

发布时间:2024-07-05 06:55:39


Zhejiang jieda dress C, LTD was founded in 2001, is a joint venture foreign-funded enterprises, located in zhejiang wenzhou always fine NiuDong by industrial park, uzziah before frequency beautiful the oujiang river, leaning against the majestic scenery of the east mengshan; next, geographical superiority, wenzhou bridge, a beautiful environment, convenient At present, the company covers an area of 15 mu (building area 23000m), set office, production, storage, accommodation integration, facilities advanced &complete modern industrial Employees more than 1, Founded in total 300 million or Meanwhile self-provided have water factory, covering an area of 2500 square meters, the supporting from Germany import washing equipment and biochemical drainage Our company is an international fashion association (always fine chamber of commerce) standing director unit, has repeatedly obtain always fine the star enterprise, enterprise AAA, national rights protection, honesty and complain unit and so on the Since venture since, with modern scale production base, science, humanized management, advanced production capabilities, superb craftsmanship, created a set design, production, sales in the integration of sino-foreign joint The company mainly produces leisure jacket, cotton-padded jacket, coats, dust coat, ma3 jia3 etc series products are mainly sold to foreign trade clothing, Italy, France, Spain, Hungary, USA, The company long-term for domestic numerous brand clothing tiepai processing, deeply the general merchants The company technical force is abundant, has all kinds of advanced imported equipment, the enterprise staff Abide by the "delicate, luxuriant, comfortable and perfect" the quality Quality first, and try to meet the needs of customers, pursue "delicate, luxuriant, comfortable and perfect" costumes, achieve perfect Companies adhering to the "business ever since, integrity-based" business philosophy wholeheartedly for all customers The company has always adhered to the market as the guidance, take the brand culture as the leading business strategy, adhere to the "quality" as the root, with "person" as this, take "sincerity" hospitality management concept, company obtained a rapid development and comprehensive strength is continuously





毕业论文是高等教育自学考试本科专业应考者完成本科阶段学业的最后一个环节,它是应考者的总结性独立作业,目的在于总结学习专业的成果,培养综合运用所学知识解决实际问题的能力。从文体而言,它也是对某一专业领域的现实问题或理论问题进行科学研究探索的具有一定意义的论说文。完成毕业论文的撰写可以分两个步骤,即选择课题和研究课题。首先是选择课题。选题是论文撰写成败的关键。因为,选题是毕业论文撰写的第一步,它实际上就是确定“写什么”的问题,亦即确定科学研究的方向。如果“写什么”不明确,“怎么写”就无从谈起。教育部自学考试办公室有关对毕业论文选题的途径和要求是“为鼓励理论与工作实践结合,应考者可结合本单位或本人从事的工作提出论文题目,报主考学校审查同意后确立。也可由主考学校公布论文题目,由应考者选择。毕业论文的总体要求应与普通全日制高等学校相一致,做到通过论文写作和答辩考核,检验应考者综合运用专业知识的能力”。但不管考生是自己任意选择课题,还是在主考院校公布的指定课题中选择课题,都要坚持选择有科学价值和现实意义的、切实可行的课题。选好课题是毕业论文成功的一半。第一、要坚持选择有科学价值和现实意义的课题。科学研究的目的是为了更好地认识世界、改造世界,以推动社会的不断进步和发展。因此,毕业论文的选题,必须紧密结合社会主义物质文明和精神文明建设的需要,以促进科学事业发展和解决现实存在问题作为出发点和落脚点。选题要符合科学研究的正确方向,要具有新颖性,有创新、有理论价值和现实的指导意义或推动作用,一项毫无意义的研究,即使花很大的精力,表达再完善,也将没有丝毫价值。具体地说,考生可从以下三个方面来选题。首先,要从现实的弊端中选题,学习了专业知识,不能仅停留在书本上和理论上,还要下一番功夫,理论联系实际,用已掌握的专业知识,去寻找和解决工作实践中急待解决的问题。其次,要从寻找科学研究的空白处和边缘领域中选题,科学研究还有许多没有被开垦的处女地,还有许多缺陷和空白,这些都需要填补。应考者应有独特的眼光和超前的意识去思索,去发现,去研究。最后,要从寻找前人研究的不足处和错误处选题,在前人已提出来的研究课题中,许多虽已有初步的研究成果,但随着社会的不断发展,还有待于丰富、完整和发展,这种补充性或纠正性的研究课题,也是有科学价值和现实指导意义的。 第二、要根据自己的能力选择切实可行的课题。毕业论文的写作是一种创造性劳动,不但要有考生个人的见解和主张,同时还需要具备一定的客观条件。由于考生个人的主观、客观条件都是各不相同的,因此在选题时,还应结合自己的特长、兴趣及所具备的客观条件来选题。具体地说,考生可从以下三个方面来综合考虑。首先,要有充足的资料来源。“巧妇难为无米之炊”,在缺少资料的情况下,是很难写出高质量的论文的。选择一个具有丰富资料来源的课题,对课题深入研究与开展很有帮助。其次,要有浓厚的研究兴趣,选择自己感兴趣的课题,可以激发自己研究的热情,调动自己的主动性和积极性,能够以专心、细心、恒心和耐心的积极心态去完成。最后,要能结合发挥自己的业务专长,每个考生无论能力水平高低,工作岗位如何,都有自己的业务专长,选择那些能结合自己工作、发挥自己业务专长的课题,对顺利完成课题的研究大有益处。




一、个人简介的概念 (一)个人简介的概念与作用 个人简介,是当事人全面而简洁地介绍自身情况的一种书面表达方式。求职过程中撰写的个人简介是求职者向欲供职单位全面、简洁、条理清晰地自我介绍、自我推荐的文书。 近年来,毕业生就业已由国家包分配转变为双向选择、自主择业,主要途径是通过应聘求职进入工作岗位。从某种意义上说,个人简介的写作不亚于参加面试。通过短短数百字的个人简介,不但要能较充分地展现出毕业生的才能及综合素质,而且要使聘任者感到自己是位思维清晰、条理性强、语言表达能力突出的应聘者。因此,写好个人简介是求职成功的第一步。 但是,在实际中,不少毕业生对个人简介和求职信之间的界线辨析不清,影向了求职效果。这里,我就先讲一下两者的区别与联系。 (二)个人简介和求职信的异同 个人简介与求职信都是求职文书的一种形式。是一种专门性的求职文书,但它们又各有特点: 1.从适用面来看 求职信是当事人向欲供职的某单位提出求职申请的书信。无论是主动向某招聘单位介绍自己的自荐信,还是根据对方招聘广告,表明愿意应聘其中某一职务的应聘信。在操作程序上,毕业生都是先确定一个求职目标,再根据其具体情况来着笔。所以,求职信只适用于单一的求职对象,即只适合应聘一个单位或职务。 个人简介则是毕业生先根据自身能力和市场需求情况对本人求职范围做一个大致判断,再写成文章(个人简介),并尽量使其符合此范围内的单位和职务之需要。所以,个人简介适用面是宽泛的,可以是一定范围内的多个单位或职务。 2.从写作格式来看 求职信是以书信方式求职,如必须有称谓、敬语、落款和日期等。而个人简介多是毕业生亲自将其个人、学校及专业的概况,连同推荐表、证书、证明、发表作品复印件、个人联系方式等有关资料一起当面递交欲供职单位,其本身并不是书信。两者在写作格式上有较大差异。 3.从写法上来看 求职信在写法上强调针对性要强,即有意根据欲供职的某个单位或职务的特点、要求来着笔,做到重点明确、突出。个人简介在写作上则更注重全面性、兼容性,强调用最简短的篇幅如实介绍自己,并尽可能符合多类单位和职务的需求。 4.从发挥的作用来看 求职信的长处是可根据求职对象的需求有针对性的拟订文稿,对于那些欲在外地谋职的毕业生更有一定优势。它的不足是,随着人才市场迅速发展、部门工作效率不断提高,很多招聘单位不愿再通过信件进行交流,直接面试已成为当前机关、企事业单位吸纳人才的主流方式。加之由于它反馈慢,且每应聘一个单位都必须撰写一份求职信,给毕业生带来诸多不便,甚至于耽搁了时间、贻误了时机。 个人简介则不同,毕业生可用相同的个人资料去应聘众多求职单位,同时也节省了发信、等信而消耗的时间。而与个人简介相应的直接应聘可减少不必要环节,有助于招聘者全面、真实地了解和考察毕业生,使工作变得更加快捷、有效。 可以说,个人简介与求职信互有长短,毕业生可根据不同情况、不同时机选择恰当的文种,以更有利于求职。 二、个人简介的格式及写法 个人简介的写作原则是全面、稳妥又要有很强的机动性、灵活性。在材料选择上以事实材料为主,重点介绍自己的专业水平、能力及综合素质,略谈自己对学习、工作、生活等的观点、看法。语言要求准确、平实、简洁。布局由重点到从属,详略得当地加以安排。具体包括首都、正文、尾部三部分。 (一)首部 应写清下列两点内容: 1.标题 在文章上端居中写明“个人简介”或“本人简介”。 2.毕业生基本情况 依次写明姓名、性别、年龄、毕业学校、所学专业、哪一届毕业生等。如果户籍在欲供职地区,也应写明。此段目的是给聘任者一个轮廓印象。需简短、概括才好。 (二)正文 一般分五层展开,包括: 1.在校期间学习情况 该部分应突出学习的深度与广度,特别是专业知识掌握程度。具体内容有:所学课程、班级或年级学习名次、所受奖励(如“三好学生”、获奖学金情况等)、参加国家职业资格考试及自学考试情况、专业长项、课外涉猎较多的专业知识领域及其他能说明自身专业优势的内容。 在校学习科目要具有代表性,不宜全部列出而占用过多篇幅。课外涉猎内容应是专业的扩展与延伸。专业长项介绍要有一定说服力,若选一些简单科目则会降低自身水准。如一位计算机专业毕业生在此写道:“我能灵活运用WPS2000和Excel97。”显然,作为一位计算机专业毕业生仅将两个办公自动化软件的应用加以强调,是欠妥当的。 2.实际操作能力及实践经验 实际操作能力及实践经验已成为用人单位考察人才的重要方面,其内容应和专业紧密联系。 实际操作能力的介绍需将取得成绩谈具体。如应写明自己发表或撰写的重要文章的类型、篇数、代表作品,曾参加何种协会组织及担任职务,在专业竞赛中获奖情况等。实践经验的介绍应将社会实践的时限、单位、担任职务、收获或成绩写具体,绝不能蜻蜒点水、泛泛而谈。如有的同学写的:“曾利用寒暑假从事了一定的社会实践,积累了不少经验”。“一定的”是个不确切概念——具体工作内容没有交待;而结论“积累了不少经验”也是既缺少依据,又不具体。 主体部分前两层主要谈的是专业方面情况,是文章的核心。两层内容因紧密联系,可以灵活组合。一位计算机专业毕业生就是将专业长项与实践活动一起做的介绍:“我长于编程,C语言、FOXBASE、BASIC等都较好的掌握,特别是对C语言有较系统、深入的学习,曾利用该语言为xx单位财务室编写过财务核算程序,为xx小学教务科编写了一篇教务管理程序,以上两个程序都已得到应用,并受到用户好评(两个自编程序演示版拷贝在带来的磁盘中)。”这样写强调了掌握知识重点,突出了实践能力,给人以好学上进、动手能力强的印象,较有说服力。 3.集中介绍一个或两个方面,本专业以外的所学、所长、所取得的成绩及其实践情况 该层内容需是自身能力最突出、甚至可以凭此直接谋到职位的方面。所取得的成绩,一般是指在这些方面获得的文凭、证书,或发表的论文、文章等。如一位财务与审计专业毕业生在校期间参加了英语专业自学考试,毕业前已取得大专文凭,在这里他可就英语专业的学习和实践情况做一介绍。写法可看作是第一、二层之合并,但更为简洁些。 4.性格、品质及社会工作能力 性格、品质方面的介绍既要尊重事实,又应尽量符合所学专业特点。如会计人员须具备细致、稳健、诚实的特征,营销人员则应有开朗、善辩、不畏挫折的品性。若毕业生社会工作能力较突出,还应考虑到自身素质适合行政工作的因素。如有典型事迹应写明。此部分的写作切忌夸夸其谈,给人以华而不实之感。 一般该层中,性格、品质方面的介绍只做简明扼要地概述,重点谈的是工作能力方面的内容,且要将自己在校担任的学生干部职务、组织或参与的重要活动、政治表现、获得奖励(如“优秀团员”、“优秀学生干部”)等情况交待具体,以便聘任者考察。也可简略谈一下专业外的社会实践,如曾从事家教、推销员等工作。 因中专毕业生大多年龄较小,易给人造成思想不够成熟、社会经验欠丰富、行政工作能力相对不强的印象,所以此处的介绍也是一个关键。 5.业余爱好、特长等情况 往往有些特长的毕业生与同等条件的应聘者相比,入选的可能性要大得多。该层具体内容为:文艺、体育、书法、绘画等方面的特长。这里,选材时要注意把握重点,不宜面面俱到,但应将突出表现写详实,如“获我校二○○○年春季田径运动会男子甲组百米跑第一名”等。若本人在文艺、体育等方面无何特长,既可简明扼要的做一交待,如“本人身体健康、爱好广泛,尤其喜欢乒乓球、健美操等运动”,也可略去不谈。 主体部分第三、第四层可根据不同情况、颠倒写作次序;即求职者在哪方面能力突出就把该部分内容放在前面介绍。若第三层内容不多,可与第五层合为一部分。 (三)尾部 个人简介的尾部内容主要是表达自己在今后工作中不懈努力、积极进取、厚报单位的决心和信心。也可谈一下自己以事业为重的想法。有时性格、品质的介绍也放于此处。该部分写作应简要,一般三两句话即可。 三、撰写个人简介应注意的问题 (一)写法灵活,忌硬套格式 安排结构、运用笔墨应遵循古人所说“定体则无,大体须有”的原则才是。也就是说,既要考虑一般规律,又要结合自身实际来确立重点、谋篇布局、组织材料,绝不可死搬硬套。 (二)扬长避短,忌泛泛而谈 从群体上看,中专毕业生的劣势是阅历较少、知识层次相对不高;优势是学校专业设置大多贴近市场实际、贴近一线需要,且中专毕业生年青、肯吃苦、可塑性强。从个体来说,每位毕业生的优势与长项又各不相同,如有相当一部分毕业生动手操作能力较好;有些学生非常上进,上学期间还同时参加了职业资格考试或自学考试。所以,在实事求是,不弄虚作假的前提下,要特别注意扬长避短,从而在竞争中取得优势,打动聘任者。没有重点和章法的写作易使文章显得头绪不清、条理紊乱。 (三)把握语体,忌措辞不当 个人简介的语体属于应用语体,特点是:①措辞力求准确、恰当,不宜用口语词、歧意词和生僻的简称。②句法要求完整严密,一般不用感叹句、省略句,更不能出现病句。③语言简洁,个人简介讲究以事实说话,写作过程即是将事实归纳、分类的过程,文章力避重复、啰嗦、冗长,切忌大话、空话满篇。④语气以平实为主,某些地方也可写得较为活泼生动(如开头、结尾部分),但不宜用抒情色彩浓重的词语和夸张等修辞手法;同时,既要谦虚又不能谦卑,既要自信又不能自傲。 在语言运用上,一定要有“推敲”精神,逐字、逐句、逐段的研究、探讨,才能写出较为出色的文章来。 工作经历总结 非常热爱市场销售工作,有着十分饱满的创业激情。在两年从事陶瓷市场销售工作中积累了大量的实践经验和客户资源。与省内主要的二十多家陶瓷经销商建立了十分密切的联系,并在行业中拥有广泛的业务关系。在去年某省的陶瓷博览会上为公司首次签定了海外的定单。能团结自己的同事一起取得优异的销售业绩。 工作经历 2×××年5月—至今: 担任某瓷器公司的市场部业务员。 主要负责与经销商签定经销合同、办理产品的包装、运输、保险、货款结算、售后产品跟踪、市场反馈以及开拓新的销售渠道等。负责公司新业务员的培训,在实际工作中具体指导和协调业务员的销售工作,并多次受到公司的表扬。 1999年12月--2000年5月:在×××公司做市场调查员。主要负责以电话形式向客户提取对产品的意见,并填写相应的表单转报给公司。 教育经历 1996年9月—1999年7月某省科技职业学院国际经济与贸易专业大专学历。 在校一直担任学生干部,工作认真负责,学习成绩优秀,多次被学院评为优秀学生干部,优秀团干,个人标兵等。 所获奖励 1999/06 某某学院 优秀学生干部称号 1998/10 某某学院 优秀团干,个人标兵称号 1997/10 某某学院 优秀团干称号 培训经历 2000/07--2000/09 某省科技职业学院 通过外销员考试 2001/03--2001/06 某省科技职业学院 通过报关员考试 外语水平 可与外商进行日常常用语沟通,能阅读业务范围内常用术语。 电脑操作 熟练使用常用办公软件编辑业务文档,上网收发电子邮件参考资料:

楼主你好,这是我的翻译(不是机器)希望给分:Zhejiang jieda dress C, LTD was founded in 2001, is a joint venture foreign-funded enterprises, located in zhejiang wenzhou always fine NiuDong by industrial park, uzziah before frequency beautiful the oujiang river, leaning against the majestic scenery of the east mengshan; next, geographical superiority, wenzhou bridge, a beautiful environment, convenient At present, the company covers an area of 15 mu (building area 23000m), set office, production, storage, accommodation integration, facilities advanced &complete modern industrial Employees more than 1, Founded in total 300 million or Meanwhile self-provided have water factory, covering an area of 2500 square meters, the supporting from Germany import washing equipment and biochemical drainage Our company is an international fashion association (always fine chamber of commerce) standing director unit, has repeatedly obtain always fine the star enterprise, enterprise AAA, national rights protection, honesty and complain unit and so on the Since venture since, with modern scale production base, science, humanized management, advanced production capabilities, superb craftsmanship, created a set design, production, sales in the integration of sino-foreign joint The company mainly produces leisure jacket, cotton-padded jacket, coats, dust coat, ma3 jia3 etc series products are mainly sold to foreign trade clothing, Italy, France, Spain, Hungary, USA, The company long-term for domestic numerous brand clothing tiepai processing, deeply the general merchants The company technical force is abundant, has all kinds of advanced imported equipment, the enterprise staff Abide by the "delicate, luxuriant, comfortable and perfect" the quality Quality first, and try to meet the needs of customers, pursue "delicate, luxuriant, comfortable and perfect" costumes, achieve perfect Companies adhering to the "business ever since, integrity-based" business philosophy wholeheartedly for all customers The company has always adhered to the market as the guidance, take the brand culture as the leading business strategy, adhere to the "quality" as the root, with "person" as this, take "sincerity" hospitality management concept, company obtained a rapid development and comprehensive strength is continuously


Zhejiang jieda dress C, LTD was founded in 2001, is a joint venture foreign-funded enterprises, located in zhejiang wenzhou always fine NiuDong by industrial park, uzziah before frequency beautiful the oujiang river, leaning against the majestic scenery of the east mengshan; next, geographical superiority, wenzhou bridge, a beautiful environment, convenient At present, the company covers an area of 15 mu (building area 23000m), set office, production, storage, accommodation integration, facilities advanced &complete modern industrial Employees more than 1, Founded in total 300 million or Meanwhile self-provided have water factory, covering an area of 2500 square meters, the supporting from Germany import washing equipment and biochemical drainage Our company is an international fashion association (always fine chamber of commerce) standing director unit, has repeatedly obtain always fine the star enterprise, enterprise AAA, national rights protection, honesty and complain unit and so on the Since venture since, with modern scale production base, science, humanized management, advanced production capabilities, superb craftsmanship, created a set design, production, sales in the integration of sino-foreign joint The company mainly produces leisure jacket, cotton-padded jacket, coats, dust coat, ma3 jia3 etc series products are mainly sold to foreign trade clothing, Italy, France, Spain, Hungary, USA, The company long-term for domestic numerous brand clothing tiepai processing, deeply the general merchants The company technical force is abundant, has all kinds of advanced imported equipment, the enterprise staff Abide by the "delicate, luxuriant, comfortable and perfect" the quality Quality first, and try to meet the needs of customers, pursue "delicate, luxuriant, comfortable and perfect" costumes, achieve perfect Companies adhering to the "business ever since, integrity-based" business philosophy wholeheartedly for all customers The company has always adhered to the market as the guidance, take the brand culture as the leading business strategy, adhere to the "quality" as the root, with "person" as this, take "sincerity" hospitality management concept, company obtained a rapid development and comprehensive strength is continuously



楼主你好,这是我的翻译(不是机器)希望给分:Zhejiang jieda dress C, LTD was founded in 2001, is a joint venture foreign-funded enterprises, located in zhejiang wenzhou always fine NiuDong by industrial park, uzziah before frequency beautiful the oujiang river, leaning against the majestic scenery of the east mengshan; next, geographical superiority, wenzhou bridge, a beautiful environment, convenient At present, the company covers an area of 15 mu (building area 23000m), set office, production, storage, accommodation integration, facilities advanced &complete modern industrial Employees more than 1, Founded in total 300 million or Meanwhile self-provided have water factory, covering an area of 2500 square meters, the supporting from Germany import washing equipment and biochemical drainage Our company is an international fashion association (always fine chamber of commerce) standing director unit, has repeatedly obtain always fine the star enterprise, enterprise AAA, national rights protection, honesty and complain unit and so on the Since venture since, with modern scale production base, science, humanized management, advanced production capabilities, superb craftsmanship, created a set design, production, sales in the integration of sino-foreign joint The company mainly produces leisure jacket, cotton-padded jacket, coats, dust coat, ma3 jia3 etc series products are mainly sold to foreign trade clothing, Italy, France, Spain, Hungary, USA, The company long-term for domestic numerous brand clothing tiepai processing, deeply the general merchants The company technical force is abundant, has all kinds of advanced imported equipment, the enterprise staff Abide by the "delicate, luxuriant, comfortable and perfect" the quality Quality first, and try to meet the needs of customers, pursue "delicate, luxuriant, comfortable and perfect" costumes, achieve perfect Companies adhering to the "business ever since, integrity-based" business philosophy wholeheartedly for all customers The company has always adhered to the market as the guidance, take the brand culture as the leading business strategy, adhere to the "quality" as the root, with "person" as this, take "sincerity" hospitality management concept, company obtained a rapid development and comprehensive strength is continuously

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楼主你好,这是我的翻译(不是机器)希望给分:Zhejiang jieda dress C, LTD was founded in 2001, is a joint venture foreign-funded enterprises, located in zhejiang wenzhou always fine NiuDong by industrial park, uzziah before frequency beautiful the oujiang river, leaning against the majestic scenery of the east mengshan; next, geographical superiority, wenzhou bridge, a beautiful environment, convenient At present, the company covers an area of 15 mu (building area 23000m), set office, production, storage, accommodation integration, facilities advanced &complete modern industrial Employees more than 1, Founded in total 300 million or Meanwhile self-provided have water factory, covering an area of 2500 square meters, the supporting from Germany import washing equipment and biochemical drainage Our company is an international fashion association (always fine chamber of commerce) standing director unit, has repeatedly obtain always fine the star enterprise, enterprise AAA, national rights protection, honesty and complain unit and so on the Since venture since, with modern scale production base, science, humanized management, advanced production capabilities, superb craftsmanship, created a set design, production, sales in the integration of sino-foreign joint The company mainly produces leisure jacket, cotton-padded jacket, coats, dust coat, ma3 jia3 etc series products are mainly sold to foreign trade clothing, Italy, France, Spain, Hungary, USA, The company long-term for domestic numerous brand clothing tiepai processing, deeply the general merchants The company technical force is abundant, has all kinds of advanced imported equipment, the enterprise staff Abide by the "delicate, luxuriant, comfortable and perfect" the quality Quality first, and try to meet the needs of customers, pursue "delicate, luxuriant, comfortable and perfect" costumes, achieve perfect Companies adhering to the "business ever since, integrity-based" business philosophy wholeheartedly for all customers The company has always adhered to the market as the guidance, take the brand culture as the leading business strategy, adhere to the "quality" as the root, with "person" as this, take "sincerity" hospitality management concept, company obtained a rapid development and comprehensive strength is continuously

Zhejiang Jetta garments , L was founded in 2001, is a Sino-foreign joint venture-funded company, located in Yongjia County, Zhejiang Province, Wenzhou black cattle East Mongolia industrial park, beautiful oujiang before spectrum, and is against the magnificent East momentum mengshan, immediately of the Rainbow Bridge, the geographical superiority in Wenzhou, beautiful environment, convenient It occupies a land area of 15 acres (building area 23000m), Office, production, warehousing, accommodation, facilities advanced complete modernization of the industrial Has a staff of more than Years into the total production by 300 million or At the same time bring some washing plant, covers an area of 2500 square meters, accessories from Germany import washing equipment and biochemical sewage This company is an International Association (Yongjia County Chamber of Commerce) Executive Director units, have repeatedly get Yongjia star enterprise, corporate credit ratings AAA-class, national rights, integrity, no complaints unit and other Company since its inception, by virtue of modernization of production base, scientific, humanistic management, advanced production capacity, exquisite craft, to create a set design, production and sales of joint The company mainly produces leisure jacket, mianbi, down jacket, coat, vest, trade dress, and products are mainly exported to Italy, France, Spain, Hungary, the United States and other The company has been for many domestic brands OEM processing, by the majority of The company technical force is abundant, has all kinds of advanced equipments, enterprise employees Abide by the "exquisite, elegant and comfortable, perfect," the quality Quality first, try to meet customers ' needs, the pursuit of "exquisite, luxurious, comfortable and perfect" costume, perfect Companies adhering to the "operating wing, integrity-based" management idea merchants service Companies always adhere to market-oriented, brand culture as the main item of business strategy, adhere to the "quality" as the root to "people", "sincerity" hospitality business philosophy, the company obtained the rapid development, comprehensive strength constantly grow and

Jetta Garments C, L, Zhejiang was established in 2001, is a joint venture funded enterprise, located in Yongjia, Wenzhou, Zhejiang Industrial Park WUNIU East Mongolia, the former frequency Oujiang beautiful, perched between the majestic East Monsanto, immediately Hong momentum of Wenzhou Bridge, geographical location, beautiful environment and convenient Company covers an area of 15 acres (gross floor area 23000m), set office, production, storage, accommodation, integration, advanced and complete facilities of a modern industrial Has aThe Yongjia Star Enterprise, corporate credit ratings AAA, the national rights, integrity, no complaints units Since venture company, with modern production base of the scale, scientific, humanistic management, advanced production capabilities, superb craftsmanship, to create a set design, production and sales joint The company mainly produce casual jacket, cotton, down jackets, coats, vests and other foreign trade clothing, products are sold to Italy, France, Spain, Hungary, the United S Long-term for many domestic OEM designer clothes, popular among clients Strong technical force, with all kinds of advanced imported equipment, employees Compliance with "exquisite, gorgeous, comfortable, perfect" Quality first, to meet customer demand, the pursuit of "exquisite, gorgeous, comfortable, perfect" dress, to achieve perfect Companies adhering to the "business Yong Ji, integrity-based" business philosophy dedicated to all We always adhere to market-oriented culture as the leading brand management strategy, adhere to the "quality" as the root, the "people" oriented to "sincerity" hospitality business philosophy, the company has rapidly developed, integrated strength of the growing
