

发布时间:2024-07-08 18:33:28


论文开题报告基本要素标题开题摘要目录介绍文献综述研究问题与假设方法论工作安排预期结果和结果的意义暂定论文章节大纲参考文献列表各部分撰写内容标题论文标题应该简洁,且能让读者对论文所研究的主题一目了然。   开题摘要摘要是对论文提纲的总结,通常不超过1或2页,摘要包含以下内容:问题陈述研究的基本原理假设建议使用的方法预期的结果研究的意义目录目录应该列出所有带有页码的标题和副标题, 副标题应缩进。 介绍这部分应该从宏观的角度来解释研究背景,缩小研究问题的范围,适当列出相关的参考文献。 文献综述这一部分不只是你已经阅读过的相关文献的总结摘要,而是必须对其进行批判性评论,并能够将这些文献与你提出的研究联系起来。  研究问题与假设这部分应该告诉读者你想在研究中发现什么。在这部分明确地陈述你的研究问题和假设。在大多数情况下,主要研究问题应该足够广泛,而次要研究问题和假设则更具体,每个问题都应该侧重于研究的某个方面。

Compared to Group A, cell-A and cell-B are obviously higher and cell-C is higher than Group C



Compared to Group A, cell-A and cell-B are obviously higher and cell-C is higher than Group C


The first obstacle:the limitation of your Solution:Read more books,you needn't try to remember every new words,you will familar with them after you met them thousands of The second obstacle:You may have great difficulty in learning English Solution:Read more,grammar is nothing after you command a great deal The third obstacle:You may feel boring while you learning E Solution:cultivate an interest in Ead/listen/watch some interesting English The fourth obstacle:lack of courage to speak English Solution:everyone may afraid of I think it's necessary to make this clear to you:mistake is Learn through each of your mistakes and never allow the fear of making one hold you The fifth obstacle:you English writing ability is not very Solution: write English diary download a software(if you have PC) to check every word you don't know but should 五个方面的困难及其解决方法。分别是英语词典的局限性;语法学习的困难;长期学习产生厌倦;缺乏说出英语的勇气;英语写作能力的匮乏



You need write what you really want to

Compared to Group A, cell-A and cell-B are obviously higher and cell-C is higher than Group C



From my English studying experience ,I find I have encountered many These problems are lying in three aspects: my spoken English, my English writing and First of all, the biggest problem is my terrible spoken English, for I have some Chinese accent while I'm communicating with others in E I've tried very hard to get rid of it, but the awkard accent just keeps haunting And what make things worse is that everybody is always laughing at me, which makes me much more nervous while talking in E So one day, i decide i should do something to change this horrible I buy lots of CDs of some celebrities' public speaking, and i try to imatate their intonation, accent fortunately, i've made some progress till My oral English is better, but i still need to work hard to improve second, i hate English when i try to write things down, my mind becomes totally i don't know what to talk i don't know what examples i should take to support my sometimes, when i look at a topic, i even don't know how i can write my thesis even if i have my outline, i don't know how to find specific details to fulfill my essay, or how to use vivid words to express my i suffer a lot on my But one day, i happened to discover a good way to improve my writing skill, which is to keep a journal at first, i still don't know what to talk but gradually, i have much more to and the words and the thoughts just spills from my he last problem is my listening i couldn't even catch the main idea of the materials, even they're from VOA S so i listen to one script everyday, and try to write down things that i can catch words by words, sentence by and i download lots of English songs that i can listen to on my way to school or gradually, it become much now, i can even understand VOA Si still need to try hard to get rid of all these although it's a tough i still have the strength and courage to conquer (PS: 不排除里面有少量语法及拼写错误,希望LZ能自己检查下,还有你可以适当的把这篇文章改一下,把里面的词换的更生动更多样一些。还有 里面LZ可根据自己的实际情况添加或删改,尤其是时态问题)

论文开题报告基本要素标题开题摘要目录介绍文献综述研究问题与假设方法论工作安排预期结果和结果的意义暂定论文章节大纲参考文献列表各部分撰写内容标题论文标题应该简洁,且能让读者对论文所研究的主题一目了然。   开题摘要摘要是对论文提纲的总结,通常不超过1或2页,摘要包含以下内容:问题陈述研究的基本原理假设建议使用的方法预期的结果研究的意义目录目录应该列出所有带有页码的标题和副标题, 副标题应缩进。 介绍这部分应该从宏观的角度来解释研究背景,缩小研究问题的范围,适当列出相关的参考文献。 文献综述这一部分不只是你已经阅读过的相关文献的总结摘要,而是必须对其进行批判性评论,并能够将这些文献与你提出的研究联系起来。  研究问题与假设这部分应该告诉读者你想在研究中发现什么。在这部分明确地陈述你的研究问题和假设。在大多数情况下,主要研究问题应该足够广泛,而次要研究问题和假设则更具体,每个问题都应该侧重于研究的某个方面。

Compared to Group A, cell-A and cell-B are obviously higher and cell-C is higher than Group C


The first obstacle:the limitation of your Solution:Read more books,you needn't try to remember every new words,you will familar with them after you met them thousands of The second obstacle:You may have great difficulty in learning English Solution:Read more,grammar is nothing after you command a great deal The third obstacle:You may feel boring while you learning E Solution:cultivate an interest in Ead/listen/watch some interesting English The fourth obstacle:lack of courage to speak English Solution:everyone may afraid of I think it's necessary to make this clear to you:mistake is Learn through each of your mistakes and never allow the fear of making one hold you The fifth obstacle:you English writing ability is not very Solution: write English diary download a software(if you have PC) to check every word you don't know but should 五个方面的困难及其解决方法。分别是英语词典的局限性;语法学习的困难;长期学习产生厌倦;缺乏说出英语的勇气;英语写作能力的匮乏

随手一篇,供参考!采用也行。。。如果你信得过我的话~~ --! I'm a middle school student,I like English a In order to learn English well,I get up early to recite the words and passages which wriiten in the text However,today ,I met a problem,that is how to use the in the difficult I look up different grammer books so as to find out the Different grammer books have different So I have to ask my English After the teacher hearing what I said,she help me At last,I finally find out a way in which I can use the in different situation 我是一名中学生,喜欢学英语。为了把英语学好,我起得很早来背课文中的单词和文章。但是在今天,我碰到一个问题,那就是怎样把冠词在不同的语境中灵活运用。为了解决这个问题,我翻了很多语法书,但不同的语法书有关于这个问题的不同诠释。因此我只得去找老师帮忙。老师听了我的问题之后,耐心地帮我解决了问题。我终于找到关于如何在不同语境中灵活使用冠词的方法了。

How I Overcame My Difficulties in Learning English You must write your composition in no less than 100 words on the Composition Sheet and remember to write it in readable How I Overcame My Difficulties in Learning English? Most Chinese students have difficulties in learning E The difficulties vary so much from person to person that it is difficult to cite here in a few Some may have problems in Others may have trouble in I also had problems in English learning, but my difficulty seemed to lie in For example, when tested for listening comprehension, I couldn't understand a single sentence, let alone a passage of medium In order to overcome the difficulty in my English learning, I made great efforts to find the key to the I consulted my teacher and found out that I merely didn't have enough time to practice So I bought a tape recorder and listened to it at least two hours a In addition, I listened to "Special English" on VOA I also went out of my way to speak to foreigners on the campus whenever we meet so that I could have the chance to listen to the native After half a year's hard work, I could get 70% of the questions correct in listening comprehension I own my success to my English It is him who tells me the correct way to learn E It is him who always encourages me when I encounter difficulties and feel

回答 When we have the feeling that some words can not be remembered easily by us,we should stop remembering them by rote,instead,we should make their meaning clear based on the intelligent Besides,when we are confused with the grammar,never be impatient,just repeat reading and understanding it,if it doesn't work,go to the teachers for In addition,many students feel their spoken English is so poor that they dare not to speark out,this is quite wrong,for only by bravely practising speaking English can you learn the real and useful I believe that more difficulties exist on the way of learning English,however,as long as we make our efforts and try our best to think out the solutions,English is pretty easy to 我们都知道,英语是在近几十年兴起的,还处于初级阶段,所以,英语学习者经常遇到困难,比如说单词难记,语法难懂等等。但是怎样解决这些困难呢?以下是我的观点。当我们感觉一些单词难于记忆,我们应该停止死记硬背,取而代之的是建立在理解记忆基础上地弄清他们的意思。还有,当我们对语法感觉到困惑,千万不要失去耐心,反复地理解他,是在不行,就请教老师。另外,许多学生感觉他们的英语口语十分蹩脚,从而不敢说英语,这是严重错误的,因为只有勇敢地练习说英语才能学到最真实有用的英语。我相信还有更多困难摆在学习英语的道路上,但是,只要我们努力而尽力地找到 提问 我要100个字 你的多了 回答 亲。您选择您觉得好的,其他的删掉就可以 When we have the feeling that some words can not be remembered easily by us,we should stop remembering them by rote,instead,we should make their meaning clear based on the intelligent Besides,when we are confused with the grammar,never be impatient,just repeat reading and understanding it,if it doesn't work,go to the teachers for In addition,many students feel their spoken English is so poor that they dare not to speark out,this is quite wrong,for only by bravely practising speaking English can you learn the real and useful 提问 谢谢了 回答 不客气哦 不客气哦 更多6条 
