

发布时间:2024-07-17 13:45:17



《昆虫记》这本书使我十分着迷,读了它我才知道, 原来昆虫世界有这么多的奥秘,我知道了:凌晨,蝉是怎样脱壳;屎壳螂是如何滚粪球的;蚂蚁是怎样去吃蚜虫的分泌物。还弄清了:“螟蛉之子”是错误的,蜂抓青虫不是当成自己的儿子养,而是为自己的后代安排食物。第一次读《昆虫记》,不知怎么的它就吸引了我。这是一部描述昆虫们生育、劳作、狩猎与死亡的科普书,平实的文字,清新自然;幽默的叙述,惹人捧腹……人性化的虫子们翩然登场,多么奇异、有趣的故事啊!法布尔的《昆虫记》,让我没有梦幻感,那些具体而详细的文字,不时让我感觉到放大镜、潮湿、星辰,还有虫子气味的存在,仿佛置身于现场一样。被我忽视太久了的昆虫的身影,及它们嚣张的鸣叫,一下子聚拢过来,我屏住呼吸,然后,凭它们穿透了我心灵的幽暗。是法布尔,让我看到了昆虫跟我们人类在生与死,劳动与掠夺等许多问题上都有着惊人的相似。《昆虫记》不是作家创造出来的世界,它不同于小说,它们是最基本的事实!是法布尔生活的每一天每一夜,是独自的,安静的,几乎与世隔绝的寂寞与艰辛。我仰起了头,这一刻,我非常想仰起我的头,像仰望星空一样,来对待昆虫们存在的奥秘。它使我第一次进入了一个生动的昆虫世界。于是,我接着往下看《昆虫记》。接着往下看,《昆虫记》是一个个有趣的故事:“螳螂是一种十分凶残的动物,然而在它刚刚拥有生命的初期,也会牺牲在个头儿最小的蚂蚁的魔爪下。”蜘蛛织网,“即使用了圆规、尺子之类的工具,也没有一个设计家能画出一个比这更规范的网来”, 丰富的故事情节使我浮想联翩。 看着看着,这些虫子们渐渐地清晰起来,我思考着:如果我们环境保护,不环境污染,这些虫子是不是还会在呢?现在的环境恶化,又是不是在以后还会有呢?我仔细地想了一想这彼此之间的关系,这一次的阅读,《昆虫记》为我打开了一扇全新的门。当我继续阅读《昆虫记》时,我看到法布尔细致入微地观察毛虫的旅行,我看到他不顾危险捕捉黄蜂,我看到他大胆假设、谨慎实验、反复推敲实验过程与数据,一步一步推断高鼻蜂毒针的作用时间与效果,萤的捕食过程,捕蝇蜂处理猎物的方法,孔雀蛾的远距离联络……一次实验失败了,他收集数据、分析原因,转身又设计下一次。严谨的实验方法,大胆的质疑精神,勤勉的作风。这一次,我感觉到了 “科学精神”及其博大精深的内涵。昆虫学家法布尔以人性关照虫性,千辛万苦写出传世巨著《昆虫记》,为人间留下一座富含知识、趣味、美感和思想的散文宝藏。它行文生动活泼,语调轻松诙谐,充满了盎然的情趣。在作者的笔下,杨柳天牛像个吝啬鬼,身穿一件似乎“缺了布料”的短身燕尾礼服;小甲虫“为它的后代作出无私的奉献,为儿女操碎了心”;而被毒蜘蛛咬伤的小麻雀,也会“愉快地进食,如果我们喂食动作慢了,他甚至会像婴儿般哭闹”。多么可爱的小生灵!难怪鲁迅把《昆虫记》奉为“讲昆虫生活”的楷模。我叹服法布尔为探索大自然付出的精神,让我感受到了昆虫与环境息息相关,又让我感受到了作者的独具匠心和细微的观察。《昆虫记》让我眼界开阔了,看待问题的角度不一样了,理解问题的深度也将超越以往。我觉得 《昆虫记》是值得一生阅读的好书, 我想无论是谁,只要认真地阅读一下 《昆虫记》,读出滋味,读出感想,一定可以知道的更多。

弹琴、读书、绘画等。请你写一篇文章,举例说明你的爱好。要求:内容丰富、翔实。【作文示范】My HobbiesI have many hobbies, such as sports, singing, playing the violin and keeping a In school, I often hear the PE teacher say, sports do good to one's health, and will make one live So, I like sports very I go running at five o'clock in the morning, and after classes in the I play pingpong with my These sports have kept me At home, I like to sing and play the I hope I will be a singer and a violinist① when I grow In order to attain these goals②,I go to the teacher's home for a lesson every Saturday, and practise singing and playing the violin every Busy as I am, I am quite Of all my hobbies I like reading books In my bedroom there are nearly six hundred There are story books, textbooks, magazines, and When I grow up, I will serve the people with the knowledge I have learned from (选自《英语画刊》高中版1996年第5期)【词语解释】①vi


《昆虫记》这本书使我十分着迷,读了它我才知道, 原来昆虫世界有这么多的奥秘,我知道了:凌晨,蝉是怎样脱壳;屎壳螂是如何滚粪球的;蚂蚁是怎样去吃蚜虫的分泌物。还弄清了:“螟蛉之子”是错误的,蜂抓青虫不是当成自己的儿子养,而是为自己的后代安排食物。第一次读《昆虫记》,不知怎么的它就吸引了我。这是一部描述昆虫们生育、劳作、狩猎与死亡的科普书,平实的文字,清新自然;幽默的叙述,惹人捧腹……人性化的虫子们翩然登场,多么奇异、有趣的故事啊!法布尔的《昆虫记》,让我没有梦幻感,那些具体而详细的文字,不时让我感觉到放大镜、潮湿、星辰,还有虫子气味的存在,仿佛置身于现场一样。被我忽视太久了的昆虫的身影,及它们嚣张的鸣叫,一下子聚拢过来,我屏住呼吸,然后,凭它们穿透了我心灵的幽暗。是法布尔,让我看到了昆虫跟我们人类在生与死,劳动与掠夺等许多问题上都有着惊人的相似。《昆虫记》不是作家创造出来的世界,它不同于小说,它们是最基本的事实!是法布尔生活的每一天每一夜,是独自的,安静的,几乎与世隔绝的寂寞与艰辛。我仰起了头,这一刻,我非常想仰起我的头,像仰望星空一样,来对待昆虫们存在的奥秘。它使我第一次进入了一个生动的昆虫世界。于是,我接着往下看《昆虫记》。接着往下看,《昆虫记》是一个个有趣的故事:“螳螂是一种十分凶残的动物,然而在它刚刚拥有生命的初期,也会牺牲在个头儿最小的蚂蚁的魔爪下。”蜘蛛织网,“即使用了圆规、尺子之类的工具,也没有一个设计家能画出一个比这更规范的网来”, 丰富的故事情节使我浮想联翩。 看着看着,这些虫子们渐渐地清晰起来,我思考着:如果我们环境保护,不环境污染,这些虫子是不是还会在呢?现在的环境恶化,又是不是在以后还会有呢?我仔细地想了一想这彼此之间的关系,这一次的阅读,《昆虫记》为我打开了一扇全新的门。当我继续阅读《昆虫记》时,我看到法布尔细致入微地观察毛虫的旅行,我看到他不顾危险捕捉黄蜂,我看到他大胆假设、谨慎实验、反复推敲实验过程与数据,一步一步推断高鼻蜂毒针的作用时间与效果,萤的捕食过程,捕蝇蜂处理猎物的方法,孔雀蛾的远距离联络……一次实验失败了,他收集数据、分析原因,转身又设计下一次。严谨的实验方法,大胆的质疑精神,勤勉的作风。这一次,我感觉到了 “科学精神”及其博大精深的内涵。昆虫学家法布尔以人性关照虫性,千辛万苦写出传世巨著《昆虫记》,为人间留下一座富含知识、趣味、美感和思想的散文宝藏。它行文生动活泼,语调轻松诙谐,充满了盎然的情趣。在作者的笔下,杨柳天牛像个吝啬鬼,身穿一件似乎“缺了布料”的短身燕尾礼服;小甲虫“为它的后代作出无私的奉献,为儿女操碎了心”;而被毒蜘蛛咬伤的小麻雀,也会“愉快地进食,如果我们喂食动作慢了,他甚至会像婴儿般哭闹”。多么可爱的小生灵!难怪鲁迅把《昆虫记》奉为“讲昆虫生活”的楷模。我叹服法布尔为探索大自然付出的精神,让我感受到了昆虫与环境息息相关,又让我感受到了作者的独具匠心和细微的观察。《昆虫记》让我眼界开阔了,看待问题的角度不一样了,理解问题的深度也将超越以往。我觉得 《昆虫记》是值得一生阅读的好书, 我想无论是谁,只要认真地阅读一下 《昆虫记》,读出滋味,读出感想,一定可以知道的更多。



itors and veterans among the editors who have created their own little They have their own club that you can’t They’ll try to stretch the boundaries, to push through their own headlines d You’ll have to fight hard to hold your ”

I most like insectsI most like the insect The cicada has two names, also called cicadas, The cicada is the usual summer little animal, it has six legs, the forefoot is curved sword, can be used as its weapon, which each foot has a Cicada's wings like a cracked The cicada was on the ground, grow up to drill out, I heard that the shell can do drugs! The cicada food branch of the juice, as long as the mouth of the pipe plug, you can explicitly sucking The cicada is daddy following a call "motor", as long as the press can be called up, his voice is very loud, thirty meters can hear I often and little friends to catch cicadas, we came under the tree, see the trees there are many Once, when the wind blows a cicada fly down, captured by I put it into a large bottle of Gary, then put into a basin filled with water, it will climb into the I thought: it may want to drink Never thought it was going to swim, it will dive! It's in the Pat little wings, then dive down into the water and in the water, it is water, smoke a lot of I took it out of the water, it is not When I put it on the ground, it is the same as the top of the rotation, wings open, happy to sing the 我最喜欢的昆虫   我最喜欢的昆虫是知了。知了有两个名字,又叫知了又叫蝉。知了是夏天常见的小动物,它有六只脚,前脚是弯弯的大刀,可以当作它的武器,它的每一只脚上有一个勾子。知了的翅膀像有裂缝的玻璃。知了小时候是在地下的,长大的时候才钻出来,听说它的壳还能做药呢!知了的食物是树枝里的汁,只要嘴巴上的那根管插上去,就能痛痛快快地吸汁了。知了爸爸的肚子下面有一个能叫的“马达”,只要一摁就可以叫起来,它的声音很响亮,三十米外都能听得很清楚。   我常常和小朋友去抓知了,我们来到大树底下,看见树上有很多知了。有一次,刮风的时候有一只知了飞下来,被我抓住了。我把它放进一个大瓶盖里,然后放进装满水的盆里,它就爬到水里去了。我心里想:可能它想喝水吧。没想到它是下去游泳的,它还会潜水呢!它在水里拍拍小翅膀,再潜到水里,它在水里叫,水里冒出很多泡泡。我把它从水里拿出来,它就不叫了。当我把它放在地上,它像陀螺一样的转动,翅膀张开了,就快乐地唱起歌来。

of being ""Why has she not written t

Insects are a major group of arthropods and the most diverse group of animals on the Earth, with over a million described species more than half of all known living organisms with estimates of undescribed species as high as 30 million, thus potentially representing over 90% of the differing life forms on the Insects may be found in nearly all environments on the planet, although only a small number of species occur in the oceans, a habitat dominated by another arthropod group, the There are approximately 2,000 praying mantis, 5,000 dragonfly species, 20,000 grasshopper, 82,000 true bug, 120,000 fly, 110,000 bee, wasp and ant, 170,000 butterfly and moth, and 360,000 beetle species described to Estimates of the total number of current species, including those not yet known to science, range from two million to fifty million, with newer studies favouring a lower figure of about six to ten Adult modern insects range in size from a 139mm (00547 in) fairyfly (Dicopomorpha echmepterygis) to a 7centimetres (3in) long stick insect (phobaeticus chani) The heaviest documented insect was a Giant Weta of 70 g (5 oz), but other possible candidates include the Goliath beetles Goliathus goliatus, Goliathus regius and Cerambycid beetles such as Titanus giganteus, though no one is certain which is truly the The study of insects (from Latin insectus, meaning "cut into sections") is called entomology, from the Greek, also meaning "cut into sections"


The insect is a number of the nuture,they lives in the grassyland or the we should protect them because they are important for 译文:昆虫是大自然中的一员,它们生活在草地里或者树上我们应该保护它们因为它们对我们来说很重要Butterflies are a kind of beautiful They are very The color of them are red,pink,blueand so I like them because they are a part of the Thank you!Cockroaches are insects of the order Blattaria or Blattodea,of which about 30 species out of 4,500 total are associated with human About four species are well known as [1][2]Among the best-known pest species are the American cockroach,Periplaneta americana,which is about 30 millimetres (2 in) long,the German cockroach,Blattella germanica,about 15 millimetres (59 in) long,the Asian cockroach,Blattella asahinai,also about 15 millimetres (59 in) in length,and the Oriental cockroach,Blatta orientalis,about 25 millimetres (98 in)Tropical cockroaches are often much bigger,and extinct cockroach relatives and 'roachoids' such as the Carboniferous Archimylacris and the Permian Apthoroblattina were not as large as the biggest modern species

通过主题活动的开展,幼儿感受到了大自然中昆虫的美 , 认识了常见的昆虫,知道了昆虫的本领,了解了昆虫的生长环境,体验到了制作昆虫标本的乐趣,他们具有保护益虫、消灭害虫的意识,在活动中不仅体验到了活动的乐趣,而且增长了知识这个我可以给你一篇的哦

Insects are a major group of arthropods and the most diverse group of animals on the Earth, with over a million described species more than half of all known living organisms with estimates of undescribed species as high as 30 million, thus potentially representing over 90% of the differing life forms on the Insects may be found in nearly all environments on the planet, although only a small number of species occur in the oceans, a habitat dominated by another arthropod group, the There are approximately 2,000 praying mantis, 5,000 dragonfly species, 20,000 grasshopper, 82,000 true bug, 120,000 fly, 110,000 bee, wasp and ant, 170,000 butterfly and moth, and 360,000 beetle species described to Estimates of the total number of current species, including those not yet known to science, range from two million to fifty million, with newer studies favouring a lower figure of about six to ten Adult modern insects range in size from a 139mm (00547 in) fairyfly (Dicopomorpha echmepterygis) to a 7centimetres (3in) long stick insect (phobaeticus chani) The heaviest documented insect was a Giant Weta of 70 g (5 oz), but other possible candidates include the Goliath beetles Goliathus goliatus, Goliathus regius and Cerambycid beetles such as Titanus giganteus, though no one is certain which is truly the The study of insects (from Latin insectus, meaning "cut into sections") is called entomology, from the Greek, also meaning "cut into sections"


of being ""Why has she not written t

Butterfly Butterfly is They are They can fly and they have two I like What about you?本文为20词的英语作文,本人为小学六年级,所以会有错误的地方,请谅解,请多多指教
