggestion that they detect some magical innovation-fertiliser in the local water is like catnip to politicians.


In return for handing over the keys to land, granting planning permission and even ladling on subsidies, the mayor or minister briefly gets to look as clever as the people the new R&D hub will hire.


The question in Apple’s case is what took it so long?


Multinationals’ habit of setting up research centres abroad is more than 50 years old, and international panies’ interest in setting down research roots in developing countries dates at least to the early 2000s.


When IBM wanted to establish a non-US R&D centre in the 1950s, it sent an engineer called Arthur Samuel to scout sites in Europe.

上世纪50年代,IBM想要在美国以外建立一个研发中心,于是派出一个名叫阿瑟•塞缪尔Arthur Samuel的工程师在欧洲寻觅合适的地点。

Samuel described the London suburbs he visited as “the most di *** al places that I have ever seen”. He was drawn instead to Zurich by its “proximity to talent”.


This remains among the most popular reasons for panies’ choice of foreign R&D locations, according to fDi Markets, the Financial Times’ cross-border investment research service.

英国《金融时报》旗下跨境投资研究服务机构fDi Markets的研究表明,这一点依然是企业将某个地点选为海外研发中心地址的原因中最普遍的一个。

IBM’s Swiss facility fostered four Nobel laureates but R&D strategy has since evolved to put fast-growing markets and customers closer to the centre.


Jaideep Prabhu of Cambridge’s Judge Business School says Apple might have held back from China so far because of worries about intellectual property leaking into a market notorious for knock-offs of its flagship products.

英国剑桥大学Cambridge嘉治商学院Judge Business School的贾伊迪普•普拉布Jaideep Prabhu表示,苹果一直到现在才决定在中国设立研发中心的原因,可能是苹果担忧其智慧财产权会泄露——中国是一个因为“山寨”苹果旗舰产品而声名狼藉的市场。

But when he studied the research centre phenomenon in the mid-2000s, he found many large panies were already challenging the idea that R&D was “too important to be offshored”.


The quality of skilled local researchers was the main attraction of Bangalore or Shanghai. The fact they could be hired for much less than in New York or Silicon Valley added to the allure.

当地高水平的熟练研?a href='' target='_blank'>咳嗽笔前嗉勇薅?蛘呱虾5闹饕???ΑT僬撸?笠的芄灰员仍谂υ蓟蛘吖韫鹊偷枚嗟某杀竟陀墩庑┤嗽币苍銮苛苏庑┑胤降奈??Α?/p>



WhatsApp is changing its privacy policy to allow businesses to message its billion-plus users, opening up a potential revenue stream for the Facebook-owned app.


The policy shake-up — the first since it was acquired by Facebook in early 2014 — will allow panies to send messages that many people now receive by SMS.


WhatsApp plans to test these new services, such as fraud alerts from banks and updates from airlines on delayed flights, in the next few months.


But the pany said it would not put so-called banner adverts in messages.


It reiterated that its end-to-end encryption meant it did not have access to the content of messages nor did it regularly store metadata on who contacts whom.


“We want to explore ways for you to municate with businesses that matter to you, while still giving you an experience without third-party banner ads and spam,” it said in a blog post.


The new privacy policy will allow Facebook’s main app to use the phone number a user provides to WhatsApp to allow marketers to target advertisements.


The number used by WhatsApp will bee part of an existing database that can be anonymously matched with panies’ own customer lists to create an audience to show a particular marketing message.


Facebook will also be able to use the number to suggest friends to add and to track whether a user has both WhatsApp and the Facebook app on their phone.


This is the first time that WhatsApp has shared any user data with its parent.


When Facebook acquired WhatsApp for $22bn, some feared that the social network would change the privacy policy, mine its data or start showing adverts to users in their messaging stream.


“Your encrypted messages stay private and no one else can read them. Not WhatsApp, not Facebook, nor anyone else,” the WhatsApp blog post said.

WhatsApp在部落格中表示:“您的资讯仍会被加密并保持私密,没有人包括 WhatsApp、Facebook或其他人可以读取内容。

“We won’t post or share your WhatsApp number with others, including on Facebook, and we still won’t sell, share, or give your phone number to advertisers.”


语言学习与 文化 学习是交织在一起的,语言习得者要掌握好一门语言,尤其是第二语言,具备充足的文化背景知识是必不可少的。下面是我带来的英文长篇美文阅读,欢迎阅读!英文长篇美文阅读篇一 Americans have any morals Do Americans have any morals? That's a good question. Many people insist that ideas about right and wrong are merely personal opinions. Some voices, though, are calling Americans back to traditional moral values. William J. Bennett, former . Secretary of Education, edited The Book of Virtues in 1993 to do just that. Bennett suggests that great moral stories can build character. The success of Bennett's book shows that many Americans still believe in moral values. But what are they? 美国人还有道德吗?这是个好问题。许多人坚持对与错乃是个人的意见。但是,还是有些人在呼唤美国人回到传统的道德价值里去。威廉。班奈特,前任美国 教育 部长,正是为了此目的而在一九九三年编辑了「美德」这本书。班奈特认为伟大的道德 故事 可以建造性格。班奈持这本书的成功显示了许多美国人仍然相信道德的价值。但是它们到底为何? To begin with, moral values in America are like those in any culture. In fact, many aspects of morality are universal. But the stories and traditions that teach them are unique to each culture. Not only that, but culture influences how people show these virtues. 最开始,道德价值在美国就像在任何 其它 的文化一样。事实上,许多道德的观点是全球一致的。但是,不同的文化则有不同的故事和传统来教导它们。不仅如此,文化也影响了人民如何表现这些美德。 One of the most basic moral values for Americans is honesty. The well-known legend about George Washington and the cherry tree teaches this value clearly. Little George cut down his father's favorite cherry tree while trying out his new hatchet. When his father asked him about it, George said, “I cannot tell a lie. I did it with my hatchet.” Instead of punishment, George received praise for telling the truth. Sometimes American honesty-being open and direct-can offend people. But Americans still believe that “honesty is the best policy.” 美国人最基本的道德价值之一是诚实。众所周知的乔治。华盛顿砍樱桃树的故事,即将此道德教导地极为清楚。小乔治在试他新斧头时砍倒了爸爸最心爱的樱桃树。当爸爸问他的时候,乔治说,「我不能说谎,我用我的斧头砍了它。」乔治非但未被惩罚,反而因为诚实而被赞赏。有时候美国人仍然相信「诚实是最上策」 Another virtue Americans respect is perseverance. Remember Aesop's fable about the turtle and the rabbit that had a race? The rabbit thought he could win easily, so he took a nap. But the turtle finally won because he did not give up. Another story tells of a little train that had to climb a steep hill. The hill was so steep that the little train had a hard time trying to get over it. But the train just kept pulling, all the while saying, “I think I can, I think I can.” At last, the train was over the top of the hill. “I thought I could, I thought I could,” chugged the happy little train. 另外一个为美国人所尊崇的美德为坚忍。记得再龟兔赛跑这则伊索寓言吗?兔子以为它可以赢的很轻松,便睡了个午觉,但是乌龟再最后终因不放弃而赢了这场比赛。另一个故事谈到一个必须爬过陡峭山头的小火车,山头是这么陡,以至于小火车很难爬上去,但是它仍不断地爬,并不停地说:「我想我能做到,我能做到。」最后,火车终于爬过了山头,「我就知道我可以。」这个快乐的小火车继续往前去。 Compassion may be the queen of American virtues. The story of “The Good Samaritan” from the Bible describes a man who showed compassion. On his way to a certain city, a Samaritan man found a poor traveler lying on the road. The traveler had been beaten and robbed. The kind Samaritan, instead of just passing by, stopped to help this person in need. Compassion can even turn into a positive cycle. In fall 1992, people in Iowa sent truckloads of water to help Floridians hit by a hurricane. The next summer, during the Midwest flooding, Florida returned the favor. In less dramatic ways, millions of Americans are quietly passing along the kindnesses shown to them. 同情心,可能是美国的道德之最了。圣经中的「好撒玛利亚人」的故事,描述一个流露同情心的人。在这个撒玛利亚人出发去某城市的途中,看到一个可怜的旅客躺在路旁。这旅客被鞭打、抢劫,这位仁慈的撒玛利亚人非但没有视而不见,反而停下来帮助这位有需要的人。同情心还可以变成一个正面循环,在一九九二年的秋天,爱荷华州的居民将好几辆卡车的水送到受飓风侵袭的佛罗里达州;而就在第二年夏天,当中西部闹水灾的时候,佛州人便投挑报李。数以百万计的美国人民正用较不醒目的方式回报人们向他们表达的善意。 In no way can this brief description cover all the moral values honored by Americans. Courage, responsibility, loyalty, gratitude and many others could be discussed. In fact, Bennett's bestseller-over 800 pages-highlights just 10 virtues. Even Bennett admits that he has only scratched the surface. But no matter how long or short the list, moral values are invaluable. They are the foundation of American culture-and any culture. 在这么一篇短短的 文章 里,无论如何也不能将美国人所尊崇的道德述尽。勇气、责任心、忠诚、感激之心还有许多其它可以讨论的。事实上,班奈特最畅销的书──超过八百页──只谈到了十种美德。即使班奈特也承认他只谈到了皮毛而已。但是不论这张道德表是多长或短,道德价值都是无价的。他们是美国文化──和任何其它国家的文化之基础
