

发布时间:2024-07-06 18:22:12


《谈生命》冰心 我不敢说生命是什么,我只能说生命像什么。 生命像向东流的一江春水,他从最高处发源,冰雪是他的前身。他聚集起许多细流,合成一股有力的洪涛,向下奔注,他曲折的穿过了悬崖峭壁,冲倒了层沙积土,挟卷着滚滚的沙石,快乐勇敢地流走,一路上他享受着他所遭遇的一切: 有时候他遇到巉岩前阻,他愤激地奔腾了起来,怒吼着,回旋着,前波后浪的起伏催逼,直到他过了,冲倒了这危崖他才心平气和的一泻千里。有时候他经过了细细的平沙,斜阳芳草里,看见了夹岸红艳的桃花,他快乐而又羞怯,静静地流着,低低的吟唱着,轻轻地度过这一段浪漫的行程。 有时候他遇到暴风雨,这激电,这迅雷,使他心魂惊骇,疾风吹卷起他,大雨击打着他,他暂时浑浊了,扰乱了,而雨过天晴,只加给他许多新生的力量。 有时候他遇到了晚霞和新月,向他照耀,向他投影,清冷中带些幽幽的温暖:这时他只想憩息,只想睡眠,而那股前进的力量,仍催逼着他向前走…… 终于有一天,他远远地望见了大海,呵!他已到了行程的终结,这大海,使他屏息,使他低头,她多么辽阔,多么伟大!多么光明,又多么黑暗!大海庄严的伸出臂儿来接引他,他一声不响地流入她的怀里。他消融了,归化了,说不上快乐,也不有悲哀! 也许有一天,他再从海上蓬蓬地雨点中升起,飞向西来,再形成一道江流,再冲倒两旁的石壁,再来寻夹岸的桃花。然而我不敢说来生,也不敢相信来生! 生命又像一颗小树,他从地底聚集起许多生力,在冰雪下欠伸,在早春润湿的泥土中,勇敢快乐的破壳出来。他也许长在平原上,岩石上,城墙上,只要他抬头看见了天,呵!看见了天!他便伸出嫩叶来吸收空气,承受阳光,在雨中吟唱,在风中跳舞。 他也许受着大树的荫遮,也许受着大树的覆压,而他青春生长的力量,终使他穿枝拂叶的挣脱了出来,在烈日下挺立抬头!他遇着骄奢的春天,他也许开出满树的繁花,蜂蝶围绕着他飘翔喧闹,小鸟在他枝头欣赏唱歌,他会听见黄莺清吟,杜鹃啼血,也许还听见枭鸟的怪鸣。 他长到最茂盛的中年,他伸展出他如盖的浓荫,来荫庇树下的幽花芳草,他结出累累的果实,来呈现大地无尽的甜美与芳馨。秋风起了,将他叶子,由浓绿吹到绯红,秋阳下他再有一番的庄严灿烂,不是开花的骄傲,也不是结果的快乐,而是成功后的宁静和怡悦! 终于有一天,冬天的朔风把他的黄叶干枝,卷落吹抖,他无力的在空中旋舞,在根下呻吟,大地庄严的伸出臂儿来接引他,他一声不响的落在她的怀里。他消融了,归化了,他说不上快乐,也没有悲哀! 也许有一天,他再从地下的果仁中,破裂了出来。又长成一棵小树,再穿过丛莽的严遮,再来听黄莺的歌唱,然而我不敢说来生,也不敢信来生。 宇宙是个大生命,我们是宇宙大气中之一息。江流入海,叶落归根,我们是大生命中之一叶,大生命中之一滴。在宇宙的大生命中,我们是多么卑微,多么渺小,而一滴一叶的活动生长合成了整个宇宙的进化运行。要记住:不是每一道江流都能入海,不流动的便成了死湖;不是每一粒种子都能成树,不生长的便成了空壳!生命中不是永远快乐,也不是永远痛苦,快乐和痛苦是相生相成的。等于水道要经过不同的两岸,树木要经过常变的四时。在快乐中我们要感谢生命,在痛苦中我们也要感谢生命。快乐固然兴奋,苦痛又何尝不美丽?我曾读到一个警句,它说“愿你生命中有够多的云翳,来造成一个美丽的黄昏”。

论文选题参考方向 1. 谈英语谚语的翻译 2. 谈英语幽默的翻译 3. 英语汉译技巧初探 4. 地方名胜古迹汉译英 5. 翻译中常见错误分析 6. 中英思维方式的差异对翻译的影响 7. 会话含义的推导与翻译 8. 词汇的文化内涵与翻译 9. 语境在翻译中的作用 10.翻译技巧探索 11.商标词翻译 12.广告语言的翻译 13.论英汉互译中的语义等值问题 14.英汉文化差异对翻译的影响 15.英汉谚语的理解和翻译 16.浅谈颜色词在英语中的翻译 17.中西文化差异与翻译障碍 18.英语比喻性词语中文化内涵及翻译 19.英语意义否定表现法及其汉译 20.浅谈新闻标题的翻译 也可以自己根据查阅的资料确定题目。


Story of Regret(悲情罗曼史) There was this guy who believed very much in true love and decided to take his time to wait for his right girl to He believed that here would definitely be someone special out there for him,but none Every year at Christmas,his ex-girlfriend would return from Vancouver to look him He was aware that she still held some hope of rekindling[1] the past romance with He did not wish to mislead her in any So he would always get one of his girl friends to pose as his steady whenever she came That went on for several years and each year,the guy would get a different girl to pose as his romantic So whenever the ex-girlfriend came to visit him,she would be led into believing that it was all over between her and the The girl took all those rather well,often trying to casually tease[2] him about his different girl friends,or so,as it seemed!In fact,the girl often wept in secret whenever she saw him with another girl,but she was too pround to admit Still,every Christmas,she returned,hoping to rekindle some form of But each time,she returned to Vancouver feeling Finally she decided that she could not play that game any Therefore,she confronted him and professed[3] that after all those years,he was still the only man that she has ever Although the guy knew of her feelings for him,he was still taken aback and had never expected her to react that He always thought that she would slowly forget about him over time and come to terms that it was all over between Although he was touched by her undying love for him and wanted so much to accept her again,he remembered why he rejected her in the first place---she was not the one he So he hardened his heart and turned her down Since then,three years had passed and the girl never returned They never even wrote to each The guy went on with his still searching for the one but somehow deep inside him he missed the On the Christmas of 1995,he went to his friend's party "Hey,how come all alone this year?Where are all your girl friends?What happened to that Vancouver babe who joins you every Christmas?"asked one of his He felt warm and comforted by his friend's queries[4] about her,still he just surged[5] Then,he came upon one of his many girl friends whom he once requested to pose as his He wanted so much to ignore that he was impolite,but because at that moment,he just didn't feel comfortable with those girl friends It was alomst like he was being judged by The girl saw him and shouted across the floor for Unable to avoid her,he went up to acknowledge "Hhow are you?Enjoying the party?" the girl "Syeah!" he She was slightly tipsy[6] must be from the whiskey on her She continued,"?Don't you need someone to pose as your girlfriend this year?" Then he answered,"No,there is no need for that " Before he could continue,he was interrupted,"oh yes!Must have found a girlfriend!You haven't been searching for one for the past years,right?" The man looked up,as if he has struck gold,his face beamed and looked directly at the drunken He replied,"Yyou are right!I haven't been looking for anyone for the past " With that,the man darted[7] across the floor and out the door,leaving the lady in much bewilderment[8]He finally realized that he had already found his dream girl,and she he Vancouver girl all along!The drunken lady has said something that awoken All along he had found his That was why he did not bother to look further when he realized she was not coming It was not any special girl he was seeking!It was perfection that he wanted,and perfection! Realizing that he had let away someone so important in his life,he decided to call her His whole mind was flooded with He was afraid that she might have found someone new or no longer had the same feelings For once,he felt the fear of losing As it was Christmas eve,the line was quite hard to get through,especially an overseas He tried again and again,never giving Finally,he got precisely at 12:00 He confessed his love for her and the girl was moved to It seemed that she never got over him!Even after so long,she was still waiting for him,never giving He was so excited to meet her and to begin his new chapter of their He decided to fly to Vancouver to join It was the happiest time of their lives!But their happy time was short-Two days before he was supposed to fly to Vancouver,he received a call from her She had a head-on[9] car collision[10] with a drunk She passed away after 6 hours in a coma[11] The guy was devastated[12],as it was a complete Why did fate play such cruel games with him?He curses the heaven for taking her away from him,denying even one last look at her!How cruel he cursed!How he hated for taking so long to realize his mistake!!That was in [1]、rekindle V 重新点燃 [2]、tease V取笑,欺负 [3]、profess V表示 [4]、queries 查询 [5]、surge V汹涌,澎湃 [6]、tipsy 喝醉的 [7]、dart V飞奔 [8]、bewilderment 困惑,慌张 [9]、head-on 正面的 [10]、collision 碰撞,冲突 [11]、coma 昏迷 [12]、devastate V毁坏 由于金山快译出问题了,没法给你发译文。我还是诚实的。呵呵。


I signed up to ADULT FRIEND FINDER and bang hot One day, ADULT FRIEND FINDER will totally replace marriage and I used ADULT FRIEND FINDER when I was dating my girl My girl friend wanted a legal marriage and I am against any form of government’s intervention on my private So I need more bargaining After all, if marriage is so good, why the market don’t take care of it? If we think marriage is important, why not write every single iota of our marriage I meet many girls in ADULT FRIEND FINDER Some are indeed pretty as they are in the Some are ugly and I simply don’t call her Some of the hottest girls that I thought are beyond my reach are actually easy to They just want some small amount of Girls unlike men, are not good at real job and can more profitably sell her body to rich smart males like After chatting, I meet with a reasonably hot My girl friend is prettier, but I like girls that are more open We go to a There I just touch her all over the places in front of all the people in the darkened All that is within hours of I was so I like the feeling of I know she likes me because I am much richer than her and she needs to tolerate all my It helps me understand women in I ask her whether she prefer marriage or free She said that if government pays for welfare she prefer free However, if government doesn’t, then she need to ensure that the male pay for her I think it’s It’s nice to know how paying tax to support welfare is genetic I also learn that the only thing girls want from marriage is money and So if I am rich enough I can get laid without being trapped in a monogamy YBut well, we can always have an affair Then we move on to the, ugh, uhm next The other girl I met is quite She is hot and has dark indian malay She put her naked picture on ADULT FRIEND FINDER I tried to woe She said she only want white Oh My heart is I quickly told her that Asians, like me, got big cocks too to regain our national But then I realized that my gf is prettier anyway and this racist hotties are unworthy to Maybe I’ll just introduce her to my white Then there is this hot girl who I knew from a friend Y We got a great chat about Israel bombing L Man, she is a A friend of mine then invited me to her photo I wish all girls are like I definitely love ADULT FRIEND FINDER The rest is charm and a few $10 here and there to show of wealth to those I like to pick gold That way girls know I am rich I of course want the cheapest But women prefer the rich mainly for their perceived superiority rather than money So it worths to spend a little money to look rich in front of So, why let government be the pimp, as in marriage, if ADULT FRIEND FINDER can do that cheaper through free market I tried other dating But the girls are much less Will keep you One such network is enough I





有时我们失败了,不是因为不努力,而是错把手段当成了目的。学英语为了什么,用呗。那今天你用了吗?   一旦明确了目标是学以致用,那接下来的问题就是如何做?语言无非是听,说,读,写这几方面。尽管学习英语这么多年了,可除了掌握语法,词汇这些应试教育的技巧之外,我们还做了什么?怎样毫不费力地培养英语语感?怎样享受与他人用英语交流的乐趣?怎样轻松的阅读一本妙趣横生的英语小说?又怎样写下漂亮流利的英语文章的呢?在新动态诺贝尔英语的学习,给了我一个全新的角度去体味语言的可爱之处。   学习可以有很多方式,我们常说“条条道路通罗马”,可如果能选择一条轻松的路,为什么不呢?如果能寓教于乐,何乐而不为呢?新动态诺贝尔英语让你既乐在其中,又收获颇多的。与外教的交流比想象中的顺利的多,在那里,更多的不是学习一门语言,而是了解一种文化。英语成为了一座沟通彼此的桥梁,我们经过它通往西方的社会。有时觉得像在和一个大学教授争辩,有时又像和一个老朋友谈心,新动态诺贝尔英语就像个小社区一下,在那里不同年龄段,不同职业的人彼此交谈,各抒己见,增长见识的同时,也会发现自己成长了不少。我们可以掌握很多词汇和技巧,甚至是口语用法,可交流的自然,自信只有在生活场景中才会逐渐形成。   我在新动态诺贝尔英语的学习中结识了很多难得的朋友,结识了不同风格特色的可爱外教老师,也结识了一个不断发展的我。从最初的怯懦不安到如今的想说就说,在一次次课堂的讨论中,再一次次课后的交谈中,在一次次活动的开展中,我发现我长大了。我学会了最新的流行口语,我知道了如何在国外生活,我了解了东西方文化的差异,天文,地理,历史,政治,商务洽谈,文学,宗教,无论是哪方面,我们都能接触到。纯正的英语,轻松的环境,自由的时间,丰富的活动,热情的老师,有趣的同学,学习其实可以很快乐,不是吗   每分每秒,我们都在创造属于自己的人生。如果一开始就走错了一步,如果一开始就走上了一条歧路,既使最终到了那个目的地,可浪费了多少时间?如果你意识到自己走的是条弯路,那就应该及早重新确定方向,一个简简单单的方向转变就足以改变对你来说仅有一次的人生。学习方式很重要,它决定了一个人是否能达到学习目的,它也反映了一个人对自身的了解。   当我感到自己的英语交流水平大幅提高时,人生也出现了新的转机。首先是我顺利的以630分通过了六级考试。其次在公司选派公派出国的面试上,我镇定自若,对问题对答如流,我感觉他们说的比平时外教教的简单多了,最后我以优异的成绩被公司公派德国。这是我改变人生的一次机会。这是我以前做梦都不敢想的事情。我真的是不敢相信, 英语就这么简单的改变了我的人生。感谢新动态诺贝尔英语,感谢新动态诺贝尔英语的每一个老师,是他们帮助我改变了自己的人生!!

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英语作文:I spent this summer vacation in quite a different I used to run about every day in previous summer vacations, but this summer vacation I simply could not afford to do I would soon be in the last year of my high-school education and would after graduation be up against the college entrance Though those examinations were still a year away, I had to start early to make myself well prepared by reviewing all those things I had learned at school and this summer vacation was the ideal time for me to do At first I was rather dismayed at the thought of this, but later I thought it was better this way because by working hard this summer I could count on endless happy summers to With this in mind I then set to work like anything and only occasionally went out for a change or did some I was not at all bored by this kind of life, for I was sustained by a 翻译:这个暑假我花了非常不同的方式。我以前每天都在跑来跑去,但去年夏天的假期在这个暑假我简直无法这么做。我很快也会在过去的一年里,我的高中毕业后,将是被敌军的大学入学考试。虽然这些考试,还有一年的时间,我不得不早点动身,让自己做好准备对所有这些事情我所学到的东西留在学校,这个暑假是理想的时间。征文; 老师是伟大的,不管自己忍受多大的痛苦也会让我们高兴的学到知识。尽管老师已有了白发,但那白发的后面,是饱含对我们关心、呵护的爱呀! 就像三年级时的吕冬梅老师一样,虽然自己患了咽炎症,但她仍然为我们讲着课。 在课上,老师讲一段时间便会咳一段时间,心疼的我们只有低着头默默的听着。此时的我真想上去给老师抚慰一下。老师让我们回答问题时,我们都积极回答了起来,老师此时也展开了笑容。 老师那甜甜的笑声和那缓缓地咳嗽声一直回荡在我的耳边,谁能说这不是老师对我们的关爱呢? 老师是无私的,在无私的燃烧着自己的岁月年华,把自己的知识授予我们。尽管她的脸上已爬满了皱纹,但这些皱纹不正是老师为我们付出辛苦的写照吗? 就像数学老师一样,每每看到老师那憔悴的脸庞时,自己不觉便会涌出一股愧疚的心流。 下课后,我便被老师叫进了办公室。到了那,首先是一个瘦弱的背影呈在眼前,我有些不相信自己的眼睛了。这就是我们平日里最亲最爱的老师吗?老师又望见了我,便拿出卷子为我细讲我的错题,这时,我一眼瞥见了老师的脸上镜爬满了皱纹,我为老师那颗无私奉献的精神深深的打动着。 数学老师不仅教授了我们知识,同时也教会了我们做人的道理。我深深的敬佩老师,敬佩他那无私奉献的风格。 老师的爱就像那深潭里的河水一样深;老师的爱就像月亮一样,纯洁无瑕;老师的爱就像天空一般,辽阔无边……征文;“学春蚕吐丝丝丝不断,做蜡烛照路路路通明。”千百年来,多少人把教师比作春蚕,蜡烛,在她的呕心沥血、无私奉献中,又有多少祖国的花朵成为九州华夏的栋梁之材!谁又能知道,这其中包含着多少的汗水与泪水,也许老师那丝丝白发,斑斑皱纹是最好的见证。 不知是哪个花开的时刻,悄悄地,悄悄地,我们--二十一世纪的接班人就来到了世上,慢慢地,慢慢地到了上学的年龄,便缠着爸爸要去上学。我们永远忘不了那人生的第一次,是多么地高兴、快乐。原来是老师和蔼的微笑,温和的话语就像快活的音符一样奏出美妙的乐章,让我们如痴如醉。 就这样,老师在我们心里播下了快乐的火种,校园里时时响着我们清脆、明亮的声音。那是怎样的一种幸福啊!于是,我们感受到的一切欢乐因老师的爱而起。老师把所有的希冀寄托在我们身上。正是这样,苦心培育我们的老师在这爱的路上艰难跋涉,教我们如何做人,怎样处事。当我们感受到知识的魅力时,他们在叮咛:同学们,别忘了奋进呀;当我们在学习上失败时,他们在鼓励:成功是从这里起步的;当我们悲伤时,他们在安慰:同学们振作起来呀!多少个难忘的日子呀!是您--光荣的人民教师,让我们学会如何面对困难,如何感受生活,如何珍惜幸福,如何自我发展。您不仅带着我们在知识的海洋里遨游,更重要的是教会了我们要学着去感恩别人。这其中的点点滴滴,一个个动人的情景把我们的生活点缀得精彩美丽,也把我们的记忆巩固得刻骨铭心。 虽然我们只是一轮初升的太阳,我们也要学着释放温暖,更要怀着对老师感恩的心去思考、行动,毕竟老师为我们付出的太多太多。在这样的时刻,我代表全体同学,向我们尊敬的老师说一声:老师,您辛苦了。 亲爱的老师,因为有了您,我们的世界才会变得如此美丽,混沌之中,才有了指路的明灯,迷茫的夜空,才有了永恒的北斗。您肩负着神圣的使命,您肩负着祖国的未来,您肩负着民族的昌盛,您肩负着历史的重任,就这样,一代又一代的少年在您的抚爱下健康成长,在您的关注下奔赴远大的前程。 因为有了您,就有了一个特别的节日--教师节。从此,全社会就多了一份对您深深的敬意与关注,我们看到和感受到了您的伟大和平凡。您的伟大在于创造世界,播种未来,您是点燃我们理想之火的人,是保证民族未来优良素质的人;您的平凡在于除了奉献别无所求,无怨无悔,心无旁鹜。您从不在乎所失所得,因为您深深懂得自己在付出什么,在收获什么,这是任何数字都无法计算的生命价值和幸福成果。“捧着一颗心来,不带半根草去”这正是我们的老师心境的真实写照。
敬爱的老师,我把您比作绿叶,我把您比作红烛,也颂不尽您的奉献和成果啊!您不是绿叶却在滋养绿叶,您不是红烛却能照彻心灵,因为在我们眼睛里映射出的永远是您的身影。您把我们生命的每一个音符,都镀成世界最美的颜色。从此,我们的心像大海一样磅礴。我真想取出串串爆竹,放出串串祝福,用绚丽的火焰为我们的老师唱支心歌。真诚地祝愿老师幸福快乐,快乐幸福。 这时,我真想大声对同学们说:当我们拥抱成功,享受喜悦时,别忘了我们老师都付出了自己的青春和汗水,我们没有理由不去感恩老师。 最后,让我们真诚地说声:“谢谢!”

We have no waiter hereWhen Mr Jones went to a restaurant one day, he left his coat near the There was nothing in the pockets of the coat when he left it, so he was very surprised when he took his coat after his meal and found the pockets full of jewellery! There was a waiter near the door, so Mr Jones said to him, 'somebody has made a He has put some jewellery in my Take it, and when he comes back, give it to ' The waiter took it and went Suddenly another man came in with a coat just like Mr Jones' 'I am sorry,' said this 'I made a I took your coat and you have got Please give me my coat and ' Mr Jones answered, 'I gave the jewellery to the He will give it to ' Mr Jones called the manager of the restaurant; but the manager said, 'We have no waiters We only have ' 'You gave the jewellery to a thief!' shouted the other 'I shall call the police!' Mr Jones was frightened and paid the man a lot of money for the jewellery——不说嘚殇我们这里没有服务员当琼斯先生到一家餐厅有一天,他离开了他的近门外套。没有任何的口袋的外套,他离开它,因此他很惊讶当他拿起他的外套吃完后,发现口袋里塞满了珠宝!门口有个服务生,所以琼斯先生对他说,“有人弄错。他把一些珠宝在我的外套。看,当他回来的时候,把它给他。”服务员带它走了。突然另一个人进来了,与琼斯先生一样的衣服。“我很抱歉,”这个人。”我弄错了。我把你的衣服,你有我。请给我我的衣服和首饰。琼斯先生回答说,“我把珠宝给服务员。他会给你的。”琼斯先生称为餐厅经理;但经理说,'我们没有服务员这里。我们只有女服务员。'你给了珠宝的小偷!”另一人咆哮道。”我要叫警察了!”琼斯先生感到害怕而付出的人很多钱的珠宝


