

发布时间:2024-07-08 16:24:10


护理理念是护理人员在临床护理实践中所确立的价值观、信念和指导思想。护理工作模式是根据护理人员的工作能力和数量,所设计出的护理工作分配方式。护理理念是一种护理理论,对护理工作模式起指导作用,而护理工作模式是方法论,是实现护理理念所采取的一种组织管理形式。护理理念和护理工作模式只有相互匹配、相互适应才能促进我国护理事业的长足发展。 论文写作,先不说内容,首先格式要正确,=========现在的论文,只要是原创都要收费,一篇完整的论文,题目,摘要(中英文),=========商业社会也没办法谁愿意免费给你写论文目录,正文(引言,正文,结语),致谢,=========你在这问也没用,我去年的论文找参考文献。规定的格式,字体,段落,页眉=========【诸葛页脚,开始写之前,都得清楚的,你的论文=============文库写的】算是写好了五分之一。然后,选题,你的题==================质量还不错,你可以去看下目时间宽裕,那就好好考虑,选一个你思考最成熟的,可以比较多的阅读相关的参考文献,从里面获得思路,确定一个模板性质的东西,照着来,写出自己的东西。如果时间紧急,那就随便找一个参考文献,然后用和这个参考文献相关的文献,拼出一篇,再改改。正文,语言必须是学术的语言。一定先列好提纲,这就是框定每一部分些什么,保证内容不乱

一、毕业论文的要求 (一)要求查阅相关文献5~10篇。 (二)毕业论文格式 1、标题:题目简要、明确,不宜过长。 2、中英文摘要(100~250字),中英文关键词(3~5个)。 3、前言:主要包括选题的依据,对本课题研究现状的简述,本文的立意和研究的角度。 4、正文:要求论点明确、结构合理、条理清楚、内容完整、资料详实并与论点相结合,同时要做到文字通顺,引文规范。论文正文字数在3000字左右。 5、参考文献格式 著作:作者、书名、出版地、出版社、出版时间、起止页码。 论文:作者、论文篇名、刊名、年、卷(期)、起止页码。 二、选题 选题是撰写毕业论文和进行科学研究的重要环节,标志着毕业论文和科学研究的正式开始,在整个论文写作和科学研究过程中具有十分重要的意义。选题应遵循如下原则: (一)选题要体现护理专业特点和教学计划中对能力知识结构的基本要求,达到毕业论文综合训练的目的。 (二)选题应符合护理学科的理论发展,解决学科建设、学科发展的理论或方法问题,解决应用性研究中的某个理论或方法问题,具有一定的学术价值和现实意义。 (三)选题贴切,有较强的科学性、前瞻性。 (四)选题应力求有益于学生综合运用所学的理论知识与技能,有利于培养学生的独立工作能力,学生可自己拟定题目,并且可跨学科交叉选择课题。 (五)课题的工作量和难易程度要适当,学生在指导老师的指导下经过努力能够完成。 六)选题参考 1、高职护理专业人才培养模式的改革与建议 2、临场护理工作未来发展趋势 3、临床护理工作实践中疑难病例的护理分析 4、以人为本的理念在护理实践中的应用 5、提高高职护生学习效果的探讨 6、高职学生如何实现成人、成材、成功? 7、高职护生在就业过程中面临的困难与对策 8、关于高职护生就业观的探讨 9、高职护生心理因素与学习效果的相关性分析 10、护理专业培养目标与社会需求相结合的探讨 11、临床各科常见疾病病人心理问题的分析与护理 12、静脉输液过程中的技巧 13、重度水肿患者输液穿刺技巧 14、入院宣教时间与内容关系的探讨 15、长期卧床病人失眠的护理 16、静脉留置针在肝病患者输液中的应用 17、机械通气病人的护理 18、医院感染的预防与控制 19、褥疮护理新进展 20、护理职业道德与护士行为规范 21、急性心肌梗塞特殊疼痛部位原因分析及护理 22、医院护士职业防护难点分析及相应对策 23、护患矛盾的原因和防范 24、对儿科健康教育的探讨 25、影响护理文件书写质量的原因分析与对策 26、护理工作中常见法律问题和对策 27、自然分娩中激励式心理护理的临床效果 28、住院患者不同心理反应的心理护理 29、与失语患者沟通的技巧 30、系统化整体护理模式的临床应用 31、护理操作与人文关怀探讨 希望对你有帮助噢~

【Key words】 Cerebral infarction; acute; Care Hypothalamic blood flow in acute cerebral infarction is a barrier to brain tissue ischemia and hypoxia caused by softening of the brain, the condition is relatively heavy 〔1〕 In addition to actively cooperate with treatment, do a good job-based care, to prevent further infarction, have an important role in the prevention of complications, if the nursing care may not be implemented, will directly affect the patient's treatment and By January 2004 ~ October 2006 in our hospital 106 cases of acute cerebral infarction care, I understand the psychological, safety, condition observation, prevent complications, limb function training, language training, diet and discharge from the guide, care in improving the quality of life of patients and promote the rehabilitation of great significance, should arouse enough 希望对您有帮助 顺便给你介绍一个学习网站 中华医学学习网 上面有很多医学论文哦 你可以上去看看


3 原因分析 1 超负荷的工作状态 随着人们生活水平的不断提高,生活节奏也随之加快,精神问题日益突出。我国精神病患者已高达1600万人,而从事精神卫生工作的医务人员不足8万人,医务人员相当匮乏。现行的“以病人为中心”的护理模式却要求护士从生理、心理、社会、文化等方面给患者予全面照顾。这种包括心理和文化照顾在内的全面护理,是复杂而具有创造性的工作,需要护士付出更多的劳动和精力。可目前国内护士严重缺编,如我院精神科男区有常住患者80人以上,而护理人员只有15人,这与卫生部1978年提出的标准1∶4的床护比相差甚远,使护士处于超负荷工作状态。 2 高度的职业风险 随着《医疗事故处理条例》等相关法律法规的出台与实施,公众的法律意识普遍提高,人们对护理服务的要求也更高,这使护士的精神压力不断增加。精神病患者是一群特殊人群,他们在病态思维的支配下常发生冲动、毁物、伤人、自伤等行为,而且他们在发病时常无自知力,往往抗拒治疗。这不仅增加了精神科护理人员的工作量,甚至还威胁到护士的人身安全。精神科护士在完成繁重的日常护理工作的同时,还要防止患者发生意外、保证自身安全。长此以往,给精神科护士的身心健康造成不良影响,从而直接影响到精神科护士的工作热情和工作质量。 3 个人成就感低 精神疾病是一种慢性迁延性疾病,复发率极高。即使患者能遵医嘱坚持服药,仍时有病情反复而再次入院的患者,而更多的则是出院后由于监督力度不够(如:个人独居无人督促、出现不良反应后不愿继续服药等)病情复发入院的。我科曾有1例患者1年内住院3次。另外精神科护士在社会上缺少尊重和理解,精神科护士工作待遇低等,对精神科护士造成了负面的影响,致使精神科护士的个人成就感低,家属的认同度也低。 4 知识的不断更新 21世纪是知识信息时代,科学技术高速发展,知识相互渗透。许多新知识、新技术应用于临床,医疗仪器不断更新,各种新的检查和治疗手段层出不穷,加上实施了“以病人为中心,以提高医疗护理质量”为主题的医院管理年检查验收活动,这迫使护士在完成紧张的工作之余,还要努力学习基础知识及专科技能,以便更新知识,顺利通过检查,否则知识老化,就难以胜任临床护理工作和检查验收工作。这对大多数只有中专学历的护士形成不小的压力,一些年资高的、基础较差的护士更是难以适应。 4 应对措施 1 减轻或缓解压力 (1)专家一致认为,要增加护士编制,改善超负荷的工作状态,合理调配人员,保证护士有足够的休息和睡眠,为护士创造良好的工作环境和条件。护士在工作中要善于调整自己的心态,学会有计划工作,巧妙交替体力劳动和脑力劳动。牢记以往的教训,尽量不犯同样的错误。(2)提高护士的适应能力:护士是特殊的服务行业,工作中必然有较大压力。只有提高护士的适应能力,才能从根本上解决问题。况且适度的压力还可以对护理工作起到良好的趋动作用,使护士保持警惕和冷静,从而提高工作效率和质量。针对压力原因的不同,加强护理业务能力的培训,以减少无效反复行为,改变盲目持久的注意力高度集中和心理紧张状态。同时注重护士情商的培养,使护士能调整自我情绪,控制自我情绪,感知患者情绪,理解患者并接纳患者的意识[2]。 2 注重职业防护 (1)减少职业危害:组织学习简单的防身术,患者的接触技巧,培养扩充精神科男护士或在精神科病房配备一定数量的保安员,有效减轻和预防在精神科护理工作中的突发事件,提高精神科处理突发事件的能力,以减轻工作风险所带来的心理压力。(2)开展法律讲座:组织护士学习相关的法律法规,提高护士的法律常识,学会如何保护自己的合法权利。(3)有条件的可参加职业保险,降低职业风险。(4)每年进行一次健康体检,对身体状况较差不宜在病房工作的护理人员要及时调整岗位,从而维护护理人员的身心健康。 3 积极疏导不良情绪 寻求正确的宣泄方式,当有负面情绪时可向家人、亲朋好友倾诉;参加社交娱乐活动;积极参加适度的体育锻炼,以释放和调节情绪。专家认为,提高管理者的支持是影响个人工作满意度和心理健康最有效的方式[3]。管理者应经常倾听护理人员的意见和建议,为他们解决实际困难;定期或不定期组织不同的活动,让护理人员畅所欲言,使他们精神放松,增进相互的了解,使他们能主动在工作中相互帮助,团结协助,以提高工作热情和积极性。同时管理者还可应用各种激励机制,通过设立优秀护士奖、优秀质量控制奖、优秀技术标兵等,给予护士精神和物质上的双重满足。 4 加强护理人才的培养 作为护理管理者应鼓励护理人员不断学习新技术、新业务,拓宽知识面,培养高素质的复合型护理人才,可通过进修、半脱产、脱产或自学的形式进行,并从排班和经济上给予帮助和支持。

Objective To study the self-designed triangular stand up pillow role in the prevention of hip fractures in patients with pressure Methods orthopedic hip fracture hospitalization 70 patients in our hospital from June 2010 to May 2011, were randomly divided into observation group (35 cases) and control group (35 cases) Observation group, our department designed and commissioned manufacturers triangle emancipated the pillow wrapped towel support patients with low back buttocks assist patients stand up; control group using a common type pillow to support patients with low back hips to help patients stand Local skin stress scenarios to assess the two groups were observed in both groups of patients hospitalized for 3 weeks to turn over pillow degree of pain and satisfaction Results comparing the two groups of patients the degree of pressure on the skin and the degree of local pain, the observation group was significantly better than the control group, the difference was statistically significant (P <05); patients using different the emancipated pillow after satisfaction rate, the observation group was significantly higher than that in the control group , (P <05) The conclusion triangle stand up pillow to maintain effective supine improve patient comfort; effectively prevent and reduce the occurrence of pressure sores in orthopedic patients with hip fracture; improve nursing satisfaction Keywords: triangle stand up pillow, hip fractures, pressure sores, prevention

【Key words】 Cerebral infarction; acute; Care Hypothalamic blood flow in acute cerebral infarction is a barrier to brain tissue ischemia and hypoxia caused by softening of the brain, the condition is relatively heavy 〔1〕 In addition to actively cooperate with treatment, do a good job-based care, to prevent further infarction, have an important role in the prevention of complications, if the nursing care may not be implemented, will directly affect the patient's treatment and By January 2004 ~ October 2006 in our hospital 106 cases of acute cerebral infarction care, I understand the psychological, safety, condition observation, prevent complications, limb function training, language training, diet and discharge from the guide, care in improving the quality of life of patients and promote the rehabilitation of great significance, should arouse enough 希望对您有帮助 顺便给你介绍一个学习网站 中华医学学习网 上面有很多医学论文哦 你可以上去看看


手术作为一种创伤性的治疗手段,能使患者产生一系列心理障碍,而这些心理障碍可导致一系列的心理、生理变化从而影响手术效果。我科对80例手术患者进行观察,并对治疗过程中出现的心理问题给予适当的心理护理,取得满意效果。  1 临床资料  观察80例手术患者,男66例,女14例;年龄最大68岁,最小12岁;腰麻56例,连续硬膜外麻醉16例,臂丛麻醉8例。  2 治疗过程中存在的主要心理问题  1 紧张和焦虑 67例,占75%。紧张和焦虑是对手术造成的心理威胁的一种情绪反应,是患者的最初情绪变化,表现为不自主的震颤、心悸、出汗。轻度的紧张和焦虑是患者的正常心理防御,而过分的紧张、焦虑就可使交感神经兴奋引起血压升高,脉搏加快,机体免疫功能改变从而降低对手术的耐受力。产生紧张和焦虑的原因有3点:(1)患者对手术不了解或期望过高。(2)有些患者已经有接受手术的心理准备,但手术室的特殊治疗环境刺激患者产生恐惧的心理反应。(3)患者对手术人员的信任不足或医护人员对患者的鼓励不够,以及医护人员不恰当的言行使患者误解而产生紧张和焦虑。  2 疼痛 56例,占70%。疼痛是患者最担心的问题。患者都希望在术中多用些麻醉药才能消除恐惧,减轻术中、术后疼痛。疼痛有明显的个人心理因素差异,它同以往的疼痛经验,患者对手术的态度,患者的注意力、药物耐受力,有无暗示或提示有关。  3 忧郁 36例,占45%。抑郁是心理上的一种损失感,多见于一些器官切除、截肢手术和女性患者手术。该类患者主要表现忧愁、多虑、情绪不稳定、疼痛阈值低,常常通过医护人员的说话语气来判断自己的病情。  3 护理措施  手术患者的心理护理实施越早越好。对于紧张和焦虑的患者,除术前谈话外,当患者进入手术室后,护士要亲切热情接待,解答患者的疑问,用通俗易懂的语言解释说明手术的必要性和可靠性及需要患者的配合。术中器械操作要轻,尽量不出声响,污染或带血迹的敷料要摆放有序,尽量不让患者看见,无影灯不要直射患者面部。医护人员的言行要严谨有礼,术中术后不谈与手术无关且易引起患者猜忌的话题。对痛阈较低者,要做好心理护理,并讲明麻醉药对人体的作用与副作用,争取他们的合作。个别患者可用暗示疗法分散其注意力,利用药效心理提高患者痛阈和对手术的耐受力。对忧郁心理的患者,要认真分析,有的放矢,做到安慰和细心相结合,尊重、理解、体谅他们,尽量避免不良情绪。对女性患者不要过早显露其阴部、乳房、臀部,尊重其自尊心,减轻羞涩心理。  综合上述,做好手术患者的心理护理,可增加其安全感,增强患者战胜疾病的信心,使他们在良好的心理状态下接受手术治疗,为术后康复奠定基础。

Objective To study the self-designed triangular stand up pillow role in the prevention of hip fractures in patients with pressure Methods orthopedic hip fracture hospitalization 70 patients in our hospital from June 2010 to May 2011, were randomly divided into observation group (35 cases) and control group (35 cases) Observation group, our department designed and commissioned manufacturers triangle emancipated the pillow wrapped towel support patients with low back buttocks assist patients stand up; control group using a common type pillow to support patients with low back hips to help patients stand Local skin stress scenarios to assess the two groups were observed in both groups of patients hospitalized for 3 weeks to turn over pillow degree of pain and satisfaction Results comparing the two groups of patients the degree of pressure on the skin and the degree of local pain, the observation group was significantly better than the control group, the difference was statistically significant (P <05); patients using different the emancipated pillow after satisfaction rate, the observation group was significantly higher than that in the control group , (P <05) The conclusion triangle stand up pillow to maintain effective supine improve patient comfort; effectively prevent and reduce the occurrence of pressure sores in orthopedic patients with hip fracture; improve nursing satisfaction Keywords: triangle stand up pillow, hip fractures, pressure sores, prevention

【关键词】 门诊患者 心理护理门诊是医院面对病人的主要窗口,也是医疗工作的第一线。由于患者就诊数量大、病情复杂、患者个人素质、经济状况、环境等因素影响,患者的心理反应也不尽相同。随着现代护理模式的转变,护理服务的对象日趋扩大,要做到让每位病人都满意很难,但是病人一旦对服务过程中的某一方面不满,就可能导致他们对整个医疗过程全盘否定,这就要求门诊不仅仅对患者进行病理护理,还要对其做好心理护理和抚慰,把握门诊患者不同心理特征,并根据其不同的心理需要,提供个性化、系统化、规范化和有针对性的心理护理,对提高医护工作质量和效果具有重要作用,同时也是检验门诊护士素质及护理工作绩效的一个重要标志〔1〕。本文针对门诊病人不同的心理特点,在管理方面上做进一步探讨。 1 门诊患者的常见心理特征 1 陌生、恐惧的心理 随着社会经济的发展,医院的就医条件都有了不同程度的改善,但门诊患者特别是首次来医院就诊,对医院环境不熟悉,就诊程序不了解,加上对自己的疾病能否治好的担心会产生惧怕心理。 2 焦虑、烦躁的心态 病人到医院就医,一般都经过挂号、候诊、诊断、检查、交费、取药、治疗等过程,在这个诊疗过程中,由于医院面积的扩大,科室和专业进一步细化,患者在就诊时,常常要来回多次,“造访”多个部门和诊室,加上求治心切,希望尽快办理就诊手续,希望医护人员尽早明确诊断,或者害怕病情加重,往往对疾病的治疗表现出焦急、烦躁情绪,甚至引起医患关系紧张。 3 祈求“神医”心理 在大多数病人的心里,都希望找到医术好的“神医”,尽快详细的检查,及时、准确的诊疗,药到病除;对护士穿刺总希望“一针见血”;对所有检查总希望一次就有了明确诊断。 4 心存疑虑的心态 近些年,由于部分医务工作者在诊疗活动中或多或少存在一些不良行为,导致“白衣战士”和“白衣天使”形象在人们心中有所暗淡,病人对医生的信任度有所下降,有些患者就诊时,一方面希望得到医生的治疗,另一方面又对医生的能力表示怀疑,心理表现较为矛盾。 5 期待诊疗,祈求安全 患者就诊时期望医生为其进行全面检查,并给予正确诊疗,对自己患病经过的叙述,总担心有遗漏,而误导了医生的诊断,若医生不耐心倾听,便会产生自责和不安心理。尤其是一些有难言之痛的患者,叙述病情遮遮掩掩,而后又叮咛医生保密,希望医生对自己健康提供安全保障。 6 消费心理 每个患者经济收入、消费观念、文化素质的差异,对医生诊疗水平、服务质量要求各不相同。有些病人既希望医术高明的医生为自己诊治,但对医生开具的检查和药物不理解,总担心自己被“宰”;有些病人排队挂号、候诊很长时间,总希望医生能做详细检查,甚至主动要求医生给自己做检查,开“好药”,误认为便宜药不管用。 7 药到病除、急于求成心态 门诊患者大多都对疗效有一定疑虑,想迫切体验到治疗效果。特别是慢性病患者,病程长,治疗效果差,多次复诊常使他们怀疑医生的诊疗水平,有些病人甚至认为自己的病是治不好的,患者总希望看一次医生就能“立竿见影”。 2 门诊患者的心理护理及管理措施 1 营造温馨舒适的就医环境 温馨舒适的就医环境,宽敞的诊区,舒适的候诊椅,清新的空气,清晰的电子呼叫系统和液晶电视等措施,能舒缓病人的紧张情绪,使病人在轻松的氛围中候诊。 2 设置明确就诊流程 在各诊区设有鲜明的挂号、就诊、交费、取药指示标牌,当患者初次来医院就诊时,鲜明的指示标牌能缓解病人的恐惧感。 3 “以人为本”,建立良好的第一印象 门诊服务护士是第一时间与病人接触的医务工作者,因此形象十分重要,美观整洁的仪表,亲切的微笑与问候,都能创造出宽松和谐的气氛,对病人焦虑、恐惧心理起到安抚作用,护士在施治过程中要讲究语言的技巧,针对不同患者,不同病情,不同心态使用不同的语言表达方式。如安慰、鼓励、劝说、疏导、解释或指令等,使用暗示性语言,通过积极巧妙的暗示,使治疗发挥最好的效用〔2,3〕。 4 提高医护人员心理素质,以优质服务善待病人 门诊医护人员要加强医护心理学的学习,倡导人性化护理,注意察“言”观色,从不同的患者及家属的眼神中读懂他们的疑虑和疾痛,尽最大努力给予满足〔4〕;预测患者的需求,积极主动地提供服务,解决患者的疑问,从患者的心理活动和行为反应出发,善待每一位病人。 5 灵活安排就诊,缩小医患间心理距离 门诊患者多,流量大,患者的情况也千差万别,合理、灵活的安排就诊秩序,减少就诊环节,缩小医患间的心理距离,增进医-患间、患-患间的情感交流和理解,构建和谐医患关系。 6 提高医、护技术水平,赢得患者信任 门诊医护人员必须不断加强专业知识学习,掌握医学全科知识和熟练的操作技能,才能得到患者心理上的信任和行为上的配合〔5〕。总之,随着医学模式的转变,心理护理已成为现代医学的重要组成部分。门诊医护人员必须通过提高综合业务素质,优化服务态度,掌握不同患者的心理特征,“因人施护”,满足患者心理需要,使患者心情愉快,才能获得最佳治疗效果,才能使医院获得社会效益和经济效益双丰收。【参考文献】 1 王长虹,丛中临床心理治疗学北京:人民军医出版社,2001,575-2 马彩虹,王香杜,刘哲门诊患者的心理护理中国误诊学杂志,2005,5(12):2339-3 莫孙淑冰,廖进芳,刘均娥与病人沟通的重要技巧中华护理杂志,2004,39(5):396-4 严利,田继书护士长岗位培训新模式—建立基于网络的护士长学习共同体中国使用护理杂志,2008,24(5):73-5 赵丹门诊患者的心理护理中国社区医师,2006,8(144):【摘要】 当髋关节因疾病导致破坏,出现关节疼痛、活动障碍,并严重影响日常活动及生活质量而非手术治疗无效时,就需要进行人工髋关节置换。如股骨头坏死、骨关节炎、强直性脊柱炎、类风湿关节炎所致的髋关节损害,疼痛及功能丧失等均可以进行人工髋关节置换。但随之而来的并发症、翻修等问题使医护人员面临挑战,手术前后的循证护理对如何避免手术并发症和手术翻修有重要意义,能有效地恢复关节功能,解除疼痛,从而提高患者的生命质量。 【关键词】 人工关节 髋关节置换 手术护理 术前护理 心理护理:建立良好的护患关系,应把心理康复作为机能康复的枢纽,以心理康复促进和推动机能康复。 术前功能锻炼:①训练床上排便:目的是防止术后因体位不习惯而致尿潴留及便秘。②指导下肢肌锻炼方法:等长收缩训练。踝关节背屈,绷紧腿部肌肉10秒后放松,再绷紧→放松,以此循环。等张收缩训练,做直腿抬高、小范围的屈膝屈髋活动、小腿下垂床边的踢腿练习。直腿抬高时要求足跟离床20cm,空中停顿5~10秒后放松。③关节活动训练:指导其健肢、患肢的足趾及踝关节充分活动,患肢屈膝屈髋时,髋关节屈曲度<45°,并避免患髋内收、内旋。④指导正确使用拐杖:准备合适的双杖,使拐杖的高度及中部把手与患者的身高臂长相适宜,拐杖底端配橡胶装置(防滑),拐杖的顶端用软垫包裹(减少对腋窝的直接压力),对术前能行走者训练其掌握使用方法,练习利用双杖和健腿的支撑站立,以及在患肢不负重状态下的行走。 术中配合 全髋关节置换手术要求手术间空气、物面要符合Ⅰ类手术间要求,所有器材用物尽可能采用高压蒸汽灭菌或环氧乙烷灭菌,不能高压蒸汽灭菌或无可能送环氧乙烷灭菌的电池采用福尔马林熏蒸时,要注意电池表面的清洁及干燥,以免影响灭菌效果;手术切口皮肤覆盖皮肤手术薄膜以保护手术切口免受皮肤细菌污染。限制手术间参观人数,监督参观人员,洗手护士及手术医生的无菌操作。 术后护理 病情观察:监测生命体征,密切观察患者的意识情况,并经常询问病情。高龄、高危患者术后病情变化大,应提高警惕。 体位与制动:保持正确的体位要做到三防。一防:防过度屈曲和伸直,术后在膝关节下垫一软垫;二防:防内旋,术后穿防旋鞋或下肢皮牵引,保持外展30°中立位;三防:防内收,两下肢间放软枕,肢体外展位防健侧肢体近患肢而过度内收。目的防人工假体脱位。 疼痛的观察及处理:术后24小时内患者疼痛较剧,我们及时采用药物止痛措施,防止引起其他病的加重。术后3天仍疼痛较剧者,注意体位的变换和牵引的调整,保持正确舒适的体位,抬高患肢利于静脉血回流,避免患肢肿胀而致的胀痛。 创口负压引流管的护理:术后行创腔持续负压引流,必须保持引流通畅,避免创口内积血而致感染及术后血肿形成,密切观察引流液的量、色,若引流量多且鲜红,引流袋术后10~12小时内持续出血量超过500ml时,应及时通知医生处理,以免发生失血性休克,术后引流量<50ml/日则可拔除引流管。 饮食指导:严格执行饮食医嘱,术后的饮食因人而异,因病制宜。并发症的预防与护理:①下肢深静脉血栓形成,与病人伤后卧床、患肢制动、血液黏度增高有关。下肢使用长筒弹力袜,抬高床脚,鼓励病人进行患肢的床上早期活动。帮助病人进行肢体的被动活动,同时观察皮温、颜色、肢体肿胀程度等。②术后感染:病室空气清新,作好口腔护理,指导病人深呼吸、有效咳嗽、协助翻身叩背、防止肺部感染;保持床铺干燥、平整,患者皮肤清洁、协助翻身、及时按摩受压部位;有留置导尿者每日更换尿袋,保持会阴部清洁;指导病人多饮水、预防切口感染,保持敷料清洁干燥,观察体温是否升高。③预防髋关节脱位:人工髋关节脱位也是人工髋关节置换手术失败的主要原因之一,其发生率为2%~2%,绝大多数发生于手术后1个月。导致髋关节脱位的原因很多,如手术入路、术中假体的放置、患者体位不正确、肢体活动不当或不正确的翻身均可造成髋关节脱位而致手术失败。髋关节脱位最主要原因是外展肌乏力,反对术中做无谓的软组织松解,术后恢复软组织张力是预防全髋关节置换术后髋关节脱位最重要的措施。正确搬运,术后穿丁字鞋,保持外展中立位,两腿间夹枕头。侧卧时需保持屈膝,两膝间垫枕头,防止内旋造成髋关节脱位。术后放置便盆时,注意保护患侧髋关节,防止外旋和内收动作。④预防压力性溃疡。 康复训练 功能锻炼可增加肌力,有利于关节稳定。在进行康复训练时,应指导病人循序渐进。术后第1天即指导患者进行足趾及踝关节充分活动,并进行股四头肌等长收缩训练,定时给予下肢由下往上的按摩,以促进血液循环。术后3~5天可将床头抬高45°~60°练习坐位,4~6次/日,20~30分钟/次,并指导病人进行患肢直腿抬高训练,要求足跟离床20cm,在空中停顿5~10秒再放下,如此反复。根据病情在医生同意后可下床活动,护士必须在旁指导,由健肢先下床,上床时则患肢先上床,注意使患肢始终保持外展中立位,下床后指导患者做髋关节屈伸、外展动作。术后1周在适应下床站立练习后6周内不能负重,3个月后弃拐行走,术后6个月内避免两腿交叉,不能坐低凳和马桶或下蹲,持续坐位不能超过1小时。 讨 论 术前心理护理,消除患者的疑虑和恐惧,为手术顺利进行建立了基础。正确使用拐杖和下肢肌肉锻炼可使术后髋关节脱位减少,髋关节功能恢复快。术后密切病情观察,体位和制动为预防髋关节脱位起重要作用。早期下床防止了下肢深静脉血栓及静脉炎的发生,术后感染的预防及处理也是手术的关键。成功的手术是取得良好疗效的基础。术后的正确护理和病情观察,并发症的预防是手术成功的重要环节。有效的早期康复训练是能否恢复髋关节功能的关键。【参考文献】 1 许卫东,吴岳嵩人工髋关节置换手术中猝死的原因及机制中国矫形外科杂志,1999,15(6): 2 刘洁珍高龄患者髋部骨折围手术期护理探讨实用护理杂志,1999,15(6): 3 杜可利,方汉萍,陈海霞31例人工髋关节置换病人的护理护理杂志,2000,15(9):


1 距离保护(ZM1-5)1 情况 概述距离保护装置是在输电网和变电网中应用得最广泛的一种保护装置。在配电网中它也变得越来越重要。主要原因如下:*它在线路两端之间的通信通道中的独立性,是因为它是利用本地有效电流和电压信息动作的。*距离保护在电力网中形成了一个相互关联的有选择性的保护系统(非单元式的保护系统)。这意味着它也可以作为网络中其他主要元件的远后备保护。现代线路保护的基本要求,比如快速性,灵敏性和选择性,以及在可靠性和安全性方面的严格要求,变得越来越严格。另外,现代距离保护在网络中必须能够与阻抗继电器配合动作,这是一种由不同技术设计而成的继电器(静态或者是机电式继电器)。较早的阻抗继电器在多数情况下只用于电力线路的相间和三相故障的保护,一些其他保护用于接地故障中。由于这些原因现代距离保护的灵活性非常重要,当它用于一个复杂的网络结构时尤其合适。比如并列运行的多回线路和辐射网。距离保护的有选择性动作不是依靠线路两端间的通信设备。距离保护能在远方末端电流互感器处检测到故障。这个功能使它成为那些不能检测到超过反方向末端电流互感器范围以外故障的线路差动保护的一个理想补偿。距离保护范围在线路REX 5XX的保护、控制和终端监测方面的距离保护装置由3到5个独立的距离保护范围组成,每一个包括了3个接地故障的测量元件和3个相间故障的测量元件。对于各种不同电压等级在不同的电网中,不同的终端要适合不同的要求。由于这个原因,距离保护装置的一些特征参数各终端之间是不同的(要了解详细内容,请查阅线路保护终端的分类细节)。距离保护区域5不同于其他段在于它动作的快速性。它比其他距离保护段启动快,而且在不同的系统暂态过程中,由于这个原因误动的可能性就更高了,因此它只适用于以下情况:允许更高越限或者作为具有超过100ms延时的延时距离保护段。线路差动保护的补充在一些线路差动保护终端设备中(如REL 561)距离保护装置能够成为一个有选择性的保护。同时它是超出反方向末端电流互感器以外故障时的主保护,这个功能由带延时段实现(如II段),它覆盖了所有相邻母线,因此形成了母线的主保护或后备保护。所以超越段应处于持续动作状态。保护范围为部分线路的保护段(如I段)可以作为线路差动保护的后备。只要差动保护动作这个功能就不需要了。为了减小I段误动的风险,可以在差动保护拒动时将其投入,差动保护失灵的最大原因就是通信系统故障。由于这个原因用于距离保护的通信方案应该使用另一个通信途径而舍弃用于线路差动保护的那一个方案。简单参数的整定每一距离保护段基本上包含了作为相对地、相间测量的完全独立的整定参数。这是复杂网络结构中和那些被要求使新配置的距离保护装置适应目前其他类型继电器的网络的一个优势情况。一套简明的可选择参数适用于反映各种类型故障的相同最大保护范围是一个标准惯例的场合。参看整定参数和整定操作说明表格。基本特性作为合成到线路REX 5XX保护终端的距离保护装置是一个全方案的距离保护。这意味着在不同范围内对于各种类型故障它都有单独的测量元件。根据终端类型,它至少由5个独立的阻抗测量范围(详情参看通信规则详文)组成,每一个都是四边形特性,示例插图如图38。RL和XL代表线路电阻和电抗,RF代表保护范围的电阻最大值。A2 Line impedanceAbout this chapterThis chapter describes the line impedance functions in the 1 Distance protection (ZM1-5)1 ApplicationGeneralThe distance protection function is the most widely spread protection function in transmission and subtransmission It is also becoming increasingly important indistribution The main reasons for this are:• Its independence on communication links between the line ends, because for its operation,it uses information about the locally available currents and • The distance protection forms a relatively selective protection system (non-unit protectionsystem) in the power This means that it can also operate as a remoteback-up protection for other primary elements in the The basic requirements for modern line protection, such as speed, sensitivity and selectivity, with their strict requirements for dependability and security (availability), aregetting more In addition, modern distance protections must be able to operate in networks with existing distance relays, which are mostly designed in a different technology (static or even electromechanical relays)Older distance relays protect in many cases power lines only at phase-to-phase and three-phase Some other protection is used for phase-to-earth The flexibility of modern distance protection is for this reason very This especially applies when it is used in a complex network configuration, for example, on parallel operating multicircuit lines and on multiterminal The selective operation of the distance protection does not depend on communication facilities between two line At the same time, the distance protection can detect faults beyond the current transformers at the remote This functionality makes it an ideal complement to the line differential protection function that cannot detect faults beyond the current transformer at the opposite Distance protection zonesThe distance protection function in REx 5xx line protection, control, and monitoring terminals consists of three to five independent distance protection zones, each of them comprising three measuring elements for phase-to-earth (Ph-E) faults and/or three measuring elements for phase-to-phase (Ph-PH) Different terminals suit different requirements in different networks on various voltage For this reason, some characteristic parameters of the distance protection function differ from terminal to For detailed information, please refer to ordering particulars for each line protection terminal REx 5xx Distance protection zone five differs from other zones with respect to its speed of It starts faster than other distance protection zones and might have for this reason higher overreaching for different system It is for this reason suggested to use it only for the applications, which permit higher overreaching, ( switch-onto-fault function) or as a time delayed distance protection zone with time delay longer than 100 Complement to the line differential protectionThe distance protection function can become optional protection in some line differential protection terminals (REL 561, for example) At the same time it represents the primary protection for faults beyond the current transformers at the opposite This functionality is achieved by the time delayed overreaching zone (generally zone 2), which covers at least the adjacent busbar and thus forms a primary or back-up protectionfor the So the overreaching zone should be continuously in An underreaching zone (generally zone 1) can form a back-up to the line differential There is no need for this function as long as the differential protection is in To minimize the risk of unwanted operation from zone 1, this function can be activated only when the differential function is out of The most likelycause to lose the differential protection is a failure within the communication The communication scheme used with the distance protection should for this reason use another communication channel than the one used by the line differential Set of simplified setting parametersEach distance protection zone comprises basically completely independent setting parameters for phase-to-earth, and for phase-to-phase This is an application advantage in complex network configurations and in networks, where it is required to adjust the newly applied distance protection functions to the existing other types of relays (overcurrent earth fault, for example)A set of simplified optional parameters is available optionally for applications, where equal zone reaches for all kinds of faults are a standard See the table of setting parameters and the setting Line impedanceBasic characteristicsThe distance protection function, as built into the REx 5xx line protection terminals, is a full-scheme distance This means that it has individual measuring elements for different types of faults within different Depending on the type of terminal, it consists of up to five (for details see the corresponding ordering details) independent, impedance-measuring zones, each has a quadrilateral characteristic, as symbolically illustrated in figure RL and XL represent line resistance and reactance and RF represents the resistive reach of a protective

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Fire FightingAlong with the our country economic development rapid development, the lives of the people level unceasing enhancement, the city uses to be day by day anxious, urges the building to face the direction is This kind of high level civil construction repair needed materials and the way also more hasten the diversification, and along with uses electricity the load and coal gas consumption quantity enlarging, proposed to the fire auto-alarm system design is higher, a stricter In order to guarantee the people life and property the security, the fire auto-alarm system design has become in the high level civil construction design one of most important design Presently based on the author fire of auto-alarm system design overseeing work in the high level civil building experience, proposed in present national related standard and standard unclear true detail shallow opinion, by for the colleagues to discuss and to point out First, design basis The fire auto-alarm system design is a specialized very strong technology work, at the same time also has the very strong policy- Therefore, first should be clear about the following design basis: 1st, must grasp the architectural design fire protection standard, the system design standard, the equipment manufacture standard, the installment construction approval standard and the administration laws and regulations and so on five big aspects fire laws and regulations, and in practical understanding present country related standard and standard positive word: "Must", "be supposed", "to be suitable", "may" and the reverse side word: "Strictly prohibits", "should not", "not have", "not to be suitable" the 2nd, must aim at high level civil building function, use and the protection object fire protection rank, earnestly carries out the present national related standard and the standard, earnestly treats the public security fire prevention surveillance department the examination and approval Second, fire auto-alarm system equipment establishmentFire detector establishmentOpens wide either the seal or the stair hall should alone divide the search coverage, and each 2 ~ 3 establish a fire The first room (including guards against in front of smoke stair hall in front of room, fire elevator room, fire elevator with guards against the front room which smoke stair hall comes in handy) and the aisle should distinguish alone to divide the search coverage, specially front the room and the lift well, the scattered stair hall and the aisle are interlinked, has time the fire haze to be easier to gather or to flow, is the personnel disperses which saves goal with the fire prevention, therefore should install the fire Regarding common elevator in front of room although is not the personnel disperses , but this front room and the lift well are interlinked, has time the fire haze to be also easy to gather or to flow, suitably alone divides the search coverage and installs the fire The electric cable shaft therefore is easy to form pulls out the smoke inflammation the channel; Has when the fire the fire intensity not easily extends along the electric cable burns, for this, "the high level civil construction design fire protection standard" and "the civil construction electricity design standard" separately proposes the detailed specific stipulation in the construction and in the electric wire or on the electric cable But considered implements specifically the difficulty and the present situation, the electric cable shaft installs the fire detector is extremely essential, and coordinates the shaft the fire protection separation request, each 2 ~ 3 or each level The elevator machine room should install the fire detector, its elevator is the important vertical transportation vehicle; Its two elevator machine room has has the fire risk; Its three lift well existence essential opens the hole, like the level gate opens between the hole, the air vent, the between permanence opens the hole with the elevator machine room or the pulley and so on; Its four when has the fire, the lift well often becomes the fire intensity spread the channel, is easy to threaten the elevator machine room the Therefore, the elevator machine room establishes the fire detector is necessary, crown of also suitable establishment fire detector lift 2nd, the manual fire reports to the police the button establishment(Including guards against in front of smoke stair hall in view of various floors front room in front of room, fire elevator room, fire elevator with guards against which smoke stair hall to come in handy the front room) is has when the fire the personnel to disperse which saves goal with fire prevention, should report to the police the button first choice spot as the establishment manual In addition, the room also should establish the manual fire to the common elevator in front of to report to the police the In the public active place (including hall, hall, dining room, multi-purpose hall and so on) and the main thoroughfare and so on place, the personnel very is all centralized, and mainly disperses the Therefore should report to the police the button in these public active places main access establishment manual fires; The manual fire establishes which in the main thoroughfare reports to the police the button to guarantee "to a manual fire which most is close to reports to the police the button distance from a fire protection district any position not to be supposed to be bigger than 30 meters"3rd, the fire emergency broadcasts the speaker the establishmentThe aisle, the hall, the dining room and so on the public place personnel very are all centralized, and mainly disperses the Therefore should press in these public places "to a recent speaker distance is not bigger than 25 meters from a fire protection district any spot" and "in the aisle last should not be bigger than 5 meters the speaker to the aisle terminal distance" the establishment fire emergency to broadcast the speaker; Next also should establish the fire in the public bathroom place emergency to broadcast the The first room (including guards against in front of smoke stair hall in front of room, fire elevator room, fire elevator with guards against which smoke stair hall to come in handy the front room) is has when the fire the personnel to disperse which saves goal with fire prevention, also has the fire door separation and the sounds of people is confused and noisy, therefore should establish the fire emergency to broadcast the In front of the common elevator the room also should establish the fire emergency to broadcast the Disperses the stair hall also is has when the fire the personnel to disperse which saves goal with the fire prevention, also the sounds of people are confused and noisy, therefore should establish the fire emergency to broadcast the speaker, by favors the fire emergency broadcast to disperse the 4th, fire alarm installment establishmentThe establishment fire emergency broadcast fire auto-alarm system, the author thought also should install the fire alarm installment, but its control procedure should be: The alarm apparatus should confirm after the fire, uses manual or the automatic control mode unification to the fire correlation region transmission warning, stops the alarm apparatus work in the stipulation time, the rapid linkage fire emergency broadcast and broadcasts to the people disperses the The fire alarm installment establishment position, the author thought should report to the police the button position with the manual fire to be same, its wall surface installment should for be apart from the ground 8 meters highly5th, fire special use telephone establishmentInstalls the fire special use telephone extension telephone, should be located the engine room which related also some people is on duty frequently with the fire linkage control (including fire water plant, spare electricity generation engine room, matches substation, mainly ventilates with air conditioning engine room, discharges fume engine room, fire prevention elevator machine room and other), the fire fighting control system operates the equipment place or the control room, the fire duty officers observation room, the security manages spot and so on public Sedan of theater box the fire elevator and in the ordinary elevator all should suppose the special use telephone, requests the elevator machine room and the elevator sedan theater box, the elevator machine room and the fire control room, the elevator sedan theater box and the fire control room and so on three compositions is reliable to speaks the correspondence telephone Usually in fire control room; The establishment elevator monitoring demonstration plate (including position indicator, direction indicating lamp, to speaks correspondence telephone, trouble lamp and so on), in order to carries on the necessity to the elevator running status which in the surveillance and the emergency case Is equipped with the manual fire to report to the police position and so on button, fire hydrant button also should install the fire special use telephone Third, fire linkage control 1st, the fire linkage control should include the control fire pump to open, to stop, also should demonstrate opens pumps the button the position and the fire pump work and the When the fire hydrant is equipped with the fire hydrant button, its electric installation work spot also should demonstrate the fire pump the working mode active status (namely establishment fire pump work indicating lamp) 2nd, the fire linkage control should include the control spraying of water and the water atomization fire fighting system opens, stops, also should demonstrate the fire pump the work and the malfunction and the fluent display, reports to the police the valve, the safety signal valve working mode active In addition, to the basin, the water tank water level also should carry on the demonstration monitor; In order to prevent the overhaul signal valve is shut down, the author thought should use the belt electric signal the control signal valve by to demonstrate it opens the 3rd, the fire linkage control other controls and the demonstration function, should carry out the present national related standard and the standard specific Fourth, fire auto-alarm system wiringIn order to prevent the fire occurs when the fire control, the correspondence and the warning line severance, causes the fire fighting work to be unable to carry on, creates the bigger economic loss; Also for the suppression electronmagetic interference (for example transformer, electric motor, electric cable and so on) the influence which produces to the fire auto-alarm The fire auto-alarm system transmission line and the fire control, the correspondence and the warning line should use the being flame-resistant electric cable, and should use the metal tube or the enclosed metal trunking The fire manual positive governing installment line should use the fireproof electric cable, its electric cable also should use the metal tube or the enclosed metal trunking Uses Ming Fushi, should takes the fire protection protective measures on the metal tube or the enclosed metal Fifth, concluding remarkThe author rests on the concrete project to implement the experience, elaborated the design basis, fire auto-alarm design actual problem and so on system equipment establishment, fire linkage control and its wiring pulls out some shallow opinions, its goal is enhances the fire auto-alarm system the design quality, discovered early and the notification fire, prevented and reduces the fire to harm, by protects the person and the property 消防 随着我国经济发展快速发展,人民生活的水平不断提高,城市使用是每天着急,敦促建设面临着发展的方向。这种高层次的民间建筑维修所需的材料和方式也更加多样化加快,而且随着使用电力负荷和煤气消费量扩大,提议消防自动报警系统设计较高,更严格的要求。为了保证人民生命和财产的安全,消防自动报警系统的设计已经成为在高级别民间建筑设计的一个最重要的设计内容。目前的基础上撰文火灾自动报警系统设计监督工作的高层次的民间建设的经验,建议在目前国家相关标准和标准不清楚真正详细浅见解,为同事们的讨论,并指出错误。 首先,设计依据 火灾自动报警系统的设计是一家专业非常强的技术工作,同时还具有很强的政策性。因此,首先应明确以下设计依据: 第一,必须紧紧抓住的建筑设计防火标准,该系统的设计标准,标准的设备制造,安装施工审批标准和管理的法律和规章等五大方面的消防法律法规,并在实际了解国家有关本标准和标准积极字: “必须” , “必须假定” , “不适合” , “可能”和反面词: “严格禁止” , “不应该” , “没有” , “不适合“的含义。 第二,必须着眼于高层次的民间建筑的功能,利用和保护对象的防火等级,认真开展本标准和国家有关标准,认真对待公安防火监督部门的审批意见。 其次,火灾自动报警系统设备的建立 建立火灾探测器 要么全打开的印章或楼梯大厅应单独划分搜索范围,每个2 〜 3建立火灾探测器。 第一个房间(包括防前面的烟雾大厅楼梯前室,消防电梯间,消防电梯防前面房间烟雾楼梯大会堂来用场)和过道应区分单独划分搜索范围,特别是前面的房间,以及电梯,分散楼梯大厅和走道都是相互关联的,有时间的火灾烟雾比较容易收集或流动,是人员分散保存目标与防火,因此,应该安装火警探测器。关于共同电梯前室虽然不是人员分散,而且这方面的空间和良好的电梯是相互关联的,有时间的火灾烟雾也很容易被收集或流动,适当地划分为单独的搜索覆盖面和安装消防探测器。 电缆轴因此很容易形成掏出烟炎症渠道,拥有火灾时的火强度不容易延伸沿电缆燃烧,为此, “高级别民间建筑设计防火标准”和“民用建筑电气设计标准“分别提出了详细具体的规定,在建筑和在电线或电缆塑造。但认为具体实施的难度和目前的情况下,电缆竖井安装了火灾探测器是非常必要的,坐标轴的防火分隔要求,每2 〜 3或每一级安装。 电梯机房应安装火灾探测器,它的电梯是重要的垂直交通工具,其两个电梯机房已具有火灾危险性,其存在的三个基本解除以及打开洞,像打开闸门的水平之间的球洞,在气孔,持久的关系打开了洞与电梯机房或滑轮等,其时,有四个火,升降机以及往往成为火灾强度传播渠道,很容易危及电梯机房设施。因此,电梯机房建立了火灾探测器是必要的,也适用于皇冠建立火灾探测器举井。 2 ,手动火警报警按钮建立 (包括防前面的烟雾楼梯大厅鉴于各层前房间前面的房间,消防电梯间,消防电梯防这些烟雾楼梯大会堂派上用场前室)是有火灾时人员驱散节省目标,防火,应立即向警方举报的按钮,首选地点设立手动火警。此外,该室也应建立防火手册的共同电梯前,向警方报案的按钮。 在公共活动场所(包括会堂,礼堂,餐厅,多功能厅等)和主要通道等场所,是所有工作人员非常集中,主要是分散的渠道。因此,应立即向警方举报的按钮,在这些公共活动场所主要通道设立手册火灾;该手册规定的火灾中的主要通道报警按钮,以保证“ ,以手动火警最接近报警按钮距离防火区的任何位置不应该超过30米。 “ 第三,消防紧急广播喇叭建立 走道,大厅,餐厅等公共场所的工作人员都非常集中,主要是分散的渠道。因此,应该按这些公共场所的“最近的一项发言距离不超过25米的防火保护区的任何位置”和“在走道上不应大于十二点五米扬声器的过道末端距离”建立消防应急广播喇叭;下一步还应当建立消防在公共浴室的地方紧急广播喇叭。 第一个房间(包括防前面的烟雾大厅楼梯前室,消防电梯间,消防电梯防这些烟雾楼梯大会堂派上用场前室)是有火灾时的人员驱散节省目标与防火,也有分离和防火门的声音,人民的混乱和嘈杂,因此,应建立消防应急广播喇叭。在前面的共同电梯房也应建立消防应急广播喇叭。分散大厅楼梯也已经火灾时的人员驱散节省目标与防火,也是人民的声音和嘈杂的混淆,因此应建立消防应急广播喇叭,由主张消防紧急广播驱散指令。 第四,建立火灾报警装置 建立消防应急广播火灾自动报警系统,笔者认为还应该安装消防报警装置,但它的控制程序应该是:该报警器应确认火灾后,利用手动或自动控制模式统一消防相关区域传输预警,报警器停止工作时间的规定,迅速联系消防应急广播和电视节目,并且分散了人们的指示。 火警警报装置建立的立场,笔者认为应该向警方报案的按钮位置的手动火警是相同的,它的墙面安装应为距地面8米高度 第五,消防专用电话设立 安装消防专用电话分机电话,应设机房其中也涉及一些人是在工作地点经常与消防联动控制(包括消防给水设备,备件发电机房,火柴变电站,主要ventilates空调引擎室,排放烟气轮机室,防火电梯机房及其他) ,消防控制系统的经营场所或设备的控制室,消防责任人员观察室,现场的安全管理等公共空间。轿车的影院中消防电梯和普通电梯应假设所有使用的特殊电话,请电梯机房和电梯轿车影院中,电梯机房及消防控制室,电梯轿车影院方块和消防控制室等三个成分是可靠的讲通信电话系统。通常在消防控制室;建立电梯监测演示板(包括位置指示器,显示方向灯,以讲信函电话,麻烦灯等) ,以进行必要的电梯在运行状态的监视和紧急情况下的控制。 配备了手动火警报警位置等按钮,消火栓按钮,还应该安装消防专用电话插座。 第三,消防联动控制 第一,消防联动控制应包括控制消防泵开启,停止,也应表现出的按钮,打开泵的位置和消防泵的工作和故障。当消火栓设有消火栓按钮时,其电气安装工程现场也应表现出的消防泵的工作模式有效状态(即建立消防泵工作表明灯) 。 第二,消防联动控制应包括控制喷洒水和水雾化灭火系统打开,停止,也应表现出的消防泵的工作和故障和流利显示,报警阀,安全信号阀工作模式积极的地位。此外,该盆地,水箱水位也应进行示范监测;为了防止检修信号阀关闭,作者认为应该使用带电信号控制信号阀证明它打开条件。 第三,消防联动控制其他控制和示范作用,应进行本标准和国家有关标准的具体规定。 第四,火灾自动报警系统布线 为了防止火灾发生时,消防控制,通信和警戒线遣散,使灭火工作无法进行,造成了更大的经济损失,也为抑制electronmagetic干扰(例如变压器,电电机,电缆等)的影响而产生的火灾自动报警系统。火灾自动报警系统的输电线路和消防控制,通信和预警线应使用被阻燃电缆,并应使用金属管或封闭式金属线槽保护。消防手册积极理事分期付款行应使用防火电缆,其电缆也应使用金属管或封闭式金属线槽保护。使用明复,应采取防火保护措施的金属管或封闭金属Fifth ,结论备注 作者取决于具体的项目实施经验,阐述了设计依据,火灾自动报警设计和实际问题,以便建立系统设备,消防联动控制及其接线拿出一些肤浅的意见,其目的是增强了火灾自动报警系统的设计质量,早期发现,并通知消防,预防和减少火灾危害,通过保护个人和财产安全。


1 距离保护(ZM1-5)1 情况 概述距离保护装置是在输电网和变电网中应用得最广泛的一种保护装置。在配电网中它也变得越来越重要。主要原因如下:*它在线路两端之间的通信通道中的独立性,是因为它是利用本地有效电流和电压信息动作的。*距离保护在电力网中形成了一个相互关联的有选择性的保护系统(非单元式的保护系统)。这意味着它也可以作为网络中其他主要元件的远后备保护。现代线路保护的基本要求,比如快速性,灵敏性和选择性,以及在可靠性和安全性方面的严格要求,变得越来越严格。另外,现代距离保护在网络中必须能够与阻抗继电器配合动作,这是一种由不同技术设计而成的继电器(静态或者是机电式继电器)。较早的阻抗继电器在多数情况下只用于电力线路的相间和三相故障的保护,一些其他保护用于接地故障中。由于这些原因现代距离保护的灵活性非常重要,当它用于一个复杂的网络结构时尤其合适。比如并列运行的多回线路和辐射网。距离保护的有选择性动作不是依靠线路两端间的通信设备。距离保护能在远方末端电流互感器处检测到故障。这个功能使它成为那些不能检测到超过反方向末端电流互感器范围以外故障的线路差动保护的一个理想补偿。距离保护范围在线路REX 5XX的保护、控制和终端监测方面的距离保护装置由3到5个独立的距离保护范围组成,每一个包括了3个接地故障的测量元件和3个相间故障的测量元件。对于各种不同电压等级在不同的电网中,不同的终端要适合不同的要求。由于这个原因,距离保护装置的一些特征参数各终端之间是不同的(要了解详细内容,请查阅线路保护终端的分类细节)。距离保护区域5不同于其他段在于它动作的快速性。它比其他距离保护段启动快,而且在不同的系统暂态过程中,由于这个原因误动的可能性就更高了,因此它只适用于以下情况:允许更高越限或者作为具有超过100ms延时的延时距离保护段。线路差动保护的补充在一些线路差动保护终端设备中(如REL 561)距离保护装置能够成为一个有选择性的保护。同时它是超出反方向末端电流互感器以外故障时的主保护,这个功能由带延时段实现(如II段),它覆盖了所有相邻母线,因此形成了母线的主保护或后备保护。所以超越段应处于持续动作状态。保护范围为部分线路的保护段(如I段)可以作为线路差动保护的后备。只要差动保护动作这个功能就不需要了。为了减小I段误动的风险,可以在差动保护拒动时将其投入,差动保护失灵的最大原因就是通信系统故障。由于这个原因用于距离保护的通信方案应该使用另一个通信途径而舍弃用于线路差动保护的那一个方案。简单参数的整定每一距离保护段基本上包含了作为相对地、相间测量的完全独立的整定参数。这是复杂网络结构中和那些被要求使新配置的距离保护装置适应目前其他类型继电器的网络的一个优势情况。一套简明的可选择参数适用于反映各种类型故障的相同最大保护范围是一个标准惯例的场合。参看整定参数和整定操作说明表格。基本特性作为合成到线路REX 5XX保护终端的距离保护装置是一个全方案的距离保护。这意味着在不同范围内对于各种类型故障它都有单独的测量元件。根据终端类型,它至少由5个独立的阻抗测量范围(详情参看通信规则详文)组成,每一个都是四边形特性,示例插图如图38。RL和XL代表线路电阻和电抗,RF代表保护范围的电阻最大值。A2 Line impedanceAbout this chapterThis chapter describes the line impedance functions in the 1 Distance protection (ZM1-5)1 ApplicationGeneralThe distance protection function is the most widely spread protection function in transmission and subtransmission It is also becoming increasingly important indistribution The main reasons for this are:• Its independence on communication links between the line ends, because for its operation,it uses information about the locally available currents and • The distance protection forms a relatively selective protection system (non-unit protectionsystem) in the power This means that it can also operate as a remoteback-up protection for other primary elements in the The basic requirements for modern line protection, such as speed, sensitivity and selectivity, with their strict requirements for dependability and security (availability), aregetting more In addition, modern distance protections must be able to operate in networks with existing distance relays, which are mostly designed in a different technology (static or even electromechanical relays)Older distance relays protect in many cases power lines only at phase-to-phase and three-phase Some other protection is used for phase-to-earth The flexibility of modern distance protection is for this reason very This especially applies when it is used in a complex network configuration, for example, on parallel operating multicircuit lines and on multiterminal The selective operation of the distance protection does not depend on communication facilities between two line At the same time, the distance protection can detect faults beyond the current transformers at the remote This functionality makes it an ideal complement to the line differential protection function that cannot detect faults beyond the current transformer at the opposite Distance protection zonesThe distance protection function in REx 5xx line protection, control, and monitoring terminals consists of three to five independent distance protection zones, each of them comprising three measuring elements for phase-to-earth (Ph-E) faults and/or three measuring elements for phase-to-phase (Ph-PH) Different terminals suit different requirements in different networks on various voltage For this reason, some characteristic parameters of the distance protection function differ from terminal to For detailed information, please refer to ordering particulars for each line protection terminal REx 5xx Distance protection zone five differs from other zones with respect to its speed of It starts faster than other distance protection zones and might have for this reason higher overreaching for different system It is for this reason suggested to use it only for the applications, which permit higher overreaching, ( switch-onto-fault function) or as a time delayed distance protection zone with time delay longer than 100 Complement to the line differential protectionThe distance protection function can become optional protection in some line differential protection terminals (REL 561, for example) At the same time it represents the primary protection for faults beyond the current transformers at the opposite This functionality is achieved by the time delayed overreaching zone (generally zone 2), which covers at least the adjacent busbar and thus forms a primary or back-up protectionfor the So the overreaching zone should be continuously in An underreaching zone (generally zone 1) can form a back-up to the line differential There is no need for this function as long as the differential protection is in To minimize the risk of unwanted operation from zone 1, this function can be activated only when the differential function is out of The most likelycause to lose the differential protection is a failure within the communication The communication scheme used with the distance protection should for this reason use another communication channel than the one used by the line differential Set of simplified setting parametersEach distance protection zone comprises basically completely independent setting parameters for phase-to-earth, and for phase-to-phase This is an application advantage in complex network configurations and in networks, where it is required to adjust the newly applied distance protection functions to the existing other types of relays (overcurrent earth fault, for example)A set of simplified optional parameters is available optionally for applications, where equal zone reaches for all kinds of faults are a standard See the table of setting parameters and the setting Line impedanceBasic characteristicsThe distance protection function, as built into the REx 5xx line protection terminals, is a full-scheme distance This means that it has individual measuring elements for different types of faults within different Depending on the type of terminal, it consists of up to five (for details see the corresponding ordering details) independent, impedance-measuring zones, each has a quadrilateral characteristic, as symbolically illustrated in figure RL and XL represent line resistance and reactance and RF represents the resistive reach of a protective

Electrical Automation In today's ultra-competitive manufacturing environment, companies that do not invest in automation will be left The old focus on using automation simply to increase productivity and reduce costs has shifted to an increased emphasis on flexibility and convertibility in the manufacturing Manufacturers are increasingly demanding the ability to easily switch from manufacturing Product A to manufacturing Product B without having to completely rebuild the production Real Time Systems extensive manufacturing experience across a wide range of industries has positioned us well to help our customers identify opportunities for improvements in all areas of there Many different automation tools exist today to help manufacturers automate and improve their production Some of these include: PLC - Programmable Logic Controller PAC - Programmable automation controller HMI - Human Machine Interface SCADA - Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition DCS - Distributed Control System MES - Manufacturing Execution System APC – Advanced Process Control BMS - Batch Management System Robotics Simulation Software Some advantages that can be realized by implementing advanced technology are repeatability, tighter quality control, higher efficiency, integration with business systems, increased productivity and reduction of At RTS, we feel that a positive total economic impact must be attained for any automation project that is Let us help you improve your manufacturing and business systems to achieve the return on investment (ROI) and payback period customers expect 电的自动化在今天的过度的-竞争制造业的环境,不投资在自动化的公司将会被留下。 旧的焦点关于只是使用自动化增加生产力而且减少费用已经在制造业的程序柔性和可改变上移转到增加的强调。 制造业者逐渐地正在要求能力从没有有完全地再建生产线制造对制造业的产品 B 的产品 A 容易地转变。 真正的时间制度横跨一种各类型的工业的广泛的制造业的经验已经非常放置我们在那里的所有区域中为进步帮助我们的客户识别机会操作。 许多不同的自动化工具今天存在帮助制造业者自动化而且改善他们的生产能力。 这些其中的一些包括: PLC- 可设计的逻辑控制器政治行动委员会 - 可设计的自动化控制器HMI- 人类的机器接口SCADA- 管理的控制和数据获得直流 - 分配了控制制度我 - 制造业实行系统APC 前进的程序控制BMS- 一届的管理制度机械手工程模拟软件能藉由实现先进的技术被了解的一些利益是重复性, 较紧的质量控制、较高的效率,和商务整合制度、增加的生产力和劳工的减少。 在即时战略类游戏,我们感觉一种积极的完全经济的冲击一定为任何的被实现的自动化计画被达到。 让我们帮助你改善你的制造业和商务制度达成在投资 (ROI) 方面的回返和 payback 时期客户今天期待。

Electrical Automation In today's ultra-competitive manufacturing environment, companies that do not invest in automation will be left The old focus on using automation simply to increase productivity and reduce costs has shifted to an increased emphasis on flexibility and convertibility in the manufacturing Manufacturers are increasingly demanding the ability to easily switch from manufacturing Product A to manufacturing Product B without having to completely rebuild the production Real Time Systems extensive manufacturing experience across a wide range of industries has positioned us well to help our customers identify opportunities for improvements in all areas of there Many different automation tools exist today to help manufacturers automate and improve their production Some of these include: PLC - Programmable Logic Controller PAC - Programmable automation controller HMI - Human Machine Interface SCADA - Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition DCS - Distributed Control System MES - Manufacturing Execution System APC – Advanced Process Control BMS - Batch Management System Robotics Simulation Software Some advantages that can be realized by implementing advanced technology are repeatability, tighter quality control, higher efficiency, integration with business systems, increased productivity and reduction of At RTS, we feel that a positive total economic impact must be attained for any automation project that is Let us help you improve your manufacturing and business systems to achieve the return on investment (ROI) and payback period customers expect

Usage of transformer substation microcomputer protection deviceSummary: The transformer substantion microcomputer protection device has lots of advantage compare with tradition protective relay unit, it is the foundation for the further integrated automation microcomputer protection device provide fine foundation for the safety and stablility operation of transformer substation equipment, it provide a conveniences for daily perambulation and key words: transformer substation, microcomputer protection, usage
