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The analysis on the impact on national security by Cyberspace


the analysis of influence of Cyberspace on national security



the analysis of influence of Cyberspace on national security


Impact of Cyberspace on national security论文题目简洁、明了最好

The analysis of influence of Cyberspace on national security


PRC South to North Water ProjectAn April 2000 report from US Embassy BeijingSummary: The Chinese government has long been interested in a large-scale water transfer project to move millions of tons of water from the wet southern regions to the water-starved In recent months the government has started to move from considering the merits of such a massive, expensive infrastructure project to studying the engineering questions of how it could actually be Despite strong support from the Ministry of Water resources and the State Council, opposition exists in many quarters from the State Environmental Protection Administration to university experts who question many of the basic assumptions on which the project is This cable reports on the government's current thinking and some reasons why some officials and academics oppose the End summaryThe South to North Water Project Must Go OnChina for many years has been considering a south-to-north water project to move water from areas in the South which suffer from over-supply ( frequent flooding) to large, thirsty, drought prone northern cities such as Zhengzhou (Henan's capital), Shijiazhuang, Beijing and T Three routes are under The three routes are not Each has a different Some proponents of the south to north water transfer project believe that all three should be built some The central route that brings water from the Danjiang Dam in Hubei Province north through a narrow gap in the mountains of southern Henan has been surveyed and the route agreed upon as far as the southern bank of the Yellow River near Z Crossing the Ever Higher Yellow River is DifficultGetting water across the Yellow River will be difficult because the bottom of the river in much of Henan Province runs above the level of the surrounding Transporting water on an aqueduct across the river may be impractical since the level of the river rises as silt accumulates on its One alternative under consideration is tunneling under the Yellow R Preventing the accumulation of materials that might block the underground channel may present a problem with this Central Government: Not Whether But How to Build ItRegardless of the difficulties it appears the central government has decided that the project must be Conversations with officials of the Ministry of Water Resources in recent months revealed that they are concentrating their efforts on overcoming the engineering difficulties required to complete the project, not considering whether or not the project makes sense from an economic or political MWR officials also note that they expect the South to North project to figure prominently in the Tenth Five-year plan, 2001 to 2005, with substantial commitment of central government Water Minister on Transfer Project Office, Water Needs: Many Social and Environmental Issues Must Be SolvedMinister of Water Resources Wang Shucheng [STC: 3076 1859 6134] announced recently that the South-to-North Water Transfer Project Bureau had been reestablished within the Ministry of Water Resources in order to organize scientific work on the In an April 12, 2000 China Economic Times front page article, Wang said that China has an annual shortfall of 30 billion cubic meters of irrigation water and 6 billion cubic meters of urban Eighty percent of the water used in China is dumped into bodies of water without being As a result, 50 percent of China's rivers and over 90 percent of its urban rivers are If China's population reaches 6 billion and 70 percent urbanization by mid century per capita water availability will fall by 20 Wang said that Chinese people need to stop treating water as a free good but should consider it a resource that must be managed, protected and used Wang stressed that the south-to-north water transfer project involves many complex technical, economic, social, and environmental issues that must be addressed under the leadership of the Some Officials and Academics Disagree HoweverSome Chinese environmentalists and scientists have said that water conservation, not the south to north water transfer project, is the solution to water shortages in northern C Although the government continues to gradually raise the price of water in China's cities, in many places the price of water remains below This not only perversely encourages waste but also makes water-conserving technologies less See the 1997 Embassy Beijing report "PRC Water: Waste A Lot, Have Not: The Problem Is Policy Not Technology" available at -/english/sandt/Water Transfer Projects in China: SEPA is UnenthusiasticFrom published reports the State Environmental Protection Administration (SEPA) doesn't like the idea of south to north water It may not be easy for them to get a fair hearing for their views, however, given the Chinese leadership's expressed strong commitment to the The 1998 State Environmental Protection Agency book "Survey of Environmental Protection" [Huanjing Baohu Tonglun] edited by Xie Zhenhua and Zhang Kunmin is remarkably unenthusiastic about large-scale water transfer An informal translation from 160 of this book:"(2) Cross watershed water transfers are a very expensive way to increase water Water is transferred from a watershed in which water is plentiful to a watershed that has less Because such projects involve very large investments and have severe environmental consequences, many countries no longer undertake large-scale cross-watershed transfer "In foreign countries, there is already a completed west to east water transfer project in Pakistan and the Snowy River water project in A China has in recent years done projects to move water from the Yellow River to the bed of the Jishui [Translator's note: Ji River -- the downstream portion of the Yellow River from Henan to the sea was originally the bed of the J End note], the diversion of the Luan River (Hebei) to T Work has already begun on the south to north water transfer " [End translation]University Experts Question Availability of Water for South to North Transfer ProjectBeijing Meteorological University (Beijing Qixiang Xueyuan) professors Zhang Yan, Jiao Jirong and Lin Mianrui in a February 2000 Keji Daolun [Science and Technology Review] article warned that the middle route of the south to north water transfer project has extremely variable Both floods and droughts are In some dry years such as 1965 - 1966 and 1991 - 1995, water levels at the Danjiang Dam The authors argue that any south to north transfer project design should not only consider the lowest water supply of the past thirty to forty years but also the frequency of consecutive drought years even further in the Floods along the middle route of the transfer project are The Xiaolangdi Dam now under construction on the Yellow River will not hold back flood waters that come from other Designing for flood survivability will increase construction Former MWR Engineer Critiques South-to-North Water Transfer LiteratureXu Qianqing, former vice chief engineer at the Ministry of Water Resources critiqued the Chinese literature on various types of south-to-north water transfer schemes in the May 1999 issue of Keji Daobao [Science and Technology Review] Xu remarked:-- Many articles in their estimates of water requirements for north China fail to take into account improved water conservation and The north-to-south water project only makes sense as a supplement to water conservation and anti-pollution -- How much water is needed? The experience of the developed countries shows that rapidly rising water treatment rates create strong pressures to reduce water use and increase recycling to the extent that even as GDP grows water use may Chinese economists estimate that the Chinese population will stop growing at between 5 - 6 billion around When will water consumption stop growing? -- Many interior areas that are short of water are mountainous and cannot support a large In such regions small scale rather than large projects would be more cost- Transfer is a Systems Project: Includes Water Treatment as Well as ConstructionXu Qianqing wrote that increasing water supplies without first improving conservation and pollution control will spread pollution and promote Eighty percent of urban water is sent back into the environment If this polluted water is reused in agriculture, it will accelerate salinization and produce Although the salinity of soils in north China has been reduced over the past two decades, if irrigation is not done properly this problem could Financial Risk Assessment Must Be Based On the True Delivery Cost of WaterXu wrote that financial risk assessments must be based on the true delivery cost of water in any south-to-north water Any north-to-south water project is a very expensive system consisting of the project itself, the water network connecting to it, and waste water All these things must be Under a market system, water must be supplied at a price related to the cost of producing and delivering the The water price that users can accept determines the scale of the The south-to-north water transfer project faces two The first risk is that capital may not be used properly and that there may be a great deal of waste or poor quality construction or that construction might never be completed at The second risk is that once constructed, the price of water might be too high for users to If this occurs the project might not earn enough for operation and How will Project Affect Qinghai-Tibet Plateau? Potential Transboundary ProblemsXu wrote that little research has been done on the effects on the region from which water is This is especially true for the western route of the south to north water transfer Except for water taken from the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze, most of the water comes from the eastern portion of the Qinghai-Tibetan These rivers cover an area of 600,000 square kilometers and include high plateaus and ecologically fragile mountain Development in some watersheds will affect the water rights of foreign countries Very little research has been done on the effects of the export of water from this area to the south to north water transfer The south to north water transfer project cannot be examined in isolation, argued X Many different regions and rivers must be considered together with Scientific research must precede the design of a large infrastructure project rather than flow from such a If scientific research is locked into the preconceptions of an existing plan, a great deal of wasted effort may How to Plan for a South to North Water Transfer ProjectXu wrote that any examination of the need for and the feasible scale of a south to north water transfer project should be based on China's economic strategy, pace of development, and research on the water resources and development Each south to north water transfer scheme should be examined in the light of the overall use and control of China's water Each province and region should establish its own water supply and demand estimates based on high water utilization efficiency, the development of the market economy and the full use of local water


语言测试在英语学习中的重要性 比较中西课堂教学及其对学生能力培养的影响 游戏在儿童英语教学中的运用 小学英语情趣教学漫谈 论中学英语教学中跨文化意识的培养 课堂气氛对高中英语教学效果的影响 记忆在语篇理解过程中的作用 记忆在词汇习得中的作用 谈英语阅读的制约因素及对策 跨文化交际中的体态语和中学英语教学 分析具有中国特色的双语教学 非智力因素在大学生英语学习中的影响 英语教学中的情感因素 论外语自主学习中师生的角色 让我们的思绪飞扬---浅谈在英语课堂教学中影响学生发言主动性的因素 C2C贸易中的写作技巧 大学生英语写作问题研究 文化词及其在外语教学中的功能 英语学习策略的成功案例 文化差异对阅读理解的影响 浅谈多媒体辅助英语教学及教师角色的改变 论母语文化在英语教学中的地位 英语教学中的文化导入

学术堂整理了9个英语教学毕业论文题目,并提供了写作思路的指导:  1、初中英语课堂教学的开放性探究  写作提示-写作思路:文章通过与自己多年的教学经验相结合,来谈谈中学英语课堂实践,研究中学英语课堂的开放性活动,为学生构建一个自主、自由、活跃的课堂生活。  2、浅析初中英语教学中学生主动性的培养  写作提示-写作思路:通过中学生学习的主体作用的发挥,可以让学生在学习的道路上取得事半功倍的学习效果。如何让它充分发挥?首先要建立协调、和谐、互补的师生关系,激发学生的主体意识,其次要尝试探尝试探究性教学,发展学生主体能力。  3、浅析初中英语学困生的成因及其转化策略  写作提示-写作思路:初中阶段是英语学习的重要时期,由于多方面原因,学生中途掉队的现象十分普遍。本文根据学困生的成因,针对性地提出了心理、学法、习惯等方面有效促进了学困生的转化。  4、浅谈打造初中英语有效课堂教学的策略  写作提示-写作思路:有效课堂就是课堂达到教师教得有效,学生学得有效,学生对知识的掌握和灵活运用达到有效,它真正实现了教学效益的最大化。教师教得不再那么累了,学生学得不再那么苦了,而学习效率却真正提高了。实施有效课堂让笔者更新了教学理念,转变了教育思想,提高了教学艺术水平。重新审视以前的教学工作,反思过去的教学行为,笔者深切感受到了有效课堂的优质效果。那么如何打造有效的课堂教学呢?笔者认为应从下面加个方面做起。  5、有声思维法在初中英语阅读教学中的优势及运用  写作提示-写作思路:一、前言根据克拉申(1985)所创立的二语习得输入假说理论可知,语言输入在二语或外语学习者的语言学习过程中占有极其重要的地位。对初中生而言,他们正处于英语学习的初级阶段,需要大量的英语语料的输入。输入方式有两种听力与阅读。刘润清(2002)为代表的北派观点主张中国英语教学应以“听说为本、读写并重”,而南派英语教学的代表董亚芬(2003)则主张“中国英语教学应始终以读写为本”。  6、提高我县初中英语教学质量的建议  写作提示-写作思路:黔西县是毕节试验区的东大门和贵阳市的后花园,享有“中国杜鹃花都” 的美誉,近年来,在县委、政府“科教兴县”战略的引领下,全县教育事业蒸蒸日上,特别是突破高中教育、义务教育均衡发展和中职教育方面取得长足的发展。但是,我县的教育发展中也凸显了许多亟待解决的问题。譬如,乡镇学校教师缺编问题严重,教育教学质量总体水平不高等。  7、情境教学法在初中英语语法教学中的运用  写作提示-写作思路:在英语教学过程中,英语语法的教学是一个很重要的部分,我们不能过分的强调语法的作用,又绝对不能忽视必要的语法学习。然而,长期以来,在传统的教学法的影响下,很多老师都是为了语法而教语法,学生往往学了语法而不知道怎么用。语法教学要改变过去满堂灌的现象,关键在于英语教师应具备语法教学交际化的意识和技巧,使语法在具体的语境中让学生得以体会,在实战中演练。  8、浅析农村初中英语课堂中的合作教学  写作提示-写作思路:在新课改背景下,教师应转变传统的“一言堂”的讲课方法,并要把主导者的身份转变成学生学习的引导者,逐渐使学生实现其学习的主体地位。为了适应这一转变,在农村初中英语课堂中,教师应适时搞好合作教学,使学生实现合作学习,从而最大限度地提高英语教学效率。  9、初中英语课外作业创新性设计探究  写作提示-写作思路:恰当的课后作业可以促进学生对所学知识的巩固,久而久之,会促使学生养成良好的学习习惯,强化英语学习观念。本文结合笔者的教学实践,从研究目前初中英语作业布置中存在的问题入手,探讨了改进初中英语作业布置的创新性策略。


南水北调作文一篇 南水北调是缓解中国北方水资源严重短缺局面的战略性工程。我国南涝北旱,南水北调工程通过跨流域的水资源合理配置,大大缓解我国北方水资源严重短缺问题,促进南北方经济、社会与人口、资源、环境的协调发展,分东线、中线、西线三条调水线。该工程也得到了一部分人的反对[1] 。 西线工程在最高一级的青藏高原上,地形上可以控制整个西北和华北,因长江上游水量有限,只能为黄河上中游的西北地区和华北部分地区补水;中线工程从第三阶梯西侧通过,从汉江与其最大支流丹江交汇处的丹江口水库引水,[2] 自流供水给黄淮海平原大部分地区,20多座大中城市;东线工程位于第三阶梯东部,因地势低需抽水北送。西线工程没有开工建设。南水北调应合理控制,保证在不影响南方生态的情况下滋补北方。中线导致汉江流域出现旱情、洞庭湖等诸湖泊骤减;破坏水循环自然平衡,东线水面连年降低。 2014年1月15日,南水北调工程建设工作会议明确2014年建设目标:中线如期通水、东线运行平稳。[3] 工程简介自1952年10月30日毛泽东主席提出 “南方水多,北方水少,如有可能,借点水来也是可以的”设想以来,在党中央、国务院的领导和关怀下,广大科技工作者做了大量的野外勘查和测量,在分析比较50多种方案的基础上,形成了南水北调东线、中线和西线调水的基本方案,并获得了一大批富有价值的成果。[4] 南水北调[5] 工程主要解决我国北方地区,尤其是黄淮海流域的水资源短缺问题,规划区人口38亿人。[6] 南水北调工程规划最终调水规模448亿立方米,其中东线148亿立方米,中线130亿立方米,西线170亿立方米,建设时间约需40-50年。建成后将解决700多万人长期饮用高氟水和苦咸水的问题。 [6] 南水北调总体规划[7] :推荐东线、中线和西线三条调水线路。通过三条调水线路与长江、黄河、淮河和海河四大江河的联系,构成以“四横三纵”为主体的总体布局,以利于实现中国水资源南北调配、东西互济的合理配置格局。西线工程截至目前,还没有开工建设。东线工程:利用江苏省已有的江水北调工程,逐步扩大调水规模并延长输水线路。东线工程从长江下游扬州抽引长江水,利用京杭大运河及与其平行的河道逐级提水北送,并连接起调蓄作用的洪泽湖、骆马湖、南四湖、东平湖。出东平湖后分两路输水:一路向北,在位山附近经隧洞穿过黄河;另一路向东,通过胶东地区输水干线经济南输水到烟台、威海。 东线工程开工最早,并且有现成输水道。中线工程:水源70%从陕西的汉中,安康,商洛地区,汇聚至汉江流向丹江口水库,[8] 从丹江口大坝加高后扩容的汉江丹江口水库调水,经河南南阳的淅川陶岔渠首闸,沿豫西南唐白河流域西侧过长江流域与淮河流域的分水岭方城垭口后,经黄淮海平原西部边缘,在郑州以西孤柏嘴处穿过黄河,继续沿京广铁路西侧北上,可基本自流到终点北京。西线工程:在长江上游通天河、支流雅砻江和大渡河上游筑坝建库,开凿穿过长江与黄河的分水岭巴颜喀拉山的输水隧洞,调长江水入黄河上游。西线工程的供水目标主要是解决涉及青、甘、宁、内蒙古、陕、晋等6省(自治区)黄河上中游地区和渭河关中平原的缺水问题。结合兴建黄河干流上的骨干水利枢纽工程,还可以向邻近黄河流域的甘肃河西走廊地区供水,必要时也可及时向黄河下游补水。截至目前,还没有开工建设。规划调水规模规划的东线、中线和西线到2050年调水总规模为448亿立方米,其中东线148亿立方米,中线130亿立方米,西线170亿立方米。整个工程将根据实际情况分期实施。 意义:我国是缺水国家,北方部分城市缺水尤其严重。为了解决这一问题,2002年底南水北调工程启动。它的建成将极大缓解北方缺水问题,提高水资源的利用率。目前南水北调工程的东线、西线、中线已破土动工,建成后将解决北京、天津、河北、河南、安徽、山东等地的用水问题。值得一提的是,在南水北调工程建设过程中,特别重视水质和生态问题。 总体方案:从五十年代提出“南水北调”的设想后,经过几十年研究,南水北调的总体布局确定为:分别从长江上、中、下游调水,以适应西北、华北各地的发展需要,即南水北调西线工程、南水北调中线工程和南水北调东线工程。    南水北调工程的生态环境问题  跨流域调水对调水区、受水区的生态环境可能会引起有利的和不利的影响。东、中、西三条线对受水区的有利影响基本相同:因水量增加,对经济社会发展的需水要求提供基本保证,有利于回补地下水,可遏止并逐步改善因缺水造成的生态环境恶化,保护湿地和生物多样性。对三条线路可能存在的一些不利影响,经研究后认为:采取必要措施后,这些不利影响是可以减轻或避免的,不影响工程决策。

我国是缺水国家,北方部分城市缺水尤其严重。为了解决这一问题,2002年底南水北调工程启动。它的建成将极大缓解北方缺水问题,提高水资源的利用率。目前南水北调工程的东线、西线、中线已破土动工,建成后将解决北京、天津、河北、河南、安徽、山东等地的用水问题。值得一提的是,在南水北调工程建设过程中,特别重视水质和生态问题。总体方案:从五十年代提出“南水北调”的设想后,经过几十年研究,南水北调的总体布局确定为:分别从长江上、中、下游调水,以适应西北、华北各地的发展需要,即南水北调西线工程、南水北调中线工程和南水北调东线工程。 南水北调工程的生态环境问题 跨流域调水对调水区、受水区的生态环境可能会引起有利的和不利的影响。东、中、西三条线对受水区的有利影响基本相同:因水量增加,对经济社会发展的需水要求提供基本保证,有利于回补地下水,可遏止并逐步改善因缺水造成的生态环境恶化,保护湿地和生物多样性。对三条线路可能存在的一些不利影响,经研究后认为:采取必要措施后,这些不利影响是可以减轻或避免的,不影响工程决策。这样可以么?

“南水北调”是一项宏伟的输送工程,而源头刚好在我们南边,这也示意着我们南边的每一个人都有责任充当“环保小卫士”,保护好水的源头,不让它遭到垃圾与污水的攻击。  可是有一个词语叫做“口是心非”。有一些人嘴上说要保护环境,却有着乱扔垃圾的坏习惯。我们这位地球虽然很无私,但是她却无时无刻不在遭受人类无情的攻击:在各种工厂旁,经常会有一股刺鼻的浓烟从高大的烟囱里飘出,渐渐升上大气层;吃完零食的塑料袋被随手扔在了马路边,而垃圾箱就在不远处;工业工厂里的污水被就近排放到附近的河流里,原本鱼类繁多的小河,在经过废水的污染后,变得死气沉沉,原本活蹦乱跳的小鱼,现在都飘浮在水面上,一动也不动;在温暖的房子里,电视和空调都在照常工作,而屋内却没有一个人;新买的笔记本被随手扔进了垃圾桶里,却只用了几页……  因污染环境而引起的自然灾害也有很多,就拿土地荒漠化来说,我国每年都会有2460平方公里的土地被荒漠化,这是一个多么令人震惊的数字。所以,我们要行动起来,为了地球母亲能减少痛苦,我呼吁所有人可以做到以下几点:不随手丢垃圾,不随地吐痰,看到垃圾捡起来扔到垃圾箱里;在家中时,要随手关灯,用水后要拧紧水龙头,不浪费一滴水;劝阻自己身边的人不乱砍乱伐,不污染河流,不浪费纸张,用过的纸尽量循环使用。  地球母亲正在流下伤心的眼泪,难道我们还要坐以待毙?只有一个地球,如果它被破坏了,我们别无去处。行动起来吧,保护地球,其实就是保护自己,让我们一起做一个称职的环保小卫士吧!




南 水 北 调 工 程 的 利 与 弊 南水北调的原因主要是因为: 华北和西北普遍缺水,限制了该区经济的发展和人民生活水平的提高南方水资源丰富,大量水资源没有被利用就流入大海南北方水土资源配合不合理,南方水多(80%)耕地少(40%),北方水少(20%)耕地多(60%)为了解决北方水资源紧缺的问题,实行了南水北调工程 意义:南水北调”东、中、西三线工程全部实施后,多年平均调引长江水380—480亿m3,将缓解黄、淮地区水资源紧缺的矛盾,促进调入地区的社会经济发展,改差城乡居民的生活供水条件和生态、环境将产生巨大的社会、经济、环境效益。既能做到工业生产用水,灌溉农田,又能对城市环境治理和绿化积极的促进作用。按目前价格水平,南水北调工程年均经济效益达600—800亿元。可以说,中国的南水北调堪称当今世界规模最大、难度大的工程,是一项造福的民义工程 线路: 这个工程分三条线路东线工程:从长江下游利用京杭大运河向华北京津唐调水。利用江苏省已有的江水北调工程,逐步扩大调水规模并延长输水线路。东线工程从长江下游扬州抽引长江水,利用京杭大运河及与其平行的河道逐级提水北送,并连接起调蓄作用的洪泽湖、骆马湖、南四湖、东平湖。出东平湖后分两路输水:一路向北,在位山附近经隧洞穿过黄河;另一路向东,通过胶东地区输水干线经济南输水到烟台、威海。利:水量大;可直接利用京航运河;沿途输水量大。 弊:污染严重;山东以南需要抽水,而当地电力缺乏。 中线工程:从三峡水库和丹江口水库向华北调水。从加坝扩容后的丹江口水库陶岔渠首闸引水,沿唐白河流域西侧过长江流域与淮河流域的分水岭方城垭口后,经黄淮海平原西部边缘,在郑州以西孤柏嘴处穿过黄河,继续沿京广铁路西侧北上,可基本自流到北京、天津。利:水质较好;地形南高,可以自流;弊;后期工程需要三峡建成;线路较长而且需要新挖。  西线工程:从长江上游一些支流向黄河调水。在长江上游通天河、支流雅砻江和大渡河上游筑坝建库,开凿穿过长江与黄河的分水岭巴颜喀拉山的输水隧洞,调长江水入黄河上游。西线工程的供水目标主要是解决涉及青、甘、宁、内蒙古、陕、晋等6省(自治区)黄河上中游地区和渭河关中平原的缺水问题。结合兴建黄河干流上的骨干水利枢纽工程,还可以向邻近黄河流域的甘肃河西走廊地区供水,必要时也可相机向黄河下游补水。利:距离短;水质好;弊:地形复杂,穿越山区多,工程量过大; 对生态的影响: 中线工程的二期目标是每年从长江向北方调水400亿立方米,再加上南水北调东线和西线工程的每年调水量600亿立方米,总共每年从长江向北方调水1000亿立方米,占长江口平均年径流量的10%以上。长江入海水量的减少,将引起海水倒灌,长江口泥沙冲淤状况的变化,长江口鱼类生活的条件变化。 对经济的影响:实施南水北调工程,改善华北和西北地区的水资源条件,从根本上缓解这一地区长期资源性缺水的矛盾,对于改善社会经济发展条件,提高资源的配置效率,对于控制地区差距的扩大趋势,促进区域协调发展,对于改善生态环境质量和实现第三步战略目标都具有十分重要的意义。�此外,工程投资对经济增长的影响将通过乘数作用进一步放大。1、实施南水北调工程可以相应增加工程建设设备和建筑材料等产品的需求,并进一步刺激相关上游产业和关联产品的发展。经验表明,投资会有40%转化为消费,因此,南水北调对扩大内需有双重拉动作用。2、南水北调工程的实施对经济增长的影响,不仅表现在对GDP增长的直接拉动上,而且还表现在通过改善当地的生态环境和生产条件,促进受水地区生产能力的形成和提高,使其潜在的资源优势转化为经济优势,推动受水地区经济的普遍增长。例如:实施西线调水工程将为西部大开发战略规划的实施和生产力布局创造先行条件,为该地区吸引投资、改善农业生产条件、开发矿产资源和城市建设等创造条件,有利于促进老工业基地的改造和发展,促进生产力布局的合理调整和新工业基地的建设发展,推动地区经济增长。�3、南水北调工程还为通水后的落后地区带来新的商机和新的发展机遇,有利于扶贫工作的进展。 当前工程所面临的问题:未来海水倒灌的时间将持续较长,使长江三角洲地区的供水发生困难。长江的水量不足,可能在长江口形成拦门沙坎,影响长江航运和上海港的发展;长江入海水量的减少,将迫使上海、江苏、浙江加大投资,巩固海堤。自然河流有丰水年,枯水年,不断变化,互相弥补。在最坏情况下,在枯水年的流量中减去调水量后,那时候的长江又该是个什么样,长江的生态系统会受到什么影响。 这条长江能承受每年调水1000亿立方米的冲击吗?南水北调中线工程的受水区是北京、天津和河北、河南的部分地区,总调水量400亿立方米,而受水区自然径流量每年只有276亿立方米(北京、天津按100%、河北、河南按50%计),调入水量大大超过受水区的自然径流量。同样,受水区能否承受这么多的水,也是个大问题。 受水区是半干旱地区,由于植被被破坏,地表水的蒸发量很大。这么大量的水调入后,自然水平衡受到破坏,特别容易发生大规模的土地盐碱化问题。而要解决土地盐碱化问题,就需要更多的水来冲洗土壤中的盐份。所以结果是,给了北方缺水地区水,不是满足了需求,而是引起更大的需求,使缺水问题更严重,因为冲洗土壤中盐份的水量,大大超过灌溉水量,移民问题。


D 汉江 南水北调的中线工程起点为丹江口,位于汉江。
