

发布时间:2024-07-08 09:39:09


摘要:火电发展对环境的影响主要体现在大气灰尘和二氧化硫污染上,据电力、环保方面的专家介绍,目前,国内外应用控制二氧化硫途径有3种:燃烧前脱硫、燃烧中脱硫和燃烧后脱硫。对污染源的监测分析:二氧化硫的危害随着近年来全国电力的紧缺,全国大力新建燃煤电站,1998年全国发电装机容量达到27700万千瓦,比上年增长07%,发电量达到11577亿千瓦时,比997年增长07%。其中火电装机容 量为20988万千瓦,占7%,火电发电量为9388亿千瓦时,占81%。据初步推算,1998年全国火电厂排放的二氧化硫约为780万吨,占全国 二氧化硫排放量的3%。其中,国家电力公司所属6000千瓦及以上火电厂燃原煤量约8亿吨,平均含硫量为03%,二氧化硫排放量约500万 吨,占全国二氧化硫排放量的9%。二氧化硫的大量排放使城市的空气污染不断加剧。根据国家环保局对全国2177个环境监测站13年的监测数据分析表明,我国大气二氧化硫超标的城市不断增加,目前己有3%的城市环境空气二氧化硫年平均浓度超过国家环境空气质量二级标准、日平均浓度超过三级标准。环境空气二氧化硫年平均二级标准值为06mg/m3,是人群在环境中长期暴露不受危害的基本要求:日平均浓度三级标准值为25mg/m3,是人群在环境中短期暴露不受急性健康损害的最低要求。/%=

It was thought that the water on the earth, the air is endless, so don't worry about the gas to the sky, and ten hundreds of millions of tons and the rubbish into lakes and Everybody believes that the world is so big, it wastes? We were wrong, actually earth though large (radius 6300 much kilometers), but only 8 km creatures in elevation to the bottom of the 11 km within the scope of the life, and occupied 95% of the creature can only live in the middle about three kilometres, within the scope of the people unexpectedly wantonly from three aspects to make unclean this limited living Land pollution, waste cleanup become the important problem of cities every million tons of garbage, many are not incineration or corrupted, such as plastic, rubber, glass, Human is the first Marine pollution: mainly from oil and oil leak of crude, farmland use of pesticides and fertilizers, factories, mines of sewage discharge flow of acidic solution, They make most of the Marine lakes are contaminated, results not only Marine creatures suffer, birds and humans may also is due to eat these biological Air pollution: this is the most direct and serious, mainly from factories, automobile, power stations and so on the recombination of carbon monoxide and hydrogen sulphide, every day there are from exposure to these dirty air by respiratory organs or visual organs If we still ignore experts warned, will have a fall without half inches pureland can live Water pollution refers to water bodies of any substance, which leads to the chemical, physical, biological or radioactive pollution and so on aspect characteristic changes, thus affecting the effective use of water, endangering human health or destruction of ecological environment, causing water quality deterioration Atmospheric pollution means air pollutant concentration reach or exceed the degree of harmful, causing damage the ecological system and the normal human survival and development to human and biological Noise pollution means generated by the environmental noise emitted exceeds the state on emission of environmental noise, and disturb others normal work, study and life Radioactive pollution means caused by human activities material, human body, site and environment medium surface or internal appear more than national standards of radioactive substances or For example, more than state and local government rules and standards of the discharge of pollutants, super species, excess, super concentration the discharge of pollutants, Do not take measures to prevent the overflow and leakage and load transport oil or toxic goods cause goods falling water pollution; Illegal released into the atmosphere with toxic or harmful substances, causing the atmospheric pollution accident,



It was thought that the water on the earth, the air is endless, so don't worry about the gas to the sky, and ten hundreds of millions of tons and the rubbish into lakes and Everybody believes that the world is so big, it wastes? We were wrong, actually earth though large (radius 6300 much kilometers), but only 8 km creatures in elevation to the bottom of the 11 km within the scope of the life, and occupied 95% of the creature can only live in the middle about three kilometres, within the scope of the people unexpectedly wantonly from three aspects to make unclean this limited living Land pollution, waste cleanup become the important problem of cities every million tons of garbage, many are not incineration or corrupted, such as plastic, rubber, glass, Human is the first Marine pollution: mainly from oil and oil leak of crude, farmland use of pesticides and fertilizers, factories, mines of sewage discharge flow of acidic solution, They make most of the Marine lakes are contaminated, results not only Marine creatures suffer, birds and humans may also is due to eat these biological Air pollution: this is the most direct and serious, mainly from factories, automobile, power stations and so on the recombination of carbon monoxide and hydrogen sulphide, every day there are from exposure to these dirty air by respiratory organs or visual organs If we still ignore experts warned, will have a fall without half inches pureland can live Water pollution refers to water bodies of any substance, which leads to the chemical, physical, biological or radioactive pollution and so on aspect characteristic changes, thus affecting the effective use of water, endangering human health or destruction of ecological environment, causing water quality deterioration Atmospheric pollution means air pollutant concentration reach or exceed the degree of harmful, causing damage the ecological system and the normal human survival and development to human and biological Noise pollution means generated by the environmental noise emitted exceeds the state on emission of environmental noise, and disturb others normal work, study and life Radioactive pollution means caused by human activities material, human body, site and environment medium surface or internal appear more than national standards of radioactive substances or For example, more than state and local government rules and standards of the discharge of pollutants, super species, excess, super concentration the discharge of pollutants, Do not take measures to prevent the overflow and leakage and load transport oil or toxic goods cause goods falling water pollution; Illegal released into the atmosphere with toxic or harmful substances, causing the atmospheric pollution accident,



passage with the words and phrases given: the problem of pollution, cause, artificial substances, release, waste products, industrial production, consumption of goods, bring it under control, agriculture, chemical Environmental Pollution I read a piece of news It says that in Japan marly businessmen ave selling fresh air to and now it is becoming more and more Why? --Fresh air is getting less and less in Japan, and so is it in the U S A In fact, environmental pollution is a very serious problem the whole world is it is mainly caused by the waste products released from artificial substances, industrial production and increased consumption of Bedsides, the use of chemical substances in agriculture also causes environmental Look at the sky, you can see that dense smoke is being released from the high and big chimneys; those dirty and poisonous substances are flowing into the rivers that we use for drinking water and millions of tons of waste products are heaping around How to change this condition? More and more countries are trying to work out some effective means to bring it under control, but no great success has been The environmental protection is the most major problem which in the modern life the humanity Must solve this problem must start from First, must massively propagandize, enhances people's consciousness with understanding, strengthens the environmental protection Next, must carry on waste recovery use, reduces to forest-tree's Also must strengthen to white pollution processing, little uses the plastic Finally, must make improvement to clean Causes the city's appearance to be For

摘要:火电发展对环境的影响主要体现在大气灰尘和二氧化硫污染上,据电力、环保方面的专家介绍,目前,国内外应用控制二氧化硫途径有3种:燃烧前脱硫、燃烧中脱硫和燃烧后脱硫。对污染源的监测分析:二氧化硫的危害随着近年来全国电力的紧缺,全国大力新建燃煤电站,1998年全国发电装机容量达到27700万千瓦,比上年增长07%,发电量达到11577亿千瓦时,比997年增长07%。其中火电装机容 量为20988万千瓦,占7%,火电发电量为9388亿千瓦时,占81%。据初步推算,1998年全国火电厂排放的二氧化硫约为780万吨,占全国 二氧化硫排放量的3%。其中,国家电力公司所属6000千瓦及以上火电厂燃原煤量约8亿吨,平均含硫量为03%,二氧化硫排放量约500万 吨,占全国二氧化硫排放量的9%。二氧化硫的大量排放使城市的空气污染不断加剧。根据国家环保局对全国2177个环境监测站13年的监测数据分析表明,我国大气二氧化硫超标的城市不断增加,目前己有3%的城市环境空气二氧化硫年平均浓度超过国家环境空气质量二级标准、日平均浓度超过三级标准。环境空气二氧化硫年平均二级标准值为06mg/m3,是人群在环境中长期暴露不受危害的基本要求:日平均浓度三级标准值为25mg/m3,是人群在环境中短期暴露不受急性健康损害的最低要求。/%=

It was thought that the water on the earth, the air is endless, so don't worry about the gas to the sky, and ten hundreds of millions of tons and the rubbish into lakes and Everybody believes that the world is so big, it wastes? We were wrong, actually earth though large (radius 6300 much kilometers), but only 8 km creatures in elevation to the bottom of the 11 km within the scope of the life, and occupied 95% of the creature can only live in the middle about three kilometres, within the scope of the people unexpectedly wantonly from three aspects to make unclean this limited living Land pollution, waste cleanup become the important problem of cities every million tons of garbage, many are not incineration or corrupted, such as plastic, rubber, glass, Human is the first Marine pollution: mainly from oil and oil leak of crude, farmland use of pesticides and fertilizers, factories, mines of sewage discharge flow of acidic solution, They make most of the Marine lakes are contaminated, results not only Marine creatures suffer, birds and humans may also is due to eat these biological Air pollution: this is the most direct and serious, mainly from factories, automobile, power stations and so on the recombination of carbon monoxide and hydrogen sulphide, every day there are from exposure to these dirty air by respiratory organs or visual organs If we still ignore experts warned, will have a fall without half inches pureland can live Water pollution refers to water bodies of any substance, which leads to the chemical, physical, biological or radioactive pollution and so on aspect characteristic changes, thus affecting the effective use of water, endangering human health or destruction of ecological environment, causing water quality deterioration Atmospheric pollution means air pollutant concentration reach or exceed the degree of harmful, causing damage the ecological system and the normal human survival and development to human and biological Noise pollution means generated by the environmental noise emitted exceeds the state on emission of environmental noise, and disturb others normal work, study and life Radioactive pollution means caused by human activities material, human body, site and environment medium surface or internal appear more than national standards of radioactive substances or For example, more than state and local government rules and standards of the discharge of pollutants, super species, excess, super concentration the discharge of pollutants, Do not take measures to prevent the overflow and leakage and load transport oil or toxic goods cause goods falling water pollution; Illegal released into the atmosphere with toxic or harmful substances, causing the atmospheric pollution accident,




1、简述环境监测方案的组成?答:(1)监测项目;(2)监测点位;(3)监测范围;(4)监测制度。2、某造纸厂总排口同一废水样品CODcr和BOD5的测定值分别为030mg/L和320mg/L,试对数据的合理性进行分析。答:造纸废水不可能CODcr< BOD5;CODcr和BOD5的检测限是3~5 mg/L。小数点后的数字不合理;测定的样品不均匀也没有代表性,如果测定过程中没有失误则是水样中悬浮物影响了测定结果。3、监测分析方法有几类?选择时应按什么顺序?答:分析方法有标准方法、统一方法和推荐方法。应首先使用标准方法,在没有标准方法或标准方法不适用于所测样品时,可依次选用统一方法或推荐方法,但必须进行实用性检验。4、某电厂的烟囱高230米,在烟囱的竖直部分设预留监测孔,监测点位应如何设置?监测频次和点位数应如何变化?答:应在水平烟道测量。因为水平烟道污染物不均匀,因此要适当增加监测频次和增加取样的点位数。5、请简述环境监测数据五性的主要内容。答:(1)代表性:代表性是指在具有代表性的时间、地点,并按规定的采样要求采集的有效样品特征。所采集的样品必须能反映环境总体的真实状况,监测结果能真实代表某污染物在环境中的存在状态。(2)准确性:准确性指测定值与真实值的符合程度,一般以监测数据的准确度来表征。(3)精密性:精密性和准确性是监测分析结果的固有属性,必须按照所用方法的特征使之正确实现。数据的准确性是指测定值与真值的符合程度,而其精密性则表现为测定值有无良好的重复性和再现性。(4)可比性:指用不同测定方法测量同一水样的某污染物时,所得出结果的重现程度。(5)完整性:完整性强调工作总体规划的切实完成,即保证按预期计划取得有系统性和连续性的有效样品,而且无缺漏的获得这些样品的监测结果及有关信息。

摘要:火电发展对环境的影响主要体现在大气灰尘和二氧化硫污染上,据电力、环保方面的专家介绍,目前,国内外应用控制二氧化硫途径有3种:燃烧前脱硫、燃烧中脱硫和燃烧后脱硫。对污染源的监测分析:二氧化硫的危害随着近年来全国电力的紧缺,全国大力新建燃煤电站,1998年全国发电装机容量达到27700万千瓦,比上年增长07%,发电量达到11577亿千瓦时,比997年增长07%。其中火电装机容 量为20988万千瓦,占7%,火电发电量为9388亿千瓦时,占81%。据初步推算,1998年全国火电厂排放的二氧化硫约为780万吨,占全国 二氧化硫排放量的3%。其中,国家电力公司所属6000千瓦及以上火电厂燃原煤量约8亿吨,平均含硫量为03%,二氧化硫排放量约500万 吨,占全国二氧化硫排放量的9%。二氧化硫的大量排放使城市的空气污染不断加剧。根据国家环保局对全国2177个环境监测站13年的监测数据分析表明,我国大气二氧化硫超标的城市不断增加,目前己有3%的城市环境空气二氧化硫年平均浓度超过国家环境空气质量二级标准、日平均浓度超过三级标准。环境空气二氧化硫年平均二级标准值为06mg/m3,是人群在环境中长期暴露不受危害的基本要求:日平均浓度三级标准值为25mg/m3,是人群在环境中短期暴露不受急性健康损害的最低要求。/%=




