

发布时间:2024-07-08 10:57:27


Master of Arts文学硕士Master of Science理学硕士

学士学位 Bachelor degree荣誉学士学位 Bachelor degree with honors硕士学位 Master degree博士学位 Doctor degree




完整的作者简介包括作者的基本信息(姓名、出生年、性别、民族、籍贯/出生地)、简历信息(职称、学位、简历、研究方向等)和联系信息(电话、传真、电子信箱等)三部分,其中基本信息是必需的。对文章的主要作者可按以下顺序刊出其简介: 姓名(出生年-)、性别(民族——汉族可省略)、籍贯、职称、学位、简历、研究方向(籍贯以后各项任选)及电话、传真、电子信箱等信息。在简介前加“作者简介:”作为标志


可以写下 是什么刊物 什么题目



在读研究生:At the Graduate School例句:你打算到哪里读研究生?Where are you going to do postgraduate work?

Master's Here is the defination from the Wikipedia:A master's degree (from Latin magister) is an academic degree awarded by universities upon completion of a course of study demonstrating a mastery or high-order overview of a specific field of study or area of professional [1] Within the area studied, graduates are posited to possess advanced knowledge of a specialized body of theoretical and applied topics; high order skills in analysis, critical evaluation, or professional application; and the ability to solve complex problemsand think rigorously and The master's degree may qualify the holder to teach at a college or university in certain Thus, the quick and simple answer is : master's degree; or you can use "master degree"

学士学位 Bachelor degree荣誉学士学位 Bachelor degree with honors硕士学位 Master degree博士学位 Doctor degree

Master of Arts文学硕士Master of Science理学硕士


Master's Here is the defination from the Wikipedia:A master's degree (from Latin magister) is an academic degree awarded by universities upon completion of a course of study demonstrating a mastery or high-order overview of a specific field of study or area of professional [1] Within the area studied, graduates are posited to possess advanced knowledge of a specialized body of theoretical and applied topics; high order skills in analysis, critical evaluation, or professional application; and the ability to solve complex problemsand think rigorously and The master's degree may qualify the holder to teach at a college or university in certain Thus, the quick and simple answer is : master's degree; or you can use "master degree"

一、对文章的主要作者可按以下顺序刊出其简介: 姓名(出生年-), 性别(民族——汉族可省略),籍贯, 职称, 学位,简历以及研究方向(任选)。在简介前加 “作者简介:”或 “[作者简介]”作为标识。例: 作者简介:乌兰娜(1968- ),女(蒙古族),内蒙古达拉特旗人,内蒙古大学历史学系副教授 ,博士 ,1994年赴美国哈佛大学研修,主要从事蒙古学研究。 二、同一篇文章的其他主要作者简介可以在同一 “作者简介:”或“[作者简介]”的标识后相继列出,其间以分号“;”隔开,最后以“”或“。”结束。 三、英文文章的作者简介用 “Biography:”(单一作者)或“Biographies:”(多作者)作为标识。

SS Shuo shi 的缩写 你连这个都不知道 给别人名片 谁信你啊??

必须写科目,否则, "Master" 没任何意思了!例: Master of Law ( LLM); Master of Arts (MA); Master of Business Administration (MBA); Master of Science (MSc); Master of Music (MM; M M); Master of Engineering (MEng); Master of Education (ME); Master of Commerce (MCom); Master of Fine Arts (MFA); Master of Philosophy (MP); Master of Public Administration (MPA)


