

发布时间:2024-07-08 00:08:38


自己翻译的,不是机翻的。 In the aspect of work distribution, to dig the potentials on the basis of the current staff, collocating reasonably to ensure to finish the work assignment with high Continute to optimize the quality of the self-service, and hold a meeting concerning the issue of improving the quality of service once a month to analyze the shortages of us and discuss how to improve the quality of Considerate service, offering door-to-door service for the Provide the customers with a kind of incorporate and integrated service catering for the individal requirements based on the experimental unit of Sweden, and strive for the target of delivering 40 foot free-cases to Sweden every week at the end of next

Basuki had requested two batches of goods shipped, but I'm not recommended, because then SGS costs to be paid for twice, too expensive, and PI the delivery period is set on November As China has many days of heavy fog, the ship could not dock, so was set on November 27 ships were forced to only on December 7, to sailInconvenience to you sorry

The logistics has always been a trade of the fast -changing This paper mainly discusses the converting ways as well as their duties and obligations of international freight agents, acting as third-party logistic agents, in the rapid development of The purpose is to find the breakthrough from the more competitive society, and to convert freight agents from the single transportation to service-winning, and therefore be elevated to a new level, and to seek further


Marine cargo transportation, transportation, loading and unloading goods artificially (handling) process of negligence, weather or other force majeure factors might cause the ship operation process of damage, so as to give the shipping industry has brought many negative The adverse effects of the damage as much as possible to reduce the urine becomes extremely necessary research In this paper, reasons for the damage accident of a summary, a brief description of the main reasons for the damage accidents, and for each cause the corresponding prevention measures are At the same time, selected typical cases illustrate the damage accidents may cause and preventive This thesis mainly includes five parts: the preface, the damage accident causes, the damage accidents were determined, the damage accident prevention, case analysis, focusing on "the damage accident" to start the

Along with Chinese marine transportation service industry in worldmarine transportation service trade status day by day important, it issuperior, the inferiority also is completely unmasked in theglobalization competition mighty current, but this is precisely theChinese marine transportation service industry development patterncarries on the reality which the strategic shift must face up to Our country marine transportation service industry in the harbor routeconstruction, the international domestic water transportation aspecthas all obtained the huge development achievement, but must see ourcountry marine transportation service industry also has many The paper first major part was main macroscopic elaborated the marinetransportation service trade implication, classified, thecharacteristic as well as the marine transportation service tradedevelopment The second part mainly analyzes the challenge which the Chinese marinetransportation service trade development the present situation, theopportunity and Since the reform and open policy, our countrymarine transportation enterprise has made the considerable progress,and strides in the world shipping great nation ranks, our countrymarine transportation service industry obtains very manyopportunities,For example: The Chinese and South Korean railroad ferry ideallylands, the river harbor navigation policy opportunity arrives, theChinese enterprise and Palestine seeks the Panama Canal cooperationaltogether to win together the But our country marinetransportation service industry development also has very very manyproblems,For example: The Chinese and Japanese route zero transportationcharges question, the Chinese port shipping industry own ability isinsufficient question, Chinese shipping industry development blind lagand so The third part mainly elaborated the Chinese marine transportationservice trade development countermeasure, for example the advancementmarine transportation market to foreign countries opening up,gradually connects rails with the international general rule; Take theharbor as the center, the marine transportation is the main body,positively impels countermeasure and so on development which themodern age

Channel refers to inland, lakes, harbor in such as the ship security navigable waters for the Our country is the world earlier one of the countries using In the 1980s China inland river transportation mileage more than 100,000 KM, with the development of transportation enterprise, water requirements with design navigable channel should ship corresponding depth, width and bending Along with the development of the ship to channel launch of pioneering waterway and improve the governance project such as navigational conditions in full This paper first analyzes the domestic development status of inland water transport is introduced, and the development level of inland water With the developing coastal waterways for major theoretical basis for the change and development of ship were analyzed, focusing on the Yangtze river estuary deep channel management and development to The future development direction of forward some superficial Keywords: waterway regulation, ship type change, the Yangtze river estuary deep


Channel refers to inland, lakes, harbor in such as the ship security navigable waters for the Our country is the world earlier one of the countries using In the 1980s China inland river transportation mileage more than 100,000 KM, with the development of transportation enterprise, water requirements with design navigable channel should ship corresponding depth, width and bending Along with the development of the ship to channel launch of pioneering waterway and improve the governance project such as navigational conditions in full This paper first analyzes the domestic development status of inland water transport is introduced, and the development level of inland water With the developing coastal waterways for major theoretical basis for the change and development of ship were analyzed, focusing on the Yangtze river estuary deep channel management and development to The future development direction of forward some superficial

Logistics is the art and science of managing and controlling the flow of goods, energy, information and other resources like products, services, and people, from the source of production to the It is difficult to accomplish any marketing or manufacturing without logistical It involves the integration of information, transportation, inventory, warehousing, material handling, and The operating responsibility of logistics is the geographical repositioning of raw materials, work in process, and finished inventories where required at the lowest cost Logistics and Supply Chain services are provided by a wide range of 3rd party Logistics management is that part of the supply chain which plans, implements and controls the efficient, effective forward and reverse flow and storage of goods, services and related information between the point of origin and the point of consumption in order to meet customers' A professional working in the field of logistics management is often called a Logistics as a business concept evolved only in the This was mainly due to the increasing complexity of supplying one's business with materials and shipping out products in an increasingly globalized supply chain, calling for experts in the field who are called Supply Chain L This can be defined as having the right item in the right quantity at the right time at the right place for the right price and is the science of process and incorporates all industry The goal of logistic work is to manage the fruition of project life cycles, supply chains and resultant In business, logistics may have either internal focus(inbound logistics), or external focus (outbound logistics) covering the flow and storage of materials from point of origin to point of consumption (see supply chain management) The main functions of a logistics manager include Inventory Management, purchasing, transport, warehousing, and the organizing and planning of these Logistics managers combine a general knowledge of each of these functions so that there is a coordination of resources in an There are two fundamentally different forms of One optimizes a steady flow of material through a network of transport links and storage The other coordinates a sequence of resources to carry out some

After shippment if the customer just need the documents send via email of packing list, Invoice and BOL ect For the BLplease pay more attention about it If the customer require "telex (Fax) release the Bill of Lading"you shoud tell the forwarder about that what's more you should ask the forwarder to give you a "Telex Release Request" before they send it to the customer them cfm it to the forwarder and cc to the customer another thing that is before receive the payment form the customer in the "Telex Release Request" you need't to signature and mark your company name on it 注:BL=bill of lading


Channel refers to inland, lakes, harbor in such as the ship security navigable waters for the Our country is the world earlier one of the countries using In the 1980s China inland river transportation mileage more than 100,000 KM, with the development of transportation enterprise, water requirements with design navigable channel should ship corresponding depth, width and bending Along with the development of the ship to channel launch of pioneering waterway and improve the governance project such as navigational conditions in full This paper first analyzes the domestic development status of inland water transport is introduced, and the development level of inland water With the developing coastal waterways for major theoretical basis for the change and development of ship were analyzed, focusing on the Yangtze river estuary deep channel management and development to The future development direction of forward some superficial


Channel refers to inland, lakes, harbor in such as the ship security navigable waters for the Our country is the world earlier one of the countries using In the 1980s China inland river transportation mileage more than 100,000 KM, with the development of transportation enterprise, water requirements with design navigable channel should ship corresponding depth, width and bending Along with the development of the ship to channel launch of pioneering waterway and improve the governance project such as navigational conditions in full This paper first analyzes the domestic development status of inland water transport is introduced, and the development level of inland water With the developing coastal waterways for major theoretical basis for the change and development of ship were analyzed, focusing on the Yangtze river estuary deep channel management and development to The future development direction of forward some superficial Keywords: waterway regulation, ship type change, the Yangtze river estuary deep


货运代理人的法律定性及多式联运中集装箱货损区段的确定 〖提要〗货运代理人的真实身份应根据其从事的业务来具体分析,不能一概地界定为纯粹的运输代理人,也有可能是承运人身份;在集装箱FCL整箱货情况下,承运人一般无法在装货时检查箱内货物的状况,箱内货物损坏的确定通常是通过集装箱进出场时设备交接单的记载情况及铅封完好与否来推定。〖案情〗原告:东方海外货柜航运有限公司被告:中国外运江苏集团公司苏州公司 2001年11月18日,华映公司与特灵台湾公司签订了进口3套冷水机组的贸易合同,交货方式为FOB美国西海岸,目的地为吴江。2001年12月24日,买方华映公司就运输的冷水机组向人保吴江公司投保一切险,保险责任期间为“仓至仓条款”。同年12月27日,原告东方海外货柜航运有限公司从美国西雅图港以国际多式联运方式运输了装载于三个集装箱的冷水机组经上海到吴江。原告签发了空白指示提单,发货人为特灵台湾公司,收货人为华映公司。货物到达上海港后,2002年1月11日,原告与被告以传真形式约定,原告支付被告陆路直通运费、短驳运费和开道车费用等共计9,415元,将提单下的货物交由被告陆路运输至目的地吴江。事实上,被告并没有亲自运输,而由上海吴淞汽车运输服务公司(以下简称“吴淞公司”)实际运输,被告向吴淞公司汇付了8,900元运费。同年1月21日货到目的地后,收货人发现两个集装箱破损,货物严重损坏。收货人依据货物保险合同向人保吴江公司索赔,保险公司赔付后取得代位求偿权,向原告进行追偿。原告与保险公司达成了和解协议,已向保险公司作出11万美元的赔偿。之后,原告根据货物在上海港卸船时的理货单记载“集装箱和货物完好”,以及集装箱发放/设备交接单(出场联和进场联)对比显示的“集装箱出堆场完好,运达目的地破损”,认为被告在陆路运输中存在过错,要求被告支付其偿付给保险公司的11万美元及利息损失。〖裁判要点〗上海海事法院经审理认为,涉案货物从美国运至中国吴江,经过了海运和陆路运输,运输方式属于国际多式联运。原告是多式联运的全程承运人,也即多式联运经营人,其与被告之间的传真事涉运费等运输合同的主要内容,双方订立的合同应属国际多式联运的陆路运输合同,合同有效成立,被告应按约全面适当地履行运输义务。涉案两个集装箱货物的损坏发生在上海至吴江的陆路运输区段,故被告应对货物在其责任期间内的损失承担赔偿责任。买方也即收货人华映公司与人保吴江公司之间的保险合同依法成立有效,货损属于货物运输保险单下的保险事故范畴,保险公司对涉案货损进行赔付符合情理和法律规定。

Along with Chinese marine transportation service industry in worldmarine transportation service trade status day by day important, it issuperior, the inferiority also is completely unmasked in theglobalization competition mighty current, but this is precisely theChinese marine transportation service industry development patterncarries on the reality which the strategic shift must face up to Our country marine transportation service industry in the harbor routeconstruction, the international domestic water transportation aspecthas all obtained the huge development achievement, but must see ourcountry marine transportation service industry also has many The paper first major part was main macroscopic elaborated the marinetransportation service trade implication, classified, thecharacteristic as well as the marine transportation service tradedevelopment The second part mainly analyzes the challenge which the Chinese marinetransportation service trade development the present situation, theopportunity and Since the reform and open policy, our countrymarine transportation enterprise has made the considerable progress,and strides in the world shipping great nation ranks, our countrymarine transportation service industry obtains very manyopportunities,For example: The Chinese and South Korean railroad ferry ideallylands, the river harbor navigation policy opportunity arrives, theChinese enterprise and Palestine seeks the Panama Canal cooperationaltogether to win together the But our country marinetransportation service industry development also has very very manyproblems,For example: The Chinese and Japanese route zero transportationcharges question, the Chinese port shipping industry own ability isinsufficient question, Chinese shipping industry development blind lagand so The third part mainly elaborated the Chinese marine transportationservice trade development countermeasure, for example the advancementmarine transportation market to foreign countries opening up,gradually connects rails with the international general rule; Take theharbor as the center, the marine transportation is the main body,positively impels countermeasure and so on development which themodern age

Channel refers to inland, lakes, harbor in such as the ship security navigable waters for the Our country is the world earlier one of the countries using In the 1980s China inland river transportation mileage more than 100,000 KM, with the development of transportation enterprise, water requirements with design navigable channel should ship corresponding depth, width and bending Along with the development of the ship to channel launch of pioneering waterway and improve the governance project such as navigational conditions in full This paper first analyzes the domestic development status of inland water transport is introduced, and the development level of inland water With the developing coastal waterways for major theoretical basis for the change and development of ship were analyzed, focusing on the Yangtze river estuary deep channel management and development to The future development direction of forward some superficial Keywords: waterway regulation, ship type change, the Yangtze river estuary deep
