

发布时间:2024-07-08 14:07:08


The development of China's public diplomacy in the perspective of E

The Shenzhen subject park culture characteristic construction searchesanalyzes Since Shenzhen 1989th year the exquisite silk China subjectpark establishment, already some 18 years year, has followed timepassing, the Shenzhen subject park development situation actuallyalready with difficulty is comparing with the same Very manyscholars have the suspicion to the subject park construction allnewspaper the Certainly, in these 18 years development, theShenzhen subject park indeed has many problems, the subject park whichthe manner knows very few may Therefore, searches to thesubject park analyzes into the very many domestic scholars' direction,for example: Guaranteed continues just gentleman in to the subjectpark development influence factor analysis in, thought the source oftourists market and the transportation condition, the region economylevel of development, the city traveling sensation image, the spacegathered with the competition as well as the policy-maker behavior inplays the indelible role to the subject park development Regardingthis, I carry on own on the subject park culture characteristicanalysis, as well as proposes own Key word: Traveling culture, cultural marketing, subject park

(we may) see the development of China's public diplomacy through the

newspaper reading Senior Chinese (1)Entrepreneurial Studies Exchange linguisticsAn introduction to Chinese traditional cultureChinese listening (2)Master of Science Communication Oriental historyLiterature and art aesthetics and art classes)Public international law (public)The contemporary western political systemChinese ancient novels (quality course)Contemporary Diplomacy in China Introduction to international organizations Chinese language and culture (quality course)Western economics American diplomatic historyContemporary Chinese Political SystemNewspaper reading (2)Topic spoken English (2)History of modern ChinaPersonal image in the exchanges Political science research methods


中华人民共和国成立以后,奉行独立自主的和平外交政策,积极开展外交活动,取得了巨大的成就。中国政府充分展现了自己的组织能力和多边外交能力,在国际事务中的作用越来越大。 一、20世纪40-年代末——50年代中期的外交 政策:奉行独立自主的和平外交政策。 实践:1、建国的第一年,与苏联、东欧等17个国家正式建立外交关系。作用:为恢复 经济建设创造了良好的外部环境。 2、积极参与国际活动:(1)1953年,在接见印度代表团时,,周恩来总理首次提出“和平共处五项原则”,作为处理国与国之间关系的原则。(2)1954年,周恩来总理访问印度、缅甸,三国总理积极倡导和平共处五项原则。影响:使和平共处五项原则在国际上产生深远影响,逐渐被越来越多的国家接受,成为处理国与国之间关系的基本准则。 3、1954年4——7月,参加日内瓦会议(瑞士)。作用:第一次以五大国之一的身份参加,大大提高了中国的国际地位,为打开新中国外交新局面发挥积极了作用。 4、1955年,参加万隆会议(印度尼西亚)。影响:第一次没有殖民主义国家参加的亚非首脑会议。中国提出“求同存异”的方针,促进了会议的圆满成功,也促进了中国同亚非各国的团结与合作。形成“万隆精神”。 影响:增进了中国与亚非各国间的理解和信任,扩大了中国在国际上的影响。 二、20世纪70年代的外交 背景:中国国际地位的提高和国际形势的变化。 实践:1、中美关系的改善:(1)1971年7月,基辛格秘密访华,与周恩来总理会谈。(2)1972年2月,美国总统尼克松访华,中美双方在上海签署《中美联合公报》。(3)1979年,中美正式建立外交关系。意义:中美两国对抗结束,两国关系开始走向正常化。 2、中日邦交正常化:1972年日本首相田中角荣访华。,两国正式建立外交关系。 3、与许多国家建立外交关系,出现了与中国建交的热潮。 4、1971年10月25日,参加第26届联合国大会。恢复了中华人民共和国在联合国的合法权利,恢复了中国安理会常任理事国的席位。作用:进一步提高了中国国际地位。 影响:我国外交工作出现了新局面。 三、改革开放以来的外交 背景:国际形势的发展和我国社会主义现代化建设的迅速发展、综合国力的提高。 实践:1、1996年,中国、俄罗斯、哈萨克斯坦、吉尔吉斯斯坦、塔吉克斯坦五国元首在上海签署关于在边境地区加强军事领域信任的协定。 2、2001年,中、俄、哈、吉、塔和乌兹别克斯坦六国元首,在上海签署了《“上海合作组织”成立宣言》。影响:上海合作组织是第一个以中国城市命名的国际组织,它进一步加强了我国与周边国家的关系。 3、2001年,中国成功承办了亚太经合组织会议。(上海APEC会议)会议主题:“新世纪、新挑战:参与、合作,促进共同繁荣”。通过了《上海共识》。影响:上海APEC会议是中国迄今举行的规模最大、规格最高的多边外交活动。 4、2001年11月,在卡塔尔多哈举行的世界贸易组织第四次部长级会议上,审议通过了中国加入这个组织的决定。影响:中国终于成为世界上最重要的国际性贸易组织的成员。我国的对外开放事业进入一个新的阶段。 影响:我国外交事业取得一个又一个伟大成就,在国际事务中发挥越来越重要的作用。 参考资料:新课标高中


1 为什么您想成为一名军方口译人员?有时候,我会听到别人非常羡慕我熟练的英语。因此我敢做出把我的英语发挥出来的决定。我认为作为一名军方口译会给我一个证明自己英语的机会,只要我有机会应用熟练的英语。我肯定,如果我能够成为军方的口译人员,这不仅使我能够大量地使用英语,而且会拓宽我英语的知识面。这样下次找工作的时候会对我有很大的帮助。2 作为一个韩国人,有哪些引以为豪的事情?首先,先辈们的心灵手巧让我骄傲。他们发明了很多文化的,科学的手工制品。很多据说都比西方还要发明的早。在高丽朝的时候,就发明了可移动金属印刷技术,比西方Guthenburg朝代还要早200年。在朝鲜王朝第四个王,世宗皇帝统治时期,和农业相关的天文器具就已经被发明,例如雨量表,日规,还有尤其是语言方面,国王知道他的子民在使用中国汉字是难以表达的时候就下令学者们进行研究,创造了最科学也最容易学习的一种语言。另外,还有我自豪的事情。当日本人侵略韩国的时候,在海战中,李将军用他的龟甲船很快彻底击败了日本的舰队,这艘船在世界海军史上被认为是第一艘铁甲战船,船的顶部装备了很多钉子防止敌人爬到船上。我们祖先传给我们很多很多让我们引以为豪的历史遗产。

1 为什么你想成为外交官呢? 有时候,我听到一些人佩服我的英语水平。因此,我决定把我的英语知识用到实践中去。我觉得做为一个外交官给我提供了一个很好的证明我英语水平的机会,但到目前为止,我没有什么机会展现我的英语专业技能。我相信如果我做为外交官,不仅是得到一个展现我英语能力的机会,而且还能拓宽我的英语知识,这对我结束军队服务后找一份好的工作很有帮助的。2 是什么让你觉得做为一个韩国人很骄傲首先提出我的结论,我引以为豪的是我祖先们的创造力,他们利用独特的创造力创造了许多的文化和科学的产物,他们中的许多都比西方同类发明早很多。高丽年间的可移动金属应刷系统经证实比Guthenburg’s早200年。此外,在Sejong的长期统治之下,第四个国王的带领下发明了很多与农业相关的天文装置,如雨量计,日晷仪,国王尤其关注他的子民用中文做日常交流很困难,所以他命令他的学者创造出了韩文,这被认为是最科学和最容易学的。 我更引以为豪的是当日本侵占韩国的时候,在海湾战争中李上将指挥他著名的海龟船迅速地彻底摧毁日本的舰队。他的船身上有长钉可以阻止敌人攀上船,被视为历史上第一支传战袍的舰队。从我们祖先传下来的还有很多让我们只得骄傲的事迹。


Chinese Foreign Minister US Secretary of State

是中国固有领土,日本单方的所作所为是无效的。我方严厉声明和强烈不满。 明显投降派、

不加也是可以的,但是加引号比较合适,表明强调或者多次引用过的观点。是的,应该加上China_US,然后后面的major country作为同位语更准确一些。翻译的不是很好,用global power更合适一些

先说明一下,有一个变动的,近期劳动与社会保障部改名为人力资源与社会保障部,所以英文有所变动,应为:Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security。国务院部委Ministries and Commissions Directly under the State Council 外交部Ministry of Foreign Affairs 国防部Ministry of National Defence 国家发展计划委员State Development Planning Commission 国家经济贸易委员会State Economic and Trade Commission 教育部Ministry of Education 科学技术部Ministry of Science and Technology 国家科学技术工业委员会Commission of Science, Technology and Industry for National Defence 国家民族事务委员会State Ethnic Affairs Commission 公安部 Ministry of Public Security / Ministry of State Security 监察部 Ministry of Supervision 民政部 Ministry of Civil Affairs 司法部 Ministry of Justice 财政部 Ministry of Finance 人事部 Ministry of Personnel 劳动和社会保障部 Ministry of Labour and Social Security 国土资源部Ministry of Land and Resources 建设部Ministry of Construction 铁路部 Ministry of Railways 交通部 Ministry of Communications 信息产业部 Ministry of Information Industry 水利部Ministry of Water Resources 农业部Ministry of Agriculture 对外贸易经济合作部Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation 文化部Ministry of Culture 卫生部Ministry of Public Health 国家计划生育委员会State Family Planning Commission 中国人民银行People’s Bank of China 国家审计署State Auditing Administration各部部长就是the Head 或者the Minister 就行啦英国外交大臣:The British Foreign Secretary 英国财政大臣:Chancellor of the Exchequer


The Shenzhen subject park culture characteristic construction searchesanalyzes Since Shenzhen 1989th year the exquisite silk China subjectpark establishment, already some 18 years year, has followed timepassing, the Shenzhen subject park development situation actuallyalready with difficulty is comparing with the same Very manyscholars have the suspicion to the subject park construction allnewspaper the Certainly, in these 18 years development, theShenzhen subject park indeed has many problems, the subject park whichthe manner knows very few may Therefore, searches to thesubject park analyzes into the very many domestic scholars' direction,for example: Guaranteed continues just gentleman in to the subjectpark development influence factor analysis in, thought the source oftourists market and the transportation condition, the region economylevel of development, the city traveling sensation image, the spacegathered with the competition as well as the policy-maker behavior inplays the indelible role to the subject park development Regardingthis, I carry on own on the subject park culture characteristicanalysis, as well as proposes own Key word: Traveling culture, cultural marketing, subject park


Reconstruction of the system of rural collective land acquisition legal thinking Abstract: Our country has a large and small, scarce land resources, with the rapid industrialization and urbanization development, the demand for land increased, a growing number of rural land has been expropriated for non-agricultural However, the current land system is seriously hampering the social and economic development, the imminent reform of the existing land requisition In this paper, the history of China's land requisition system and the status quo approach, from a legal point of view of the existence of current disadvantages of land requisition system and proposed a reconfiguration of rural collective land expropriation system, legal

1 为什么您想成为一名军方口译人员?有时候,我会听到别人非常羡慕我熟练的英语。因此我敢做出把我的英语发挥出来的决定。我认为作为一名军方口译会给我一个证明自己英语的机会,只要我有机会应用熟练的英语。我肯定,如果我能够成为军方的口译人员,这不仅使我能够大量地使用英语,而且会拓宽我英语的知识面。这样下次找工作的时候会对我有很大的帮助。2 作为一个韩国人,有哪些引以为豪的事情?首先,先辈们的心灵手巧让我骄傲。他们发明了很多文化的,科学的手工制品。很多据说都比西方还要发明的早。在高丽朝的时候,就发明了可移动金属印刷技术,比西方Guthenburg朝代还要早200年。在朝鲜王朝第四个王,世宗皇帝统治时期,和农业相关的天文器具就已经被发明,例如雨量表,日规,还有尤其是语言方面,国王知道他的子民在使用中国汉字是难以表达的时候就下令学者们进行研究,创造了最科学也最容易学习的一种语言。另外,还有我自豪的事情。当日本人侵略韩国的时候,在海战中,李将军用他的龟甲船很快彻底击败了日本的舰队,这艘船在世界海军史上被认为是第一艘铁甲战船,船的顶部装备了很多钉子防止敌人爬到船上。我们祖先传给我们很多很多让我们引以为豪的历史遗产。


Abstract During the last three decades, China has changed its political policies to open itself to foreign With many foreign investors’ helps, China has made great economic progress and has been emerging fast in the global Since more and more foreign enterprisers join the Chinese markets, many questions and problems regarding to the issue of cross-cultural negotiation have been Cross-cultural negotiation has never been an easy A cross-cultural negotiation requires a mutual understanding of culture differences and the practices of applied negotiation This study is to help Western business negotiators better understand Chinese negotiation strategies and techniques, so they can develop appropriate strategies when negotiating in C I INTRODUCTION After China and Taiwan both became the members of World Trade Organization (WTO) in year 2002, the importance of business transaction with Chinese has drawn a huge attention to most businessmen in the As Zhao (2000, 209-237) said, during the last three decades, China has changed its political policies to open itself to foreign With many foreign investors’ helps, China has made great economic progress and has been emerging fast in the global Since more and more foreign enterprisers join the Chinese markets, many questions and problems regarding to the issue of cross-cultural negotiation have been Cross-cultural negotiation has never been an easy As Mintu-Wimsatt and Gassenheimer (2000, 1-15) indicate “Cultural differences, in contrast, increase the complexity of the relationship and the negotiation encounter, potentially jeopardizing the business relationship’s ” Thus, it is important to explore the cultural difference between west and east, and to study different communication II LITERATURE REVIEW By presenting a fruitful literature review, this article explores a greater insight on how western businessmen can establish a long-term relationship with Chinese business A Cultural Differences between West and East Western countries such as US and Canada are called low culture context countries which rely on verbally expressed (Mintu-Wimsatt and Gassenheimer 2000, 1-15) They tend to communicate directly to For example, when an American businessman tries to make a deal, not only a lots of oral presentations will be held but also will place directly on confirming the On the other hands, in highcontext cultures such as Chinese and Japanese cultures provide less information in verbal They prefer an indirect communication style (Mintu-Wimsatt and Gassenheimer 2000, 1-15) For example, when a Chinese negotiator delivers a message no matter in verbal or writing, many variables would need to be considered and decoded in order to fully comprehend the The variables can be individual backgrounds, associations, values, gender, position in company and status in Because of the cultural differences, some factors which affect the effectiveness of successful negotiation would need to be They are: “ differences in decision making, status protocol, social aspects of negotiation, how time is viewed, and personal relationships” (Herbig and Kramer 1992, 287-299) Based on those factors,


