

发布时间:2024-07-09 05:29:00


feelings and experiencec亲:祝你学习进步,每天都开心V_V!望采纳,thx!


At the modern society, the conflict of of right is a kind of more widespread phenomenon, right of privacy with know what happened power be the right of a rightness of oppositions, people on the other hand request to know oneself should know of everything, wish an own publicly private information on the other hand and not, hence right of privacy with knew what happened the conflict of of power to inevitably Therefore, how moderate the conflict of of twos, is the problem that should investigate in the theories and the Pass analysis right of privacy with know what happened the concept of power and they of the conflict become because of and essence after, and emphasized to discuss moderate these two a series of and basic principle and special principle of conflict, and hope to find out to contribute to right of privacy and know what happened power to reach from it balance of have a method, principle of draw lessons from the

毕业论文翻译的话,还是找专业的翻译公司比较好。就以我们翻译达人在论文翻译方面举例,找翻译公司有以下优点: 因为专业的翻译公司有专门的译审人员,翻译公司不像个人翻译那样把稿件翻译完成就直接交付给你,而是需要经过层层审核校对的。可以找一下北京译顶科技。


feelings and experiencec亲:祝你学习进步,每天都开心V_V!望采纳,thx!


【Abstract】 Multimedia courseware with the rapid development of computers has been widely popular, many of the production of the corresponding software came into Multimedia courseware with its comprehensive and systematic, fast and convenient, attractive and user-friendly interface, the advantages of the interaction more and more people In this paper, flash multimedia courseware production of poetry appreciation, carry forward the culture of a long Courseware used in the basic types of action animation, shape, guide, mask, frame by frame animation, easy to understand, and But also built-in flash animation timeline, plus movie clips, buttons and other components as well as simple to use Action Script script control, it is easy to create interactive and beautiful This article first introduces and courseware related some of the basics, such as multimedia, multimedia courseware concepts; next introduced courseware authoring software; third chapter describes the steps in the production of poetry appreciation of courseware and skills, including material preparation and poetry appreciation of courseware specific production process; fourth chapter describes the feelings and experiences in the production process, including the use of color, the overall style of the setting and the use of animation; Chapter V of the flash courseware [Key words] :Flash animation software, multimedia courseware

Multimedia courseware with the rapid development of the computer and has gained widespread popularity, many corresponding fabrication software also arises at the historic Multimedia courseware with its comprehensive system, convenient, interface beautifully and humanized interaction etc advantages more and more This article through flash of multi-media courseware making, promote the classical appreciate long poem motherland During the courseware making use of basic animation types have action, shape, guiding, masks, by frame animation and so on, easy to understand, and And still have time axis built-in flash animation, plus movieclip, button elements such as use and some simple Action Script Script control, can easily create interactive and beautiful This paper first introduces and some basic knowledge of courseware, such as the concept of multimedia, multimedia courseware; Then introduce courseware software; The third chapter presents the poetry appreciation courseware steps and skills, including material preparation and poetry appreciation courseware making process; the specific The fourth chapter mainly introduce the production process of experience, including the use of colors, the determination of integral style and animation of use; The fifth chapter presents a flash courseware application Multimedia courseware with the rapid development of computers has been widely popular, many of the production of the corresponding software came into Multimedia courseware with its comprehensive and systematic, fast and convenient, attractive and user-friendly interface, the advantages of the interaction more and more people In this paper, flash multimedia courseware production of poetry appreciation, carry forward the culture of a long Courseware used in the basic types of action animation, shape, guide, mask, frame by frame animation, easy to understand, and But also built-in flash animation timeline, plus movie clips, buttons and other components as well as simple to use Action Script script control, it is easy to create interactive and beautiful This article first introduces and courseware related some of the basics, such as multimedia, multimedia courseware concepts; next introduced courseware authoring software; third chapter describes the steps in the production of poetry appreciation of courseware and skills, including material preparation and poetry appreciation of courseware specific production process; fourth chapter describes the feelings and experiences in the production process, including the use of color, the overall style of the setting and the use of animation; Chapter V of the flash courseware [Key words] :Flash animation software, multimedia courseware


心得体会 one's own understanding 请把你的心得体会记录下来。 Please write down what your own understanding


毕业论文是Graduation thesis 若要在论文里指论文就可以直接说thesis或者paper

In the modern society, the conflict between the rights is a kind of comparatively general phenomenon, the right of privacy and right of being in know are a pair of opposite rights, people demand to know everything that oneself should know on one hand, on the other hand also unwilling to disclose one's own private information, then right of privacy and conflict between the right of being in know produce So, what a conflict of coordinating between the two, it is the question that should be explored in the theory and Through analyzing after the conflict cause and essence among concept and they of the right of privacy and right of being in know, and has expounded the fact emphatically that coordinates a series of basic principle and special principle of the two conflicts, method, principle to draw lessons from meaning to and hope to find helping from it and reach the balanced one with the right of being in know in right of



毕业论文总结 2007年3月,我开始了我的毕业论文工作,时至今日,论文基本完成。从最初的茫然,到慢慢的进入状态,再到对思路逐渐的清晰,整个写作过程难以用语言来表达。历经了几个月的奋战,紧张而又充实的毕业设计终于落下了帷幕。回想这段日子的经历和感受,我感慨万千,在这次毕业设计的过程中,我拥有了无数难忘的回忆和收获。3月初,在与导师的交流讨论中我的题目定了下来,是:8031单片机控制LED显示屏设计。当选题报告,开题报告定下来的时候,我当时便立刻着手资料的收集工作中,当时面对浩瀚的书海真是有些茫然,不知如何下手。我将这一困难告诉了导师,在导师细心的指导下,终于使我对自己现在的工作方向和方法有了掌握。在搜集资料的过程中,我认真准备了一个笔记本。我在学校图书馆,大工图书馆搜集资料,还在网上查找各类相关资料,将这些宝贵的资料全部记在笔记本上,尽量使我的资料完整、精确、数量多,这有利于论文的撰写。然后我将收集到的资料仔细整理分类,及时拿给导师进行沟通。4月初,资料已经查找完毕了,我开始着手论文的写作。在写作过程中遇到困难我就及时和导师联系,并和同学互相交流,请教专业课老师。在大家的帮助下,困难一个一个解决掉,论文也慢慢成型。4月底,论文的文字叙述已经完成。5月开始进行相关图形的绘制工作和电路的设计工作。为了画出自己满意的电路图,图表等,我仔细学习了Excel的绘图技术。在设计电路初期,由于没有设计经验,觉得无从下手,空有很多设计思想,却不知道应该选哪个,经过导师的指导,我的设计渐渐有了头绪,通过查阅资料,逐渐确立系统方案。方案中LED显示屏行、列驱动电路的设计是个比较头疼的问题,在反复推敲,对比的过程中,最终定下了行驱动电路采用74LS154译码器,列驱动电路采用74HC595集成电路。当我终于完成了所有打字、绘图、排版、校对的任务后整个人都很累,但同时看着电脑荧屏上的毕业设计稿件我的心里是甜的,我觉得这一切都值了。这次毕业论文的制作过程是我的一次再学习,再提高的过程。在论文中我充分地运用了大学期间所学到的知识。我不会忘记这难忘的3个多月的时间。毕业论文的制作给了我难忘的回忆。在我徜徉书海查找资料的日子里,面对无数书本的罗列,最难忘的是每次找到资料时的激动和兴奋;亲手设计电路图的时间里,记忆最深的是每一步小小思路实现时那幸福的心情;为了论文我曾赶稿到深夜,但看着亲手打出的一字一句,心里满满的只有喜悦毫无疲惫。这段旅程看似荆棘密布,实则蕴藏着无尽的宝藏。我从资料的收集中,掌握了很多单片机、LED显示屏的知识,让我对我所学过的知识有所巩固和提高,并且让我对当今单片机、LED显示屏的最新发展技术有所了解。在整个过程中,我学到了新知识,增长了见识。在今后的日子里,我仍然要不断地充实自己,争取在所学领域有所作为。脚踏实地,认真严谨,实事求是的学习态度,不怕困难、坚持不懈、吃苦耐劳的精神是我在这次设计中最大的收益。我想这是一次意志的磨练,是对我实际能力的一次提升,也会对我未来的学习和工作有很大的帮助。在这次毕业设计中也使我们的同学关系更进一步了,同学之间互相帮助,有什么不懂的大家在一起商量,听听不同的看法对我们更好的理解知识,所以在这里非常感谢帮助我的同学。在此更要感谢我的导师和专业老师,是你们的细心指导和关怀,使我能够顺利的完成毕业论文。在我的学业和论文的研究工作中无不倾注着老师们辛勤的汗水和心血。老师的严谨治学态度、渊博的知识、无私的奉献精神使我深受启迪。从尊敬的导师身上,我不仅学到了扎实、宽广的专业知识,也学到了做人的道理。在此我要向我的导师致以最衷心的感谢和深深的敬意。

查重是肯定没问题的,但是文献出处之类的需要自己安排好了。网络中文资源一般没有严谨的出处,所以比较难找。不过可以去找一些相关的书目做一个假的works cited,论文只看格式,不会去查你的文献出处的。




赶脚 非常风骚 有的地方有点不通的感觉呢 和太少了

The written report / summary that students experienced(Chinese)(2 pages at least including the IDEA, and SWOC analysis)Note: I -- information- Students experience during the same time to read the relevant reference books or information, or searching for information from the I D -- data analysis, called for the selection of the necessary analysis of the data, and then contrasted with the experience of the E -- From the experience of all aspects of the process of SWOC model can be used a detailed analysis of (S edge, W disadvantages, O opportunity, C challenge) A -- Action Please schedule to do with operations related to cost analysis and risk

